younes-ben-amara · 20 days
إطلاق مجتمع أندراس التدريبي: المجتمع الرقمي الأوّل الذي يُمكِّنك من دخول سوق عمل المحتوى الطبي
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eventsingapore · 3 years
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eventagencies · 3 years
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urluberlue · 3 years
ok mais peut-on parler des noms dans les nouvelles traductions de tolkien
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The Liberal government spent $500,000 on outside advisers to come up with a logo, name and branding for a new agency that promises to alleviate poverty in developing countries, internal documents reveal.
Its 2017 budget announced $300-million toward developing an institution that would support sustainable development and poverty reduction in developing countries by aiming to attract private investors – such as pension funds – as investment partners in private projects that serve a public good.
The organization was placed inside Export Development Canada and given the legal name Development Finance Institution Canada. But officials decided something catchier was in order. After weeks of internal debate, the new name emerged: FinDev Canada.
Continue Reading.
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lonelylibrary · 6 years
Introducing: Findev
Heute stelle ich euch einen weiteren meiner OCs vor. Findev ist der Forschungspartner von Bonny in Barondile & Herondile, eines meiner WIP. Diesen Charakter möchte ich euch in Form eines Interviews vorstellen!
Findev, wie würdest du dich selber beschreiben?
Findev legte den Kopf schief und überlegte einige Sekunden. “Naja, ich bin ein Mensch, der sehr schnell begeistert ist. Ideen hauen mich unglaublich schnell um. Ausserdem bin ich, meiner Meinung nach jedenfalls, ein humorvoller Typ”, er hielt kurz inne, “aber ich nehme Sachen viel zu persönlich und bin ein wenig verklemmt.”
Was ist dein Lebenstraum?
“Das ist einfach. Ich möchte mit einer wissenschaftlichen Entdeckung berühmt werden und vielleicht einen Nobelpreis gewinnen.” Auf seinem Gesicht breitete sich ein verschmitztes Lächeln aus. “Oder zwei.”
Wovor fürchtest du dich?
“Gute Frage”, sagte er und tippte sich ans Kinn. “Vermutlich davor, zu sterben und der Welt nichts hinterlassen zu haben. Also, ausser meine Leiche”
An welchem Projekt arbeitest du gerade?
Bei dieser Frage leuchteten seine dunklen Augen regelrecht auf. “Ich habe auf diese Frage gehofft. Also, es gibt da so einen Astronauten, der ist auf dem Weg zum Mars mit einigen Kollegen. Aber trotz dem unglaublichen Stress und zwei Jahren, die er bereits mit denselben fünf Menschen verbracht hat, hat er sich kein bisschen verändert. Nicht mal ‘ne Falte mehr, oder so.” Er verzog leicht die Mundwinkel. “Zusammen mit Bonny versuche ich den Grund für dieses, öh, Geschehnis, herauszufinden. Leider hat sie nicht dieselben Ziele wie ich. Also, berühmt werden und so.”
Woher kennst du Bonny denn?
“Wir haben uns beim Biologiestudium kennengelernt. Nach einer Weile sind wir enge Freunde geworden. Sobald wir aber mit dem Studium fertig waren, hörten wir nichts mehr voneinander. Irgendwie hat sie aber immer noch Forschunsanfragen an mich weitergeleitet.”
Vielen Dank für deine Auskunft, Findev!
“Nichts lieber als das. Erster Schritt zum Berühmtsein: Abgehakt. Wenn ihr noch Fragen an mich habt, fragt einfach @lonelylibrary!” Er lächelte kurz und winkte in die Kamera bevor er strammen Schrittes den Raum verliess.
Today I’m introducing a new character! Findev is Bonnys lab partner in Barondile & Herondile, one of my WIP. I’m introducing him with an interview.
Findev, how would you describe yourself?
Findev tilted his head and thought for a few seconds. “Well, I get enthusiastic quickly. Ideas immediately fascinate me. But I’m also, in my opinion at leat, funny guy”, he paused, “but I take stuff way too personal and I’m a bit uptight.”
What is your goal in life?
“Aw, that’s easy. I would love to be famous for one of my scientific discoveries and maybe win a nobel price.” A big grin drew itself across his face. “Or two.”
What do you fear?
“Good question”, he said and tapped his chin. “Probably to die and not leave anything behind in this world. Well, except for my body.”
What project are you working on at the moment?
