#funland lore
warriorsfunlandpark · 5 months
PREY: Squirrels, Rats, Mice, Small Birds, Fish, Toads, Frogs, armadillo, gopher, muskrat, shrew, vole
PREDATORS: Florida Panther (rare but they do see them) Black Bear (rare but they do see them) Alligators, Crocodiles, coyotes, grey fox, red fox
AquaClan are really the only fishers and are suited to the water but they get exposed to more gators than any clan.
Panthers and Bears are a call to arms for all clans to attack as are crocodiles.
FunClan is light and dainty which makes them great at catching birds, however what they're really good at is hunting moles, gophers and other creatures hiding in their game boxes.
RideClan likes birds the best but they can bring down big prey because they group hunt a lot.
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charbles · 9 months
maybe draw one of the nightmares? to give you a challenge lol Though I'm also curious as to your au's lore for them too, and if there are any potential interactions with goldy (if you don't follow the dream or illusion disk/gas hc) or classic freddy n goldy if you want something easier :V
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So the nightmares are in au!
Basically While in a coma from being bit by fredbear, Chris imagines the voices he hears entering and leaving his hospital room.
Bonnie being the most frequent, Williams voice, who didn't leave his side.
Chica being Amelia Emily's voice (Henry emily's wife) who would come in often with Henry to check in
Freddy being Henry Emily's voice, with the freddles being Sammy Emily, Charlie Emily and Elizabeth Afton
Foxy, of course, being Michael.
Nightmare fredbear and Nightmare being the same , They're actually just the tv in Chris' hospital room advertising Fredbears Family diner, Fredbear turning into Nightmare on the night before he died
the only reason why the nightmares are KNOWN about in present date au is because Chris drew them during Terminal lucidity, telling everyone about he had a bad nightmare, and how now everything was going to be OK.
which unfortunately was not the case, because that brings us to nightmarionne, which was brought about by Chris overhearing a nurse explaining terminal lucidity to William, nightmarionne is how Chris imagines death in his final moments.
Now your probably wondering why i brought up Chris drawing them.
In present au, Fazbear Entertainment has gone out of their way to make the events (the murders, the bite, all of it) seem like a story, a fictional tale. One of those horror stories that they TELL you are real but they aren't, if that makes sense.
So in an attempt to make it seem that way, Fazbear Entertainment took these drawings from Chris and reinvented them into ACTUAL animatronics that they let wander around their horror mini-park in funland itself!
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What Chris actually saw? definitely more Akin to the twisted ones
As always tagging @galacticaldisaster incase he wants to add any additions to this :]
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Get to know me better!
Thank you so much for the tag @pixelatedpanic :) I hope your recovery is going fast and smooth! So, Big nerd incoming.......... last song: Last Daze (funland mix) - The Birthday Massacre. I used to listen to this band so much as a teenager, but it was recommended to me on Spotify and I'm in love again in my 30s <3 (not that my music taste has really changed, let's be honest).
last show: Does anime count? Just finished Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury and boy...kinda blown away. I know season two is out already so I'll be starting that soon.
currently watching: I have a lot of anime on the go. Currently watching season 1 of romantic killer, rewatching clannad (the original) cause I want to see the newer one and apparently it's "INTEGRAL" to watch the original first???, gintama....I could go on. I'm one of those people that has a million series on the go and never quite finishes them.
currently reading: Just like shows, I am all over the place. Lots of self help books and graphic novels if I'm being honest. At the present time, to my left is sitting 2 of my million books on the go: Lore Olympus volume 2, The anxiety and phobia workbook (yay anxiety!! lol) and about 4 or 5 batman arkham comics. I figured I should say just incase, but all is well! I do read self-help books because I am trying to improve my mental wellbeing but I am in a much better place :) anxiety has prob been the best it has been for, well, years and part of it is due to the books and a lot of exposure therapy :)
current obsession: um. Downloading cc for the sims xD No, really. I've been making new hoods so I always want to start my cc folders over and...well, ya. I legit don't know who to tag as many people have done it already, but I tag you reading this if you wanna join in!
