#friend or frobo
amphibia-a-day · 27 days
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Day 1086 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Friend or Frobo
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writesailingdreams · 1 year
Friend of Frobo?
Marcy has so much enthusiasm for stuff -- mostly plants and tech-stuff, but mostly, like, sci-fi kinds.
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halloween-cats · 1 year
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sashannarcy · 2 years
okay off to rewatch some more Amphibia <3
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I’ve never seen anyone comment on Marcy never telling Anne or Sasha that her parents were moving. For supposedly ride-or-die best friends, I think it says something that she refused to even indicate to them that they would have an opportunity to leave her. I’ve also never seen people comment how Marcy telling Anne just about the moving bit- not even the box or intentional stranding- could have significantly alter True Colors. I also don’t think Anne staying in Aquarium would change anything.
All three girls pre-Amphibia had a slightly fucked-up friendship and it really does shines through in that tbh. Not much to say beyond that, but I'm glad that it looks like Marcy is able to move part her insecurities at the end of the show.
Also, not sure if Marcy telling Anne about the move would change anything? Marcy was already slated to be the Core's host, so Andrias needed to keep a hold on her, and would have betrayed the girls and the others as soon as he got the Music Box back. Anne probably wouldn't be as mad at Marcy, but Marcy would still try to get them all out of there with the music box and would still probably fail to get out herself. In this scenario, Marcy is still keeping the secret that she got them sent to Amphibia on purpose, which Andrias knows, and would probably still use that to disrupt Anne and Sasha's trust in Marcy.
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ultrawesmess · 22 days
Amphibia AU where Anne notices Andrias attempting to attack Marcy, her powers flare back up long enough her to push Marcy out of the way and into the portal, taking the blow for her while Marcy and the Plantars are warped back to Los Angeles.
• Before the portal warps Marcy back instead of the "I-I'm sorry... for everything." that Marcy gives, Anne tries to comfort Marcy, saying "D-Don't worry, M-Mar-Mar... I probably w-would have done the s-same if I had to be separated from y-y-you and Sash...".
• While back in Willow Brooke, Marcy can't bare to confront her parents so she decides to stay with the Boonchuys. Obviously, after she explains why she ran away and her need to get everyone back home, they let her and the Plantars stay as long as they need. Marcy tells them about Amphibia but, like Anne, leaves out the parts about the evil king....... and the fact that she saw their daughter get stabbed through the torso and possibly die... instead she lies that Anne is still perfectly fine back in Wartwood.
• Marcy is more angsty about this whole thing than Anne appeared to be in canon. Made even worse by the fact that every time she sees the people she now lives with, she is reminded that her cowardice cost them the most important person in their families. She also finds being the only one of her friends to make it back to the place that she tried so hard to run away from as a form of twisted irony. A cosmic punishment for tampering with a mystical artifact that was far beyond her understanding, leading to her friends and their loved ones paying the price for it.
•A lot of the same plot beats still happen such as Fight at the Museum, Fixing Frobo, If You Give A Frog A Cookie, and Mr. X but episodes such as Thai Feud and Temple Frogs don't due to Marcy obviously not having the same familial bonds as Anne and Adventures in Catsitting due to The Boonchuys being unable to schedule a dentist's appointment for a child that is not under their legal guardianship.
• Marcy wears her blue Newtopian cloak even with her casual clothing just in case she sees her parents and needs to hide her face from them under her hood so they don't recognize her. (There is a running gag through season 3 where she has to make sure she doesn't stand under any sprinklers in case her cloak spontaneously combusts.)
• Back in Amphibia, The Core, now no longer having Marcy, decides to take Anne. Now calling themself Dianne, they use Anne not for her mind... but instead for her power and to use it for it's namesake.............. to bring about Calamity.
• Andrias still sends out the Assassin bot to Willow Brooke to kill Marcy and the Plantars in order to tie up any loose ends in his plans.
• Marcy's Calamity powers awaken while protecting the Plantars in the Supermarket and finds that her powers allow her to use magic though the use of any staff-like object. In this case, a metal pipe in the storage freezer that she was going to use to bash in the robot's head, and summons a blast of energy that sends the Assassin bot packing. Marcy later buys a foldable walking staff from a drug store and carries it around in her satchel in case of "Magical Girl emergencies" as she calls them. (Her powers are an homage to Matt's original idea for Marcy to be a sorceress.)
• In this version of Anne-sterminator, it's laundry day and since Marcy can't go back to her house to grab clean clothes, she has to wear some of Anne's, namely her iconic St. James Middle School uniform. When the Assassin bot comes to kill Marcy, it sees Marcy in Anne's clothes and gets confused allowing everyone time to escape. In the junkyard, Marcy whips out her staff and uses her Calamity powers to cast an Anti-gravity spell on the Assassin bot, launching it into orbit where it's bomb detonates. Marcy finally has to come clean about Andrias and what happened to Anne. While the Boonchuys are devastated about Anne, they know that Anne would have wanted to get the Plantars and Sasha back home and use that as motivation to keep going.
