wen-kexing-apologist · 3 months
Body Language in Cooking Crush
Saw a great discussion about Dynamite and Fire in Cooking Crush unfold last night on my dash, (have I mentioned I love my mutuals?) and have not been able to stop thinking about what @twig-tea was saying in their post about body language, nuance, and consent and how Dynamite is constantly and carefully reading the room. And you know when someone says body language, WKA shall appear to do a scene break down! 
I want to start, briefly, by reiterating the fact that Dy’s crush on Fire started after Fire intervened in his bashing, literally grappling and throwing one of the two bullies to the ground. So one of the very first things Dy ever learns about Fire is that he a) is kind enough to step in when he sees someone being hurt and b) will throw hands if he needs to. And Dy uses these two pieces of knowledge to gauge how he interacts with Fire as he begins his pursuit. 
First Encounter
The first interaction we see, Dy comes out swinging right out the gate, he is explicit in his queerness, up front about his feelings, and obviously in pursuit. 
Fire makes immediate eye contact with him, thanks him for the drink, and then proceeds to disengage from the conversation. But, remember, Dy knows Fire is kind and knows Fire can get physical, so he’s on a safe track so far, there is no harm in introducing himself. “Your name is Fire. My name is Dynamite. We know each other now.” 
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Something in Fire’s face softens, and where just a second ago he was completely disinterested and disengaged from Dy, now he is tuned in. But he catches himself quickly, almost immediately puts his mask back on, and gets the hell out of dodge. Dy presses a bit more and Fire gives him a fake smile that drops in to a frown. Fire isn’t angry here, he’s just annoyed. Which is fine, because Dynamite is intentionally being annoying, and he does chase after Fire with his drink, but he doesn’t try to keep Fire in place, he doesn’t touch him, he doesn’t grab him, he waits a moment (enough time for Fire to actually put some distance between them) before he follows after. What has Dy learned? Fire isn’t homophobic (at least to the point of violence) and there was the tiniest flicker of interest. He can keep on his pursuit.
This is followed by Dynamite placing himself in front of Fire’s line of sight on Jane, to Fire’s annoyance, yes, but I think it is important to note that Fire has no issues with touching Dynamite gently despite his very open queerness, FIre maintains the conversation, and even relies on Dynamite to get Jane’s number. When Fire calls Jane later and finds Dynamite on the other end of the phone, he’s once again frustrated and annoyed, but he doesn’t hang up the phone and he doesn’t balk at being called cute by Dynamite either. He isn’t mad about being flirted with by a guy, he’s mad that Dynamite played him and he didn’t get to talk to Jane. 
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And while Dynamite has fun annoying Fire, he isn’t an asshole either. He doesn’t let Fire immediately revel in connection with Jane, because Fire couldn’t work up the courage to ask her himself, but he also will not deny Fire his actual chance to pursue what could be genuine feelings for Jane, so he gives Fire her number the very next day. On his date with Jane, Fire spends the entire time looking for Dynamite, completely ignoring Jane at his side. Dy is correct, if Fire was actually interested in Jane it wouldn’t have mattered. 
Fire pins Dynamite to a wall to interrogate him about his presence in the area during Fire’s date.  But the way Fire is looking at Dynamite is not anger, it’s a challenge. 
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And when Dynamite remains unphased, you can see that challenge fading almost immediately in to annoyance, and then…Dynamite squares his shoulders, takes the smallest step forward, accepts Fire’s challenge and...
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Fire retreats, not far, but he does drop his hands, he does take a step back, he cedes territory, he…he submits. And not only does he do so, but he gives Dynamite a once over, and when Dynamite keeps flirting, and Fire does not reciprocate, Dynamite says he will just go somewhere else if Fire is bothered, but offering the observation to Fy that he hasn’t been paying attention to Jane. Here again Fire could have gotten aggressive or could have walked away, but instead he grabs Dynamite’s hand and presses them to Dy’s lips to shush him. Which is exactly the opposite thing you want to do if you are trying to discourage the boy who is clearly comfortable being pinned between your arms from pursuing you any further. 
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And as Twig mentioned, the nuance in the body language here is that Fire is annoyed, but not upset. Fire is annoyed, but not angry. Dynamite leaves Fire alone for the rest of his time with Jane, and Fire sits beside her thinking about Dynamite instead. And there are clearly positive feelings for Dy taking root in Fire after this interaction, because this is what Fire’s reaction is when he thinks of Dynamite. 
