omegapheromone · 3 months
Can we talk about how sometimes I see people confuse nests and dens completely? Because it happens a surprising amount.
First of all, what IS a nest when it comes to mammals specifically, considering Omegaverse draws inspiration from animal behavior?
Here are some NON-BIRD google results for "animal nest", "mammal nest" and similar searches, a.k.a. This is a representation of Animal Nests:
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Notable features:
the nest is BUILT. The structure is specifically created/crafted from materials that may or may not belong to the surrounding environment, but it is clearly built by the animal for either themselves or their offspring, usually for the purpose of resting in.
The nest is built in a mostly-round shape, and the sides of the nest are covered, while the top usually isn't. The height of the sides varies however, so the space in the middle may appear more cavernous at times. Nests are often made in sheltered locations where they remain hidden, but actual shelter from rain etc is not necessarily a part of a nest.
Now then, what are the searches for DENS? Here's what google comes up with when you look for "animal den" or "mammal den", a.k.a. a generic representation of what dens are:
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Notable features:
Dens are DUG, instead of built. They are tunnel-like features in the terrain that do not utilize manipulation of material to craft a structure, like nests do.
Dens are tunnel-like. They are covered at the top and most sides, with an opening at the side for entry and exit. They are dug into hillsides, under trees, and occasionally flat ground in order to ensure a space where the top of the den will be covered, much like a cave.
So, what's the difference when it comes to omegaverse, especially lifestylers?
A nest is a structure you build. An example of a nest is when you organize all your blankets and pillows to form "walls" around you in your bed (shape, structure, meant for rest, utilizes the action of building with materials). A nest could also be a bean bag in the corner of your room that you surround with soft things and maybe even other larger items to block a direct view into it (sheltered location, intentionally buolt structure). Nests also are generally far softer- not that dens are uncomfortable, but nests tend to be made in places that are ALREADY comfortable, such as bean bags, beds and sofas.
A den is a bit more difficult to define, but to me, a den is anything you build UNDER something, i.e. utilizing an estabilished structure to provide shelter, including a closed top. Bringing blankets and cozy things under your desk or bed to create a super sheltered tunnel-like structure? That's a den, buddy.
One thing I find is "a bit of both", is pillow/blanket forts. It's obviously built intentionally and doesn't utilize an existing structure, but it usually includes a covered top and a tunnel- or cavern-like internal structure. It isn't quite a nest, but it also isn't truly a den because it involves intentional creation of a structure. Personally I tend to lean more towards them being den-adjacent, but depending on how comfortable and soft the interior is, you could consider pillow/blanket forts "dens with a nest built inside".
Anyway, I feel it's important to add that your dynamic doesn't necessarily determine which you prefer. An Alpha can nest and an Omega can burrow. It's personal preference- the only reason there are any associations are mostly because omega nests are seen as cozy, comfortable structures built to house offspring and/or made for sleeping/resting, while alpha dens are seen more as shelters from the elements and structures inside of which you can isolate yourself to get over a rut or even just to hibernate.
Additionally... An idea for a headcanon reasoning is that Omegas generally don't burrow and are discouraged from creating dens for themselves by society because it's seen as an "alpha thing" and that Omegas don't need the shelter and protection a den offers because "an alpha will come and take care of you anyway, so you can just share the alpha's den". Similarly, alphas could be discouraged from nesting because it's seen as "omega behavior" and not 'suitable' for an alpha. Very much mirrors emotional vulnerability, interests and preferences irl; men aren't "allowed" to like soft things or 'be' soft emotionally, because it's "feminine", while women are discouraged from being independent and having a "hard shell" because it's "too masculine". Utilizing this in a headcanon about nests/dens is a good way to explore patriarchy and gender roles & expectations.
Anyway the only reason I actually made this post is because I see so many people call their dens "nests" when what they actually have is an obvious den. Please embrace it!! Dens are great!! Dens offer shelter and safety and create a more private space separate from your surroundings!! There's nothing wrong with building dens/burrowing, as opposed to nesting!! If you want the shelter/safety of a den, that's great!! You don't have to be an alpha to do that!! And also for the alphas- you are allowed to nest!!! It's not a weird thing!!! Nests are super cozy and comfy for a reason, AND you maintain a visual connection to your surroundings more easily if you feel like you need to stay alert/guard!!! Betas can have a nest! Betas can have a den! Betas can have both if they like, why are we forgetting about them when it comes to this anyway??? It's INDIVIDUAL preference.
