#ghost files hull-house
Nighttime Dan is just so happy to have people listen to his music for once that he kicked the devil baby out of the attic to the second floor
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dentedshoppingcart · 2 years
ngl i feel bad for all these other ghost hunters talking about orbs and bad energy getting upstaged by two guys, one of whom doesn't even believe in ghosts while the other doesn't even WANT to see a ghost by the time he has to investigate, whose most solid piece of evidence is a ghost saying "apple tater" and an attic dj talking about spinning discs for money
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marksandrec · 10 months
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Love it when Shane's hair gives him demon horns. XD
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thinlyveiledinsults · 2 years
Mr. Hull has now joined the Victims of Shane Madej Support Club along with the Goatman.
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trashworldblog · 2 years
i went to the room where shane beat up the ghost and after we asked if anyone got beat up, someone on the spirit box asked us to leave. so i guess mr. hull is still embarrassed he lost.
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levyfiles · 2 years
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Ryan entering Hull House and immediately hearing Devil Baby as performed by Shane Madej
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catastr-sophie · 2 years
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As if they wouldn’t hire a ghost if they could
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webp-ghost · 2 months
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Printed so Many of these tiny little keepsakes for ghost files london night #1. only gave out a few bc i was too Nervous. not sure what 2 do with them now. shout out if u have One i hope it looks nice in a scrapbook or on your wall or sometjing. big shoutout to row M we all Rock. season 3 sneak peek had me goin Crazy .this is Perhaps the most Revealing thinf ive ever posted on tumblr.
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toomanystoryideas · 1 year
i like the ghost files hull house video but shane madej you are from schaumburg not chicago stop fucking lying. you were not born under the bean you were born in dashcon city -_-
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Sometimes a family is a notable social reformer, a wealthy straight couple, a hornéd baby, and the DJ who lives in the attic.
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in-all-my-glory · 2 years
“I think I killed a ghost!”
“You didn’t kill a ghost.”
“I killed him.”
is the new “I’ve connected the dots.”
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brittababbles · 2 years
Shane is so proud of himself for punching a ghost. Now you just have to capture one and you’ll be promoted from just a ghost hunter to a ghost bounty hunter, big guy. Bring ‘em in warm, or bring ‘em in cold. Mostly cold. Probably.
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helloitsvehere · 2 years
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carbonunit · 2 years
Really nice vibes in there.
For a lot of time I was in there,
I just turned my flashlight off and did a darkness bath,
which I think is good
for the soul.
I used to take showers in the dark.
Hot water hitting you
sort of dulls all your senses because like,
there's too many sensations of the hot water.
Then when there's no visual information,
also it's, you know, almost like
a white noise
with the water going, so it's like, you're static.
You're fuzz, you know?
You're nothing.
― Shane Madej, from The Devil Baby of The Hull-House Museum
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noa-nightingale · 2 years
Hull-House interview with the Ghoul Boys
I finally watched the interview Ryan and Shane did with the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum (The Haunting of Hull-House with Shane and Ryan of Ghost Files) and it was great.
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They talked with the Hull-House Education Coordinator Nadia Maragha who not only did a great job as an interviewer but also seemed to be a fan of Unsolved and Watcher too.
The video started with the history of the Hull-House and the interviewer also told them about the space they had the interview in. I really liked that Ryan and Shane just sat there and listened. I love listening to what those two dorks have to say as much as the next queer but it was also great to listen to someone who knows what she is talking about and just watch Ryan and Shane.
They also talked a bit about the role of the Hull-House today - it is a museum on a college campus and part of the University Illinois-Chicago. The video will also be seen by the students of the university.
The interviewer said “Hull-House hasn’t really engaged very much with its supernatural history” and I find that incredibly interesting. Watcher got invited to Hull-House instead of reaching out first which I also find very amazing.
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Shane said: “I think if you get people to read into these things or get them interested in these things then it’s worth what you’re doing. I’m sure there’s a ton of people who don’t know about Hull-House or Jane Addams or anything that goes on here cause it does seem a little more localized.”
And he is right, I did not know about it before but now I do. ^-^
Ryan said there is value in learning about other people’s beliefs and I agree with that 100% (and may I just say, the man is an absolute treasure).
They talked about locations they investigated - most creepy locations, favorite locations, and dream locations.
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One question was especially interesting to me: How do they avoid sensationalizing places with a heavy history, how do they keep the balance between that and the comedic aspects of the show?
Ryan gave a very careful/thoughtful answer (seriously watch the vid) and he also said that believing in ghosts is perhaps one of the more optimistic things you can do because it proofs that there is something after you die. “Trying to kind of find proof of that is something that still drives me in terms of just my natural curiosity of the world.”
On how to get started with ghosthunting, they had this to say: use the phone you already have and go to a haunted place (Ryan), be safe, be vigilant, wear some boots, don’t go into a condemned building (Shane). Both answers I love because it’s basically just: “This is accessible, you don’t need fancy equipment”, and “Be safe, don’t get hurt”.
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Nobody ever got to check out the attic! It is so cool to me that they were the first ones who hunted for ghouls and devil babies there. Amazing.
The interviewer said it is common that people don’t want to go upstairs because they don’t feel right about it, even if they don’t know about the haunted history.
Some random things:
Shane said when he was in grade school, he wanted to be an art teacher.
Shane did a project in school where had to present something about insects and he edited a video about bees.
Bergaraism - The Science We Don’t Know About Yet. A nice little reminder of “There is other science we don’t know about yet”. :D I enjoyed that a lot.
The interviewer also spoke about her own beliefs which was SUPER interesting.
Also, I really like her flower pen! ^-^
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dvalshock · 2 years
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