#frank/gerard fanfiction
bindtorturekillme · 1 year
Your Eyes, Vacant and Stained
Ch.7 - 4.5k
Pairing: Frank Iero x Gerard Way
"Perfect! Let's check out the other RV's then. Charlotte, while we search, could you turn on the vehicles to check their gas levels?" Charlotte nodded. "Mikey, can you stay watch while we search the RV's?"
"As long as I'm not alone."
"Okay, Frank since you have an axe, do you want to stand watch with Mikey?" Frank was taken aback that he was asked, but did not say no; he just nodded. Mikey, on the other hand, did nothing to hide his annoyance but also did not protest.
Gore, Death, Murder, WORK-IN-PROGRESS, not completed (and chapters unknown) but I know the ending, trust me guys I will write it, I just need people to love this idea with me, Zombies, Gay, mcr??
Support my AO3 with part seven otherwise, enjoy ♥
Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5 | Chap.6 | Chap.8 | Chap.9 | Chap.10 |
Frank was the first one to walk towards the front door but Charlotte quickly got ahead of him, she had her right hand full of keys hanging from her fingers but no weapon. Instead, Scarlet was close next to her holding both.
"So, if the paperwork is correct, this key," She pulled the first key from her pointer finger. "should let us into this RV." There were only three keys on that finger and, as Frank looked around the lot again, only one was on this side of the building. The other two were tucked around the other side of the building and could only be seen from their rear-ends peaking out. Charlotte had used the key and gotten the RV open while Frank was looking around.
Ray was the one to volunteer to check inside before everyone else, "We peaked through the windows earlier and didn't see anyone but y'never know." Everyone backed up to give Ray some space, Mikey and Gerard were close behind him, weapons drawn and ready. Ray yanked open the door and the atmosphere became uncomfortably silent. The slight shuffle of Rays sneakers on asphalt almost made Frank jump, his heart was beating in his ears.
The RV moved slightly as he pressed his body weight up the stairs as quietly as he could. He whipped his head from the drivers seats to the back quickly before disappearing into the darkness. Frank watched intensely as the rest waited for Ray to come back, or scream. No one noticed Gerard look back at Frank to give him a reassuring grin, Frank was worried his fear was spreading across his face that he had attempted to keep as stoic as Mikey usually was.
Ray's head popped back out and a group sigh of relief happened. Ray had a goofy grin before saying, "Sorry, I just wanted to be as dramatic as possible. This thing is totally empty." Frank, Gerard and Scarlet all filed into the vehicle. Mikey volunteered to stay outside with Charlotte as she held the keys, not wanting to get them possibly mixed up. Scarlet leaned Charlotte's golf club against the side of the RV before going in behind Frank.
Ray had gone to the back of the camper where the beds were and was visibly tossing the tiny room around. Gerard went straight to the front of the camper and started digging through the glove compartment and pockets around both seats. Frank and Scarlet looked at each other desperately new to looting in the apocalypse and decided to take either sides of the kitchenette area. Scarlet was a bit taller than Frank and silently decided to peak through the hanging cabinets while Frank begrudgingly got to his knees to rummage through the standing cabinets.
"Nothing back here but some women's clothes and blankets." Ray tossed another blanket lazily onto the bed, giving the rest a look of disappointment. Scarlet was immediately distracted by him.
"Women's clothes? What size?" Scarlet had stopped searching as Frank begrudgingly tossed aside more pots and pans, finding nothing of use.
Ray shrugged, "I dunno? Small? Medium?" He started looking around for the clothes he tossed about but Scarlet had abandoned her spot to take over the room from Ray. Ray swiftly moved out of her way and joined Frank in the kitchen.
Frank huffed loudly before giving up, "Nothing down here either." He shouted to the group. Ray's hand appeared in front of his face, he looked up and was greeted by Ray's soft smile. He accepted his offer to help him stand.
"Ah ha!!" Scarlet exclaimed from the back, holding up a handful of different colored fabrics. Frantically she started checking the tags. Much to her disappointment, none of then would fit her.
"Yeah, there's just loose money and... shit," Gerard threw around random papers and wrappers from the front of the camper. "Nothin'."
A sigh of disappointment rained on them as they filed off the camper to Mikey and Charlotte again.
"Anything?" She asked them, but Scarlet just shook her head, taking Charlotte's club again.
"Well, let's try the next two!" Charlotte tried to keep her attitude high to keep the groups enthusiasm up but after the next two campers showed up mostly empty save for some bedding and more clothes, nothing could bring the mood back up. They had hoped one of the three within the gate would have a shower of some kind but the only plumbing all three had were the small sinks in the tiny kitchens.
The group reconvened in front of the building again. Charlotte had left each RV key with their respective camper before heading to the next, she only had four keys left for the RV's that sat outside the main gate.
"So..." Gerard spoke up." We have some gas for the trunk we drove here," he thumbed towards their truck. "But that doesn't take the same gas as the campers do-"
"And there's barely enough space for us." Mikey butt in.
"Yeah, so I'm not opposed to switching over to a camper for when we leave?" Gerard continued, mostly ignoring Mikey. Charlotte chucked at him.
"Scarlet and I carpooled here in her mini-coop. It wouldn't fit all of us either. Do we wanna check the campers and see if any have gas?"
"Maybe we should check the RV's outside the gate first?" Ray asked.
"What for? Doesn't seem like a lot of these people brought shit they needed to camp with." Frank rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that's the worst part about this place." Charlotte started.
"People who vacation here are usually very rich so they just don't think they need a lot of the same survival stuff that normal people do. Like cans of food."
"Or showers." Mikey huffed, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, I was completely unaware you could even buy an RV without a shower." Frank was leaning against their truck now.
"They're the small kinds of campers, we see them all the time." Scarlet waved him off. "But the ones outside of the gate seems bit bigger, I bet one of them has one!" This caused everyone to start arguing over each other about whether to take their loses and leave or to keep searching through the campers. Scarlet stood and watched as everyone argued, her face grew red as she started to feel worse for causing such a rift.
But, Ray saved the day and spoke in a loud, booming voice. "OKAY. GUYS." He clapped his hands and everyone stopped, all looking in different directions than the next person. Scarlet's face cooled but the redness was replaced with a light blush color. "We can't just stand here and argue about what to do next. It's already past noon so we might as well prepare to stay here another night. No big deal." Mikey rolled his eyes again, which only Ray caught. "Since we're going to stay, let's just check out the other RV's. Worst case scenario, we have to fight off a couple of zombies. Best case, we find a shower and food and push the thing into the gates."
Charlotte let out a hardy laugh. "You think we could push a whole RV around the gate and into the lot?"
Ray shrugged, "Figured it would be safer then turning it on and making a ton of noise before we're ready to leave?"
"You guys made a ton of noise coming here and the zombies didn't follow you up to the gate?" Scarlet added.
"You have a point... I didn't think about that before..." Ray quizzically held his chin. "Do you think we could turn it on and get it back in here without attracting another horde though?" Scarlet and Charlotte shrugged together.
"I think we're getting very ahead of ourselves here, already, guys." Gerard jumped in. "Let's just check out the campers first, if one of them has a shower we'll still need to find a water hookup for it. Frank and I did go through a lot to get a few canisters of diesel so I'd hate to see it go to waste but I can collect more."
"We have a water hookup around back, actually." Charlotte said.
"Perfect! Let's check out the other RV's then. Charlotte, while we search, could you turn on the vehicles to check their gas levels?" Charlotte nodded. "Mikey, can you stay watch while we search the RV's?"
"As long as I'm not alone."
"Okay, Frank since you have an axe, do you want to stand watch with Mikey?" Frank was taken aback that he was asked, but did not say no; he just nodded. Mikey, on the other hand, did nothing to hide his annoyance but also did not protest.
Instead of going through the main gate, Scarlet and Charlotte took them around back to show them where the water hookup was and to let them out of the parking lot from a smaller, more quiet gate meant for staffers to get to the green easier.
