#gallavich proposal
gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
Remember the shirt Ian “came to drop off some things he left in his place” in 10x10?
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Yeah, me too. Guess what?
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This cheeky mother fucker word it to the concert the next day!!!!
and you can’t convince he didn’t do it because it still smelled like Ian and he missed him. You can’t.
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echosluvr · 3 months
the people who say fiona and mickeys would've been friends piss me off!!!! she did NOT like him or the milkovichs in general!!! she hated mickey and continued to hate him til like s7!!!!! "she was so proud of him when he told the register he was Ians boyfriend at the ward" SHE DISSES HIM THE NEXT TIME HE DOESNT SHOW UP??????? anyways mickey debbie friendship sweep, she told him not to give up on Ian !!! made sure he and ian got married!!!! and actually didn't diss on him OR mandy since the beginning
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golden28s · 9 months
in my head and in this house is canon that we barely saw mickey and byron scenes because he spent the entire time whimpering and talking about ian
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lovely-rose28 · 9 months
I just feel like they should have given someone who was trustable in the fandom a flash drive of all the unseen Gallavich scenes. Someone who would share the content slowly over time. You know instead of just erasing it all and having it burn down with the Shameless set.
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sisitrip · 2 years
Galladrabble - "Again"
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I made my first .GIF and it's a dumpster fire lol. Look away, look away lol.
For the @galladrabbles poem prompt from @mishervellous (thank you!), I offer "Again."
_____________________ Mickey spies Ian’s legs sticking out of Franny’s play tent and bites back a laugh. 
“Ian?” he calls softly.
“They kept trying and still couldn’t make it work, Mickey.” 
“They? Can I buy a vowel?” Mickey coaxes.
“Frank and Monica.”
Mickey sighs. The bookends of Ian’s invisible scars persist.  
“Ian, I wanted to do it again because we work. Don’t struggle against that.”
“You really want to, Mick?”
Ian comes out, teary eyed and smiling. He pulls Mickey into his arms, picking him up and spinning him excitedly. 
“So?” Mickey asks, laughing. 
Ian smiles softly. 
“Okay. I’ll marry you.”
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bluekidchaos · 7 months
the fact that in season one Kev is like "until the gays can get married i won't" AND THEN HE HELD TO IT
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
“I love you, Mickey Milkovich. More than anything. And if you let me I like to spend the rest of my life….”
“For Christ sakes. Save the fucking speech you pussy, I’ll marry you. Of course I’ll fucking marry you.”
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psalmsofpsychosis · 12 days
i need Cameron Monaghan to get into a new project soon fr, it's all emergency red alerts in my brain because 95% of my core ships revolve around his roles and i'm getting real bored and it's never good news when i get bored
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In S10 of Shameless Ian initially does not want to marry Mickey. When Mickey realizes why he eventually says “when you get over this whole I’m not worthy of love bullshit why don’t you give me a call” and man did that hurt. Combine that with Lip saying he thinks they should get married if that’s what they want, but Ian needs to figure out why he doesn’t want to marry Mickey now and it hurts even more. But then the next episode Ian beats up Mickey’s date (don’t talk shit about Mick) and proposes, and we never confront this idea that Ian doesn’t think he deserves to be loved. And though I loved groomzilla Mickey, the Gallavich wedding, and married them in S11 I just really wish the writers would have given Ian time to love himself and realize he deserves love
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so i just saw this post and i can’t help but imagine ian and mickey doing the same thing, only ian takes it a bit too far (both because he enjoys proposing to mickey AND because he enjoys not paying for things)—like the first few times it’s cute and endearing and they happily eat their stolen desserts while making fun of the people clapping and recording videos of the whole thing, but then by the tenth time mickey realizes that ian has gotten too much into this scam of theirs (he got a box, a ring, a different speech prepared every time) and it’s definitely not about the free food anymore, so by the time ian is on one knee in yet another olive garden going “mikhailo, will you make me the happiest man alive—” mickey’s like “ian i don’t even fucking like tiramisù that much. get up”
(or, alternatively, they do it so many times that they forget which restaurants they scammed and end up proposing at the same one and the staff notices and are like uuhhh congrats? again? you don’t get free croquembouche this time though)
Ian accidently getting addicted to proposing to Mickey! At first it was for a do-over (third time's a charm and all that) and hopes Mickey would let him get through his speech this time. They get a free dessert and they love it. I think Mickey would make a comment about how dessert tastes better when it's stolen. That's when Ian gets the idea to do this again and again.
