#ffxiv miners guild
dillydallyvali · 9 months
Come One, Come All!
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This was not the poster that Adalberta had in mind when she put Vali to the task of guild recruitment...
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faragonart · 2 years
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“We would gladly tell you all our trade secrets here in the guild….but you’re an adventurer.”
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dragons-bones · 7 months
FFXIV Write Entry #28: Triptych
Prompt: blunt || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: :D An idea that's lived in my head for years, now finally out in the world!
Minfilia is nearly seventeen years old and has been a member of the Miners’ Guild for two of them before she comes across her first seam of stone where living aether sings.
This mineshaft is old and productive, so finding the emeralds as the schist gives way beneath her pick isn’t a surprise. What is a surprise is how a fresh breeze suddenly blows up the shaft, cooling her flushed skin and rattling the lamps hanging from the ceiling. The flickering light catches on the raw gems in the wall, and green dances across her sight.
The very air seems to chime and so warned by the emeralds themselves, Minfilia works carefully. Normal emeralds are prized enough, but ones with living aether are coveted by the Arcanists’ Guild in Limsa Lominsa: she’ll get a bonus on top of her usual wages for the find, and a bigger one on top of that if she ensures the clusters are intact, to give the arcanists as much raw stone as possible to shape them into foci for summoning carbuncles.
The wide end of her pick, first, and she swings with smooth, sure strokes; the schist is soft and flaky and gives way easily, piling up at her feet. She widens her stance as she marks out the area on the wall, giving her more stability, and takes a moment to wipe dust off her goggles and adjust the mask on the lower half of her face. Once she’s marked out the area of where the deposits are—so much easier than with normal emeralds, all she needs to do is feel for the way the wind aether within them dances and jingles—she sets aside her primary pickaxe and takes out a smaller chisel to work at the wall.
The raw emerald clusters seem to fairly pop out into her hands and Minfilia can’t help but grin as she works. The living aether twines around her fingers, hellohellohello thankyouthankyouthankyou, and she almost finds herself petting the stones as she sets them carefully into the crate at her feet.
“Oh, you lucky girl,” Rolling Thunder, the foreman, says during his check on his miners, gently slapping her on the shoulder as he passes her seam. “Don’t be like me when I was a fool apprentice and spent my entire first bonus on drinks for half the Guild.”
Minfilia laughs and says, “Maybe just a round to celebrate tonight!”
“You are far too nice, Warde,” Thunder says, and continues on his way deeper into the mine.
It takes her bells to fish out all of the emeralds in the seam, and she has to switch back to her pickaxe multiple times to dig deeper into the wall. The clusters deeper in are quieter than the ones she first mined; not as powerful, perhaps? Ultimately, it’s not her call to make, but Minfilia is disappointed not to hear their friendly, wordless calls.
Until the last one.
Deep in the seam, the largest cluster waits, and this one practically reaches out to her. Holding it in her hands, Minfilia has the distinct impression of a sleepy cat, and even in the low light of the mine, she can see how deep the color is in the stone, how clear the stone. This one cluster of raw emerald alone will likely pay for dinner for herself and F’lhaminn for a moon.
As she sets the cluster in her box, giving it a fond pat, and gets ready to bring her haul out into daylight, she wishes well the carbuncle who manifests from this emerald and its arcanists.
(A fortnight later, a first-year arcanist carefully sorts through the newest emerald shipment to Mealvaan’s Gate, worrying her lower lip between her teeth and trying not to pick at her nails. When she picks up an emerald cluster of green so dark to be nearly black, she tastes chocolate and mint on her tongue, and hears crystals chimes laughing in her ears, and knows this one belongs to her.)
The second time Minfilia finds raw gemstones imbued with living aether, she is just past eighteen and out on a freelance expedition rather than one associated with the Miners’ Guild.
Climbing this mountain in northern Thanalan has been exhilarating, and she’s spent a few days happily crawling all over the place; she barely even needs her pickaxe, instead using her shovel to dig into the mountainside and find pockets of topaz so rich in color as to be nearly orange, and chunks of aquamarine a clear, shining blue. Her pack is almost full from a few days of work, and she’s going to make the merchants on Sapphire Avenue very happy.
It’s almost an accident when she finds it.
Minfilia grunts as she leverages her shovel. “Must be a piece of granite,” she mutters, gritting her teeth, and pulls.
It’s not granite.
The chunk of topaz is the size of both of her fists, and hits the ground next to her foot with a very solid thud. Her eyebrows shoot up, because it certainly looks like topaz—a beautiful golden yellow—but a topaz cluster that size isn’t that dense. She leans down, and picks it up carefully.
Oh! It’s the aether, packed in so tightly it’s a wonder it doesn’t spill out in a physical manifestation, though she’s never known earth aether to behave that way.
It thrums, low and slow, echoing deep into her bones, practically oozing contentment, and Minfilia finds herself swaying back and forth as she pets the rock. “Well, hello to you, too,” she says, reverent. “You’ll make a fine carbuncle, I bet.”
The topaz thrums again, almost a purr, and Minfilia smiles as the impression of something snuggling against her own aether rolls across her mind.
She keeps the topaz in the pouch on her hip as she makes her way back to Ul’dah, hand resting on it lightly, and hums in concert with its song.
(As Minfilia turns the corner of Sapphire Avenue, bulging gil pouch safely stored in her pack from the sale of her gems, a Highlander wanders up to the stall selling cluster of raw gems, an emerald carbuncle curled around her shoulders and a pink-haired lalafell chattering contently next to her. The Highlander’s eyes sharpen at the sight of a large, true-yellow topaz on the table, but she doesn’t focus her attention on it immediately, lest the merchant gain an edge on her. But when she brushes her fingers against it, she hears Ala Mhigan drums, and tastes warm bread and spiced apples, and knows she won’t be leaving without it.)
The third time Minfilia comes across a living aether stone, it has been a year since Eorzea clawed its way from the ashes of the Seventh Umbral Calamity.
She is on Vylbrand, exploring a cave system that’s well-mapped, and she is blessedly alone for the first time in sennights. It’s been an age since she’s gone mining, it feels like, her focus before the Calamity on finding Echobearers to bring into the Path of the Twelve, and after consolidating those who remain with the Circle of Knowing into the new Scions of the Seventh Dawn. There is much work to be done, still, and she’s been in meetings with the Admiral that feel as if they’ve gone nowhere.
(The ones with the Syndicate and the Seedseers’ Council feel similar.)
Minfilia sighs quietly, following a stream deeper into the cave. Lamps and torches light the way; this cave is a popular spot to visit, with locals and foreigners alike coming to admire the natural formations, and some of the bigger chambers have played host to pirate soirees and arcanist lunchbreaks. Today, Minfilia is the only one present, so she takes care to follow the marked paths. Linkpearls are still not working properly.
So she is quite surprised when she feels a burst of irritation somewhere off to her right.
Minfilia pauses, frowning, looking around. She waits a few more moments, before taking another step forward.
The irritation swells again.
She stops, and carefully moves off the path, down another trickling groundwater stream, until a flash of red catches her eye.
Crouching down, she reaches out, and feels something warm against her hand. It takes careful pulling, and digging at the gravel with her fingers, but eventually, Minfilia pulls out a large, raw ruby from the water.
“No wonder you were so angry,” she laughs, drying off the ruby along her coat. The cluster feels like its sulking, and the crackle of fire licks at the corners of her mind. “You must have been washed downstream at some point and were missed when the dredgers cleaned up most of the rubies and sapphires from this area.”
Perhaps it came from a cave system closer to Mount O’Ghomoro, deep in its burning heart. Now that she thought about it, Minfilia wasn’t sure where the Arcanists’ Guild received its supply of carbuncle-quality rubies; all she did know was that fire-aspected carbuncles were fairly uncommon.
