#danny reads unholyverse
thepunkmuppet · 21 days
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phandombigbang · 7 years
Since a lot of you have been asking, here are the answers to any questions you might have about your PBB mods. 
We have prepared a page that can be visited anytime with all the important information about the mods & answers to the questions you have been sending in. Click here to take a look!
Also, because we recieved tons of questions about our favorite things and we didn’t want to clutter the new mods page with the answers to all those, we have decided to make a list. Check below the cut for that!
What is your favourite colour?
Alexandra: light pink Angi: Violet & Mint Bethany: Orange. When I was little, I realized I didn’t know anyone who’s favorite color was orange, so I took pity on it Brooke: Pink! Buse: Uhmm.. Can’t pick.. Maybe lilac or pastel blue Cecily: I’d like to say pastel pink, but a good blue is also good Kirsty: Blue Maddie: Crimson Megan: bright blue/green, maybe purple Mel: Navy blue Michelle: hot pink and red Natalia: purple Rachel: pastel pink and lime green Ollie: gold or dark green Zena: Sky blue or royal blue Zoe: black (whoops) or pastel blue??
What is your favourite season?
Alexandra: autumn (specifically new england autumn) Angi: Spring Bethany: Summer Brooke: Autumn Buse: Winter Cecily: Spring Kirsty: Autumn Maddie: Autumn Megan: Winter Mel: Spring Michelle: Summer Natalia: summer Rachel: Autumn Ollie: Spring Zena: Autumn Zoe: Winter
What is your favourite animal?
Alexandra: unicorns!! tho if we’re talking real then deer Angi: Meerkat or Red Panda Bethany: depends on the individual’s personality. But let’s go with cat Brooke: I have so many? Cats, snakes, and fish are my top 3 though.. Buse: Turtles :) Cecily: I need to say horse, don’t I? Or she’ll kill me Kirsty: Any kind of cat, big cats and domestic ones Maddie: Cats and sharks Megan: Otters! Mel: Owls and rabbits Michelle: SHARKS Natalia: dogs sorry Rachel: Cats and red pandas Ollie: crane! Zena: Cats and dogs, depends on when you ask me (elephants are pretty cool too) Zoe: Penguins. They really are just the greatest thing in the universe
What is your favorite TV-show?
Alexandra: danny phantom Angi: Buffy or Bones Bethany: House M.D. Brooke: True Blood is probably my fav rn Buse: Steven Universe… Gravity Falls… Adventure time… And the AMAZING (probably) Pilot of the infinity train :3 Cecily: Sherlock all the way, jesus Kirsty: The only TV show I watch is Doctor Who so I guess that Maddie: Black Mirror, Stranger Things, and about a million others Megan: Bob’s Burgers, Stranger Things, or Gravity Falls. Mel: Friends and Black Mirror Michelle: Supernatural and House Natalia: black mirror Rachel: Gravity Falls and Dexter Ollie: The Office Zena: Friends and White Collar and Gilmore Girls Zoe: Doctor Who ultimately- but the Inbetweeners, the Office and Supernatural all get honorary mentions
What is your favorite fanfiction tropes?
Alexandra: FAKE DATING!! plus friends to lovers, seemingly unrequited pining, secret agents, and trapped in an elevator/snowed in cabin type situations for whatever reason Angi: Fake Dating AUs, or really anything with a good slow burn. Bethany: Meta. Specifically when characters are reading/writing fics about themselves. Brooke: Hogwarts (ravenclaw!Phil / slytherin!Dan fight me on it) and Secret Agents Buse: Just anything with some deep story/a fantasy theme behind it! Cecily: All war/historical AUs (and illnesses) Kirsty: I have so many! Special power AU’s and Hogwarts AU’s as top two Maddie: Super powers, friends to lovers, Soulmates AU Megan: Soulmate AUs are my weakness, but also wrong number, fake-dating, one-sided/mutual pining… Anything that’s angsty for a while at the beginning really. Mel: Enemies to lovers and historical AUs Michelle: Friends to lovers with a healthy dose of seemingly unrequited pining, time travel, partners in battle who are also partners in life, hurt/comfort womp Natalia: sad angsty horrible AUs just make me cry and i’ll like it Rachel: enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, pastelxpunk, superpowers Ollie: anything historical goes straight to my heart! also I like a good semi-angsty misunderstanding fic Zena: Friends to lovers, soulmate AUs (especially the kind where they don’t realise at first), wrong number AUs and everything slow burn Zoe: prison/criminal/detective AU’s, dystopian/post-apocalyptic and anything that’ll make me cry
What is your favourite fanfiction?