I bet at the beginning Mickey likes it because ✨crime kink✨ even if it's a sappy crime. Abd he has a sweet tooth.
Of course Mickey gets sick of it eventually. A because Ian is getting super cheesy with his speeches lately and B he hates it when people stare.
Them getting caught is too funny! I imagine them running away like they did in s3 after Mickey punched Ned hahaha but I think I prefer Mickey telling Ian to "stop doing it or I'm divorcing you. Actually, you know what, Gallagher? if you ask again I'll say no. See what fucking dessert that would get you."
They compromise and Ian would be allowed to propose again for their 25 year anniversary.
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brain-matter · 1 year
3x5 - The First Kiss
3x11 - Confronting Mickey Before The Wedding
4x8 - The Club Kiss
4x11 - Mickey Comes Out
5x1 - Mickey Starts A New Job
(Deleted Scene) 5x1 - Ians Vision
5x6 - Ian Checks Into The Psych Ward
5x8 - “Sorry I’m Late”
5x10 - Nurse Milkovich
5x10 - Ian hates his meds
7x10 - The Dock Scene
7x10 - “Gonna See You Again?”
7x11 - Driving to Mexico
7x11 - Saying Goodbye Before Mexico
9x6 - Ian Goes to Prison
10x2 - Smells Like Mayonnaise
10x3 - Ian Gets Released From Prison
10x6 - Mickey Gets Released From Prison
(Deleted Scene) 10x6 - Considering Plastic Surgery
10x7 - “Little Domestic Bitches”
10x8 - They Didn’t Kill Paula
10x10 - Proposal 2.0
10x12 - Wedding Morning
10x12 - Wedding Ceremony
11x1 - Only Husbands With Jobs Get Breakfast
(Deleted Scene) 11x4 - “I Gotta Worry, You’re My Husband”
11x5 - “Holy Shit I’m Hard”
11x9 - Terrys “Funeral”
11x11 - Compromising
11x12 - Anniversary Surprise
Hall of Shame - Not This Gay
Hall of Shame - Bloopers
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kandyzee · 2 months
i can't....i mean i like gallavich but i do feel strongly that mickey deserved more. i feel like ian just settled for mickey like 'fine...i guess' and i wouldve liked for mickey to broaden his romantic horizons beyond ian.
I do agree with wanting to see mickey more outside his relationship with Ian. Mickeys storylines are normally very dependent on Ian, and I think it would have been good to see more of him by himself. I would have liked to see bits of mickey in Mexico. I dont think he ever has a serious bf but causal stuff.
I don't agree that mickey deserved more or that Ian settled. Mickey deserved more in terms of independent storylines. If that's what ur saying, but I don't think it is. (Sorry if that's what u meant)
Also sorry if anything I say comes across as mean cause I'm about to disagree with u big time.
A big part of gallavich to me is how Ian has always loved mickey. This is really easy to tell. Mickey likes Ian, sure, but it takes him a while to show it. Ian is absolutely smitten from the start. Ians only relationships outside of mickey in s1 dont have love. Being groomed isn't love. Mickey is ians first love.
What he feels for mickey is childish, and it only grows over time into something shorter.
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Look at him. My boy has a big crush. I don't get the idea that you can settle for ur first love.
Ian is always fighting for their relationship and pushing it forward. He's goes to mickey when Monica comes. That's such a big step for them because it shows that's beyond sex they always have trust. Ian goes to see mickey in juvi. Lots of people would have left him there. It makes sense, too. Mickey is already causing problems in ians life. Ian goes with mandy to pick mickey up, showing he's there for mickey. Also, he puts himself into a family situation. He even gets mickey a job.
When Frank catches them, he straight away goes to help mickey. He tries to convince mickey that he has nothing to be ashamed of. He's protecting him.
He teases mickey into kissing him. DO U GET HOW BIG OF A THING THAT IS FOR MICK???
Ian had no real reason to take mickey back when he got out of juvi again, but he does BECAUSE HES IN LOVE.