Since yesterday, it seemed as though the green had cleared, or at least the zombies had all wandered off far enough to stay out of their way as they made their way around the gate to the unprotected lot. There were tons of cars parked out here, scattered from the front of the lot to about two blocks away from the actual building. The RV's were all within just a couple of spots of each other in the spots marked as "Camper Parking Only".
The parking lot was not as free of zombies as the green had been. Within a couple of the cars, people with discolored skin and chunks of flesh missing were scratching at their doors and windows towards the group as they walked by. Since they came around from the back, the RV's were closer than if they had come from the front, but that did not prevent them from getting jumped. The zombies within their cars had made Charlotte recoil but when two jumped out at them from between a few big vans, Charlotte and Scarlet had yelped and jumped away from the group.
Ray quickly took care of the two zombies, throwing one off his body by slammed it into a car and using his bat to bring the other one down onto the pavement. He smashed the one onto the pavement in the skull twice, creating a loud crunching followed by a splurting sound before he whipped around and, with little time to react, was saved by Gerard. The zombie had regained its footing faster than he expected and Gerard jumped between the two connecting his bat with the skull of this zombie. Another loud crunch filled the air as Gerard followed the zombie down, smashing his bat into the head again as it hit the pavement. Both men were heaving by the time the zombies were down, one twitched but neither tried to get up again.
"Thanks." Ray clapped Gerard's shoulder.
"Always double tap." Gerard told the group before waving them forward to the campers. The first one in this line-up was no larger than the first three they had checked out, but Gerard still suggested looking just in case. Ray checked inside the campers first, like last time, before giving the okay for the rest to come in. Mikey and Frank stationed themselves on opposing sides of the camper, not saying a word to each other. As expected, this first camper was empty. When Charlotte checked the gas tank, it was less than half full.
Defeated the group moved onto the second one down the line. This one was bigger than the rest, but when Ray busted in he was immediately thrown back down a step by a zombie chomping at him. He was using his bat as a block between his body and the zombie but the zombie did not care about the barbed wire digging into it's chest. Ray stepped off the camper steps and threw the zombie down onto the pavement, topping it to hold it down. Mikey grabbed the next zombie that emerged from the camper, one that was much smaller than the first, and threw it to the pavement as well. As Ray smashed the big ones head, Gerard took to the small one and also caved in it's skull. Another three zombies flew out of the RV as everyone was half distracted, two small ones and one big one. Mikey took another small one and threw it to the ground, Frank hit the last small one in the back of the head with his axe, slicing almost completely through it's neck.
Ray pushed himself up and hit the one Frank almost decapitated to make sure it's whole head was gone. Mikey had squashed the second small one as Gerard was wrestling the last big one to the ground much like Ray had done with the first. Frank quickly came over and used his axe to separate the head from the body of the one Gerard had pinned under him. Scarlet and Charlotte had shuffled to hide behind the door to watch as the guys took on the fight.
"This one better have a fucking shower." Gerard growled as Frank helped him off his knees. All of them, save for the girls, had splatters of blood and chunks of brain matter covering their clothes, faces, and hair.
Ray cracked his neck before pushing forward into the camper again. "It's clear!" He shouted from inside, Charlotte and Scarlet had moved in quickly behind each other. Frank was unaware of why Mikey followed them in until he saw Gerard had pulled out and lit a cigarette without him noticing. He ran his fingers through his long, black hair, pushing it back out of his face almost using the blood to slick it back.
"Where'd you get that?" Frank pointed at his mouth, Gerard smirked.
"It's a secret." He winked and Frank did what he could to not blush. Gerard took a long drag before holding the butt out to Frank. Frank took a couple puffs before handing it back. Unlike the dull buzz he was used to from weed, nicotine still had a fresh effect on him. The two passed the cigarette between them for a few more hits before Gerard spoke up again. "Thanks. For saving me, or whatever."
Frank shrugged, "I was just makin' sure you didn't get bit. That's why we stay together, right? To survive?" Gerard's smirk melted Frank in his shoes every time, especially when he'd side-eye him. Frank was usually one to hold his shoulders high and be dominate towards others but Gerard was making him feel so small. And he liked that.
Ray popped out of the RV, "So, this one does have a shower, but not much gas."
"Well, we can always take gas from the other cars." Gerard waved his hand around at the plethora of cars still around them.
"Okay, there's no food on here still but there's five beds so..." Mikey's arm came into view handing Ray a slip of paper before disappearing back into the camper. "Oh, yeah and... uh... yeah, this..." Ray stumbled over his words and just held the paper out towards them. Frank took it and 'ughed' loudly, swallowing a gag as Gerard slipped in next to him to see the photo of the family they just dismembered. Ray watched silently, Frank was barely able to continue looking at the picture, let alone the bodies.
"Yeah, I'm not too surprised. They looked child sized." Gerard was emotionless. He took a long drag from the cigarette before taking the photo over to one of the adults to stuff the photo into their pocket. Ray had popped back into the camper while Frank dry heaved away from the bodies. Gerard clapped Frank on the back this time, offering him the cigarette again but Frank just held up his hand. "It'll get easier." Gerard finished the cigarette.
"So, I think if we can get two of us to get the gates open right before we pull the RV around, we could probably curb the zombies that follow us in." Charlotte was discussing a plan as everyone joined Frank and Gerard.
"That makes sense, I don't mind going. Charlotte, you should drive it over, you're the one who got us the keys." Ray volunteered. Charlotte blushed a little but determination covered her face.
"I'll stick with Charlotte!" Scarlet announced.
"I can go with you, Ray." Gerard offered.
"Sweet. Mikey, Frank, maybe one of you stay with the girls and one of you comes with us?" Frank was deep breathing with his forehead pressed against the hot car.
"I can stay." Mikey said without hesitation. Frank was thankful but was too focused on calming his stomach to reply, instead he just waved a thumbs up and continued his breathing.
"Perfect, so then Mikey, Charlotte, Scarlet, wait for us to hit the gate with one of our bats then start the RV. We'll pull the gates open then shut them once you're inside. You guys ready?" Ray pointed to Frank, mostly, but looked at Gerard.
"Do you want to check out the last RVs?" Gerard questioned.
"I mean..." He motioned at Frank, who was not looking. "We can always check it tomorrow. We did kinda take out... a lot..." Ray looked around at the bodies they left scattered behind them. "Plus, it's getting dark. We should move this thing in before it's too dark. Zombies don't really wear reflective gear." Gerard nodded understandingly and grabbed Frank's shoulder.
"You good to move..?" Gerard spoke in a low voice to Frank. "I'll be blocked them from your view." He offered. Frank took a moment before nodding and peeling his face off the metal. Charlotte and Scarlet had already started back up the stairs into the camper as Gerard took Frank under his arm to guide him away from the bodies with Ray. Mikey stayed outside the camper as the two girls climbed into the front seats, awaiting their signal.
The walk around to the front was relatively easy. Most of the zombies they saw were locked in their cars, or too far to be bothered with the three of them. Once they arrived at the gate, Ray gave it a good yank to see how easy it would be to open and was surprised that the automated system within didn't create any resistance.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Gerard and Frank nodded together, readied with their weapons. Ray banged on the iron of the gate and looked around to make sure no zombies were disturbed by the sound. From afar, the sound of the camper sputtering to life gave them more of a fright than the simple banging on the gate. But, to their surprise and relief, they were able to cruise the RV through the parking lot, onto the main road, and into the gates without too much disturbance. Very much unlike the guys welcome to the girls. They were in the clear as they went through the gates and started pulling them back to lock them in again, a loud shatter of glass had made the three of them looking around in panic as zombies started to climb out of a nearby houses window.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Gerard exclaimed as they yanked harder, the resistance from the automation that usually controlled the gate was effecting them now. Frank took his hands off the gate and pulled his axe up, ready to swing as the zombified bodies hit the ground and rolled into the main road. As they stood, they pushed on into something near a sprint. One was slugging a broken leg, one was dragging itself with it's hands, and one was basically still able-bodied enough to run with little to no hold back.
