#gahhhh this isn't fair
(twc book 3 spoiler beneath the line)
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narukoibito · 1 year
Ah, I want to ask about all of them for the WIP game!! Can I be greedy and ask about Unravel Me and Librarian Harry? And the FWB one 😅
You CAN! Your excitement excites me! 💖 It makes me want to write them!
Unravel Me
I'm still stuck on chapter 7 (gahhhh). I have a draft and everything, but something still isn't fully clicking yet. Here is a snippet that may or may not make the final cut:
Ginny cut through his hesitation and bridged the gap between them. Her lips brushed against his, a seeming invitation that made him shiver. He could taste the extra sugar in her latte that chased away the bitterness left on his tongue. As she retreated, he pressed forward, deepening the kiss.  He was never meant to be this lucky. Finding a magical world where he belonged came with being hunted by the darkest wizard of his time. Finding Sirius only led to losing him.  Harry couldn’t help but wonder what the might cost him.
Librarian Harry
This is my muggle!librarian!Harry and witch!Ginny story, in which they meet at the library Harry working part-time at to pay for his meager apartment and student debt. Fresh out of Hogwarts, Ginny is working for her dad in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office after a curse during the war prevented her from trying to be a professional Quidditch player. Here are some previously shared snippets!
And okay, so this is so out of context but I really loved the comedy at play with Ginny being super bad at knowing common Muggle things, like:
"What’s that?" The alarm in her voice made him snap back, his fingers nearly fumbling the packet. “Oh, erm,” Harry said, flustered, “a, a condom. Don’t worry, it’s new — not expired or anything,” he added with a cringe because he really wasn’t sure what else could be bothering her about it. He wasn’t exceptionally experienced, but he wasn’t one to just carry a wrapper around all the time, hoping beyond hope. Ginny pulled back with both fascination and caution, glaring at the shiny wrapper as if it could detonate at any moment. “What's it for?” He blinked.
(Do I want to write the story just for these moments? ...Yes. Yes I want to write about Ginny setting his microwave on fire.)
muggle au fwb
Still untitled, but this is the OTHER FWB fic I have had in my brain even before Unravel Me. It's a muggle au, childhood friends, college au, friends with benefits mash-up, but very different feel from Unravel Me (I swear). Much more build-up in their more intimate moments.
Previously shared snippets. And a new one:
Harry leans in, slow and tentative. He has kissed his fair share of girls at this point, but his heart has never thumped so painfully against his ribs before. He can’t help but take her in, that pretty pink on her cheeks, the freckles he’s never seen so up close, the way those freckles trickle down her collarbone. Her chest rising and falling to match her short breaths. The air feels different between them, the tension almost painful as he hovers, suddenly hesitant, the space between them dangerously small. He can’t feel the heat of her breath intermingle with his own. What if this is a mistake? What if this changes something between them? More than her other kiss already has? Her eyes flutter, and her brown eyes gaze up at him through her copper eyelashes. “Harry?” The whisper of her breath ghosting over his lips. It’s the uncertainty in her voice that does it for him. Ginny is always so sure, so confident, unyielding and back straight through every challenge. Hearing her sound so small ignites a fierce protectiveness in him that he couldn’t reign in if he wanted to. “I’m here,” he murmurs back.
GOD I forgot how much yearning is in this one. asjfakg can someone please write it so I can read it?
I hope you enjoyed these!!! Feel free to send me asks on any of my WIPs!
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barsformars · 4 years
How they would ask you out - San Ver.
req: hey rin, would you be able to write blurbs or scenarios for your ateez florists and how each of them went about asking y/n out on a date please? 
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× Seonghwa° × Hongjoong° × Yunho° × Yeosang° × San° × Mingi° × Wooyoung° × Jongho° ×
"The owner isn't around today, you should come back another time."
You were on a road trip to the countryside with your friends when you came across a flower field and decided to stop for a little while. And while your friends were on a search for restrooms, you decided to explore the farm alone, indulging in the beautiful blooms when he had approached you.
"Oh, I'm just looking around."
"Ah....do you want me to tour you around? It's quite easy to get lost in here."
"Oh no, it's alright. Thanks for the offer though!"
"Man, that's a shame."
"Are you the owner's son or something?" You asked the man sporting a dark brown mullet, to which he gently shook his head.
"While it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say we're as close as father and son, nope. I'm just a regular here to collect flowers since I decided to have a day off." He grinned, sliding both his hands into his jeans pockets as he kicked the soil on the ground softly.
"So much for a day off." You scoffed playfully, earning an adorable giggle from him. You bent down to get a closer look at the beautiful purple flowers before turning back to him, "So, you run a flower shop?"
The man hummed in response, raising both his eyebrows as he nibbled onto the insides of his lower lip, nodding slowly. "Do you like flowers?"
"I do but I don't know much about them, if I must be honest."
"That's totally fine, most people would say the same too anyways."
"Hmm….since you must know a lot about flowers-" you pointed at the purple flower-"what flower is this?"
"Please think of me."
"It's a pansy. The name comes from the French word penseé that means to contemplate."
"But you should totally think of me too, just so it's a fair game." He winked, reaching into his back pocket to fish out his wallet. And before you could say a word, he pulls out a name card and hands it to you, your friends calling out to you just then.
"Because I'll definitely be thinking of you until I see you again."
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