#forgot about that one thankfully
First non-fanfic novel I’ve read in months and it tricked me into reading existentialism. It promised me the zany wackiness of Earthbound and I was so caught up in my love of the bizarre that I forgot that I’ve never played Earthbound and that all the video essayists say that the existentialism is a pretty important aspect of those games too.
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
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Wouldn't it be cool if mermaids had mobile gardens planted on the backs of decorator crabs, and they'd just have these little critters wander around their homes and brighten up the scenery as they went? No? Just me thinking that 24/7? Okay.
Psst--- f you want a print, sticker, magnet, or similar product of this drawing, you can get it at the redbubble link below! There's 20% off on most products this design is available for AND free shipping on all stickers if you're interested!
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raitrolling · 1 month
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Aren't I hurting anyone? Perhaps it's time for me to tear apart For what it is I've been Denote my place within humanity Projecting by my will I've been amassing solid iron claws Ignore the rottenness My recitals will decay in a flash
Happy birthday @cloudbattrolls! my buddy, my pal, my partner in writing hilarious and occasionally deeply cursed crimes
here's your blender gremlin :]
(full view)
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Then besides you. Who else in the Aesop community/family is still alive? I havent been on tumblr much so it was a shock not being able to find Man in Gray anymore 😭😭😭😭
Ah... I'm actually kind of surprised that u think that my blog is still alive (well, barely, but i try) (work is seriously draining nowadays among other life tm stuff)
Tbh I feel like I've fallen out of the ask blog community for a while now. I always say that there's definitely some out there that are vibing, I'm just not aware of them since most of the blogs that i tend to interact with n know arent exactly very present in the scene anymore, but just cos I'm not aware of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Probably.
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braceletofteeth · 7 months
tag someone you want to know and/or some of your besties.
I was tagged by @fourth-quartet 😊 Thank you!!
favourite colour: Gray but I'm currently in a brown phase
last song: I've got recently reacquainted with Beginner by AKB48 😄
last series: The Kidnapping Day. It was a lot more wholesome than the name suggests.
last movie: Saw X (surprisingly also a lot more wholesome than you'd expect????)
sweet/savoury/spicy: Sweet :3
currently watching:
Koisenu Futari
Chains of Heart
The Golden Girls (season 1)
Love in the Air (2nd rewatch)
other stuff I watched this year: Not listing all of it here (I've never watched so much stuff as I did in 2023), but I'll mention the ones that I enjoyed watching the most from each month so far (*not including rewatches):
JAN: Wednesday
MAR: Not Me
APR: Tick, Tick... Boom!
MAY: Utsukushii Kare
JUN: Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938
JUL: Takin' Over The Asylum
AUG: Marry My Dead Body
SEP: Utsukushii Kare: Eternal
OCT: The Sandman
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: I barely remember the ones I watched till the very end 🤡 But ok, let me see...
Eve (dropped after one episode; Rich People and their Rich People Problems™, I think was the reason)
A few straight GMMTV shows that I didn't really catch the name (I. Well. I just. I just couldn't make myself give a fuck, ok 😔)
+ Currently deliberating whether or not I should drop Chains of Heart. All the subtitles I've found are lacking in terms of coherence, and the story itself is already not the most straightforward, so I can only hope I'm understanding what's going on at all? 😀 And I'm also not feeling the main couple from either the present nor the past (? I suspect they are the same (but I may never know))... HOWEVER, I like the acting of the main, and the Thai scenario that is not Bangkok for once. That's always refreshing. And sometimes the cinematography is pretty too... Decisions, decisions...
currently listening to: Back for More by TXT & Anitta (I went after the link for it and distractedly searched for "banger" instead of the title 😆)
currently reading: Codename Villanelle (it's a small book but I'm. ..struggle)
current obsession: I'm not obsessing over anything at the moment 😟☹😫 Have been too busy with mundane adult life problems (therefore, as you can imagine, I'm just about going up the walls here :))
tagging: @eatprayworm @thisautistic @hyp-no-tic @visualtaehyun hi 👋
#tag game#it's one of those weeks when I feel like my old acquaintances might be sick of me already#SO I tagged some people I think might be really cool but haven't directly approached yet#you know. for maximum anxiety#I've lost many songs over the years (it's never safe to have only one copy of them; thankfully I can afford more now)#the first time I found Beginner (as a pre-teen) I just downloaded it randomly listened to it and liked it so much I decided to keep it??#oh to be young and not care about stuff like viruses or managing your time#at some point while writing this post I finished watching Ko¡senu Fut@ri#10/10 no notes#(lies. there are notes. dozens and dozens of reblogs just waiting for me to spread them all over your dashboards in the near future)#tick tick boom was quite nice... for a musical#(not a fan of musicals so to have one on my list is. wild)#already four months since the Lee brothers left me 😪#and I haven't heard a word about LDW's new drama in MONTHS. actively gnawing the bars of my cage rn#OH OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT#SPECIAL MENTION TO <SUMMER STRIKE> IN MAY#if my other option wasn't Utsukush¡i fricking K@re I wouldn't even hesitate. but. it was#and everyone knows I'm not normal about this one 😀🙂#if anyone wants to advocate in favor of Ch@ins of Heart. please. I'm all ears. is it worth it?#uhh. I'm not gonna disclose much but it's true I'm under a lot of stress lately. there is a lot going on right now.#I might not be able to watch new shows/be around tumblr while I (try to) sort my shit out#just a quick heads up 👍
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[ "Who are you?" ] 
 [ "My name? It's..." ] 
 [ "..." ] 
 [ "...who am I?" ]
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illogicalghost · 3 months
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anyydidi · 2 years
Yeah, so i need to talk about my AUs more. That being said, i recently thought of a new one im so in love with.