• While in The Core, Anne's Fantasy world is one where Amphibia and Earth are merged into one. (A tongue in cheek mocking of Star vs' ending) She gets sus when she notices everyone acting off. When Anne calls bull on the whole thing, The Core leaves her in the darkness with only the light of her phone containing her real memories to keep her company.
• During The Core's invasion, Dianne uses Anne's Calamity powers in their fight against Sasha making it far more of a brutal beat-down than a proper 1v1. When Grime sacrifices himself, it causes Sasha's Calamity powers to awaken, making it a fair fight.
• While battling Andrias, when Marcy starts running low on Calamity juice, Andrias starts mocking her. Telling her that "If she wants to, he'll gladly let her use the music box to take her to another world where she can run away from her problems.... again." and this, along with the Boonchuys playing "As If It's Your Last" by Blackpink over the city's loudspeakers to remind Marcy that she's doing all this for Anne leads to an epic tear filled "I'm... Done... Running..." as she twirls her staff around, her powers flare back up, and she gets her second wind.
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mynthae · 2 years
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This drawing was made for the No Big Deal Amphibia Fanzine! It's the May illustration for the contributor's calendar
There is a left-over sale going on right now! You can see the bundles left here
Bonus frobo and friend :))
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strengthwuzhere · 1 year
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Calamity Gems into the spider verse!
Don't look at Sprig and Marcy their so scuffed. I'm also might change the main threes design, idk yet. Anyways here's the plot Anne, Sasha, Marcy, Sprig, Ivy, Maddie, Polly, Frobo and Molly Jo as spider man. Sasha and Marcy went missing at the age of ten when the three girls opened the music box. Marcy was sent into a world of literary fantasy with dragons and what not. She was adopted by the queen and her wife which makes her the princess (obviously this is Marcy we talking about). Sasha landed in a world of constant war and battle. She was adopted by Grime and is in constant attack mode, she also doesn't remember much about life on earth. Anne didn't teleport into an other world, she stayed on earth with the memories of her two best friends gone. Just vague know importance of them. Everything related to the two straight up vanished. After that day Anne had received glowing blue powers, same with her missing friends. When the trio were thirteen they all got bitten by radioactive spider. When Anne was sixteen a villain called King A, tried to open a portal to bring back his dead friends which ended up teleporting our spider guys over to Anne's world.
Here's our main trios designs if anyone was wondering. Image is from a website called [GBcoloring|https://gbcoloring.com/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse/] I just edited them a lot cuz I can NOT draw. Edit? Hell yeah! Draw? Leave.
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tooningin · 11 days
Amphibia season 3 rewrite
New Normal: Mostly the same, just replace the quarantine song with a scene that involve Anne and Sprig reflecting on True Colors
Turning Point (22 min): Don’t hammer it in our faces every 30 seconds that Sasha feels remorse, we can clearly see she does. Also make Wartwood more distrusting
Adventures In Catsitting/Croak of Duty (Im not sorry): Sasha and the Wartwood resistance bond building and trust gaining lets goooo
Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs: Integrate Dr. Jan telling Anne and the plantars about the vase into the ending of the former episode 
Sprigs Birthday/Below Battle Grounds
Below Battle Grounds: Sasha and Grime discover the Plantars’ basement and try to convince Wartwood to go through with this  change
Fixing Frobo/Anne-Sterminator: Nothing changes in Fixing Frobo. Anne Sterminator, simply have her opening up to her parents about everything (The opening or Mr. X mentioned she did, but I would’ve liked to see it)
Cracks/Olivia and Yunnan: 
Cracks: Sasha backstory, we cry, and this is when she gets her new look
Toad out of the Bag/If You Give A Frog a Cookie:
Toad out of the Bag: News has spread of Anne’s return to her friends’ parents and they got questions
Froggy Little Christmas: Andrias sends Darcy out for a test drive on Earth, messing up Anne’s Christmas plans for her mom. Towards the end, they send out that Anne, The Plantars, and her parents defeat. They then go home happily, but then see Darcy lounging on a chair in the kitchen. They give a sinister “Hi Aaaaaaaaaannnnneee”, the screen cuts to everyone’s’ horrified faces and the screen goes black 
Escape to Amphibia: Anne and the Plantars prepare to return to Amphibia, qnd in the process Anne and Darcy duke it out (Darcy unfortunately gets away). The rest of the episode is essentially just a more abridged version of ETA
Commander Anne/Sasha’s Angels:
Commander Anne: Anne is conflicted: she’s very happy Sasha’s alive and has been able to manage, but remains very suspicious. They both also express far more concern over Marcy.
Sasha’s Angels: Their argument gets more focus, and throughout the episode, Darcy (With a slightly weakened connection due to the fight. Here there’s no wire BS) lurks, planning their next move. Anne and Sasha have the conversation they had in the actual episode, but then a drone with a large trap swoops in and grabs the 2 girls. Mrs. Croaker, Maddie, Toadie, and Loggle try to save them but to no avail. 