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archivist-the-knight · 3 months
im doing a little study on tiefling anatomy for. you know who at this point. animals in the wild that have really bright, 'unnatural' colors are colored that way to indicate bad/toxic flavors to get predators to not eat them. xiv looks like they crawled out of confetti funland extravaganza. ^_^ oh also the ancestors of animals like this were typically seen more active during the night rather than they day. that isn't like lore i just find that fun
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dribbonart · 3 years
Steven Universe Rewatch: Too Tall To Ride
The Amedot train never stops.
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I don’t remember everything that happens in the series, so maybe I’m just forgetting it, but I can’t think of a single time that Lapis does anything exclusively for Peridot’s benefit in the way that Amethyst does.
(I don’t want to start a fight: I’m fine with Lapidot too. I like basically all ships. I just think Amedot deserves more attention.)
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I like the continuity on “Wow, thanks.” Her tone of voice often makes it clear that the “wow” does not reflect her mood at all. She’s just being polite. (In a good way, not a bad way.)
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Ridiculously cute. This episode will make you like Peridot by any means necessary. I’m surprised she doesn’t rescue some orphans.
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I always enjoy an alien perspective. To Peridot, a world wide system is hopelessly limited.
Peridot’s network spans “multiple star systems.” This doesn’t give us as much information as we might hope for. The way it’s phrased implies that her network was not inclusive of the entire Gem civilization, so it doesn’t give us the range of the empire as a whole. “Star systems” implies a system that doesn’t go to other galaxies.
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How to explain the internet turning all of us into shills constantly hoping to become famous? Hating ourselves but putting on a fake veneer of happiness to create an image of success?
No wait, cat videos are cool, never mind.
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Maybe they had to give us all those scenes of Peridot being cute so we wouldn’t be too disgusted at wearing a tablet velcro’d to your arm.
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I mean, seriously. Amethyst likes Peridot, and Peridot likes Amethyst. That much is just canon.
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The perspective on that sign is whack. It’s like an MC Escher drawing. The place where the left struts meet the ground is way too far in the background.
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So cute. Also confirmation that Peridot’s hair is basically just hair. It’s just unusually rigid and springy.
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Is it though? The idea of height -> rarity and importance never comes up again, so far as I know. The rarest and most important gems, Diamonds, aren’t exactly Peridot sized. The smallest creatures, the pebbles, seem to have the least rarity and importance. I guess she must mean that her precise height signifies something. Amethyst is only her size as a baking accident. But Sapphire and Ruby are pretty similar heights, and they’re at opposite ends of the importance and rarity spectrum. I think we can only conclude that this sentence is just wrong.
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More like fabulethyst. Uh, Amecute? She looks good, is my point.
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Great line. It’s a perfect nerd thing to say. She doesn’t want to get in the way, and she thinks of a semi-plausible excuse.
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Ooh boy, this one is too real.
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I love Peridot’s spiritual attachment to this mirror of herself.
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Mister Smiley hasn’t seen his bed in six days. I get that he’s very busy during the day, but what is he doing while Funland is closed?
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Good, simple joke. Playing around with established characters.
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I love the little dance Peridot does when she’s lying. 
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I love this phrasing. Something happened that Peridot wasn’t planning on, so obviously the world is wrong. She doesn’t even consider that she could have been in error.
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Peridot sends this out with literally zero context. Even if she had followers, no one would have any idea what she was talking about.
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I dunno, it makes me laugh. Nice acting on Peridot.
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Peridot’s increasingly frantic “ows” are funny.
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From out of the blue, one of the most important bits of lore we get in the entire series about Gem civilization. It’s an extraction based economy, and resources are finite. This is made into a powerful image when we finally see Homeworld.
In a show that makes its morals very explicit, Steven Universe never makes its environmental moral explicit. Steven never says, “You should have used this renewable energy source,” or something. They simply present us with a civilization that relies on extraction and show us the end result: a blasted ruin completely devoid of life outside of a tiny city perched on the ashes, pretending that everything is fine.
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Amethyst is cool. Not going to accept arguments on this one.
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On the official Peridot Twitter, didn’t they mention that Peridot was intentionally using caps to make sure people knew she was yelling?
