#folio thots
ladyveronikawrites · 16 days
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cookiesupplier · 3 months
You're visiting Paris *wink-wink* with Noah and Folio. Who goes where?
I... I... I'm Australian and have no clue about Paris.. BUT I have a feeling that wink wink implies you are looking for a smutty answer for this? I'm going to do a little bit of a snippit of two things.. just a little!
I've never actually written a head canon before.. so.. I have NO IDEAS! I'm... blank... lets see what my fingers so... I'm supposed to be working on my next fanfic part for Roses, whoops. lol
Noah is looking for the quiet more peaceful places. With all the intensity of the concerts, he just wants a quiet place to sit with you, museums, galleries, even a park. Quiet moments are precious, even in a foreign city.
Folio is all for taking you out for at least one wild ride while in the city, whether it be high up, or just going so fast to do something stupid in.
Come night fall neither one would want to let you out of their sight.
Folio is partial to you riding him, he loves watching you bounce on his cock, his hands hold your hips, roaming up your body and exploring every inch of you as he praises just how perfect you feel.. how wonderfully you cum on his cock every single time for him Princess.
Noah wants to taste you, he always wants to taste you, he can't get enough of you. Even after he's just finished inside of you he wants to get his mouth on you, he doesn't care how dirty it may seem.. he just can't get enough..
(noah x folio x reader) Folio would be directing Noah while he eats you out, holding you there as he makes you cum again, and again until your a weeping mess.. He loves seeing you like this, his hands running down your body at both of their mercy.. panting, before your begging for both of their cocks despite only just moments ago begging for Noah to stop with his tongue.. but I thought it was too much Baby?
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cowpokeomens · 28 days
What’s one less talked about kink that each of the boys have?
Bc im bored of constantly hearing noah’s got a daddy kink like it wasn’t painfully obvious
I don’t think Noah has a daddy kink actually I think Noah has a praise kink and we all mistake it for arrogance but anyways!!! Noah is a switch who loooooooves subbing okay I know it’s not a specific kink but i swear to god if someone just tied that boy up and rode him nice and slow until he cried y’all would see that I’m RIGHT okay he can have his little dom moments or whatever but he is very much capable of being a very good boy who sucks on your fingers and begs you to let him cum
Nicholas is the real freak of them all idk why Noah got his reputation but I’ll tell you rn that it was probably intentional!! He can’t hide behind those big soulful eyes!! Not from me!! I see all!! I can’t think of anything that’s never been said but I definitely think I should emphasize impact play and also how fucking controlling he is like. That’s how he gets off is how much you let him control you. He’s so stoic and straight face but he has you sprawled over his lap with two fingers just barely curling into you and he stops each time you’re about to cum just because he doesn’t want you to cum yet. No reason! That’s it! Just likes knowing he gets to call the shots! Also likes the way your body moves when he smacks it. Big fan of spanking and also just like, slapping your tits and your face and whatever else he feels like because of the way your cunt clenches wow this was long-
Nick folio has a predator/prey kink this is so apparent to me that I can’t think of anything else like his ultimate fantasy is chasing you through the woods and fucking you against a tree he’s like a rabid dog bro like if you giggle a little and try to run away he goes monkey brain and HAS to fuck you right then and there like it doesn’t matter where, you can be running away from him playfully in the kitchen but he has you bent over the counter a minute later, telling you to “try and run away now”
Jolly has a daddy kink and we as a society do not talk about it enough. I think the extremity to which it exists is up to his partner. Like I’m not really into littlespace or anything like that but if that’s what you need, he’s there. Likes taking care of things :-/ fucks you to chill you out, deals out praise like candy at Halloween baby lots of “that’s it, good girl, taking daddy’s cock so well” I actually might vomit blood
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mitchhbitch · 4 months
I just want to share with you guys my new FAVORITE Folio picture😌
It’s making my thots go insane.
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Forbidden Lessons X
Another part? Sue me. (Pls don’t).
Warnings: noncon, age gap, abuse of power, coercion. Y'all know I do it dark and spicy. You have warnings, use them.
Thots, comments, screaming, and feedback are welcome and highly encouraged. Thank you!
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The car idles as you stare out the window. The freshly cleared roads give little comfort at the prospect of the long road home. 
You chew your thumb as you glance over at the wooden moniker of the pharmacy. As if summoned, Professor Laufeyson emerges with a paper bag in hand. He doesn’t look happy.
The door opens and he drops into the seat, handing over the bag without looking at you. He gives another of his long sighs, a habit that’s underlined the tense morning. Strained silences and terse words. You feel as if you’ve done something wrong, yet all you’ve done is exactly what he wants.
“There should be instructions or what have you,” he shifts into gear and checks the rearview before craning to see behind him. 
He backs out as you grasp the bag and open the top, peering inside at the long box. You slide it out and read the side then turn it over. ‘Dosage and indications inside’. You pop open the flap and take out the single pill in the aluminum shell. You unfold the sheets of instructions and squint at the tiny font.
“As I understand, it’s rather straightforward. You’ve seventy-two hours to take safeguards,” he turns out of the lot and turns up the heat.
“Um, yeah, sorry, just reading–”
“The chemist said the sooner the better. I know neither of us desire any other outcome,” he advises as he focuses on the road.
“Sure, uh,” you fold up the instructions, not wanting to argue.