The drone lands at Andrias’s throne room, and Darcy comes out. 
Darcy Strikes Back!: Anne vs Darcy Electric Boogaloo, this time with Sasha.
Marcy is saved, yaaaayyyy-
The Core, with the remains of stone power it got through possessing Marcy, is able to take on a new shadow form.
Olm Town Road/Mother of Olms:
Olm Town Road: Things are AWKWAAAARRD between the girls
The themes of second chances in this episode are primarily used for Sasha and Marcy. The latter is wracked with guilt over what she did, and the former emphasized and wants to help, but has her own feelings of bitterness and lingering resentment. In the end the 2 manage to help each other.
Mission: Cloak!/Down by the Bog
Mission Cloak: Resistance mission involving Cloak Bots. We explore more of S and M’s dynamic without Anne, M&M, plus flesh out the newt wives.
Down by the Bog: Grime is emo and not happi. Sprig’s like “Suck it up man” and we get a backstory of how Grime lost his eye. 
The Core and The King: Expand on what the actual episode showed us.
The Beginning of the End: The girls begin to wonder if their friendship can truly be saved, but Saving the world’s far more important
All In: Mostly the same, Marcy just has much more of a role
Hardest Thing: Mostly the same
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mdhwrites · 4 months
So, what do you think would have happened to Amphibia if its third season got shortened down to three hour long specials like Owl House did?
So A: this question is flawed. The shortening wasn't told to TOH's crew post S2. They were told WELL in advance. Dana is on record (source) for having said as much. The news came down on episode 7 of S2. Reasonably, this probably meant not a lot of S2A could have been changed due to deadlines but I don't know how all this works that well. For the sake of this, I'm going to mostly assume that something could have started changing starting episode eight and more drastic changes could be done after the mid season hiatus.
B: TOH needed S2B to mostly look identical to setup for going into the human realm, for having the Day of Unity as the finale and for the Collector to be set up as a villain by then. There are maybe two episodes you could change but nothing that is emblematic of the problems of S2B as a whole. Here's an entire blog about that. Btw, I published that blog before the finale came out and my opinion is mostly that that blog is kinder than it should have been.
C: I am not going to say this is a better version of Amphibia. Some might though. A lot of people think S2B and S3 of Amphibia is loaded with what they see as filler. Even I agree that you could probably cut a fair amount and not lose the core of the show. I'm about to demonstrate that. Also, just inherently because of a faster pace, the show would have to be more about the trio, or feel that way at least (again, I'll get into it), which the majority of the Amphibia fandom argues is what the show should have done anyways. So yeah, it's kind of an interesting conundrum.
D: I'll mostly talk about the weaknesses of this rewrite once I'm done. For anyone who needs a refresher though: S2, Episode 7 of Amphibia, the last one before this change, is one after Marcy at the Gates and has the segments "Scavenger Hunt" and "The Plantars Check In." Oh and before I get to the three specials, I'll mostly just be trying to slot in episode segments because that feels the most fair to actually capture a reasonable timeline for the show. Like I'm not coming up with cheats to handwave issues that this change would cause. As such, I'm not going to do something like cut The First Temple in half just for the sake of claiming more time. Once we get to the specials, that will change because those episodes' structures would have inherently changed, kind of like how The Hardest Thing has a different structure due to its extended run time. Until then though? I'll mostly be trying to effectively Mad Libs this off of what we already have despite the fact that the creators would have, at least if they're responsible, made changes to work within their new time frame. I'm going to give myself one unreasonable shift in return for this handicap effectively of not being able to change the core structure of the show or its plot points.
ANYWAYS. With that out of the way:
For the sake of pacing, you probably do Lost in Newtopia and then the Sleepover to End All Sleepovers as episode 8 because we can't literally go straight into leaving Newtopia and one could argue that the sleepover is important foreshadowing. However, the next episode is then a double whammy of A Day at the Aquarium to say farewell to Newtopia and still have that touching confirmation of the found family before then skipping Night Drivers and going straight to Return to Wartwood for the second segment, bringing us up to nine.
Then I would actually move Toad to Redemption into the first slot for episode ten because it is thematically important and a good rallying moment for Wartwood. You could also replace with Ivy on the Run for the sake of Sprivy and just make episode 13 into episode 10 by making After the Rain be the mid season finale. It's dramatic enough to do so and lets:
The First Temple opens S2B and episode 15 of the normal show, New Wartwood and Friend or Frobo stays too in order to help setup Wartwood's relationship with humans besides Anne and to get Frobo in. That brings the count to 12.
