#for any number of reasons so I guess the option for cake or pie or both is good dhdjshshjr
anonprotagging · 2 years
dhfjdjfjrh reading other interpretations of characters I love is always the "oh no that person's cake is way better than mine" feeling but man that just means there are two cakes
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ladypaulsvn · 4 years
Hello! Can you write something for Ally with “Do you still like me?” “Don’t ask me that.” Maybe she and reader dated when they were younger and it didn’t work out but they cross paths again, please? Have a good day :)
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Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader
Word Count: 2,402
Summary: You bump into Ally, your high school sweetheart gone wrong, at a grocery store in your home town.
a/n: don’t kill me.
You didn't want to be here, back in this town that made you miserable for 18 long years. You hated your home town, and your yearly visits for the holidays were no exception. As much as you loved your family, this town had too many bad memories.
Including your first love, who stole your heart, then smashed it. Ally. The two of you had dated all throughout high school, yearning for the future and your life together outside of this miserable town.
When Ally told you that she got accepted into a college across the country from you, you weren't phased at all! You loved her! You could do long distance. You thought Ally felt the same, until things started slowly falling apart.
She seemed as excited as you were, and kept up the facade as you both moved across the country from each other. You made sure to fly out to see her once a month, or once every two months if life got extra busy with finals or a build up of work. You called every day, or at least texted. You told her everything, just as you always had.
Things crashed and burned the time you decided to surprise her for her birthday. You had told her you wouldn't be able to see her this year, you had so much going on and weren't able to get off work. You thought you had tricked her pretty well!
So it was much to your surprise when you arrived at her apartment, a gift in hand, to find her in bed with another woman. You couldn't process what you were seeing and your heart immediately broke in two. Ally called after you, but you simply dropped her present and ran.
She tried to fix things with you. Apologize, tell you that it was a mistake. That she was drunk and it wasn't what it looked like. But it was exactly what it looked like. You broke up with her. And you hadn't spoken to her since.
It was 10 years since then, and this year, things were a bit on the brighter side. The weather seemed to be better than past years, your family wasn't fighting as they usually were which was a plus, and the house was decorated more than it had ever been. It seemed like the perfect holiday.
This morning, you were sent out on a small grocery hunt. It was a bustling Monday morning a few days before Christmas and everyone was out, picking up last minute presents and ingredients for Christmas dinner. Your mother needed a pie crust, that’s all.
You skimmed down the isle, why were pie crust so damn hard to find? You walked slowly, passing sugar, cake mixes, flour, sprinkles until finally! Pie crusts! You picked one with a graham cracker crust and turned around, giddy to get back home and help your mother bake your favorite, a coconut cream pie.
You crashed right into someone. "Oh i'm so sorry!" You said, picking up their basket and handing it to them. Your eyes went wide as you recognized her features. "Ally?" You whispered. Her face was riddled with shock as well.
"Y/n? Wow! I never thought I'd see you again." She laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. You smiled, "Yeah, how strange. What are you doing in town? I thought you were across the country?" You asked, rocking on your heels.
"Oh yeah, I am! Just visiting the family. Usually they come out to Cali but this year they wanted snow." Her laugh brought back a million memories. "What about you?"
"Oh, same deal, kinda. I always, um, come here for the holidays." You we're getting anxious. "How's your mother?" She asked and you cursed internally. Why was she doing this?
"Oh um, she's fine. I got this pie crust for her actually, were making co-" You held up the pie crust.
"Coconut cream pie?" She cut you off with a smile. You nodded, laughing, "Yeah. Coconut cream pie."
"Those were always my favorite. Your mother was such a good baker." Her smile was warm and bubbly. Just as it always was.
You stood in silence for a few seconds. "Would you like to..." She bit her lip as she trailed off. "Like to what?" Your heart was racing.
"Get a coffee, maybe?" You could see the hope in her eyes, so you nodded. "Sure."
Why the hell had you said yes? You texted your mother that you were meeting up with a friend for coffee, and you'd be home with the pie crust soon, before cranking up your car.
You sighed as you buckled your seatbelt. You really were stupid, weren't you? The drive to the coffee shop was under 5 minutes, it was a small town after all. You immediately saw Ally closing the door to her car and locking it with a button on her keys. You took a deep breath. You could do this.
You parked and made your way inside the small shop, searching for her brunette bob. You spotted her at a window seat and she seemed to spot you too, waving you over.
"I ordered for you, I hope you don't mind." She said as you sat across from her. You shook your head in response. You looked up the ceiling, the rafters were exposed as they always were. Cobwebs drifting between them. It had been forever since you sat in this spot.
"So..." Ally pursed her lips "Do you have a partner? Work? Kids? What's up in y/n's world?" Her boldness caught you off guard.
"I don't have a partner, actually. But I'm working on my second doctorate right now." You said and her eyes went wide. "Second?"
"Yes. I have one in Psychology and i'm working on one in Criminal Justice." You shared, proud that you seemed to impress her.
"That's very impressive y/n." She said as a waiter came by and handed you both your respective coffee's.
You took a sip. "Thank you."
"I can't say i've done anything nearly as impressive but I am married... That counts for something right?" She laughed and held up her hand, a sparkling ring attached.
"Oh wow, that's amazing Ally. Do you have any kids?" You asked and she nodded.
"A boy. His name is Oz. Hold on I have a picture." She pulled out her phone and showed you a picture of a little blonde curly haired boy with glasses.
"He looks precious." You smiled and she thanked you.
"This coffee is terrible." She leaned across the table and whispered, causing you to laugh. "It really is. The Blue Jay has gone down hill." You joked and her laughter filled the air again.
"Definitely. Remember when we used to come up here every Saturday morning?" Ally asked and you reminisced on the past.
"Then we'd go down to the pond." You added and Ally smiled at your remembrance. "I haven't been to that pond since... well since we last went there I guess." Ally frowned.
"They were good times Ally." You reminded her and she smiled again. "Yeah, good times." She looked to her cup of coffee, stirring it with the little stick.
"So you really haven't found anyone?" Ally looked up again and you were taken aback by her question. "Well uh, no. I don't think i'd have a reason to lie about that." You laughed.
"I did see someone for a couple years though. Ended a year or two ago now, so It's not something I think about the daily or anything." You explained and Ally nodded.
"What were they like?" Ally asked and you wondered why she had such an interest in your love life. She had a husband, and a child.
"Well, she was really nice. Her name was Lana and she was a reporter, wrote a lot of articles. We traveled a lot together. She was really fun and addictive but she wasn't the type to settle down. When things got pretty serious, she dipped. Not that much of a story, really. Just a little chunk of my life that had a lesson to learn I guess. Like us." You told your story and Ally listened intently, soaking up every word.
"Like us?" She asked and you nodded. "Yeah. We were a lesson. Something I had to go through to grow as a person. Not every relationship is meant to last a lifetime, Ally. You've just found that person already. Mine is out there still." You were open and honest and Ally was dazed by it. "Yeah... a lesson."
Your phone dinged. Your mother texted, asking if you'd be much longer. "I think I may have to go Ally, I'm sorry. You know how impatient my mother is." You told her and she nodded, understanding.
You thanked her for the coffee before leaving the shop, heading back to your car.
"Y/n!" You heard Ally's voice across the parking lot as she jogged up to you. "I'd really like to catch up more. Can we meet up another time before I have to leave back home?" She asked and you contemplated.
"Here. Take my number and think about it. Text me." She handed you a piece of paper with a smile before walking back inside the cafe.
When you got home, you helped your mother bake the pie and spent the night hanging out with your family, almost forgetting the eventful day you had, seeing Ally.
You were in bed, about to fall asleep when you remembered she had given you her number. You laid there for awhile, going over your options in your head. Did you really want to see her again? After all this time?
It wasn't so bad today. She seemed to really want to see you. Maybe one more time couldn't hurt...
You punched her number into your phone and hit dial. Within three beeps, she had answered. "Hello?" Her voice was upbeat. "Hey Ally, it's y/n." You said, suddenly regretting your choice.
"You realize its 10 pm right, y/n?" She laughed and you checked the time, shocked. "Oh wow, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. But hey! You picked up." You said and heard her laugh. "You got me there. Did you decide if you wanted to meet up again?" You could almost see her biting her lip through the phone, a nervous habit she always had when you were together.
"Um, yeah. I'd like to meet up again." You said before you could stop yourself. Well, there's no going back now. "I'm so happy you said that! I was thinking maybe we could go out by the pond? Like we used to." She suggested and your breath caught in your throat. That damn pond.
"Uh, sure Ally. When'd you wanna do that?" You asked, nervously twirling a piece of your hair around your finger. "Are you free tomorrow?" You thought for a moment. "Yeah, i'm free." She giggled through the phone at your response. "See you tomorrow then, goodnight y/n."
"Goodnight Ally." She hung up shortly after. You plugged your phone in before switching off your lights, curling up in your bed. You really hoped this wasn't a mistake.
The next morning, you met Ally by the pond like you used to all those years ago. You would sit on the giant rocks and spend hours upon hours talking about anything and everything.
The two of you had been here for awhile, sharing a bag of jellybeans and a couple beers. It was like high school all over again.
"Remember yesterday?" Ally asked and you laughed, "If I didn't, I think that'd be a problem I needed to get check out."
"No I mean like, our conversation at the Blue Jay. You said that we were a lesson, and that I had found my person already but yours was still out there." Ally explained and you nodded.
"Yeah I remember, what about it?" you asked, curious as to what she was thinking.
"Well.. it had me thinking and if i'm honest, I don't know if my husband really is that person for me." Ally said her thoughts aloud slowly, gaging your every reaction.
"Why do you think that? I mean, you married him for a reason, right?" You asked, confused. "It felt like the right thing to do at the time. I was pregnant and he was such a nice guy, is a nice guy. I just...” Ally added.
"You just, what?" You guided her and she sighed. "I'm not happy. I'm content, but I'm not happy." Ally's volume was nearly a whisper.
"Ally I... I'm sorry you feel that way." You tried to comfort her but you were met with silence.