Well, thankfully, Mealvaan’s Gate was near to the ferry. She’d stop by on her way home to Vesper Bay to gift it.
(A seafoam-haired roegadyn drops off a ruby cluster to her favorite student-turned-colleague. “I think this is yours,” she says with a shark’s grin, and her student—emerald carbuncle around her shoulders, hand on the head of the topaz carbuncle bigger than a wolfhound trying to crawl onto her lap—picks it off her desk. The crackling of a campfire and hammered metal rings in her mind, and coffee and caramel and dragon peppers light up her mouth, and she finds herself smiling in agreement with her mentor.)
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the-hawkeyes · 1 month
The Hawkeyes Blog Character Primer
Hello! Welcome to the blog!
My name is Sandra, and I've been running this blog for a while.
I'm a transwoman in my early thirties, and my big things that I'm into are FFXIV, rp and everything else, sci fi, gundam, big robots, Mecha, Lancer...and Ladies. Lots and lots of Ladies.
So to start, here's a short primer to introduce and give you an idea of what sort of characters you'll see here!
Kiera Hawkeye
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The Main Mom. The one that started it all. Kiera Hawkeye.
A woman nearing her 50's, and has experienced a lot in her life. From partying as a youth, to marrying in her late twenties, to having a son. Losing that husband, discovering parts of her she didn't know, and settling down with a newfound wife.
She's settled in her personality, but she's still flirty. Still full of love and life. She loves a nice, stiff drink, a good book, the feeling of fresh dirt under her hands, and holding her wife, Iyrnswys.
Ala Mhigan, and proud of it. Keeps up her figure by being a miner nowadays. Most notably known as the organizer of the Annual Melon Crushing Contest on Balmung !
Tags: kiera tag
Katie Willow
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My Warrior of Light. The main character of Final Fantasy XIV!
A woman who started an adventure with a heart full of young naivety and excitement, and got wrapped up in something that she never, ever could have expected.
Still working her out, so stay tuned for more!
Tags: katie tag
Zophia Wheeler
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The Best Ass in Thanalan, the Cumtank herself! All self-declared titles~.
A sex worker in her mid 30's, now working at a brothel in Thavnair with help from a friend to provide stability after an unfortunate falling out from her previous one.
Loud, brash, flirty, and always speaks her mind, Zophia is quite the woman! Recently she learned of her families history as powerful Red Mages due to a chance encounter with a long lost aunt. She's been dealing with the fact that she's had a family she never knew.
Luckily her wife (Qahli, another's PC), is there to help her out!
Stephanine Rainteau
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Stephanine Rainteau of House Rainteau is one of the prominent Summoner's produced by the Arcanists Guild. Originally from Ishgard, sent to Limsa Lominsa to study arcanima to help with the Dragonsong War.
But through her studies, she changed. Taken under the wing of another powerful summoner, Stephanine was introduced, gradually, to a world that she never thought she would be a part of, but ended up thriving in it.
A selfish woman, a woman of multiple lovers, capable of acts of profound compassion and near heartless cruelty. One may never suspect considering the rather polite and haughty attitude of a noble she wears.
Tags: stephanine tag
And more! Keep an eye out for updates!
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tishinada · 5 months
tell us more abt kass??
Oh, thank you!
While all of my ffxiv characters are *the* wol in their own universes, I decided that in her universe, Zas was not part of the group who was at Carteneau, but instead had the Echo awakened by Bahamut's attack.
Instead, Kass (Kassiya Storm, technically, though that wasn't the name she was born with) and several of my others made up that group and play a role in Zas's own story as adventurers who befriend her (they make up most of the people she "summons" for dungeons and trials, for instance.)
So Kass has a divergent background. In both of them, she was born into a relatively wealthy Ul'dahn family, but the recognized heir was hostile to her and she realized very young that she wouldn't be safe once they inherited, and she wasn't that interested in the family business anyway. By her mid-teens, Kassiya had carefully built a reputation as a ne’er-do-well by Ul’dahn standards. Outwardly, she only dabbled at learning the goldsmith’s and alchemist arts while apparently spending most of her time carousing with low-born gladiators and miners or hanging about the weavers guild, critiquing people’s taste in clothing.
In reality, she studied both alchemy and goldsmithing intensely, poring over borrowed books while eating meals alone in her room. She made and stashed small pieces of jewelry as a kind of portable savings for the future. Nothing splashy or really valuable that might attract attention and questions about where she got them, though. Initially the gladiators were nothing more than a means to create a scandalous reputation, to reduce the perceived threat she presented. She became close friends with Milla, the future guildmaster of the gladiators guild after a drunken joke about from a gladiator about teaching the fashionable little miss (Kass) what it really meant to swing a sword that ended with her knocking the sword out of the novice gladiator’s hands. Milla secretly began teaching her sword and shield, and Kass began wearing a mask to enter novice matches under the name, Kassiya Storm, wearing bright pink, a color she never wore under her own name.
Kass stored all the things she needed to start over with Milla, and Milla found her a weak fantasia potion (I mean, they're in-game, obviously they get used lol). When the time came, Kass used it to make enough small changes to her appearance that she wouldn't get a second glance from her own family (pink hair, pink eyes, different eye and ear shape).
She went directly to Limsa Lominsa, traded her sword and shield for an axe and began to train as a marauder, supporting herself at first by doing odd jobs and selling a piece of jewelry here and there. She got her tattoos. And she created a new "past." She found that it was relatively easy to ask about places people had been in the year or two before she left Ul'dah, then wait a few days until they were drinking together and tipsy to bring up some “meeting” they’d had in that place during that time, usually a funny “incident”. They usually just assumed they’d forgotten and accepted Kass’s story, and later they often did remember the incident. The drunker they were, the more likely them to unconsciously invent the memory. (Memory is very unreliable.) So anyone looking for Kass would dismiss her because she wasn't a recent arrival, as far as anyone remembered.
And then she falls into the events of 1.0, becomes the leader of the Warriors of Light, ending at Carteneau when Louisoix sends them away.
At that point it diverges. Louisoix apparently wanted them far away and they end up in the Ruby Sea with effectively not much more than their armor and weapons and a little money, with most of them injured. In her own timeline where she has a powerful Echo, they make contact with the pirates there and manage to barter for passage to Kugane, which is the home of one of their group, and heal up there. Eventually, they discover no one remembers them in Eorzea, and they go their own ways for the next few years until the Echo draws Kass back to Limsa Lominsa at the beginning of ARR. The group slowly reforms around her throughout the course of ARR, HW, and Stormblood.
In Zas's timeline where she has a weak Echo and few of the gifts, several of them were captured by a Garlean patrol, the others organize a rescue but it took long enough that two of them sustained injuries that were permanent. The entire group spent a year in Kugane while those two healed. Almost everyone except Kass retrained into something else.
It was about the end of this year that Kass first ran into a young Duskwight mercenary named Zas who had arrived on a ship from Eorzea, and recognized her from the one and only Echo vision she'd ever had. So she befriended her and gave her a lot of advice on how to protect herself (particularly advice about contracts because Zas was not at all prepared for navigating that sort of thing.) One or another of this group managed to stay near her for the next few years, and when the events of ARR began, they all finally returned to Eorzea, the one place they had avoided after discovering no one remembered them.
In either universe, Kass and Papalymo had had a budding relationship before Carteneau, so she finds running into him particularly painful. Even though he finally remembers her after the Praetorium and begin tentatively exploring whether or not they would revive their that relationship and try again, it's only a few months before he vanishes. And they reunite SO briefly before the Wall...