Alexandra: if lost, return to phil by thatsmistertoyou Angi: Aboslutely no idea. Bethany: (Cecily is gonna list her own isn’t she? That ass.) Brooke: Before We Turn into a Monster (with two heads) blue shirt; If You Think You Know Me ineverhadmyinternetphase; Diamond in the Rough darkness_prince_dan Buse: Two roads meet- by the amazing Phanlight, It’s a masterpiece :’) Cecily: Renegade by awesomesockes Kirsty: That is literally impossible Maddie: There isn’t enough room for my answer. Megan: phan: In My Way by ineverhadmyinternetphase (or anything else Julia has written, tbh, but I’m biased to IMW cause I’m the beta); my first ever favorite is a Star Wars series on FFN by Queen called Said the Joker. Mel: Misfit by mangothatismelancholy Michelle: Here Where I Feel Safe by ficster28; Roll the Dice and Swear by ramonaspeaks; If the sky we should look upon by blueshirt; Dan and Phil: Lords of the Internet, Masters of Ambiguity by islet Natalia: listen. I can’t choose Rachel: Let Me Down Gently by ineverhadmyinternetphase Ollie: eee that’s so hard but most recently one where I was like WOWOWOW was while our blood’s still young by celestialfics but honestly so many Zena: This question is too hard Zoe: Honestly, no idea - but non-phan, Unholyverse by bexless comes to mind??
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
Alexandra: drive a car, i’m boring Angi: Tie between horse & car tbh Bethany: I like trains. But fine, car. Brooke: A horse! It’s been years! Someone let me ride their horse! Buse: Horse/Bike I don’t really like driving in cars oops :$ Cecily: Horse definitely Kirsty: Drive a car Maddie: Drive a car Megan: Um. Horses scare me, I don’t have my license yet, and riding a bike is exhausting. None of the above? Mel: Definitely drive a car Michelle: def drive my car. Its name is Cas. Natalia: bike Rachel: car Ollie: horse Zena: I’m Dutch so I feel like I’d be hunted down if I say anything other than bike Zoe: horse, definitely the horse
Would you rather vacation in Alaska or Hawaii?
Alexandra: i can’t choose can i pls hav both Angi: Alaska Bethany: Alaska Brooke: Definitely Alaska!! Buse: Alaska! Cecily: Alaska no doubt Kirsty: Alaska Maddie: Alaska, but only in the summer Megan: Hawaii - I want to see lava. Mel: Hawaii, I would literally freeze in Alaska Michelle: Hawaii!! I love beaches and I hate cold. Natalia: alaska must be so interesting but it’s cold and i’m weak Rachel: Hawaii Ollie: Alaska! Zena: If it’s hotter than 20 degrees and there’s sun I can’t function so Alaska Zoe: 100% Alaska, I love snow so much aH
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thepunkmuppet · 14 days
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never before has my favourite reaction meme been more appropriate sir are you trying to kill me
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thepunkmuppet · 19 days
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noooooooo god don’t put a heavily pierced and tattooed short bisexual man who plays guitar in front of me he’s too sexy ahaha
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thepunkmuppet · 18 days
on part 3 now, lads what the fuck. send HELP also frank is so real for just exploding into fits of emotional yelling every five minutes my man is going THROUGH it
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thepunkmuppet · 20 days
omfg this writer has some kinda vendetta against frank iero because BRO 💀
hurt no comfort. just pain and suffering forever. it’s acc so funny because WHY WOULD YOU WRITE THIS ABOUT A BAND MEMBER???? FREE MY GIRL SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!!!