Ally stared out onto the water, "Do you still love me?" Ally asked and you were dumbfounded. "Love you?" You choked.
"Love me." She nodded. "Don't ask me that Ally. Please don't ask me that." You shook your head. "Where the hell did that come from?" You asked, finally looking towards her.
Her face was still towards the pond, her side profile on display. "I never stopped loving you... y/n." She whispered, swiping away a tear that fell from her eye.
"Ally... please." You begged. You didn't want to have this conversation. "Don't do this right now."
"The one and only time i've ever truly been happy, especially in a relationship, was with you y/n." Ally turned to you, visible tears raining down her cheeks.
"Ally I can't do this. You're married for fucks sake." You said, standing from the rock and you could see the panic rush through Ally as she stood to stop you.
"N-no no! Wait wait wait please y/n I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you away I just needed you to know that-" You could hear Ally behind you as you turned and grabbed her face with both hands, crashing your lips into hers.
You pulled away. "Ally. I have always, and will always love you, but you're married. I need to go now." You said as Ally stood frozen, a hand on her lips as she watched you walk away.
She didn't bother to stop you now, she knew you wouldn't stay. She just hoped that the universe would bring you back to her again, let her have just one more chance.
tags: @8plasma @poulengp @zamoimagines @wholesomeslut @natasha-danvers comment to be tagged in future works <3
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OC Interview!
I got tagged by the lovely @andremarshallwhite in this, thank you! I think someone else might have tagged me a long time ago? I couldn’t find who it was, but big thank you if someone else did!
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same. I’m tagging: @marvilus73 @thesuplexrangerexperience @red-king-4 @commonwealthhero @myworldisbiworld @humans-are-friends-not-food @nya-for-you I know that’s more than five but I can’t count and also hate rules. I think some y’all done this already, though!
I’m cutting this because it’s hella long, so the rest is under the cut 👇
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1. What is your name? "General Jack Daniel O'Kelley of the Commonwealth Minutemen, how about you?"
2. Do you know why are you named that? "Yes."
3. Are you single or taken? "Taken, but... if you're asking because you're interested... my relationship is a little bit more... open than people usually mean when they say 'taken'."
4. Have any abilities or powers? "I'm very talented at creating. Equally if not more talented at destruction. Radiation heals me after I had this thing happen on an island with the Children of Atom.. long story, it was a phase. I also know a neat trick with my tongue..."
5. Stop being a Mary Sue. "I would love to but no."
6. What’s your eye color? "They were blue, but now they're... it would be easier to just show you."
7. How about your hair color? "Blonde, blondes have more fun!"
8. Have any family members? "The only blood family I have left alive is my son... but, it's complicated. And something I'd rather not discuss... blood doesn't make family, though - I know that fact with certainty. I consider the people I love and trust and work with every day, the people who we have each other's backs, my family."
9. Oh? How about pets? "Just Dogmeat... oh! And a robot butler. That's the same thing, right?"
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like? "Greed, injustice, hatred, you know, that kind of stuff you would think people would dislike... I've been told that's not very common anymore. Or maybe it never actually was. And Gunners. I will wipe every single one of those sons of bitches off the face of this god forsaken earth even if it kills me. Yum Yum Deviled Eggs are also fucking gross."
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? “I like to do robots. I mean, I build and mod robots. Give old assaultrons flamethrowers and refurbish old sentrybots so they have gatling laser hands. Paint them fun colors. Put skulls on 'em. Make friends with them. That kind of thing."
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? "Only if necessary or if they earned it. Out here that seems to be a lot of people. And before The War... I served four years in Anchorage, I didn't get to decide what was necessary or... right... so then, too, as a soldier, yes."
13. Ever… killed anyone before? "Same answer as before."
14. What kind of animal are you? “Have you ever heard the term ‘crazy like a fox’?”
15. Name your worst habits? “Jet, mentats, psycho, med-x and whiskey”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all? "My mom and dad. They were good people. They had really good hearts. They adopted me when I was ten. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Then they stood by me through... everything. Unconditionally. I still have a hard time believing people like that really existed."
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual? "Very bisexual"
18. Do you go to school? "I did when I was a kid"
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day? "I had that life once... I would do it again in a heartbeat."
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys? "Not that I'm aware of."
21. What are you most afraid of? "Failing to protect my family again."
22. What do you usually wear? "Whatever's seasonable, reasonable and fashionable. Though fashionable is probably subjective..."
23. What’s one food that tempts you? “Fancy Lads Snack Cakes – I’m supposed to be saving them all for my husband because he really likes them. A lot. I lack the words to convey what happens when you put a box of those things down in front of this man. But they’re so good and sometimes I break down and sneak some. He always knows when I do. Can you imagine having your shit together enough to know exactly how many snack cakes you have? If you can’t, ask him, because evidently he does. I love that man.”
24. Am I annoying to you? "Not particularly"
25. Well, it’s still not over! "Well, OK then!"
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)? "I don't know if there's necessarily a class system out here anymore... but before The War my wife and I were probably closer to the upper end of middle class. My parents were definitely middle-middle class. Before that... I don't know what class you would call a kid without parents scraping by in an orphanage."
27. How many friends do you have? "You want a number? I have no idea. I'm friendly with a lot of people."
28. What are your thoughts on pie? "I once got a perfectly preserved pie out of one of those snack gizmos you see around here and there. Every single one I tried was broken - my pal Mac kept telling me to just smash one open if I wanted that pie so bad, but I wanted to get one fair and square. And god dammit, I finally did. I still haven't eaten it, I put it on my mantle like a trophy."
29. Favorite drink? “Whiskey and Nuka-Cola 50/50 mix”
30. What’s your favorite place? "There's an old overpass up by Greygarden. Once you get on top of it you can see the whole Commonwealth. It's amazing."
31. Are you interested in anyone? "There is this one guy I'm kind of married to..."
32. That was a stupid question… *shrug*
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? “I would rather just cover myself in butter and throw up a sign that says ‘Mirelurks Eat Free!’ if those are my options...”
34. What’s your type? “Alive... no, I'm kidding. I mean, that is a prerequisite, oh, unless you’re a robot... are robots technically alive? Anyway.. I don't know. I like a lot of different types of people. Genuine people. People who are smart in their own way, whatever way that is. Being a little bit badass doesn't hurt either."
35. Any fetishes? "We don't have time to answer that question, to be fair."
36. Camping or outdoors? "I like being outdoors... I don't like being cold or eaten by surprise Deathclaws, so camping is the less attractive option."
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somuchformegaspeed · 7 years
Okay so what the heck is up with this game and community anymore?
I’ve hadn’t played much TTR lately up until the day before the 2.0 update came out, and I’m... really confused and kind of disappointed in some of you guys.
First off... Toonupless is a thing. A COMMON thing.
Why though?
Toonup is an essential gag that you get the option to choose at the very start of the game. Toonup is the only gag that allows you to heal other Toons’ laff points. It is a necessity for teamwork and keeping your fellow Toons alive and well. Yet I’ve seen easily over 30 people who don’t have it.
What’s the excuse?
“Someone else in the party probably has Toonup.”
That doesn’t matter. What if it misses and the only other people that have Toonup go sad? What if the boarding group messes up or someone disconnects right before a boss battle and you’re left with only one other person on your side? What do you do then?
“SOS cards and unites exist for a reason.”
And that reason is for emergencies, not because you need both Trap and Drop so badly on your Toon. Unites are usually best used when Cogs are doing massive damage during their attack turn and you know that at least one Toon in your team isn’t going to survive in the space between Cog 1′s attack and Cog 3′s attack. Incredibly rough boss battles are also a really good place to use unites. SOS cards are good for when your team has genuinely run OUT of Toonup, has very weak Toonup, or Toonup keeps missing.
Plus, what are you going to do BEFORE you have access to either of those? Or when they run out?
“Well... I’m kind of a two/three/four-track uber...”
That is forgivable. As an uber, you don’t get many choices for your gag tracks. Heck, not even four track ubers can get Trap! I’m not going to be angry with you if you’re forced to choose Sound over Toonup in TTC, mainly because you’ll be blown off by people more than usual because...
Everyone. Uses. Sound.
Okay... don’t get me wrong. Sound can be a wonderful gag when used correctly. Sound is a gag that I’ve had on all my Toons that have been leveled up enough to have it as of writing this. But I’m honestly about ready to make at LEAST one of my lower Toons Soundless because it’s relied too heavily upon.
I understand; a lot of you want to get through things like Factories or Cashbot Mints faster. I especially understand for Factories; there are a lot of low Cogs that can be taken down easily and quickly with Aoogahs and Elephant Trunks.
But fighting a CFO almost entirely using Sound is not fun.
Games, especially Toontown, are supposed to be fun. Toontown is a game about strategy. About teamwork. There’s no real teamwork involved in figuring out who picks Fog and who picks Elephant Trunk.
Lure exists for a REASON. Lure allows Trap to work and gives knockback damage to Throw and Squirt. It also allows Cogs to not hit for as long as they’re lured, allowing for Toons to heal each other. Maxed Lure, though it may take a small bit longer, can be just as effective or even MORE effective than Sound at killing Cogs when Toons work together.
1-hit-kills on Cogs using Lure include (but are not limited to): Maxed Fire Hose on level 5 Maxed Whole Cream Pie on level 6 Maxed Storm Cloud on level 9 Maxed Birthday Cake (non-organic) on level 10 Maxed Birthday Cake (organic) on level 11 Maxed TNT on level 11 Train Tracks (organic) on level 12
And that’s without even going into detail about what two Toons can use on one Cog to defeat it while lured.
Now I’m not saying that I’m against Sound in boss battles altogether; Sound can be a great way to stun high Cogs for people to use Drop while also destroying the low-level Cogs in the same round. I’m more against repeatedly using Fog Horns over and over and over again when dealing with full lines of 11s and 12s.
I’d also like to point out that I’ve seen people get angry when others use Lure in boss battles while high level Cogs were in play. And I don’t mean Small Magnets. I mean FREAKING HYPNO GOGGLES. WHY? Just enjoy the Lure and use the knockback to your advantage; maybe even use a TNT if you’ve got Trap and depending on the Cog levels.