Her close friends are the only ones who are aware that Kass is extremely well educated for a merc and knows all the ins and outs of high society etiquette, etc. She was often the one to negotiate contracts for them, and had a reputation for understanding the fine print. She reads voraciously and like Zas, she tends to have a public and a private persona. Publicly, Kass is loud, brash, hard drinking, cusses, and always ready for a fight. Privately, she dabbles with alchemy and delicate mechanisms like music boxes, and loves poetry and pink.
That's probably way more than you wanted, lol, but thank you! Obviously I really love Kass.
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renofmanyalts · 10 months
Many Alts! Handle It!
Here's my current roster! All links go to the character’s tag.
For posts about all/most of my characters that may not be tagged individually, see #all the characters.
Note: At the time of this writing (July 2023), I only have in-game access to my Balmung alts plus Strammund due to my current FFXIV subscription type. I'll still take asks for any of them, though!
Balmung Characters
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Zhah’ra Savaptha (“Flower”) - Keeper of the Moon dancer and bodyworker – formerly in Ul'dah, Rhalgr’s Reach, and Limsa Lominsa, now staying at the Stray Inn in the Upper Paths of South Shroud.
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Rhetzedyr Guldarensyn (Zedyr) - Sea Wolf farmboy-turned-artisan; co-owns Harvest Fountain Toys and Jewelry in Limsa Lominsa and is a founding member of the Elytra Concord artisan cooperative.
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Renan Avnei’shoham (Renan) - chronologically-displaced magical chimera – a Nymian scholar and his Marine companion who were squashed together in a mishap aboard the Void Ark and subsequently entombed in a stasis coffin. They split their time between living with Negevs Ha'dov at Firefly Grove in Lower La Noscea and with Maayan in Limsa Lominsa.
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Amande Desrochers (Amande) - Duskwight who grew up serving a (very) minor noble house in Ishgard, now in exile. Working as a retainer to Mama Dee’s husband, T'arik Tia.
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Seselahi Rerelahi (Selah) - Dunesfolk scribe and calligrapher, currently working at Firefly Grove in Lower La Noscea as Secretary of the Elytra Concord artisan co-op.
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Rhenbraen Helbsyn (Rhenbraen) - extremely prickly Hellsguard miner. “Not a swivin’ LASS, rocks-for-brains!” Currently apprenticed at Naldiq & Vymelli’s in Limsa Lominsa. 
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Silver Sage - Hellsguard elder from Svatn Byr, a small village in Abalathia's Spine. Formerly in Ul’dah to study at the alchemists’ guild, now returned home. (Temporarily on Sagittarius, Chaos datacenter)
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Maayan Delafontaine (Maayan) - Wildwood researcher and alchemist; co-owns Harvest Fountain Toys and Jewelry with Zedyr. She handles the logistics/supply chain side of things, so she travels frequently to all three city-states.
Mateus Characters
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Strammund Grehmerlsyn (Strammund) - former Lominsan sailor, abruptly “retired” due to illness. Currently consigned to Thanalan for his health; works occasionally as a caravan guard.
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Mamaati Maati (Maati) - opinionated Dunesfolk bookworm. Philosopher-economist at the Milvaneth Sacrarium in Ul'dah.
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Emerik Liubasch (Emerik) - Hrothgar city-boy from Ilsabard looking to recover lost family traditions. Currently seeking training with the botanists’ guild in Gridania.
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Ryoku Kazemoto (Ryoku) - elegant Raen samurai from a mountain holding north of Doma. Currently traveling in Eorzea on a mission to find a sacred object that went missing from a shrine in his home village.
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Danyell Dwynwen (Danyell) - Midlander minstrel from Coerthas, currently working the tavern circuit in the Shroud.
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Raranen Sasanen (Raranen) - black sheep of a Dunesfolk merchant family (Maati’s cousin); breeds racing/hunting chocobos in the Shroud. 
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Iris Menuisier (Iris) - sardonic Wildwood bathhouse attendant at The Pools in the Goblet (and former coworker of Zhah'ra’s). 
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Mama Dee (Dee) - former leader of a miqo'te dance troupe in Ul'dah (and mentor to a young Zhah'ra), now retired and married to T'arik Tia, a wealthy ex-adventurer. Maintains that she is from Thavnair. (In-game name: N'dezhda Lev)
Zalera Characters
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Maparhi Savaptha (Maparhi) - newly-invested Hearer at Stillglade Fane. Cousin to Zhah'ra.
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Pash'a Khoroushi (Pasha) - former Imperial conscript from the East End. Previously stationed in northwestern Ilsabard; current fate unknown.
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Firn Sjararstrok (Firn) - Veena spear-hunter, currently at loose ends in Revenant's Toll.
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morocosmos · 6 months
Yeeting no 14 at you for Moro'a 👀
FFXIV wol questions here!
14. If they were not an adventurer, what would they be doing?
I have an established AU where moro'a isn't the wol nor an adventurer (sort of)! he joins oschon's raiders (from the HW miner questline) in coerthas with his two younger sisters after a few lackluster years as a hunter/trapper in the black shroud. they eventually join the scions, where he does a mix of recon work and whatever the B-team scions get up to.
If he had nothing to do with the scions but still had his echo, he'd have stayed in la noscea as a surveyor with the arcanist's guild
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hibiscus-tome · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022, day 11: extra credit (retainer)
The adventurer that hires her is a grade-A arse, in every sense of the word — loud, boisterous, so absurdly sure of his good health and prosperity that it will assuredly lead him to an early grave.
It’s not like Yae hadn’t signed up for precisely this outcome when she first hopped on that boat headed for Aldenard; it just gets a little discouraging when young, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed adventurers stride through the city’s gates every day, ready to make their fortunes, while she’s stuck filling orders, and completing expeditions, and “Matron’s teats, Yae, it’s a coupl’a rocks. How hard can it be?”
… really. Who needs things like stable employment and steady coin anyway.
(Her parents and little siblings in Kugane, for one. Every family heirloom, every piece of jewelry that hadn’t already been looted by the Garleans, sold in order to book safe and discreet passage from their tiny village in Yanxia to Kugane. It had been worth it, of course; anything was worth getting out from under the Garleans’ thumb — but to continue living in Kugane required more coin than her parents’ meager salaries could afford, and there’s no way in all the seven hells that they’ll send her underaged siblings to work.)
… well, it’s not the worst lot in the world — being an adventurer’s retainer, that is. The hours are flexible enough that she can pick up a trade on the side, and Adalberta has been awfully nice about her needing to take breaks from her duties at the Miners’ Guild, when Avere pays her to go on longer expeditions. There’s enough coin to send some back to her parents, with enough left over to get by. Avere, kami bless his soul, is a grade-A arse, but he’s never tried to stiff her, even if his demands get more outlandish by the day when she can only mine so much — and if he does decide to stiff her one day, then Momodi over at the Adventurers’ Guild will pick up the slack, and he’ll be all the worse for it.
So: she heads to Black Brush in the morning with a bounce in her step. Gathers the ore that Avere had requested. Resolutely ignores the dream that’d had her in a puddle of sweat that morning, of a shower of meteors cascading from the sky and a gentle voice that’s not Mama’s, but sounds an awful lot like her, urging Yae to hear and feel and think.
—and because she has time to spare, she takes a detour over to the big tree a little ways away from the city gates for a break. It’s miserably hot in Thanalan on the best of days, but it’s not quite as bad today, and she intends to make the most of it. She’d even picked up a bag of ginger cookies from the Coffer and Coffin for the occasion.
A Lalafellan woman clad in pink makes her way over to the tree, kneeling before it and closing her eyes as she clasps her hands together in prayer. Quickly, Yae ducks behind the tree; whatever this woman intends to do, she probably wouldn’t appreciate an audience.