Random addition I couldn't fit anywhere else: I personally tend to think that an alpha definition of a den can be a little more fluid than just "a tunnel/cavern dug into the ground/under an object". I mean, technically, a room is a den, too- covered at the top with a tunnel-like entrance (door) in and out. Personally I've never subscribed to "alphas have dens and omegas have nests" either way, I actually headcanon alphas especially being more concerned about perceived/claimed "territory" they see themselves as having claimed/being in charge of, such as being protective of their rooms/houses/living quarters etc, as well as lockers, assigned seats, cars, etc, while omega 'territory' protectiveness is more about privacy/safety/comfort, even though it also commonly includes one's own room (for omegas, more specifically, bedrooms) and similar things such as sofas, arm chairs, etc.
Another headcanon I have is that betas especially adore pillow/blanket forts and like building them both just for themselves, as well as big ones to share with the pack. I don't have any particular reasoning because I mean, who doesn't love a blanket fort? I just think it's kind of funny in an endearing way, and a neat idea.
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omegapheromone · 11 months
Visible symptom of depression in Omegas: nest is a fucking mess they have no energy to clean or organize at all. The mess is distressing them further but it makes them just want to stay in the nest more because it's still a comforting and safe place. Which doesn't really help with the mess at all.
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omegapheromone · 8 months
Ok so, between the recent psa about miscecanis scent and reblog of the incels of omegaverse, I can’t stop thinking about how the two would correlate in a verse.
Like, “Chad alphas” could say you need to go buck wild on the Axe so other alphas know what’s “your property” (which becomes yet another omega-repellent because of scent sensitivity). Or even the opposite, where they don’t use anything, like no hygiene At All, because “omegas like the musk” but they just??? Smell like BO?????
But that’s not to say omegas/betas are exempt from this!!!!!! You’re telling me you don’t think some omega incels wouldn’t over-scent all of their bags and shit to like, “allure people in the halls”, but it’s just a Lot and it’s Everywhere. Or even an insecure beta who’s like “can anyone even smell me?????” And it’s like, Yes Buddy, I Promise You We Did Before And Can’t Stop Now
Also just????? The role of actual perfumes in omegaverse. I’m sure they’d exist for so many reasons, but I just wonder like, how they’d be marketed or even placed. Because you’re supposed to place perfume right where scent glands would be normally so I feel like people have a Problem with that while for others that’s The Point, you know?
Idk this just became a ramble. Any thoughts/insights are appreciated :’D
Chai your mind...... this is so good
Niceguy McFedora-type alpha that showers once a month because they think it's unnecessary because your "natural scent" is supposed to be strong to show the "weak and fragile omegas" what a strong and ~healthy~ alpha that will Definitely Treat Them Well you are. (He always has a personal space radius of at least 5 meters or more and doesn't connect the dots)
Or the *ndrewwww t*te type alphas making a point to go to the gym and Not Shower every time they go anywhere in public as some sort of a ridiculous show of dominance and thinking the nasty looks they get from people is because other alphas are feeling insecure and Betas are envious, obviously the Omegas are just pretending to hate it but actually they're all going into heat right now all because of his ~mUsKy AlPhA sCeNt~ (no sir, I know you live in delusion about owning a porsche but this is public transit and your stink is making everyone gag in disgust)
The desperate yet insecure folk of any gender and dynamic buying ridiculously expensive perfumes modelled after celebrities' natural scents (like that one headcanon post) because they think the scent is what made the celebrity famous/desirable/attractive and so if they smell like them then maybe they will also get courted...
And man I'd feel a little bad for the betas thinking they have no desirable scent and trying to "make up for it" because of how much importance society places on alpha&omega scents (that tend to be slightly stronger, sure, but It's not like betas don't have scents!!) And how little betas are talked about in the context of pheromones/scent
Also YEAH on the perfume thing!!!
My own headcanon sort of separates scents into their own cathegories of like, there's the natural scent that's associated with pheromones, it's not the same as body odour from sweat, but also the pheromones are slightly different/separate in that pheromones can affect the qualities of the scent but not the actual scent itself? And then there's obviously body odour, and then on top of that, I think perfumes are often used to either mask or even enchance one's own scent. They'd probably be especially affirming for any transdynamic folks! But also I can imagine some people feeling like their natural scent should be sort of "private" or they just don't want people to pay attention to it, esp if it's very unique? so they'll use fragrances to change it somewhat. Also for people with weaker scents, it could be an insecurity so they'll use perfume to feel more confident?
