#fcau corey
just-bendy · 1 year
May doodles!
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just-bendy · 1 year
April doodles!
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(( so glad i changed the color scheme... much easier 😴 ))
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just-bendy · 1 year
march doodles!
not as much as the others bc my old laptop died and i couldn't draw anything 😭
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just-bendy · 1 year
If Corey doesn’t mean anything to you, you probably wouldn’t care if he directed his affections toward one of the little devils runnin around, right?
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So what if he does? That just means he ain't botherin' me anymore, which is a win in my book.
[ prev corey ask ]
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just-bendy · 9 months
Do the other bendy clones know about Corey?
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Who's Corey?
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just-bendy · 1 year
Tell us more about Corey!!
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What else is there ta say about that guy?
He's got the looks, the height, and the personality of a celebrity. The perfect toon ta be the star of his own club. As a demon that loves ta dance, I do think he's a good dancer. He's got that intense yet gentle feelin' in his dance moves that really grabs yer attention. I mean, I think I'm better, but he's still pretty good. He's got his own backup dancers too. And he's good at singin', not as great of a singer as me, but still good enough. More on his looks, he's.... he's uh, good-lookin'. I can see why he attracts so many ladies. He's not bad ta look at, even if he is annoyin' about himself. Sure can talk yer ear off though. He's charming, like me. Maybe that's why he fell fer me. He's annoyin' with his crush, but at least I can get somethin' out of it. There's benefits ta that.
Despite all that, he's a pretty good guy. He cares a lot fer his friends and goes out of his way to make sure they're happy. He spends a lotta money buyin' gifts fer 'em and spoilin' 'em. Unfortunately, he thinks of me as one of his friends, so he annoys me every week. I'm not his friend.
[prev corey post]
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just-bendy · 1 year
Cursed image for Bendy: Corey x Sylvia! (troll face)
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See, this is good...
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... but THIS.... this is even better~!
[ prev corey ask ]
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just-bendy · 1 year
so i saw the previous corey asks and like, do sylvia and corey know each other at all? if not, do you think they'd like each other?
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Yeah, Sylvia and Corey know eachother. I'd say they get along pretty well! I'm sure that's coz they share a same interest.... ME~!
[ prev corey ask ]
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just-bendy · 1 year
From the previous ask : when Bendy said he doesn’t care if Corny replaced him with another Bendy.
But in reality, He dose care!😆😆😆
Aww Bendy, you don’t have to be embarrassed, about it! Your such a tsundere simp!😆
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Alright, four things:
Number one, his name is Corey, not "Corny." Number two, I don't like or care about that horse face. Number three, don't call me a "tsundere." And number four, Corey's the simp here, not me. Get it right.
Glad we got that sorted out.
[ prev corey ask ]
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just-bendy · 1 year
Uhhh sorry bends! I'm the anon who kinda started the whole Corey thing-
(But it is kind of funny🤣)
(Also I mean the post when I asked what he meant by "get something out of it"-)
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Oh, you.
Ya got a lotta makin' up ta do fer that traumatizin' experience I went through.
[ prev corey ask ] [ post being mentioned ]
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just-bendy · 1 year
I don't have any real comments about the Corey thing but I do gotta mention how absolutely flustered yer starting to look while talking about just the IDEA of crushing on em
You sure you don't at least think about it from time to time? /J /j
You and your newfound clone friends can have cookies, Stract freshly baked them in preparation of him and his pal going out to look for more clones!
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Well, sure I think about crushin' on Corey sometimes, only coz I laugh about how #★%&!*$ stupid it is!
But it ain't my fault that I get like this, it's coz of him! I oughta punch him in that stupid, dreamy face 'a his. He knows he looks good and I hate it. It's that look he gives me, I hate it.
Also thanks fer the cookies, they love 'em.
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I ain't denyin' that I'm in love with him coz he's male, I've told you guys my opinion on men already, it's coz Corey is annoyin' as hell! I have no problems with datin' and smoochin' men, but I do prefer my ladies.
