#fanon Primarch
lumi-klovstad-games · 18 days
Saorlaith Clannmorna, The Lost Primarch of the Eleventh Legion and Warrior Queen of the Black Eagles
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In the annals of Imperial History, there stand heroes greater than any other. These are the Primarchs, the Sons of the Emperor of Mankind, the patriarchs of the Twenty Legions of the Adeptus Astartes who united a frayed and divided galaxy in a long ago age when people still looked to the stars with hope... and the events of the Horus Heresy had not yet doomed the galaxy to darkness, suffering, and despair. But of these, only Eighteen are remembered: The Nine who Turned Traitor, and The Nine Who Remained, steadfast and loyal. Here then is a tale, a tale of the Eleventh Primarch, lost to history and imperial records. It is the tale of Saorlaith Clannmorna, Queen and Matriarch of the Black Eagles Legion.
Saorlaith was always an outlier. As the sole deliberate attempt by the Emperor to craft a female Primarch, it is unclear what he’d hoped to achieve, or what role Saorlaith would have been intended to serve in had events played out their planned course.
Such plans, clearly, were not to be.
Scattered like her brothers by the furious winds of Chaos, Saorlaith was deposited by chance or destiny upon a misty and mountainous world. It was a primitive world not unlike the forgotten highlands of the ancient British Isles of Holy Terra, green with moss and heather, black with stone, and grey with numerous lakes that stretched like battle scars across its face. These endless highlands were called Dún na Badb, a name which carried beneath it the world’s dark and violent history.
Saorlaith was found by a local woman, Morna. Enigmatic and feared, Morna was a Queen of a great and remote land, as well as a respected and wise priestess of the Old Deer God and The Horned Huntress. Morna had powerful sorcerous gifts, and used her fell gifts to ferret out secrets from her rivals, deliver sickness and bad luck to her enemies, or heal her friends, and her wrath was swift and fatal if crossed, with powerful armies that crushed her opposition. Yet the imposing woman genuinely loved Saorlaith, and doted on her as a daughter. She inculcated in the young Primarch the ways of blood and sorcery, and the thrill of battle. Saorlaith grew up with many visitors paying homage to her mother or seeking her advice, but few for long term company, leading to a brilliant yet aloof and suspicious young woman who found difficulty connecting with others, especially as few if any ever sought to truly gain her friendship rather than attempt to leverage her position and title in some way. She was always "the Princess" or "the Heirress", and never simply "Saorlaith" to most. Despite her loneliness, or indeed perhaps because of it, she quickly learned the ways of a Warrior Princess, bonding well with her instructors, from whom she knew and understood the social equation and status quo. Never did they seek to use her connections, or use her to worm their way into her mother's favor; they were invested in her advancement and survival, and she was invested in the skills they had to teach her. Progressing quickly, eventually supplanted her mother at the head of her kingdom's vast armies by the age of 16, though Morna remained a close advisor to her daughter long even after she eventually abdicated the throne in Saorlaith’s favor. 
It is said that the day before Saorlaith assumed the throne, she heeded her mother's wisdom and traveled alone into the misty crags and moors to seek the blessing of the old gods and their court. She traveled unarmed and undressed, wearing just a simple and undecorated gown, a mark of humility before the great powers whose favors she hoped to win.
During her wandering, Saorlaith came across a great and vast lake she had not seen before. Taking a moment to rest, she was engaged by a mysterious man and woman. The man was dressed in furs and moss, and his hat was rimmed with the teeth of mighty predators and crested with antlers from a mighty deer. The woman was clad in leather and hides, and a hauberk of green mail. Saorlaith spoke for some time with the travelers, who claimed to be acquainted with Morna. Upon learning that Saorlaith was Morna's daughter and heir, the two became delighted, and engaged the young princess all day and night with conversation and games of riddles and clever wit. As morning came, the travelers thanked Saorlaith for her hospitality, and the woman waded into the waters, and drew from them a mighty shimmering spear, Géar-Anail, the White Breath, bestowing it upon the princess as a coronation gift fit only for the true heir of Queen Morna. As the travelers passed back into the mist, Saorlaith could not help but feel as though perhaps she'd known them when she was very young. Taking her prize back to her home, she was crowned by her mother, and took her place as Queen of her mountain realm and commander of her army.
Saorlaith became known as “The Unbreakable”, as her campaigns claimed triumph after triumph, and though her skills as a strategist and tactician were certainly fitting for her labors when required, her victories came more from her wild and savage charges, overwhelming her enemies in a stampede of relentless violence in simple pursuit of glory and the win, pure battle and conquest for its own sake. Saorlaith was a warrior at heart. A capable queen, yes, but her heart ever longed for greater battlefields beyond. She ached for new battles, new foes, and greater glories. It was not in her restless nature to simply sit on what she had already accomplished, for she knew in her bones that it would be in that way that her victory itself would be the one to finally defeat her.
Having conquered her own world, Saorlaith grew despondent that such incredible success would be the end of her. There were no further gains to make, no great foes to keep herself sharp against. While Saorlaith reconstructed her newly unified planet into a mighty and glittering kingdom where the druidic sorcerous ways of her ancestors ran like blood through the lowest levels, upholding everything, she began to fear that her greatest triumphs might be behind her. All that lay before her had been conquered and reshaped. The occasional rebellion offered no challenge, no real chance to prove what else she might do.
One day, the magic whispered to Saorlaith that a stranger from afar would soon arrive, though her attempts to scry specifics went maddeningly unanswered. Whoever this stranger was, her blood raced at the thought of it. Some great warrior, perhaps? Some mighty challenge to overcome? Perhaps the Old Stag God had finally answered her prayers.
The day the Emperor came to Dún na Badb, Saorlaith was beside herself with anticipation, warmly welcoming the stranger and treating him to the finest hospitality of her people. She could tell at once that glory rode in this man’s wake, and that it was his destiny to show Saorlaith hers. She told him she would follow where he led, but formality required him to defeat her in the holy Carnfēth, the War Judgement – a sacred battle rite to determine leadership. As Queen, she would be shamed if she knelt before another warrior who had not defeated her in battle. Either the Emperor would defeat her in single combat without sorcery, or be denied his Primarch. The duel was the stuff of legend, and it is said to have lasted for nine days. Saorlaith was not the type to show quarter, and nor was the Emperor willing to relinquish his Eleventh to this backwater world. From the lowest valley to the highest peak, the two clashed, neither showing the slightest hint of false judgment or failed skill. Eventually, however, Saorlaith began to worry that the battle might have no end. Perhaps they were equally skilled, and the battle might last forever… neither fit to command or to be commanded, neither able to cow the other. In this moment, the battle was decided, for Saorlaith, distracted for the slightest measure, lost her footing and fell upon the sword she had given the Emperor. Yet Saorlaith was delighted – in having lost, she found renewed purpose. She had not finished her list of glories, and this loss symbolized that for her. The Emperor promised her an army unlike anything she had ever seen, and he promised her not simply a planet to conquer, but a galaxy in which to seek her glory. Saorlaith would never have refused such an offer.