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Steven makes this inference without much basis. Peridot can levitate a tablet, there’s no reason to think she has metal powers specifically.
I don’t like this resolution to Peridot’s crisis of value. The moral of, “if you’re disappointed you don’t have a cool innate ability, just wait until you discover you have a different cool innate ability,” kinda sucks. No one has innate abilities like superheroes have superpowers, and your value isn’t determined by your powers anyway. 
If you insist on Peridot having metal powers, I’d do it differently. Peridot just reveals she has metal powers and knew it all the time. She didn’t think it was special because she’s always had them. It’s a better moral: everyone has different abilities, and they don’t think they’re special because of their perspective.
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The way Peridot rotates her hand like she’s reeling in the tablet is very nice.
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I wonder what they had in mind for Peridot’s long term arc at this time. They planned a lot of stuff out in advance. After all the bad blood, I can’t blame them for not wanting to talk about it.
This is a really good episode. Peridot learning about the Earth is probably my favorite arc of the whole series.
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thenightling · 3 years
The Dreaming: waking Hours issue 11 review
Okay, there’s a  lot to unpack here.   First the good.
Daniel was actually portrayed as competent and compassionate. Hurray! 
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Too bad those sparks of intelligence from Daniel don’t seem to last very long when he’s not being written by Neil.  
 Also I was right that Heather is trans and that was not treated as a major plot point.   More on that later.
Though I have to wonder, with all her power, why she transitioned medically instead of magically.  I imagine if she used magick to transition she wouldn't need permanent hormone medication.  I know it helps to represent the real trans condition but sometimes you want a little convenient magical escapism of making it easier. 
Now for the picking apart / bad stuff.   
Though G. Willow Wilson is well-versed in faery lore enough to know the rules about true names and concepts like The Unseelie I am afraid she mishandles them a bit.   For example she treats the Unseelie like this one specific faceless type of fae instead of an entire fae court of dark fae that usually entails goblins, trolls, drow, imps, etc.  
She also doesn’t seem to know that in most depictions of Oberon and Titania they were nonchalant and very familiar with each other’s infidelities.   Oberon should not have been surprised (especially this far into things) that Titania slept with Morpheus.  
Titania all but bluntly spelt it out at The Wake.  I am fairly certain Oberon was there.  Where was he when she spoke?  Drinking in the back?
In some faery lore Nuala was Oberon’s lover.  I had figured that was the reason Titania saw to it she was given as a gift to Morpheus.  It was both a means to possibly get rid of her or if Morpheus didn’t accept the gift (she must have known his anti-slavery stance) it would have given a justifiable excuse for the Fae to go to war with The Dreaming and potentially lay claim to the key to Hell in Season of Mists.   
Even Disney’s Gargoyles acknowledged this aspect of their character dynamic. When Oberon learned that Titania had a half-human child in the episode The Gathering Part 1 of Disney’s Gargoyles his response was (while grinning and chuckling) “Mother?!  Titania, what HAVE you been up to?”  
In the Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, it was pretty clear that Oberon wanted Titania to sleep with Bottom while he had an ass’s head (blatant metaphor) as a means to humiliate her. 
Moving on.
Yes, I was right that Heather is trans.  I am very glad it was not a major plot point before now.  However, the way her “True name” was handled wasn’t as good as I had hoped.  I had hoped that the fact that she chose the name Heather After that this has become her true name.  But the implication here is her deadname could have been used as her true name.  That bothers me.
I always figured true names (the name that can be used to summon and bind a magick user or supernatural creature) didn’t necessarily have to be the name you had at birth.  For example Vlad III of Wallachia is more well known as Drakulya (Dracula), the name he chose for himself as a patronymic homage to his father and so got used as his own house name.
In the 1985 Fright Night the character of Peter Vincent at first said “That isn’t even my real name.” But after he undergoes considerable character growth and puts protecting others before his own fear he starts saying “I AM Peter Vincent, the great vampire killer!”  The persona became his true name. 