Oh and I wanna talk more about my headcanon about the pheromone-natural scent relationship! I think pheromones are what cause and are affected by emotional responses, almost like having a sort of... "aura" or "energy" people can read? But pheromones so it's an actual thing. but I also imagine it could affect the actual scent a lot too! I'll use my own peony+peach combo to explain since I know it best, but for example, if I was angry or annoyed, the pheromones would probably make the scent appear slightly "sour", like a sour candy or a flower that's slightly past its best bloom but still emits a really strong scent that starts to smell almost a little "stinging"? Or if I was really content and happy, it'd be like freshly-bloomed peopny blossoms and sweet, perfectly ripe peaches.
Probably in heat the scent would turn more "warm" and "heated" as well as stronger, too, like sitting in a garden of peonies eating a peach dessert during a heatwave in the summer? (Also I just like using that analogy for my own scent a lot. Sitting in a Peony garden and eating peaches. Except in heat it'd be more like a heatwave and much stronger/warmer) Like almost a little overwhelming, but not necessarily in the same way that overusing axe body spray is overwhelming, more like... a heat-scent becomes sort of really thick and warm? And that's why it's so noticeable? Like so ripe it would be "tempting" or something, idk.
For example if someone's scent was "pine forest", and they went into rut, I imagine it'd also increase in intensity a lot. Like... maybe the scent of pine sap really intensifies and gets really "thick"? Or maybe it'd be like... if it rains during a heatwave so the smell is extra strong but also really warm. And maybe someone with a scent like that would smell more like a cold winter forest when they're irritated (which would also be a wonderful way to describe personality through scent- people whose scents turn "cold" and "wintery" being more likely to have that sort of stoic, cold anger than the more explosive hot-headed type bursts of anger...) and when they're content, it'd be like a camping trip in good weather somewhere deep in the woods where you feel safe and relaxed in nature?
Idk man I just like thinking about scents and how scents change based on pheromones & emotions........
I also think perfume could be used to permanently amplify some aspects of specific emotional states in scent. I imagine customer service workers or salespeople using a perfume that maybe doesn't change their scent, but makes them always smell really happy, inviting and nice for better sales results and a better customer experience (especially since I imagine customer service is probably still absolute hell, even in omegaverse... not like they'd actually be feeling very happy to deal with some Karens all day)
Or for people who want others to stay out of their way (bouncers, gangsters, idfk depends on the canon I imagine), they'd maybe use a perfume that makes their own scent always appear a little aggressive/stern, not in the challenging kind of way, but just so people get the idea that it's probably better not to mess with them
But also certain professions having bans on those kinds of things, or even requiring full on scent blockers to be used (especially prevalent in the medical field I imagine)... just. Yeah lots of thoughts on this!
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omegapheromone · 4 months
It's been very cold where I live recently and it gave me a sudden idea for omegaverse. You know Kotatsu? The japanese heated table?
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I was thinking, what if this, but it was more like a communal nest/den? I know there was a post a while ago about communal nests being building features, so I feel like this would just be the winter variation of it. Perhaps a blanket-like covering could be set up over the nest space, and a space heater be set up inside to keep everyone toasty. At least for me it seems ideal- you'd have to drag me, kicking and screaming, to get me to leave something like that, it's -20°C here rn.
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omegapheromone · 1 month
Some personal Beta headcanons;
Betas often have above average senses in comparison to Alphas and Omegas- including their sense of smell. Usually this works well as a way to detect the emotional states of other people more easily and tends to aid in conflict management, however occasionally some Betas can develop an oversensitivity to specific types of scents (for example, citrus-y scents), almost like an allergy, where individuals with these scents can cause headaches, irritation and sometimes difficulty breathing in the Beta. The sensitivity can start very early in life, or develop later, and has been named "Beta Pheromone Hypersensitivity Syndrome" (BPHS). This can also apply to the Beta's own scent in extremely rare cases. It's unknown what exactly causes this- various studies have been done but a specific cause has not been found- evidence points towards a combination of genetic predisposition, enviromental factors, and hormonal issues. This "allergy" is different from the more common 'post-traumatic pheromone sensitivity' which can happen in any dynamic and usually develops after a traumatic event in response to scents/pheromones that remind the individual of the trauma- Beta Pheromone Hypersensitivity Syndrome develops on its own, and not as a result of psychological trauma.
