#get ready for a bunch of hawks bc he really inspired me
windlullaby-arts · 1 month
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niks-minion · 3 years
Bnha 303. Top three alliance
So last week I tried my hand at rambling about spoilers and it was fun. I’m gonna indulge myself some more, bc how can I not then my favorite chicken entered the Todo family chat?
Hello, dear sir, top heroes are happy to be at your service. Thanks for talking loud enough btw, very appreciated. Sorry, our third eavesdropping blonde buddy can’t join the party due to, you know, coughing blood.
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Hawks: surprise Enji,Todo,Rei: wtf?
Oh well, it happens you know when you’re in a place with tons of other ppl around ya. Honestly, Shouto you should know better by this point.
Lol, why Enji reminds me of a monkey here? Nevermind. Forget it.
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I’m not sorry. At all. Small details are important, or that’s I’ve been told.
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Pls queen, stand up, you have nothing to apologize for. 😭
that’s the cultural difference for you. I mean if I had fucked up, my mom would have said smth like “ugh why, why this child is mine again?” Pls tell me I’m not the only one.
Also, hawks, my little bird millennial, you’re doing great with fast typing. Is there a crush course somewhere? I mean I can type without looking too but the speed is remarkable. I tip my hat.
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So to all the ppl who were “ugh Hawks is an abuse apologist” may I point out that even if he seems chill, even if he said that he’s sure it’s not like that anymore, he’s still checking and asking about the scar. And I’m sorry but his eyes are saying “tell me you did it to your child and I’ll punch you”
Hawks: Oh, it was his Mom? Ok, cool. Wtf is wrong with this family.
Anyhow this mummies party gets better. 👀 Shouto saying “so close” not once but twice? How not to joke about celebrity crush here? Todo makes it impossible, I swear.
What’s he thinking on the last frame?... pls don’t tell me it’s some kind of guilt trip, bc there are too many things like that in this chapter, I don’t need one more.
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One, two, three: SHOUTO KUN YOURE SUPER COOL! ( he calls him by his first name👀)
Ok I need them to get along well too. Getting along with blondies is Todo special talent, like being a great hand crusher. Can Shouto go to Hawks’ agency with Toko? Pls?
Or just adopt Hawks in the family, I don’t mind.
I don’t like Keigo feeling guilty for leaving his parents. Like yeah, Shouto is a kind little soul, maybe readying himself to forgive all the shit, but Deku’s point is valid. It’s totally ok not to forgive. They were awful parents. And honestly, I don’t see how staying with them would change this fact. You were a kid damn it!
Ok so then we get a two minutes quick review of “previously in bnha” and all the clusterfuck happening in the city. Thanks, feathers.
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Oh. Oh. Hawks says “I’m here” for the man who’s been his inspiration for so long. I might sob just a bit.
Ok, old man, that’s the boost you need to charge your “I’m a hero” batteries. Now wakey-wakey. It’s time to kick some asses. And maybe explain yourself to little commoners on the other side of the window.
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I love Natsuo.
What, your tears must make me forgive you? Pfffffffft, yeah, no.
Thanks Hori really. That it’s not like magically everything is cool and shining, and Todo family is back together hugging his dad bc he’s sorry. Nah.
But let’s get back to business
Talk shit about Enji all you want, but the guy is smart. Not for the first time he’s connecting the dots, coming to a correct answer. (Todo’s got his theory obsession not from this branch)
Pls tell me I’m reading it right. Tell me it’s not only for Hawks and BJ knowledge. Come on AM, it’s time to spill the beans.
MY GREMLIN IS BAAAAAAACK, alive and kicking
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Holy guacamole, Kats chill bro! Deku is not gonna say goodbye to his little coma adventure just bc you’ve managed to disturb even the neighbor building.
These three are the only smart and responsible ppl here. Thank you guys. Put this idiot to rest before he throws up his guts on the floor.
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BJ:Oh hey, great lord explosion Murder, yes I remember all this long ass crap, so you’re good? Was a little worried considering a couple of holes in your body. Bakugou: I can’t believe I was waiting for this moron to reveal my hero name.
So the new meddling duo is on the way to Deku. Who can’t answer at the moment pls, call back later.
Next time we’re gonna get the “ofa secrets reveal” while the bunch of blondies are crowding the space! I kinda don’t want tdbk to miss this party. Pls deliver a special Bakugou package to this room. Todo go visit your precious friend. If ppl can wiggle in your private mess, feel free to do the same, bro!
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thedepthsremember · 6 years
20 Questions: Choices fanfic writers edition 
Tagged in this by @breaumonts! Thanks :D 
1. When/what age did you start writing?   In elementary school, I wrote and drew my own picture books, which at that age I definitely thought was the best thing to do forever. In middle/high school, there was some self-insert Spider-Man and Harry Potter fanfic that I hope stays buried forever. I picked it back up more regularly during an awful period in college where I lost my love of drawing (unfortunate, considering my major) but still needed to express somehow. 2. What inspired you to start? Similar to my art it's been a way to express myself, to tell my side of how I'm seeing things. A lot of the time it's like solving a puzzle, what was that character thinking? And then I just keep chasing that thought. 