During the ritual ceremony in which Saorlaith returned governorship of Dún na Badb to the Queen Mother Morna, the Emperor visibly recoiled, startled, in the Queen Mother’s presence as she caught his eye. It is not known why. The two leaders spoke no more with each other than the ceremony demanded, and the Emperor uncharacteristically left with barely-disguised haste, as though being in Morna’s mere presence was either panic or pain-inducing.
Returning to Holy Terra with the Eleventh Primarch, the Emperor was pleased to see her eagerness to take up the Great Crusade, and even more pleased to see that she had healed from her battle wound quickly. He judged, correctly, that she would indeed be a force to be reckoned with once paired with warriors who matched her skills and ferocity.
The Eleventh Legion, the Storm Sovereigns, was indeed a fine army as promised, but the largely Terran recruits disgusted Saorlaith. Clean-shaven Astarte warriors and standardized livery made them all look identical to the Mountain Queen, and she immediately set about instilling her way and her image among her new army, just as she’d done at Dún na Badb. Her warriors would decorate their bronze-colored armor with personalized and intricate highland knotwork emblematic of her home world. Their hair and beards would be encouraged to grow wild, often being elaborately braided or otherwise decorated with feathers and beads. Before battle, they performed ritual war chants, songs, and dances, and decorated their flesh with blue paint. This was no mere physical affectation, but a vow to become as beasts who knew no retreat or surrender. The act of painting focused the Astarte’s resolve, steeling them for the blood and carnage to come. Further, like her brother Primarchs, she began to draw new recruits for the legion from her homeworld, filling its ranks with boisterous and passionate, but highly skilled, barbarian highland warriors she knew the measure of and trusted more than the "outsiders" she'd been saddled with. These warriors now had the technology and the means to follow their Queen to the cosmos, and to elevate their kind of warfare to a scale and level they had never previously dreamed possible, and the newly forged “Black Eagles” legion took wing to the stars, taking their appetites for blood and battle with them, ready to find glory and conquest wherever they landed.
The Black Eagles were much changed by Saorlaith’s leadership – she brought with her not just the battle traditions of her people, but also their sorcery. Those who she considered the most capable and trustworthy of her “Sons” were inducted into secret rites and taught a kind of magic that exposed weakness in the enemy, by revealing secrets or bringing flaws to the surface where they could do the most damage, in a way that simply appeared to be a horrific “run of bad luck” when it could be least afforded. The mystic chants of the highland marines’ sorcery and eerie bellowing of their animalistic war horns presaged doom to a thousand worlds that dared defy the Legion and the Great Crusade as their imminent assault would batter and break an enemy that was never as ready to face them as they might have believed or hoped.
Despite Saorlaith’s incredible battlefield successes, she found few friends among her Brothers. Angron was too much of a brute in her eyes; she was all for testing her mettle in battle and achieving glory, but Angron was simply about slaughter, like a rabid war dog Saorlaith would have happily put down herself had she been allowed to. Mortarion was perhaps her first real rival among the Primarchs, detesting her and her legion for their Druidic Craft, while Lorgar Aurelian saw in their rites and traditions the mark of heresy. Fulgrim she dismissed as a preening peacock too concerned with glamor to find true glory, Alpharius as a fool and a tryhard leader too clever for his own good by half, wasting his and the Imperium’s time on his overly complex schemes instead of simply winning when a simple win presented itself, and Pertuabo and Ferrus Manus confounded her with their hatred for weakness rather than their love of strength. Roboute Guilliman, Horus Lupercal, and Rogal Dorn all but outright hated her for her unwillingness to yield to their strategies and authority. Even Vulkan’s legendary patience and compassion met its limits with Saorlaith, who was far too independent to listen to his counsel. And in Sanguinius… Saorlaith saw something worrying. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but in Sanguinius she saw a lurking darkness that terrified her, and she avoided Sanguinius to no end. She made an effort to befriend fellow outsider Konrad Kurze, but his growing instability brought their friendship to an early end. Corvus Corax’s secrecy and tendency to favor subtler means, as well as his favoring of loyalty and obedience, grated on Saorlaith’s nerves. Jaghatai Khan rubbed her the wrong way, simply by being too much like her for them to have ever gotten along. While she didn’t dislike Magnus the Red, she felt his focus was too much on the mysterious and the ethereal, and the way he regarded her almost as a puzzle box to solve unnerved her. Ironically, Lion El Jonson, who had an upbringing relatively similar to hers, and in many ways might have been considered the other side of her coin, and therefore might have understood her better than any of the other Primarchs, held her in disdain for her “Barbarian ways” even if she secretly admired his results and composure. It was Leman Russ who was perhaps the most kindred of spirits, a true brother to her when all others grated, drifted, or avoided her. The Eagle and the Wolf, the Celt and the Viking, the Queen and the Chieftain, frequently fought alongside each other and for a time, they shared a close friendship, and the Black Eagles and Space Wolves accomplished great things together, but like all good things, this too was doomed to come to an end. Finally, Ailani, Saorlaith’s lone sister, and Primarch of the Imperial Hospitallers, never gave up hope on the wild warrior queen. Despite their frequent disagreements as Ailani’s peaceful healing ways clashed wildly with Saorlaith’s violent lust for conquest, Ailani was always there to listen to Saorlaith’s grievances and frustrations, and while they never saw eye to eye, the two sisters grew close as the Crusade went on.
However, the fate of the Eleventh Legion was sealed, and they would not see the Horus Heresy play out. With her growing frustrations with her brothers gnawing at her, Saorlaith had become more headstrong and reckless than ever, and Leman Russ began to see her as a liability. Further, Russ began to question her loyalty, as, ever the soul of tact, Saorlaith bitterly complained of the Emperor's crackdowns on the Druidic Craft of her people and their worship of the Old Stag God. In her mind, this was not what she had signed up. She had been promised glory for her and her people, not this... colonialist cultural censorship that threatened to eradicate keystones of her culture and heritage. As the Emperor began to make increasing strides towards banishing religion and sorcery from the Imperium, Saorlaith chafed more and more, becoming bitter and paranoid towards her brothers. She knew they disliked and even mistrusted her, and some like Mortarion and Alpharius were already claiming they could handle her campaigns more effectively than she could. Saorlaith deigned to let them try.