“O Sultantree,” she says, “hallowed spirit of my line…”
Her voice drops to a quiet whisper that does not carry over the sound of the shifting sands and the rustling reeds. There’s another pair of footsteps that approaches — a Hyur man with white hair. “Are you quite finished?” he asks.
The woman halts her prayers, her eyes opening into narrowed slits as she glowers at the man behind her. “This is precisely why I did not request an escort.”
The man crosses his arms, giving her a grin that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Oh, is that what that was? And here I thought you’ve made a habit of slipping out of sight and escaping the watchful eye of your protectors. You’d make a fine rogue, my lady!”
“Do not mock me!” she snaps. “If you refuse to be silent, then leave me be!”
The man shakes his head. “We both know that I can do no such thing. No good can come of an aetheric disturbance like this.”
“Then you’ll just have to wait for a little while longer.” The woman turns back to the tree, stubbornly, and bows her head once more.
The man chuckles, crossing his arms. “As you wish, your impetuousness.”
They remain there for one moment, two — and Yae wonders if they’ll notice, if she just slips away now. It’s not that far back to the city, and she’s still got a few ginger cookies she can save for later; she’ll make it back before lunchtime, if she's lucky.
—but then, a deafening cry pierces the sky.
Behind the man, a great winged beast materializes — hissing and snarling, its sharp claws snapping as it flies closer to him and the woman.
“Get back!” the man shouts as he drops into a fighting stance, drawing the daggers that had been strapped to his belt.
The woman clasps her hands together, her eyes going wide with fear. “Should—Should I alert Papashan?”
The man shakes his head. “There’s no time for that. You need to hide.”
He lunges for the beast, daggers drawn — and the woman runs behind the tree, her eyes going wide as she stops just a few ilms short of running into Yae altogether.
Up close, she… doesn’t look like very much of a fighter. Neither is Yae, to be completely honest… but Yae has her pickaxe and her sledgehammer. If that beast takes notice — or kami forbid, calls upon its friends to finish the job — then she won’t go down without a fight.
She really should run, though. This isn’t any of her business — not this lady who must be a nobleman, if the quality of her robes is any indication; not that bodyguard of hers, fighting off a far more terrifying beast than anything Yae’s seen on this side of Thanalan.
But if the woman is attacked... if her bodyguard falls...
(Out of the corner of her eye, a blue crystal gleams. Strange… crystals don’t usually come that big, or shine that brightly.)
Yae draws her tools.
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notapaladin · 9 months
You know what I'd like to see in FFXIV going forward? Not that I have too much hope they'll do it, but...
"Beast Tribe" NPCs in the Eorzean city-states. Kobold arcanists in line at Mealvaan's Gate. Sahagin sailors. Amal'jaa in the Miner's Guild. You talk to an NPC in Gridania and they're an Ananta Adventurer or something. Imagine kobolds and qiqirn in Ul'dah, delighted at how the lalafell population has chairs their size! Picture a great big vanu vanu teaching their dances to the crowd at the Limsa Lominsa aetheryte! Ixals joining the airship crew in Ishgard, thrilled at the chance to fly again.
And of course, it has to go the other way around, too. Xaela and Amal'jaa bonding over their similar nomadic herding lifestyles! The Garlond Ironworks learning a thing or two from kobolds!
...I just think it'd be nice.
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azuragna · 2 months
wrote up a big lore dump about my ffxiv wol and the last time he cried on twitter and i wanna put it on here under a cut too for the oomfies
dama cried when he finally came home to ala ghiri, after all the endwalker stuff, and his mum was there waiting at the gate for him 🥺
i should talk abt dama's mum more, shes a roe named beloved yew, she's an archer, and she took dama and ejnar in when they arrived in ala mihgo as kids after having to flee the takeover of dalmasca, it was financially hard for her but she was the first to build trust w/ the boys
shes the one that gave them their new names, dama was nonverbal as a child (he speaks now but rarely), so she initially just called him "the dalmascan kid" which over time morphed into damascus, the greyroot is bc she's a hellsguard and what else do you name a grey haired kid
ejnar's childhood name is [redacted] but eventually beloved was able to get a letter over to an anthropologist who knew some viera names so ejnar was able to choose his new male name from there, beloved isn't extremely charismatic but she is determined when it comes to networking
for a while beloved and the kids went to live in thanalan, while the situation in ala mihgo got worse (thats where dama and ejnar picked up their new brother zazakura), and beloved worked as a wild game hunter and occasional indie contract miner
she was concerned but overall supportive when zaza and dama wanted to join the gladiators guild and later the sultansworn, she didn't really Get It and couldn't teach them, but she brought mid-training lunch sometimes, and otherwise stayed home and helped ejnar with his books
she. didn't really know what was happening with dama and zaza for a long time, she kept in contact with ejnar while he studied in kugane, but other than hearing about bounties on her two oldests heads.. not much news, dama and zaza are. bad. at communicating and at being safe
she moved back to ala ghiri eventually, once it was more safe, and moved back into her old home that she now shares with another family who was living there, she made friends with them and doesn't mind the small space with no more kids to look after
she didn't know dama was even making his way home until someone spotted him in ala gannha and sent her a linkpearl message, she waited at the gate for a few hours before he arrived and collapsed in her arms, and cried, they both cried so hard
wandering characters having somewhere and someone to come home to is such an important trope for me, culmination of the heros journey etc etc
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candycryptids · 2 months
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Full Name: Tuesday Gears MK 2
Nickname: 2, Tue
Jobs: Blue Mage, Black Mage, Summoner, Sage, Botanist, Miner, Fisher, Culinarian, cleaning maid, scribe, screen reader, research assistant, Chuu’s Boring Tasks Substitute
Gender: …? (He/Him)
Race: Anima core. Visually Viera
Age: probs like 6 months-1 yr (Mentally a young adult: physically only had a soul/consciousness for about a year.)
Origin: FC House
Religion: Only sometimes prays to any of the 12, dependant on what the situation is, tends to favor prayer to Nald’Thal, Menphina, Byregot or Halone.
Sexuality: Talia 💖🥰 also. Bisexual, gender plays a role in his attraction to potential partners. Demi-Romantic. Sometimes struggles to understand his feelings towards someone (trouble with differentiating platonic and romantic or even sexual feelings/attractions)
Relationships: Chuusday Gears (Master, Creator, Sister, Lazy Bum)
Haurchefant (crush)
Keathan [Husbands oc!] (Companion, Guardian, Co-creator)
Unique Physical Traits: Seemingly a real Viera toe to tip. Body is modular for repairs, the eyes can record and store video memory. Until Post ShadowBringers, weighs an absurd amount and cannot traverse easily in soft, muddy terrains or dense snow.
Likes: Travel, Sunsets and Sunrises, Orange, the smell of coffee brewing, Chai, Green, and rose Tea, clean/organized spaces, romance novels, running errands in new locales, Hot Cocoa, Snowfall, Ishgard
Dislikes: feeling useless/helpless physically, deep snow, water where you can’t see the bottom, Puddings (the Monsters), Ishgard, Hot Cocoa, strong emotions he can’t put names to or express
Can often be found: Wherever he’s needed. Chuu’s apartment, the workshop, Ishgard, traveling with Keathan, in the Alchemists Guild
Character Tags: #Tuesday Gears #FFXIV Tuesday #FFXIV Gears Duo <- for when it’s Chuu and Tue
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mmopixel · 2 years
Final Fantasy XIV Mining Guide
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Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV is a continent rich in resources, both natural and man-made. But you'll need to put in some effort if you want a share of that money for yourself. This FFXIV Beginner's Mining Guide will teach you how to maximize your pickaxe-powered collecting career.