Ian is always slowly pushing mickey forward. He doesn't push mickeu too far. There is always trust between them because of this.
S3 Ian tries and tries with mickey. After what happens with svet, it's Ian going to see if mickey is okay, not is mickey going to see Ian. Ian again tries to convince mickey that he doesn't have to live how he is.
Mickey helps Ian through his first time dealing with his disorder.
Ian pulls away from mickey when he goes to prison. But that's doesn't stop him from going all the way to the border with him when mick breaks out. I think Ian knew he wasn't going to go before the last minute. He stays in that car to make sure mickey gets away safe. He risks being seen with a prison escapee BECAUSE HE IS STILL SO SO IN LOVE.
Ian doesn't want to see mickey goes he wants to be where mickey is, but he can't. We can't expect Ian to give up his family, all his stability for mickey. Sometimes love isn't enough. So much about Ian running off to Mexico would have realistically not worked.
S9 when mickey comes back instead of being like "wtf is this guy stalking me how does he know I'm here this is so creepy he needs help let me switch rooms rn" Ian looks at him LIKE THIS.
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that is not the look u give someone when ur settling for them.
Ian is ready to throw his parole to stay in prison just because mickey is there.
Ian waits for mickey when he gets out. He immediately let's him live with him. They get to be lil domestic bitches. Yeah Ian kinda messes up the first proposal. BUT THE 2ND ??? HE WHEN FISTS FIRST INTO THAT ONE.
Ian saw s1 mickey, the in the closet rat looking thug and thought 'I can fix him'. AND HE DID.
Mickey helps Ian too ofc not ignoring that the post just ain't about mickey
You can't put 10 yrs of love and hurt into a person and settle for them. Mickey is the love of Ians life. In every stereotypical way, they are perfect for each other.
Ian didn't wait months for mickey to get out of juvi and prison, be mickeys only shoulder to lean on for years, almost sacrifice ever bit of stability he had built just to make sure he was okay, he didn't marry him just to be like "fine...I guess"
That's all thanks for sending the ask :p
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wehangout · 2 months
Heya Jen gallavich & 21 please! 💕
Send me a number and I’ll write a gallavich kiss 👄
Thank you, Myn!
21. - - on a place of insecurity (I wrote this as, like, a moment of insecurity, like mentally in a place of insecurity. And only now realise it might have been a literal place, like an area of the body? IDK, this is what you get, hope you like it!)
You've been engaged for seven hours. Five of those were spent kissing and fucking and touching and savouring and celebrating in the way you and Ian celebrate everything. But those were the five hours in between. The first hour was the walk home, the kisses and giggles and touches as you made your way down the street. The last hour was Ian asleep, head on your stomach, naked and sated.
You can't sleep.
You can't sleep and you know yourself well enough to know that you won't sleep until you fix it. You'll stew and you'll get antsy and you'll take it out on Ian. So you nudge Ian.
He mumbles something and fucking snuggles his face into you. You sigh, so stupid in love that you can't fucking deal. Even so, you slide out from beneath him and lean up on your elbow.
"Sleep," he murmurs, arm tight around your waist, and you run your fingers through his hair.
"Gotta talk to ya."
He inhales deeply through his nose and forces his eyes open because he knows you, knows that those words aren't just what do you want for breakfast or how long until we have to be up or wanna go again?. Those words mean something. He blinks heavily a few times before pushing himself up to his own elbow.
"What's goin' on."
And because you can't get his look at the courthouse out of his head, you spit it out.
"We don't have to get married, you know? I mean, we can just be together, if that's what you want."
He blinks once and all sleepiness is gone from his face. "What are you talking about?"
"S'just ... you didn't want to. And I don't want you to do it just because you know I do want to."
"Mick -"
"I would've come home anyway, Ian. You didn't have to propose to get me back."
He stares at you for a long time before moving one hand up to your chest, your heart, his tattoo. He swipes his thumb over it and frowns..
"You think I don't wanna marry you?"
Your heart hammers in your chest. "I'm not - that's not ... fuck."
Fuck, because this is now how tonight was supposed to go.
Fuck, because you're giving him an out when you really don't fucking want to.
Fuck, because there's a burning behind your eyes that you can't stop.