As Saorlaith and the Black Eagles outright began to refuse orders in pursuit of chasing their own glory independently, Leman's already waning patience wore out, and he brought his case to the Emperor, who advised the Sixth Primarch to “chastise” his sister and her legion. Unfortunately, by this time, Ailani had already begun conspiring with her sister to leave the Imperium entirely with their respective legions and peoples, with a dream to establishing their own free realm in the wilds of space, far apart from an Imperium both had gradually become increasingly disillusioned with. The gentle Ailani's blood boiled at the Emperor's treatment of her; she had never particularly willingly agreed to his Crusade, and for hundreds of years he had taken her home world hostage to ensure her continued compliance. Seeing in her so-perfectly opposite sister such incredible similarity, the two had plotted to desert. Let the Emperor have his Grand Vision. In some back corner of the universe, the two sisters would have theirs: a place where they and their people could live free from the Emperor's tyranny. Saorlaith began pulling her veteran warriors from the lines and assembling a small but elite force meant to safeguard and evacuate Dún na Badb. These were marines recruited from the planet, who had ties and roots and loyalties there. Her Terran recruited marine veterans remained on the front lines, mentoring the youngest and least experienced Marines to allay suspicion that her dedication to the cause might be lacking until she had already left. Let those wayward sons of hers know nothing of her plot, that way they might be kept safe, or as safe as possible, from the consequences of her decisions. Perhaps there would even be room for reconciliation in the future, should the winds of destiny blow in that direction.
However, upon returning home to Dún na Badb to evacuate it, Saorlaith was shocked and angered to find the Space Wolves already assembled there, with Leman Russ at the head of his force to deal with Saorlaith in person. Her heart sank, and her anger soared, as she assumed Leman Russ had already discovered her plot to desert. In fact, he had not, and he had simply been hoping to resolve what to him was a disciplinary matter that had far exceeded an allowable scale. Two clashing sets of intentions and views of reality among leaders neither of which being particularly known for diplomatic restraint is seldom a pleasant matter, and it was not long before an unforgivable mistake was made. Who fired first is both unknown and unimportant, but it was held that the battle was titanic; indeed, it was the most ferocious either the Sixth or the Eleventh legions had ever partaken in, for no Space Marine had ever faced a threat quite like another Space Marine. Yet for all the battle’s horror, it was ultimately mere prelude to the nightmares of the Horus Heresy to come. It is generally held that the Space Wolves emerged victorious. To her own shock, Saorlaith lost a second time, this time to Leman Russ, who gravely wounded her in single combat, though he was either unwilling or unable to complete the kill. Arriving in the Primarch's greatest moment of need was Medrawt, the feared First Captain of the Black Eagles, and her mightiest and most favored champion. Medrawt was a peerless warrior in the legion, long rumored to be the Primarch's biological son. Whatever the case he was among the first to be recruited to the Legion at Dún na Badb, and it was also at Dún na Badb that evidence suggests Medrawt proved his mettle and did the impossible by managing to distract and hold off Leman Russ long enough to facilitate Saorlaith's retreat from the battlefield, and then retreat in turn. Despite her escape with Medrawt and a host of survivors, her legion’s numbers were significantly culled in the battle. Three out of five Black Eagles who took part in the battle perished, crippling the Legion, and the novice Black Eagles and Terran veterans carrying the Legion's part of the Great Crusade elsewhere in the galaxy with no knowledge of the betrayal were no safer, being swiftly turned on by their supposed allies and eradicated without ever receiving an explanation why.
While Leman Russ and his legion purged Dún na Badb, he was puzzled to find Morna, the Queen Mother, completely absent. Reporting his findings to the Emperor, the Emperor showed a rare and fleeting moment of genuine fear upon hearing that the Old Crone Queen had vanished. But, this soon vanished, as, coupled with his rage at Ailani’s much more successful rebellion and rout of the World Eaters, in part due to the survivors of the battle of Dún na Badb arriving to assist in the evacuation of Ailani’s homeworld of Takiko, the Emperor turned his formidable psychic prowess to burning the errant women from history, along with their traitorous sons. The two had dared defy him. They had made a mockery of his power and authority. Their rebellion and flight from the Imperium threatened to undermine all he hoped to build by showing that ways other than Imperial Unity might be viable. It could not stand. It would not. Even Leman Russ, who personally fought his sister at the climax of the battle, forgot her in an instant. The records were purged. The monuments were destroyed. The Second and Eleventh Legions’ victories were “assigned” to other legions. All evidence of them was destroyed, except for the hole they left behind.
It is no wonder that the Eleventh Legion and their Primarch failed to aid Terra during the Horus Heresy. Of course, they had fled so far it would be ages, thousands of years, even, before they learned of the Heresy. Saorlaith’s feelings on the matter are unknown, but most assuredly complicated as she weeps for her lost people and quintimated sons.
Among those who are able to intuit the existence of the old Second and Eleventh Legions, and their Primarchs, doubtless a sense of wonder must set in.
What must have happened, that nobody can remember their names, their faces, or their deeds? Could it have been even worse than the Horus Heresy? Obviously it must have been, for the Traitor Primarch’s names are still remembered and the Second and Eleventh have been totally buried and forgotten.
Do these Primarchs live still? Do they regret their rebellion and treason? And perhaps… might they one day return? Surely if Guilliman and Jonson have returned in the Imperium’s darkest hours… all things must be possible. What redemption might lie ahead for Saorlaith Clannmorna of Dún na Badb, the Weeping Eleventh?
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annasmafroo · 2 months
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Context: I have a fanon AU where Malcador suggested the Emperor that they should seek wives for at least some of his sons. Both for political purposes and to push the idea that primarchs are not demigods by any means, look, they're just simple men, they have wives and all that.
Vulkan married a woman from Nocturne, who's name is Nephera and she, unknowingly for herself (but obvious for Malcador who arranged the marriage) was a Perpetual. Vulkan and Nephera had probably the most healthy vanilla tooth rotting sweet marriage among all other married primarchs. Nephera never asked for any power over Vulkan's realms or his legion but was (and is) wide known as a Venerated Lady and Legion Mother.
