#gehenna calling
lgbtmi · 6 months
(gehenna-calling) let's have some eva lore!! 2, 9, 17, 21, 27, 35
69 ttrpg character questions (send me some too if u want!!)
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept?
The creation of Eva was a labour of love between me and one of my friends. The ST for the game is very laid back and easygoing, and didn't ban any clans. We were thinking of two thinbloods looking for their sires for a bit, but then I asked him "what if it's a thinblood and their sire in the same coterie though?" since the game is an After the Fall, and the city's to shit, so who cares about the Traditions, right? I asked the ST if he'd be okay with it, he said go for it, and then shit went downhill real quick. Banu Haqim Sire who is a police officer named Adam with Eva, his high school sweetheart who is terminally ill and thus keeps getting arrested for petty crimes was a lovely way to get this character rolling. The terminally ill bit rolled out of me picking thin-blood flaws and merits for her, as I think lifelike and vitae dependency should work like illness, and the ST is once again on my side, so her search for health is just a great concept I suppose :3 She hasn't changed much yet in my playing her, though. In my defense, I've played her a shocking total of two times so far... but I'm having a lot of fun with her so far <3
9. when in their life were they most scared?
Probably when they were diagnosed for the second time. The first time, she was mostly hopeful and ready to just get over the cancer. The second time, it hit her harder because chances of survival dropped so significantly. She wasn't ready to die, still isn't, and the ever looming threat of the end of her life really scared her shitless for a couple of weeks.
17. they’re crying—what did it take to make them cry?
Eva's one of those people who don't really have control of their tear ducts. If she gets too emotional (be it angry, sad, or overly happy), she will tear up. Hell, if the air's too dry, there will be tears. She's doing her best in keeping her emotions under control, though, because it doesn't look professional. She used to keep everything bottled up, but since her diagnosis she's gotten less bottly and more open, simply because there's no reason to keep everything in anymore. And hey, when she gets incredibly nauseous due to medication she's on, she's going to cry about it.
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
Getting embraced by her high school sweetheart was not how she thought she was going to go out. She always expected death to come swiftly. Metastases that would eventually drain the life out of her. And it's not like it's going any better now that she's been embraced. She gets sick often still, symptoms that bring back the lingering fear of death. Adam might have said this would fix her, but she's unsure, since she's still sick and she feels like she's dying every so often. It'd only make sense for her to succumb to the disease. Her ambition is finding a cure, though, a way for her to live out her vampiric days without sickness. At which point, with the state of her city currently, the SI is probably going to get her.
27. how do they usually dress? why do they dress the way they do?
Eva was born and raised in a family with money, money that comes from a family business. Due to that, she's always been told to dress properly, and she has kept that up even now. Her go-to outfits can best be described as business casual, but she knows when to dress business chique if the situation asks for it. She prefers dresses over pants as they feel less restrictive, but she's also not immune to a good suit or a nice pair of pants. Sometimes she might even prioritise the way she looks over the way an outfit might make her feel.
35. when did they feel loneliest?
Eva's no stranger to feeling lonely. Her family have mostly made her feel like she's an expendable resource, her brother actively works against her, and due to her family's legacy, she's never been quite sure if people liked her for her, or for her family. The worst day of her life was probably the day her best friend from a support group passed away, though. They always had each other, but now she's once again on her own.
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rucow · 3 months
the scorpio moon urge to be attracted to things that other ppl find "creepy" ... 🙄😳🤤
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daxtoncity · 1 year
So besides the incredibly vague title alone, this post is gonna explain something, a little bit different. As the sole creator of Daxton’s storyline, the underlaying basis of just, Daxton’s foundation in general, what I say, simply, GOES AND I THINK THAT’S INCREDIBLY FAIR RIGHT IM NOT CRAZY-
That being said, the characters that I’m gonna briefly mention here with my own summaries, they all have one thing in common: I didn’t make them.
My friends did, and the friends that did go out of their way to create something that I have been workshopping for such an incredibly long amount of time, it’s been in hiatus after hiatus as I got older, but when I met these people through this HELLSITE, they pushed me to keep going, and this is easily the longest and most effort that I have outputted into Daxton’s development, I mean I have names for locations AND EVEN THEN AT LIKE 13 AND STUFF, I DIDN’T EVEN HAVE LAST NAMES FOR SOME OF THESE CHARACTERS AND THE FACT ALONE THAT I AM ENVISIONING PLACES NOW, THAT MIGHT NOT SEEM LIKE A LOT BUT TO ME THAT’S MONUMENTAL
So the best way that I can even begin to repay these friends of mine, is, simply this: These characters, are, absolutely canon. They started out as OCs for my dumb little universe created by these wonderful people, and now as the creator and owner of Daxton, I’m making them canon.
Without further ado, It’d be my honor to introduce these one of kind creations.
The following two were created by my friend @alicethecoffeeaddict, Andromeda and Vergil, a pair of demonic siblings, Andromeda, a confident, no shit taking, proud of her sexuality succubus, and Vergil, a friendly, albeit introverted compared to his sister, incubus who works a side life as a nurse. That’s all I’m gonna say about them at the moment, you read this and wanna know about them more?? GO TO ALICE AND YELL AT HER TO MAKE MORE CONTENT OF THEM--
This one, ohohohoh, this one, is a, PERSONAL, favorite of mine. Created by one of my absolute bestest buds in the entire world, @sutasaido, Heartbeat is the city’s most beloved entertained, donning a helmet with a heart shaped electronic screen visualizing a rhythmic heartbeat tempo on the front, he’s a talented musician that has not a single struggle in the world to put all of Daxton’s hands up, rest of the world must have missed his hype tho-GO YELL AT ELI TO GET MORE HEARTBEAT CONTENT
The second to the couple of last ones, sadly, I can’t tag on here because he doesn’t use Tumblr anymore, but if you scroll by and read this and wonder who this is, my buddy John aka MossyPebble, you’ve MOST DEF HAVE SEEN THAT NAME IF YOU’RE AROUND THESE PARTS, but he created probably one of the most INTRICATELY DESIGNED AND FUCKIN BADASS CHARACTERS, the evangelical automaton created by man to protect them from every and all threats in the city, and even the world at such a scale, named Gehenna. However, reduced time shared along with humans thanks to ungrateful creators locking him away into the depths of their compounds poisoned his advanced thinking and labeled humans as their own greatest danger. Now, like I said, JOHN ISN’T ON HERE ANYMORE BUT I WILL SAY THAT IF HE DOES MAKE MORE ABOUT GEHENNA I WILL LET Y’ALL KNOW
Now, the very last ones, for now anyone, have been crafted by someone who is, easily, my greatest friend and my overall empowering form of inspiration with just how incredibly creative she is, it is, very easy, to label as most definitely my biggest supporter, @flowerthornsart, without her I don’t think some entire sections of Daxton to this day would have been getting coats of polish slathered on with how much she encourages me to keep going with this, so of course-
Mantis is the first hero I wanna talk about, plagued by floating remnants of her villainous and monstrous mother’s reigning terror, Mantis is determined to take that once ruined verbal imagery of someone so murderous and fraught with danger, and replace it with the shining, welcoming sight of a sweetened heart and comforting aura belonging to one who knows what it means to be a hero, that not allowing anyone to hinder your actions and the determination that backs up one’s selflessness, is all that it takes. And last but not least, Iris, an abandoned science project given form, the spunky and gremlin like slime cryptid lovingly lingers in Daxton’s Undercity, reclaiming once lost subway systems as her own housing, she’s later discovered by the band of heroes following Blade, and the crew gained yet another irreplaceable fragment to weld with the grander picture of it all. AND FINALLY, GO YELL AT TERESA IF YOU WANT MORE-
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omnic · 1 year
(gehenna-calling) okay i am very curious about your dancing malk so let's go: 🌹🧛‍♀️⌛🤝
🌹 What clan do they belong to and how do they feel about them?