Betas also tend to have some degree of sensory issues, and often have preferences for specific fabrics/textures/temperatures, etc- often even more so than other dynamics. For some reason, the Beta sensitivity can also cause some Betas to have especially sensitive stomachs, and can lead to food sensitivities/allergies. Some scientists have proposed this sensitivity to link back to the development of BPHS, as many Betas with a form of BPHS tend to also be allergic to foods/plants/etc related to the scents they are hypersensitive to, but through studies, no definitive link was found between allergies and BPHS sensitivities developing in connection with each other. Betas with food/etc allergies don't show a predisposition to developing BPHS over Betas with no allergies whatsoever.
Though it largely depends on the individual, some evidence points towards Betas often being the least prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder (seasonal depression), and having the most energy in wintertime/during darker months. While especially omegas tend to become lethargic during dark months and are especially prone to SAD, Betas, and often also Alphas, tend to be less prone. Alphas, however, occasionally show heightened anxiety and aggression levels in the wintertime, while Betas (in general) experience less seasonal symptoms. It's theorized this is an evolutionary trait and the symptoms in Alphas and Omegas tend to tie back to historical factors. In regions where snowfall during winter is common, it's also theorized that the snow and cold weather are neutralizing a large amount of ambient scents, which, to many Betas, is comforting, as it helps with the sensory overload scents can sometimes cause.
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omegapheromone · 7 months
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Hyperspecific meme because I've been feeling a type of way lately (no I won't give out my vent blog to misce followers sorry. They're separate for a reason)
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omegapheromone · 8 months
Misce tip for layered scents!
Okay so my scent is maybe a little weird as a combination but it's peony flower and peach (fruit mostly, but also flowers) and it's literally impossible to find anything where those two are mixed, at least here.
So what I've been doing is that all my shower products and as much skincare as possible is scented peach, and I wear a simple peony-scented roll-on perfume. I feel like it works really well for me because it makes the peach fruit scent almost like the lower layer, something that you can smell on my hair and skin as the "milder base scent" while peony is from a perfume so you end up smelling it first because it's a little stronger, and feels more like the noticeable "top layer".
It creates this really cool effect where, at first, people will smell peonies only for the most part- a floral and fresh scent- and only the people with really good senses of smell can pick up the peach, but then from close range, you can start to smell the peach underneath the peony flowers (from my hair especially) and then if it's literally like, cuddling distance more or less, do you really start to smell the fruity and sweet peach more because it's more noticeable directly on skin bc of body heat, and because the peony roll-on is only applied right around my ears so even if it's more noticeable/strong, it's coming from a single spot only and not my whole body like the peach.
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omegapheromone · 7 months
Misce culture is making lil noises for no reason
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omegapheromone · 24 days
Alphas are so infuriating, my little brother is really out there being like "nah just bring me bread and some yoghurt, I'll drink coffee if I want hot drinks" my brother you have pharyngitis. I promised to go get groceries for you and I AM bringing you tea, soup, vitamins, and so on. It was YOU who said it hurts to swallow food you dumb bitch. Idiot. Stupid. Swats at him with a rolled up newspaper gently. Dumbass!!! Should take care of himself better... grumble grumble...
He should do what I Say, not what I Do- I just take painkillers and sleep off whatever illness I have. But that's unimportant bc I'm chronically ill anyway and used to it. This idiot asshole isn't!! He should cherish his goddamn health and actually rest and care for himself when he's sick. IDIOT. Anyway I'm going to go buy him groceries and a lot of nice stuff today so he can feel better and I can continue calling him a pissbaby for fun
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omegapheromone · 1 month
Now that I'm back home I'm getting exposed to more people's scents again, and it's making me remember the good parts about socializing. I'm so used to just being on my own, shut in and avoiding people out of anxiety and trauma-based fear, but being around family members now is reminding me that it's not so bad. It's making me want to see my friends, I want to see them since it's been so long. Actually, it'd be nice to lean on them or even cuddle with them, my irl friends' scents are usually calming and make me feel happy. It's also kind of making mw miss dating, because the calming scent of a partner is such a good medication for my anxieties, but after all the bad experiences with romance, it's hard for me to trust like that.
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omegapheromone · 8 months
Hi! :D I’m really interested in hearing more about the (c)ptsd omegaverse hcs you have. I think one thing that I wonder about particularly is how therapy would change? Like, how would the perspective on mental health change and/or how would therapy techniques change, if at all?
I realize that may be a degree of separation too far from the initial post. Really, I’d be happy to hear any of your thoughts on the topic
Auughh sorry it took me a while to get to this I've been feeling out of it but hmm! Here's some of my thoughts!