Nephera is still out there, waiting for Vulkan's return. She tries to spend more time with Salamanders in cultural and symbolic activities to keep their spirits up while Vulkan is out of the picture. Greeting the youngest of Vulkan's sons into their new positions. Holding celebrations. Putting Dreadnoughts to sleep with a lullaby.
She gave advice to chapter masters all these years but never ruled the legion and it is her stance that it's not her job to do it: Vulkan trusted his sons enough to set sail on their own.
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fourgods-nobrakes · 4 months
Finished Clonelord last night! Congrats to Mr. Reynolds on pulling off a solid downer ending without needing to kill anyone important, well played. Arrian continues to be the best, the steady hand on the tiller and the calm in the storm until he decides not to. Igori is so good and thoughtful and dignified. Khorag and Paz'uz bring joy where it's needed. I am still unreasonable about Saqqara and he was AT CALTH? Sweetheart, baby, you must have worked so hard for the calm you have now. (details that should not matter but they matter to me.) Ramos and the Noise Marines are just gently, monastically beautiful in the background and I was always happy to visit them. Clonegrim is way better in canon than fanon; I suspected people tended to infantilize him in fanwork but it's nice to actually see him be capable and overwhelming. Also explicitly being told that primarch charisma mindwhammy is a canon thing and Fulgrim has more of it than anyone.
Fabius himself I like better than I expected to, helped in large part by the way the narrative circles back to his obsession and inability to let go of any of his (immensely hubristic) work. Reynolds knows what his major flaws are and builds story around them. He'll never be my favorite -- I'm too Saqqara for that -- but he's interesting to watch.
Third one is drukhari shenanigans, so we'll see how that goes. Drukhari should be right up my alley but I've yet to read anything with them that grabbed me.
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part 3
continuation of this post:
magnus: prospero still gets fucked up which sucks to hell and back, but the situation resolves itself in a rather different fashion. namely the burning of prospero starts as an imperial injunction and eradication campaign against prospero and the thousand sons carried out by the space wolves and a fanon legion, devolves into a three way struggle between the thousand sons trying desperately to survive, the fanon legion falling headfirst into khorne worship and expression, and the space wolves trying desperately to fend off and bring down both other legions. finally at the height of the battle magnus and leman put aside their differences in an 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' kinda deal to survive and defeat the fanon primarch going khorne bananas berserker on everyone. russ gets his heart punched out, magnus gets his back broken, but they succeed in the sense that magnus stops time on prospero using himself as the nexus trapping him and russ on the planet well letting a pittance of their own forces gtfo. later at the 'emperors' request as relayed through malcador [so it may or may not actually be the emperors request], mortarion and jaghatai mount a rescue operation and after some techno, psycho, blanko shenaniganary they make it to the heart of the time stop nexus and get in contact with thought projection magnus who explains wtf happened and who they have to convince onto their side. well this happens however another fanon traitor primarch busts in to exploit the situation for their own benefit and one fight across a frozen in time world later magnus is forced to unfreeze time to let russ [who due to primarch bs was able to listen in on the whole exchange] save jaghatai and morty from the traitor fanon primarch [who was able to surmount two of the better primarch fighters using a custom built primarch mech suit] and use the resulting chaos to get everyone the fuck out of there.
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tagedeszorns · 11 months
1 and 7 for the ask thing!!
A fanon characterisation that you love
I love some of the fanon characterisations of the Primarchs. Like Fanon-Vulkan is much more approachable than Canon-Vulkan.
And even if I don't like canon Necrons, I like Fanon-Trazyn as a slightly senile horrible sexyman.
A popular fandom opinion that you agree with
Lorgar did nothing wrong. Okay, that's painted with a very broad brush, but canonically Lorgar acts much more erratic and self-centred than fanon sees him. And I'm totally with fanon here.
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quietbluejay · 2 months
A Thousand Sons 1
Hello! I had to read this so you do too!
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-why was it necessary to be gross about the female characters. I'm not gonna lie this was what made me drop it when I read the sample, and I didn't come back to it until AFTER I'd read the Ahriman trilogy. This was a mistake. -I'll leave commenting on the oily sweaty muscles for later. -Magnus' appearance making people vomit was probably not meant to be as funny as it was -there is something deeply wrong with the Thousand Sons I swear most of them would fit in with fanon Slytherin also is it literally any wonder they went Tzeenzch (sp??) when you have stuff like THIS
A warrior’s standing was not simply measured by his proximity to the centre of the spiral, but by myriad other indicators: the position of the warrior next to him, behind him and across from him. Who was obscured, who was visible, the arc of distance between his position and the sun disc, all played their part in the dance of supremacy. Each member’s position interacted subtly with the other, creating a web of hierarchy that only Magnus could fathom.
just stand in line like normal people i beg you
I'm drowning in an ocean of purple prose
Such perfect geometry, such pleasing aesthetics… who could ever wish harm to so perfect a refuge? Soaring silver towers sagged in the heat of the fires, broken glass falling from their high windows and pyramidion-capped summits like shimmering tears. Firelight danced in the glass, each reflecting a great, golden eye that wept tears of red.
it went on in this vein for more than 3 paragraphs. Actually you know what I should make a separate post for the Magnus description at some point.
Magnus would be a Magneto fan
The Emperor spoke of how these men had brought ruin upon themselves and their people by trafficking with powers beyond their comprehension. Seeing Magnus’s interest, his father warned him against flying too long and too high in the aether for selfish gain. Magnus listened attentively, but in his secret heart he had dreamed of controlling the powers these mortals could not. He was a being of light so far removed from humanity that he barely considered himself related to his primordial ancestors. He was far above them, yes, but he did not allow himself to forget the legacy of evolution and sacrifice that had elevated him. It was his duty and his honour to speed the ascension of those
Ahriman has a secret box in his library with "provocative tomes". I'm choosing to believe this is where he keeps his 26 volume collector's edition of Twilight.