Okay, maxed Throw, maxed Squirt, maxed Sound... wait WHA?
Okay, so this one doesn’t really apply to Toons that have been here a while; I’ve only really ever seen this on Crocodile and Deer Toons.
Just... look at this.
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This... is a thing I’ve seen a handful of people do. And it just kinda leaves me... a lot more confused and baffled than angry. I mean... I get you’re trying to go for 115 laff but... you’ve forgotten that pretty much all gags matter in the process...
You’ll do okay in boss fights and stuff for now I guess but... man you’ve got a loooooot of training ahead of you once the Laff-O-Lympics are over...
I’m... at a loss for words. I’m kind of amazed in a way... but still not overly fond of the idea... it’s almost like some kind of reverse uber...
All I can really say is... good luck on training o_o;
Throwless...? Squirtless...?
This is something else I’ve seen a decent number of times lately... a Toon with probably well over 100 laff that has either no Squirt gags with a highest of Squirt Gun, or no Throw gags with a highest of Cream Pie.
I don’t really have an explanation of this aside I heard one Toon say “squirtless.”
Now... I kind of have a love-hate relationship with this idea, and it’s probably my inner uber-lover speaking to me.
On one hand, it’s an interesting concept; not being able to play with one of two gags that are flat-out given to you at the start of the game except for when Toontasks force you to level up that particular gag (e.g. Squirt Gun in Donald’s Dock and the Whole Cream Pie in Melodyland) It could lead to a lot of thinking outside the box.
But on the other hand... that not only leaves you with 5 gag tracks to work with since you can’t actually get RID of Throw or Squirt, but it can mess with the team as a whole when you’re in buildings, Factories, boss battles, etc.. It handicaps not only you, but also the entire team. 
Yeah yeah I hear you all from here, “But you like ubers, you weirdo hypocrite.” I dunno... ubers seem more like testing the very limits of the game in seeing how far they can get with the smallest amount of laff; Toontown’s glass cannons, if you will. They can still use the main gags a lot of Toons already have. Throwless and Squirtless seems a bit more.. off. They have all the laff points that any other Toon does, but they don’t have a gag that almost everyone uses and only use 5 of their 6 gag tracks.
Toontown Rewritten is a mostly-vanilla Toontown fanserver; not a whole lot of the updates made are outside the box of what the original Toontown was like. I’d really, REALLY like to see an idea like this in a non-vanilla Toontown server where you can legitimately leave off Throw or Squirt and still have 6 usable gag tracks... 
...kind of like how some other fanservers have it so you can set a maximum laff for yourself so you can be an uber but still fish without... you know... accidentally managing to catch 3 laff boosts-worth of fish and becoming a 28-laff uber instead of a 25-laff uber... (true story)
If there is a server out there that does that already... that sounds absolutely freaking awesome.
tl;dr: Toonupless is pretty selfish and not a good idea, you guys really need to stop relying on sound when dealing with 11s and 12s in boss fights, good luck training your gags because dang o_o;, and it might be best to save Throwless/Squirtless for a different server but that’s a pretty rad idea
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the-grumpy-panda · 7 years
Junkfoodio Rambleosa!
This is almost all I have left of this most recent junk food splurging madness. This write up might be slightly longer than usual as a result, but not as long as it could have been. I might be able to squeeze yet another ramble out of what's left. You're welcome. Or I may simply decide enough is enough and forego any more food musings. You're twice as welcome. Some of these may not be all that new/exclusive/limited/whatever by the time this hits the wonders of the internet press, but they are new to me as of this writing. If they've been out awhile, this is simply the first time I stumbled across them while out and about. So let's just get to it. -Thomas' S'mores Mini bagels! A slight chocolate smell, as if they were lightly dusted with cocoa (they're not) but no real s'more flavor. There's a light chocolate flavor in the aftertaste, but it's not enough to make these memorable or worth seeking out. -How will the Thomas' S'mores English Muffin fare, then? To begin, it's a sickly cocoa color, so at first glance at least it appears that it may be chock full of flavor. It smells like a doughy s'more, so that's a good start. The flavor is definitely closer to a s'more than the mini bagels, but it doesn't quite get it right. Again, it's too... doughy. If that makes sense. Maybe s'more just isn't a flavor that translates to bread products. These were still enjoyable overall, though, and were good all warm and toasty with a dab of butter. Definitely the one to try. -Triscuit Ginger & Lemongrass! Is there a greater food complexity than Triscuits? It seems we all wake up one day after reaching a certain age, and we just instinctively, and suddenly, like Triscuits. If this rule doesn't apply to you, then a-ha! You are an android, and you have failed my fail proof method of sussing you out. This particular Triscuit could prove problematic. I'm of a mind to think it will either be heinous, or not so bad. So far, Triscuits have been pretty consistent in making their off color ventures relatively successful, so the odds are in their favor. Everything about this particular version turns out to be... faint. There are very faint notes of ginger and lemon upon opening the bag, but you must take a deep breath in. There is a very faint ginger and lemon taste when chewing, but it recedes rather quickly. These work okay enough, and I enjoyed them as is, but this is one Triscuit that truly begs to be topped with something, where the faint ginger and lemon aspects would play a small part to a whole. These may also work well crumbled into a soup of sorts. -Triscuit Fig & Honey! These gave me an audible "Oh!" moment when I first saw them on the store shelf. I never knew I needed this until it was presented to me. Unfortunately, I was slightly let down by the experience once I opened the bag. There is a light fig aroma to be detected, but it could also be perceived as an earthy tone. It's not that it's bad, it's just not the sweet kick I was expecting to take in. The first few bites are also the same, a light fig/earthy presence that doesn't impress or dissuade. Then the honey note kicks in, and it has a burnt or old aspect to it that doesn't play well on the tongue. I suppose Triscuit was due for a misfire, but I wouldn't have guessed this would be the one. Overall, it's still an okay snack, and it too may best be served with an accompanying topping, but I'm less inclined to explore that option than I was with the Ginger & Lemongrass ones. -Utz Grilled Hot Dog potato chips! Oddly enough, upon first whiff these remind me ever so slightly of the Crab Chip that Utz (and others) produce. Which is peculiar for a hot dog flavored chip. If you're not familiar with the crab chip, it's a chip made with Old Bay seasoning. If you're unfamiliar with Old Bay, then you are not from, or have never visited, the East Coast. It's a staple seasoning blend, and over the last few years it has grown quite noticeably, and one can find "crab seasoning" on all sorts of food items. It was fun at first to see someone put it on a chip, and it's not bad on a chicken wing, but purists will maintain it's strictly for seafood, with crabs (obviously) being the absolute number one use. Followed very closely by shrimp, then followed by every other type of seafood. But I digress... heavily. Taste wise, the first thing I notice is salt. These are quite salty. The second thing I noticed was a heavy smoke flavor, which isn't the most pleasant thing to get from a chip, but I must admit it does make me think of something being grilled. The last flavor that is at play here is mustard. Underneath the salt and the smoke is a clear and distinct mustard element. I like the mustard part actually, and am sad it comes after the too much salt and smoke parts. I can't say it distinctly reminds me of a hot dog, but a grilled something or other element is there. -Utz Cheeseburger potato chips! Will these best the not quite right hot dog chips? Let's see. First whiff gives me a very faint ketchup odor, but one that is overpowered by a pickle aroma. Taste wise, I would have to say the same. They taste like a dollop of ketchup that was mixed with some pickle juice, and at the tail end there is also a salty cheese element that comes out. I don't get any smokiness like the hot dog one, so the cheeseburger or grill element is missing. As they stand, it's a weird ketchup/pickle/cheese chip. It's not gross, but they're rather forgettable, and after eating a few I noticed that again, these are quite salty. It left out in a bowl with no labeling, I imagine most would think they're either a pickle chip, or some kind of cheese and onion flavor. -Little Debbie PB Rounds! A fudge dipped peanut butter sandwich cookie. Well, isn't that cute? They've scored the top in the method of a traditional peanut butter cookie. It also tastes like a peanut butter cookie dipped in chocolate, so there's nothing else to add about it. It was good, and if you like peanut butter cookies dipped in chocolate, give this one a spin. My one complaint is that the cookie parts were a little too thick. This needed to be an ever so slightly thinner treat. Well, now that I think about it, I have another complaint. The peanut butter is a little too sugary and fake. It won't stop me from finishing the box over some time, but I do wish it was slightly less artificial as well. But it's a snack cake from Little Debbie. It's going to be fake, and at worst a bad Little Debbie treat is still alright enough to eat, so why am I complaining? -Keebler Lemon Cream Pie Fudge Stripe cookies! Almost nothing to say about these. They are exactly what they promise to be. A lemon cookie with some icing. They're good, and if you like such things, they're worth a taste.   -Hostess Summer Berry Donettes! Smell like blueberries, taste like raspberries and have the color of some kind of sangria Kool-Aid. They are however, quite tasty with a very nice moistness level. They don't seem as thick as other donettes I've had. They seem a little flatter and a litter rounder. Or I'm just crazy. I like these a lot. -Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Sugar Cookie. No exclamation point. Pop-Tarts deserve no exclaims, certainly no acclaim. Dry. Dusty. Tasteless. Sad. Drywallesque.  I imagine these are merely left over World War I rations Kellogg's repackaged and then painted pictures on. Oh, yeah. For whatever weird reason these have villains from the DC comics realm plastered on them. The one I begrudgingly took a solitary bite from had someone named Cheetah on it. I don't know who that is, but she looked like a sexy Thundercat and was in a bikini. That's the only exciting thing about this travesty of a treat. But aren't Pop-Tarts meant to be for kids? Why are you pasting nearly naked, top heavy cat ladies on a kids food item? They're eating a Pop-Tart, for crying out loud! Their young little lives have already been messed up enough! Don't warp their brains, too. Shame at you Kellogg's. -Jolly Rancher Green Apple Pop-Tarts. They did it. Those crafty bastards actually did it. Foil wrapped HATE that you can buy for roughly three bucks a box. With the added stank of a green apple candy flavor, the worst candy flavor. I tried one, and if I saw these in a bunker I was to live in after a nuclear fallout, I'd go back outside and take my chances instead. To be honest, if I even see these on a store shelf again, it might cause me to spontaneously diarrhea all over the store and anyone therein while simultaneously setting fires in the hopes it erases these foul and vile things from the planet. If the judge and jury at my impending trial has tasted one of these, there is no way I'll be convicted. Eat this damn thing at your own peril. -Jolly Rancher Cherry Pop-Tarts. To be fair (immediately previous comments excepted) there are a couple of the fruit Pop-Tarts that are just barely passable as an edible entity that I can get through without too much fuss. This isn't one of them. Of the three here, it's the one that didn't make me want to decide to live solely on plain oatmeal, but there's a tartness to it that I didn't find appealing. I haven't had a Jolly Rancher candy since I was kid, and have no recall of their flavor, so maybe this tartness is in fact a component to the candy they were able to get into the tart. If so, good for them. For me, this tastes like a lemon/cherry Pop-Tart which leans too heavily on the lemon. Maybe that sounds good to others, and were it a real pastry I'd probably like it, but in Pop-Tart form,  I'll pass.   -Strawberry Nut M&M's! A tasty little devil, with flavor profiles in perfect proportion. Unlike some of the specific seasonal fare M&M tries, this one seems like someone actually worked at getting the balance right. If you like peanut M&m's and you like strawberry flavoring, this is a good match. The only complaint is I felt more than a handful was too much with this one. This is a snack best done in small doses, so a bag may last you a little while. -Krispy Kreme Glazed Birthday Cake Mini Crullers! Well, I can't say these don't taste like a birthday cake. The problem is they taste very much like a stale sheet cake one would get at the not so great grocery store you never really go to, but it's on the way to work and you have to bring something for the office party and you just don't have time for anything else. -Twizzlers Key Lime Pie twists! They do taste like a key lime pie, surprisingly enough. However, the gummy/chewy aspect of these make them a bit gross somehow. It's just not right. Softer than a normal Twizzler, it's like having a glob of melting putty in your mouth. I give them credit for getting the flavor right, but a solid pass for the experience as a whole. -Twizzlers Orange Cream twists! These taste like orange medicine. Do not like. Don't want. Moving on. Nope. No moving on. That's a wrap! I've said all I can say and my brain is on full sugar crash mode and barely functioning. Seems I forgot the obligatory sexist comment about some female celebrity, though. Hmm. Um. Tonks (Natalia Tena) from the Harry Potter movies can Hufflepuff my Slytherin anytime. Good enough? Way too much? Eh. I'm going to bed.