You will begin your adventure with a quest, just like any Job in Eorzea. You may pick up the way of the Miner quest from the front desk at the Miners' Guild in Ul'dah. Take note of the worn pickaxe you received from the guild master. The pickaxe is the preferred tool for the Miner position, at least initially. Later, you'll receive a sledgehammer to aid in purging the world of its mineral goodness. However, the dependable pickaxe will still be the critical tool during the entire process.
Basics before you start
You should make sure you have a horse so you can travel. You will go across hills and dales while mining, which requires a lot of walking and sporadic sprinting. Once you complete the Level 20 quest "The Company You Keep," which is part of the main questline, you will join one of the Grand Companies of Eorzea. To obtain your very own Chocobo mount, only finish the subsequent "My Little Chocobo" quest.
You'll be searching the environment for nodes for gathering resources, typically rocks, boulders, or other hard surfaces where minerals prefer to hide. Prospect will help you locate them, and Lay of the Land will show you where they are. Then, you right-click them when you get there to begin the gathering procedure.
Every item has two variations, regular and high grade, as in all gathering professions (HQ). Crafters benefit significantly from high-quality materials since they find it simpler to produce high-quality copies of the goods they create. Therefore, it seems that the HQ resources you collect cost more money. Take what you will from that.
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About nodes and quests
The guild master will assign you to the "My First Pickaxe" class quest, which asks you to harvest copper ore in Western Thanalan. Pay close attention since the hundreds of hours ahead of you will be built upon what you learn here.
The goods in Gathering Nodes may be found scattered worldwide, just like with other Disciples of the Land. However, you're in luck since they spawn (and respawn) in clusters and various sorts of ore typically collect in the exact locations, saving you from having to go on the proverbial "wild goose chase."
Final Fantasy XIV Prospect ability
When you use your Prospect ability, the nodes appear as a helpful pickaxe icon on your minimap. You'll get the Lay of the Land ability after you reach Level 3; this is probably shortly after completing the "My First Pickaxe" quest. This skill will direct you to the closest node. You then leave for the races. Every few levels or so, a new class mission will become available; make sure to pick it up from the guild master. They often introduce you to new resources and regions and provide you with enough experience for a level.
Every Disciple of the Land and Disciple of the Hand Jobs, or collecting and making, collaborate harmoniously. You may either look for a craftsman needing raw materials or store the resources you're acquiring for future crafting projects. Check if they won't accept a deal for finished goods or Gil. In the process, you can meet someone or discover a free company. In the worst situation, you can always sell the supplies for some Gils on the market. If you still need more Gils for purchasing equipment and upgrades, you can always buy them for real money. 
If you want to get some Gil, you can visit our website MMOPixel to buy FFXIV Gil. We will provide you with the best service and lowest price on the web.
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Above 50 Mining levelling guide
You'll get access to some special possibilities to shake things up after you reach Level 50. For example, mining has hidden things that make it even more of a treasure hunt because level 50+ collecting nodes include rare, unique goods. Then there are the pristine, legendary, and clouded mineral deposits, which are extremely rare.
The time of day and the weather are two factors that disclose these cryptic mining locations. As you level up while the Truth of Mountains ability is active, you could stumble into one of these rare deposits containing even rarer goods for you to collect.
Final Fantasy Mining - Collectibles
These secret mining sites can be found depending on the time of day and the weather. While the Truth of Mountains ability is active, you could come into one of these uncommon deposits that contain even more extraordinary items to acquire as you level up.
The target collectability level of the item must be balanced against the node's integrity. If you push the node too far, you won't have an opportunity to receive the item. Due to their high standards for quality, the types of collectors who are interested in such products will only reward you if it does. Increase the item's collectability to the appropriate level by using your minigame-specific skills, such as Scour, Brazen Prospector, Meticulous Prospector, and Scrutiny, but keep an eye on the item's integrity. Make sure there is enough left for you to benefit. Then trade it in at a Collectible Appraiser at any Scrip Exchange to receive Scrips that may be exchanged for special tools, supplies, and other benefits.
The miner rotation tactics
Approach a new region when Prospect is active, utilize Lay of the Land to locate the closest mining nodes, then start digging. Keep Truth of Mountains on to detect those rare nodes, grab whatever trinkets you find, and grind your way through the Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers regions.
The many materials you'll encounter, from ores to jewels and perhaps some surprises, are likely already recognizable to you. By now, you ought to be able to find some friendly craftsmen with whom you may trade, or (if all else fails), you can sell your wares on the Market Board for gold or save them for use in your upcoming projects.
Along with talents, you'll level up and pick up passive qualities that generally increase your chances of finding things and their yields or otherwise enhance your abilities. They automatically activate since they signify your growing professional competence and don't require special decision-making.
Source: https://www.mmopixel.com/news/final-fantasy-xiv-mining-guide.html
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dubitationis · 1 year
FFXIV LFRP – Sah’a Qhiris
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Be sure to read the man’s rules and detailed about too! I rp in multi-para/novella style on Tumblr and on Discord and you might be able to talk me into in-game meetups on NA data centers.
This is a sideblog to amissa-fide.
Name: Sah’a Qhiris
Age: Early thirties
Nameday: 26th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi, male leaning
Marital Status: Single
Server: Maduin, Dynamis DC
Hair: Black, mid-neck in length
Eyes: Light blue
Height: 170 cm
Build: Athletic; average musculature but lean.
Distinguishing Marks: Additional facial markings striking upward from his jawline, black tattoos around his eyes.
Common Accessories: Bandana worn around his head.
Profession: Coliseum gladiator, some odd jobs. Sometimes moonlights as a miner.
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, hunting
Languages: Common
Birthplace: The Black Shroud
Residence: Ul’dah
Religion: Doesn’t really care
Patron Deity: Will say Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Fears: Becoming physically crippled in some way; losing his ability to come and go as he pleases; being beholden to others
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Sah Qhiris (mother), Tohy'a Qhiris (father)
Siblings: Ninal Qhiris (older sister), Tatuh Qhiris (younger sister), Sah'to Qhiris (younger brother), Rhes Qhiris (younger sister)
Other relatives: All of them too closely related for comfort.
Pets: None
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: None
Drugs: No
Alcohol: A little too much sometimes, but mostly socially.
Coliseum Gladiator: Sah’a is a member of the Gladiators’ Guild and a semi-accomplished fighter on the Ul’dahn Bloodsands. If that’s your sport, you might have seen him fight or heard of him.
Outdoors Explorer: Whether it be out hunting, mining, or simply enjoying and exploring the arid Thanalan, it’s not unusual to find Sah’a outside the city walls. He’ll happily lend his blade for any manner of trouble he runs into while about his own tasks.
Up in Others’ Business: Call it being helpful or being meddlesome, but if Sah’a sees something out of order, he’s wont to step in regardless of how he’s likely to be received. So be annoyed or be grateful, you’ll have little luck getting rid of him before everything is resolved.
City Resident: As he calls Ul’dah his home, it’s entirely possible to see Sah’a going about his daily life in whatever manner that life requires at the moment. He’s happy to indulge in conversation even with strangers, worry not about that.
Moon-blooded: Though he holds no particularly warm feelings for his heritage, all that means is that he’s curious about other cultures. So, what kind of a place are you from? Mind sharing? He has to admit to particular intrigue with Seekers of the Sun, but he’s not picky. And if you’re a Keeper of the Moon making your life outside of the Black Shroud, well... He’d like to hear what has you here.
Mun is located in Northern Europe.
Discord is available if we’re planning to rp together.
As a general rule there’s nothing I'm entirely unwilling to write, but let’s discuss everything and make sure we’re on the same page. I’m also cognizant of in-character consequences and might refuse to rp something as a result.
Open to ERP and shipping, but romantic ships aren’t a priority goal of mine.
I mostly write in a single timeline, but I’m not completely opposed to canon-compliant AUs.