• Perspectives on Mental Health:
I think it would depend a lot on the decade and the specific culture as well. I'll assume a mostly modern omegaverse setting for a more in-depth response though.
I think awareness of mental health in general would be on the rise among especially younger generations, while older ones might still hold on to a lot of preconceived notions such as "depression/anxiety means that you're just mentally weak" and "only veterans can experience ptsd", and would likely assume that any mental disorder that affects one's perception of reality, such as any psychotic disorders, mean that the person must also be intellectually delayed as well. Just very outdated ideas on mental health, much like how a lot of older folks irl see it. Younger generations would likely understand it better, at least anyone with a decent education would. I'd imagine it as a class issue in general, both in terms of awareness and access to resources.
• Omegaverse and how it affects/complicates mental health issues we already are familiar with
My thoughts have always been that given that we already know really well that mental stuff can affect physical wellbeing (for example: Adverse Childhood Experiences scale, getting physical symptoms as a result of mental health issues, etc) this would likely be amplified a lot in omegaverse specifically because of pheromones and similar.
We already know chronic stress leads not only to physical symptoms like digestive issues and increased risk for cardiovascular disease, but also can affect fertility because it's. Well, hormones.
I'd imagine this could show up as things such as irregular or completely missing heats/ruts, or even stress-triggered heats/ruts, where an overwhelming/stressful situation could trigger a sort of "forced heat", especially when it has to do with the presence/pheromones of other dynamics, and could happen to anyone- for example, an Alpha's rut could easily be caused by for example, a toxic/abusive omega partner or family member, just as a stressed out omega's heat could potentially be triggered by an intimidating/abusive Alpha- and this would apply to betas and any other dynamics as well depending on the canon, of course. Whether these heats/ruts cause any sexual symptoms like a mating cycle type heat would have, is up to the author methinks, and the level of pheromone involvement probably too. As much as this is a bit of an angst/whump topic, I actually like the thought because it creates an opportunity for Omegas to be just as shitty and abusive as alphas, instead of the very tired trope of only alphas being abusive and honestly? Makes it all the more realistic. While it's probably true that an omega in heat is a slightly easier target than an alpha in a rut might be, it doesn't mean omegas aren't capable of abuse, manipulation, and things like sexual assault.
Childhood trauma on the other hand would probably delay dynamic presentation and cause all sorts of hormonal issues later in life, such as the previously mentioned unstable and irregular heat cycles. Childhood trauma can cause all sorts of emotional problems as well, and I think in omegaverse that would show up as uncontrollable/unstable pheromones (such as, being unable to control them when feeling strong emotions and as a result ending up making other people viscerally uncomfortable because idk, someone feels annoyed but the pheromones are so strong and oppressive it feels like they're trying to suffocate you with pheromones alone), and in some cases, literally missing pheromones;
I have a headcanon of someone going through something incredibly traumatic around the time they have their first heat or when their pheromones start to go from "pup/child" to "young (insert dynamic here)", and this could cause said person to just. Completely lose the ability to produce any pheromones. I also imagine that it could cause some sort of health issues on account of, since the body isn't releasing any pheromones and instead holds on to them, the unreleased pheromones would probably wreak havoc on the body both in terms of just. Causing all sorts of physical symptoms, but probably also really messing with the cycle where maybe they don't have a cycle at all except for when the pheromones pile up so much that the body can't handle it anymore and it's almost like an explosive, unusually intense heat/rut that's completely unpredictable since there normally isn't one to begin with. A bad enough one that it's genuinely more like a severe illness than a cycle, and would most likely lead to being hospitalized and possibly put into a medically induced coma because of the sheer intensity. It's something I've been thinking of writing about, actually.
• Therapy?
For me, with trauma stuff, the most helpful form of trauma therapy hasn't been endlessly bringing my traumatic experiences up to a therapist to process them. Rather, what I really benefited from was therapy that was oriented at understanding HOW trauma affects me and the symptoms and emotions it causes me to experience in daily life, and developing skills to reduce them, cope with them and learn to live with trauma. I think similar approaches would be used in omegaverse cases as well.
I think in terms of some cases, for example if someone has a phobia of a specific dynamic, or even severe social anxiety about pheromones, pheromone exposure therapy could be utilized, but that could be a somewhat controversial form of therapy that doesn't always work out for everyone. In some cases, that could even make things worse.
Therapists and other professionals would also probably have to go through extra training to have a good control over their own pheromones, because if they respond with, for example, a distressed scent at hearing someone's traumatic life story, that would likely just cause the person to not want to work on it out of fear that they'll just upset the people who are meant to be helping them.