I blush coz that's an embarrassin' question ta be askin' someone, and fer it ta be about me and Corey, well that's just ridiculous! I don't go on dates and canoodle with him coz I'm actually in love with him, I do it coz I'm takin' advantage of his offers, coz I'm gettin' somethin' good out of a bad situation. That bein' gifts, food, praise and admiration, and of course, the occasional hanky panky. If he can satisfy me, then I can tolerate him.
He can try as hard as he can, but I ain't ever fallin' in love with him, and he knows that. That guy just doesn't care. He just likes that I look at him at all. I could accept him as a friend, sure, but as a lover? No way José! I'm too good fer him anyway.... yeah, that's it. Bendy the Dancin' Demon would never fall in love with someone as desperate as he is.
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Now stop askin'!
[ prev corey ask ]
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just-bendy · 1 year
Alright now I think you're denying yourself having a feelings/crush on Corey
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NO WAY! Yer DEAD wrong about that!
As if I'd have feelings fer that vain @$$#★%&! The hell are ya talkin' about? I'd rather have my tail stuck in a door than ever say I have feelings fer Corey! And I DON'T! The only thing I like about him is that I can get a free meal, and THAT'S IT! I ain't actually in love with the guy, I just use him to boost my ego a little, maybe even fool around from time to time. But ta actually fall in love with him? That ain't ever happenin', pal. I don't like him at all! Can't stand the guy!
C'mon, we're supposed ta be finding CLONES here! And what's with the sudden interest in Corey all of a sudden? I thought ya guys forgot about him. Why don't cha go back ta that?
[ prev corey ask ]
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just-bendy · 8 months
( It's been a while since they asked about Olivia and Cory that I almost forgot they were here in this Au 😅) So can I ask how they are doing and how would they react seeing so many of the clones in the city? 👀
(Pd: I hope you rest well during the hiatus  (☞・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠☞. )
(( there is no one named "Olivia" in this au ( Oliver is the closest, but he hasn't appeared yet ), but I think the misspelled "Cory" is supposed to be Corey so that's who i drew ))
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(( Corey won't be appearing in this arc, but he is aware of what's happening via internet news. He seems very interested, but is unfortunately busy ))
(( and thank you 💜))
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just-bendy · 1 year
Yeah go ahead and deny you like him Bendy. We believe ya. *wink wink*
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I know yer bein' sarcastic, but I'll just go ahead and accept that as a win fer me! Now we can finally be done with this nonsense and focus on the real important stuff here, like searchin' fer the other Bendy clones! Remember that?
[ prev corey ask ]
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just-bendy · 1 year
Sorry this is COMPLETELY unrelated but bendy what did you mean "get something out of it" when talking about corey(sorry i always wondered this-)
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Like I said.... I like bein' wined and dined, gettin' free stuff, and.... whatever else he likes givin' me. With Corey bein' in love with me 'n all and me findin' him annoyin', that's all I use him fer.
[ post being referred to ]
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just-bendy · 1 year
you've mentioned Corey in one of your late valentine ask. whos Corey? is it a normal person or a toon?
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Corey is a toon, an annoyin' and narcissistic toon at that. He's the star of one of our rival clubs, Glamour Hooves. He sings, he dances, he's surrounded by beautiful women all the time, and... he's in love with me. But I ain't in love with him, how can I be? He talks way too much about himself! It's like he's in love with himself or somethin'.
I mean, yeah, he goes out of his way ta take me out on dates, and treats me to meals at fancy restaurants, gives me gifts, and Valentine's Day roses and chocolates every year... but I don't accept 'em because I'm in love with him. I accept 'em because I can at least get somethin' good out of him. I mean, who hates gettin' free food and gifts? And, who knows, maybe I like bein' wined and dined, so I don't mind him treatin' me every time. He's the type 'a guy that takes what he can get anyway.
Ugh, what a guy. He really gets on my nerves sometimes. At least he makes up fer it by bein' easy on the eyes.
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