#garou fancomic
nenee-blog · 9 months
Time together (Garou doujin)
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Yeaah. Garou is such a great boyfriend.
When Garou is done with the delivery job or training with Bang, he always finds the way to be with Nagi (oc). They live lot of crazy moments (full of sex, of course)
July has been a stressful month. I'm happy to finally share this lil doujin. It's cuuute. Hope you like it. I had lot of fun doing it XD
This summer I want to post the first pages of my Garou doujin where Garou meets Nagi (finally!) And also I'd like to continue with the Garou's story at the delivery job, hehehe.
ONE gave Garou an exciting life XD
hugs! nenée Garou: OPM Nagi: oc (nenée)
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snownyann · 2 years
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Volume 24 Hot Springs fancomic featuring Garou, Sonic and Watchdog man.
I dedicate this fancomic to all those who love Garou! This is one of the longests one I did because it is a comic and I had to match the style from one panel to another (took me 2 weeks.)
Garou got so curious with that random bamboo stick floating on water so he went to poke!
I was also hesitant to post these for some unknown reason. All images here are drawn and colored by me.
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the-nysh · 10 months
I hope the last arc of the series is centered around God and specially God vs Saitama. ONE can't just develop that lore and leave it like nothing happened.
If ONE's going to (re)introduce any more 'god' lore in the webcomic, I feel it's going to be so FAR off in the future...
But as for the manga....it does feel like there's set up for 'god' as the (endgame) Evil Big Bad and/or final boss...but if it becomes anything like what Murata already did for Garou vs Saitama, as a rehash of power escalation...then I'm honestly going to be bored to tears. ;o; I'd much prefer if the 'god' stuff keeps the whole psychological + cosmic horror aspect instead.
AND I'd much prefer if there's a collective group effort...representing humanity's struggle as a whole. Rather than just another Saitama solo fight. :O There's already a whole fancomic about god vs Saitama anyway--so I'd prefer the actual story does something else. Because everyone who's been screwed over, Used, or trapped by 'god's manipulative bidding--as that bastard gets away scott-free, deserves to contribute a good payback smack in. Especially Garou, for being forced to suffer cosmic mind[redacted] against his will--to me I won't be satisfied, justice won't be served until he can re-perfect and put his literal 'God-Slayer Fist' into use for real. 🧐
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
all the numbers owo
GrCUnA gaoh god sdljhdkjshfkjsh
This is gonna get long so I’ll put it under the cut. I’m also gonna remove the ones I’ve answered already.
1. What fandoms do you write for?
OPM and AtLA. I have a Miraculous Ladybug fic, but the creator is a nightmare and I hate the way the show treats the main character (literally the creator said part of the show’s episode formula is the main character “learns a lesson” every episode: usually through humiliation) and all the characters of color so I really don’t write for it anymore.
2. What pairings do you write for?
Batarou, Mumensai, and I do general fics.
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
My Miraculous Ladybug fic. By like. a lot akfdjhlgkjhfdlkg
It’s got triple the subscriptions and bookmarks, double the hits, and more kudos than any of my other fics. And I haven’t updated since January.
4. Do you write original stories as well?
I do! I’m a creative writing major, so I do a lot of memoir nonfiction and poetry, but I also write fictional short stories.
5. What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
I don’t think there is one! Different strokes and all. But if you weren’t aware, I’m working on an ATLA fic rn about Zuko trying to repair his relationship with Azula. Not for this fandom, but a fun fic for me because it’s a bit out of my wheelhouse.
6. What is a fandom you will never write for?
Out of the ones I’ve been in, voltron.
7. What is a ship you will never write for?
There are...a lot. For the sake of my mental well being, I will not list them. But I will say any ship between a teen and someone in their mid twenties or beyond is a no go for me.
8. Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc. which platform do you prefer?
Begrudgingly, Ao3. I have my issues with Ao3 and I think I’ve made those pretty clear (and they’ve gotten me into some hot water lmao) but it’s a good place to put fics.
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
I could not tell you. I am so bad at staying motivated. Certain fics I love writing. Others feel like I’m pulling teeth.