Basically our dear villain Eggman kidnaps our beloved Tails, because “yeah, that little brat makes my life miserable, lets brainwash him and use him as a lab assistant.” yknow the trope,,
Why did he simply not kidnap Sonic since he makes Eggys life even more miserable? Easy, Tails is way easier to capture and two geniuses on his side is way better than one.
But of course, something backfires and Egghead can try all he wants, but Tails just wont listen and behave. So he dumps him somewhere far from Sonics last known location so he doesnt get back that fast.
And not long after that, Sonic finds Eggman and demands his little brother back. And what? Sonic doesnt know that Tails is free yet? Eggy needs to take advantage of that! “oh dear Sonic! Your little sidekick is dead! Couldnt handle one of my experiments, such a shame. He had a lot of potential.”
And Sonic does not believe him, but he does get mad and his rage probably results in Eggman dying lol. (I thought about him going Dark or smt, but im not sure about that. Eggman does eventually die not long after though).
But we know that Tails is alive, so why hasnt he got back yet?! Well, what Eggman didnt know was that his brainwashing DID kind of work and he got some kind of amnesia, where he forgot basically everything (except some pieces there and there). Plus since Eggman’s goal was for Tails to forget he is Tails and that he had some connection to Sonic, he absolutely REFUSES to acknowledge he might be that genius inventor. He gets all mad and crazy when someone mentions he does look a lot like his old self. That’s why Sonic or anyone else cannot find him. He made himself a completely new persona and avoids his old one at all costs.
He does eventually (dont know after how long yet tho) reunite with Sonic and his old friends, because he is a VERY complicated person. The after effects of the brainwashing include him having some kind of urges and impulses to cause chaos. He robs a bank, committes some kind of arson or property damage etc, but he ALSO stays true to his morals and old beliefs and helps others a lot.  Like fighting with some villages against the new villain (something like Tangle before she met Sonic and comp.), or generally fixing other people’s stuff (thats why hes still not in prison, because all his bad doings are forgiven for his good ones).
So he does something bad, gets arrested and for some reason, Amy is at the police station and is like “wtf ur Tails omg?? We have been searching for u for years??” but of course, Tails refuses, so she calls Sonic and hes all like “jesus amy i told u to give it up, hes dead and- woah he fr is Tails.” and Tails STILL does not believe them, so they tell him that because he did something bad, he needs to help them on their new mission so he doesnt have to go to jail and he agrees.
Sonic and others then pretend to think hes not Tails so he doesnt get, how i said “mad and crazy”, until they stumble upon Eggmans old recordings of his experiments on Tails and he FINALLY gets his memories back.
They then of course need to work on getting all the brainwashing from Tails’ head, because it cant just ✨disappear✨, but he does get better eventually.
Oh and do NOT get me started on how Sonic is through all of this. The only thing you need to know for now is that he gets EXTREME separation anxiety after finally finding Tails, and gets overprotective af even tho he tries to hide it.
This took me mf 30 minutes to write. I have no idea how i did that.
