#fuck Agravaine
Rewatching Merlin season 4 reminds me just how much I hate Agravane.
I just got up to the Alator episode where Gwaine finds Agravane about to kill Gaius and despite being suspicious just does nothing?!
I get having priorities, Gaius needed medical attention and whatever, but later on he should’ve said something to Merlin or Arthur.
The writers did Gwaine so dirty after he became a knight.
I’ve never been so inclined to start playing fifty two card pick up with every orifice on a man’s face than I am having to watch 13 episodes of that snake skin, oil slick, unwashed shit stain. Why Arthur ever decided to trust Agravane is a mystery to me.
I kinda wish there was some more context there than just “surprise, conveniently evil uncle for all your plot device needs”
I don’t know what I want that context to be, my headcanons are mostly more graphic ways Merlin could’ve killed him in the caves, but there should be something. Like a way to prove himself to Arthur or something he did instead of just showing up out of the blue.
Then again, Morgana turned evil between seasons off camera so I don’t know why I’m expecting much.
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krug3r2312 · 1 year
Did you hear my covert narcissism
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I might disguise as altruism
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Like some kind of congressman
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Tale as old as time
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I wake up screaming from dreaming
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One day I'll watch as you're leaving
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And life will lose all its meaning
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For the last time...
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theroguequeenaniki · 2 years
“I’ve already had my heart broken enough today I don’t want to lose another friend”
Merlin should have hit hard and said you already have…maybe that would have knocked some sense into Arthur’s stupid head.
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springs-hurts · 1 month
Gods but the way people think Arthur was stupid, trusting Agrvaine so much, first, Agravaine was a manipulative bastard, who came just after Uther died, a time when Arthur sorely needed parental support, seeing as his Father died and in a way, his whole family was gone. Mother, already dead, father, his king, dead, his sister betrayed him, forgive him for thinking, someone who was his last link to his mother, who was manipulating him on daily basis into thinking that he's the only one who had good intentions and cared for him. At a time, when he was most vulnerable. Forgive him for thinking that person won't betray him. Forgive him for thinking he had little of his family left. Forgivr him for thinking, even after all that has happened he was still loved by someone of his family.
Gods but I hate agravaine more than Uther, more than Morgana, more than any other villain. The way he manipulated Arthur, Gods, that's legit breaking the whole man, I wonder how Arthur managed to trust people after such deepest betrayal. Nobody talks about it,
But to think even after all of this, he still accepted Merlin and loved him so much!
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chronicowboy · 9 months
god the start of season 4 when agravaine is shamelessly manipulating arthur, trying to craft him into uther so he's more justified in his hatred of him, trying to isolate arthur from the people he cares about because its not proper or a sign of strength, and the fact that it works !! or it should, it almost does, but agravaine didn't account for merlin. merlin who isn't just a manservant, isn't just a kinda-sorta friend, isn't just an informal advisor, but is arthur's main pillar of support and council, merlin who would never let arthur lock himself away all alone, merlin who pushes arthur to the fucking limit and suffers his rages and his insults just so that arthur knows there's someone there. yeah, fuck, its all well and good that merlin's willing to die for him, but idk for me its the smaller acts of unwavering devotion that make merthur so fucking good.
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emrys-merlin · 1 year
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We’ll deal with your uncle later.
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mortiscausa · 3 months
i can't stop thinking how funny it would be if gareth's brothers did in fact recognise him and were just like 'well clearly he has his reasons so let's all be good big bros and pretend we don't know him' and then spend the next few weeks before he goes off on his quest pretending extremely badly that they have never ever met this kitchen boy before nope not at all even while other knights are looking at them and looking at gareth and going 'hmmm'
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queer-ragnelle · 4 months
every orkney bro is a wife guy. for your information.
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repmet · 2 years
Still can't get over how Arthur knew there was a traitor in S4, narrowed it down to Agravaine or Gaius, cleared Gaius completely then went 'damn guess we have no more leads :/'
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pieplease · 7 months
Feeling bad? feeling weird? Not to worry! Write Merthur fic! It doesn't really fix anything, but then you have Merthur fic! How lovely.
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 3 months
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poor Lleu. he's the last one to get the incest memo
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gringolet · 2 years
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”my lord sayd Agrauayye I shal telle yow that I may kepe noo lenger”
Le Morte D’Arthur book XX chapter II
details under the cut
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god this took so long please rb u have no idea how close i am to snapping lol
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
OK I already put this in the reblog tags but I find the morgana and agravaine dynamic quite compelling. like I wanna know more. why did he side with her over his own family. I know we get hints that he has romantic feelings towards her. but where did this come from... I know everyone likes to hate agravaine and I do too but I still wanna know more
which is funny because Morgana was clearly a lesbian
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nextstopparis · 2 years
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Cornelius Sigan you say?
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bestie 👀 i got notes for this shit. too tired to share it at the moment but tomorrow.
anyway, yeah i just think there's untapped potential with that character. like say we keep ep1s2 the way it is. that stays. but come s4 we got Agravaine trying his best to isolate Arthur from his allies (Merlin, Gaius, Gwen, his Knights), and i can't remember currently if he was just interested in the vault with magical items or if he just used them to accuse others of sorcerer
BUT say he learns about the stone that's in the vault. how much does he know? enough to know it's powerful and would be a great token for Morgana. so he gifts it to her and oops Sigan is released by them and Morgana and Sigan form and alliance to defeat Emrys and bring an end to Camelot.
this is not concise or a great explanation but I just think what we've been shown of this dude (possession, great powerful magic almost on par with Merlin, craves being immortal -> envious of Merlin's own immortality -> could be an interesting plot thread to use) it would cool to expand on that ya know?
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emrys-merlin · 11 months
Here's a question for you (since I really love the takes you have on this godforsaken show (/affectionate)) if you would like to answer - how would you change Agravaine as a villain so he's less mustache-twirling-evil and a bit more fully-fleshed-character-with-reasonable-motivations?
You know, i wouldn't change Agravaine as a villain, because i don't think he was a bad villain.
He hated Arthur for being his father's child, but he didn't hate Morgana for the same thing. And if he loved Ygraine so much then he must know she'd likely be appalled that he's betraying her only child. That didn't happen. BECAUSE HE WAS A CREEP IN LOVE WITH MORGANA. That's the point of the character. He didn't care for his sister. She was just an excuse. He wanted power and Morgana.
I do think this is part of the tragedy for Arthur. Agravaine's betrayal is so senselessly cruel, so pointless, so inexplicable, and so, so damaging.
Agravaine was good as a villain, because he plays into Arthur's weaknesses so well. Until episode 7, where Arthur suspects either Gaius or Agravaine. Suddenly Gaius then becomes super sus, but is later found to be innocent. So logically, that would be the end of it, right? It's obviously Agravaine.
But nope, Arthur just never mentions it again.
That's why it's mostly annoying, because the 'smart' part of how the villains manage to stay undercover often comes at the expanse of other characters being made to look like idiots. Which is so sad, because they all start off as amazing ly smart, but then just get lucky because everyone else is oblivious or forgets because it's not the season finale yet…
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