His dark eyes started to shine. “I was hoping to get that question. So, there’s this astronaut, he’s on his way to Mars with a few colleagues. But even though he’s under a lot of stress and he has been on this spaceship for two years with all the same fife people, he hasn’t changed at all. Not even a single wrinkle more.” He frowned. “Together with Bonny I’m trying to find out why this, uh, thing is happening. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the same goals as me. Like, getting famous, and stuff.”
How do you know Bonny?
“We met a few years ago on college, where we studied biology. We became good friends. When we finished our studies, we parted our ways, though. But she somehow still forwards research requests to me.”
Thank you for answering these questions, Findev!
“No worries. First step to getting famous: Done. If you have any questions, just ask @lonelylibrary!” He smiled and waved at the camera before leaving the room.
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yes-bernie-stuff · 4 years
l’Évangile au Quotidien
« Seigneur, vers qui irions-nous ? Tu as les paroles de la vie éternelle » Jn 6, 68 Vendredi 6 Novembre Philippiens 3,17-21.4,1. Frères, ensemble imitez-moi, et regardez bien ceux qui se conduisent selon l’exemple que nous vous donnons.Car je vous l’ai souvent dit, et maintenant je le redis en pleurant : beaucoup de gens se conduisent en ennemis de la croix du Christ.Ils vont à leur perte. Leur dieu, c’est leur ventre, et ils mettent leur gloire dans ce qui fait leur honte ; ils ne pensent qu’aux choses de la terre.Mais nous, nous avons notre citoyenneté dans les cieux, d’où nous attendons comme sauveur le Seigneur Jésus Christ,lui qui transformera nos pauvres corps à l’image de son corps glorieux, avec la puissance active qui le rend même capable de tout mettre sous son pouvoir.Ainsi, mes frères bien-aimés pour qui j’ai tant d’affection, vous, ma joie et ma couronne, tenez bon dans le Seigneur, mes bien-aimés. Psaume 122(121),1-2.3-4ab.4cd-5. Quelle joie quand on m'a dit :« Nous irons à la maison du Seigneur ! »Maintenant notre marche prend findevant tes portes, Jérusalem ! Jérusalem, te voici dans tes murs :ville où tout ensemble ne fait qu'un !C'est là que montent les tribus,les tribus du Seigneur. C'est là qu'Israël doit rendre grâceau nom du Seigneur.C'est là le siège du droit,le siège de la maison de David. Luc 16,1-8. En ce temps-là, Jésus disait à ses disciples : « Un homme riche avait un gérant qui lui fut dénoncé comme dilapidant ses biens.Il le convoqua et lui dit : “Qu’est-ce que j’apprends à ton sujet ? Rends-moi les comptes de ta gestion, car tu ne peux plus être mon gérant.”Le gérant se dit en lui-même : “Que vais-je faire, puisque mon maître me retire la gestion ? Travailler la terre ? Je n’en ai pas la force. Mendier ? J’aurais honte.Je sais ce que je vais faire, pour qu’une fois renvoyé de ma gérance, des gens m’accueillent chez eux.”Il fit alors venir, un par un, ceux qui avaient des dettes envers son maître. Il demanda au premier : “Combien dois-tu à mon maître ?”Il répondit : “Cent barils d’huile.” Le gérant lui dit : “Voici ton reçu ; vite, assieds-toi et écris cinquante.”Puis il demanda à un autre : “Et toi, combien dois-tu ?” Il répondit : “Cent sacs de blé.” Le gérant lui dit : “Voici ton reçu, écris quatre-vingts.”Le maître fit l’éloge de ce gérant malhonnête car il avait agi avec habileté ; en effet, les fils de ce monde sont plus habiles entre eux que les fils de la lumière. » - © AELF, Paris « Emplissez la terre et soumettez-la » (Gn 1,28) L'homme, créé à l'image de Dieu, a (...) reçu la mission de soumettre la terre et tout ce qu'elle contient, de gouverner le cosmos en sainteté et justice et, en reconnaissant Dieu comme Créateur de toutes choses, de lui référer son être ainsi que l'univers : en sorte que, tout étant soumis à l'homme, le nom même de Dieu soit glorifié par toute la terre.Cet enseignement vaut aussi pour les activités les plus quotidiennes. Car ces hommes et ces femmes qui, tout en gagnant leur vie et celle de leur famille, mènent leurs activités de manière à bien servir la société, sont fondés à voir dans leur travail un prolongement de l'œuvre du Créateur, un service de leurs frères, un apport personnel à la réalisation du plan providentiel dans l'histoire.Loin d'opposer les conquêtes du génie et du courage de l'homme à la puissance de Dieu et de considérer la créature raisonnable comme une sorte de rivale du Créateur, les chrétiens sont au contraire bien persuadés que les victoires du genre humain sont un signe de la grandeur divine et une conséquence de son dessein ineffable.Contact Faire un don
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scarletnews · 2 years
Global development finance coalition commits over USD 5.5 billion for MSME financing
Global development finance coalition commits over USD 5.5 billion for MSME financing
At the first Finance in Common Summit (FICS) in November 2020, the EDFI Association, on behalf of its 15 European member development finance institutions (DFIs), together with African Development Bank (AfDB), FinDev Canada, Islamic Corporation for the Development (ICD), U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (US DFC), and West African Development Bank (BOAD) launched a coalition for a…
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ajwang-caren-nancy · 2 years
Business plans have been gaining popularity because they can be extremely effective tools for allocating funds to small businesses that show potential to scale. Business plan competitions are effective because they help governments, Corporates, Foundations, and NGOs decide which firms to “bet on:” 
Even though governments and donors have resources and good-will to invest in enterprises, they often lack the means to pick the highly efficient ones. Therefore, business plans can help them do that. At the same time, contenders who participate in these competitions are more likely to be successful employers.