Then you do episode 17 as episode 13, Barrel's Warhammer and The Second Temple, because we do still need a bit more time with Sasha to prep for True Colors and The Second Temple is obvious. However, I'd probably swap their positions because then episode 14 is The Third Temple (so you don't have two temples literally back to back, even if the two are different episodes like in the actual show) and The Dinner... With Battle of the Bands being cut. It's Sasha's weakest episode, is just kind of reinforcement of a few elements and some expansion on the three's relationship, though mostly Anne and Sasha. The Dinner is needed though to get Sasha with the other two and heading to Newtopia because...
There is a quarter season finale now with True Colors. It is ABSOLUTELY the most radical choice in this rewrite and you could arguably say that it's not fair because Disney wouldn't have allowed them to have that episode as anything but a season finale. This is the only 'cheat' I'll give myself since I'm not altering episodes drastically or the like to fit in with the new time frame. Plus side: They'd have the compelling pitch that in five episodes, they CAN get back to Amphibia to make that the season finale. Otherwise there isn't really much to change before S3 because so much has to wait on the major turn of Andrias becoming the main villain. That version of this outline though, that S2 doesn't change at ALL, is... A genuine nightmare on a lot of fronts and honestly less reasonable than thinking this would be allowed and I'll get to why after the outline. Oh, there is one change that needs to happen unfortunately: Frobo probably doesn't make it in this version after this. Polly and him unfortunately just aren't important enough to really get the wrap up they do in S3. It does mean that mechanic Polly during the ending probably has an RC robo or the like with her to help explain where her being a mechanic came from.
Anywhos: Episode 16 is The New Normal... Mixed with Anne-sterminator. Anne is honest about the danger they're in from go and instead of the quarantine montage, we get her actually beating the Cloak Bot first try to show how far she's come to her parents and to show off the new powers alongside their cost.
Then you do Fight at the Museum followed by Turning Point for episode 17 to start the ball rolling on getting back as well as get Sasha into place and finish up her arc.
Episode 18 has Temple Frogs because the Plantars DO need to still connect with Earth and Temple Frogs is EASILY the best episode of that as it explores how different Anne is from the start of the show and how that isn't entirely a good thing because of the things she's now ignoring, fits thematically with the show as a whole and is just a lot of fun. The other side meanwhile is Olivia and Yunan. I would almost not advocate for keeping this episode for a lot of reasons but it's kind of necessary in order to set up for:
The Core and the King is in episode 19 because Andrias' backstory is REALLY important to how he is beat and to also understand what the Core is and what the kingdom of Amphibia can do. What the stakes are to all of this. It is also the one segment in the actual show itself that explores the villain so you can't really cut it. The other half of the episode though is If You Give a Frog a Cookie because we need Terry.
Especially because you might have noticed that I didn't include Mr. X. There just isn't room for them for the most part which luckily... Is okay. He's fun but his parts can be mostly replaced either with faceless people or Terry. You can also just go with his first appearance actually being him taking the Plantars in this episode. Maybe there's been foreshadowing at the end of Earth segments of someone watching. Something that only takes a few seconds but builds up to honestly having Escape to Amphibia be mostly the same as it was but with a reduced cast and less familiarity with Mr. X as a villain.
So that covers S2. Now there are 3 45 minute specials on average to cover all of S3B. Or more so there's two specials to cover the seven episodes between Escape to Amphibia and The Hardest Thing because Amphibia's finale already had an extended time slot. As 45 minutes is effectively two episodes each, you need to save on three episodes. Six segments.
That's... easier said than done because the segments are actually incredibly important to Amphibia's storytelling and these specials could technically be split into four segments each but more likely they actually have to tell a through line story per special. You can't jump AS MUCH as you could before.
So Special 1 starts with effectively Commander. The reintroduction to Wartwood and the finalizing of Sasha's new self after her character arc is not something you can really leave out. Plus side is that Commander Anne is a really efficient eleven minutes to introduce what Amphibia is like now and you probably don't do the pampered brat routine with the Plantars which is not a real loss. The theme of this special though is allies so the target of Sasha's mission when Anne gets back changes.
The goal is now to free Mother Olm. This way you can skip the Olms themselves and still get the prophecy and foresight from Mother Olm that sets up the finale. It also allows a smooth transition into meeting with Mother Olm in general. She warns them they'll need allies once they're done and we get a montage of the a lot of what people consider filler in S3 with getting allies, though mostly the Toads, Newts and the Killerpillars probably. You could also do this with people splitting up so that each one gets a truncated version of the full segment to get them. Then the final portion of the special is Sasha and Anne hoping their efforts paid off before Sprig shows Lief's hidden room to get Lief's letter.
Then Special 2 is effectively episodes 16 and 17 of S3. Just consolidating the army, heading out, then protecting Earth after midway through the special everything goes wrong. Not really anything even has to be changed here really except just smoothing out the transitions between segments. Admittedly, the Plantars probably rely more on Domino 2 to replace the loss of Frobo and unfortunately Polly just doesn't have a lot to do in All In.
Then Special 3 is literally just The Hardest Thing. Pretty much no changes I think because the elements for it have still been covered.