I will say this for McNeill he is doing a good job of building up the atmosphere of doom
though I hope he doesn't draw it out as much as Abnett did in Know No Fear
This was not simply an honour guard to welcome a brother Legion: this was a show of force, a warning, and a declaration of purpose all in one. The primarch stood beneath a glorious canopy of white silk held aloft by sixty bronze-skinned Legion eunuchs and attended by eighty-one Terminators of the Scarab Occult.
why Magnus Magnus look at me why do you have Legion eunuchs okay i know that even the GC-era astartes have thralls and servitors but for what purpose eunuchs??? is this a magic thing? except they're just holding up a fancy sunshade
you know what if i was Leman Russ I'd judge Magnus too
Also, if I was doing the drinking game I was thinking about (take a drink every time the word "flesh" is used), i would fear for my liver
it definitely is kind of weird giving the guy who shapeshifts to look hot the name of two female goddesses (Hathor Maat)
And I'll end this post here it's probably long enough
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ask-the-crimson-king · 5 months
worst part of fanon
[Choose Violence Asks]
I'm going to ignore TTS and the various Heresy-AUs that are out there because people have already spoken on them ad nauseam.
Malal. I don't like how prolific Malal-anything has been. Malal is the W.D Gaster of the 40k fanbase.
There's a Malal account on here that's been dormant for a while and a few people who have made Malal-adjacent lost primarchs or whatever, and while that has been fun and fine, seeing Malal literally everywhere for a few years has definitely turned me away from it.
But dear lord, I swear almost anything renegade and black and white for a color scheme HAD to be drawn back to Malal. It legitimately felt like I was back in 2016/17 and EVERYTHING was secretly about Gaster. Every little mystery HAS to tie back to them.
I have not seen much Malal content as of late, but as said in the prior ask; I have largely distanced myself away from the fandom at large. Maybe it still is proliferating, I don't really know, and I'm not interested in finding out. I'm content to be in my own corner for now.
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coolasstabletopshit · 2 months
Genuinely I think Roboute Guilliman might be one of my favroite primarchs, for reasons that border on fanon/potential canon, for no other reason then he broke up the legions into chapters, and a decent portion of potential "traitor turned loyalist" chapters (why this borders on the two) tend to come from the Ultramarines. Fully in fanon, it really shows how he either cares or is dangerously similar to the Emperor.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
My top 18 primarch, in descending order.
Bcs I want yell about my boys and everyone has to accept that traitor primarch are just Build Different. Btw- if anyone wants me to drop my headcanons about... Anything primarch related, or just want me yelling about narrative and such, drop in my ask lmao.
18. - Lion el'Johnson: A bastard. A fucking bastard. I made an entire post on why his story is terrible. He make ne enraged. God. 0/10, you were not even in the running.
17. - Ferrus Manus: boy your so lucky fanon made you better, because you actually bore me to tears in canon. It's bad when your best attribute is that your bff with someone else. 1/10, at least you TRIED.
16. - Horus Lupercal: My dude. My bro. Why u so boring. Seriously, for the main big bad guy, your so bland... Another case of "his relationship to others are more interesting than his own story." 1/10, for fucking up big E.
15. - Jaghatai Khan: It's not you, it's me. I don't know enough about him and I just can't seem to FIND anything that really hook me to him. Also, his aesthetic don't work for me. 2/10, he seem nice at least.
14. - Alpharius Omegon: Listen you two. I want to like you. I want to enjoy your deal. But I would need to *figure out your fucking story first*. Bastards. Absolute gremlin. They would be out of the contest if they weren't low key funny. 3/10 for trolling potential.
13. - Rogal Dorn: I can ear my gf howling in anger at her fav being so low. But, for all his awkwardness and autistic coding, I just... Don't really vibe with the guy. Also, urg, his color scheme offend me. And I'm a Pert fan. 3/10, mostly so my gf don't yell at me.
12. - Leman Russ: I would like you my dude if your writing did not make me viscerally angry. Also, you fucked over my boy magnus *and for what hu????* No right. He's only this high because fandom save him, and he's stupidly sexy. 4/10 would have a drunk one night stand with.
11. - Mortarion: The deal is, I want to like Morty more. He's aesthetically pleasing and seem to have my type of personality. I just... Can't seem to "get" him, if that make sense? I want to know more about him. I want to like him more. 4/10, you intrigue me.
10. - Sanguinius: I knoooow, perfect angel baby, so low?!? But that's the thing, he's kinda... Too perfect. He's like good white bread. Sure, it's good, but it's still just freaking white bread. Fandom make him a lot more interesting tho. 5/10, I would marry him and divorce him a few ywars later, and it would 100% be me fault.
9. - Angron: Oh Angron. My sweet son. You writing goes from so my of the best to some of the worst. You legitimately had the most tragic story line. You never had a single chance. He has Karn at his side, wich is another 11/10 character. I like him, but he's a bit one note. 6/10, would attempt a one night stand and get murdered for it. Worth it.
8. - Fulgrim: ok we are REALLY hitting the fav bunch now. First of all, our man here is queer coded, wich make me legally obligated to stan him. Second... The DRAMA he being. Third, he's nice (?) to Konrad. Fourth, mf has the Most Dramatic primarch murder with Ferrus. He's larger than life. I'm a bit sad that his fall was not... Better written.... But I adore him, and his army, and his overly emotional queer ass. 7/10, also happen to be the best dressed primarch and I respect the FUCK outta that.
7. - Corvus Corax: It's CROW CROW AYEEE!! The entire concept of the character is too good ngl. Communist sciency sneaky baby white raven and Poe aesthetic?!? Excuse me did someone ask 14 years old me to come up with the concept???? And THEN he become a warp entity to bully Lorgar?!? Seriously, other character deserve cool shit too! 8/10, I kinda want to be him more than I want to sleep with him.
6. - Roboute Guilliman: listen. *Listen*. People are legit sleeping on Roboute. This man?? Is *funny*. It's just that no one realised that he has the best sarcastic humour this side of the eye of terror. He's funny, care about others, and just generally get so DONE about things, it's incredible. I love him in 40k. He's such a good character. 9/10, would make a excellent father to my kids.
5. - Magnus The Red: Magnus. Ohhhh Magnus. Canon and fanon love you so much. You are a wonderful, complete and uther prick. I say this with love. One of the best storyline, for one of the most well loved character. An absolute favorite. My only grip is that sometime he's a bit *too* much... But he still usually likable at the end of the day. 9.5/10, you just don't have that perfect ompf facter.
4. - Lorgar Aurelian: I was raised catholic so I have an excuse!!! Would he gaslight me?? Yes. Do I feel incredible sympathies for a man who wanted to be good and was thrown away by his literal god? Does he has probably what amount to the best narrative is 40k? Also yes to both. Do I think he's sexy? Most definitely. The only reasons he's not higher is that he become kinda stall once he won. 10/10, a story of biblical proportion.