Below are reliable entities/sites that regular call for/host Business Plan Competitions:
1. MbeleNaBiz The MbeleNaBiz business plan competition (“MbeleNaBiz”) is an initiative of the Government of Kenya, under the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP). MbeleNaBiz aims to expand new and existing youth-led enterprises by providing them with grant funding and/or business plan training. MbeleNaBiz is implemented by the Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA) and the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs (MPYG), with support from the World Bank. KPMG has been contracted to manage MbeleNaBiz. https://mbelenabiz.go.ke/about-competition.php
2. Somo Africa Somo is the root of a Swahili word meaning "lesson". Somo is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and pledges that 100% of donations go to funding visionary entrepreneurs from marginalized communities around the world. https://www.somoafrica.org
3. Sinapis Sinapis has annual Business Competition showcasing some of the strongest companies that emerge each year. Finalists prepare for weeks to distill their dreams for their business into an 8-minute pitch. An independent panel of distinguished Kenyan investors and entrepreneurs ask probing questions to assess each opportunity. https://www.sinapis.org
4. Growth Africa GrowthAfrica accelerates ventures in and into Africa - and across the continent by assisting companies seize and develop business opportunities in Africa. https://growthafrica.com
5. TechnoServe – Busines Solutions to Poverty TechnoServe helps people lift themselves out of poverty by harnessing the power of the private sector. A leading nonprofit organization operating in almost 30 countries, they work with hardworking women and men in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses, and industries. By linking people to information, capital, and markets, they have helped millions to create lasting prosperity for their families and communities. https://www.technoserve.org
6. Invest2Impact Invest2Impact is a program created with the aim to provide women entrepreneurs in developing country markets with improved access to leadership opportunities, quality employment, finance, enterprise support, and products and services that enhance their economic participation. The program emerged from 2X Challenge, a commitment to formally mobilize USD $3 billion in capital towards women economic empowerment from key Development Finance Institutions (FinDev Canada, CDC, UK Aid Direct, PROPARCO, OPIC and Mastercard Foundation) committed to a reducing gender inequality. https://invest2impact.africa
7. African Germany Entrepreneurship Academy - AGEA As part of its mandate, the AGEA network collaborates with dedicated academic and business partners in Africa and Germany to promote practice-oriented entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship promotion and developing business start-ups for Africa. One of the flagship products that AGEA delivers is its annual AGEA Business Idea Competition (ABIC). ABIC is organised to reach out, identify and support innovative entrepreneurial solutions to African challenges by African students, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers within the AGEA network and beyond. https://www.ageacademy.de
8. Hult Prize! With a $1,000,000 global startup prize as its anchor activity, the Hult Prize has brought impact focused programs and training to over a million students globally, creating a pathway for youth everywhere to build a better world. https://www.hultprize.org
9. D-Prize D-Prize supports new entrepreneurs who distribute proven poverty interventions.The world has already invented products and services to end poverty. Yet there are dozens of proven interventions with large delivery gaps. Millions of people still don’t have access. https://d-prize.org
10. Other relevant sites to subscribe to include: i. https://www.advance-africa.com ii. https://www.opportunitiesforafricans.com iii. https://fundsforcompanies.com iv. https://totalenergies.ke v. https://www.uwezo.go.ke vi. https://www.wef.co.ke
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alpaca1 · 2 years
FinDev Canadaは、サハラ以南アフリカにおける初期および成長段階のエネルギー関連スタートアップに投資するファンドEnergy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund(EEGF)に1300万ドル(約14億8500万円)を出資した。資金の一部は、同地域のオフグリッド世帯や企業のクリーンエネルギーへのアクセス向上に役立てられる。 1億2000万ドル(約137億円)のEEGFは、2019年にShell Foundation(シェル財団)と英国のUKaid、そしてオランダのEntrepreneurial Development Bank FMOが共同で設立したファンドで、エネルギー分野の企業に対し、デット(触媒 / メザニン)または株式の形で融資を行っている。EEGFは、インパクト投資マネージャーであるTriple…