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It's small, it's subtle, it's hard to see with a static photo, but he's got the barest trace of a smile on his face.
And Dynamite knows when to pull back, too. When Fire threatens to punch Samsee and is physically restrained by Metha, Dynamite leaves immediately and does not appear in front of Fire again until he takes the fall for Fire in front of his mother. And thus starts the shift in Fire’s interactions with Dynamite with the peace offering of soy milk, where Fire makes moon eyes at Dy for the entire scene. 
Questioning in the Car
After being dumped by Jane, and starting to recognize he is having some sort of feelings for Dynamite, Metha (my beloved) takes Fire to acquire a sex worker and see how he feels about engaging in sex when a second penis is involved. And just like moving in to the same apartment complex was a coincidence, so too is Dynamite and Fire running in to each other on the street here.
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Metha rolls down the window to start a conversation. Now. In my view, dynamite has always been paying attention to Fire’s reactions to his advances. But if that was not made super clear because Dy was being subtle about it at the beginning, it is made extremely obvious from every moment after the conversation on the fire escape. Because all Dynamite is doing from the second that Fire comes in to view is staring at him. Hearing Metha ask if they are using the sex worker service too and then watching intently as Dynamite’s eyes flit from Samsee, to Dynamite, down at the ground, and then straight ahead refusing to make more eye contact because Fire is embarrassed. Because he has realized he has some sort of feelings for Dynamite and he has been caught trying to figure out what those feelings are by the very person that has thrown his sexuality in to question in the first place. 
And that trend continues when they are alone in the car. Dynamite might be in the backseat, but his eyes are trained on Fire’s face for the entire conversation. Body language and consent here, right? Fire is not comfortable being in this car with Dynamite, but again not because Dynamite is doing something to upset him, because he knows that being caught this way gives a pretty clear sign to Dynamite that Fire has feelings for him. But at this point Fire is a coward and Dynamite is brave, so he will initiate the hard and awkward conversation that needs to be had. 
“Since I told you I like you, it made you feel uneasy, right?” 
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Boom. Called out about it, Fire for the first time since that initial moment of recognition turns to look at Dy. Now, the audience gets a good auditory confirmation that Fire is experiencing feelings, because we hear the heart beat sound effect. But Dy gets a confirmation too, because Fire’s mouth is slightly open, Fire’s brow furrows for just a moment. It’s hard to see it from the angle Neo’s head is at, but Fire is scanning Dynamite’s face, and he breaks eye contact when the feelings get to be too much for him. 
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By Dy won’t let him run away. Dynamite places a hand atop Fire’s head (worth noting that heads, if I recall correctly, are pretty sacred in Thai culture and having someone touch your head holds some weight to it).  Fire gets lost in Dynamite’s face for a moment, and takes a little too long to pull away from Dynamite’s touch for someone claiming not to like Dynamite. Again, Dy may be a little shit (read: someone who enjoys intentionally annoying people) but he is not an asshole, he knows this is getting to be too much for Fire, and he defuses the intensity of the moment by pushing harder on the “you like me” point, but in such a way that allows Fire to hide behind annoyance once again. But Dy still wants to be certain he is reading the situation correctly, so he leans in a little, a teasing distance and Fire?
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Jaw goes slack, then tenses as he swallows hard, and his eyes flicker down for just a second right to Dynamite’s lips. Dynamite backs off, and the thrill of the moment finally settles over Fire now that he has some breathing room from the intensity of that interaction for him and he starts to smile to himself. With Dynamite once again checking Fire’s face to gauge his reaction, and only smiling when he sees Fire is melting in his seat. 
Cold Shoulder at the Grocery Store 
The audience does not know this yet, but Dynamite has suffered a massive loss for being queer, and that has made him brave and strong, and that has informed the way that he engages with potential lovers. I won’t talk about it at length because multiple other posts have already covered that. But I think it is important to remember for what comes next. Because Dynamite looks pretty happy after that conversation in the car that Fire reciprocates his feelings. And then he sees Jane and Fire together at the store. 
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Dynamite sizes up the scene, sees Jane at Fire’s side, see’s Fire looking amped up and a little cocky, and you can see the moment he decides to shut his feelings for Fire down in the tiniest of lip movements. (Aungpao is blowing me away in this show, he’s seventeen fucking years old, his microexpression game is on point, he’s relatively green, and he’s keeping up with actors like GUN ATTAPHAN, OFF JUMPOL, AND NEO TRAI.) Dynamite is brave, but what he is seeing is Fire running from his feelings and trying to be straight, and for the time being, Fire is not strong enough for what comes next. Dynamite got his hopes up and they are being crushed in real time in the grocery store. 