St. Vitus the Third belongs to the Malkavians! However, the St. Vitus' sometimes feel like their own separate breed, in a way, especially given their persistence of the Dancing Plague within their vitae. St. Vitus the Third found that his variant of the Dancing Plague is stronger than his predecessors.
St. Vitus the Third doesn't feel particularly negative nor positive about other Malkavians, nor to the clan as a whole; indeed, he's rather neutral when things are considered on a group level rather than individual level. He thinks that even when someone belongs to a certain clan, that individual circumstances prevail above and beyond.
🧛‍♀️ Do they have any preference regarding who they feed on/how they feed?
St. Vitus the Third doesn't care, one way or another; furthermore, he doesn't fuss about the preservation of polite vampiric practices. If he wants to drink from an animal, he will. If he wants to drink from blood bags, he will. If he wants to drink from a human, he will.
He's very much a person of reinless whimsy. He does what he wants, when he wants.
⌛ When and how were they turned?
World War I was declared in 1914; he sought enlistment in the early months of 1915. While part of him wanted the enlist shortly after declaration, others aspects held him back; it was only after he received a white feather, from one of the many women of the Order of the White Feather, to declare him a coward in public, did he feel compelled to finally relent. Unfortunately, after a physical examination, he was deemed unfit for military combat due to being “a physical woman”. Freddie was slighted, upset, ashamed. He sadly returned back to his work, but found things … different. He was very vague about why he was refused enlistment, which leaned to people suspecting him of some kind of disease or ill-will that he was hiding. This resulted in a steady decline of interest in his work in watchmaking.
After the conclusion of World War I, in 1922, Freddie sought consolation in the United States of America. He felt like a fresh start was needed, and with the war behind them, he could seek something new and different. On their approximately five-week voyage, in the last week and a half, a strange passenger finally emerged from their room. The individual was in unique, brightly coloured garb, and spoke in unusual tongues. They spoke of their name, St. Vitus the Second, which earned them a few laughs. They smiled crookedly. They beckoned those who laughed at them, and abruptly broke out in a musicless dance. Those same people were flecked with amusement, but ultimately confused.
Before they knew it, they’d begun dancing too. Before anyone knew it, almost the entire passenger cluster erupted into soundless rhythm, jutting and jerking and flowing as though music toyed in their eardrums. Select few from the sailing staff sought to quell the dancing, only to end up roped into it too. Those who hadn’t succumbed to the dancing throes were asked to stay far away from anyone who dared even tap their feet.
Freddie was caught up amidst the rhythm. He was the one which succeeded, dancing for as long and as hard as their unusual conductor. While others collapsed, pained and exhausted, Freddie prevailed. St. Vitus the Second was intrigued.
Two days prior to them arriving in New York, on April the 29th, 1922, Freddie Campbell was Embraced. He became St. Vitus the Third.
🤝 What is their relationship with their sire like?
Very positive, actually! St. Vitus the First (sometimes just called St. Vitus) is St. Vitus the Third's grandsire, and they, too, have a positive relationship.
The St. Vitus' are like a little family. A very odd family, yes, but a family nevertheless. Some people might quip that they put themselves above the clan, and they would be right! They care more about each other than the clan itself, let alone vampiric politics and squabbles.
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judahmaccabees · 3 days
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Creator: Cycles to Gehenna
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Read Project Hail Mary cause you said it had the most influence on TTOU. I've never read anything like it (except your story, of course.) Would you ever make a book rec list? Doesn't have to be sci fi exclusively.
The best thing you can do for yourself as a reader of genre fiction is go to whatever used bookstores you can find and search specifically for books from this series:
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and purchase and read any of them that you can find. It's called the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and every issue will contain at least one story that permanently alters your brain chemistry.
Aside from that, I'd recommend The Martian by Andy Weir (the Project Hail Mary guy), the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, the Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers, and anything you can find by Philip K Dick or Neal Stephenson. I'd also recommend a couple of CJ Cherryh's works: 40,000 in Gehenna, and Serpent's Reach. Probably worth reading Serpent's Reach first if you can, but it's not that important, they're not sequels of each other although they are in the same universe.
The series that's had the most influence on me as a writer is of course Animorphs by KA Applegate, but I'm not sure how interesting it would be for an adult reader who doesn't have nostalgia to rely on. Also Tamora Pierce's books, all of them, it's worth picking up those if you like fantasy.
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astrobolical · 7 months
To make you forget, if only for a while
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How the kings (Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub) alleviate your fears and worries, at least for a little while— as best they can, and in their own unique ways.
I love the utter filth that comes from this game, but sometimes a little fluff is welcome, too. If this does okay, I may see about doing some of the other devils as well.
Also yes, I do fully believe that there’s no way Leviathan doesn’t have a larger source of water in his home— his bathtub just being his favourite— it’s not as though he’s going out to find any.
Oh, and I went with “Bell” as Beelzebub’s nickname, as it’s what Mammon calls him in Chapter 3.
Content Warnings: Mildly Suggestive (Mostly Beelzebub), devil behaviours, brief mentions of alcohol, brief & mild mentions of depression, (lightly described) anxiety
Reader: Gender Neutral
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Your voice had fallen silent, trailing behind the trio in front of you— and Satan cursed himself as he came to realize far too slowly that you’d withdrawn. His steps slowed, turning his head to see just what had garnered your attention… but was left with a foul taste in his mouth as he discerned what exactly it was. Your eyes were gazing down a street visible from where you were, seeing the frantic devils working tirelessly to restore or save their homes and businesses. Fires were being quelled, devils saved from rubble— trying their best to survive. Satan knew, however, that you weren’t simply watching, he could see how your eyes watered, bordering on tears, as you walked helplessly along.
In your racing mind Satan knew that you were blaming yourself entirely, allowing yourself to wallow and drown in the guilt that had begun to eat away. The look in your solemn eyes told him everything— it was a darkness he was all too familiar with, one that gripped him often, one that was difficult to escape from, especially alone. He wanted to stop, to tell you that none of this was your burden to bear, that not a single citizen of Gehenna would ever blame you. You hadn’t asked for any of this, hadn’t wished for an angel and Satan himself to whisk you away into chaos.
Yet all the same he knew those doubts and worries would not be easily assuaged, that your mind would inevitably take his words and discard them as if they were worth nothing. No matter how sincere they may be.
No, Satan knew that words were simply not enough, not for this— not for the gravity of the weight you felt on your shoulders as you looked out into the destruction and havoc. Instead, he decided, quite quickly, on another course of action that always helped him when he needed it the most.
His pace halted entirely, not having to wait long before you bumped carelessly into his back, not realizing he’d come to a full stop in your stupor.
“Satan?” You questioned, breaking free from whatever thoughts had held you. “Did something happen?” You glanced towards Sitri, as if trying to see if he’d heard someone approaching, or trouble nearby, but he shook his head.
“No,” He placed his hand atop your head, smoothing your hair out gently. “Nothing’s changed… I just think we need a break.”
You pouted, studying his eyes and expression. “A break? I’m fine…” You lied through your teeth— he’d already learned your little human quirks, at least partially.
Your protests, however, went unlistened to, and you were given no more time to voice your concerns. Satan pulled you close, holding you around your waist as he had so many times before and started down an unfamiliar alleyway. Not once did he look back to ensure your companions were following, knowing that they, too, completely understood the situation— you however, felt lost.
He led you, primarily, through the alleys and side streets you hadn’t yet seen, keeping away from the carnage you’d been surrounded by. His pace was quick, determined, keeping you against him as he trekked. You couldn’t quite grasp the sudden change of plans and direction, but your trust in Satan allowed you to relax and follow him as best you could (though you were sure without his arm around you, you’d have stumbled multiple times already). You knew that Satan would never harm you, not intentionally.
And, as expected, your intuition was correct and your trust well placed. There was not a single sign of danger where you now found yourself. In fact, it appeared more like a safe haven, mostly left untouched by the chaos that the angels had wreaked upon Gehenna.