You push the capsule through the seal and reach for the small bottle of water you took from the hotel. You place the tablet on your tongue and take a deep gulp. You swallow, keeping back as you nearly choke and cap the water, placing it back in the holder. You breathe out. Easy.
“Are you upset?” you ask.
“Upset?” he repeats dully.
“Mhmm, you seem… mad. Did I do something?”
“Well, that you didn’t mention your lack of precaution is a bit irksome,” he says, “but I’m more tired. The conference, the late night… I am a very busy man. You will understand when you’re older.”
You cross your arms and make yourself small. You feel miniscule, insignificant. Professor Laufeyson, esteemed scholar, and this pathetic, measly first year.
“I do long for the days I was but a naive pupil, when a lecture was the most of my worries,” he hums, “oh, but do not take it for granted.”
“I’m sorry, I… I understand.”
“You can try to,” he says dismissively, “but you can’t.”
He flicks the radio on and turns the knob, the deep tones of strings filling the car. You clamp your lips shut and turn your attention to the heaps of snow and grey sky. 
You lean against the door, the shift grazing your tenderness and stoking a flutter in your core. The pain remains. What’s worse is how he seems to want to forget it just as much as you.
You sit in the front row of Professor Laufeyson’s class, as you have every week since the first. You listen to his final remarks, his reminder of the upcoming finals, and tidings for the looming winter break. Students pack up as he does the same, intent upon his leather bag and the folio he slides into the pocket. 
He folds up his laptop as you approach, your peers streaming out the double doors in a tired buzz. This late in the semester and all are wilting beneath the avalanche of exams and paper. You included, however, you find it hard to focus with the shadow of him lurking in your mind.
It’s been a week since your trip out of town. A week since you’ve seen him. Since he did what he did.
“Hi,” you stop on the other side of the podium, a smile.
“Mm, hello,” he barely looks up as you hug your notebook to your chest.
“How are you?”
“As well as any, I suppose,” he doesn’t look up as he zips up his bag, “is there something I can help you with?”
You flinch. When he looks at you, it’s cold and empty. Your chest sinks and your stomach tangles. You swallow down your embarrassment.
“It’s about the exam,” you lie, “is there multiple choice?”
He narrows his eyes and his brows raise, almost as if he thinks of you as a pest. He scoffs, “no, written. Completely. Short answer and an exam, as I said–”
“Sorry, I must’ve missed that,” you tamp down your hurt. 
You don’t understand. All those things he said. He called you beautiful, he said you were all he thought about, that all he wanted was you. He made you feel like no one else ever did and now, you’re nothing to him.
He pulls on his jacket and hooks his bag over his shoulder. He checks his watch, “is that everything?”
You gape at him. That last week, cramping, bleeding, vomiting. You went back and read the booklet, it’s all to be expected but no less unpleasant.
“I’m not pregnant,” you say.
“Shhh,” he hisses as he steps towards you. You wince and back away, frightened by his abruptness, “do not say that so loud.”
“I…” your eyes round, “I thought you’d want to know.”
“Good,” he gives you a curt look, “modern science works. Like I ever doubted it.”
His sarcasm cuts deep, his indifference more so. What would he do if you were pregnant? If he had made an unfixable mistake?
You’re stunned. Like someone slapped you. Like time has stopped. The air traps in your chest as he tries to sidle by you. You turn to follow him.
“Did you ever care about me?” you ask as you trail his long strides.
He halts so you nearly collide with him and spins to face you. He jabs his finger at you as his eyes flare, “be quiet. You could get in a lot of trouble.”
“What? But you said— did you lie to me?”
He rolls his eyes, “I said what you wanted to hear and you believed it. You made your choices, you got on your back for me. Easily. I barely had to do any work. We both got we wanted.”
Your lip quivers as the tears well and spill over, “no, I…” you gasp, “you lied.”
“Oh, don’t be a child,” he sneers, “you shouldn’t open your legs like an adult if you can’t act as one.”
You stumble back, as if he’s struck you. Your chest caves in as your heart hammers. You shake your head and flick away the tears, “you’re a bad man.”
“And you’re a stupid girl,” he retorts, “now, I’ve more important things to tend to. Good evening.”
You gulp and turn on your heel, stumbling away from him, up the steps to the rear entrance, too embarrassed to follow him out. You hear the lower doors open and close before you can clatter through those at the top of the lecture hall. You burst through and hit the opposite wall.
You turn your back to the cold brick slide down down, hanging your head over your notebook as your tears stain the cover. You sniffle and sob in the empty hall, quivering as doom slowly consumes you. You put the heels of your hands to your eyes as you fall apart.
“Excuse me,” the deep voice startles you.
You snort and sit up as you mop your face. Your puffy eyes barely make out Professor Barnes as he bends over you curiously. You wipe your nose with your sleeve and he straightens as you push yourself to your feet.
“Hi, professor,” you utter.
“Are you okay?” he asks, looking up and down the corridor around him.
“Yeah, I…” you rub your lips together and wet them with your tongue, tasting the salt of your tears, “I just got a bad mark. I’ll make it up.”
He frowns and you shy away, “are you sure?”
“Yes,” you say, too quickly as you lift your bag and shuffle away from him, “I’ll see you in class.”
“Uh, alright,” he accepts with an air of confusion, “take care of yourself.”
You nod, but he probably doesn’t see it. What does it matter? No one could truly care about you.
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mitchhbitch · 5 months
No thots, just wanted to share my favorite Folio picture😌
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