• Other thoughts
I'm not qualified to talk about it much myself, but I wonder if the hormonal changes of a heat cycle would cause people with psychosis and related disorders to experience a worsening of their symptoms as well?
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omegapheromone · 10 months
Combining my special interests: omegaverse but in space travel setting.
Zero-G enviroment nests: nesting traditionally would be impossible, so omegas would probably utilize something like the sleeping bags on the ISS- nests that they can zip themselves inside of and be surrounded by plush, soft textures. The fun part is that there are no rules for direction in space, so omegas could choose to attach their nests on any surface of a space station/spaceship. Ceiling nests? They feel the same as any other zero-g nest. This is great for satisfying the more playful/whimsical side of omegas.
Interstellar travel tropes: large generation ships that slowly drift through space looking for new horizons on unknown planets. These huge ships have a large population of different ages all there knowing they will live their entire lives on these ships, among the stars. Alphas tasked with ship defence systems teaching young alphas how to operate them and telling tales of earth, preparing children and grandchildren to help estabilish a well-protected community when they reach the planet they were aiming for. How to build, how to provide shelter and safety. Omegas tasked with educating the children to make sure they do not forget where they came from (earth), and preparing them for being the generation that operates the ship and possibly lands it on their destination planet. Omegas teaching their children how to reaolve conflicts and how to take care of a civilization's needs, whether on a spaceship or on a new, alien planet. Betas teaching invaluable life skills to the new generations, how to operate the ship, navigate through space, how to estabilish communications and infrastructure on a new planet, how to create an equal and democratic society, teaching history lessons from earth to make sure the space-born generations don't make humanity's greatest mistakes again. How to estabilish contact and potential friendly relations with extraterrestrials if their spaceship is spotted one day. How to estabilish trade, decisionmaking and how to create a society that takes care of everyone when they land.
Heats/Ruts in space: for short-term missions to space (for example, lunar missions) these aren't as much of an issue since they could simply pick a time window where none of the crew's cycles interrupt the mission (the trip from earth to the moon is only about 3 days) and most likely the crew would be taking medication on top of that just in case, to make sure their cycle is regular and won't trigger early.
However, on longer missions, such as a trip to Mars (7 months each way) this wouldn't be possible. The goal would be to try to rotate the crew so that someone who is not on their cycle is in control of the ship at all times. The crew would probably all be taking medication to time their cycles according to these crew rotations, and separate areas/habitats would be prepared for anyone who is on their cycle, both to keep them comfortable and allow privacy, but also to keep anyone overly curious (or driven by pheromones) out.
Aliens: okay, imagine humans have spread out across the galaxy and evolved somewhat to adapt to their new enviroments. Some humans no longer exhibit a/o/b traits at all while some still do. Not only would meetings between these humans be interesting, but how about the aliens, who would be used to one "type" of human species, suddenly encountering a different kind of human? How do aliens react to heat/rut cycles? Are certain alien species similar with similar reproductive cycles? Maybe some aliens don't even have a concept of biological reproduction at all (i.e. species who have essentially become sentient machines, or maybe species that use bioengineering, cloning, etc to reproduce? Or species that are so long-lived that reproduction is not necessary?) So how do they view these things? Just. A lot to consider.
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omegapheromone · 1 year
Humans have some evidence of a (non-functional) vomeronasal organ (literally the thing that animals use to smell pheromones) still being present and it just occurred to me that given it's far weaker (nonfunctional irl) in humans than say, in dogs, wouldn't it make omegaverse/misceanimalis folks (at least in some headcanons) display the flehmen response to identify pheromones, a.k.a.:
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(In dogs, this is sometimes present as "teeth chattering" after sniffing something.)
Anyway that was the cursed omegaverse post of the day for me. Go ahead. Imagine your alphas and omegas (and betas and others depending on the hc?) sniffing at eachother looking like this;
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Go ahead. You're welcome >:)
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omegapheromone · 5 months
The urge to gnaw/chew on things except I suppress it so hard my jaw is chronically so tense I get headaches
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omegapheromone · 2 months
I'm finally in my nest buried under a pile of blankets because for some reason I'm now shivering from cold too for no reason??
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omegapheromone · 3 months
Good lord sometimes I forget there's people here who are younger than my little brother. What do you MEAN people born in 2005-2006 are adults now that's absolutely not true!!! In my eyes you are all still 12 AT MOST. I swear just yesterday yall were like 5 years old
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