It reminded you of the bar that you’d stopped in to rest before, though even more lively. It was larger, decorated with more lavish designs and furniture. Within were dozens of devils, relaxing and laughing with one another— and each and every one rejoiced when their king came through the door. Shouts and hollers, an energetic flurry of motion as they led your ragtag group further into the depths of the building. Not once did Satan release his hold on you.
It warmed your heart to see how joyous his people were just to see him. Though, it alarmed you quite readily when their joy, energy, and questions were also turned towards you. They offered everyone drinks, began to loudly tell you all manner of stories from their lives here in Hell. It as a flurry of motion, of attention and an infectiously rambunctious attitude— a wonderful and welcome feeling, compared to the ghastly reminders just outside.
Satan and Sitri — and even Ppyong— joined in on the revelry, encouraging the energies around them and rallying the morale. Unlike the last visit to a bar that you’d had, this time it was simply for fun and leisure. Satan kept you steady on his lap throughout the whole affair, hand idly massaging your sides or your thigh. You could feel his gaze on you every now and then, though each time you glanced back you were met with a shockingly gentle smile, and encouragement to pay more attention to his people.
He kept any grabby hands at bay, and a few were sent flying with a well-placed kick upon their weaker frames— though this did little to quell them, if anything it had only added to their adoration. Though you noted that with each attempt to get just a little too close to you, his hold would grow a little tighter, he’d pull you more fully into his lap and against him with a snarl.
You hadn’t laughed as much as you did then in what felt like your entire life— hadn’t met so many new faces, or heard such crazy tales, each one more absurd than the last. You leaned back into Satan, nestling yourself close to his warmth and comfort. When he turned to glance your way you stole a kiss from his parted lips— choosing to ignore the whoops and calls of the others in the room— and caught him off guard.
His eyes were wide as you leaned towards his ear. “Thank you,” You murmured, so quiet you were sure that only he (and perhaps Sitri) could hear. “For bringing me here, Satan.” You knew how much he cared for the denizens of Gehenna, how much he treasured and valued each and every one of them. And you’d realized that’s exactly why he’d brought you to such a place, at such a dire time.
In your moment of heartbreak and darkness, he’d brought you to them. To a place you were sure he’d probably often escaped to himself when his mind spiraled and he couldn’t quell it alone. He was showing you that these devils could be your safe space as well, your light out of the darkness that plagued your heart.
His people were his respite, and now they were yours as well.
This king of Hell had done so much for you, in such a short time… saved you more times than you cared to count— so you allowed yourself to enjoy his, and his people’s, company well into the night. Until the drinks finally slowed, and he’d ushered you to a place to rest on the upper floor. It was then that he returned the kiss you’d stolen earlier, with fervour, as if imploring you to realize that you were never alone in this.
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He was alarmed— his gut telling him something was amiss, even if he wasn’t quite sure what it may be. Mammon knew only that it had to do with that faraway look within your eyes, almost as if you were looking through the brilliant gold around you rather than at it— it was not admiration, not his coveted greed, it was nothing. Mammon couldn’t understand why you weren’t pleased with your surroundings, or what all you may be thinking… just that he didn’t like it.
He wanted you to look around and desire it, to want the world despite knowing that it was already yours, as he was. He loved to see your eyes alight with a fiery passion, your heart just as full… but somehow you had fallen far, right under his nose. A human folly, he was certain, and not one he had ever encountered. Yet this? This he did not want, he did not covet this new experience, this new emotion. He wanted to be rid of it.
Mammon lifted you with ease, and without warning, breaking your senseless focus immediately, drawing you towards him effortlessly. You clung to him in surprise, steadying yourself though you knew that to Mammon you weighed nothing— he’d proven that already. You wound your arms around his neck, legs finding purchase on his hips, exclaiming his name in your surprise. His strength always amazed you— then again, he was simply amazing overall.
His silence continued as he pressed a warm kiss against your forehead, holding you close with one arm, while pulling your head closer with the other before it settled on your cheek. Your face flushed pink, dumbfounded at the gentle touches he’d graced you with.
His deep voice rumbled as he spoke, and pressed against him as you were you couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling of the vibrations. “What is bothering you, MC?” He questioned, eyes that looked like molten gold peering into yours with concern.
You stared back, silent, unsure how to answer— or if you even should. You worried your lower lip with your teeth as you pondered, not missing the way his eyes flicked downwards at the motion, how he held you a little more tightly. “Nothing,” you finally relented, though accompanied by a forced smile that didn’t quite meet your eyes. “I’m alright.”
Mammon did not know doubt, or lies— you knew that your words alone would calm him, come as a reassurance that there was nothing to worry over. And you told yourself that you would do better to keep your worries hidden. A white lie, you decided, was the better way to go.
Even if the weight of all the events thus far was pressing down around you, exerting more pressure with each new battle you found yourself surrounded by.
Yet, despite your reassurance, Mammon’s brows furrowed, and he shook his head. “…While I do not know—or even understand— doubt, MC, I know that there is something wrong. I just know.”
He looked pained as his eyes bore into yours, unyielding as he studied your expressions. His grip became a little tighter as he sighed. “Can you not trust me?”
The question made your breath hitch, and you shook your head rapidly. “I trust you!” You reassured, your heart wrenching at his assumption. Of course you trusted Mammon— with everything in you, you did. You just didn’t want to burden him with your worries, your fears, and your guilt. You’d buried it so deeply within you throughout your journey that you’d thought that maybe you’d somehow escaped it… but it had consumed you the moment you’d finally attempted to rest, comforted by the massive devil’s presence. “I do. It’s just… it’s nothing, really. I’m just worrying over everything that’s happening here in Hell— if Satan hadn't saved me…”
His eyes widened, and his forehead bunted against your own. “Never think that way, MC. Nothing here is your fault— and there is no devil in Hell that thinks that it is.”
“Everyone is ecstatic that you’re here— even more than when they see me!” He continued, placing slow, soft kisses on your face between each breath.
You knew he was right, deep down. That if it hadn’t been you, another descendent of Solomon could have just as easily ignited it all. It wasn’t your burden to bear, just as much as it wasn’t Mammon’s. Whatever happened to God — the event that had earned the angel’s ire— was still a mystery.
You sighed, your eyes glossy as you looked up at him once more. “I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
“No need for apologies.” He straightened again, adjusting his grip on your bottom. “Just tell me when these thoughts plague you, and I will reassure you of every worry— I am yours, after all. You have me at your side to deal with whatever you feel you can’t. You are the only being to ever have this, the only one I’ll ever give it to.”
He grinned, sharp canines glinting in the light that shone into the room from the elegant (yet gaudy) golden windows, and you couldn’t help but smile— genuinely, this time. “Thanks, Mammon. I’ll keep that in mind.” It was strange, you thought, that he could so easily clear your mind with his promises alone… but when you looked at him, it also wasn’t hard to see why. He was powerful, confident— and he so proudly declared himself yours it was difficult to not believe him, to rely on him. “Aren’t you getting tired of holding me up, though?”
Your attempt to change the subject earned you a hearty laugh, that shook you in his arms. “Never!” As if taking your words as a challenge he tossed you upwards before catching you just as effortlessly, before securing you once again against him. “And if you don’t believe me, I’ll parade you around Tartaros to prove it.”
“Please, don’t!” You laughed, though you could see that he was absolutely considering his own words. “Mammon!”
“It would do you well to go out— and you can still rest as long as you’re in my arms.” You hit his chest, grumbling about how impossible he was— but there was little you could do to stop him from walking out the door, with you still held close. Though, despite your protests, you really didn’t mind— Mammon was right, seeing the devils of Tartaros going about their daily lives, seeing their smiling faces as they saw their king, and you… it really would do you good.
And, though you didn’t give him the pleasure of telling him, being held by Mammon was the safest place you felt you could be. Untouchable, secure, and comforted by his warmth.
Even if it was still a bit embarrassing.