True names are NOT necessarily the name you had at birth.  This is part of why I feel the previous aspect of Dream may have Morpheus as as close to a true name as he’s got.  That’s why he’s credited as Lord Morpheus instead of Dream in The Sandman audio drama and calling out to him by the name Morpheus is how he came to rescue Rose from Funland in The Sandman: The Doll’s House.
 So anyway, I’m conflicted about this scene in The Dreaming: Waking Hours.  I’m glad the deadname didn’t work as the true name but I would have felt better of Heather had become her true name.  That would have, in my opinion, been more satisfying than “There’s no such thing as a true name.”
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Something else that bugged me... All the ham-handed anti-monarchy commentary.  In real life monarchies are not great buuut we’re talking about the faerie court here. They’re not human.  Can you even imagine what the goblins would vote for if they had a democracy?   “Okay, that’s 97% in favor of abducting every infant in Manhattan.  And 3% wrote in ‘Chilli dogs.’  I didn’t know they could spell...”
It’s become a little embarrassing to me how every fantasy written by Americans has become anti-monarchy. Disney’s Descendants, Once Upon a time’s finale (they voted...), Game of Thrones’ ending, because having any sort of vote in a world that never had any before would totally work out well at that point in their culture....  Even on Tumblr I came across someone who thought they could “fix” the “Dumpster fire” that is Nightmare before Christmas by having the mayor strip Jack Skellington of his Pumpkin King title as punishment for what he did to Christmas since “You can’t learn your lesson if you do wrong without punishment.”    Frankly, I’m tired of the anti-monarchy stuff where it doesn’t actually work.  
And the deliberately weak argument written for Titania of “But I’m Beautiful and Ancient!”   Also what’s with the weird almost-fetishism that she’s still wearing those manacle cuffs? Why didn’t Oberon or even Nuala take those off of her yet since they’re working together?  
This is interesting because right here in the final page Heather quotes the very spell that invoked Morpheus.  I have been mentally conditioned that every time I see black talk bubbles with white text in a Sandman universe comic my first thought is “Morpheus?” even though we have already seen it used for other characters in things like the Dan Watters run of Lucifer.
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But the combination of quoting the invocation spell that trapped Morpheus, the talk bubble, and the golden thread (that resembles Morpheus’ life thread) has me intrigued and I don’t want to get my hopes up at the possibilities. 
And still, for all my nitpicking, this IS the best version of The Dreaming to date. 
I love Heather.  I think she’s very well written.  She’s the best original character of any Sandman spin-off.  I just think the anti-monarchy ranting is very misplaced in the realm of Faerie.   Think of what their parliament would consist of.   It’s like the minion of Jadis, The White Witch from Chronicles of Narnia, combined with the goblin muppets from Labyrinth, and the fae from Lost Girl combined.  
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thefirewolfblogger · 2 years
Spicy Christmas lore
Rp will start with a different starter
Children laughing and screaming as a roller coaster zooms by, teens waste money and time trying to win the rigged carnival games, and adults 'brave' the haunted house. Chris sits at Cassidy's desk in her apartment, flipping through documents, working on no sleep. Fetch roams through the streets, hunting through the city trying hopelessly to find their personal. Rabbit, ignoring her tears, is working restlessly not once allowing herself to take a break. Misha breaks down in a red Toyota, while playing with the keys as it's parked in the Fazbear Funland.
   Ash sits in their booth sipping hot chocolate waiting for the sense of foreboding to leave, before heading to Freddy’s for their shift. Fireman sits in their kitchen watching Will wait for their boss. Faith sits in the play area, staring at Mangle, but Mangle is powered off due to "maintenance issues", the same thing done with balloon boy near the front of the restaurant. The customers don't dare ask about the tense atmosphere, scared to hear the answer.
    In a warehouse, in a unknown destination, inside a padded room, a figure wakes up with a start.
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blitzrodeo · 3 years
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YOU ARE READING: PART ONE / PART TWO NOTE. This drabble borrows from canon lore but does not strictly follow set rules. There is canon divergence with locations, characters and events. Please read with an open mind. tw: death, body horror, vomit mention, language and violence.