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
Hidden Horns. By a lot. like 20k words a lot.
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
A bit of both, but I lean towards laughing. The world needs more light.
13. What is your planning process?
Depends on the fic. For short ones or oneshots, there really isn’t one. For longer fics, I’ll have an outline, but a lot of times I’m laying tracks as I go. If I think of a good scene or line, I’ll write it down and just keep it at the end of my doc until it comes up in the story.
15. OCs or no OCs?
OC’s only when they’re necessary for plot. For example, Madame Oshitani in Hidden Horns only really showed up because I needed a piano teacher, and I couldn’t have it be an existing hero. Outside of that, I tend to avoid putting OC’s in fics, because I find them disruptive when I’m reading fics.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
Sometimes! Hidden Horns was based off of this fanart. If they are, I make sure to note that in the notes.
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
Yeah you got:
A (Not So) Brief Hiatus-Miraculous Ladybug
Promises to Keep-OPM/batarou
Little Boy-OPM/Metal Bat centric
A Game of Chase-OPM/batarou
Not Invincible-OPM/batatou death
Someone Fun-OPM/Mumensai
Date With the Devil-OPM/Mumensai sequel
Something of Note-OPM/Mumensai
Conduct Evil-OPM/batarou
Grief and Other Intangibles-OPM/Zombiedad and CE death
Horns and Fangs Series (Hidden Horns and Fear and Fangs)-OPM/batarou
Spaghetti and Juiceboxes-OPM/Zombiedad and CE
I guess they don't like me but I never figured out why (I guess they think I don't like them either)-ATLA/Zuko reaches out to Azula
21. What’s your shortest fanfic?
Conduct Evil at a whopping 354 words.
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
They vary! Mine tend to be pretty short, like 1k-4k.
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
*sweats* Like 17 at least
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
Rude to assume I won’t finish all of them eight if I’m lucky
26. First-person-narrative or third-person-narrative?
Third. I hate writing in first person except for in nonfiction.
27. Do you take requests?
Kind of. If people send me an ask that I vibe with, I might write something, but as a general rule, no. I’ve been considering doing commissions though, so if you want to toss a coin to your bitcher lmk
28. I will name you three things (object — scenario — fandom/ship): write a paragraph or two!
I can’t do this one without those three kdjhflkjsdh
29. What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work?
They’re difficult in different ways, but original is way harder.
Original work means there’s zero scaffolding to build off of except for the scaffolding you make yourself, and there’s a lot of issues with worldbuilding and creating complex and relatable characters.
Fanfic relies on a solid understanding of existing characters and dynamics, as well as the internal logic of the world. The scaffolding is there, but often times it’s stifling.
30. What writing software do you use?
Word and Google Docs fkjhslgkjh
31. Do you use beta/sensitive readers?
Nope. I probably should though.
32. Past or present tense?
Past. I can’t consistently write in present.
33. Do friends and family know that you write fanfics?
Some of my friends do. I’ve shared some with them! I use fanfic as warmup, so a lot of my writing friends know about my fics.
34. How did you find the world of fanfics?
I wrote Adventure Time fanfic on middle school and published them on an Adventure Time facebook group. They were wildly popular in the group.
36. Did you ever delete a work of yours?
I don’t think so tbh.
37. Did your work ever get plagiarized?
If it did, I wouldn’t know. But I highly doubt it.
38. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
No because I can’t stick to a deadline.
39. Collaborations or working solo?
I’ve never done a collaboration before.
41. What is something you don’t like about your writing?
I rely really heavily on dialogue and I’m suuuper aware of it. I think the thing is I do a lot of domestic fics, and even my story fics tend to be pretty domestic. I’m looking at you Hidden Horns
My original work doesn’t tend to lean on it as heavily.
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
I am a die hard found family bitch. Nothing guilty about it.
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
Yes, actually. The aforementioned middle school fic got mini fancomic for the first chapter, and I wrote a Miraculous Ladybug ficlet in a fic chain that got fanart.
45. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?
I think there might be one that was inspired by my fic, but I can’t remember tbh.