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Your mind was elsewhere, lost deep within unwanted thoughts that forced their way through despite any efforts to hinder them. Leviathan, in a way, couldn’t fault you for it— you were only human, and your entire world had been upturned and threatened. But Leviathan himself was at your side, seated just an arms length away— could you not even consider him a worthy distraction? Surely his presence alone should earn your gaze, at least? Yet your eyes were staring at the floor, your brows furrowed.
It irked him, stirring feelings in his heart that made his eyes narrow and fists clench— especially when he wondered just what it was you would finally use to alleviate whatever thoughts you were unable to escape. Whoever, or whatever, it may have been, even if imaginary, made envy seep through him.
Had he not proven he would go to great lengths for you already, without question? He’d even gone outside of the sanctity of his home for you, protected you from angels at the cost of his own wellbeing.
He sucked in a breath, steadying himself from whatever spiral he himself had nearly fallen into— now was not the time, not when he could simply take your attention for himself and eliminate the threats from the equation altogether. Motioning with lithe fingers, ropes quickly fell from the inky darkness of the ceiling above, entangling you despite your surprised protest. At least you’d called his name in your alarm.
The ropes dragged you closer to him— surprisingly gentle— and you wondered what his plan was, recalling just how pleasurable it could be to be bound before this devil king. Yet only your jaw was slowly traced by a singular long finger, no further touches gracing your skin. Instead his pale eyes met yours, contemplative. He did not seem exceptionally angry or upset, in fact he appeared oddly calm for having called on his favoured ability.
And then he stood, sighing, leaving you where you were. “Come, then.” He spoke, a chill running through your spine— from suspense or anticipation, you weren’t sure. Yet despite ordering you to follow, he hadn’t intended to give you a choice to begin with, the strong ropes moving you for him, just behind (but so, so careful not to damage your frail, human skin).
He spoke nothing of where he was taking you, barely acknowledging that you were with him at all. At times his intense gaze met yours, as if checking on your wellbeing — though you surmised it was to ensure your attention was on him, as he wanted.
Any complaints you had, though, died on your tongue the moment he opened large double doors with a wave of his hand, and you were greeted with a marvelous sight that you couldn’t quite comprehend.
Within it was not quite the same castle-like structures you’d come to know, it was somehow more cavernous while still retaining its elegance. In the center was a pool, of sorts, though if you were to describe it properly it was more akin to a man-made (devil-made?) lake within the confines of Leviathan’s estate. The water’s surface was reflecting all across the walls and every item it could reach, creating a beautiful, moving pattern that was hard to tear your eyes away from.
You wondered if you should really feel as surprised as you do, that he had such a place tucked away, being as fond of water as Leviathan was.
“Very few have been here, Child of Solomon. I don’t allow it.” He spoke bluntly, those agile fingers motioning for your freedom (and oh, you knew what else those hands could do). “But,” He continued, turning to face you. “It appears you need something to distract you. Come.”
His hand extended towards you, waiting impatiently for you to take it, and despite your surprise and tentativeness you did just that. He led you towards the waters, still fully clothed and unperturbed. “Wait— shouldn’t I get a bathing suit, or something?”
He stopped, a quizzical look upon his beautiful features. “If you must worry about your clothes, just remove them.” As if assuming you would do just that he released your hand as quickly as he’d taken it, stepping into the water without waiting any longer for you to decide.
It wasn’t hard to see he belonged there, his pale skin practically glowing in an ethereal light. Soon enough he vanished into the depths, only to resurface a ways away, floating lazily despite the weight of his clothing.
Hastily you joined him, donning only your undergarments (not quite as confident within such deep waters while being weighed down). Yet when his hands were on you you knew that even if you even began to sink towards the bottom, he’d keep you afloat with ease. “You’re only the second outside of myself I’ve allowed in here.”
“…Why?” You murmured, enjoying the feel of the small, cool waves on your skin.
“Because it’s mine.” A simple answer, blunt as always. “But … so are you. So I don’t mind you being here, as long as your attention is on me, MC.”
Your heart felt warm as you realized how much you meant to him— that he would break his own comforts for your own, in a way. Even if it was borne from wanting your attention only on him and nothing else. “Sorry, Leviathan,” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek, which met with a strong hand pulling you closer to him. “For being so distracted before. Thank you for showing me this.”
He hummed in response, more taken with your body in his arms than with your gratitude— though you could very easily see he enjoyed it.
He’d succeeded in claiming your attention, keeping it upon himself with ease now that you were reminded that not everything in your situation was a bad thing. That you had devils like Leviathan at your side, and that they would do anything to assist you. Leviathan, who so rarely let others in but who opened himself to you without thought or hesitance.
Even if Leviathan’s needy hands barely gave you a moment’s rest, itching for your touch at every turn. You’d give him everything he wanted— how could you deny him, after all?
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The room felt as though it was nearly split down the center as Beelzebub glanced around— on one side was the chatter and planning, a tense atmosphere of grumbling devils attempting to decide what to do… on the other, was you. Around you was quiet, abnormally so— the devils had let you be, he supposed it was to give you time to breathe and catch up with everything that had transpired.
Yet to Beelzebub, you simply looked pitiful, too sad for his liking. Your eyes were staring blankly out the window, sitting idly and unmoving on the sill. Yet you weren’t really looking at anything, your eyes barely moving even when there was an outburst on the other side of the room, or a bird flew by your window.
Clearly, despite what the others may think, you didn’t need time to yourself to breathe. In fact, it seemed as though leaving you to your own devices was only making things worse in that little human mind of yours. And, being who he is, Beelzebub was more than willing to bend the rules and expectations just to make you smile again.
He could sense Bael’s cautious yet curious gaze on his back— unwilling to believe that his king would simply sit idly. And he wasn’t wrong, really. Yet Beelzebub didn’t do anything immediately, instead standing and making his way over towards you rather languidly, lazily as though he just wanted to banter with you—despite being told to leave you be.
You didn’t react to his approach, or even seem to hear his intentionally loud footsteps, utterly lost in whatever thoughts were plaguing you. If this were another time, or he were any other devil, it may have been concerning how unaware you were of your surroundings in an unfamiliar environment— even if it was safe.
However, he was not another devil, and was still Beelzebub. He looked at this, instead, like an opportunity he simply couldn’t let go of and let pass by. In one swift motion you were hoisted upwards, a garbled noise of surprise escaping you as you were thrown over a strong shoulder. His hand kept you steady, lying comfortably on your lower back (if a little lower than necessary). Instinctively you reached out to grip anything you could to ground yourself, hands clinging to whatever you could reach on him. You knew that no matter how irresponsible Beelzebub may be, he would never drop you, but it was still difficult to settle when you’re quite literally thrown like a sack of potatoes.
“Let’s go out and play, MC.” His voice was a purr, adjusting you quickly before the others could react and taking off out the door with a surprising burst of speed— you hadn’t even known he could move that quickly!
There was chaos behind you near immediately, and you could see the others— particularly Bael— preparing to stop their quick-footed king from escaping, especially with you in tow. However, as much as the efforts were doubled by your presence, they were also incredibly hindered, not wanting to harm you in any way while attempting to stop the ever-troublesome man.
“Bell!” You protested, though he could hear your insincerity within your voice, a bubble of laughter escaping you at the audacity of the unanticipated situation you’d found yourself in. “Where are we even going?!”
The gloom that had surrounded you already began to crumble, and he laughed as he replied. “Somewhere fun!” He didn’t elaborate, however, as he dealt with the devils in his way, deftly outmaneuvering them.
Looking back once more, you couldn’t help but pity Bael, seeing now what it was he dealt with, but at the same time you were thankful for Beelzebub and his free spirited nature. You’d forgotten that, though the situation was incredibly serious, you were still allowed to have fun.