— ❛ . ♦ What to do when your entire world starts burning away to ruins? Don’t fall asleep. Red eyes shoot open, the fear amplified by the bright glow of amber surrounding it as another faint yet still audible ear piercing shriek fills the sky and Blitzo’s grabbing for his revolver. His sibling, Tilla, takes his wrist and grips it tight as she quickly coaxes him out of his fear stricken mind. The acrobat looks to his fellow imps, his sister’s among them and the rest of the troupe as he remembers the events that took prior to him finally falling asleep out of exhaustion for simply waiting.
    Something dreadful had fallen from the sky like a meteorite blazing violently into Hell’s atmosphere as what descended into the circus caused an explosion of holy light, turning to ash the demons and Hellborns caught in the fray. The circus was quickly evacuated and now the troupe sits beneath the twisting corridors and the cast and crew rooms of LuLu’s World.
    The battle above heard and felt through violent tremors, thunderous claps that were not thunder at all but the earth splitting open and that damn shrieking. They all knew what that sound was but no one dared speak of the horror for even saying its name may bring its otherworldly chaos to them. A shared superstition. Another explosion erupts from up above and their world shakes as lights flicker in a constant struggle to stay alive amongst the solemn groans and murmurs of the surviving circus. But Blitzo, since the attack began, still felt restless.
    Not all of them were here. Part of the company had been left behind. Fizzarolli had been left behind.
    That’s why in all his anxious glory and apologetically having to punch Barbie - Wire’s nose in when she attempted to stop and pin him down that Blitzo took to the vents and crawled his way to the surface of the amusement park. With a few heavy kicks the grate to the vent on the other side flew open and he hopped out quickly, ducking behind the stalls and fallen rides as he made his way towards the plaza connecting the circus.
    Donning his black long coat over the sparkle of his acrobat suit helped steer searching eyes away from him and last he heard there were only three threats in the area. Even so, getting rid of them wasn’t a job fit for an imp even with a revolver handy.
    But now came the problem that as desecrated as Lucifer’s funland was, the majority of the plaza stood mostly empty of debris and the only way across was to run.
    Raising his head to look at the skies Blitzo was met with the deep burgundy he’d always known. In all his life he only now realized how truly unnerving the sound of silence was, and when the next barrage of explosions came from above he gathered his courage and kicked off from his cover. ❛ Shit! Shit, shit... ❜ Blitzo ran across the plaza.
    He ran even as another shriek echoed in the sky sending shivers down his spine. Ran as the ground beneath him cracked and shifted and a second shrill, one he hasn’t heard before followed after. There was a clash of metal but he didn’t look back. Slipping through an opening of the circus’ broken gates the battle behind him would fade into the distance as he traversed through what was once familiar.
    A name at the tip of his tongue that he so desperately wants to call but couldn’t as he maneuvered through what he could recognize and kept silent to avoid attention. Fallen tents and broken cages. Traces of life once there gone in an instant by the merciless blaze of holy flames. And the bodies that were fortunate enough to be recognized having met brutal ends. The terrifying image of the faces of friends and their heads on pikes making him fall to his knees and regurgitate his dinner. He’d seen death plenty before but what was before him was something only God’s soldiers can achieve. 
    Exorcists weren’t supposed to reach this part of Hell. Who let them in?
    Blitzo wiped his lips clean looking up to see the Big Top at the distance. It still stood, but something told him that the twist in his stomach isn’t good. Approaching the entrance the knot twisted tighter as he pulled his coat close and stepped into the tent.
    Cold couldn’t describe what he was feeling as he continued further inside, glancing at the overturned bleachers and torn flags. His emotions are a mixture of sadness and fear of the unknown. If not for the corpses to indicate that something terrible had caused the massacre within the Big Top then it was the blood decorating every inch of the place and the gaping hole on the roof.
    As Blitzo stepped closer to centre stage what or rather who he would finally come to find would bring him to tears as his heart broke in two. ❛ FIZZAROLLI ! ❜
    Falling to his knees and turning the jester over the critical wounds were obvious as the imp shook his head at his friend’s mistreatment and tears started gathering in Blitzo’s eyes. There was so much blood. There was too much blood.