The fast one reached them before the gates could close completely. "FRANK, GET IT!" Gerard's yelled broke Frank's frozen fear as he could not get his mind off of the children he had brutalized.
They are already dead... They are already dead... He repeated to himself.
"FRANK, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DON'T-" Before Gerard could finish, Frank threw his axe up over his head and, with his own yell, threw it down onto the runners skull. Splitting it open in two from the top and slicing down through to it's neck like a knife through warm butter. Gerard and Ray closed their eyes and flinched as more blood and brains sprayed at them. Frank had stood wide eyed, now covered in brain matter as well. He pulled the axe up again and, as the body was dropping to the ground, he brought it down again into it's chest. He did this a third time. Then a fourth before pulling himself away from the body. Ray and Gerard were almost completely distracted by Frank to realize another one had reached the gate as well now.
The RV's engine cut. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" Mikey screamed from the camper, throwing the door open he ran at them with his bat and hit the one with the dragging leg. Frank was standing and staring at them, eyes still wide with shock as one eye twitched while Mikey took out the other zombie. Ray and Gerard pulled the gate shut just as the one dragging itself by it's hands got to the gate. It was chomping at them and hitting the gate mindlessly like an elderly person attempting to get into a store past closing hours. Ray and Gerard sighed together before fist bumping.
Mikey whipped around the Frank. "What the fuck were you thinking?! You were supposed to help them, why were you just standing there?!" But Frank just stared, eyes wide and blood dripping down his face. Mikey took each of his shoulders in his hands and shook him. "Frank. Frank, what the FUCK man?!"
Instead of responding like a normal person would, Frank just looked at Mikey with wild eyes, a smile broke across his face and he chuckled a little. This only pissed Mikey off more and, out of instinct, Mikey slapped him. Frank stood stunned. Hand instinctively going to the cheek that was just slapped. He blinked a few times and Gerard and Ray grabbed Mikey by the arms and yanked him off Frank. "He almost got all of us killed, he deserved this. He LAUGHED."
"But we didn't die, everyone's fine!" Gerard started, "He's in shock, Mike. We've been doing this awhile, he's hardly had to kill anything yet."
"The only reason we aren't zombie food is because of ME, not him!" Mikey was struggling hard against their grip but Ray and Gerard together were able to keep him restrained.
"Mikey, you've got to chill, man. We all have made mistakes." Ray attempted to coax Mikey down as Frank held his cheek and continued to stare at the three men.
"I warned him to not hold us back when we met him and he almost just let you two die. We're just going to pretend that didn't just happen?!"
"I... I'm sorry." Frank's voice came out small but sincere.
"Sorry my ASS. Frank, if you can't carry your weight, you need to leave. Find another crew who you wont hold back."
"Mikey!" Ray and Gerard scolded him together as he stopped fighting back against their restraint.
"This is... difficult... I don't-"
"I don't care." Mikey sounded venomous. "This shit is difficult for all of us, not just you. You need to get your shit together."
"I'm sorry." Frank's crazy eyes tamed, but the blood spatter across his face still gave him a haunting appearance. "I froze up. I fucked up. I'm fucking sorry."
"Sorry doesn't change shit. Don't let it fucking happen again." Mikey ripped his arm from Gerard's grip, Ray willingly let him go and he stomped back towards the building. Mikey checked Frank's shoulder as he walked by, nearly pushing Frank onto the ground.
Once Mikey was out of view, Ray and Gerard noticed Charlotte and Scarlet peaking out of the RV, watching them silently. With the show being over now the two of them climbed off the camper and speed walked back inside with their heads down. Ray and Gerard exchanged a look as Frank stared at the body he brutalized.
"I'll go talk to him..." Gerard started on his way to find Mikey when he stopped next to Frank to speak in his ear again. "Frankie, you're fine. Shit like this happens. We weren't always this used to killing, I promise. We've all frozen up before." Gerard put a comforting hand on Frank's bicep and gently squeezed. The warmth of Gerard's hands brought some comfort to Frank, reminding him he was still alive and was still human.
Ray moved in to comfort Frank when Gerard moved away finally. "Don't be mad at Mikey, he's always struggled with anger but it got worse after... we left home." Frank could tell Ray was holding back but decided not to push for more information. "I'm not saying to give him a break, or excuse how he acted. Just... Don't let it impede on your judgement of him. He's been struggling more than Gerard and I have." Frank met Ray's eyes and nodded. Ray's smile could be seen in his eyes and he took Frank into a hug that surprised him.
Ray's arms around him made him feel good and safe. His body immediately sagged into Ray's as he wrapped his arms around to hug him back. He inhaled Ray's smell as he took a calming deep breath, which was almost overpowered by the smell of rotting body, but it was still there in the crook of his neck. Ray broke the hug sooner than Frank wanted to, still smiling down at Frank. "Y'know, Gerard was right."
"We've all frozen up before. It was really hard for us to get used to this but we..." Ray sighed and closed his eyes momentarily, his smile fading. "We got used to this kind of a thing after having to... having to take out a few people we were really close with. It feels more like murder when it's someone you love." Ray attempted to give a comforting smile but only appeared to be sad. "You have to remind yourself it isn't murder if they've already been taken.
It isn't murder if they're already taken... Frank repeated in his head as Ray also headed back inside. The monster that had reached the gate was tiredly chomping at Frank still, but his ears began ringing as soon as Ray's feet against pavement faded away. Frank took his head in his hands and squatted to the ground. Eyes squeezed shut as he processed what just happened. God, you're going to make them all hate you before you can even get to your family... Frank still had heard nothing from his parents, or his brother, causing him to give up on attempting to reach them. He pushed the palms of his hands hard enough against his eyes to see stars before rubbing the pain in his head away through his temples.
Tomorrow will be better. I will do better tomorrow. It is not murder if it is already taken.
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danc3macabre · 5 months
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Time to reread THE fanfic I think
700 notes · View notes
mcrslover · 3 months
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hes so real for that
314 notes · View notes
thepunkmuppet · 22 days
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90 notes · View notes
littlesunshine1223 · 2 months
hiii can you do Gerard way maybe? 👀
SFW Gerard Way Headcanons
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- Gee loves cuddling up to you in the mornings before he has to either work on his comics or be in the studio
- loves when you make him coffee in the mornings even on his days off
- he loves when you do his makeup for him before he has to go on stage
- feeling lonely? Not anymore, if you let him he will always give you as much love and affection he possibly can
- if he’s had a rough day and is laying in your bed just snuggle up to him, give him kisses, and comfort him
- he loves when you help him dye his hair and he insists that you be the one to dye it (he just wants to feel you play with his hair)
- he writes songs about the two of you and how much he loves you
- he’ll help you make dinner if you want but sometimes he can’t help but gently push you against the counter and kiss you because you look so stunning in his eyes and he wants to show how much he appreciates you
- you both take care of each other when you’re sick or not feeling well
- he will start blushing if you start giving him kisses whenever his friends or other people are around to see
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centralperkspoison · 11 months
I Can See You - G. Way
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PAIRING: Gerard Way x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: sexual references, a little fluffy.
SUMMARY: You and Gerard have known each other for years. When you finally confess to him, everything works out! But how do you keep it as a secret? (Based loosely on I Can See You by Taylor Swift)
OTHERS: me posting? whattttt?! this was highly inspired by the song I Can See You by Taylor Swift, so I recommend listening to that while you read. Also, I haven't posted a fic in like a year this is crazy. also!!! not my usual work, not that much fluff just more back story. idk i have wrote in a while so im sorry!
YOU KEPT EVERYTHING PROFESSIONAL. You and him only showed your true emotions behind closed doors. You'd brush past each other in the hallways most of the time ensuring to not let anyone catch on.
Of course, you and Gerard were friends to the public eye. You and him were the two lead singers of My Chemical Romance, but what happened behind closed doors stayed there.