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gamefullcrackpc · 2 years
Quỹ khởi nghiệp do Shell sáng lập nhận 13 triệu đô la từ DFI của Canada để tăng tốc tiếp cận năng lượng sạch ở châu Phi
Quỹ khởi nghiệp do Shell sáng lập nhận 13 triệu đô la từ DFI của Canada để tăng tốc tiếp cận năng lượng sạch ở châu Phi
FinDev Canada đã đầu tư 13 triệu đô la vào Quỹ Tăng trưởng Doanh nhân Năng lượng (EEGF), quỹ đầu tư vào các công ty khởi nghiệp năng lượng ở giai đoạn đầu và giai đoạn tăng trưởng ở châu Phi cận Sahara. Một phần kinh phí sẽ dành cho việc tăng cường khả năng tiếp cận năng lượng sạch cho các hộ gia đình và doanh nghiệp không nối lưới trong khu vực. EEGF trị giá 120 triệu đô la, được thành lập vào…
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isfeed · 2 years
Shell-founded startup fund receives $13 million from Canadian DFI to accelerate clean energy access in Africa
Shell-founded startup fund receives $13 million from Canadian DFI to accelerate clean energy access in Africa
FinDev Canada has injected $13 million into Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund (EEGF), which invests in early and growth-stage energy startups in sub-Saharan Africa. Part of the funding that will go towards increasing access to clean energy for off-grid households and businesses in the region. The $120 million EEGF, which was founded in 2019 by the Shell Foundation — and co-funded by UKaid and the…
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newshubnaija · 2 years
Shell-founded startup fund receives $13 million from Canadian DFI to accelerate clean energy access in Africa
Shell-founded startup fund receives $13 million from Canadian DFI to accelerate clean energy access in Africa
FinDev Canada has injected $13 million into Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund (EEGF), which invests in early and growth-stage energy startups in sub-Saharan Africa. Part of the funding that will go towards increasing access to clean energy for off-grid households and businesses in the region. The $120 million EEGF, which was co-founded in 2019 by the Shell Foundation — and co-funded by UKaid and…
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inkymp · 4 years
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hurricanehenry · 4 years
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https://thepostmillennial.com/feds-give-13-million-to-company-to-create-jobs-in-kenya-layoffs-immediately-follow A Canadian federal agency spent millions on a Kenyan company to create jobs in Kenya shortly before the company began to lay off staff, according to Blacklock's Reporter. The federal agency, FinDev, was launched in 2017 by the Liberal government “to support private sector investment in developing countries.” The company was budgeted $300 million over five years. FinDev's first funding initiative went to a Kenyan company called M-Kopa Solar. Based out of Nairobi, the nation's capital, the company sells solar-powered appliances. Despite FinDev holding out on publishing information requested under the Freedom of Information Act for over a year and blacking out much of the requested information, information on their activities was eventually released. M-Kopa Solar was approved for funding at the end of February in 2018. The company was the first to receive funding from FinDev, receiving a total of $12.8 million. "We just received word that FinDev Canada’s first deal has officially closed!" a staffer celebrated in an email. Unfortunately, less than two weeks later, on the ides of March, the company announced that it was laying off 150 employees. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIHcFiwgqOL/?igshid=1rt8gfuxge1f8
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en24news · 4 years
Canada Credit for $ 7.5 million for Cooprogreso | Economy | News
Canada Credit for $ 7.5 million for Cooprogreso | Economy | News
The Cooprogreso cooperative, based in Pomasqui, rural parish of Quito, will receive a $ 7.5 million loan from FinDev Canada, a Canadian institution that offers financial services.
In a press release the approval of said credit was reported, but it was not specified when the disbursement would be.
It was indicated that the resources will allow Cooprogreso to increase the commercial and…
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