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thepunkmuppet · 19 days
HELP omfg I was wondering why unholyverse was all posted on the same day and had a low amount of interaction (considering how iconic it is). IT WASN’T WRITTEN IN 2011 IT WAS WRITTEN IN 2008 I AM A MATTER OF MONTHS OLDER THAN THIS FIC WHAT THE FUCK
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thepunkmuppet · 20 days
so fall out boy exists as an actual band within the universe of the story??? I was expecting them to be fanfic-ified characters like the rest of them that was a shock to the system tbh lfmao like OH OKAY I GUESS THIS IS HAPPENING NOW
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thepunkmuppet · 20 days
has anyone ever done a screencap redraw of this but with unholyverse. because um. not to be cringe about emo band rpf on main but I think that would actually crush my heart until it was nothing but dust tbh
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thepunkmuppet · 19 days
remembering now why I don’t read fic as often as I’d like to - I physically cannot imagine people’s voices accurately in my head so I have to like. watch a clip of them talking and then whisper the dialogue out loud in their voice as I read?? 😭💀 it’s acc so humbling I can’t believe I’m admitting that online but yeah otherwise they all just talk in my voice in my head, and let me tell you 16yo british transgender frank iero is a strange thing to visualise
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thepunkmuppet · 19 days
unholyverse part 2 is just 53,830 words of live mikey way reaction
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thepunkmuppet · 18 days
mcr concept album where the concept is literally just unholyverse….. hhhhhhh auuughh give it to me now
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thepunkmuppet · 16 days
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it’s 1am and I’ve finished it :)
the plot was fucking amazing as was the writing, it was like a really really good tv show, or maybe an amazing movie (pt1) and its slightly more deranged sequel (pt2 and 3). I think I definitely preferred all things unholy as a whole, but yeah the next parts really did feel very sequel-like, in that the first one was The Story and the second and third were building on that first core story, expanding the characters and world. which ummmm btw the lore is insane??? so much going on lmfao but I think it all worked really well. the fallout boy stuff was fucking wild though icl because WHAT 💀 I’m also obsessed with the idea of god talking to frank in the form of the cardinal dream, that worked soooo well and still leaving it open at the end is great. I’m so glad frank and gerard got a happy ending, I ship those stupid twats SO hard I’m literally clawing at the walls they make me INSANE RRAAHHHH!!! icl I really didn’t care about mikey and ray’s romance like at all but it worked as a source of conflict and was pretty cute
I kind of forgot it was meant to be mcr fanfic for a while lmfao, which brings me on to I guess the most important part which is my main takeaway on the whole rpf thing
as I’ve said in a post before, I really struggle to picture voices and faces accurately in my head when reading. well except when it comes to buffyverse characters, but that’s just because those shows are so deeply ingrained into my psyche forever that istg I could literally channel buffy summers at this point and just become her. lmfao but yeah I really struggle with that! so when I’m reading, I just kind of create a vibe, a vague mind’s-eye image of a character, it’s very hard to explain. so for me these frank, gerard, mikey, etc characters were subconsciously already way far removed from the real people, like I had to consciously make an effort to make them sound and look exactly like them in my head. but like I said, it felt like a real piece of media like a tv show or something, so to me the unholyverse characters are just that - characters. it really felt like mcr playing movie roles lmfao which I was perfectly happy with. the romance and other relationships were written soooooo well, the real problem was ofc the smut!
I don’t like smut in general, not in a judgy or censor-y way, I just get no joy or kick out of reading it and all it does is make me feel awkward. but with rpf smut, even though I see unholyverse frank and gerard as fictional characters, I can’t ignore the fact that THIS IS FULLY EXPLICIT WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY PORN BEING WRITTEN ABOUT REAL PEOPLE 💀 read it write it all you want, personally I find it uncomfortable and it just doesn’t do anything for me. made me think too much about the fact that it WAS rpf, yk?? got me thinking about the real frank and gerard and how fucking weird it would be to read smth like that about yourself idk, also the fact they have wives and kids…. 😟 gosh idk it was very very well-written smut, it just made me so icked out the more I thought about it
but anyway, OVERALL: I loved it. it was so good, will definitely reread, bookmark, and think about it for a very very very long time. possibly scream and cry and tear my hair out too, idk. part 1 was my favourite by a long shot, it’s so iconic, and feels pretty removed from parts 2 and 3 in a nice way that makes it feel like a movie and its strange sequel. I’ve discovered I like rpf when it’s good and when it’s a complete au and the people feel like original fictional characters in their own right. I don’t enjoy rpf smut, though, AT ALL, which isn’t a surprise bc I don’t enjoy smut in general, the rpf aspect just made it way more uncomfy for me personally. kind of feel the need now to bleach my brain out and consume normal mcr content just to remind myself of the disconnect between unholyverse frerard and the real people lmfao
I do NOT ship frerard irl, that shit’s fucking weird don’t do it. yes there is a difference between fic like this and saying two married friends and colleagues in real life are actually in love with and attracted to each other. I do for sure ship unholyverse frerard, as I’ve said they’re fictional characters to me
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thepunkmuppet · 20 days
this fic is fucking WILD man, “one year later” are you actually kidding me fuck OFFFF 😫💔
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thepunkmuppet · 21 days
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thepunkmuppet · 21 days
tattoo guy frank is so real (utterly infatuated with gerard way at first sight)
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