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filipeteimuraz · 5 years
5 Content Creation Tactics That Will Amplify Your Content’s Reach
Content marketing growth isn’t always explosive, but should it be slow?
No, it shouldn’t.
You should have steady, measurable growth on a monthly basis in most cases.
That’s why it pains me to see so many marketers create content and be satisfied when barely anyone sees it.
You don’t need tens of thousands of views for a new piece of content to make a difference, but you should be aiming for at least a thousand, even when you’re just starting off.
If you’re not getting many views on your content, something is wrong.
It could be one of many things:
not a good topic
weak writing
overall mediocre content
not enough promotion
low quality promotion
In this post, I want to dive deeper into one of these elements: the content aspect.
There are things you can do to instantly expose your content to a larger audience. In fact, I’m going to show you 5 of them in this post.
If you’re looking to get hundreds or thousands of extra views on your content, this is a post you’ll want to read closely. 
1. Influencers can help you in many ways
In order to grow your site’s traffic and readership, you need to put in a ton of consistent hard work.
However, there are ways accelerate the growth. They involve getting a few big influencers in your niche on your side.
Imagine that someone sent an email to thousands of their subscribers, linked to you in a blog post seen by tens of thousands, or shared your content on social media.
Depending on how much of an influencer that person is, it could lead to you gaining dozens of subscribers immediately.
If you could just find 5-10 influencers who wouldn’t mind helping you promote your content once in a while, you would grow your blog several times faster than you currently are.
It’s a simple plan, and it works.
However, it’s not so easy to actually get influencers to share your content.
Influencers don’t share mediocre content, and getting them to take the time to look at your content in the first place is difficult as well.
Again, though, there are ways that you can increase your chances of getting a positive reply and action from an influencer.
You can’t ever guarantee that a particular influencer will help you promote your content, but you can greatly increase the chances with these four tactics.
Option #1 – Get them to contribute to the article: Why should someone help share your article?
There are a few main reasons someone might want to:
because they want to be nice
because they think their readers will love it
because it makes them look good
The first one is nice, but completely unreliable. Influencers often get several (hundreds for some) share and link requests each day. Even the nicest guy can’t say yes to all of them.
That leaves us with two reasons.
Option #1 focuses mostly on the second main reason.
The idea is to ask them to contribute a small bit of content to the post, whether it’s a short story, quote, or piece of advice.
If they contribute to something, they’ve essentially given it their “stamp of approval.”
Through confirmation bias, they are more likely to overvalue the quality of your content. And since they think that it’s great, it follows that their readers would as well, which makes them more likely to help promote it.
If they do agree to contribute, you don’t need to ask them to promote it. Just thank them for helping you out, and send them a link an hour or so before you publish the post.
Most influencers understand that you would also appreciate any mentions to their audience, but asking for it can put them off.
The hard part, therefore, is getting them to contribute in the first place.
Here’s a sample email you could send:
Hi (first name),
I’m the head content creator at (site) and have a quick offer for you.
I’m putting together an incredibly comprehensive (describe the content) for our audience of X,XXX subscribers.
I guess this isn’t the time to be humble—it’s going to be amazing. I know you wouldn’t waste your time contributing to sub-par content, and I wouldn’t waste your time if this was the case.
My offer to you: I’d love to feature a quick piece of advice from you in the guide—it’d be the icing on the cake for my audience.
If you’re in, here’s what I’m looking for:
(ask them one specific question here).
But if you’re too busy, no worries, I won’t take it personally.
Thanks so much for your time,
(Your Name)
You wouldn’t want to go any longer than that.
The key part is your question has to be specific. If they don’t think they can answer it in under 200 words, most aren’t going to bother.
For example, ask them a question like:
What would you say is the best thing a beginner marketer can do to begin their education?
But obviously tailor it to your topic.
Option #2 – Giving input always makes someone care more: If someone came up to you and started complaining about not being able to find a job, you might sympathize, but you probably wouldn’t care very much.
But how would you feel if they asked for your advice on finding a job?
All of a sudden, you’ve taken on the role of a mentor/teacher. In this role, you have a natural inclination to care about your student’s success.
If they actually listen to you and apply your advice, how likely are you to help them more?
Very likely.
You’d probably try to set up interviews and introduce them to any relevant people you know to help them network.
Content promotion is pretty similar.
If you can get an influencer to offer advice on your content—and you actually apply that advice—most will be happy to share the content when it’s ready. They will want to see it succeed.
How do you get an influencer to offer you advice? That’s the hard part.
There are two keys to getting a decent response rate:
Genuinely ask for feedback
Have a really cool idea
The first key is self-explanatory. If it seems that you just want them to share your content and you don’t really care what they think, they’ll delete the email immediately.
The second key is something most marketers don’t stop to consider.
If you send me yet another “guide to SEO,” I don’t care how good it is, it’s not interesting. Besides my own guide to SEO, there are hundreds of others.
You need to have a unique and interesting take on a topic (or an entirely new topic altogether).
Let me show you an example of a great email to help illustrate my point.
Groove HQ launched their content marketing strategy just under 3 years ago, but they launched it with a bang.
Their first post got them over 1,000 new subscribers. Seriously. Some blogs take months or years to reach that number.
And they did it using this one tactic.
First, they identified several key influencers who might be interested in their content marketing project. Then, they sent them this email:
The key part is that long second paragraph, the main paragraph, where Alex explains the project.
The idea he presented was for Groove to reveal everything about growing their software startup.
At the time, this was completely unique, and, of course, many influencers found it intriguing.
They offered to give real feedback on the post.
After Alex took action on that feedback, he produced an article that immediately got comments from plenty of huge influencers like Gary Vaynerchuk.
Option #3 – Give them a great reason to care: The final reason why an influencer might care enough about your content to help promote it is because it makes them look great.
In simple terms, you feature them in a good light.
This has worked for years, but like most tactics in content marketing, it’s evolved.
You used to be able to simply link to someone’s site and then email them to let them know about it. When you told them you loved their content so much you had to link to it in your post, a decent percentage were happy to share your post.
That doesn’t work so well anymore because many marketers adopted that strategy.
Influencers now get many similar emails, and the content doesn’t even make them look good (it’s just a link buried somewhere in the article).
But you have an opportunity to get ahead of the curve again.
With this final option, I recommend not only linking to an influencer but giving them a few surrounding paragraphs where you paint them in a positive light.
Here’s an example from one of my past Quick Sprout articles:
I used Brian Dean’s content as a “great example” of a concept I was trying to explain.
By doing this, not only did I include a useful example for my readers, but I made Brian look really good.
Imagine if I sent him an email after and included the content in the above picture in it? Automatically, I’d stand out from dozens of other similar emails he gets.
Another way you can show someone that you want to make them look good is to interview them.
Many bloggers successfully start podcasts just to build relationships with the influencers they interview.
For anyone, an influencer or not, being able to grab someone’s attention for 20-40 minutes during a podcast is an amazing opportunity.
Why wouldn’t I promote an interview of mine if I felt like my audience would enjoy it?
Tools to help you find influencers: One of the most important steps for all of these different options is to target the right influencers.
If they aren’t a good fit for the content you’re proposing, why would they contribute?
If you email me for advice on how to bake a pie, it’s going straight to the trash (the email, not the pie).
If you’re familiar with your niche, you might already know all the big influencers and can simply list people you’d like to connect with.