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And when Dynamite does not engage, Fire doesn’t look relieved that he didn’t have to deal with Dynamite, he looked disappointed that Dynamite decided not to pay attention to him. To give him the space that he’s said he has wanted all this time. It takes Jane coming out about her relationship and calling Fire on his crush on Dynamite to corner Fire in such a way that he can’t run from his feelings anymore. But man oh man is he going to try. 
Drunk Confessions
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Dy is mad, trying to get past his feelings for Fy, and is now having to take care of a drunken man that is confessing his feelings because he is only able to do so under the influence. God I love this scene so much, because it is one of the rare times that I have seen a drunken kiss, and a chaste cheek kiss at that be so upsetting. And Dynamite has every right to be upset, a) because he might have pushed Fire around a bit, he definitely stepped over the line occasionally by following Fire around but he never was physically intimate with Fire and b) because Fire has jerked around Dynamite’s emotions partially without Fire’s knowledge, and you can see the mental calculus going on in Dy’s head when Fire kisses him, because this is a very blatant admission of feelings but not when he is sober, and that is wholly unfair to Dy. 
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But it’s getting Dy’s hopes up too and you can see him shake his wall back in place after Fire collapses on his shoulder because he can’t afford for Fire to get sober and clam up again. And here we get the admission of exactly what Dy has been picking up on this whole time: “Regardless of how much I say I don’t want to see you, you have no right to walk away.” To be clear here: this is not a ‘no means yes’ situation. This is a “you don’t have to stop” admission a la Secret Crush on You. Fire likes the game and is saying so himself right now. It’s why Dy picked up on from the beginning and why he was acting the way that he was, and seeing Fy with Jane after their conversation in the car is when he think he might have been misreading Fy the entire time and pulls away completely out of respect for the feelings of everyone involved. 
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Which is why Dy pulls away even harder and stops engaging with Fy at all after Fy wakes up sober, remembering everything that had happened the night before, and refusing to own up to it. Fire’s not ready the way Dynamite is, and so Dynamite will leave Fire to do the work from here. If Fire truly likes Dynamite, Dynamite will happily turn his feelings for Fire back on, but only after Fire proves that he is ready. 
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yousaygoodbyeandisay · 4 months
There's something linguistic going on with Dynamite and Fire with the names Dy chose for them to call each other. Also, with the "you know who's the boss" and the "you're already making me submisisive" from Fire.
I need someone to enlighten me because I'm missing some context here.
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hughungrybear · 4 months
Ngl, I would also be so hurt if I were in Unky's shoes. After all, there are just three of them and he already feels left out when Ten and Prem are together. Still he has (a supposedly single) Dynamite to complain with - at least, he thought he does until he learned that Dy also has a boyfriend and he is the only one in their tight circle who didn't know.
Yeah, Unky could have been reasonable especially when Fire isn't really out to anyone yet (maybe with Metha since he knows and actively helped solve Fire's 'crisis', but not to the extent that he knew about FireDy's relationship). However, it is pretty hard to be reasonable given that two of your bestfriends have knowingly excluded you for whatever reason, no matter how reasonable those reasons are.
And that's the extent of my thesis. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk 😅
Side note: TenPrem's flirting was making me cringe (in a good way) this entire episode 😂
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noisebreaker · 2 years
Hygedy gu ceoy huuhk cypytu hy hykmymynu hk bei. Gehyicyb gu hysyh cykmed dybuc yhk yfgfynt myhk. Sykgydype myhk gysehk hygyibu dybuc te hysyh gyse hykiicyb. Fymy hysyh gycehk bykiicybyh ryry. Yoih, oihk epy oihk gehygyicyb gu. Ryhkkyhk cy isife hy myhk ceoy. Gihk te gu by hkehedeyh, fymy ydyhk pymyg sykbyymys ryryryry.
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Names created by compiling the letter names of the Ge'ez script.