You'd moved next door to the Way family when you were fairly young, quickly becoming friends with the two brothers despite the slight age differences; Mikey was three years older than you and Gerard was six years older, which is why in the beginning everything had to be quiet. But of course, you had kept your feelings for the nerdy older brother hidden since you were six, so that wouldn't be too hard.
When the band began recording for Bullets you had just turned eighteen and Gerard was almost twenty-five, which is when it first started.
"Why don't I understand basic song structure," You groaned. "You clearly have it down."
Gerard scoffed, "I do not have it down whatsoever, I just actually ask for input unlike someone who's stubborn as hell." He laughed. 
It was only the two of you on the bus, the rest of the guys were inside a restaurant buying breakfast while before you traveled four hours to only record half the album for Bullets.
"Here, bring it over so I can look at it." He said, sitting up on the couch on the bus. You slowly walked towards him, hoping he wouldn't realize who it was about. You silently hoped he couldn't tell, then sat next to him and handed him the lyrics you had written so far. He began analyzing them and handed them back to you.
"It's good, but the bridge should have more meaning. You've described this person in such a beautiful light, then the bridge is just happily ever after? Include some of the struggle in the relationship." You nod, beginning to write. He watches you closely from over your shoulder causing you to face the other way and lay down on him so he could get a better view. This was nothing unusual for you two, it was normal for you to lay on him or anyone else in the band.
You took his words into consideration, then started writing lyrics along the lines of 'If only he knew,' and 'I could see you being my addiction, you could see me as a secret mission.' along with some more context.
"Hey, (Y/N)?" He called, you could feel his heart speed up from your spot on his chest. "Yes, Gee?" You say, looking up at him. "Who is this about?" He asked quietly, playing with your long hair. You dropped your pencil and sat up, facing him. "Is that really important right now?" "I mean not really, I'm just a bit curious." He says with a slight smirk across his face. You just shrug and walk to where you were sitting previously to the whole song structure conversation. Once you sit down, he began speaking again.
"I mean of course the description sounds a little similar, short black hair, hazel eyes, crooked smile," He says, walking behind your chair and gripping it and looking down at you from over the back of the tall chair. "I would say Frank, but his hair doesn't exactly fall under that category anymore, and when you think about it, I'm the only one with short black hair now." He smirks. He already knew, but he was just trying to play around and have a little fun before he had to make his own scary confession.
"God, okay Gerard, the song is about you." You roll your eyes trying to make it come out as if you're not afraid to say it. "Wait, you're actually admitting it?" "Yes, I have a big fat crush on you, now can you please just turn me down already so I can get over it sooner." You sigh, and he walks around your chair so you two are facing each other now. 
"(Y/N), I'm not rejecting you," He smiles. "C'mere." He says, opening his arms for a hug, and you quickly throw yourself in his arms. You two linger in the hug for a while before you take a step back and look up at him. You two were so close your noses were touching. 
"May I?" He asks, moving his hand up so he's cupping your jaw. You lean into his touch and nod.
After you two established your feelings, your situationship turned into a relationship that ranged from sweet moments to insanely sexual ones, not that you had a problem with that, of course. It was just difficult keeping it from your best friends.
Eventually, fans began sniffing the two of you out. How you would always sit next to each other in interviews, when you were on stage you would always seem as if you were singing to him and he was singing to you, when they watched Life On The Murder Scene every time there was a video on the bus you'd have your legs sprawled out on top of his or you'd be laying on him, and even away from the bus he'd always send you looks.
You started seeing the fans reactions on Twitter in the two of your comment sections.
(Y/N)(Y/L/N): Day off with my boys! <3
frerard4li4e: Gerard belongs to Frank, girl. Back off.
bugmomma24356: You and Gerard are so cute ug! <3
After trying to cover up everything to the best of your abilities, nothing made them believe you, even your own band mates started thinking the two of you were together, so you two had to act more distant. 
No more laying on him, no more lingering hugs, and definitely no more making out on stage just to "make the crowd go wild". 
The two of you had to be entirely secret for almost a year now, and it was the first night of your new tour, Rise Against the Black Parade. 
Gerard brushes his shoulder against yours in the hallway while you two walk into the dressing room, shooting you a look. "Oh sorry, (Y/N)." He says quietly and slides his arm across your back before sitting two seats away from you in the dressing room. 
Makeup took a while, but you and Gerard were the last to finish. Once your artists left the room he sprung up to lock the door, and quickly met you in the middle of the room. 
He rested his hands on your hips and you hand your arms on the back of his neck, while he pressed his lips to yours aggressively. You parted from him for a moment, "Now don't go messing up our makeup," You smirked. "We can fix it ourselves." He grunts, picking you up and placing you on the counter.
The two of you were in there for a total of five minutes before someone started knocking on the dressing room door, causing you to jump like two teenagers caught by parents. "Hello? Who's in there, we need to change!" You hear Frank say from the other side of the door. The two of you quickly check your makeup to make sure it wasn't messed up, then you walked to the door to unlock it before turning to Gerard.
"You know, if stopped hiding... it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." You said and he began to shake his head. "The age difference, (Y/N)." "It's six years, Gee. At least it's not like twenty or thirty like some other couples." You say, causing him to shrug. "I guess it's not the worst thing in the world." 
You walk over and unlock the door allowing Frank to come in with the costume cart. Once he realized it was the two of you he gasped. "You?" He said pointing to Gerard, "And you?" He said pointing to you. You turn to Gerard and tilt your head. "Yeah yeah, big deal." He said walking over to wrap an arm around your waist.  That night was one of your best shows yet. You two started showing affection on stage once again, you put your emotion back into your lyrics, and you even got a chance to preform the song you wrote for Gerard that started the whole relationship.
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mcrfanfic-screenshots · 3 months
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there you have, demential lovers or whatever
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demolitionghosts · 9 days
Whats yalls opinion on Frerard fics? Ive always avoided them because theyre still real people with wives and kids and it feels a bit icky, but i would actually love to know what other people think !!
(Reblog for a larger sample size pretty please :3)
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g3r4rdsw4ywh0re · 1 month
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I would write it but I'm not really sure becuse english is not my first language >w<
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2therazor · 5 months
clean sheets
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w/c: 2916
revenge gerard x reader
content warnings: afab, dom reader, mommy kink, slightttt masochism, established relationship, unprotected sex, degradation
you are responsible for your own media consumption
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it had been an extremely long day. extremely long. all day your boss on your ass about this and that, every thought straying further away from stability. wasn’t being an adult supposed to be fun?
as soon as you pulled into the driveway you felt your heart sink, every emotion in the world had just hit you at once as you slowly got out of the drivers seat and closed the door. the only thing on your mind was walking into the front door and being able to see gerard. days like this he would for sure be sat on the couch watching anything ranging from a superhero movie to a horror movie. (and nowhere in between) you smiled at the thought as you slowly pushed open the front door.
“hey baby,” he called from the couch as you slowly shut the door.
you kicked off your shoes and set down your bag without saying a word. gerard knew something was off right away. you were never this quiet coming home.
“hey.” you sighed, trying to hide the frustration and irritation in your voice. which you knew, wouldn’t do much. gerard always had a way of knowing if something wasn’t right, even if you tried to be as nonchalant as possible, there was no getting past him.
“what’s wrong?” he paused the movie and turned his head to look at you in the doorway. your head was down the entire time, looking at your feet.
the question alone was enough to make you crack as you quickly burst into tears, not lifting your head from your feet to look at gerard. you knew the look of concern on his face would probably only make it worse and you hated to worry him.
“oh sweetheart, I’m sorry,” he shifted from his spot on the couch and made his way over to you, slowly wrapping his arms around your body. the scent of his cheap cologne mixed with cigarettes was all too familiar to you. never once did you not feel safe in his arms, especially when you were like this.
“it’s just- my stupid fucking boss again” you choked between sobs, burying yourself deeper into his sweater.
you felt an arm come up to rub small circles on your back as he pulled away from you, looking at you with those soft, hazel eyes. you could’ve swore you’d die right there. he spoke gently, “was she on your ass again about the drafts?”
you nodded, attempting to hide in his arm again, but he stopped you, bringing a hand up to your cheek to wipe your tears.