Almost as quickly as it had begun, the chaos came to a close, Beelzebub successful in his escape, and you now safely hugged within his arms after he’d set your feet back down securely to the ground. His grin was positively infectious as you took a step back from him, and you had to stifle your laughter. “There!” He exclaimed, fixing your hair idly as he spoke. “Now, let’s find someplace fun to waste some time in. Let’s let loose, MC.”
Grasping your hand he pulled you along through the streets, searching out a familiar haunt that would be filling in with devils soon. He didn’t pay mind to the confused looks he got along the way, loudly talking with you all the while. He didn’t let you rest until you’d arrived at wherever it was that he’d thought of.
The rooms were dimly lit, but there was a well-stocked bar at the far end of the largest one, the music blaring from speakers already despite guests just beginning to filter in. It wasn’t terribly large, more quaint than you’d expected for Beelzebub, but it was clear he was a common sight there, as no one batted an eye in his direction as he led you further in.
You clung to him as the crowd steadily grew, unwilling to be parted from your guide— and it wasn’t as though you disliked touching Beelzebub, either. There were certainly no complaints from him, either, as his hands groped and prodded your body in return. It wasn’t long before he led you to the dance floor, where his hands explored more boldly, front pressed against your back as you swayed to the music.
You knew it didn’t matter if you were any good at dancing, Beelzebub simply wanted you to lose yourself to the music, and more importantly with him.
It wasn’t difficult to persuade you, letting his body guide your movements, losing yourself to his touch and the vibrations in your body from the sounds around you and the mesmerizing lights.
You could hear his praises when his hot breath ghosted by the shell of your ear, sharp teeth toying with the cartilage. His lips finding your neck, his hands dipping lower— it was so easy to lose yourself with Beelzebub, that your worries melted away. Not even the inevitable repercussions that were to come from your escape could bother you.
You were thankful for how carefree the king who held you was, that he’d decided to encourage it within you, too.
Though you weren’t sure how long you were among those on the dance floor before Beelzebub inevitably led you towards the dark bathroom, your bodies barely parted for a moment. You locked the door behind the two of you, opting to lose yourself to him in another way, even if someone heard you.
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
MC: *has been dragged to Avisos against their will*
Bael, Naberius, and Amon: ...
Beelzebub: This is our new resident. The descendant of Solomon.
MC: *drawing a summoning circle with their heel*
Beelzebub: *erasing it* That can't do.
MC: *clicks their tongue at him*
Beelzebub: Don't make that expression. I'm sure you'll enjoy here in Avisos.
MC: I won't.
Bael: I want to remove your restraints, but...
MC: Don't worry. I think it's for the best I'm restrained now. This will stop me from strangling your king.
Bael: Pft— Well, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Bael. I guard the king's throne.
MC: Oh, I see.
Bael: ...
Bael: Welcome to Avisos.
MC: ...
Bael: You're not quite the friendly type, are you?
MC: No.
Bael: ...
Bael: Would you like some cookies?
MC: ...
MC: I need to check my book first.
Bael: Why?
MC: I'm sure I've read something about "Never take any of that demon's food." It could be you.
Bael: ...
Bael: You should never judge someone's food before tasting it.
MC: ...So it's awful.
Bael: ...
Satan: Hey, Bel. Bring my friend back. Or I'll come to Avisos to take them.
Beelzebub: *talking to him on the phone* I thought we agreed on sharing the human?
Beelzebub: *chuckles* Chill. The child is enjoying their time here. Unless you're threatened that they might not want to return to Gehenna.
Satan: BEL—
Beelzebub: *ends the call*
Amon: Your Majesty, they're still asleep.
Naberius: Interesting. Not something I expected after they consumed the cookies made by Bael.
Bael: When are they going to wake up? I still need to hear what they think of it.
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d34dlysinner · 6 months
This has been on my mind so.. WHB Kings (+ Sitri, Leraye) reaction to MC forgetting their own name due to being called "Solomon" or "Solomon's child" so much, that the MC asks the guys "What was my name again?"
The demon needed something from you and called out a shortened or nickname version of your name that he rarely uses. He noticed that you didn't respond and this time said your full name to catch your attention.
"I just called for you... Are you awake?", he says as he sees you snap out of your train of thought.
You opened your mouth: "Huh?... What is my name again?"
Satan stood there as his eyebrows raised in sync with his eyes widening.
"What do you mean-... Your name is MC.", he says as he watches how you snapped your fingers.
"Ah... right!", you said as if you suddenly understood something.
To say that Satan was shocked at you for forgetting your name was kind of an understatement. Then he remembered all the times he hears others call you "Solomon" or "Child of Solomon", and he understood why it became hard to remember your name.
After that he made sure to watch over you for a while and kick anyone in Gehenna that never calls you by your name.
Mammon needed a second to register your question.
"Your name is MC.", he says to answer your question. He didn't understand how you forgot your own name. It's something that he could not even own and even he knows many names.
"You should write your name down. It's one thing that others shouldn't be able to take from you. It's also something you shouldn't forget.", he says as he becomes worried at how easily you forgot your name.
After that scene he would atleast call you by your name 3 times a day.
Leviathan frowned as he said: "MC... How could you forget your own name?"
He definitely didn't understand how so he kind of blamed it on you being a human.
"Maybe humans forget things too easily...", he says to himself as he stood up and walked towards you.
"What's your name?", he asked as he expected you to say the name he used on you a few second ago.
"... MC...", You said. The way he looks at you while waiting for an answer sort of feels as if you were being scolded for making a dumb mistake, but that feeling disappeared the moment his frown vanished.
"Good. So, you do know your name. Now you should remember it forever."
Beelzebub thought you were joking at first.
"You're messing with me.", he said before he saw your expression turn into a confused frown.
"Wait... You're really asking what your name is?", he asked. He questioned if you hit your head or something.
He was about to say your name until he had an idea. "Hmm... Well, if you want to know your name you have to get it out of me.", he purred into your ear. He gave you a relaxed smile, a smile you knew all to well.
"You can't just tell me... You really want me to get it out you by teasing or?", you asked. Your answer was confirmed the moment he shone you a bright smile. He wouldn't keep your name secret forever if you don't want to do it. In fact, he'll just call you boring and say your name if you refuse.
Sitri was confused for a moment. He thought that you were joking as he said "Solomon?" again. You were also confused as you knew that it wasn't your name, but your ancestors name. Sitri does know your name but would refuse to say it. It was only when you 'threatened' to leave him there that he spoke up. "MC. MC is your name."
He does call you Solomon most of the times. Solely because this is how he copes with the reality of Solomon being dead, but he also didn't want you to leave too just because you were going to ask around for your name.
"Your name is MC. If you allow it... Please let me call you Solomon for a little while more."
Leraye was shocked. "Wait... MC?... You forgot that your name was MC?", he asked as he just used your name as usual.
Leraye didn't want to call you or compare you to Solomon. It's cheating to him. And on top of that he loved your name so he was confused on how you would forget something as simple as your name.
"I will call you by your name everytime we meet, everytime we say goodbye and every time I'd think of you. That way you won't ever forget who you are!"
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lgbtmi · 1 year
(gehenna-calling) green apple for sibyl, red apple for willow!
🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
Godddd, where do we start? Sibyl is blind, she's Korean-American, and she's a newly awakened mage. All of that puts a target on her back in some way or another, but she really doesn't let any of that shit bother her. If people annoy her or try and punish her for standing out, she's quick to retaliate until they'll just let her live. That's also a thing she stands out for, probably. She's a bit of a hothead, and not afraid to speak her mind, which has definitely lead to some problems, but she always seems to come out of it scot-free. Perks of being blind and people not always daring to go against her, I guess.
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
Willow has three people she'd do anything for, and three more for whom she'll get close to doing anything. Outside of these six people, Willow doesn't particularly care. In short, Willow would do anything for Anne and Manon (her best friends and touch stones), as well as Adelheid (her sire's sire). In a way, all of these relationships are toxic in a way, but one of Willow's main attributes is her loyalty, so she doesn't realise the problems with her actions regarding these people. Right under these three is the rest of her coterie, but within that, the order is more clear. She considers Aminah (Brujah) her best friend, she's definitely in fourth place. Then in fifth is Lucas (Ventrue), and at the bottom of these six people is Arthur (Tremere). That's not to say that Willow would throw him under the bus quickest, though, she'd still do most anything for him.