Bet'alf Bet'ayn Betaf Betalf Betayn Betdappa Betfy Bethoy Betlawe Betmay Betmy Betpsa Betry Betsaday Bettawe Betwawe Betyaman Betzay Dant'alf Dant'ayn Dantaf Dantalf Dantayn Dantdappa Dantfy Danthoy Dantlawe Dantmay Dantmy Dantpsa Dantry Dantsaday Danttawe Dantwawe Dantyaman Dantzay Dappabet Dappadant Dappadappa Dappafy Dappagaml Dappagw'alf Dappagw'ayn Dappagwaf Dappagwalf Dappagwayn Dappagwyaman Dappaharm Dappahawt Dappahoy Dappahw'alf Dappahw'ayn Dappahwaf Dappahwalf Dappahwayn Dappahwyaman Dappakaf Dappakw'alf Dappakw'ayn Dappakwaf Dappakwalf Dappakwayn Dappakwyaman Dappalawe Dappamay Dappamy Dappanahas Dappapait Dappapsa Dappare's Dappares Dappary Dappasaday Dappasat Dappasawt Dappatawe Dappatayt Dappawawe Dappayaman Dappazay Fybet Fydant Fydappa Fyfy Fygaml Fygw'alf Fygw'ayn Fygwaf Fygwalf Fygwayn Fygwyaman Fyharm Fyhawt Fyhoy Fyhw'alf Fyhw'ayn Fyhwaf Fyhwalf Fyhwayn Fyhwyaman Fykaf Fykw'alf Fykw'ayn Fykwaf Fykwalf Fykwayn Fykwyaman Fylawe Fymay Fymy Fynahas Fypait Fypsa Fyre's Fyres Fyry Fysaday Fysat Fysawt Fytawe Fytayt Fywawe Fyyaman Fyzay Gaml'alf Gaml'ayn Gamlaf Gamlalf Gamlayn Gamldappa Gamlfy Gamlhoy Gamllawe Gamlmay Gamlmy Gamlpsa Gamlry Gamlsaday Gamltawe Gamlwawe Gamlyaman Gamlzay Harm'alf Harm'ayn Harmaf Harmalf Harmayn Harmdappa Harmfy Harmhoy Harmlawe Harmmay Harmmy Harmpsa Harmry Harmsaday Harmtawe Harmwawe Harmyaman Harmzay Hawt'alf Hawt'ayn Hawtaf Hawtalf Hawtayn Hawtdappa Hawtfy Hawthoy Hawtlawe Hawtmay Hawtmy Hawtpsa Hawtry Hawtsaday Hawttawe Hawtwawe Hawtyaman Hawtzay Hoybet Hoydant Hoydappa Hoyfy Hoygaml Hoygw'alf Hoygw'ayn Hoygwaf Hoygwalf Hoygwayn Hoygwyaman Hoyharm Hoyhawt Hoyhoy Hoyhw'alf Hoyhw'ayn Hoyhwaf Hoyhwalf Hoyhwayn Hoyhwyaman Hoykaf Hoykw'alf Hoykw'ayn Hoykwaf Hoykwalf Hoykwayn Hoykwyaman Hoylawe Hoymay Hoymy Hoynahas Hoypait Hoypsa Hoyre's Hoyres Hoyry Hoysaday Hoysat Hoysawt Hoytawe Hoytayt Hoywawe Hoyyaman Hoyzay Kaf'alf Kaf'ayn Kafaf Kafalf Kafayn Kafdappa Kaffy Kafhoy Kaflawe Kafmay Kafmy Kafpsa Kafry Kafsaday Kaftawe Kafwawe Kafyaman Kafzay Lawebet Lawedant Lawedappa Lawefy Lawegaml Lawegw'alf Lawegw'ayn Lawegwaf Lawegwalf Lawegwayn Lawegwyaman Laweharm Lawehawt Lawehoy Lawehw'alf Lawehw'ayn Lawehwaf Lawehwalf Lawehwayn Lawehwyaman Lawekaf Lawekw'alf Lawekw'ayn Lawekwaf Lawekwalf Lawekwayn Lawekwyaman Lawelawe Lawemay Lawemy Lawenahas Lawepait Lawepsa Lawere's Laweres Lawery Lawesaday Lawesat Lawesawt Lawetawe Lawetayt Lawewawe Laweyaman Lawezay Maybet Maydant Maydappa Mayfy Maygaml Maygw'alf Maygw'ayn Maygwaf Maygwalf Maygwayn Maygwyaman Mayharm Mayhawt Mayhoy Mayhw'alf Mayhw'ayn Mayhwaf Mayhwalf Mayhwayn Mayhwyaman Maykaf Maykw'alf Maykw'ayn Maykwaf Maykwalf Maykwayn Maykwyaman Maylawe Maymay Maymy Maynahas Maypait Maypsa Mayre's Mayres Mayry Maysaday Maysat Maysawt Maytawe Maytayt Maywawe Mayyaman Mayzay Mybet Mydant Mydappa Myfy Mygaml Mygw'alf Mygw'ayn Mygwaf Mygwalf Mygwayn Mygwyaman Myharm Myhawt Myhoy Myhw'alf Myhw'ayn Myhwaf Myhwalf Myhwayn Myhwyaman Mykaf Mykw'alf Mykw'ayn Mykwaf Mykwalf Mykwayn Mykwyaman Mylawe Mymay Mymy Mynahas Mypait Mypsa Myre's Myres Myry Mysaday Mysat Mysawt Mytawe Mytayt Mywawe Myyaman Myzay