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nonameffxiv · 3 years
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i think you lost, just a guess
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hydaelyns-heros · 3 years
LFRP - Darling Doe
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Darling Doe
The Basics ––– –
Age: 27
Birthday: 4th Sun, 2nd Umbral Moon
Race: Roegadyn, Hellsguard
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Server: Goblin
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Red, gold tips.
Eyes: Gold.
Height: 7′4″
Build: Curvy, busty, very muscular.
Distinguishing Marks: The mark under her nose, a beauty mark by her eye. 
Common Accessories: Hair clips, armored gloves and heels, furs, pipe. Pouches of face paint, teas, tobacco, herbs.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Adventurer, Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Hobbies: Tea obsession, baking, gardening.
Languages: Eorzean, Lalafellian
Residence: Free Company room in their house, apartment in Doma later.
Birthplace: Limsa Lominsa
Religion: The Twelve
Patron Deity:  Llymlaen
Fears: Being too weak, losing her way, going out of control.
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents: Moenlona Cwinwyn (deceased) and Stony Brooke
Siblings: N/A
Other Relatives: N/A
Pets: N/A
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Frequently.  Drugs: None. Alcohol: Rarely.
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RP Hooks ––– –
Gentle Giant : She’s aware she’s probably going to be the biggest one in the room and tries to temper herself as her father taught her. She rarely drinks so she doesn’t get rowdy. She’s absolutely the sweet mom friend. 
Tea Time : She adores tea and trying new ones. She has a tea for every occasion and every ailment. Maybe you’re her supplier? Or want to share a new blend or herb for her? Maybe you’re hoping she has something for you?
Half Breed : She’s half Hellsguard (father) and half Sea Wolf (mother). She was raised between the two nations. Her father was a miner and calm and sweet man that she takes after. Her mother was a Marauder, wild and free, and taught her to be one herself. Perhaps you knew one of her parents or saw her in between the cities and guilds as she grew up?
Contact Information  ––– –
Please note, I may be slow to respond most of the time. I am most likely to be active around 3pm-10pm CST.
Discord : I’m open to text-based on discord, please ask for my screen name or shoot me yours! My preference is making a private server to maintain different threads for ooc, plotting, and in character stuff so it’s not all mashed together in a single DM thread.
Tumblr : You are here currently! You can message me, send me random asks or send prompt asks.
In game : Hydaelyn’s Heros is based on Goblin but I do visit other worlds!
@ffxiv-crystal-rp @mooglemeet
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elfyourmother · 4 years
Gisele Surana: Warrior Sorceress of Light Masterpost (WIP)
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For all her life, Gisele Surana, apprentice of Ferelden’s Circle of Magi, believed the mysterious entity who guided her in the healing arts was a Spirit of Love from the Fade. Then came the Fifth Blight, and she became a Grey Warden, leading the desperate fight to save her homeland from the horrors of the darkspawn horde. At last, when Gisele stood atop Fort Drakon at the fateful Battle of Denerim, and laid down her life and her very soul to destroy the Archdemon and save all she loved, that gentle Spirit of Love revealed Herself as none other than Hydaelyn: the eternal Mothercrystal of the distant world which bore Her name. Instead of the oblivion she was promised, Gisele’s soul was ushered through the Lifestream, to Hydaelyn, thus reborn to a new life in the land of Eorzea, and an even greater purpose.
What happens when The Warden from Dragon Age: Origins dies in the Ultimate Sacrifice ending, but their soul gets yeeted by Hydaelyn to become the Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy XIV?
That said, Gisele’s profile is under the cut, along with a collection of relevant links.
(warning: contains spoilers for various FFXIV expansions. It’s also Very Long.)
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(5.0 - 5.3)
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Full Name: Lady Gisele Surana Varlineau des Fortemps et Borel (as of 5.4)
Age: 29 (As of ARR)
Gender/Pronouns: Femme, she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Wildwood Elezen/Rava Viera (she was transformed when pulled through the Rift to the First; reverted back post 5.3)
Home City: Ul’dah (ARR) / The Republic of Ishgard (HW onward)
Grand Company / Rank: The Immortal Flames / Flame Captain
Guardian Deity: Halone, the Fury
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Gisele is an omnidisciplinary mage, though her signature Jobs are Red Mage and Astrologian, which she helped to popularize. She learned the Samurai arts from Lord Hien and Gosetsu; her Samurai crystal belonged to Lord Kaien, and Hien gifted it to her as a lover’s token.
Main - Red Mage / Astrologian / Dancer
Secondary - Black Mage / White Mage / Summoner / Scholar / Sage
Melee - Dark Knight / Samurai / Paladin / Reaper
DoL - Botanist / Miner
DoH - Weaver / Goldsmith / Leatherworker / Alchemist / Culinarian
FYI: I write everyone as polyamorous and bisexual unless otherwise stated
[In Depth Shipping Meta!]
Gisele/Haurchefant/Aymeric/Estinien (ot4: heavensent) /Ysayle (ot5: saints and sinners) /Stephanivien
Gisele/Haurchefant (otp: silver dove)
Gisele/Estinien (otp: for the sky)
Gisele/Aymeric (otp: promises kept)
Gisele/Ysayle (otp: a rose in winter)
Gisele/Emet-Selch (otp: rose and pomegranates) /Hythlodaeus
Gisele/Urianger (otp: writ in the stars)
Gisele/Thancred/Urianger/Y’shtola (archon ot4)
Gisele/Hien/ (otp: silk and steel)/ Haurchefant (ot3: steel blossoms)
Gisele/Minfilia (otp: daughters of hydaelyn)/Thancred
Gisele/Ysayle/Y’shtola (ot3: dark is bright as fire)
Gisele/Zenos (otp: wild hunt)
Thancred/Minfilia W.
Aymeric/Estinien (otp: forged in fire)
Denial City, Party of Me:
Gisele/Gaius (no tag)
Eorzean Bio (Cliffs Notes, detailed pages to come):
- Gisele stabbed Urthemiel at the precise moment Bahamut was unleashed at Carteneau Flats. Hydaelyn used Louisoix’s summoning spell to “piggyback” so to speak and draw Gisele’s soul through the Lifestream to Her.
- “Here, think, feel” happened. Gisele awakened a full adult Elezen in Thanalan with no memory of her past, only her name. She meets Brendt at Black Brush Station and takes his wagon to Ul’dah, seeking out the Thamaturges’ Guild to learn magic from them. She gets the idea to join the Adventurers’ Guild, having no other form of income, besides doing odd jobs for the Order of Nald’Thal.
- Momodi assumed she was one of the many shell-shocked veterans of Carteneau who to turned to adventuring as a means to support themselves, and Gisele had no reason not to believe her. This is what everyone believes for a long, long time.
- Eventually, she met Thancred and he recruited her to the Scions. They become serious lovers.
- She joins the Immortal Flames around this time, and silently nurses a crush on Raubahn while developing an unlikely and close friendship with Nanamo. She goes to the other city states and joins the various guilds and slowly starts the process of becoming an omnidisciplinary mage, with her natural aptitude for magic and insane work ethic.
- Every time she got a crystal, she got back a few more of her memories, but everything was jumbled. Minfilia helped her to piece together what happened, through the power of the Echo
- At the Praetorum, when Gisele was fighting Ultima Weapon, all her memories came flooding back as a result of Hydaelyn giving her the power boost.
- As of the Seventh Astral Era, only the Scion inner circle knows Gisele’s true history and identity. This is also when she meets X’rhun Tia and becomes a Red Mage, which will become known as her signature discipline. They become fast comrades. “Sorceress of the Red” is the epithet he gives her, and it sticks as much as Warrior of Light.