47. What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
My ATLA fic!!! give it some love tf :/ (kidding of course.)
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
Yeah, here you go:
The hero removed his coat and dropped it on the ground, where it landed with a solid “thud”.
He unhooked the holster under his arms, removed a knife from both boots, and unstrapped the machetes from his back.
They joined the trench coat in the pile.
Garou watched in equal parts awe and horror as Zombieman continued to produce weapons from increasingly improbable locations.
Finally, when the pile at his feet was large enough to arm a private militia, Zombieman stopped.
“I’ve got a pistol in my chest, but I’d prefer not to take that one out,” he said, pushing past Garou. “Feels rude to invite myself over then get blood all over the tatami.”
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love-macabre · 6 years
Happy Bday Benimaru!! A Benimaru Nikaido (The King Of Fighters) x Freeman (Garou - Mark of the wolves) BL/yaoi fancomic
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nenee-blog · 11 months
We have a date! (Garou doujin) - Night
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(part two)
Garou and Nagi (oc) have a date! XD
It's going to be a crazy and wonderful night♥
Living la vida loca.
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nenee-blog · 7 months
Garou doujin "Hungry wolf" by nenée
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YEAH!! Finally! The first pages of my Garou's doujin XD happy tears :'D
This is a Garou x Nagi (my oc) fancomic. Fun, love and sex♥♥♥ (mature content will be only available for +18 on external link) I'm really happy to share it here with you all. I started this project a year ago...omg. My style has made some changes since then, but I'm happy anyway. ♥ ENJOY! ( I do) ♥ nenée
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nenee-blog · 1 year
Teen Wolf Garou
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😁 Garou is a teen wolf.
Nagi got that t-shirt on a flea market. She couldn't resist. He wears it with proud. It's a present from his babe.
Today Nagi is on a shoot. She has got a role in a new brand TV serie. And Garou goes wherever she goes. So, even he 's not accredited to access to the tv studio, he always gets the way in. He's a devoted boyfriend. Meanwhile, Bang is losing his patience with Garou. The boy shouldn't waste so much time with his girlfriend, the final boss is coming! He should get back with his training. Garou's answer is always the same: he will run things his way.
This is a little glimpse from my Garou's doujin. I have several chapters writen but I'm very very slow drawing them...oh, that's painful!!! *__* so I post these lil moments because I need to feed my mind with some Garou's stuff.
About the T-shirt Garou's t-shirt is directly inspired by 1985 movie poster "Teen Wolf" starring by the amazing Michael J.Fox
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Watch the movie. You'll be back to 80s XD
Català: aargh, de debó que em puteja molt no saber-me explicar en anglès tan bé com voldria...Bé, si algú enten el català, benvingut/da XD
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nenee-blog · 1 year
Delivery guy (Garou doujin)
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It's hard to wait for some new original Garou stuff from ONE+Murata sensei. AAAaargh!!!
T____T my mind keeps spinning...
So, here it goes. This is a crazy story about Garou's first days at his new job (delivery company).
This story is part of my Garou's doujin (you'll find some stuff in old posts)
Hope you like It!! I had lot of fun doing it. Happy to work again with greys tones but I have lot to learn yet...please, click images for full view.
Oh, and sorry for any English mistake *__*I try my best
(ups, wendesday corrected hahaha)
Garou (opm)
Nagi (oc)
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nenee-blog · 4 months
I miss you, Garou
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♥ Garou x Nagi (oc) short story♥ Garou and Nagi are an optimistic couple full of energy and ready for fun (sex♥), but they are blue when they are obliged to live separately. This short story is about these sad moments. I was doing Garou's doujin page 9 but I needed to stop and draw this story. The problem is that I have 2 more short comics strips on my mind...hahaha. I need 48 hours days.
(sorry for any english mistakes!)