3. - Vulkan: Listen. *Listen*. I'm sorry, but it's REALLY hard to not objectified his sexy himbo ass. God. He has the same energy as those sexy firemen calendar holding puppy's. Like, bro, you have to choose, you can't be a greek god AND the nicest. He's so good, he ascended past the shitty writing he was served. An icon. 11/10, would present him to my parents.
2. - Perturabo: you ever find a character that is like, all the toxic red flag you like and make you whisper "I can fix him"??. This is how I feel about Perturabo. I adore his story. I adore that he make his own misery. That he's a bastard. And that, under all that iron, all he ever wanted was recognitions, love and acceptance. He may bot have the best storyline of 40k, but he certainly has my favorite. I adore him. 1000/10, would marry that toxic man in a heartbeat.
1. - Konrad Curze: My son. My baby gremlin cannibal son. He eat people. He's awful. He doesn't bath. He enjoy suffering. But he's still one of the best written character in 40k. His books, and any Night Lords book for the matters, are wonderful tragedy. It's unreal. He's so wonderful. So tragic. I love him. I want to be his mom. Infinite/10, I don't even want to fuck him that's HOW MUCH I love him.
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luwupercal · 3 years
Thoughts on the Emperor's original plans and intended roles for the Primarchs?
are they still purely speculation based on bits and bobs from canon, or does anything go and detail specifically what they were further than what we already know? (it being "planned the unification of humanity through conquest of the stars" and "the primarchs were to be his generals", with some added bits about how each primarch might've been influenced a little more one way or another, regardless of how exactly it manifested, and some very secondhand detail about gilded prisons in the palace of terra)
b/c my knowledge about the emperor's original plans for his sons is very very secondhand and a lot of it is born from fanon/fan speculation, and while i can talk for hours about fanon takes on the emperor's plans that i've seen, i feel like it wouldn't be right to at least try and separate speculation from statement
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caiusmajor · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering, can you rank the 20 legions from worse to best? I am curious which you like/dislike the most.
Thank you. )))
This is a hard one, because there's several legions that I just don't know much of anything about, and others that I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with (Iron Warriors: why are you the worst and why do I like you anyway?)
But here goes. Rating based on how much I like / dislike the legionaries themselves (as opposed to their Primarch) in whatever canon / fanon I've been exposed to for them; mostly that's 30k/heresy era stuff in practice.
World Eaters: just fun guys!
Word Bearers: adorable religious fanatics.
Emperor's Children: sex drugs and rock'n'roll, what's not to love?
Iron Warriors: the worst but I love them anyway
Imperial Fists: stoic little masochists, love them.
Night Lords: Konrad can die in a fire but I do like his sons actually.
Death Guard: ... barely know them but they get points for being traitors.
Luna Wolves / Sons of Horus: tbh they lose a lot of points for not ditching Garvi (and Tarik) way earlier.
Thousand Sons: Overpowered but also really pathetic.
Alpha Legion: who knows what their deal is; I don't. But they have some cool human operatives.
Blood Angels: pretty vampires, too bad they're loyalist and also annoyingly self-righteous.
Salamanders: Cuddly, apparently? but they appear in basically nothing I've read so far.
White Scars: I gather they are really cool but they also appear in just about nothing I have read so far.
Dark Angels: they get points for the Fallen and points for wearing clothes over their armor; otherwise I got nothing.
Raven Guard: Overall they might be OK but most of my actual exposure to them is that One Guy in Angel Exterminatus and he was annoying.
Ultramarines: Ventris is pretty great! But I still kinda resent going from Betrayer to Slaves to Darkness and what the FUCK why are there still so many Ultramarines, what were the Word Bearers and World Eaters even DOING?
Space Wolves: ....wolves in space I guess? Honestly I'm just not all that into the whole werewolf thing.
Iron Hands: Less interesting Iron Warriors that wouldn't even follow Fulgrim into Chaos. :/ Like the Raven Guard, they also lose points for their appearances in Angel Exterminatus.
Legion II: Who knows??? Putting these guys last because there's not any legions I really hate.
Legion XI: see II.
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asklotarasarrin · 3 years
Lotara is the only person who can make Angron happy, feel love, at peace and even use his psychic empathy on without the nails causing damage (when a daemon prince he can't use his empathy and the rest are diluted, yet are still there.) Ivar Tobin is like a father to Lotara. Kharn and Angron both fear and love Lotara and they are the only threesome khorne is willing to accept (foursome if you count the conqueror) Lotara is angry enough to beat Angron in an arm wrestle, even if her arm breaks (even when Angron is a twenty foot crimson murderdaemon) Lotara Sarrin is fused to the conqueror, leaving her with two personalities, her usual one and the machine spirit (despite this, she doesn't look a day over 47, and not a sign of physical decay. That and her body now heals whatever wounds she receives) She and Angron have done (awful and or drunk) karaoke
//I dig most of this! I'd alter it to say she's one of the few, if not the only, he allows himself to feel happiness/love/peace, and use his abilities on- its a tremendous show of trust and vulnerability for him, and not something he is quick to share.
I like the comment on the daemon prince+his powers angle, I'll have to muse on that for awhile.
Tobin is a chill dude! not my cup of tea as I dont see Lotara really leaning on anyone in a father/daughter sort of way(given her dysfunctional relationship with her biofather), but I confess I haven't given him a lot of thought.
The whole fear her angle is such a popular fanon in the community and from a silly ridiculous angle I get the appeal, but in all seriousness I'm more inclined to see them fear her rejection at most. Fear isn't really in their lexicon. Both Angron and Kharn very clearly respect her deeply; its hard for me to reconcile respect and fear. It's a prime OT3 I agree lol.
Now this is outright crackish! lol Lotara has her temper but she's not out of control, and certainly not superhuman enough to beat a primarch in an arm wrestling match!
I do love the fusion Conqueror!Lotara angle and have an AU for that! I do need to draw that more. The Conqueror's personality is an interesting thing to explore.
I could see Angron being into singing! Pretty sure he and the other slaves canonically did sing slave songs. Lotara probably could be coaxed into it eventually too.