However, if you’re somewhat new or aren’t confident that you know all the influencers, you can find them in a few different ways.
The first is a simple Google search for “top bloggers (your niche),” which is a great starting point.
Most of the time, you’ll be able to find 50-100 fairly popular blogs, and you can then figure out who the people behind the blogs are.
Next, head over to BuzzSumo. Type in a few main keywords that describe your niche into the influencer search function:
You will get thousands of results. The first few hundred are usually pretty good.
2. Optimize your images for maximum shareability
It’s no secret that images are crucial for good readability.
They attract attention; readers love them; and they break up content.
But many marketers don’t make the connection between images on their sites and shares on social networks.
If you do understand this connection, you have an opportunity to increase the social shares you get on an average article by a substantial number.
Size comes first: One of the most common mistakes I see is creating an attractive image to include in a blog post but making it an awkward size for social networks.
Even if a reader shares it, it will end up distorted or cut off, so it won’t get much attention.
If you don’t know which social networks to optimize for, head over to BuzzSumo again, and type in a niche keyword. Typically, one or two results will dominate the search:
Even better, if you have a fairly high traffic blog, you should be able to check the number of shares past posts have had on each network by plugging them into a social share checker.
Once you know which network most of your readers use, either search on the social media site for image guidelines, or refer to Buffer’s ultimate guide to social media image sizes.
From there, just make sure all your blog images fit within the optimal size range.
Once you know the right size for an image, you need to figure out which types of images to include. There are a few types of images that attract more shares than others.
Type #1 – Informational images: An image that includes actual practical information will get more attention than a plain photo.
An infographic would belong to this group, but so would other images like short tutorial pictures:
You can see how the above picture would naturally attract more shares and likes than a picture of just a makeup brush.
Type #2 – Quote images: Another type of image that absolutely kills it on social media in most niches is a quote image.
Such images consist of a simple patterned background with a meaningful quote laid over top.
This is a type of picture that gets shared a lot but can become boring if used too much.
I recommend including no more than one of these per article.
Type #3 – Plain beautiful pictures: I often get asked how I get such great pictures to use for the featured images on Quick Sprout posts.
The truth is my designer creates them or finds amazing pictures that others have created.
Yes, they cost more than most stock photos, but they not only attract more reader attention but also result in more social shares.
Add image sharing buttons to your images: This small tweak will immediately produce a significant increase in shares.
You can do this by using a plugin such as SumoMe Image Sharer.
Once you enable the plugin, all of your pictures will have buttons like the ones shown above.
You can configure it to show only specific networks.
Tools to make image creation simple: There’s no point in spending money on simple pictures like quote images unless you have a very comfortable budget.
Instead, spend 10-20 minutes learning how to create your own custom images.
There are a few tools I recommend using. They are easy to use even if you stink at designing:
In this case, I’d recommend using Pablo when possible—an image creation tool created by Buffer.
It’s specifically designed to create images that are optimized for social media, which saves you a lot of time.
You don’t need an account to get started, and it’s completely free.
Start by picking the image size on the right sidebar (it shows you which one is best for each network):
Your canvas in the middle will adjust to that size.
Then, you can pick a background from the left sidebar:
Finally, you can click in the textbox and edit the text as you’d like. You can also drag the text around if you think it’ll look better in a different location.
3. Feature something other than an influencer
We know that people are more likely to share something if they are featured in it, especially in a positive way.
That’s why featuring influencers can produce some pretty impressive results.
But influencers aren’t extremely likely to share your content even if you do feature them. Sure, a decent percentage will, but not as many as you’d like.
But what if you could feature a typical reader who isn’t an influencer? They’d be really excited and be very likely to share it with everyone they know.
The problem here is that they have a small number of people they could send it to.
If only there was a way we could feature hundreds or thousands of typical readers at the same time.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
You can feature people not just by including their names but by featuring groups they are a part of.
And this is really powerful.
When people are heavily invested in a forum or a community site like a subreddit, they identify with that group.
If you feature that group, they’ll want to talk about it and share it because it makes the group as a whole look good (and therefore themselves).
To do this, pick any active community in your niche, and feature it in a post.
You can simply use the group as a good example for something, just like I did when I talked about influencers earlier, or you can make the whole article about them.
Even better, compare two or more of the leading communities together, and it could start a discussion within each community about which one is actually better:
4. Create content specifically for a community
This tactic piggybacks on the last one, so make sure you understand that one first.
The idea here is to recognize a common problem within a community and then solve it. This is content marketing 101.
The best example of this happened on Reddit years ago.
At the time, most image hosting services sucked because they would constantly crash, load slowly, or be filled with ads.
One Reddit user took this opportunity to create their own minimalistic image hosting service called Imgur.
It is now one of the top 50 sites in the world.
The interesting part is that all the promotion that was needed was a few posts by the creator within the community (Reddit).
From there, the community was the one that spread it. They excitedly mentioned it at all opportunities, and power users flocked to it.
Even today, many years later, Imgur is still thought of as the Reddit image host even though it’s a completely separate business.
Get as specific as possible: I’m not suggesting that you need to create the next Imgur to use this tactic. It’s unlikely that you’ll see a huge problem within a big community and be the one to solve it (although possible).
But what you can do is find a problem on a small, niche community site and solve that.
For example, a forum member on a popular poker tournament forum noticed that many other members were struggling with staying focused and energetic during long tournaments.
So, he put together a really interesting and practical post for the members of the community, calling it his “gift to MTTC” (the community).
It’s gotten over 400 replies and tens of thousands of views. I’m sure it gets linked to all the time from other parts of the site.
Ideally, your gift would be a tool or some content on your own site. However, even if your content was posted just on a website of that community, it would still instantly elevate you to the status of a highly respected member.
You could then use that standing to promote your future content with a lot more support from the community.
5. Pick topics with the potential to go viral
You want any piece of content you create to spread as fast and as wide as possible.
In other words, you want it to go viral.
But content marketers often don’t understand that they can’t just add words like “surprising” to the headline and hope the article will go viral.
Certain topics are doomed from the start.
A review guide about lamps is never going to go viral.
While you can never guarantee that an article will go viral, you can at least give yourself a chance if you understand the three factors behind viral spread.
Factor #1 – Positive feelings: Fractl conducted an in-person research study to analyze how people felt when shown a variety of different viral images.
They found that there were three significant factors behind the popularity of those images, and one of them was positive feelings.
By positive feelings, they mean any of the following:
The study found that when shown a selection of viral images, most participants felt a positive emotion.
This suggests that positive emotions spread more easily than negative ones. It doesn’t mean that posts that evoke negative emotions can’t go viral; they can—just much less likely.
For you, this means that you should create content that makes your readers feel good.
Factor #2 – Emotional complexity: If you see an image and smirk, you probably won’t be in a hurry to share it.
However, if it has you smiling from ear to ear, you’d want to share it so that others can feel that positive emotion too.
The second main finding from the study was that the viral images were associated with a wider range of emotions in the subjects (extreme emotions), while non-viral images had a narrow range of emotions (mild emotions).
Not only did the subjects feel strong positive or negative emotions, but when shown the most viral pieces of content, they felt both!
This is a good thing for you because it means that even if you’re creating content around a negative topic, it can still go viral. Just make sure to end it on a positive note.
Here’s an example of a video that starts negatively but ends positively. It went viral and now has over 3 million views on YouTube alone:
It starts with a heartbreaking story about a dog who was chained to a spot and left in poor conditions for 10 years.
However, it ends with the dog being rescued, taken into a caring family, and doing much better.
Neither of these two parts of the story would get too much attention by themselves, but when you combine extreme emotions on opposite ends of the spectrum, you drastically increase the story’s chance to go viral.
If there’s an issue in your industry that’s really sad, create content around the way you fixed that issue (even on a small scale).
Factor #3 – The element of surprise: While surprise can be categorized as a positive emotion, it can also be a negative emotion.
The study found that surprise is the most important emotion of all when it comes to a piece of content going viral.
Viral images, both positive and negative, were very likely to trigger a feeling of surprise in the study’s participants.
So, it turns out that adding “surprising” to the headline might not be so silly afterall.
The really important part is making sure that the meat of your content really shocks your readers.
This is something that sites such as Upworthy have down to a science.
Just about every article they post has some element of surprise:
First, you’ll need to get your reader to become curious about the topic. Then, you need to show them something that they never expected, which gets them to feel the emotions we’ve looked at.
All of this isn’t easy, but you give your content a much better chance of spreading when you focus on these three emotional factors behind viral sharing.
Content can help you achieve a positive return on your investment only if it’s reaching an audience.
The bigger the audience it reaches, the better the results.
If you’re having trouble reaching a large enough audience with your content, start by trying out one or two of these content creation tactics.
They will help you expose your content to new readers, and if the content is good enough, they will stick around for more or help you share it.
Some of these tactics are fairly difficult, so don’t expect to get them perfectly on the first try. As long as you see a positive result (better reach than usual), continue refining your use of the tactic, and I think you’ll be surprised with the results.
http://www.quicksprout.com/content-creation-tactics-that-will-amplify-your-contents-reach/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2019/03/5-content-creation-tactics-that-will.html
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anachef · 5 years
Review! NEW Dinner Menu at Whispering Canyon Cafe in Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
Yee-haw!! Howdy from Disney’s Wilderness Lodge! We decided to mosey on over to Whispering Canyon Cafe, because they changed their dinner menu earlier this week.
Whispering Canyon Cafe
Whispering Canyon Cafe has long been a favorite spot for comfort food, all-you-can-eat skillets, and rowdy antics from the servers, and we were excited to see what new eats they had to offer!
Located off the gorgeous main lobby at the Wilderness Lodge, Whispering Canyon Cafe is a table service location full of delicious eats and lots of fun. Be prepared for the stick-pony races, silly antics from your servers (yep, they’re still in full swing), and an old fashioned good time!