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italictext · 2 months
AAAAA trying to make gifts for friends but idk how to be subtle I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY WANT but I can't be obvious because it's supposed to be a surprise </3
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festeringfae · 10 months
[getting emotional about Madelaine Petsch and Vanessa Morgan making a continued and conscious effort to make the relationship with two girls involve the same level of intimacy as the heterosexuals]
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darkovstein · 1 year
I have removed the possible allegations
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lesbianwillbond · 1 year
grrr i hate exams i hate being forced to write essays in 3 hours
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Do you ever get home from work and think “I wonder if I could’ve communicated worse. Probably not”
#first off an alarm went off for the too good to go app; so i snoozed it while my coworker went to put bags together#then when it went off all i said in the most defeated voice was ‘it’s happening again’#picture this. a bell is gently ringing and a barista says in the driest yorkshire accent possible ‘it’s happening again’#the customer was just like ‘uhhhhhhh are you good’#the second thing was when the extra coffee machine’s bucket filled up (just don’t ask) so my coworker took the bucket to empty it#but then someone ordered two lattes and i remembered at the last second that i could only use one machine#so i basically pressed the latte button; put a cup under; then cancelled it while yelling ‘NOOO NOOO NOOOO NOOO NOOOOOOO’#and just. ran away from the coffee machine#the customer was once again like ‘is something wrong here’ and i was like ‘josh has taken the bucket’ which also doesn’t elucidate matters#much and tbh sounds a bit like a metaphor for something else#thankfully she understood and didn’t cancel the order. i feel like i would’ve cancelled the order#a barista running away from a machine while repeatedly yelling ‘NOOOOOO’ doesn’t really inspire confidence in me#special mention goes to when i just clean forgot the name of the plant based milk jug and said ‘i’m going to wash the this’#also when someone said ‘can i have this heated up’ and i just said ‘we can’t’ with no explanation#gerry was already explaining about how we turn the oven off at 3:45 but i was prepared to just fully be like ‘no’#but yeah. that was my day#me being a teacher was just never going to work out… i don’t word good#personal
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#i finished these last week but forgot to post them lol#self heal didnt turn out great#i was working on it at my great grandmas on Christmas after drinking a highly caffeinated latte and pinching a nerve in my back#which made me a little shaky#also those little henbit type flowers are hard to draw#but everyone who saw me drawing said it looked good so 🤷‍♂️#also realized i accidentally left 2 plants thst were in the table of contents out of the pages#(when i first put the pages together i went through and labeled each page a drawing would go on with a plants scientific name)#and i had to get out my larger pad of this brand of water color paper and cut it in half to make 2 more signatures#and because the 2 that were missing were not at the very end and also werent on the same signature i had to shift some things around#thankfully all my page labels were in pencil#also im aware that signatures are generally more than one piece of paper but this papers so thick and the pages are so small#i felt i would lose page space if i made actual signatures#i just dont know what else to call them#if they were individual pages i would just call them that but its technically 4 pages (two pages front and back using one piece of paper)#so signatures it is#unfortunately did not achieve my goal of finishing the drawings by new year lol. got distracted by video games#only 12 more left! (14 left to post but i have 2 from the next group of 10 done)#then i can start painting#then the tedious part of gathering all the information i want to include about each plant and copying it into the book by hand#and then i can FINALLY bind it
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orcelito · 1 year
oh yeah uh i forgot to talk about my day. i havent rly been existing as a person whoops. uh
work kinda sucked but not NEARLY as bad as yesterday. honestly yesterday was probably the worst shift ive had in uh. well at least a year im betting. it was really so very bad.
today was better except Whoops my bike broke a little bit. forgot to mention that too. i left it at work overnight in the storage room n im gonna bring it to the bike shop tomorrow. so im gonna be without my bike for a few days </3
uhm. otherwise ive been procrastinating, still not doing my dishes, reading trigun fanfic and rewatching trigun stampede and reading trigun maximum. and also browsing etsy for trigun merch, of which i bought a few things.
now im thinking about skipping class again bc it's accidentally oh so late and i am very tired. i can rationalize it to myself that it's Totally for the sake of finishing my lab tomorrow. but really ive just lost control of this semester and i barely wanna do shit anymore. lol.
#speculation nation#also listened thru the 2nd trigun stampede OST album two whole times#went walking home bc i got no bike rn and i was just meandering down the scenic path#(it's thankfully not flooded anymore. a lil muddy at spots but i managed to avoid it)#saw some deer tracks. crouched by the river for a little bit. all while sipping at a hibiscus tea i brought from work#went home. read embarrassing fanfiction. swore i was gonna do the dishes and then just watched trigun stampede#went looking on etsy. went reading the manga. i swear it's overtaking my entire life.#im trying to be gentle with myself tho. saturday's shift did Not help me with the mental breakdown ive been fending off for weeks#oh yeah and easter. fucking easter. i was neutral/negative leaning but the shop i wanted to go to was closed today#which pushed it solidly in the negative direction. like for fuck's sake this is a fucking witchy shop and they're closed for EASTER?????#i wanted to go buy a tarot deck wtf. and the Spiritual Shop is closed for a Christian Holiday??? okay lmfao#meanwhile we kept having ppl call to ask if we were open today n it was just like 'man this is a bubble tea shop what do you think'#O Lord Bless This Bubble Tea for it was Made In Your Image.............#or some shit like that idfk. like yes we did have a few ppl call off for easter but majority of us are gay and/or Definitely not christian#the handful of us there kept laughing about how little we care about easter. one girl saying she completely forgot about it#and like. man. yea. easter's one of the most pointless ass holidays outside of christianity#at least there's fun in christmas for non christians in the gift giving. easter is just like. there are eggs now???#and this is to celebrate The Lord?????? ok lol#anyways yea my days r happening. i keep skipping class. probably will again. Whoops sorry professor man but im just tryin to survive now
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peresephoknee · 2 years
heartstoppers is really forcing me to look at my teenage years huh
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