imoga-pride · 2 months
Do you know where the term angi originates from? Also what does it mean exactly?
the first time someone abbreviated androgyne into angi was in the neuangi coining post (androgynous counterpart of neuvir/neulier). an- comes from "andro" and gi- comes from "gyne" (gine in some languages).
I made a flag for angi using it as the androgyne version of boy/girl. but I guess it can be used in other ways too.
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Androgynous Man Pride Flag
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Androgyny or gynandry: the gender quality of blending both masculine and feminine traits; gender ambiguity. Usually presentation or gender expression, but can also be an identity/a form of self-identification or self-determination.
[id: 5 horizontal stripes of dark cyan, cyan, white, purple, and darker purple. id over]
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lgbtqiarchive · 4 years
Gender alignment terms
Masculic/masculinic/minic: short for masc-aligned; a min/masculine alignment.
Femic/feminic/femininic/finic: short for fem-aligned; a fin/feminine alignment.
Neutralic/neutroisic/ninic/neuic: a neutral/nin/neutrois alignment.
Androgynic/gynandric/angic/gianic/linic/androginic/ginandric: an androgynous/lin/androgyne/gynandrous alignment.
Based on xenic (xeno-aligned). I lunarian/solarian already exist but they are used interchangeably with man-aligned and woman-aligned, so these are meant to be more specific.
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arco-pluris · 4 years
While I take criticism in usage of androgyny from TME people going on testoids/testosterone, I feel the need of this:
Estrogynous/estrogyne/estrogyny: the estrogenic version of gynandry/androgyne. As a way of rejecting mascunormativity.
Since people confuse androgenous/androgenic a lot with androgynous/androgynic.
Note how an Y (a letter) changes it entirely. @momma-mogai-sphinx opinion?
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Nonangi Pride Flag
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Nonangi or anginec: someone who is not androgyne at all in any way, shape, or form, but feels a strong connection to androgyny within their gender.
Similar to inavire (nonvirmina/nonpuerella/nonavire), but specifically androgynous connected. -nec comes from the original forms (eranec/virnec) -Ap
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Gynandromorph Pride Flag
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Gynandromorph: an organism having a physical body containing both female and male characteristics; being both gynomorphic and andromorphic.
Similar to hybrid or chimeric(al) classifications, this is common to refer to biological sex among animals, not obtainable in perisex or protosex anthropomorphy/humanity, ovotestis/ovotestes or ovotesticular conditions are intersex bodily variations, referring to mixed gonads, not the entire gynandrous bodies or an individual embodying gynandry as an altersex.
However, it’s been used since the 1970s as a gender term. As a human thing, gynomorph describes effeminacy. Then some researchers abbreviated GAMP(s) (gynandromorphophile(s)) referencing chasers (attracted to “GAM(s)”). So even if this is a slur directed at TMA (transmisogyny afflicted/affected) folk(s) I’m able to reclaim.
I feel anyone can use it for themselves. Useful for gynandromorphic therians and (tri)monoecious phytanthropes. - Ap
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Sapphandric Pride Flag
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Sapphandry: describing ambigender or femache people attracted to femaches or ambigender folks; symmaic male-female people.
Combining sapphic with andric. Since gynandric is used to another thing. Femachic, ambian/ambic or femachian could also work. Not to be confused with sapphocupioandro. 
If this fells so poudrettian (mlm wlw), we can mix duaric (wlm/mlw) and have duapphandric. Juleric (romeric julietian) would be so long (jumapphandric or julapphandric). 
[Image: 5 stripes coloured with purple, pink, white, blue and purple] - Ap
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