Whispering Canyon Cafe
From the painted chair backs to the awesome light fixtures, the decor really sets the mood for Wild West fun.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Light Fixture
If you’ve been to Whispering Canyon Cafe, this may be no secret to you. But for those who haven’t visited, you will definitely want to ask for some ketchup (like, whether you need it or not). We don’t want to share exactly what happens next so it can be a surprise, but we will say that the result is a lot of fun and any little cowpokes in your group will get a real kick out of it.
We’re keeping the tour short, though, because as I mentioned, the reason for this particular visit was to try out the new dinner menu! The biggest addition is that they have THREE new all-you-care-to-enjoy skillets! The Traditional Skillet has been a staple at Whispering Canyon Cafe, and now they have expanded their skillet offerings with a few variations.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Menu
The flip side of that change is they have greatly reduced the number of a la carte entrees and appetizers. But they also shook up their specialty drinks selection!
Whispering Canyon Cafe Drink Menu
Everything besides the Magical Star Cocktail (which is a staple around Disney World lounges), is either a new addition or the recipe has been updated. We decided to try two brand new drinks — Bourbon Sweet Tea and the Mountaineer Margarita — and one revamped classic, the Moonshine Lemonade.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Cocktails
The Bourbon Sweet Tea is just two simple ingredients. You guessed it: Maker’s Mark Bourbon and sweet tea.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Bourbon Sweet Tea
This was a great drink — albeit pretty strong, so heads up! If you are a big bourbon fan, adding the sweet tea is a unique twist that fits nicely with the Whispering Canyon vibe. It’s a fun and simple cocktail that I’d certainly try again.
Next up, the Moonshine Lemonade! The Moonshine Lemonade comes with your choice of flavored lemonade — strawberry, blackberry, or watermelon. We went with Strawberry.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Moonshine Lemonade
I was prepared for this to be super strong considering the moonshine, but it was actually very refreshing! The strawberry wasn’t overwhelmingly sweet and added a nice light, freshness to the alcohol. Overall, this is something we’d absolutely try again, and I look forward to sampling the other flavors at some point! (So, there’s a little “note to self…”)
Last up, the Mountaineer Margarita. This is a classic margarita made with Don Julio Tequila, Cointreau, fresh Lime Juice and Agave Nectar, but it has a cowboy twist — Smoked Hickory Syrup!
Whispering Canyon Cafe Mountaineer Margarita
This drink was fantastic and ended up being the favorite of the night. It was a good margarita to begin with, but the smokey syrup really shines through and takes it to the next level. Highly recommend this one!
Now for the eats! The first thing we tried was the new Smoked Beef and Vegetable Soup.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Smoked Beef and Vegetable Soup
This hearty soup was really more of a stew, full of smoked beef chunks, potatoes, onions, and carrots.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Smoked Beef and Vegetable Soup
This was certainly a good stick-to-your-ribs soup that you’d expect from Whispering Canyon. The beef was plentiful, and the potatoes were nice and soft. This relatively simple dish was comfort food at its finest, and paired with a salad this would make a great meal on its own!
Next up, we HAD to try out these new skillets! From left to right, you’ll see The Land and Sea, The Pig, and The Plant-Based. Don’t forget that all of these skillets (and the Traditional) are all-you-care-to-enjoy so come hungry!
Whispering Canyon Cafe Skillets
When you order any of the skillets, the first thing to arrive is delicious fresh cornbread and honey butter!
Whispering Canyon Cafe Corn Bread and Honey Butter
You can literally see the honey oozing throughout the butter. (As our awesome server, Mike, said “Do with it as you must.”) Also available upon request is coleslaw.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Coleslaw
The coleslaw is crisp and fresh, and not too overdressed, which happens easily with slaw.
There is also a vegan slaw available if you’d prefer. Unlike its mayo-based cousin, the Vegan Coleslaw has a vinegar-based dressing.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Vegan Coleslaw
It’s not too overwhelming or acidic, and I actually preferred it over the regular slaw even though I am not vegan.
First up, we decided to try the Plant-Based Skillet. This dish made its debut on the menu as an “on request” item last fall, so it’s nice to see it graduated to a regular menu item! And it definitely made us curious…
Whispering Canyon Cafe The Plant Based Skillet
That’s right, this isn’t just vegetarian, it’s completely vegan friendly! The Plant Based Skillet comes with Maple-Chipotle BBQ Jackfruit, Spicy “Sausage”, Mustard Glazed Beefless Tips, Herb Brushed Trick’n Chick’n, Oven Roasted Carrots, Sauteed Green Beans, and Charred Peppers.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Plant Based Skillet Proteins
Out of all the proteins, the Chick’n was my favorite. The moho sauce was delicious — I would gladly put that on just about any meat (or “not meat”!) The beefless tips were also seasoned nicely and the sauce was delightful. The sausage is full of flavor as well, with strong hints of coriander and garlic. Lastly, the jackfruit! This is a common vegan substitution for pulled pork, and was an especially nice addition to the skillet because it gave it the western flavors you expect at Whispering Canyon.
The team at Whispering Canyon even made sure the vegetables would be completely vegan-friendly by steaming them or roasting them in oils instead of butter. The green beans and carrots were good, if nothing special, but the peppers were amazing! Nice and charred with a little kick!
Overall, this isn’t something that I would necessarily order again or recommend to someone that isn’t vegan. Meat substitutes certainly have an acquired taste and texture. That said, if you are vegan (or vegetarian), this is an awesome option for you! It’s one of the most unique vegan offerings we’ve seen around Walt Disney World… and at a restaurant where you’d least expect it, no less.
Next up, the Land and Sea Skillet. This skillet comes with House-Smoked Salmon, Citrus Herb Chicken, Spicy Vegan Sausage, Charred Portabella Mushrooms, BBQ Cauliflower, Roasted Potatoes, Sauteed Green Beans, and Oven-Roasted Carrots.
Whispering Canyon Cafe The Land and Sea Proteins
The House-Smoked Salmon was the favorite from our table! It had a perfectly crisp skin, and a bright, fresh flavor. The Herb Chicken was also a big hit thanks to its perfectly roasted skin, as was the BBQ cauliflower for spicing up an otherwise ordinary vegetable. The sausage is the same offered on the Plant-based Skillet, and the Portabellas were perfectly cooked! If you are a mushroom fan, you are seriously going to love these buttery ‘shrooms.
The green beans, carrots, and potatoes were all delicious and perfectly cooked as well. Nothing too exciting, but they certainly taste fresh and add a nice light addition to all of the meats. Overall, the Land and Sea is a great healthier option for those who want to enjoy the rowdy atmosphere at Whispering Canyon, but want something a little lighter.
Whispering Canyon Cafe The Pig Skillet
Last up: The Pig Skillet. This skillet comes with Braised Pork Belly, Maple-Chipotle BBQ Pork Ribs, Slow-smoked Pulled Pork, Mustard BBQ “Piggy Wings,” and Western-style Sausage and is accompanied by Mashed Yukon Potatoes, Buttered Corn, and Sauteed Green Beans. The Pig is the closest to the Traditional Skillet and the kind of eats you think of when you come to Whispering Canyon Cafe.
Whispering Canyon Cafe The Pig Pulled Pork, Pork Belly, and Sausage
The Ribs were our favorite, as the sauce is terrific and the meat literally falls off the bone. The Pork Belly was some of the best I’ve had at Disney, and getting it in the skillet is a great way for less-adventurous eaters to try it. The Pulled Pork has a nice smokey flavor, and we highly recommend getting a bite of it with the deliciously buttery mashed potatoes. The “piggy wings” were actually my least favorite on the plate, as they were a little under-sauced for my taste. The sausage, green beans, and corn were all good, but again, nothing too exciting. Overall, this was the favorite skillet of the night, and we absolutely asked for more ribs.
Even though we were stuffed, we couldn’t resist trying their new desserts!
Whispering Canyon Cafe Dessert Menu
Our server let us know that once again, most desserts on the menu are new or have been updated. We decided to try the Whispering Canyon Pioneer Chocolate Cake, Granny Smith Apple Pie, and Seasonal Cobbler. 
Whispering Canyon Cafe Desserts
First up, the Chocolate Cake. They recently went to a flour-less recipe instead of a traditional chocolate cake, and it comes served a la mode.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Chocolate Cake
This was more like a lava cake, and the warm, gooey cake is a perfect bite with the vanilla ice cream. This dessert is very rich, especially after the big meal you just had, so we recommend sharing!
Whispering Canyon Cafe Chocolate Cake Bite
Next up, the Granny-Smith Apple Pie! This is also served with vanilla ice cream.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Apple Pie
The pie is topped with slivered almonds, and comes in a crisp and crumbly crust. There are big chunks of fresh Granny-smith apples, which give the pie a tart flavor. It matches perfectly with the ice cream, and even though we were stuffed, we licked this plate clean!
Last but not least, the Seasonal Cobbler which was Peach for us.
Whispering Canyon Cafe Seasonal Cobbler
Some of you may remember the seasonal cobbler being a very popular dessert at Artist Point, before it was transformed into Storybook Dining with Snow White. While we love the new character dining experience, we were sad to see this go — so we are SO happy it’s back at the Lodge!
The crust is crumbly and sweet, but not too sugary. Most of the sweetness from the tart comes from the fresh peaches. This was absolutely my favorite dessert, and possibly my favorite thing I ate all night!
Overall, Whispering Canyon Cafe’s new offerings were pleasant surprises! It’s nice that they have expanded the menu to accommodate people who would prefer a lighter or vegan meal. We never thought we’d recommend Whispering Canyon as one of the top vegan meals on property, but here we are!
All three drinks we tried were unique and fitting to the location, as were all of the desserts (especially the cobbler!!). Whispering Canyon Cafe still lands as a great dinner spot, especially with kids, thanks to the rowdy antics, and reliable comfort food. We will certainly be back… and, don’t forget that starting March 26th, some new Skillets will be joining the breakfast menu at Whispering Canyon Cafe, too!
For a full tour of all the dining options at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, check out our video below!
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What do you think of  Whispering Canyon Cafe? Will you stop by on your next vacation? Let us know in the comments!