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hakugin0 · 2 months
(the voices have won)
Imagine Satan and MC sleeping together, like genuinely just sleeping in the same bed. Satan held so tightly to their chest as if he's their most precious treasure. (There is no 'as if' to them, he is their most precious treasure, but sometimes his inner monologue can be most unkind) He was initially apprehensive about being 'the little spoon' for obvious reasons, but when he hears the soothing sound of their heartbeat... Thump, thump, thump... all complaints die on his lips. Satan's not used to feeling so at peace... or so protected. He is the King it is his duty to put the people's minds at ease whenever the angels attack, so how did this fragile human manage to become his haven of tranquility so fast. He lets his mind wander, imagine a future without angels where he's not tied down by the title of 'King' and it's just him and them and... As Gehenna's King drifts off into a dreamless slumber his hazy brain thinks that there in their arms is what he'd call home...
(No one tell him MC does that because it's a surefire way to not wake up to his glowing red eyes in the middle of the night)
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sparkbeast20 · 10 days
Jjyu: I'll be back in a few days Sir Belial, Child of Solomon.
Leaves through the window
MC: So, what do you want to do while its just the two of us?
Belial: 😊
MC: *'I have bad feeling about this'*
Two days later
Sitri: That's why we ask you to cut your trip short and come back to Gehenna's palace as soon as possible
Jjyu: *Sigh* Yes sir, you butt muncher!! *Ends the call*
Jjyu's relative: Problem at work?
Jjyu: No... Is nothing big...
Jjyu: *'Nothing? Yeah right! Sir Belial was so horny from all the writing on the human's skin that they haven't stopped!!!'*
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
Some headcanons about Mc who suddenly leaves hell without anyone knowing (no notice (?) too, i mean not saying anything about their leaving).
I imagine that the kings have separation anxiety (hohoho love some angst stuff here 😈), but kinda wonder what's gonna happen when MC returned?
I feel allowed, and even encouraged, for some yummy angst~ We will switch order a little this time. And I *may* be a *little* biased, don't mind me.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Leviathan tries to live without you as he did before he met you, but it's not the same. When you finally show up, he wants to hang you. But what if you leave again? No. He won't allow it. From now on, you are under constant surveillance. You're not even allowed to go to the bathroom alone (no, there's no negotiation.) He's lost too much to lose you too.
Beelzebub won't even know you're gone. You would have to literally disappear from under his nose during sex, well, a date too. In such a scenario, he would be furious. You wouldn't come back because he would find you; he has a whole army of clones, a lot of time, willingness and knowledge of the whole world geography. He would even snatch you back from heaven. Afterward, when he had you in his arms, he would think it was quite a lot of fun. But don't do that again.
Mammon has already ordered mourning in Tartaros, a huge site has been built for the construction of your own mausoleum. Have you seen the Taj Mahal? This is a dollhouse in comparison to the plans for your posthumous palace. But you're back, and you're alive! Or at least you're still alive, because Mammon is hugging you so much that nothing is certain. Now that you're back, maybe you want a huge palace to live in? He will do anything you want. Just don't leave, Master. Of course, you can do whatever you want, but... he will do anything to make you *not* want to leave.
It feels... so quiet here. So alone. His beautiful country shambles in ruin, his strong people lose their heart. He, as a king, must stay strong, but with every soldier bleeding out on the pavement, every devil loosing their limbs, every child losing parents his own will crush slowly. All he wanted to do was to help them. To make their lives easier. To take their pain and bear it himself.
"...prise, Your Majesty?"
Satan lowered the bazooka from his shoulder. His gaze was as empty as the sky beneath them. All the angels disappeared in a powerful explosion.
There was a ray of hope for Gehenna, for him, or rather... have been. But Descendant of Solomon disappeared. He looked for you everywhere. Trashed half of Mammon's palace, tore down Leviathan's ropes, damn it, he even found Beelzebub wandering around the pubs and shook all the information out of him. But nobody knew anything. He almost started a war with other countries and didn't care at all. This helplessness weighed was heavy inside him like a boulder.
"Your Majesty?"
Slowly, day by day, hour after hour, he was losing his strength. His will. Not to fight, but to live. This made him become quieter and angrier. Except for Sitri, all the nobles began to move out of his way. This only fueled his spiral of madness. He didn't sleep at night. Just fight, work and drink. If he didn't keep his mind occupied, the black void would fuel his wrath, and they had had to deal with his outbursts often enough. They were so strong that sometimes the entire castle lost consciousness.
Nothing helped anyway.
He was the king, he couldn't just leave it all behind and die. Even if he wanted to.
Satan. His name. Nobody but you called his name here... He looked around frantically, but they were alone. Sitri tried to wake him up, it seems. His henchman looked concerned. It's annoying. So annoying. And he didn't mean Sitri's concern, but his own ridiculous behavior. Was it so obvious that he was worried again? He gritted his teeth and turned on his heel, heading to the hospital to assess the damage.
"Listen to me, won't you? I have significant information."
"If it doesn't concern them, I don't care."
"It does."
Satan stopped in his tracks and wanted to punch him. But this time with a hint of hope.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"
He did, but that wasn't the point now.
"They are waiting for you at the hospital. At least freshen up a bit before you…"
But Satan wasn't listening anymore. He ran towards the tents and tore the curtains, looking around like crazy. Only the touch of a hand on his shoulder stopped his hectic search. The voice that came poured into his emptiness, sweet and thick as honey. A familiar, beloved voice.
"It's okay, I'm back. I missed you too."
He couldn't answer, physically he just wasn't able to do it. There was a lump stuck in his throat. Stiff as a rock, he didn't want to turn around. What if this is a dream? A sweet delusion? But someone hugged him from behind, and hugged him tightly. Illusion couldn't do it.
He turned and hugged you, sliding to his knees. Kisses, caresses, love, he wanted to give you everything so that you wouldn't disappear. He needed you. His eyes were dry, but he felt like he was going to melt himself.
"Never do that again." Hoarse voice sounded like a threat, but both of you knew that it was out of love. "Never. Leave. Me. Again."
"I'm sorry." Your heart broke seeing him on his knees. "I won't."
You crouched down and grabbed his chin to finally look into his red eyes. For the first time since you left, hope sparked in them.
"I promise that I will never leave you, and if I do, I will always come back to you."
From now on, he won't let you out of his sight even for a moment. Not after you made him a promise that finally ignited his will to live.
PS. Try to disappear from him for a second, and he will shove Zagan's talisman up your ass.
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First time MC met Gamigin
Gehenna was a beautiful country, especially when angels weren't attacking it. But you couldn't enjoy the warm rays of the sun or the lull of the soft breeze because you were laying in bed, curled up on the bed. You really shouldn't have eaten that strange looking cupcake Bael gifted you during your trip to Avisos. You pick up your phone and call Satan. He picks up almost imidiatly.
Satan: What happened?
Mc: Sataaaaan, I'm dyiiiiiiing
Before you could even finish whining, Satan broke down the door to your room. He usually knocked, but now it was an emergancy. After you explain to him that your stomach hurts, he decides to take you to Paradise Lost.
At the entrance of an intimidating hospital, Satan knocks at the door.
Satan: Lucifer!
A soothing voice filled with tired contempt answered back.
Lucifer: If you set foot in the hospital, I won't hesitate to shatter your bones.
Satan: It's not for me, dumbass. The child of Solomon has a stomach ache. Get your best doctors to heal them!
The door to the hospital opens and a kind looking demon takes you from Satan's arms.
Gamigin heard that a human was in Hell and that they were a big deal, but he wasn't expecting to see them here now. The magic pearl worked in his favour once more.