“I’m just so frustrated and irritated, she makes me feel like i’m always doing everything wrong. i cant stand being treated like im like five years old and incapable of doing my job.” you brought your own sleeve to wipe your nose and eyes, wondering how gerard could see you like this; a sobbing mess, and still think you were the most beautiful thing he’s laid his eyes upon.
“i know baby, i know. why don’t you come sit with me for a bit, I’ll make you some tea and you can just relax for a bit.”
you smiled up at him and nodded gently. he always knew how to comfort you even if it was something so small and ridiculous in your mind.
“okay, come on,” he put his hand in yours and gently guided you over to the couch to sit. when he tried to walk away to turn the tea kettle on, he was stopped by a hand grabbing his sweater.
“stay? just for a little? just wanna hold you, please”
you croaked, lowering your hand.
he smiled gently, black hair falling into his eyes. “okay, yeah. ok i can do that.”
you smiled as he sunk into the couch. immediately, you crawled into his lap as he wrapped his arms around you.
you both stayed like this for a while, just enjoying each other’s presence when you began to feel a bit antsy. moving around every few minutes, hoping gerard wouldn’t notice.
but the truth was, it was hard not to notice what you were doing. squirming more and more as time went on. when you realized gerard was playing dumb, you looked up at him and weakly spoke.
he turned his head to look at you, but he had that sick sly grin on his face. he definitely knew what you were trying to do. but still, he played along, acting all innocent, pretending he didn’t have a clue.
“what’s up?”
you bit your lip, embarrassed to even bring it up, but still you tried, “can we… try something?”
there it was, that smile that he tried (but failed miserably) to hide, gently looking down at you, bringing a hand to your face. “what did you have in mind?”
you were so flustered but were getting to a point where none of that mattered anymore, so gently you said, “like… maybe i could be dominant? push you around, make you beg… just need to let off some steam..”
gerard was failing so hard to keep his composure, all he could muster out was a mere “fuck baby”
you smiled, slowly snaking up to his face and pulling him in for a heated kiss. kissing gerard was usually gentle and slow, but now he seemed desperate, practically begging you without words to push your tongue deeper into his mouth.
he pulled away for a second, hair messy, lips slick with your saliva and his combined. “lets take this to our room?”
you smiled and gently put a hand on his chest, trailing your fingers closer to his obvious bulge.
“yeah, I’d like that”
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on the way to the bedroom you two could hardly keep your hands off of each other, gerard grabbing you by the hand and dragging you down the hall only for your lips to collide again as soon as he shut the door.
“gee?” you broke the kiss to say
“yeah baby?”
there was a spark in your eyes as you lowered your head to smile and speak. “go sit on the bed.”
gerard could’ve sworn he felt his dick twitch at that comment, he simply complied. making his way over to the bed and sitting on the edge, waiting patiently.
“aw, already being so good baby… but I’m gonna need you to sit all the way on the bed, can you do that for me?”
gerard felt his face turn red, god it was so hot to see you like this, him listening to every command you spoke, not questioning a damn thing. he felt so vulnerable, but god did he love it. you were intoxicating, there was no doubt about that.
and so, he slowly crawled back further onto the bed, groaning at the tight feeling in his jeans.
“sweetheart, please… i need you.”
god he was so needy, you rolled your eyes and scoffed. “did you really think it was gonna be that easy? christ gerard, i haven’t even taken my clothes off and this is how you treat me?”
his eyes widened with anticipation, not knowing what to say next he blurted out,
“mommy, please. im sorry.” he stifled a moan.
fuck. you were done for.
you tried to keep the façade up as you slowly walked over to the bed and began to strip slowly, making sure gerard was watching your every move. and he was, practically fucking you with his eyes.
he moved a hand down to attempt to touch himself but was quickly stopped by your hand attempting to pin his wrist to the bed.
“did I say you could touch yourself?” you growled climbing into his lap, still in your panties.
he turned his face to the side, attempting to avoid eye contact. you were not gonna let him off that easy.
“look at me. did I say you could touch yourself gerard?”
he whined at the pressure of you on his lap and slowly breathed out, “no.. im just. fuck i need you baby. need to be inside of you.”
a slap rang through the room, gerard gently bringing his hand up to his cheek.
“you’re not behaving gerard. good boys wait. and what are you supposed to call me?”
his glossy eyes turned to you as he spoke, “im sorry mommy. i’ve been bad. didn’t mean to-“
you cut him off with a kiss, this time more gentle.
“color?” you asked, gently stroking his cheek.
“green. fuck green” he breathed out
you smiled as you went back to kissing down his neck, slowly grinding down on his lap with each kiss.
gerard really couldn’t be in his pants much longer, and as you pulled away from his neck, he asked quietly, “mommy? can i take my pants off? please…”
you smiled, gently moving to push your leg against the tent that had been growing in his jeans.
that was enough to make gerard whine and moan all over again, attempting to cover his mouth with one of his free hands. you quickly put a stop to this.
“no, wanna hear you baby boy, you’re so pretty. gotta hear you moan while I fuck you.”
his eyes shut tight and hips bucked against your leg as he let out another high pitched moan.
you smiled, slowly unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down but leaving his boxers on. quickly he kicked away his jeans and they were lost to the floor for the third time this week.
pre come leaked in a small patch on his boxers, barely visible underneath the black fabric. you were practically dripping wet at the sight, not once breaking eye contact as you freed his cock from his boxers.
this earned you a small whine from gerard who had his head thrown back against the pillows with labored breathing. you could see sweat glistening on his forehead, wondering how he got worked up so quickly with you.
“gee baby?” you got his attention, tugging on the hem of one of his many band tees that had seemed to be falling apart at the seams.
“mm?” he replied, soft and quiet. god how did you get so lucky.
seconds later, you were pulling the shirt off his head throwing it to the floor along with his boxers. he was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in the world. long black locks sticking to his forehead, leftover makeup from nights before.
“c-can you touch me?” he whined, squirming around beneath you.
“i don’t know… you’ve been so so impatient all night. dont know if you deserve it…” you started to trail off.
that really made gerard move beneath you. you could tell he was biting his tongue, holding back from talking back to you again because he knew the consequences.
noticing his movement you slowly dragged your panties off your body. “think you can do something for me baby?” you enquired as he watched you with eager eyes.
“yes, i can do anything for you mommy.” his voice barely audible as he looked up.
“can’t hear you baby…” you gripped your fingers around his throat, giving him a tight squeeze. “speak up, or i’ll just leave you here for another hour.”
his voice was strained as he tried to speak through your hand gripping down on his throat. “please. god please, i’ll do anything, i’m your good boy please.”
you chuckled at his babbling, slowly removing your hand from his throat “so needy…” you said moving your pussy closer to his face. “gonna sit on your face, and if you’re good, i’ll fuck you hard and rough like you like.” you knew the power you held over him right now and you were not going to break character. not when your boyfriend was a sweaty, whiny, mess underneath you. you swore you felt it go straight to your core at the thought,
before he could respond, you lowered yourself onto his face, thighs on both sides of his head, causing him to grip onto your thighs.
“gerard.” you said in a stern tone.
he quickly realized his mistake removing his hands from your body.
“why are you so needy today? you want mommy’s pussy so bad? you have to fucking earn it whore.” you spoke above him before lowering yourself on his face again. he started out slow, small licks from the bottom of your dripping cunt to your clit, sucking hard.
“fuck baby,” you moaned attempting to grind harder down on his face. still, he continued, licking every drop from you, making filthy noises and sucking on your clit in between licks. you were so close, every breath stifling as you sunk further down on him. his tongue plunging deeper and deeper.
gerard could tell you were close, he knew the tell-tale signs of your orgasms like the back of his hand. he sped up, eating you out with so much desperation that it was almost pathetic.