Related posts:
Spotted: Vegan Skillet at Whispering Canyon Cafe in Disney World’s Wilderness Lodge
Don’t Forget to Order Ketchup at Whispering Canyon Cafe Breakfast in Disney World!
Review and Food Photos: Whispering Canyon Cafe Dinner at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge!
from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/2CmbtE6 via https://ift.tt/LNvO3e
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salty-dracon · 6 years
ACAU- Food poisoning! (redux)
While at the island hotel, some of Arthur’s classmates fall sick. They learn later that they will die in only a few hours if they don’t comply with a mysterious demand. A redux of my oc-insert thing from a scene from... you guessed it. 
Dessert had just been served in the hotel dining hall. The E class chatted with each other while eating pieces of cake, pie, and other delicious desserts.
“So, this is a flan.“ Lily poked a tiny flan pudding with her fork. She sliced it with her fork and took a bite. “Holy shit, it’s good!“
“Can I try?“ Michy took a bite of Lily’s flan. 
Tawny leaned over, broke a piece off with his fingers, and ate it. “Mmm, good!”
“Let me try!“ May snatched Lily’s fork and took a bite. “Mmmmm!“
“Aw, shit, I’m outta flan... “ Lily stared sadly at her empty plate.
Arthur smiled as he watched them. He remembered Lily, especially, at the beginning of the year- quiet, unwilling to socialize, and rude. She had grown so much since then- she had become friendly, and developed a quick wit that had been their saving grace multiple times. She had grown especially close to Michy, thanks to their shared interest in a number of topics. 
Next to Arthur, Julien had just finished their fourth slice of apple pie. Brooke was still stuck on her first slice of double-chocolate raspberry cake. 
“Peoplewatching again?“ Brooke asked. “It’s nice, isn’t it? Watching them hang out like they’ve been friends for years?“
“Yeah.“ Arthur took a bite of ice cream. “Even though we’ve only been together for four months, it’s like we’ve always been like this.“
“Jule, how much are you gonna eat?“
Julien laughed. “Stop me.”
Arthur reached for the endtable and checked his watch. Midnight. He curled himself back under the sheets. 
He had been warm and cozy all night. Why couldn’t he sleep?
He was sharing a room with Flynn, Julien, and Venus. Julien appeared to be sufficiently asleep next to him- their head was pressed against the pillow, and Arthur could hear quiet snoring. Venus had all the sheets bunched up around him on the bed he shared with Flynn, who was wearing a jacket over his body.
His eyes went to the crack under the door. The hallways were still lit up. That must’ve been it. He turned around. The moment he did, he saw a shadow pass over the door, and heard footsteps. 
An assassination? Arthur thought. They’re heading right towards the teachers’ rooms- where Narcissa is. But she said that the diamond she was in was unbreakable... 
Arthur quietly slipped out of bed and opened the door. A boy was walking down the hall. Arthur recognized the head of hair- it was Jake. He didn’t have any weapons on him. Strange. 
Arthur followed him down the hall, to the... bathrooms? As soon as Jake entered, Arthur positioned himself near the door. 
He heard something that sounded like a spill, and then a lot of coughing. From the hallway, he heard more footsteps. Arthur hid himself behind a large vase in the hall. 
The next person to come down had heavy footsteps. He entered the bathroom. 
“Dude, you too?” Jake’s voice. 
“Yeah, I’m not feeling so hot.“ Larke’s voice. 
“You’d think we wouldn’t get food poisoning at a high-end hotel.“
More footsteps- this time, from the floor above. Arthur hid in a little nook as he heard footsteps running down. 
“May! Are you okay?“
“I don’t think so.“
More footsteps. Very heavy. Probably an adult’s. 
“What are you kids doing out here- what happened to you?” Mr. Kraus’s voice. “Give me a moment, I’ve got some medicine.“ Mr. Kraus ran away. 
Arthur decided to run back to his room. 
Mr. Kerri was asleep in his room. He grumbled when he heard a knock. He opened his eyes when he heard three more. 
“... I didn’t call for room service... “ He wandered over to the door and opened it. 
A butler was standing there, holding a basket full of fruit. An envelope was taped to the front, labeled “To the E class”. 
“Couldn’t you have waited until morning?“ Mr. Kerri asked.
“I apologize, sir, but the person who asked me to deliver it told me to as soon as possible.“ 
“Thanks, I guess.“ Mr. Kerri took the basket and ripped the envelope off. He opened it up and read its contents out loud, while placing the basket next to the bed. 
“To the E class, by the time you receive this note, you will already be experiencing the early symptoms of a deadly... shit. Shit!“ Mr. Kerri threw the door open. “Vince! Tiffany! Everyone! Get the kids up! We have a huge emergency!“
“What is it?“ Mr. Kraus asked, running back. In response, Mr. Kerri handed him the note. Mr. Kraus read through it. “Oh no. No, the kids... ”
“... That makes twelve sick.“ Arthur counted the number of people lying against the back wall, wearing face masks. All of them had flushed faces and were sweating. The entire class was crowded in a meeting room, most of them wearing pajamas.
“Sorry for waking you guys up, but this is important.“ Mr. Kraus held up the letter for the class to see. “I’m afraid it’s more than bad food. Please do not panic while I read the contents of the letter.“ He cleared his throat. “To the E class. By the time you receive this note, you will already be experiencing the early symptoms of a deadly virus that will kill you by morning. It is likely that most of you are only experiencing a fever at the moment, but your faces will soon blah blah blah... killing you over the course of sixteen hours. You will likely be dead by around eight o’clock.
However, I have the antidote with me- enough for your entire class. I will give it to you on one condition- that you send two blonde boys, as well as Narcissa in her little diamond, to the Prime Suite at the top of the Stellar Mountain Resort. Don’t even think of sending more than those three- I have bodyguards stationed at the entrance that will kill anyone else who tries to enter. I will be using these boys in my assassination scheme. Their survival is not guaranteed. However, I’m sure you’d like to trade two lives for many more. Signed, an assassin.“ 
“Two blonde boys?“ Lumi asked. “That means Arthur and Venus. They’re the only blonde boys in the class.“
“I won’t fail you,“ Venus said, standing up. “Don’t worry, I’ll-“
“No.“ Aditi’s voice rang out. “Didn’t you hear the letter? Even if both you and Arthur manage to get up there, your survival isn’t guaranteed. Neither of yours. Meaning that unless whoever it is sends a messenger, which there is no conformation of, there’s no guarantee that the virus will be cured. Furthermore, if this person’s scheme works, they will kill Narcissa and claim her bounty.“
“Also,“ Ares said, “judging by the tone of the letter, if they’re going to kill Arthur and Venus for their scheme, they’d probably do the same to the rest of us in a heartbeat.“
“Not to mention the secret identities that you kids need to hide,“ Mr. Kraus said. 
“So, what’s our best option?“ Lily asked. 
“We have three.“ Lumi walked to the front of the class. “We do nothing, and let the people in the back die. The worst option, for many reasons. We send Venus and Arthur to the top of the Stellar Mountain Resort, and face the very real possibility that both of them will end up dead, but possibly save the sick people as well. We would have a net gain of ten lives, possibly, but also likely lose Narcissa and her bounty in the process.“
“What’s the third option?“ Val asked. 
“The third option is that we take matters into our own hands. All of us that are healthy break into the Stellar Mountain Resort and take on this self-proclaimed assassin, no matter the odds. If the antidote even exists, this will be our best chance of retrieving it.“
“Sounds fair to me.“ Adrian raised his hand. “All in favor of busting heads in that place ourselves?“
“We’re not busting heads, we’re just-“
“Yeah, whatever.“
Everyone raised their hands. 
“Then it’s settled,“ Mr. Kraus said. “We’re sneaking into the Stellar Mountain Resort, stealing the antidote, and getting back in time to save the sick classmates.“
“I’ll stay behind to help out the sick,“ Mr. Kerri said. 
“So will I.“ Verona stood up. 
“I’ll join the party. You’ll need me.“ Ms. Turner walked over to Vince and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “Rich hotels are where I shine.“
“I, of course, will be joining you.“ OARA appeared on Miss Turner’s phone.
“Everyone who’s going, gear up,“ Vince commanded. “Aiden, Verona, protect Narcissa just in case our assassin tries to come for her.“
Narcissa’s voice piped up from the inside of the diamond. Everyone stared at Verona’s hand, which was holding the diamond.
“Whoever this bastard is that’s trying to kill my classmates... I want to see their face. I want to tell them exactly what I think of them stooping so low to kill me.“ Narcissa’s diamond gave a slightly brighter glow. “Furthermore, it would be a treat to see my kids in action. Vince, this would be a great opportunity for you to assess their progress as well. If I won’t be too much extra weight, I would like to come along.“
“Of course.“ August gently took the diamond from Verona and placed her in her fanny pack. “We’ll let you know when we’re there.“
“Okay, everyone get ready. No weapons. Bring bug spray and whatever you need to look like normal kids in there. We’ll meet up in the lobby in thirty. All right, go.“
This is it. Arthur walked back to his room, following the other boys. They were all silent. All of them were worried. One failed assassination later, we have to stop another from succeeding any way we can. Our classmates are counting on us. Narcissa, too. I never expected this kind of a twist on our vacation, but we’re assassins in training- we’re here to take out the trash. 
0 notes
therawfight-blog · 7 years
Is This Thing On?
Favorite Quote: “Maybe it won’t work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.”
Favorite Song(s): Fight For You (Grayson Reed), Lot To Learn (Luke Christopher) & Choke (OneRepublic).
Weight: 176.2
Well, I’m officially almost back at my heaviest weight- 180lbs. I did weigh myself with my clothes on (they must’ve added 10lbs). But, I have to say, I’m not surprised. Since starting to date my ex (about a year and a half ago) I’ve slowly been on a health decline. I stopped caring as much about what I was eating because that’s what he was eating (and he’s thin-of course, lucky jerk). And, after we broke up in November (not my choice, of course), instead of trying to become the best version of myself, I sulked in endless amounts of alcohol, pizza, and sweets. I also watched The Notebook. . . a lot. On a nightly basis I fill my belly with cookies, pie, ice-cream, cake, anything that I can get my hands on. And I don’t eat just one. I eat until I feel like I’m going to vomit. At meals, I eat and I mean A LOT. I don’t eat until I’m satiated, I eat until I can’t possibly fit any more food in my stomach. Today, when I stepped off the scale I realized that I’m slowly turning into Bridgett Jones (movies 1 & 2, she had a baby in 3, go Bridge).