- The Bloody Banquet almost destroyed Gisele emotionally. Haurchefant helped her pick up the pieces, when she and her surviving friends fled to Coerthas, and their long simmering UST came to a head and resolved itself in pretty spectacular fashion. By the time Gisele goes to Ishgard, she is known to everyone in Camp Dragonhead as Lord Haurchefant’s lover. He’s also the first person outside of the Scions she’s told about her real past.
- In Ishgard, she begins study of Sharlayan astrology under Leveva and Jannequinard, and at some point discovers her Dark Knight crystal to begin learning that discipline.
- On the Great Dravanian Road trip, Gisele falls for Estinien and Ysayle. Things are awkward to say the least, with Gisele caught in the middle of their feuding and playing mediator.
- Gisele and Estinien hook up the night before the fateful parley with Hraevelgr, and quarreled afterwards because Gisele insisted on staying to console Ysayle.
- She did go with him to the Aery though, and fought at his side against Nidhogg.
- Gisele saved Haurchefant at the Vault using Astrologian trickery. This was a major turning point for “Gisele and the lads” as I like to call them, and during Haurchefant’s long convalescence at the Congregation’s infirmary, Aymeric and Estinien (who have been long term lovers for years before the game events) become a triad with him. This goes a long way to keeping Estinien safe from the Eye’s influence.
- Similarly, Gisele saved Ysayle at Azys Lla with an unknowing assist from Minfilia; Midgardsormr’s deal with Hydaelyn notably didn’t extend to Minfilia, and she exploited that loophole in the geis on Gisele to give her just enough of a power boost to shield Shiva from the Garlean dreadnought’s hail of fire.
- While Gisele et al hunted down Pope Asshole and the Douchebags of the Round, Cid ferried Ysayle back to Ishgard, and Aymeric took her under his direct protection, placing her under the care of the Hospitaliers. (This had reprecussions later on, during the True Brothers of the Faith storyline.)
- Afterwards, the Scions unanimously voted to make Gisele the new Antecedent, though it’s largely a ceremonial/figurehead type of honor. They all still basically do their own thing. But they wanted to acknowledge just what she meant to them, and Thancred in particular believed Minfilia would have wanted it given her feelings for Gisele.
- The True Brothers of the Faith began as a cadre of Concerned Priests who found out that Ysayle was being treated at the Congregation thanks to a sympathetic mole in the Hospitaliers, and petitioned Aymeric as Acting Archbishop to try her for heresy. When he refused, citing her near-fatal injury and lingering ill health, that was the impetus for the assassination attempt. To the fundie wingnuts, this “softness on heresy” was proof positive that Aymeric had conspired with the Dravanians (and House Fortemps) in a coup against his father, and that the “peace” he sought was a sham to sell Ishgard down the river for sate his ambition for power.
- (The going conspiracy theory was that Ysayle and Gisele were heretical harlots who seduced Aymeric with their ~witchy wiles~ into doing the bidding of the dragons.)
- It was on Gisele and Alphinaud’s return journey to Dravania to beg Hraesvelgr’s intervention once again, this time with Aymeric, that Gisele and Aymeric’s long simmering UST boiled over and they finally gave in to their feelings and made their confessions (ironically, at the same camp site near Zenith).
- Ysayle and Haurchefant (who was mostly recovered by now) were physically present to help Gisele and Alphinaud pry the Eyes of Nidhogg from Estinien’s armor, thus saving his life after the battle on the Steps of Faith.
- Not too long after that, Ysayle was arrested by the Inquisition on the charge of Heresy Most High, over the bitter objections of Aymeric. It’s a long story that I plan to fic out eventually, but due to some crafty politicking, the Tribunal dismissed the charges against her and remanded her to Temple Knight custody. She was put on trial instead by Parliament. It was the trial of the century to put it mildly, the first real test of the Republic, and it ended with Ysayle’s acquittal on the charge of treason after an impassioned speech by Gisele on the floor of Parliament. But she was found guilty of conspiracy and sabotage, for the destruction of Daniffen’s Collar. 
- Instead of death, which Aymeric successfully argued would jeopardize Ishgard’s new fledgling peace with the Dravanians, Aymeric agreed to release Ysayle to the custody of the Scions, who claimed authority in the matter since Ysayle has the Echo and the Blessing of Light. As penance, she begged to join the order, and Parliament agreed to allow it as a form of restitution. So that’s how Ysayle ends up a Scion.
- Job-wise, Ysayle is a Black Mage and a legitimate Allagan-style Summoner.
- Haurchefant begged to join as well, and did. He’s a Paladin (Ishgard has had its own Paladin tradition for a thousand years that has nothing to do with the Sultansworn). His Holy/Light-based powers are entirely the result of permanent disruption to his aether from Zephirin’s lance of light. Gisele mentors him and teaches him how to heal, and he uses his modest gifts quite well. Worth noting: Haurche is a spoonie, who deals with lingering chronic pain as a result of his near-deadly injury, and has not let that stop him from being a complete and utter badass.
- After the war, Gisele started a fashion house in the Jeweled Crozier named Atelier Surana, started with seed money from her adventuring and recompense from Teledji Adeleji’s estate. Ready to wear items are created by her apprentices--retainers of House Fortemps--to her incredibly exacting standards. Those who want her specific services pay outrageous sums for one of a kind bespoke couture. It’s a very exclusive list of clients, and Gisele only takes commissions once in a blue moon.
- Aymeric begins to formally court her around this time, also. The dinner was the start. (They had sex for the first time that night; the Fortemps Knight’s interruption came when they were in the afterglow.)
- Gisele et al were joined by Haurche on the journey to the Far East. But the night before they left, Gisele and the lads secretly got married, pretty much on a whim, with the quiet ceremony taking place in the little chapel atop the Congregation and performed by “Little” Mother Sephrenia de Vanion, the long time and much beloved Temple Knight chaplain.
- Gisele and Haurche purchased a small home in Shirogane shortly after arriving that serves as their home base away from Hancock and his weeb nonsense. Haurche dubbed it The Floating Lotus. (Ah, to be a filthy rich Ishgardian nobleman)
- Yes, Haurche got the Kojin’s blessing. Yes, he does exactly what you think with it.
- Gisele begins mentoring Alisaie in Red Magic on this trip, and Alisaie develops a crush on Gisele much the way her brother did in Dravania, much to Gisele’s consternation. (Haurche thinks it’s hilarious.)
- OTOH, he AND Gisele fell madly in love with Hien, and none of them especially felt the need to hide the relationship they had together. Even after SB they’re known in the Steppe and Doma alike as “Lord Hien’s lovers”. Everyone ships it.
- Hien gave Gisele his father’s Samurai crystal, and trained her in the Rijin School, along with Gosetsu.
- The Buduga tried to claim Haurche when the Oronir captured them all. Oil wrestling happened and Haurche lost for obvious reasons (bisexual stupidity). Gisele pulled rank and they relented, but they wrote a rather bawdy battle song in his honor about the “white haired warrior from the snows who’s hung like a dzo” and sung it as loudly as possible when they fought in the Nadaam.
- They absolutely sung that shit in Ala Mhigo too, btw.
- Ysayle was finally well enough for field work by the time the Qalyana Ananta summoned Lakshmi, and she helped Gisele defeat the Primal. Lesbian Sex Magic was involved.
- Fordola was killed in battle in Ala Mhigo by Gisele. Ysayle takes her place during the battle against Lakshmi in the throne room during the first patch.
- Gisele starts having weird sex dreams about Zenos after she kills him. She’s deeply disturbed by them.
- Not long after the Battle of Ala Mhigo, Gisele and the lads were officially married at Saint Reymanaud’s Cathedral in Ishgard. It was a suitably grand affair and was as much a celebration of Ishgard’s new beginnings as it was the love of her most cherished champions. (Yes, polyamorous marriage is legal in Ishgard.)