“ah- gerard fuck.”
he stopped for a moment, lightly using his hands to push you off of his face so he could speak. “please cum baby… please, wanna taste you on my tongue, just fucking use me.” before bringing you back to his mouth
you broke, a moaning, overstimulated mess above him as you reached your high, legs shaking as you slowly moved off of his face breathing heavily.
you noticed gerard hadn’t gotten any softer down there, in fact, he looked bothered. the tip of his cock so red and sensitive, pre-come still leaking from the tip. you smiled gently and caressed his cheek. “you did so fucking good for me baby… want me to fuck you? fuck you so hard you can barely think?”
he nodded quickly and sighed out of relief. he needed you so badly.
“fuck me, please. be rough, do whatever you want… just need you now.”
and that's all you needed to hear before sinking down on his cock. still, even if you had been together for almost two years, it was always difficult to adjust to his size. he moaned at the sight of you, throwing his head back and exposing his bare neck. quickly, you wasted no time marking his neck. you knew he loved it when you bit him, licked him and kissed him up and down his neck. always relishing the sweet sounds that came with it. he brought his hands up to cup your breasts, rubbing small circles around your nipples.
you quickly sat up and began to move your hips at an even pace. gerard’s moans filling the room as you bounced up and down on him, not stopping.
for a moment you looked down at him, he was so fucked out it was unbelieveable. you slowly reached your hands down to his neck to choke him again. you felt him go stiff underneath you, letting out a guttural moan from his throat. his eyes grew soft, and although you were in charge, a wave of adoration flooded you as he grabbed your hand and pushed it down harder against his throat.
you picked up the pace again, hands still squeezing his neck tight.
“fuck.. so good..feels so. good.” he babbled beneath you, you could hardly keep your composure at this, that tight knot in your stomach making itself extremely noticeable again.
you moved your hands away from his throat to bring them to his thighs, slapping him as you sped up. you knew he liked it rough, and after the day you had, he told you not to hold back. and that’s exactly what you did.
“gee, m’ so close” you whined, still not slowing down.
“me too- fuck. can we cum together? please? i’ve been good.”
you had to hold yourself from cracking up because he had been anything but good. still, with the state you were both in, you didn’t have the strength to boss him around anymore. you needed release and so did he.
“yes baby, cum for me. do it hard, come for mommy like a good boy…” and it seemed those were the magic words as gerard bucked his hips up in one thrust, and you felt the familiar twitch of him inside of you. you came shortly after, barely able to sit up anymore.
both of you breathing heavily looked at each other and smiled as you slowly climbed off of your boyfriend’s lap, careful not to make too much of a mess.
gerard quickly slid out of bed and grabbed a towel from your shared closet to wipe you down before you had to clean the sheets for the fourth time this week. once he was done he pulled you into his arms, smiling and humming as he looked down at you, almost asleep.
“doing okay?” he asked with a slight hint of concern in his voice.
“yes, more than okay actually” you giggled, bringing his arm around your shoulder. “how about you baby? are you okay?”
“oh god yes,” his cheeks turned upright as he tried to laugh it off, acting like he didn’t have some of the best sex in his life with you.
you smiled into his chest, and although he couldn’t see it, he could feel the curve of your lip pressed against him.
“nap time?” he asked, pulling the covers over the both of you.
“yes, definitely.” you curled back into him and gently dozed off, forgetting about the god-awful day you had.
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bindtorturekillme · 2 months
Your Eyes, Vacant and Stained
Ch.9 - 4k
Pairing: Frank Iero x Gerard Way
They did this until they got to the edge of town where they sped off onto the highway towards their next stop, Utah.
“Ah, finally…” Gerard tapped away on his phone beside Frank.
Frank refused to take his eyes off the road as civilization fell away to be replaced with an endlessly flat desert framed half by the nearly clear blue sky and half by tall, brown mountains.
Gore, Death, Murder, WORK-IN-PROGRESS, not completed (and chapters unknown) but I know the ending, trust me guys I will write it, I just need people to love this idea with me, Zombies, Gay, mcr??
Support my AO3 with part nine otherwise, enjoy ♥
Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5 | Chap.6 | Chap.7 | Chap.8 | Chap.10 |
Frank awoke the next morning bitterly cold with an intense craving for alcohol almost immediately. He lapped at his dry lips and searched around the now empty room for water but was unable to locate any.
He was slow moving, but the curiosity of where everyone, and all their things disappeared too was enough to push him to dress quickly and put everything he brought back into his duffle. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he left for the lobby where most of the group was.
Ray was leaning against the front desk in front of Charlotte, obviously flexing slightly. Charlotte had a soft blush on her face as she shamelessly flirted back. They hardly noticed Frank as he hid in the shadows of the hallway, not wanting to ruin their moment alone.
Frank could see Gerard and Mikey shoving bags into the RV; Scarlet making her way back inside as he examined the area.
 Frank decided to wait until Scarlet walked through the front doors before letting himself be seen. Still, no one looked his way anyways because Scarlet immediately started talking, “The mini fridges have now also been stocked. Those plus most of the big fridge and some of the freezer space should keep us fed at least until we find another place safe enough to loot. Morning, Frank.” Scarlet casually greeted Frank, making Ray and Charlotte almost jump when they realize he was standing behind them.
“Oh, hey man!” Ray pushed himself off the counter to greet him, not fully turning away from Charlotte who attempted (poorly) to hide her disappointment of her time alone with Ray being interrupted.
Frank waved weakly, Scarlet continued without hesitation, “There’s enough room in the freezer for a good bit of lick-orrr,” Scarlet mimicked drinking with her thumb and pinky, smiling at herself. “Yeah soo… I dunno what you guys wanna bring but I think everyone could pick like three, maybe four, bottles of liquor from the backroom and we can discuss what doesn’t fit when the time comes.”
Scarlet smiled with all her teeth; Frank felt like his own void beside the three of them. He didn’t feel like he belonged.
Ray’s fist banging the desk twice shocked the silent room to alarm again, “Welp! I guess Lottie and I can grab some bottles—”
“I’ll come with you.” Scarlet declared, all three leaving Frank to stand alone in the lobby. He watched as Gerard and Mikey finished shoving their bags into the RV’s storage. Absently, he walked out to them.
Gerard and Mikey were dressed very similarly, band tee and jeans; both men having noticeable sweat staining their armpits. The summer Nevada sun beat down on Frank as he got closer to them, causing a sweat to break slightly across his forehead.
“Morning.” Frank barely spoke louder than a grumble, Gerard turned to face him with a slight grin on his face ever so slightly smirking as their eyes met. Mikey did not turn around.
“Morning, how’d you sleep?” Mikey slammed the storage door shut and boarded the RV without saying a word, but neither Gerard nor Frank really gave a shit about his attitude right now.
“Fine…” They stood awkwardly together, Gerard producing a cigarette seemingly out of nowhere. He lit it and inhaled, making Frank almost forget how to breathe as he watched, mesmerized.
“Sorry,” Gerard inhaled again, Frank’s confusion painted on his face as he noticed with Gerard’s next exhale that he was actively trying not to blow the smoke in his direction. So, he remembered his manners… “We ran out of space after the girls piled their bags in.” Gerard thumbed towards the door Mikey slammed shut only minutes earlier.
“Yeah,” Gerard interrupted Frank just to pause to take another hit. “It’s alright though, my stuff couldn’t fit either.” His devious smirk grew while he routinely smoked. “It’s not like there’s enough room for all six of us in the RV anyways,” he shrugged. “Figured we could take the pick-up too.” Inhaling…
And holding it.
As if he was using it to count the seconds before Frank responded.
“Okay… Makes sense.” A gruesome silence enveloped them for too long; Gerard’s smoke infused exhale was silent.
In the same moment that the RV’s engine startled them back to reality, Ray and the girls bustled out of the double doors carrying only two bottles of wine and a bottle of whiskey. The whiskey clearly missing a handful of shots worth.
“That doesn’t look like much.” Frank directed their attention to the three moving towards them, wanting the silence to end.
Charlotte groaned, nodding, but Ray was the one to speak up, “We drank more than we should’ve last night.” Gerard scoffed, flicking the ash from his cigarette. The girls made their way onto the RV as its engine kicked back to life.