“And that was it. Right there. Right there, that was the moment… I suddenly realized that unless something changes soon I was going to live a life where my major relationship was with a bottle of wine and I’d finally die fat and alone and be found three weeks later half-eaten by Alsatians, or I was about to turn into Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.”- Bridgett Jones
To be honest, I’m just tired of all of it. No, this is not a blog about being tired an having depression (although sometimes I think I probably need medication). I’m tired of being tired, of not having any energy. I’m tired of looking in the mirror and feeling unhappy and disgusted. I’m tired of trying to squeeze into my size 8 pants and wincing in pain as I wear them because they’re too tight (not to mention the muffin-top). I don’t even care that I feel unattractive to men. I honestly, just want to feel better for myself. I want my face to be thin in pictures (and not because I photo shopped it- Perfect365 you’re amazing). I’m also tired of beating myself up because I’m not as thin or attractive as the people that I see on Instagram (let’s face it, some of them are downright inhumanly gorgeous!). Luckily, I am not ridiculed by anyone about my shape or size. Conversely, I always seem to meet an attractive guy at the bars when I go out. So why do I feel like crap about myself? I think it’s because deep down I know that this lifestyle is not a sustaining one. Binge eating and watching T.V. has not served any sustainable or renewable function mentally or physically. Opposing, after binge watching T.V. and devouring a pint of Ben and Jerry’s I feel the need to nap (exactly what my body needs- time to send those fat calories to reserve instead of burning them).
So, I decided I’m unhappy and I’m also spiraling out of control. At this rate I will be obese and at-risk for heart disease in no time. And you know what? I know better. So, I’m going to try writing about it. I’m starting my own Julie and Julia project here. Maybe I’ll get to meet Bridgett Jones someday. I figured if I write about it and put it into the universe then I will somehow feel the need to stay accountable to myself and inspire anyone else who may find comfort reading this. This is my journey but, it can be yours, too.
So, this is the beginning, this is where I start. I’m 28, living at home, single, and weighing in at 176.2 (forgot to mention that I’m 5’9”). Hmm, which part of that shall we put under the microscope first and judge as a failure? I’m transitioning into a lovely job but still not making enough money to move out. So, I’m living with my loving mom (who always stocks the place with sweet treats) and step-dad. The truth is, whether people want to judge me or not, I know that all of this is just a time of growth, transition, and hopefully renewal for me (at least that’s what I keep telling myself). The bulk of what I will write about here will be about my weight loss journey. But, what’s becoming increasingly evident to me is the reason that I am having weight issues is probably deeper than just what I’m putting into my body. Perhaps it comes down to the feelings of heartbreak, hopelessness and desperation that I’m feeling (28, single, and like Bridgett Jones) or possibly the overall dissatisfaction of the stagnant status of my life.
So, here in this blernal (blog-journal) you’ll find a girl on a mission to heal herself, from the inside out. A girl fighting for herself, her health, independence, and her life. Why? Because if I don’t, who else will? And, honestly, I’m sorry because sometimes I play the victim and I whine like a little bitch.
Alright, so what’s my plan of attack here? I DON’T HAVE ONE. And in my profession, the saying always goes, “fail to plan and you plan to fail.” So, I guess my first step to recovery is making a plan. I’ve decided to enlist the help of My Fitness Pal (no this isn’t a plug for Under Armor but it can be if they want to offer me some cash) it’s a free application and seems to have what I need. I’ve plugged my information into the app and have indicated that I’d like to lose 1lb per week (let’s be real, I want to lose like 5lbs a week because swimsuit season will be here soon but when I indicated I wanted to lose 1.5lbs a week the suggested daily calorie intake shot down to a number so low that it’s probably not even sustainable for a cat). With that, the app suggested that I take in 1,490 calories per day (EEEEK! I did that last night in one sitting when I went out for beer and wings!) which I’m assuming is based on my current weight, height, and weekly goal. Overall, I’d like to get down to 130lbs. I don’t know why, this just seems like a great number. So, the total weight loss goal is 46.2lbs. HOLY CRAP, HOLY CRAP, did I mention, HOLY CRAP?! That number rounds up to nearly 50… shit…50lbs?! Girl, how’d you let yourself get to that number! So, if I meet my weekly goal (a measly one pound) it will ONLY take me about 47 weeks to make my goal weight. FANTASTIC! I’m looking at almost a yearlong commitment to celery sticks (I actually really like celery).
So, now that I have an overall weight goal, I need to figure out how I’m going to get there… what I’m going to eat and what I’m going to do to workout. I really like the idea of fitness tapes because they tell you exactly what to do and I can conveniently do it in the comfort of my own home. I also have taken kickboxing classes for about 7 years- actually I used to teach it (one reason fight is in my blog name- it’s part of my identity). So, I’d love to incorporate kickboxing into my plan. I used to run and would love to train for a charity 15k (9 miles, already winded thinking about it) in April. I also currently have a membership to a YMCA about 20 minutes from my house. I would really love to incorporate some weight-lifting into my routine. I also have some lifting equipment in my basement! Currently, I commute an hour to work and usually begin around 9 a.m. Sometimes I don’t get home until 7:30 p.m. and my gym (20 minutes away) closes around 8:45. As you can see, I have a lot of options which is bad for an indecisive person like me.
So, now, I have to figure out which I want to choose! I have decided to use an app called Sweat (by Kayla Itsines). The app is  a little pricey ($20 a month after a one month trial) but it provides workouts and meal plans. Weekly, the app expects you to do 3 resistance workouts, 3 cardio workouts, and 2 recovery workouts. So, I can do a cardio and resistance workout 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and recovery workouts on the days in between (Tuesday and Thursday). I’ve decided that I will take one day off per week (either Saturday or Sunday) and on the other weekend day do a workout of my choice. Wow, I made a plan… that was easier than I thought! I also want to add that I’ve read that sleep is a very important part of our health. I’m going to aim for 7.5 hours per night.
Okay, so I’ve heard that with weight-loss, working out is 20% of the battle and the other 80% is nutrition. Working out has never been my problem but eating has. As I explained before I usually eat, in excess. I have difficulty with portion control and I often eat right before bed (both of which are terrible habits, I know). My Fitness Pal has advised me to eat 1,490 calories per day. So, I’m going to plan to do that. I’m going to aim for 2 servings of fruit, 5 servings of veggies (totaling 25g fiber), 75g protein, and 50g of fat. Those are the numbers they suggested. I plan on cutting out a lot of processed foods and replacing them with raw and whole foods (hence the name RAW in the title!). I’m also going to cut back on a lot of animal protein and completely eliminate dairy (see Dr. Colin Campbell’s book The China Study). AND I will be drinking 64oz of water per day. I will likely prep some meals tomorrow afternoon.
Just to recap, I’ve chosen a fitness and nutrition plan so my body will be happy. But what about my mind and spirit? How will I choose to renew those on a daily basis. Let’s start with mind. I’ve recently downloaded the book Grace, Not Perfection: Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy by Emily Ley. I’m in the process of reading The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz. I will read at least 5 pages of one of these books per night. This seems low but I want to make sure my goal is easy and attainable. If I read more than five pages then I can be happy knowing that I’m slaying my goal. But I don’t want to set myself up for failure. So I’ve chosen 2 books to read. But, what about paying my dues as a U.S. citizen? In case you’re unaware, things are a little rocky with our political system right now (I’m sure you are aware, unless you live under a rock). So, I am also vowing to read at least 3 current event articles per week. Hopefully from an unbiased source (really easy to find, I know).
Now, for this spirit. What the heck is spirit any way? After consulting Pinterest (which I do for most major life decisions) I found a list of spiritual tonics, perfect! It recommends the following (and I quote):
Stop worrying. Worrying kills life.
Begin each day with a prayer. It will arm your soul.
Control appetite. Overindulgence clogs body and mind. Shit also makes your pants tight.
Accept your limitations… Girl, I’m only as limited as I think I am. I believe in working to achieve success.
Don’t envy. It wastes time and energy.
Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.
Find a hobby. It will relax your nerves.
Read a book a week to stimulate imagination and broaden your views. I’ll accept reading 35 pages of a book per week… same thing, right?
Spend some time alone for the peace of solitude and silence.
Try to want what you have, instead of spending your strength trying to get what you want. I’m a motivated woman, I’m going to work my ass off for what I want. But I guess I could be more content with what I do have instead of dwelling on what I don’t have.
So, based on this list I’m going to try a few things this week. I’m going to begin each day with a prayer, outlining all of the things and people that I’m grateful for. I will also pray for my nation. I will also pray for strength through the day. I will also stop looking at IG posts and Facebook posts, or at least limit my time on social media. I think I over-indulge in social media and I also envy others. So, I’m kind of killing two birds with one stone. Okay, I think that is enough to work on in one week.
Let’s review, this is my plan:
1-BODY- eat 1,490 calories per day consisting of fruits, veggies, and other whole foods; do 3 days of cardio, 3 days of resistance, 2 days of recovery, 1 day of any workout of my choice, and one day of rest!; drink 64oz of water per day
2- MIND- read at least 5 pages of one of the two presented books per night; read 3 current event articles this week; read 1 professional article this week ( I just added this because I think this will be good for my profession)
3-SPIRIT- begin each day in prayer with a grateful heart;get off social media and stop being envious!
Alright, so I have my plan. Tonight I’m going to have my last supper. Smells like my roommate. . . I mean mom . . . is cooking something yummy. So, I’m not really sure if there will be daily posts or weekly posts. I’m open to suggestions! Here’s to starting the good fight! Cheers!
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