- Artoirel de Fortemps’ first official act as Count of House Fortemps was his wedding gift to Haurchefant, a final peace offering: the use of the family name. Haurche still keeps the “Greystone” as a matter of pride and honor, so after the wedding his legal name is Lord Haurchefant Greystone des Fortemps et Borel.
- Artoirel also made Estinien a Knight of House Fortemps, much to the latter’s flabbergasted consternation.
- Gisele saved Yotsuyu after defeating her as the Primal Tsukuyomi, and Hien agreed to let the world to think she died there at the Castrum. She lives at the Rising Stones and works for the Scions on a contract basis, helping Tataru with the bookkeeping.
- Ysayle was in Dravania meeting with Vidofnir when she collapsed, roughly around the time Y’shtola and Urianger did.
- Haurchefant was the last of the Scions to be summoned to the First, collapsing just after Alisaie did following the battle vs the Eredar Twins Varis’ bodyguards at the Ghimlyt Dark.
- Gisele joined Troupe Falsiam while biding her time, and this is when she became a Dancer.
- Gisele found herself a Viera when she was called through the Rift and deposited in Lakeland.
- Haurche was on the First for a year by the time Gisele showed up. He stayed in Lakeland since everyone else was elsewhere, and for the Scions he was “mission command” so to speak, keeping tabs on everyone else. But he took Lakeland as his purview, and with the Exarch’s permission, trained the Crystarium guard in Ishgardian fighting techniques, war strategy and siege tactics, saving a ton of lives as a result, and basically turned Fort Jobb into another Camp Dragonhead.
- Haurche was admittedly extremely pissed off at the Exarch for the Scion-nappings and needed to get away from the Crystarium before he said something he really regretted. Jobb was close enough that he could coordinate with Lyna as needed, and still get correspondence/updates from his friends.
- Gisele reunites with him inside Holminster Switch during the Sin Eater attack on the town. Funny enough they kept just missing each other before then.
- Haurche’s extreme Light-attunement as a result of the old injury makes him light up like a Starlight tree to Sin Eaters, and they’re drawn to him like moths to a flame as a result. One of the reasons he became so respected by the guard even before he began to train them is because he’s so good at hunting Eaters.
- Ysayle, meanwhile, was on the First for five years, and took off on her own to fight the Sin Eaters after falling out with the others re: their plan to have Gisele to take down the Lightwardens. Her beef was that it ought to be her, because she also had the Blessing of Light and could do it instead (not out of pride, but to save Gisele yet another burden, because she loved her). Urianger bluntly said she wasn’t as strong in the Blessing and it was too dangerous and everyone sided with him.
- He was right, for the record. It really would have turned her into a Lightwarden the first time she tried it.
- She ended up in the Greatwood, running afoul of the Viis of Fanow, and barely escaped with her life to Slitherbough. She was with Y’shtola and the Night’s Blessed after that, and they knew her as Lady Vidofnir.
- Ysayle’s role was ultimately quite similar as to Haurche’s to the Crystarium guard, and she trained the Night’s Blessed in guerilla tactics that helped them a great deal in skirmishes with not only Sin Eaters but the Children of Darkness (and later, the Eulmoran soldiers).
- Ysayle and Y’shtola resolved a bucketload of UST and became lovers during this time.
- Gisele does not reunite with her until she reaches the Greatwood, and they have a handfasting conducted by Runar after the Qitana Ravel events. It’s the gayest most granola thing ever. Haurche cried more than anyone.
- Gisele tried to use Emet-Selch’s willingness to find common ground to sway him to the Scions’ cause, and in the process fell in love with him; it was greatly returned, though it ended rather badly at Mt. Gulg when she couldn’t contain the Light.
- Gisele and Thancred finally reconciled after their long awkward romantic separation following the events of Amh Araeng when Ryne assumed Minfilia’s powers as Oracle.
- She retrieved a shard of Hades’ auracite after the battle in Amaurot and crafted it into a gorgeous pendant that she wears over her heart. It’s her way of keeping the promise.
- Estinien joined the Scions following his return from Garlemald, because of Gisele.
- At some point during 5.3, Gisele turned back into an Elezen with Beq Lugg’s help. For the final battle vs. Elidibus, she used the Azem crystal to summon her old Thedosian crew to help her fight him: Alistair, Leliana, Zevran, Morrigan, Loghain, Sten, and Wynne.
- Emet-Selch returned and joined the Scions after they all came back from the First, not long after they woke G’raha Tia up. (It’s a full house at the Stones.) He currently goes by Hades d’Amaurot and as far as the world knows, he’s just a Garlean defector.
- Ysayle spends a lot of her time doing everything possible to aid in the reconstruction of the Firmament, and Francel’s vouching for her goes a long way toward softening people towards her.
- A certain Architect is also surreptitiously helping.
- Upon the Scions’ arrival to Sharlayan, the extra Scions were introduced thusly:
Lord Haurchefant Greystone des Fortemps et Borel, Dauphin of House Fortemps. As an Ishgardian aristocrat and heir to one of the High Houses, he is using the vast wealth at his disposal to finance the rebuilding of the Students of Baldesion, and is personally offering his martial prowess as well.
Lady Ysayle Surana Dangoulain de Fortemps, priestess of Saint Shiva, and Ishgardian ambassador to Dravania. Retained by the Students of Baldesion due to her vast knowledge of Dravanian folklore.
Lord Hades d’Amaurot, Garlean scholar and historian hired by the Students as a consultant.
- When the Scions split up near the start, Haurchefant and Ysayle were part of the group that went to Thavnair; Hades remained in Sharlayan.
Thedas Background:
Pre-Blight Biography
Ships (anything post-DA:O doesn’t happen here, for obvious reasons)
Other Related Tags/Posts:
House Tour: (WIP)
Warden of Light AU (not really updated anymore but here for posterity’s sake, older posts might be outdated; probably where more crossover cosmology stuff will go)
AO3 Collection (longer fics in this universe)
Other Fics (short form fic, drabbles, challenge and prompt fills, etc. this is my general writing tag so you will see other fandoms in here if you go back enough)
Okay, but Why?
Because I started playing FFXIV during Stormblood and didn’t want to get too Involved, so I purposefully just rerolled my favorite OC as my PC, to try to trick my brain (I normally can’t do AUs because of how my brain works with these games). But then I got Involved, and decided to make it an AU of her canon DA story. I prefer it now, tbh.
Yes, it became pretty damn hilarious when Shadowbringers came out.
Note: this is not a crack ‘verse, this is my actual canon FFXIV ‘verse. Everything I write takes place in the same continuity.
Any NOTPs?
WoL/Exarch is really the only ones. You do you, it’s just not my cuppa for various reasons.
Are you/Gisele available for RP?
No. Please don’t take it personally, but I’ve had very uncomfortable experiences in the past RPing on MMOs, and prefer to write fic and meta about Gisele on my own. Occasionally I collab with my irl gf @dandelionofthanatos but that’s it.
Can I ask you stuff about her?
YES PLEASE, OF COURSE! I would prefer asks stick to her post-rebirth period though, unless it’s crossover cosmology/worldbuilding stuff with an emphasis on how DA fits into FFXIV here (eg: “What are the Ascians doing in Thedas?” vs. “What’s [insert DA character here] doing after she died?”). Reason being is my present love/hate relationship with Dragon Age has veered more into hate. I vastly prefer Final Fantasy XIV at this point and would much rather talk about it than the former.
Do you take fic prompts?
Always! If I don’t answer right away it’s likely because of lacking spoons or being busy/preoccupied. Rest assured I see them though and hold onto them if I don’t. Sometimes it takes me a while to write them!
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