movedaccountsxx · 1 year
I recently started identifying with a different gender identity and sexuality, and I wanted to make flags I liked for them!
The first is Femnigender.
This is a gender that is defined as your gender being feminine, but your self expression does not feel feminine. It can alao be characterized as a disconnect between gender identity and gender expression.
I made a flag to represent both. The burgundy (top color) represents individuality and a strong sense of self. Salmon (second color) also means individuality, but can mean expression and confident.
The black is used to symbolize a disconnect between one's gender expression and gender identity.
The bottom half symbolizes a feminine gender identity. Both lavender and pink represent feminity, but while lavender is calm and mature, pink is lovely and more typical when thinking about feminity.
Last but not least, the white butterfly represents the feminine but unique nature of butterflies. It means feminine and individuality at the same time, while white represents sexuality and innocence.
(Note that the butterfly is a free to use png for personal use ONLY from the internet. It is not my image)
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The second flag is a new Demiaegosexual flag.
Demiaegosexual is on the asexual spectrum, and describes a disconnection between someone's desire to have sex and their arousal. But they have the chance to make that connection once they form a bond with someone. Before this, those who are demisaegosexual may feel sexual desires, but have no interest to doing it themselves.
I didn't really like how the original was just strange combinations of the demisexual flag and the aegosexual flag. So I made my own.
I kept the elements from many flags on the asexual spectrum, with the black (lack of attraction), white (sexuality), grey (grey area), and purple (community).
I also kept the triangles featured on the demisexual flag (and even the aegosexual one), and used black to separate parts of asexuality with arousal, to symbolize a disconnect.
Red represents love, passion, intimacy, and arousal. Blue represents introspection, calmness, and acceptance. And green represents connections, typically to nature, but in this case, to the people around you.
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These obviously aren't official. But these are my takes on the flags! Let me know what you think of them, especially anyone who identifies with the same micro-labels as me!
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