And that's it. It's not by any means perfect of course. Elements are rushed and some elements probably feel neglected or abandoned entirely. I already mentioned Polly but this version also means Sprivy is ignored post S1 effectively and just has a nice come back at the end of the finale (which is a good argument for Ivy on the Run over Toad of Redemption for the filler segment in episode 10 of the rewrite). Worse yet... Sprig is kind of ignored and Anne and his friendship is mostly left fallow. I admittedly don't think the show does the best job keeping it burning post S1 but S1 sells it HARD already as part of the stable base of the show so it's not a big problem. It also harms the connection to Amphibia itself so a line like "They aren't Amphibia's greatest treasure" doesn't hit as hard.
It would almost certainly feel actually rushed... Which is a fuckton better than what happened with TOH because TOH doesn't feel rushed. Its three specials are incredibly bloated with plotlines THEY introduce, or S2B introduced, that go nowhere. Or hell, resolutions that mean nothing, like how Luz finishes her character arc THREE. FUCKING. TIMES. Even people who love TOH still will admit the majority of For the Future is filler. That it does nothing to actually move anything forward, wrap much of anything up that couldn't have been left alone (besides Stringbean but that moment is cut off at the knees immediately by the finale's dream sequence) and those are people who won't bring up how Willow had her power problems resolved literally two seasons ago. S3 is so bankrupt on what to do to fill the time that they bring it back anyways, alongside Kikimora who has NO REASON to still be a villain we're dealing with.
That is the HUGE difference here. TOH doesn't actually feel like we're missing out on anything with its S3 besides fluff and maybe a bit of exploration on the whole Grimmwalker thing. The specials just don't feel like they actually know what to do in the first place though. It makes it feel like we're mostly missing out on filler but there's already so much of that in these episodes. Even the elements that could have been expanded, like Belos backstory, the human realm shenanigans and the Collector's redemption are rough because none of these are from before the shortening. Only Hunter's arc is really something stared BEFORE THE SHORTENING. Belos' backstory and the contradictory nature of The Collector, like how he absolutely knows what death is during Hollow Mind and is a complete evil fucker there... Are written in S2B. They were included and written as part of the shortening. Hell, the human realm and the Collector as a whole weren't even planned for S3 supposedly. They were things they wanted to do but didn't have a place for them and so just jammed in these MASSIVE new elements that needed more time than was available with no care for the fact that they had NO TIME. (I don't have a source for this unfortunately.)
Admit you didn't have a plan for your show without admitting you didn't have a plan.
That also brings up an element that I brought up at the top: How much the story might have actually changed. I'm having to work off of the main outline provided by the show but it's entirely possible that The Core might not have been included. That Earth might not have. Changes would have happened to the overall story and it's kind of impossible to reasonably guess how. After all, I wouldn't have guessed that an all powerful child and a trip to the human realm would have been responses to a shortening for The Owl House.
So I did my best and I still stand by that this would still be a fine to good version of the show. That it wouldn't have been impossible to tell a full narrative with the time given. One that is still thematically coherent, has a strong finale that doesn't contradict itself and still has plenty of fun in it to counterbalance the higher focus on the more dramatic elements.
That's still a LOT better than can be said for TOH's finale, let alone its three specials.
I ended up just rewriting the outline as a way to give it more thought instead of copy and pasting the first one I wrote. *whimpers*
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amphibia-a-day · 10 months
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Day 814 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Friend or Frobo
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burnt2ashleys · 3 months
Amphibia AU
I'm gonna write about some of the ideas I thought up for this, and what generally happens plot-wise so I have somewhere to point to in case anypony asks what the deal is with these drawings I've been making. It'll be a big text wall, so, be warned:
The divergence point happens in season 3 (with maybe the exception of True Colors and Marcy not being stabbed, instead she's incapacitated in some other way), with Anne spending more time working with the resistance against Andrias. She meets with Mother Olm and gets guidance/training on better harnessing her calamity powers (the mossmen are hiding with the Olms and they help Anne out on this).
Some time after, there's a full battle between the resistance and Andrias + Frobos. This is it, a final push to save Amphibia, Anne's throwing hands with Andrias, everyone's giving it their all. But, in the thick of battle, Darcy shows up; she says that Andrias is a failure, and that from here on out, she'll be assuming direct control. The red moon opens its eyes. The Core's cambrian robots swarm the landscape, forcing the resistance to retreat. Andrias chases after Darcy.
Meanwhile, Marcy, partially amnesiac, is exploring the mental palace of the Core, interacting with its various personalities. She picks up on the situation outside from what she can gleam of far-away discussions. She finds out that several members of ancient newtopian royalty are leaving the Core to inhabit drone bodies of their own, claiming things like "an alien infant's body is a disgraceful host for someone as noble as me!" Those very same drones are summarily destroyed by the resistance.
Marcy realizes that she could use the same process to transfer herself into a small scouting drone to aid her friends on defeating the Core; though not without notice from the Core itself, which allows her to do so in order to get a fix on the resistance's location.