Nahas'alf Nahas'ayn Nahasaf Nahasalf Nahasayn Nahasdappa Nahasfy Nahashoy Nahaslawe Nahasmay Nahasmy Nahaspsa Nahasry Nahassaday Nahastawe Nahaswawe Nahasyaman Nahaszay Pait'alf Pait'ayn Paitaf Paitalf Paitayn Paitdappa Paitfy Paithoy Paitlawe Paitmay Paitmy Paitpsa Paitry Paitsaday Paittawe Paitwawe Paityaman Paitzay Psabet Psadant Psadappa Psafy Psagaml Psagw'alf Psagw'ayn Psagwaf Psagwalf Psagwayn Psagwyaman Psaharm Psahawt Psahoy Psahw'alf Psahw'ayn Psahwaf Psahwalf Psahwayn Psahwyaman Psakaf Psakw'alf Psakw'ayn Psakwaf Psakwalf Psakwayn Psakwyaman Psalawe Psamay Psamy Psanahas Psapait Psapsa Psare's Psares Psary Psasaday Psasat Psasawt Psatawe Psatayt Psawawe Psayaman Psazay Re's'alf Re's'ayn Re'saf Re'salf Re'sayn Re'sdappa Re'sfy Re'shoy Re'slawe Re'smay Re'smy Re'spsa Re'sry Re'ssaday Re'stawe Re'swawe Re'syaman Re'szay Res'alf Res'ayn Resaf Resalf Resayn Resdappa Resfy Reshoy Reslawe Resmay Resmy Respsa Resry Ressaday Restawe Reswawe Resyaman Reszay Rybet Rydant Rydappa Ryfy Rygaml Rygw'alf Rygw'ayn Rygwaf Rygwalf Rygwayn Rygwyaman Ryharm Ryhawt Ryhoy Ryhw'alf Ryhw'ayn Ryhwaf Ryhwalf Ryhwayn Ryhwyaman Rykaf Rykw'alf Rykw'ayn Rykwaf Rykwalf Rykwayn Rykwyaman Rylawe Rymay Rymy Rynahas Rypait Rypsa Ryre's Ryres Ryry Rysaday Rysat Rysawt Rytawe Rytayt Rywawe Ryyaman Ryzay Saday'alf Saday'ayn Sadayaf Sadayalf Sadayayn Sadaybet Sadaydant Sadaydappa Sadayfy Sadaygaml Sadaygw'alf Sadaygw'ayn Sadaygwaf Sadaygwalf Sadaygwayn Sadaygwyaman Sadayharm Sadayhawt Sadayhoy Sadayhw'alf Sadayhw'ayn Sadayhwaf Sadayhwalf Sadayhwayn Sadayhwyaman Sadaykaf Sadaykw'alf Sadaykw'ayn Sadaykwaf Sadaykwalf Sadaykwayn Sadaykwyaman Sadaylawe Sadaymay Sadaymy Sadaynahas Sadaypait Sadaypsa Sadayre's Sadayres Sadayry Sadaysaday Sadaysat Sadaysawt Sadaytawe Sadaytayt Sadaywawe Sadayyaman Sadayzay Sat'alf Sat'ayn Sataf Satalf Satayn Satdappa Satfy Sathoy Satlawe Satmay Satmy Satpsa Satry Satsaday Sattawe Satwawe Satyaman Satzay Sawt'alf Sawt'ayn Sawtaf Sawtalf Sawtayn Sawtdappa Sawtfy Sawthoy Sawtlawe Sawtmay Sawtmy Sawtpsa Sawtry Sawtsaday Sawttawe Sawtwawe Sawtyaman Sawtzay Tawebet Tawedant Tawedappa Tawefy Tawegaml Tawegw'alf Tawegw'ayn Tawegwaf Tawegwalf Tawegwayn Tawegwyaman Taweharm Tawehawt Tawehoy Tawehw'alf Tawehw'ayn Tawehwaf Tawehwalf Tawehwayn Tawehwyaman Tawekaf Tawekw'alf Tawekw'ayn Tawekwaf Tawekwalf Tawekwayn Tawekwyaman Tawelawe Tawemay Tawemy Tawenahas Tawepait Tawepsa Tawere's Taweres Tawery Tawesaday Tawesat Tawesawt Tawetawe Tawetayt Tawewawe Taweyaman Tawezay Tayt'alf Tayt'ayn Taytaf Taytalf Taytayn Taytdappa Taytfy Taythoy Taytlawe Taytmay Taytmy Taytpsa Taytry Taytsaday Tayttawe Taytwawe