    ❛ No, no, no... ❜ Blitzo whines, sobbing uncontrollably as he touched the back of his hand against the other’s cheek and shook his head. Fizzarolli seemingly lifeless against the same stage he’d come to conquer with his act in recent months. ❛ Where’s your arm? Where’s your legs? F - Fizzarolli... ❜
    The imp pauses hopefully, awaiting a response until he’s shaking his head again and burying his face into the soft chest of his deceased companion or so, he thought. A gasp emits from the acrobat when Fizzarolli finally stirs albeit weakly. A light brush of a remaining limb. A hand rising to make contact with a clothed arm before dropping against the floor once more.
    ❛ It… it took Elvis. ❜ the jester croaked their eyes struggling to open. A smile failing to form as a crestfallen expression would settle. Tears formed on a porcelain complexion as Fizzarolli recalled the look of terror on the other clown’s faces. ❛ It took Franky too. I couldn’t… I couldn’t leave them behind. I couldn’t save them. I f - failed. ❜
    Blitzo shook his head and wiped away the tears that were starting to form on the other’s face. ❛ I know you would’ve done everything you could to protect them. It’s not your fault. I just... ❜
    He pulls the jester closer, fixing up what he could of his friend’s ruined parts. He tries to make the other presentable even if it’s a hopeless effort. He misses the smile. Someone like Fizz shouldn’t have to suffer the way he had. ❛ I should have come sooner. I should’ve stayed. ❜
    ❛ Blitzo. ❜ Fizzarolli began, tired and sad eyes looking up at the acrobat. ❛ Am I... ❜
    Blitzo didn’t want him to finish that sentence. Shaking his head in refusal, he held the jester close and cried. ❛ No! No you’re not going to die. I won’t let you die! ❜
                                                ❛ Am I a bad person? ❜
    At one point in his life he had been forced to kill. Blitzo recalls doing so to save Barbie - Wire, and he would do so again if the choice came down to helping his sister. He didn’t know much about Fizzarolli now that such a question had been asked of him, and motives were always so complicated.
    But for all the instances he’d been with Fizzarolli he couldn’t recall anything other than the jester’s enthusiasm to entertain others. If Fizzarolli were to commit a felony he hadn’t done so yet. And that recognition ignited something within Blitzo, and what Fizzarolli tells him next solidifies his resolve.
    ❛ It said Elvis and Franky were bad mortals... am I... a bad person for helping bad people, Blitzo? I - is that why it d - did this to me? I miss Elvis and Franky. I’m scared. I don’t want to die. ❜ Blitzo would kill again, but the bullet wouldn’t just be to avenge Tilla and Barbie - Wire.
    Shrugging off his coat, Blitzo would place it over what was left of the jester before hoisting Fizzarolli up on his shoulders. He would check his revolver, spin the cylinder and flick it back into place with a full barrel. Prepared to shoot anything in his path. And then he’d walk out of that circus and make his way back to the troupe’s refuge.
    In the sky Prince Stolas would be victorious against the remaining Exorcist as one fluid cut of his sword would decapitate the creature. He makes his landing back inside the Big Top through the torn roof and as he makes his way over to centre stage, he’s baffled by the smell of an imp’s lingering scent.
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dogcopter · 4 years
In the midst of all this pink angst I'd like to know what your take is on onion
ONION: Clearly deep lore. Clearly cursed. I believe pretty firmly that he can perceive the astral plane somehow, and I think his ability to teleport is not just a gag for the movie but canon. (possibly travel via mindscape? I’m not sure how he’s bringing his physical body along) He may know about Steven’s mom’s ghost? 
Takeaways from reviewing Onion appearances that add up to that: Onion can understand written and spoken English, but only speaks mwah mwah and usually to people other than Steven. He likes to hang out inside a vending machine in Funland Arcade. There’s a running joke that he does criminal things and is a chaotic force - he’s been shown with a crowbar, stealing, destroying things, and entering other people’s places. Sometimes he breaks into Steven’s house and hides in his cabinets. He seems to adore Steven.
This got REALLY REALLY long so I’m putting it under a cut, but heres my pre finale Weird Deep Onion Lore Summary, if anyone cracks the onion lore I’d love to know.