On the resistance's side, they stumble into Andrias and what remains of the Frobo army, still under his direct command. He's battered and injured, but after an initial scuffle he joins their ranks. A while later, Drone!Marcy finds them. The Core has them captured soon after that.
A great fight breaks out, but the girls are captured while the resistance scatters. Taken to the castle, they manage to break free, and rescue Marcy as well! But as they escape, Marcy catches a glimpse of herself in a tank. Unsure if she's the real Marcy or some kind of clone decoy, she joins the resistance, now regrouped on the remains of Toad Tower.
Now with (a still injured from True Colors) Marcy, the trio decides to pay a second visit to Mother Olm, to treat Marcy's injuries, and to confirm if she really is the real Marcy (she is, obviously). Now, all 3 girls can tap into their calamity powers! And right on time, because they'll need it.
The Core really starts to feel the heat around this point. Many former newtopian nobles went and blew themselves up thinking they were so much better than the resistance, those that remain understand that they're going to lose if this keeps up. Hell, they lost Marcy, and with all 3 girls under the Olms' guidance, they're starting to siphon away power from the music box! At this rate, they'll win without having to lift a finger!
In this desperation, the Core decides to let go of everything it once stood for, and for the sake of survival it merges all its personalities into one terrifyingly powerful intelligence. With the clone of Marcy primed and ready, this "Darcy Prime" recalls all the cambrian drones. The castle rises higher and higher into the sky. In this silence, the resistance finds out Darcy's final gambit: To use the Calamity Box to phase the Core moon out of Amphibia's universe and into Earth's.
Thanks to the girls siphoning power out of the box, the process is slowed, but not halted. They make their way to the castle while most of the resistance helps the population deal with the natural disasters that the moon's phasing is causing. There, the trio (+ Andrias & Frobots, for dealing with the drones) makes its final stand against Darcy.
The girls manage to overwhelm and defeat Darcy with a combined attack, and in stopping the teleportation sequence in the middle, the moon is in neither universe, and phases out of existence completely.
The girls safely retrieve the magic box, now sworn to be protected and never used for evil. The girls leave Amphibia, with a chance to return if they ever choose to, and hailed as heroes.
In broad strokes, that's it! That's the general outline for this AU that I made up, prone to change of course.
Told you it was a text wall...
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I finally have ✨️the list✨️
these are all the characters competing, first two rounds will be randomized, then I will make a bracket out of the remaining competitors
polls won't start until at least this Wednesday as I'm having a very busy weekend and I still need to compile all the images, so in the meantime, if you wanna submit some images to help me out, please do!! images without backgrounds are the end goal and would be the most helpful but finding the images is what takes the most time so if you have one please send them!! you can via asks or dms. if you send via asks I won't post them and anons are still on if that makes it easier. once I get some I'll cross out the ones I have so you guys know what to submit
thanks everyone, and I'm sorry you guys had to wait this long!!!
505 (Villanous)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Adora (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Aja Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
Aleksandr Kallus (Star Wars: Rebels)
Allura (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Alya Cesaire (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Apple White (Ever After High)
Arthur Kingsmen (Mystery Skulls)
Asami Sato (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Badyah Hassan (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
Barbara Millicent Roberts (Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse)
Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
Beatrice (Over the Garden Wall)
Beatrice Horseman (Bojack Horseman)
Beckett Mariner (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Bender Bending Rodriguez (Futurama)
Benson Mekler (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
Bloo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Bloom (Winx Club)
Bluey (Bluey)
Bojack Horseman (Bojack Horseman)
Bolin (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
Boots (Dora the Explorer)
Bow (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Bubble (Battle for Dream Island)
Buford Van Stomm (Phineas and Ferb)
C1-10P/Chopper (Star Wars: Rebels)
Cabbage Merchant (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Captain Rex (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego)
Cassandra (Tangled: The Series)
Catra (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia)
Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High)
Cleo De Nile (Monster High)
Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder)
Courntey (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Courtney (Total Drama)
Craig Williams (Craig of the Creek)
Cybersix (Cybersix)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Darcy/The Core (Amphibia)
Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House)
Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Delilah Briarwood (The Legend of Vox Machina)
Diego (Go Diego Go!)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dora (Dora the Explorer)
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Dr. Saira Bellum (Carmen Sandiego)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Eddie and Venom (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Electro (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House)
Entrapta (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Ezra Bridger (Star Wars: Rebels)
Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Freakazoid (Freakazoid)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)
Frobo (Amphibia)
Garnet (Steven Universe)
Gene Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
George Pig (Peppa Pig)
George Washington/Jason Funderburker (Over the Garden Wall)
Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased)
Glimmer (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Grace Monroe (Infinity Train)
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Star Wars: Rebels)
Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
Grog (The Legend of Vox Machina)
Gumball (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn: The Animated Series)
Hera Syndulla (Star Wars: Rebels)
Hilda (Hilda)
Hisirdoux Casperan (Tales of Arcadia)
Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack (Bojack Horseman)
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
Hopadiah Plantar (Amphibia)
Horse (Centaurworld)
Huey Freeman (The Boondocks)
Huey, Louie, and Dewey Duck (DuckTales)
Hunter (The Owl House)
Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Janna Ordonia (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia)
Jude Sharp (Inasuma)
Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Karen (Spongebob Squarepants)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Kelsey Jannings (Bojack Horseman)
Kelsey Pokoly (Craig of the Creek)
Ken (Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse)
Kikimora (The Owl House)
King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Kipo Oak (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Korra (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
Kurt Wagner (X-Men Evolution)
Kyoshi (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Lagoona Blue (Monster High)
Lake (Infinity Train)
Lance (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Lemmy Koopa (The Super Mario Brothers)
Lena Sabrewing (DuckTales)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls)
Libby Stein-Torres (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons)
Lorna (Over the Garden Wall)
Luigi (The Super Mario Brothers)
Lunella Lafeyette (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Lyra Heartstrings (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Maddie Hatter (Ever After High)
Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Map (Dora the Explorer)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Marco Diaz (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Mario (The Super Mario Brothers)
Mayor Fred Jones Sr. (Scooby-Doo)
Mikey Simon (Kappa Mikey)
Miko Kubota (Glitch Techs)
Milo Murphy (Milo Murphy's Law)
Mingi Park (Infinity Train)
MK (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Montana/Shocker (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy)
N (Murder Drones)
Nox (Wakfu)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
One-One (Infinity Train)
Oodle the Doodle (Animated Inanimate Battle)
Orko (He-Man)
Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Pearl (Steven Universe)
Penn Zero (Penn Zero: Part Time Hero)
Peppa Pig (Peppa Pig)
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Philip J Fry (Futurama)
Phineas Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Player (Carmen Sandiego)
Poison Ivy (Harley Quinn: The Animated Series)
Polly Plantar (Amphibia)
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman)
Radicles (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Rapunzel (Tangled: The Series)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Raymond (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)
Redson (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Rex (Generator Rex)
Riley Freeman (The Boondocks)
Rock Rickaby (Lackadaisy)
Rok-Tahk (Star Trek: Prodigy)
Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Ryan Akagi (Infinity Train)
Sabine Wren (Star Wars: Rebel
Sabrina Spellman (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max: Freelance Police)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Scorpia (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Scratch and Grounder (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Shadowsan (Carmen Sandiego)
Sheriff Stone (Scooby-Doo)
Snap (Chalk Zone)
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbende
Sonic the Hedgehog (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Soos Ramirez (Gravity Falls)
Peter Parker (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Sprig Plantar (Amphibia)
Squidward (Spongebob Squarepants)
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)
Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
Static Shock (Static Shock)
Stella (Winx Club)
Steve (The Owl House)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Stewie (Family Guy)
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch)
Stolas (Helluva Boss)
Suki (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sylvia (Wander Over Yonder)
T.K.O (OK K.O.: Let's Be Heroes!)
Tendi (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Toby Domzalski (Tales of Arcadia)
Todd Chavez (Bojack Horseman)
Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Tom Lucitor (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Tulip Olsen (Infinity Train)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Valerie Gray (Danny Phantom)
Vivi Yukino (Mystery Skulls)
Wakfu (Wakfu) The Professor (Hailey's On It!)
Wally West (Justice League (2001))
Wammawink (Centaurworld)
Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Waylon Smithers Jr. (The Simpsons)
Webby Vanderquack (DuckTales)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Wendy Corduroy (Gravity Falls)
Willow Park (The Owl House)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Wolf (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Yugo (Wakfu)
Yummyan Hammerpaw (Kipo and the Wonderbeasts)
Zadra (Tales of Arcadia)
Zetto (TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise)
Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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So how does Sprig/Ivy/Maddie work in your headcanon? Do they 'share' Sprig, or do Ivy and Maddie also have feelings for one another as well?
I think that I’ve written about that in a headcanon post before but just in case I didn’t,
During the time Sprig was on Earth, Maddie and Ivy hung out more and became friends and its here when Maddie realizes that she has feelings for Ivy. She still likes Sprig but also likes Ivy. When Sprig came back, Madivy hung out less so that Ivy could spend time with her boyfriend. After the war the three hung out a bit before going to the new continent with Grime and Sprig saw that Maddie and Ivy are friends and that the witchy goth is still as cool as he remembers. It’s not until a bit into the adventure in the new continent did Ivy realize her feelings for Maddie as well, when the witch was panicking healing Sprig and Ivy after a bad encounter with an unknown monster. Sprig and Ivy had a discussion privately about this and then talked to Maddie about it and the trio realized that their feelings were mutual. Upon the return to Wartwood, Maddie made a point that she wanted to live on her own (in her new shop building and not a stand) but often she’ll stay over at either Ivy or Sprig’s place (tho’ Hop-Pop and Felicia make things difficult in terms of proper courtship channels and restrictions). Maddie loves Sprig and Ivy equally, altho’ if she had to choose someone to save, she’d go for Ivy. Even after being married, Maddie still lives alone and eventually raises her and Sprig’s daughter who lives with her dad, older brother and second mom by visiting the Plantar farm.