He pick you up bridal style and runs to an empty hospital room. The whole time he has a large smile on his face. Once you're set down he sits next to you and blushes.
Gamigin: You're not a devil, are you? Oh, this is so exciting. Ok, first, where does it hurt?
You pointed at your stomach and he nods. He puts a hand over it and you flinch. He asks you what you ate, you answer and he runs away from the room, bringing back a bottle of water and a pill.
Gamigin: We don't usually give pills to patients because we would run out of pain-killers swiftly. But this can be our little secret.
Gamigin was smiling and staring at you as you drank the pill. He shift closer to you and his blush darkens. You ackwardly look around and purse your lips, but Gamigin didn't seem to care realise you were feeling uncomfortable.
Gamigin: You should stay here... at least for tonight. All drugs have side effects, even though we try to make them as side effect free as possible. Plus, I'm pretty sure this was just a case of indigestion, but it could be worse! If you get sick at home it might take some time to realise it, but I can feel it instantly.
He was speaking fast and almost begged you to spend a night in Paradise Lost with him. You were used to being pampered and looked up to as the child of Solomon, and you couldn't argue with his logic.
Mc: Sure.
Gamigin: Really?! Oh, I'm so happy! I should introduce you to all my brothers! And then, you can tell me about how Earth is like. I've never been there, I've never met a human before.
Mc: Wait... you never met a human before?
Gamigin: No. I heard stories about Solomon from an old friend and some of my brothers, but I never met a real human before. Wait! Since you're not a devil, you should stay here in Paradise Lost with the rest of us!
You chuckle ackwardly and pet Gamigin's sholder while trying to understand how a demon that never met Solomon has a pact with him.
Your time in the hospital is spent cuddled up in bed with Gamigin while you tell him story from the human world and he told you about his adventures with his "brothers".
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demonsword586 · 2 months
Leviathan Attacker story part 1
(I would like to apoligise. I play the ps version and tumblr doesn't let me post full on dick pics,so no pp😔. Anyway enjoy the 1.part of Levi's attacker story and I shall post more in following days.)
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A long wide hallway with soothing classical music and the faint scent of flowers.
The palace of Hades was lofty and beautiful as though showing it's master's prefrences.
You hurried through the beautiful corridor as fast as you could without breaking the courtesy.
Right. You were lightly running.
You wanted to take your time exploring the palace which was a work of art in and of itelf,but-
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A few hours ago in Gehenna.
Satan: Go and hand him this chest and come back right away. If you're late even in the slightest,I'm going to take everyone and invade Hades.
Sitri: Really?
Satan: Shall I do it now?
Sitri: N-No. His Majesty Satan is a man of his word.
Satan handed you a black chest with about fifty locks and began to fume.
Satan: The bastard had just used something that Gehenna had helped him with before.
Sitri: That bastard being....?
Satan: Leviathan,of course. I shoudn't have acted cool in the moment and said 'I'll grant you one request,whatever it may be'!! Damn it!!!
Ppyong who happened to be next to Satan,got kicked by Satan and disappeared into the sky in a beautiful parabola.
(bg changes to the sky and Ppyong slowly disappearing)
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Ppyong: Ppyoooooooooooong~~~~~
(bg going back to Gehenna streets)
Satan: He chose MC to bring this to him...What an impertinent guy...
Satan kept fuming as though he coudn't calm down.
Sitri explained in Satan's place as though he thought his king was incapable of proper conversation anymore.
Sitri: This chest is called <Anti Pandora's box>
Sitri: It's an object that Morgan le Fay had until the end,but it came into Gehenna's possesion when she made a deal with Satan to dethrone king Arthur.
Sitri: His Majesty cherished it because it's a terrible object with the emotions of all hypocrisy.
Sitri: That's why he's raging.
Sitri: I don't want to hand over the < Anti Pandora's box>,but he even made you Solomon as the deliverer,so his Majesty Satan's rage will soon....
Passing devil: Argh,aaaaaahhh~~~~!
Another devil standing near Satan got kicked by Satan and disappearedinto the sky.
Sitri: ...I was going to tell you to get going,because I expected his Majesty's anger would gradate because of his depression...
Satan: That impertinent bastard!!! I'm going to invade Hades!!! ARGHHHH!!!!
Just when the raging Satan was looking for the next devil to kick,someone furtively pushed a teddy bear into Satan's hand. It was Leraye.
Like how Satan kicked everything that touched his feet,he almost instinctively held it separately by it's head and body to rip it when something touched his hand.
Rip--! Riippp!!!
Ppyong: Ehhh!!!
Rubbing his swollen bottom as he returned,Ppyong looked afraid at the brutal sight.
Unlike the scared Ppyong,Leraye was about to happily pick up the body of the teddy bear after Satan fumingly separated its head from its body.
Satan also kicked Leraye who had approached into the distance.
(bg changes to Leraye getting kicked)
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Leraye: Aaaarghhh!!
Leraye screams of deep joy faded into the distance.
(bg changes back to Hades halls)
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MC: (Is the secret to Gehenna devils having bouncy butts indeed because of Satan's kicks...but I'm still a bit scared.)
You could still clearly see Satan raging like a dragon breathing fire and hurried on.
MC:(I'll hand it over and get back quickly!)
You somehow found it difficult to visit Leviathan.
Partly because he was so beautiful and out of this world,but also because you didn't know when he was going to get frustrated and strangle you.
Sometimes,you thought the heavy emotion of sadness and not speaking the same language may be one o the reasons,but there was also a part of you that wanted to see Leviathan after all this time.
In other words,you had ambivalent feelings about meeting Leviathan,like you liked it but didn't like it.
So confirming your emotions was also a reason why you were hurrying your footsteps. And...
MC: (I want to put down this omnous black chest that seems to be wriggling and making sounds from a while ago..)
Just then you remembered what Sitri beseeched you again and again before leaving Gehenna.
Sitri: (Never. Never think about opening it. It would be incomparable to opening Pandora's box)
Sitri: (So please. Never open it.)
MC: ( Right. Let's just see Leviathan's handsome face,give him the chest and go back...)
Maybe because you had been lightly running,but you soon researched the hall where Leviathan was faster than you expected.
The gatekeeper recognized you and bowed to say hello.
Then,he was about to open the door for you when he suddenly stopped moving and leaned toward you a little to speak in the quiet voice.
Guard devil: That's the <Anti Pandora's box>! Wait,rather,you're here today..!
MC: Huh? Is today a special day?
Guard devil: It is special in a way...
Guard devil: But take care. I dared give you advice since everyone in Hades like you very much although they pretended not to.
MC: ???
Unable to understand the gatekeeper,you were about to ask back
When he hurriedly opened the door again as though explaining in detail would put him in trouble.
No,he tried to open the door,when he pulled an expression as though he was saying 'I knew it. This won't work.' and added.
Guard devil: Please,don't even thibk about opening that chest.
With the gatekeeper's amxious voice,the door opened.
(bg changes to Hades throne room)
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The massive doors that were like the mouth of Leviathan's monster opened up and revealed a hall as eerily silent as ever.
The dozends of devils filling the halls were bowing a little,standing on either side of the long carpet in the middle.
But even with all those devils breathing at the same time,there was barely an intake of breath let alone a movement.
You walked through them to stand right under Leviathan's throne that was at the end of the hall.
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Leviathan: .....
Mc: (He won't even say hi?!)
Leviathan looked down at you with an odd look in his eyes.
His hair, an odd wheat-color mass that looked as if God has made it just for Leviathan,sweapt across his forehead.
And long full lashes cast mysterious shadows over his clear pupils.
Not only that but his shimmering skin which seemed to self-luminiscence in the dark looked beautiful like it had been sprinkled with stardust.
Just the fact that he was looking at you made you feel like you were more privilaged than anyone else in the universe.
Mc: (Still...is it so hard to say hello?!)
Everyone else would have their tails between their legs when facing an absolute beauty that can crush all logic-but you were diffrent.