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part 1
on a side note, i have an alt heresy idea kicking around in my head thats basically just all the canon primarchs remain loyal and have to do battle with an equal number of fanon traitor primarchs, with the important caveat that all their backstories remain largely the same because to often do alt heresies hinge all the changes in loyalties on backstory changes. to writ the general ideas i have in mind for all of them though
fulgrim: never gets invited to the traitor party and is part of the loyalist forces betrayed on istvaan v. dies an istvaan but ferrus goes on a webway journey that culminates in ferrus giving his life up in exchange for fulgrims, with the 'reborn phoenix' popping out of the imperial webway on terra carrying ferruses corpse and crying sad tears. goes on to the lead the imperial frontlines against the traitor advance in conjunction with rogals overall strategic goals. disappears after the heresy allegedly because of some grief stricken self imposed exile over the emperor's internment the 40k emperor's children retain the preening perfectionist attitudes of their past with an emphasis on routine and ceremony to avoid the excesses that almost caused the legions fall. officially follow the codex but insist they are actually following the 'phoenicia tacticia' which is just the codex with a collection of fulgrims tactical and 'dress and ceremony' writings tacked on. this dectuples the length of the codex and your expected to memorize the 'phoenicia tacticia' in full before promotion to captain in the chapter.
perturabo: no one thought to invite him to either party and now perty is pissed off, in part because after istvaan both sides sent missives to invite him into either the loyalist or traitor parties assuming he'd automatically say yes. well his hatred for rogal initially pushed him in the direction of joining the traitors as a means of finally getting one over rogal, the representative of the traitor cause that was sent to 'officiate perturabos dedication to the cause of rebellion' so greatly irritated perturbo to the point of enragement and disparagement of the entire traitor force as 'preening peacocks' resulting in the engagement of hostilities at that very ceremony well an imperial assassination taskforce was getting prepared to strike. this proved to be more costly for the traitors then was thought, as the many iron warrior outposts and fleets across the galaxy began turning their guns on the traitors forces at perturabos word, where previously they had remained neutral, and many of which would hold out for years with some holding out the entire length of the heresy and the scouring. most notably was perturabos fortification of the olympia system into the 'iron cage' disrupting the forward lines and momentum of the traitor forces for a number of years as they fought to unstick the iron warriors form their home, only for perturabo to blow up any usable infrastructure on olympia anyways as he evacuated his force. perturabo would then find his way to terra where, at malcadors instruction he was to assist in further reinforcing the sol system in preparation of war, and well rogal and perturabos rivalry initially caused them to come to blows in their many disagreements it was this time reinforcing the sol system for war where perturabo and rogal grew a grudging respect for each others genius, allowing them and their legions to work expertly in concert during the solar war and the siege of terra. perturabo would later be greviously injured during the first black crusade, his ultimate fate unknown after the iron warriors records on the matter were lost. the 40k iron warriors are codex compliant and still retain a rivarly with the imperial fists, but it is a healthy one of competition rather then the bitter distaste both held for the other during the great crusade. on centennial basis they even participate together on a grand tournament of strategic wargame simulations based on one such game perturabo originally invented and which was refined through many a game with rogal before and during the solar war. in the wider imperial conscious both are marvelled for their engineering skills, the rebuilt marvel that is olympia a testament to the iron warriors architectural genius, but the imperial fists are regarded as stronger on the defence of a siege well the iron warriors are regarded as stronger on the offence of one.
konrad curze: gets backstabbed by the murders he let into the legion and dragged to nostramo in chains by vengful nostramo noble families eager for some mob justice, resulting in an extended session of awful torture made worse by his superhuman nature letting them get pretty extreme on him. with nothing else but pain to occupy his time konrad reflects on his life and how his visions were wrong [didn't see this shit coming and his visions still showed horus as the arch traitor], how he let that fear consume him, and how the night haunters a bit of a dick. gets saved by the sacrifice of a nameless mute civilian who ends up suffering horrible tortures in his place as he recovers, culminating in the rise of a third personality called the judge that coldly executes the entirety of nostramoses noble family houses and anyone in the night lords who directly betrayed him or are unwilling to 'repent'. decides to go for broke, gathers what loyalist night lord elements he can, and wages a guerrilla campaign against the traitors behind enemy lines disappearing during the scouring. the 40k night lords become more nobledark batmans instead of grimdark batmans and also eventually nostramos serves as the heart of a major imperial cult of worship to the 'silent martyr'. codex compliant but the individual captains enjoy more autonomy of movement and command then comparative chapters.
angron: never got invited to the traitor party because the arch traitor this time around disliked angron enough to uninvite him to rebellion. instead hes one of the loyalist forces to get betrayed on istvaan v, willingly throwing himself and his legion right into the thick of things with angron fully intending to die in battle right then and there. unfortunately for him his more level headed sons panic when angron does almost die, spiriting angrons mostly dead body from the fighting and going on the run from traitor pursuit, eventually ending up in ultramar around when the ruinstorm kicks off. agree to fight for roboute and the loyalists in exchange for protection and help for angrons still nearly dead corpse. this ultimately culminates in some wacky shenaniganary involving lorgar using the actual divine miracle powers of the emperor, the world eater librarius all sacrificing themselves, and some sketch ass daot stuff to successfully remove the butchers nails from angron finally letting his body properly recover. when he wakes up, the red angel makes a beeline for nuceria, 'officially' brings it under his legions control and institutes a conscription of the planets population to replenish his legions numbers as fast as possible before making a bloody rush for terra later called 'the crimson path' and reinforcing it in time for the siege. after the heresy angron would be at the forefront of the scouring disappearing shortly after is conclusion for reasons unknown. the 40k world eaters are a contradiction very much still the bloody gladiator berserkers they were fashioned into during the great crusade but also heavily tempered by ideals of justice, honour and liberation, frequently coming into conflict with other imperial institutions or chapters on conduct during war and their duties such as condemning the black templars 'dishonourable purges of innocent mutant populations'. the ultramarines let them have free reign over nuceria [which now serves as the world eaters homeworld and a world of gladiator warrior temples since their take over] and let their successors operate in ultramar in exchange for following the codex and sending representatives to the ultramarines lil meetings and ceremonies much to the world eaters annoyance on the second half of those responsibilities.
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sparatus · 7 years
👎: ship that you can never see happening
there’s a BUNCH but the first one off the top of my head is shepard/tarquin victus..... he’s the primarch’s son, it’s politically a bad idea, plus he’s going to have a shitload of his own problems to work out after everything that happens to him, leave the boy alone and don’t save him just so you can smooch him his character has so much more to him than how pretty he is
👀: ship you’re curious about
i wanna know more abt samara’s former bondmate?? even if it’s pure headcanon i want to hear abt samara and her bondmate being in wuv before everything went to hell in a handbasket
💢: ship that is most misunderstood
popular writers misinterpreted the shit out of saren’s character so now fanon kryterius has ppl thinking the ship is abusive!! lol!!!! when ACCORDING TO ACTUAL CANON saren and nihlus are best friends and both think the other is the coolest thing since sliced bread!!!
which is why it’s so.... satisfying....... that ppl gush over how i write saren and nihlus like real people and write them in a healthy relationship. that means everyone else is recognizing the blatant red flags for abuse in the most popular kryterius writer’s work (whomst i’ve literally been told “i read her work and it creeped me out”) and flocking to me, and my insistence that the worst thing saren would ever do to nihlus is accidentally claw his face while fighting over the remote (and then not stop apologizing for like an hour cause spirits that looked like it hurt are you sure you’re okay????)