Ray paused between them, feeling the heavy tension between them. Gerard smoked; Frank squirmed. “What’re you guys doing with those?” He pointed at the pile of bags that belonged to Gerard and Frank that were sitting on the pavement.
“No more room in the camper storage,” Gerard’s gaze lingered longer on Frank between his flicks over to Ray. “Figured we could take the truck. Maybe get a head start and drag away the attention of the zombies before you guys leave.” Frank noted the fact that Gerard finally called them zombies, after so much resistance, before realizing Gerard’s plan was to essentially make them bait.
“Oh… That’s actually a pretty good idea.” Ray seemed to not notice Frank’s face shifting to fear as he stared at Gerard. “Did you tell Mikey, yet?”
Gerard shook his head, half of his mouth opening into a smirk as he spoke, “Not yet, we just thought of it.” Frank stood stunned as Ray nodded in understanding.
“I’ll let him know, just give us a heads up when you’re ready to go.” Ray patted Gerard’s shoulder before making his way into the RV as well. Leaving Gerard smirking down at Frank.
“I didn’t agree to be bait, Gerard,” Frank threw his hands into the air, “I haven’t even gotten to shower yet!” He crossed them over his chest. Gerard’s smirk just grew into a devilish grin as he finished off the cigarette, crushing the orange butt under his foot.
“I haven’t showered either. We can lure the zombies away then throw them off with our dead scent. Like they do in the TV shows.” Gerard shrugged, shoving his hands carelessly into his pockets.
“Our zombies, I appreciate you finally calling them that, by the way, are a lot different than the shit we see on TV,” Frank paused. “Also, this isn’t fucking TV!”
Gerard chucked before leaning over and grabbing both of their bags and Gerard’s extra backpack. Turning on his heels, Gerard set off towards the truck that sat on the opposite side of the parking lot, much closer to the gate than the RV was.
Scrambling after him, Frank was sure there was nothing he could say that was going to convince Gerard not to ride alone with him. There was only a minor amount of anxiety that built in Frank’s stomach about finally being alone with Gerard again, and while they were both conscious.
“Hey!” Gerard ignored Frank as he tucked a bag under the front passenger seat, moving around to the other side to shove the other duffle under the driver’s side seat. “Gerard.” Frank said sternly, moving around the back of the truck to the driver’s side to meet Gerard at the door. “What kind of an idea is this. We could probably all fit in that RV, plus why would we want to separate from everyone else?”
Gerard straightened, turning to loom down at Frank, making him feel smaller than usual. “It’s payback for what happened yesterday.”
Frank’s face heated, red running up his neck into his nose. “Pay…back…” In a flash, Gerard had yanked his shotgun from the front seat and pressed the barrel to the underside of Frank’s chin. Keeping the gun parallel to their bodies, it was unseen from the RV.
Gerard’s eyes flashed down to Frank’s growing pants before shooting back up to meet his gaze. Embarrassment harnessing him, Frank mindlessly swallowed, hard.
“I saw what you left for me, that was one of my only black shirts.” Gerard tsked. “But I was talking about freezing up at the gate.” Gerard dropped the gun from his chin and slid it onto the floor of the driver’s seat.
Frank exhaled sharply, attempting to remember the fear he felt in the hopes it also killed his boner. “I guess that’s fair…” He agreed, but Gerard moved past him to greet someone else. Frank turned around to meet Mikey approaching.
“Ray told me what your plan was, sure you want to go alone?” Mikey completely ignored Frank standing there. Gerard didn’t attempt to include him in their conversation either.
“We’ll be fine, I’ve gotta plan.” Gerard shrugged carelessly, shoving his fists into his pockets again while Mikey’s eyes drilled into him. “Here’s where I was thinking we could check out next.” Gerard pulled his phone out and pulled up a map to a location Frank was unable to make out from where he was standing. His unfamiliarity of the west gave him anxiety that he attempted to ease by indulging in trusting Gerard.
Mikey nodded, pulled the address up on his own phone and began walking back to the RV without another word.
“Where are we…-“
“Utah, baby.” Gerard hoisted himself into the driver’s seat, flashing a wicked smile at Frank with a cigarette between his teeth. Frank wasn’t sure how the cigarette got there but he desperately wanted to huff it after he watched Gerard suck on it. Gerard slammed his door shut and turned the ignition. As Frank made his way around the truck to hop in alongside him, Gerard clicked the locks and met Frank’s now panicking eyes.
“What the fu-“
“Open the gate. You froze yesterday, prove to us we should keep you around.” Gerard inhaled deeply and puffed his smoke straight at Frank like a dragon. Frank coughed dramatically, stumbling further away from the truck.
Grumbling, Frank made his way to the front gate. Gripping two of the bars, he scouted around the area. The street seemed to have cleared since yesterday, it was difficult to see within the houses. the couple roaming undead seeming to be soliciting close to homes with noise coming from them.
Frank began to push the gate open again, pushing away the memories from the previous day. The gate squealed as he pushed but nothing could distract him until he heard the slam of a loud, plastic door.
Frank’s eyes whipped around to the RV and saw Mikey, Scarlet, and Charlotte nearly pressed against the glass of the windshield in the RV. Gerard laid back, relaxed in the front seat of the truck; one of his arms stretched around the passengers headrest while the other brought and pulled away the cigarette he was indulging on.
If it hadn’t been for the loud shattering of glass to his right, Frank wouldn’t have realized some zombies had been alerted. Outside of a nearby house, Frank saw half of a body sticking out of a window on the first floor of a nearby home.
The window was small, rectangular and barely allowing the bloated undead to get through. There were three other zombies in that same yard who instantly became interested in the body that flung itself out the window, screaming a gutturally bloody screech.
Frank froze, his feet and head felt hot, but the rest of his body was frozen even as a line of sweat began to bead across his forehead.
The body in the window continued the scream, but Frank watched as it planted two hands into the glass shards still jutting from the window frame and pushing itself up like a baby learning how to crawl.
The zombie’s face contorted into a scrunched screech as it threw its head back, screaming in an octave Frank had ever heard before. Blood running from its eyes, mouth and palms, it dragged its body out of the window. It didn’t seem to notice it was dragging glass through its body until the body was sliced open, from chin to stomach, as it fell out into the grass below.
Frank watched in horror as it began to drag itself through the yard. The left side slacking behind the right, it whipped its arm up and pointed it in Frank’s direction, leading the other undead in the yard to turn and stare at Frank.
And Frank did the same thing he did yesterday, he fucking froze.
Before a horde could form, Gerard was by Franks side, pushing him and the gate together as if it weighed nothing. “Get in the truck!” He barked, pushing Frank away from him.
Frank hesitated again, but only momentarily before twisting and stumbling to the truck. Without thinking, he pulled himself into the driver’s seat, smashed the gear to drive and squealed past the gate into the road.
Frank came to a squealing stop as Gerard ran up and hauled himself into the passenger seat. Without another thought, Frank followed Gerard’s plan to distract the zombies which were all now very interested in getting to their truck.
Frank pushed his palm deeply into the wheels horn as he watched the already forming group move from the lawns into the street next to him, steadily increasing in speed.
“I hope you know how we’re going to get them off of us.” Frank turned to Gerard as he floored the gas pedal. The truck choked and coughed repeatedly as it kicked off into the street, successfully catching the attention of the horde.
“Slow down a bit, let them chase us. Just keep going straight.” Gerard was strangely calm, which helped Frank level his own anxiety as he relaxed off the speed. “You go too fast; they can’t keep up with us. Thus, we lose their attention, and our plan was a waste.”
Gerard pointed Frank on and off the main road and through numerous neighborhoods, directing him when to slow down and speed up. Frank quickly realized they were leading zombies off the main roads and leaving them within the neighborhoods to clear the road.
They did this until they got to the edge of town where they sped off onto the highway towards their next stop, Utah.