Garou and Bang: opm Nagi: nenée (oc)
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nenee-blog · 3 months
Having a break (Garou doujin)
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Garou and Nagi (oc) having a break ♥♥♥
(Garou doujin "Hungry wolf")
Nagi is very commited to her acting career. She is becoming famous thanks to its role on a tv serie. So she's clear when talking about boyfriends on social media: no real relationships, only sex (she is 21)
But Garou is not like other boys... (***spoilers, beware***)
Garou is unique and she knows that. Cheeky, troublemaker guy but sincere and good at heart. With only 18, trying to reach his dream, became a monster and returned to humanity, took part on a time travel to save the world and then entered into a rehab program (social punishment)
So after a shaky start, Nagi gives Garou a chance and their relationship begins. And that opens Pandora's box: Garou has a strong strong sex drive ♥ He's discovering a world full of new experiences with Nagi. He's unstoppable... (oh yes♥)
But far from being a problem, Nagi is delighted with Garou's sexual drive. Besides, he bends over backwards to help his babe and his acting career. He knows what "fighting for your dream" quote means. Garou is a charm.
♥ I have lot of fun with this hot duo♥
Hope you like it too! ^^
Garou: opm
Nagi: nenée (oc)
(and sorry for any english mistakes! I'm doing some changes)
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nenee-blog · 2 days
Read my mind
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They don't need words♥
Garou Doujin "Hungry wolf" (by nenée) link (mature)
Garou and Nagi (oc) work together at the Black Lotus karaoke bar. They don't see each other for days. He's been training or in a suicide mission. She's been on the tv set and rehearsing. So the Black Lotus is their love nest. Yui, Nagi's best friend and the karaoke's owner, spends the night chasing their workers all over the place, hehehe. See other Garou x Nagi crazy moments at my Garou A03 site: ♥ Back room link (+18 explicit content) ♥ At the Black Lotus karaoke bar link (all audiences) ♥ Garou wants a job link (all audiences) ♥ Karaoke night link (all audiences) ♥ Hideout link (all audiences) ♥ Garou doujin "Hungry wolf" link (mature) Enjoy! ♥ Garou: opm Nagi: nenée
******************************* I'll be busier this month... Angry. I need to study for a job promotional exams. But my mind wants some fun... I want to finish "Hungry wolf page 11". And there's lot of GarouxNagi karaoke stuff to draw. Internal struggle, aaargh! Wish me luck!
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nenee-blog · 1 year
Spreading bullshit
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One thing I like from Garou is the fact he doesn't care about what people say. In the same way, his girlfriend (Nagi) should be someone who had the same point of view. Then, if you mix that with the fact that people like gossiping about celebrities (or any public person), you get a hot couple that is always on everyone's lips. I looove it ♥ it's really fun.
This lil comic started with a pic I posted some days ago (image below) and I needed to continue.
Sorry for my English *___*
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nenee-blog · 1 month
Garou doujin 10 "Hungry wolf"
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Oh yes... Nagi is pleased to meet you, Garou♥ Pag10 of my Garou doujin "Hungry wolf"! Even I post very very slowly, I'm really happy to see this story growing. It's fun! If there's any censorship on this page, I'll made some changes and I'll post it again.
♥ Original page is displayed at Ao3: link ♥ My Garou A03 site: link
Enjoy! XD nenée
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nenee-blog · 1 year
Garou wants a job (Garou doujin)
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Yeaaah! Comic strip finished! (too much details ^^U) Hi again! XD welcome to my Garou doujin (opm) *spoilers* Garou and Nagi, like other young people, have lot of cash problems. So, they have multiple jobs ( according to ONE webcomic, Garou works as a delivery guy.) Besides, Garou is under Bang' training while Nagi takes part in several acting lessons and shootings. That's a problem! They can't be together as much as they want (translation: sex). It's nothing this hot couple can't fix. Garou is a cheeky guy, he does it all. Come on guy, work hard...
Garou' doujin is giving me lot of fun. Hope you like it too! Crazy head of mine. nenée Garou (opm) Nagi and Yui (original characters) OH! take a look and watch/listen "song 2" from Blur band. It's awesome.
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nenee-blog · 5 months
Garou doujin 07 "Hungry wolf"
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Garou doujin "Hungry wolf" page 7 by nenée Garou (opm) x Nagi (oc)
Garou was not ready for this meal ^^ enjoy♥ nenée
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