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lumi-klovstad-games · 7 months
"No Love Lost" aka "Ailani Meets The Emperor Again"
A short scene in which Ailani, the recently returned Second Primarch, meets what's left of the Emperor for the first time in 10,000 years to declare her intentions. And finally get a lot of crap off her chest.
Gonna be honest, this is basically Daddy Issues: The Fanfic.
Ailani had made it before the Emperor at long last. She barely remembered what he’d looked like, if she’d ever known even a fraction of the truth of his appearance at all, for all his psychic posturing. But what sat on the Golden Throne was barely the man who was barely her father. A massive, decrepit corpse, more skeleton than man, more deceased than deity. Yet the pressure in her brain told her that something connected to that body was still VERY much alive… and it was at least somewhat aware of her.
The Emperor’s Daughter failed to bow or kneel, and this did not go unnoticed by the attendant Custodes. She stood there, sizing up this undead monument to a single man’s arrogance, ego, and mistakes. Her green-stained eyes looked him over. Her ears heard the whirring and clicking of the ancient machinery of the Golden Throne.
There was much silence for a long while. It had been ten thousand years, and their last exchange had almost come to blows much as their first had. Her last act in his Imperium was to fire on his soldiers and betray his trust by favoring her people above his orders. What was there she could possibly say? Would it even do her any good at all? Was whatever was left of the Emperor even cognizant enough to answer in any way? There was only one way to find out.
“I've returned.” Ailani said, breaking the silence.
Her head filled with unfiltered thoughts that were not hers.
The Second Primarch laughed darkly. 
“Yeah. It’s nice to see you too, Dad. I suppose we both are just going to have to accept that we’ll always be a disappointment to each other. I for not being who or what you wanted me to be, and you for being an irredeemably arrogant bastard. I mean, I admire your ability to consistently remain true to your character, even if that character has always been less than stellar. I'm not sure what was more impressive: your ability to remain consistently unpleasant around me or your knack for making enemies you didn’t have to have.”
“You know, I never liked you much either. But the ideals you sold me? Those were maybe the only good you ever put in my life. I never really believed in your Imperium or your Crusade. I certainly never believed in you – how could I when the first thing you ever did around me was express your revulsion for my identity and then try to kill my parents?”
“Still refusing to admit you’re wrong. 10,000 years and how many wars to end all wars and you still haven’t changed. Well, you may not have believed a damn word you said when you poured honey in my ears to get me to come to Terra the first time, but they were words worth believing in. And as far as I’m concerned, you already got what you deserved.”
The Custodes reached for their weapons, but did not draw. Not yet.
Ailani let out a judging laugh.
“Ungrateful? Ungrateful?! My legion and I did good work. We did what we were told to do. What we were MADE to do. Made, BY YOU, to do. And we did it well. Our lives were dedicated to your mandates, your purpose. But because I wasn’t the child you WANTED, you never trusted us. You took my family, my community, my whole WORLD hostage to ensure my loyalty. But I did the work. ‘Maybe,’ I told myself, ‘maybe if I work hard enough, if I prove my usefulness, he might ease off. He might see that I’m just as worthy as my brothers. He might realize that he doesn’t need to hold a sword over my family’s necks to make me keep my promise.’ But you never did. Nothing I did was EVER enough for you! I will ALWAYS be a deviant in your eyes. A freak. A mistake. But I’ve finally realized, that’s not MY problem. It’s yours. And I’m done letting the people of this Imperium suffer for this grudge. I’m back, and you’re not. You can just sit there and simmer. I’m done with you, and I don’t expect I’ll speak with you again. I’m a healer. I learned triage a long time ago. I know better than to waste energy and resources on a lost cause when there’s ways to use them to do more good elsewhere. So that’s what I’ll do. The Imperium is wounded. It’s sick. It’s in pain. Untold teeming billions upon billions are crying out. They need help.  So I’m going to help them however I can. They didn’t ask for any of this. Yes, they’ve done SO MUCH WRONG. They are so afraid and hateful, but that isn’t their fault. They’ve never known another way. It’s just another way they’ve been injured. And for all your faults, I know neither one of us ever wanted this for them. We both believe in a better tomorrow, and a better mankind to live in it, after all. On the oath I swore ten thousand years ago, I swear I will keep trying to make the Imperial Ideal the Imperial Reality. You can trust me, just like you always could and should have.”
The Custodes relaxed as Ailani turned to leave. She stopped at the door to the Throne Room. She had a feeling she needed to.
Ailani smiled. 
“Maybe I will see you again, actually.”
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lumi-klovstad-games · 7 months
"I have grown in my exile, Brother. I have been to worlds without count, places beyond description, and witnessed spectacles undreamt of by human dreams. I have seen endless, innumerable things — some beautiful and many terrible. I have witnessed the rise and fall of great civilizations, and I have seen the best and worst both of humanity and of alien races great and small. But through it all, I have never lost my hope for the future. In fact, it has never been stronger, nor has it ever been more necessary. I know that there is still good in this universe. I see it express itself in countless ways every day. I know that there are still people who are willing to fight for what is good and right. I know that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope, even if that is just a single dim, flickering star to set your course by in treacherous waters. I have seen the power of hope to change lives, change worlds, and even the universe, for the better. I have seen people rise up against injustice and overcome impossible odds. I have seen the power of love and compassion to heal and bring people together. And so, I will never give up my faith. I will never stop believing in the goodness of humanity, no matter how many times they let me down. I will never stop fighting for what I believe in and know to be true. No matter how dark or oppressive the shadow, there is always a gleam of hope, however faint — there is always a light no darkness can touch. And that gleam of hope is all we need. If I can help people see it, perhaps the Imperium may yet be saved from itself and delivered from its foes. If we hold fast to that goodness and hope, that tiny ember will soon warm the galaxy. That hope will save us all."
—Ailani, Primarch of the Second Legion, to Roboute Guilliman, M42, explaining her sudden return
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