“Ah, finally…” Gerard tapped away on his phone beside Frank. Frank refused to take his eyes off the road as civilization fell away to be replaced with an endlessly flat desert framed half by the nearly clear blue sky and half by tall, brown mountains.
“What?” Frank popped the ballooning silence as Gerard continued typing on his phone.
“Ray finally got to me…” He stopped again, Frank was beginning to interpret this as stand-offish and felt like he had just disappointed Gerard further by freezing up again earlier. But, as Frank opened his mouth to further probe, Gerard continued, “Ray said they’re about halfway to Utah.” Gerard paused again; Frank swore he could hear his fingers tapping but the truck groaned much louder. “So… we’re probably like, ten minutes behind them?”
Gerard put the phone down and stared directly at Frank, but Frank continued to watch the road. Much like the video Gerard had shown him of the piles of melting, fly infested zombies, these roads had smaller mounds of bodies. They weren’t as fly infested, and Frank thought he could still tell which body parts were where, as these bodies weren’t nearly as disfigured and cooked. Vultures could be seen poking and slurping pieces of meat; the meat almost looked a sickly green on the inside, but Frank attempted to convince himself the sun was making him see that.
 Even though they quickly drove, Frank was unable to prevent his brain from showing him images of the zombies attacking someone – or something – and melting together under the scorching sun as the ground bakes them from their feet up.
The visual of maggots being laid within the squishing flesh, feasting away at half eaten bodies that have been bubbling like cheese on a frying pan made Frank’s stomach turn and he contemplated lighting up.
“It sounds like the next place they want to stop is Cedar Cit-ay!” Gerard grew a toothy grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Mikey wants to stop by the mountains on their way… We have time to kill.” He continued, shrugging. Frank attempted to ignore the zombies that weren’t quite melted but didn’t quite look… normal anymore. Some were still able to roam the dry, prickling landscape but many were covered in splinters from the cacti, or were half melted and stuck in place.
Gerard turned away to grit at the ugly green sprouts of grass that now littered the desert. The cacti looked thick and tall but the grass growing from the hot earth looked like the tufts of animal fur you pull off cats and dogs during shedding season.
“Mikey likes to hike?” Frank tried to sound cool, calm, and casual. Pretending everything between Mike and him was fine.
“Oh, he loves to, back home he loved to walk our dogs, it was his thing…” Gerard fell short, and Frank heard it in the way he spoke. There was more to that memory, but Gerard was unable to push it out. And Frank wasn’t one to pry so he dropped it.
They drove in silence for a long time, eventually the roads cleared more and more. Neither said anything, but Frank could feel the tension growing. A little over half an hour into their drive the blue and orange ‘Welcome to Utah’ sign came into view.
“Life elevated… Isn’t Colorado taller than Utah?” Gerard turned his attention to Frank, stunning him out of his nearly dissociative state.
“Is it?” Frank had never traveled much before work, and that was just a recent perk from his last promotion. He had no idea how tall a state was, or if that was even the proper term to describe one state’s elevation to another.
“Colorado has Pikes Peak, it’s like one of the tallest mountains in the U.S… I think…” Gerard rubbed his hairless chin thoughtfully.
“Why don’t you look it up?” With Frank’s family lacking a lot of common sense, he grew accustomed to telling others to look up their questions rather than ask him for the answer.
Gerard caught Frank’s gaze when he lifted his phone to show his black lockscreen, pointing a finger in the top corner. “No signal.”
“Darn.” Frank said, emotionlessly.
“Hey!” As Frank turned to look at him, Gerard lightly slapped his hand against Frank’s cheek a few times. “Think through how you’re going to act before I make you pay me back for my shirt.” Gerard held Frank’s cheek as he spoke. Frank watched as Gerard’s eyes darkened, and his smile grew devilish.
Gerard rubbed his thumb just under Frank’s bottom lip, causing his mouth to slack open slightly. Gerard tsked, “You’re so fucking cute.” Gerard forced Frank to rip his eyes away and back towards the road. “Watch the road. I’m not dying in a car accident.” Frank felt painfully hard as his erection grew into the zipper of his jeans again.
Gerard smiled at himself as he relaxed his head against his headrest. “I don’t think there’s really anything out here for us to hit.” Frank waved a hand out at the landscape in front of them. Since it was hardly past noon now, the sun was high above and the zombies that were still stumbling around were being slowed every second.
Gerard lolled his head to the side to gaze at Frank, “Don’t say that. We don’t have any wood to knock on.” He smirked, watching Frank closely.
“You’re superstitious?”
“You’re not?” Confusion twisted Frank’s face.
“Why would I be?” As if an otherworldly presence heard Frank testing the universe, a loud popping sound exploded around the two of them. Both men jumped slightly and began looking around for the source.
Immediately, the scraping of metal against asphalt took over the air and screeched through their ear drums. Frank swerved off the side of the road and slammed on the brake, thankful that both decided to buckle up as they jolted forward.
The screeching stopped as the truck coughed again, choking on it for a moment before going silent as Frank put the truck into park and pulled the key back towards him.
Gerard was out first, nearly hopping to the ground, already examining the back tire on his side. Frank got out and saw both tires on his side were fine. Making his way around the back, he immediately saw the shredded rubber remains of the back tire.
Gerard just squatted in front of it, examining it as if there was nothing he could do.
“Fuck.” Was all Frank could get out. Gerard stood and slapped his palm against Frank’s shoulder.
“Good job, kid.”
“I’m not a kid.”
“You basically caused this.” Gerard shrugged, giggling slightly to himself. Frank punched him, but it hardly made Gerard move.
“All because I couldn’t knock on wood?! That’s bullshit. This isn’t even my truck! Fuck, why didn’t I think to check ANYTHING before I took it. What was I even thinking.” Frank was panicking now, rambling because of it. He squatted then, holding his head in his hands as he stared at the ground.
“Hey,” Gerard got down to his level, this time gently placing his hand on his shoulder. “We’ll be fine. Look,” Gerard turned and pointed in the direction they were driving in. “See that building? We can make it there before the end of the day, here…” Gerard pulled his phone out and played around on the map they were using to get to St. George.
He zoomed in close to the building nearby on the map but no data about it was coming up. Gerard was able to see it would take almost an hour to walk. Frank returned his head to his hands and squeezed his eyes shut.
Gerard let him mope for a few minutes while he leaned against the truck and smoked a cigarette. As he reached the end, he watched Frank, who hadn’t moved in the last ten minutes of them being there.
Gerard squatted in front of Frank and offered him the cigarette. Frank couldn’t see him, but he opened his eyes at the scent. Staring at the cigarette for a moment, Gerard pushed it towards him to offer it again and Frank took it. Inhaling deeply and holding it momentarily, he coughed it out. Gerard smirked at him as he took another big hit from the dying butt.
When Frank offered it back to Gerard, he silently offered him the rest and Frank silently thanked him by finishing it.
“So, if we get going now, we can get there before two. Hopefully when we get there one of us will get service, or they’ll have wi-fi we can connect to.” Gerard pulled Frank up with him and began to lead him to the truck to grab their bags.
“Do you think Ray or Mikey will see the truck and know it’s us?” Frank questioned, mindlessly grabbing a duffle while Gerard grabbed a bag.
“If they haven’t already gone by.” Frank dissociated slightly, attempting to push away any strong feelings as the buzzing of tobacco kicked him into gear.
“I thought they were stopping somewhere?” Frank stuttered as Gerard moved around to the driver’s side, grabbing the last duffle and his gun.
Gerard just shrugged, “They could’ve, or they could’ve kept going. I haven’t heard from anyone in a while.” Frank did his best to not freak out as he used the buzz to push his feet to move with Gerard towards their destination.
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grellestan · 7 months
I got the unholyverse Frank tattoo today :3 eagerly awaiting being attacked by demons and being saved by a hot priest
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m0scorner · 1 month
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mcrfanfic-screenshots · 3 months
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sent by @losertrip
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kkryboygayman · 1 year
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mychemicalromancer69 · 2 months
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My favorite ao3 title ever🖤
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