Just the fact that he was looking at you made you feel like you were more privliged than anyone else in the universe.
MC: Leviathan,I'm here. How can't you even say hello? That's sad. Satan told me to give this to you!
When you handed Leviathan the omnious black chest in your hand,the silent hall began to stir.
Subject: Even if she/he is the daughter/son of Solomon,how dare she/he calls his supreme,great Majesty Leviathan by name....!
Subject: Wait,but isn't this the <Anti Pandora's box>! How can that omnious object be here in Hades?!
Subject: That's not the problem! That attitude! It's so unhesitant! It's...yeah....it's basiclly treason!
Subject: Argh! Is that the <Anti Pandora's box>?! I-I should request a day off!!!
The servants who were boisterous as usual became even more boisterous,chatting away at your insolence and the black chest,but you heard none of it.
Leviathan was the only one that concernwd you right now.
Leviathan: .....
Leviathan said nothing in reply and only stared down at you from his throne.
He wasn't staring at Satan's object in your hands.
He was looking solely at you as if he coudn't see the countless devils around him.
Leviathan: .....
MC: (He's not usually talkitive....but today he's just strange!)
Feeling doubious you were about to call Leviathan one more time.
When he stood up from his seat and took off his jacket at the same time.
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With nonchalant expression,he rwmoved his outer robe,his arms sliding out of the garment and thrusting his toned chest forward.
At that moment his nipples which were hidden inside the thin shirt jutted out over the shirt,creating small shadows beneath them.
The figure quickly disappeared as he retrached his outstreached chest,but the fleeting sight ytuck in your mind.
You and his subjects all held your breaths for a moment as you watched the garment slide gently off his body.
MC: ( W-What's that? All he's doing is taking off his outer robe...how can he look so vigurous?!)
It was a simple act of 'stripping',but it was so rich and intense that you realized nothing could move a woman's heart like that,even if the most charming man on the planet was flirting with her in a commited way.
Your heart began to race so loudly that thw other devils could hear it and suprisingly,you felt yourself getting wet by the simple act in itself.
As you blushed in secret embarrassment,rhe jacketless Leviathan walked down from his throne and stood before you.
MC: Levia-
Leviathan: Shut up.
Leviathan stopped you and said in a low,mumbled voice.
And then grabbed you by the throat with his thin,pretty hand rhat was larger than it looked as he lifted you off your feet.
MC: Kurgh?!
In an instant,you were strangled and your feet were off the ground,your eyes wide in suprise at the suddwn situation.
MC: Urgh, khgh...
Floating in midair,your eyes met Leviathan's eye level which was taller than you.
It allowed you to look him in the eyes and glare.
MC: ( What is it this time?)
Because you thought of lewd things while looking at Leviathan?
Mc: ( But that's not just me! It's because you look lewd!)
Thinking of things that won't make hjm stare at you in disgust you were about to voiced it out-
MC: (Eh wait. Leviathan's state)
*Leviathan blushes*
You though he was looking down at you indiffrently,but there was an unknown fever in his eyes.
Leviathan's expressions were normally difficult to read,but this time !ou could see his emotions.
MC: (He's...mad..)
You felt a strange mixture of excitment and fear at Leviathan's completly crazy expeession.
But your thoughts coudn't continue.
Leviathan took off his glove from his other hand with his teeth,raised his hand to place it on your chest and slashed down vertically.
With a rip- all your clothes that you were wearing rore in half at knce,splitting into two and falling down.
With Leviathan's single movement,you turned naked in midair,with his hand on your throat.
At the same time all the soldiers and servants in the hall looked away and knelt down.
It was a gesture of loyalty to not covet Leviathan's possesions,a gesture to make this place as empty as possible.
MC: W-What are you doing?
You hurriedly covered your chest.
Soon a devil each stepped out from the back feom the group of devils that stood bisected on either side of the purple carpet.
They moved and kept their eyes averted as though thwy werw determined not to looka t your direction.
Soon the two turned away and slowly,lovjngly began to unbuttoned Leviathan's pants
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You saw Leviathan's hardened penis rising above his boxers as his pants were pulled down.
You closed your thighs tightly,embarrassed in your strangled state.
They carefully stripped Leviathan down ro his boxers,then laid them aside and walked back to their positions,heads bowed.
When you opened your eyes,you saw Leviathan' beautiful body that was naked.
At the same time Leviathan's penis was clearly visible as he stood here,uncovered,without pants or boxers.
MC: ( W-Was he that big before?)
Leviathan's beautiful pink penis was somehow as moist and flustured as the corners of his eyes.
You wondered if you were weird for thinking your partner's erect penis was beautiful, even when he was strangling you.
Or if Leviathan was strange for getting hard while strangling you.
The thick smell coming from the lower half of Leviathan body made your mind hazzy.
With you in his grip,Leviathan was soon breathing roughly.
The fact that you were in the hands of a beautiful king who had gone mad was begining to stimulate you.
Leviathan's penis which coudn't have risen any higher,nodded a few more times before starting to ooze a white liquid.
MC: (Is he coming? No...that's something else...)
The liquid that had begun to flow from the tip of Leviathan's penis enveloped the entirety of his penis and eventually dripped on the floor qith a dull sound.
The devil,the biggest beast in mythology - said to be able to even swallow Heaven - is acting like a male in a rut
The crystallization of a male. The essence that only a male can produce,was flowing out of his body like a fountain.
Such that although you only thought about it for a moment,a small puddle has formed on the ground.
You felt that with that amount,there would be no creature that coudn't be fertilized.
No,it was not slowing down any time soon. The liquid was gushing out so much,you coudn't even tell how much of it was there.
MC: (Amazing.)
You thought and with your face dark red from the rushing of blood,licked your lips without realizing it.
Your perverted nature,unrivaled amongs humans,felt happy to be able to witness such a spectacle.
As you reached the limit of your oxygen supply and your eyes began to fall back,you felt a lightning bolt of pleasure strike your wet lower half.
MC: Kurgh...urgh...!!
As you wrapped your arms around Leviathan's neck,unable to control your excitment,his penis jerked highly once more.
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And holding you up with his hand,he thrust his wet pillar inside you.
MC: !!!!
Leviathan's already wet pillar slid unresistingly inside you.
At the same time,the hand holding your throat loosened and the blocked airway opened once again,sending tickling sensations throughout your body.
You trembled at the exploding pleasure for a moment.
Now,you were in Leviathan's arms as his penis penetrated you.
When you looked up,you could see Leviathan looking down at you.
Looking at his face which was still crazy but the most beautiful face you'd ever seen,you quickly looked away in embarrassment.
Leviathan: Don't...be cold...
MC: (What?)
Blankly murmuring incompregensable words,Leviathan held your bottom with his hand and began to walk with his penis inside you.
MC: W-Wait! This position! Ugh...My stomach is filling up!
Leviathan's object continued oozing white liquid and your stomach was filled with his liquid to the point it looked slightly convex.
As he began to walk,you could even hear the sloshing in your gut. And everytime his feet crossed,a gap opened where you were connected to him and white liquid gurgled and leaked out onto the ground.
MC: (Are we Hansel and Gretel?! This is embarrassing!)
Where Leviathan walked,a white path was being made of the liquid that came out of him,went into you and came back out again.
Being around devils filled your perverted mind with pleasure's you never seen or imagined. It was like that again.
Now you began to enjoy it. You had pressed your own button.
MC: Where...Tell me where are we going?...Ah,ughh...I love it...
Leviathan: To somewhere safe.
Leviathan said something you coudn't understand,but watching his mad and beautiful face made you tremble with happiness.
None of the subjects raised thwir heads or criticized you until the moment Leviathan left through the door at the end of the hall.
You left rhat silent,uncanny loyalty behind and began to move,impaled by Leviathan and carried by him.
Feeling his wet pillar entered you even deeper and left you each time Leviathan took a step.
And the slickness of Leviathan's fluid filling your stomach, and the sound of it dripping onto the floor.
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