"Mick," he says, and then nothing until you meet his gaze. "Remember when I said I loved you more than anything? I mean that. I meant every word I said tonight. And do you know what I want? More than fucking anything in this fucked up world?"
You swallow back the lump in your throat. "Soundproof walls?"
He smirks. "Sure. But also to spend the rest of my life with you. To wake up with you every morning and go to sleep next to you every night and kiss you whenever the fuck I want."
"Pussy," you say, but it's with a sniff that takes away any heat.
"Pretty much," he agrees. "I wanna marry you. I wanted to marry you at that fucking courthouse but pussied out because I'm a fucking pussy."
"Can we stop talkin' about pussy now?"
He leans forward and kisses you - you lips, your forehead, your eyes - and then hits you with that beautiful Ian Gallagher smile.
"I wanna marry you," he promises, "and the next time I hear you questioning that I'm gonna tell Lip he can officiate the wedding."
You snort. "Fuck you, Gallagher."
He kisses you again and again, whispering against your mouth and skin those same words over and over again....
Wanna marry you.
Wanna marry you.
Wanna marry you.
Until you're a shaking mess and you believe it. You believe him.
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deedala · 2 months
🌸 w e e k l y ✨ t a g ✨ w e d n e s d a y 🌸
hi buddies!! this week we're gonna do a simple gallavich this or that created by @howlinchickhowl a few years ago 💖 instructions: copy and paste the following. for each pair of options bold/color/italic the thing you would pick between the two!
Bleachers or Dugouts // Wedding or Anniversary // Dom Top Daddy or Tough Guy // Together or I’m fuckin’ gay // Club kiss or Docks kiss // Prison reunion or parolee reunion // ghetto married or married married // flapjacks or patty melts // courthouse kiss or prison makeup kiss // patsy’s proposal or bar proposal // cole or byron // steven segal or justin timberlake // take your hand off the glass or you look like a wet rat // coming up for air or move like you stole it // Tell me goodbye or hard to get’s getting me hard // Can I help or I definitely love one // You’re gonna be a great dad or I gotta worry you’re my husband // breakfast smooch or catch up later peck 
okay tagging in some of the WTW squad if you wanna play, if not please consider this awkward finger guns of affection from across the room 👉👉 @michellemisfit @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @metalheadmickey @heymacy @softmick @heymrspatel @callivich @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @suzy-queued @energievie @mybrainismelted @jrooc @crossmydna @mmmichyyy @blue-disco-lights @gardenerian @rereadanon @the-rat-wins @loftec @palepinkgoat @sam-loves-seb @sickness-health-all-that-shit @samantitheos @lee-ow @sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lingy910y @wehangout @vintagelacerosette @iansw0rld @captainjowl @themarchg1rl and anyone else of course 🌱💖
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gallavichgeek · 2 months
This or That - Gallavich Edition
oh this looks fuuuuun. Thank you @ms-moonlight-inn for the tag.
Bleachers or Dugouts // Wedding or Anniversary // Dom Top Daddy or Tough Guy (I KNOW the situation was ridiculous and somewhat cringe, but we can't deny that Ian is Daddy and Mickey is Babygirl) // Together or I’m fuckin’ gay (I will fight you if you make me choose) // Club kiss or Docks kiss (Two very different situations so I don't need to pick. It's in the constitution) // Prison reunion or parolee reunion // ghetto married or married married // flapjacks or patty melts // courthouse kiss or prison makeup kiss // patsy’s proposal or bar proposal // cole or byron (who? sorry they don't ring a bell) // steven segal or justin timberlake // take your hand off the glass or you look like a wet rat (Only bc that was Mickey's version of ILY. Otherwise id say wet rat cos the kiss that followed could get a guy pregnant) // coming up for air or move like you stole it // Tell me goodbye or hard to get’s getting me hard // Can I help or I definitely love one // You’re gonna be a great dad or I gotta worry you’re my husband (NO WAY CAN I PICK BETWEEN SUPPORTING HUSBANDS)// breakfast smooch or catch up later peck
I tag everyone who is a Gallavich fan. Have at it.
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spookygingerr · 2 months
So brave of Kev to propose to V at the Gallavich wedding. Imagine if Mickey had seen it!
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