It weirds me out that writing feels more like..... excavating. Like it was there and I’m just uncovering it. Drawing doesn’t feel like that at all.  3. Where and when does inspiration usually strike you? I do a lot of driving, so usually then, or if I'm doing something repetitive at work and I can let my mind wander. While I'm getting a massage is a random one but I'm relaxed and my mind can just play without getting in its own way.
4. Where and when do you usually to write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed? Lately it's been my favorite way to procrastinate sleeping because it's like I'm being productive! Hahaaa
I'll write entire scenes in my head before I write anything down. Sometimes I'll dash down little parts on paper or in my phone to make sure I don't forget. 
5. Do you listen to music while writing? If so what genre/playlist? A lot of chill video game instrumentals are a good default, unless I have a playlist or an artist I know will set the right mood. I'm pop trash so usually that'll fall to the background enough that I can focus. 6. Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other? I would love to wrote more fluff, but it seems to tend towards a lot of angsting and anxiety with some humor thrown in, I guess because that's how I deal with my own thoughts. I do get to give them happy endings, so that's nice! 7. Which category do you find most challenging to write?  Smut is really difficult and awkward for me, partly bc part of the appeal of the actual acts irl are they help me turn my brain chatter off, so it's hard to put that back into descriptions. Plus I'm just self conscious about how personal that is. 
Also anything with an actual plot. I can give you moments and that's about it. 8. If you had to pick your favourite Choices book, which one would it be and why? TRR is the one that sucked me in and stole my soul for whatever reason, BUT I can also admit a lot of that is for what it could be. It's a good thought playground. Like Harry Potter. 
Perfect Match is shaping up to be my jam, I live for sci fi and found families and all that "what is the nature of humanity" nonsense. It's like Dollhouse without being built on a base of creepiness. 
I also really love the ILITW cast, enough that it balances out how much of a wimp i am when it comes to scary things.  9. If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one!) would you personally want to be with? I've said before that Damien from Perfect Match is the closest to my irl type, but right now I'm kind of exhausted of that "I'm too cool to like things" sort of dude. Idk let's give older Lucas (ilitw) a shot. He's motivated but has a playful side, we might balance each other out. Especially after he figures himself out more in college. 10. Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs? Pics/selfies optional :) Riley is small and ready to brawl and I've basically given her an idealized version of my body type when I draw her. Uhhh like half of the others end up being long haired blondes because even though that's not my hair anymore it was like that for most of my life. 11. Which MC do you share the most personality traits with?   Perfect Match MC feels the closest, a lotta the other MCs are leader types, PM MC is like Alright yeah let's kick ass so we can go home and eat ice cream. Feels very purple Hawke. 
TRR MC in her more absurd moments also feels very familiar. I have a story about the fancy hats.  12. Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality? I get Drake bc that fucker is every guy I've befriended who then caught feelings because he's not used to being treated nicely. :| He also has a “the people I care about deserve the things I want more than I do" thing that I am only now realizing feels.... awfully familiar....... :| …...let’s move on. 
13. What’s your favorite Choices pairing to write for? Obviously Maxwell x MC. I love pairs that have a good push and pull, where they can be silly but care about each other.
Sidedish of MC+Drake friendship because my wish fulfillment fantasy is those previously mentioned guys stop ruining a potentially good friendship with their moping and actually be a pal, dammit.  14. What is a pairing/s you hope to start writing for? Like anything else, lmao. More friendship stuff? Hana's only been in one of my fics which bums me out. 
Pretty sure some Damien x MC and Hayden x MC will be coming now that PM2 is happening. Something with more ladies. Eleanor x MC from THOBM! Ghost gf fitting into the modern world has plenty of potential. 15. What do you hope to improve in your writing? Current struggle is I keep trying to write smut and then distracting myself with what happens before/after. Gah. 
More actions / feelings. I feel like too much of my writing comes from dialogue with actions peppered in to meter the rhythm. 
16. Any pet peeves related to writing? So. Words have always been a finicky thing for me. Things will make sense in my head, and then I say them out loud and realize people aren’t seeing things from the same spot. So sharing my writing is A VERY SELF-CONSCIOUS TIME. 
In terms of the actual process: When I just wanna write something self-indulgent and I start actually trying, and then we're like 5 miles off track from the fun part. I also get pretty self-conscious that the OOC police or something is going to come for me. 17. Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share? A lot of flaws or traumas I'll saddle my characters with are my own but tweaked, because I like the idea that someone can have them and still succeed. 18. Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? uhhhhh i. don't. know? If I could make someone laugh and cry in the same fic that's golden. 19. Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones? I have a bunch of drabbles for Dragon Age. I also just checked my ancient FF.net account to make sure the really old stuff is gone and found some Teen Titans and ATLA stuff I completely forgot about. 20. In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue?   Art mainly, I'm back into digital for the first time since graduation (I majored in animation/illustration) so that's kind of exciting right now. VIDEO GAMES. I like to bake but my housemates have way more self control than I do, meaning I always end up eating most of whatever it is, so that's dangerous. I do like to work out. Share and tag fandom writers! @riseandshinelittleblossom and anyone else who wants to! 
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