He’s tried to convince Steven to kill an animal at least twice, and each time after Steven spares the animal, Onion shows him it’s still safe at the end. In Onion Trade, he demonstrates an ability to haggle for what he wants and then tricks Steven into giving him a magic artifact by trading Steven his own Ranger Guy toy. He steals Baby Melon. In Rising Tides/Crashing Skies, Ronaldo says, “You can’t keep quiet forever!” and Onion seems to dislike Ronaldo. He appears to recognize Steven in Lars’ body in The New Lars. He has no problem openly committing crime in Beach City, but won’t take credit for someone else’s crime in Doug Out.
Sometimes their surroundings go dim when Steven’s with him (sinister trade face in Onion Trade, the multiple power outages in Onion Friend when Steven is in Onion’s home, whistling to summon friends in Onion Gang) and I think this may have to do with astral lore somehow, not simply dramatic effect from Steven’s POV. His office seems to have Rose Quartz symbolism: it’s hidden behind a poster that says THE DOOR, down a dark vent/tunnel. It’s a warmly lit private room with a massive angelic portrait of Onion, on a blue background surrounded by white and pink bubbles and yellow and white stars (diamond colors). There’s a rug, some string lights, and a blue chest full of bubbled gems collectible figurines from the arcade machine he lives in at Funland. He offers Steven the coveted Rose Quartz Explorer Gal as a gift, and shows off a psychic ghost Invisible Gal to him as well.
Lore sidenote in case it’s relevant: in Monster Buddies we know someone can be teleported inside of a bubble and then break out if conscious; as of Gem Drill we know the consciousness - of both Steven and Cluster fragments - can create a bubble from within the mindscape that is also somehow in the physical world, bubbles seem to bridge the gap between astral lore and physical world. the bubbles are somewhat fragile and match the color of the gem who created it. In Kindergarten Kid (I think?) Peridot’s bubble goes somewhere other than the Temple, explained as “home”. So the creator of the bubble has something to do with the location it goes to, it’s not a property of the bubble itself. It’s possible “home” isn’t the only destination. Steven also sees a similar star when astral projecting in Escapism as appears on Onion’s portrait. Maybe this tells us something about how he teleports?
He seems genuinely afraid when Aquamarine and Topaz are hunting down Steven’s friends. His office is referenced again when he goes missing and Sour Cream is putting up posters. He talks to Topaz, and if mwah mwah language works the same way as the watermelon language (sometimes they have actual dialogue written and Zach is imitating the same syllables with mwahs, kinda like Pikachu’s voice actor) I think he might be saying “Topaz, help”? He says a Mwahmwah that really sounds like the way Aquamarine said Topaz a moment before. He’s frightened or startled to hear Aquamarine mention the Onion on Steven’s list. He has an odd look on his face when they enter the gem ship and seems calm but books it ASAP once they’re free.
And (support for possible teleporting Onion) at the end of I Am My Mom, he disappears into thin air at some point while Steven is giving himself up. (He’s not shown in the reaction shots with everyone)
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He has a couple cameos where he looks directly at the camera; I know he does it in Raising the Barn and What’s Your Problem. In Reunited he points out the Diamond ships arriving on Earth and he looks neutral while everyone around him looks afraid, despite his fear during the Aqua/Topaz debacle. In Change Your Mind while Lion (Rose) is looking up at the Diamonds, Onion is looking up but in the opposite direction. In the movie ofc he teleports around. He also cries out to Lion for help and Lion rushes over to help him when the town is falling apart. 
In Future he has still been weird and appeared in a lot of episodes. In Guidance, Smoky somehow misses him when getting everyone off the rollercoaster in slow-mo, but he’s riding in it again while it floats in the sea. He’s funny and weird during the acting bits of AVSE, including the “NEVER LEAVE” collage, his psychic waving doll (ROSE QUARTZ?) and pied-piper whistling a bunch of LH Gems off a cliff. There’s some kinda message there but I’m not high enough to understand anything related to Onion in a coherent way. He showed up in Steven’s dream in In Dreams, too. Back in the first series, he’s strangely realistic in Rose’s Room - legit, all this spooky Onion stuff put together HAS to mean he’s related to the astral projection mindscape bullshit right???
