kirayamidemon · 2 years
bestwishes2u said:
Ok but now the reverse would be the twins getting hit by a shrinking spell so now they could lay their entire bodies over Shrimpy Yuu's lap~ Or if they're in their eel forms just wrap themselves around Yuu's arms to hold onto them~
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crykea · 1 year
Now that February and winter are almost over I'm curious:3
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ghosthan · 11 months
guess who got scheduled for a brain mri
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hoooooooooot · 1 year
I like to imagine Aisha and Rachel aren't too far apart height wise. If Aisha tiptoes she reaches Rachel. They're both a full head under Taylor and Brian and only slightly shorter than Lisa and Alec. The thing is Imp's mask has horns so she looks tall while Bitch's costume is all fluffy thick jackets so one is a wall and one is a twig and they're both the same height. That's all
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bellamyblakru · 2 years
im 26 episodes into the story if minglan and if anyone dares to hurt my girl zhao liying even once ill hurt them tenfold
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thiamfresh · 1 year
Will anyone else be having a great time minding their own business only to suddenly be hit with the fact that the world no longer feels like your world to look at but an odd first person view of a game of your life and you haven't to struggle through the rest of the day in a weird video game haze wondering whether anyone else notices you're not 'really' there or am I just losing my mind?
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this-should-do · 2 years
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oh u kno its getring serious when ive got hamd And eye imagery right next to each other
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uniquevocashark · 6 months
Igraine would be such a good hedge maze boss
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
having a normal one over shoujo-rei
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starburns · 2 years
It hurts to laugh
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9w1ft · 1 year
Why does Karlie have a doll house in her home? In times of realistic 3D, I don't believe architects build tiny houses anymore, or? Seeme like a fidst draft of the Lover house to me. I referece the video "i might be snoozing through the game but my fantasy football team is still crushing... karlie kloss instagram" (25th of oct 2020)
hmmm its an interesting idea and if i remember correctly people connected it to the lover house at the time. but i don’t necessarily think that was taken in her house. that was a video shared before she announced the pregnancy and i think it was one of several meant to imply or soft launch the pregnancy, as getting tired and wanting to nap even in social situations is a first trimester thing. judging by the sparse decor, i imagine the video was meant to imply that she was visiting a rich family’s place but had to take time away in another room. as for where it or other locations were, i’d prefer not to hash it out but i do think it’s giving big you wouldn’t take my word for it if you knew who was talking if you knew where i was walking energy.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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We just got home from Lauren and Femi's wedding!! It was so beautiful!! I feel so happy for them!! I am so glad I got to be apart of their wedding like they were a part of ours.
And today was a good day. It was nice going back to work. I was a little nervous but of course it was fine.
I slept really well last night. I have had an easier time falling asleep and that has made me feel a lot better. It's not perfect for sure but it's been better being back on my regular vitamin schedule and back in our bed.
I woke up at 7 and felt alright. James was in the kitchen having breakfast. I said good morning and went to go get ready. And I felt alright. I was pleased to see James had cleaned the bathtub. Thank you James.
We left here and went to get breakfast and then off to the museum.
It was good to be back. I caught up with my coworkers and talk about the wedding. And then me and Kristen went to go set up the assembly line. But it was all good already so no big deal.
And while I was nervous it was of course fine. And we had the best kids. They were so chill and we'll behaved and excited. They were all really good workers too.
Doing the assembly line was a lot of fun. It was my best intro. But they seemed really on board and they did a good job building the cars. There were a few mistakes but that was all good.
We had a good ten minutes at the car for them to check out and take pictures. And then we were off to lunch. It was nice to get a little break. My throat was hurting from all the talking. I know I'm usually fine talking but I am very out of practice. I'll toughen up again.
After lunch I was just watching Aubrey leading the cannery. She is really good at the younger ages and she was super engaging. She might need some more history and context but it'll come with time. The kids obviously had a blast and that's all that matters.
After I helped get the coin bags back together I went to give James their lunch break. I got to talk to a couple really awesome guests and check in with Mike before he left for another wedding. It's wedding season for sure.
James went to 711 and got me pizza. And I had that in the back office and talked to Aubrey and Joel about the cannery and stuff. And then it was time to go!
I went up front and chatted with Angie and James about the wedding. And it was really nice. And then I made my way into the world.
I got home and cleaned up. My new fleece came. I changed into that and laid down. And would sleep for an hour.
I woke up and got ready for the wedding. I love love love this outfit. Though when I first put it on I noticed that the seams had pulled again and so when James came home I was standing over my sewing machine in my tights zigzag stitching my shirt back together.
James wore their kilt again. And they looked great. And of course we were basically the fidst ones at the wedding. It ended up being in the same area as the whole foods. Which tickled me to no end.
And the wedding was so lovely. Everyone looked great. I love Nigerian clothing. Such rich fabrics and interesting folds and wraps. Lauren wore a regular white dress and Femi wore a great suit for the ceremony but after dinner her and Femi changed into traditional wear and it was so beautiful! It was purple and gold and gorgeous.
The food was also so good. There was plenty I could eat and I got to try some great stuff. Like steam buns and jollof rice. And I got to dance with James and just regular dance. I got to talk to people. About art and work and our wedding. And I just felt so happy.
The people at our table were college friends of Lauren and were very fun talk to. The one guy asked me what it's like to be in love. And I told him it feels like breathing but it's also a choice. It's not an accident that I love James. I'm just really lucky that it's so easy still.
Me and James played Cornhole outside. I got a hole in one on my in first shot! And I won the whole game. So that was fun. And then my favorite part of the night was the money dance?? Where everyone danced and threw $1 bills on and at Femi and Lauren and it was so funny seeing they sweeping up the money.
Congrats to them. I am so excited for them. I'm so excited we are both married now. I'm so happy.
We both have work tomorrow. James with the desk, me with the market. So I had to slowly get us out of there. James had to hug everyone before we could go. I was telling jokes to Dante and some of the guys. But I was cold and ready to get to bed.
James was a little tipsy. And very silly. I drove home. There was basically no where to park so we had to circle the block for a bit. But we did find a spot eventually. Just down the street where we never park so it felt weird. But that is alright.
And now we are showered and in bed. Sweetp tried to get in the shower too because he's a goober.
But we just got an email from our photographer with the unedited pictures for us to pick!! Ahh!! We're just gonna peak. It's to late to chose. But I'm excited. The love continues.
Jess is coming tomorrow. And I have the market. And I hope it's just a really beautiful day.
Sleep good everyone. Take care of each other!! Goodnight!!
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f0xd13-blog · 23 days
Now go..celebrate with your mother this auto corrected to white they still be doing this to me... my mother didn't even gave me the basic needs because of niggas again Nd the way I lost my father and grandfather because of jews , niggas and their fucking ignorance. I put all those names on my notebook liberal capone will be the fidst starving
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radlxs-kaard · 1 year
fidst time on tumblr
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fidstonline · 5 years
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNER!!!!! Thanks for entering everyone, and congrats to @TheMoeKiwi for winning our contest! #FIDST #FIDSTonline #FIDSTcontest #TwitchStream #TwitchContest #TwitchClips #Twitch #gaming #winner https://www.instagram.com/p/BtcEddaHEK_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9fg1cxzu714f
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rurifangirl · 2 years
Bitch i wanna ramble bout Shou, but dunno on WHAT
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