Taytyaman Taytzay Wawebet Wawedant Wawedappa Wawefy Wawegaml Wawegw'alf Wawegw'ayn Wawegwaf Wawegwalf Wawegwayn Wawegwyaman Waweharm Wawehawt Wawehoy Wawehw'alf Wawehw'ayn Wawehwaf Wawehwalf Wawehwayn Wawehwyaman Wawekaf Wawekw'alf Wawekw'ayn Wawekwaf Wawekwalf Wawekwayn Wawekwyaman Wawelawe Wawemay Wawemy Wawenahas Wawepait Wawepsa Wawere's Waweres Wawery Wawesaday Wawesat Wawesawt Wawetawe Wawetayt Wawewawe Waweyaman Wawezay Yaman'alf Yaman'ayn Yamanaf Yamanalf Yamanayn Yamandappa Yamanfy Yamanhoy Yamanlawe Yamanmay Yamanmy Yamanpsa Yamanry Yamansaday Yamantawe Yamanwawe Yamanyaman Yamanzay Zaybet Zaydant Zaydappa Zayfy Zaygaml Zaygw'alf Zaygw'ayn Zaygwaf Zaygwalf Zaygwayn Zaygwyaman Zayharm Zayhawt Zayhoy Zayhw'alf Zayhw'ayn Zayhwaf Zayhwalf Zayhwayn Zayhwyaman Zaykaf Zaykw'alf Zaykw'ayn Zaykwaf Zaykwalf Zaykwayn Zaykwyaman Zaylawe Zaymay Zaymy Zaynahas Zaypait Zaypsa Zayre's Zayres Zayry Zaysaday Zaysat Zaysawt Zaytawe Zaytayt Zaywawe Zayyaman Zayzay
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santilawson · 2 years
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rockerarts · 5 years
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Life can still be good (unless you're Julia). https://www.instagram.com/p/B2q7uz-FYmi/?igshid=y6bzu71p7f3b
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michelle-yim · 6 years
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Yes, yes, Networking 101, but also a scene that proved to me that the character of Noble is based on Michelle as a person. I’ve seen multiple reunion pics on Weibo with cast and crew from projects spanning back to the 70s and part of Michelle’s longevity in the entertainment industry no doubt comes from these longstanding relationships. Noble, like her inspiration, is also highly adaptable and capable of rising (back) to the top despite setbacks.
It also does make me wonder when this scene was written, because its so obviously a nod to her selflessness and seems to have been done from a place of pure respect from cast and crew. Which is deserved regardless, but especially so for this series.
Michelle Yim (米雪) , Maggie Cheung (張可頤) and Leung Kin Ping (梁健平) in Beauty Knows No Pain |  女人最痛 [TVB, 2010]
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mylifeaselis21 · 3 years
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filmsfromasia-blog · 5 years
Your one stop shop for @arrowvideo @thirdwindowfilms @sharpteethfilms @shamelessscreenent - head to the Arrow Store for the amazing Christmas Sale! All the leading #cultfilm brands under one roof. https://arrowfilms.com/shop/christmas-sale/?pi=1 Merry Christmas! #dvd #bluray #homecinema #cultcinema #foreignfilm #exploitationfilm #grindhouse https://www.instagram.com/p/BrbC4W-FYmi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c1fgg973uxxe
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