Here’s my most galaxy brain pre-finale Onion headcanon: The reason Onion showed Steven his tape in Onion Friend is because Onion has seen Steven’s tape from Rose Quartz or knows about it from her. It sounds like an explicit birth video but is labeled “Happy Birthday Onion” kinda like Steven’s is “For Steven”, and ofc Onion can read, so my headcanon is he didn’t receive that tape from Vidalia but found it himself, following Steven’s example.
I’m suspicious he might have a connection to the pyramid temple story (just bc that mural is the last unexplained bit of astral lore, who knows if it’s gonna come up in Steven’s story at all, there’s not much time left) but have very little to base that on. Onion is a big fat mystery and I’d love to know what ideas people have about him.
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disentomb · 5 years
ok but Ferris Wheel for beru and morticia tho
Explore A Forgotten Funland. /// Accepting. 
“The reminiscences of those shrieking in terror --- it prickles the ears, doesn’t it?”
A pair of thin, womanly cloaks drifted before the petrified silhouettes of carnival rides. Acres of decrepitude stretched as far as the meager light of dusk illuminated. And showing that neither the cobwebs nor the disrepair would, or could, object to being explored. 
Half a dozen (no, more.) slinky felines as obscure and as black as shadows weaved through the obstacles of oversized teddies and off-brand caricatures. The forgotten prizes littered the countertops of their respective games with seams bursting with their cottony entrails, spotted by mold.  
On the large, crumbling exterior wall of roller coaster track was a mural of some bastardized agglomeration of thunder gods throughout history --- a hasty attempt at lore for ‘The Thunda Zone’, read one sign, but peeling and curled from time and defaced by a colorful splash of spray-painted names.
Beneath a black parasol, the red smile that had regarded the memory of these wastes... well, let out a wistful sigh.
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“It’s absolutely enchanting.”
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zephyrthejester · 7 years
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That episode was really fun! ‘Cause Funland!
Great humor to start out with, and it ended with some huge morsels of lore, and of course a brand new power for Peridot. Progress!
I rate episode 87, Too Short To Ride, a 9/10.
Next episode begins soon!
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warriorsfunlandpark · 5 months
Funland takes place in an abandoned theme park in Florida!
Weather wise the cats big concern is rainstorms, humidity and above all HURRICANES.
A big hurricane is what sets off the plot of the current comic.
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warriorsfunlandpark · 5 months
A little descriptor of the Clans of Funland!
Kind Hearted, Unique, Freaks
TentClan live under the big top and in the fenced in area where the freakshow and circus was. Proud and loving, TentClan embraces the freaky and unique and no cat will ever get left behind because of a so called flaw. Currently led by the crafty and devious Freakstar.
Funny, Competitive, Artists
Dainty and delicate but smart as anything these cats are the fun loving, crafty cats of Funland. Called riddlers by the other clans, you can always be in for a good time with these amusing cats. Currently led by the young, inexperienced Ringstar.
Lighthearted, Brave, Daredevils
Get out of their way! Rideclan cats will run you over if you get in their way. Brash and bossy, Rideclan cats live for the thrill and celebrate beauty and flawlessness, sometimes to a fault. Currently led by the fast talking Coasterstar.
Soft Spoken, Generous, Swimmers
The quietest clan, Aquaclan minds their business and enjoys the peace and quiet of their isolated water rides. They would give anyone the pelt off their backs and often are seen helping kittypets and loners who have lost their way. Currently led by the powerful and honest Frightstar.
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warriorsfunlandpark · 5 months
Crude Funland Map
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Yeah it sucks but I needed to throw this down to help people with the layout.
TentClan: The Big Top
FunClan: Food Booth
AquaClan: Changing Booth
RideClan: Ticket Booth
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warriorsfunlandpark · 3 months
Join the Greatest Show!
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warriorsfunlandpark · 5 years
Funland Founders
Spookstar - TentClan Founder
Aquastar- WaterClan Founder
Targetstar - FunClan Founder
Slickstar - RideClan Founder
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