Ivy went to live with Sprig after they got married and Ivy likes to go spend her off-time after the farm chores (that Frobo can’t do on his own), with her wife Maddie in town or out in the woods helping Maddie collect ingredients for potions. She treats Spraddie’s daughter as if she were her own.
Sprig became really responsible after his adventure on the new continent and took well to the family’s farm. He figured out how to divide his and Frobo’s chores so that if Polly needed Frobo then it wouldn’t be an issue. Sprig saved up so many coppers to buy the proper and unique engagement rings, refusing Hop-Pop’s help from his new avocado riches. Sprig loves his wives and was so glad to find out Anne was also married to her childhood friends (”like frog-brother, like human-sister, huh?”). After his farm chores are done, he’ll help Maddie by testing out new potions (he trusts that she won’t kill him by accident)  Because he knows that Maddie isn’t big on PDA, he makes sure that date nights with her are low-key.
That’s what I can remember off the top of my head on my headcanon and I probably conflicted with a previous post but oh well.
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Best Robot Tournament
Round 1 - Ribbot versus Frobo
Battle of the Frog Bots! Which amphibious friend is your favourite?
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Full Bracket details and links here
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What are some of your favorite headcannons on Anne?
Anon, you have great timing, because I just watched some Amphibia with my roommate and her friend >:D
I love headcanoning her as romance-favorable/sex-rupulsed aroace and transfem :D
She has sciatica in her right leg- this is totally projection (because I also have sciatica in my right leg), but it also makes sense because she’s bound to walk a bit funky because of the one shoe, right? And my theory is that I have sciatica because I also walk a bit funky so now Anne has sciatica, too. I gift this to her lovingly.
Other than liking K-Pop, I headcanon that Anne likes indie rock- stuff like Vampire Weekend and Unknown Mortal Orchestra, maybe. I’m basing this off of the vibe of No Big Deal, which she wrote.
She’s literally such a good chef. Maybe even better than her parents/grandfather. If she wasn’t a herpetologist, she’d be a chef.
Speaking of a herpetologist- for her job, she gets a green pickup truck. If the worlds aren’t seperated, she gets one with a bench seat in front so she can fit her entire family. Two humans and a frog up front, and two frogs and a human in back. Frobo can ride in the bed of the truck.
Sprig names it the Frogmobile. Much to Anne’s chagrin, it sticks.
Her first name is actually Annabell but she hates it. She goes by Anne at every opportunity.
She eventually gets her name legally changed to Anne Savisa Boonchuy-Plantar
When she still had her Calamity powers, leaves would actually grow in her hair, due to her powers. This is why her leaves and sticks visibly grow when she uses her powers. If she didn’t lose her powers, she would need someone to help her trim all her plantgrowth. In a world where Earth and Amphibia aren’t separated, the only two people she trusts to actually clip her leaves are her mom and Sprig.
Related, if the worlds were able to stay together, Anne and Sprig would develop a relationship that’s a mash up of best friends/siblings/QPPs. They’re idiots who share one braincell (affectionate).
She can’t keep her right shoe on to save her life. This is a lifelong thing and not just an Amphibia thing.
She uses the Plantar Family Hunting Dance to capture specimens for the aquarium and also to fend off large predator animals.
She can make actual frog noises. Related, Sasha does a terrifying Toad battle cry.
She becomes a lot more acrobatic after Amphibia and actually starts doing a little gymnastics as a hobby after she gets home.
I know it’s canon that she legitimately likes eating bugs, but I’d like to think she starts eating them as snacks at school and work. She, Sasha, and Marcy all gain reputations as the girls who like eating bugs as snacks. Anne will also cook with them and has roped in her parents to liking them, too.
On a slightly angstier note: if we follow the canon ‘verse, Anne finds it really damn hard to sleep alone after she gets back for good. She slept with the other Plantars in the same room for upwards of seven months during a war (they probably had to share a room in the tunnels), so it’s hard to sleep alone, after that. She keeps waking up with the fierce need to check on her frog family. She can’t do that anymore.
She uses her phone a lot less after Amphibia. She really enjoys getting outside and going to the forest and stuff. Swamps are her favorite and she’s actually a pretty decent fisherman, now.
Nobody she knows can rival her greenthumb. She starts a vegetable garden when she gets back from Amphibia.
Anne becomes an accidental internet celebrity after the invasion and she doesn’t even really notice because she uses social media a lot less. She mostly posts pictures and talks about amphibians and her garden.
Not as much as Marcy or Sprig, but Anne is an artist, too. She likes keeping it as a hobby, though.
She writes songs in her spare time and plays them on her guitar.
Man I should probably stop now huh alfsdhjlkdfsh
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