#f for floyd. forced to be a single guardian at 14
amethyst-halo · 4 months
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popswap doodles i like them there's so much
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kingkorak · 7 years
1. A Song you’re ashamed of liking: I have no shame. I listen to T. Swift, Beyonce, Avril Lavigne, Ninja Sex Party and Black Metal. You cannot win. 2. Favourite lyrics: “I banged la desh” 3. Favourite band/artist: Blind Guardian 4. Top 5 Favourite songs at this moment: 5. The Gunslinger/ Demons and Wizards 4. Sk8r Boi/ Avril Lavigne 3. Kiss Kiss/ Chris Brown 2. Shake it off/ Taylor Swift 1. Don’t Stop Me Now/ Queen 5. Latest song that made you smile: Don’t Stop Me Now 6. An overrated band: 21 Pilots 7. An overrated song: Black Beatles 8. Latest song that made you cry: Fiddler on The Green/ Demons and Wizards 9. Artist/band that saved your life: Me 10. If you could see any band/artist live, who would it be: Blind Guardian 11. What song/album/band/artist always brings back memories for you: Guns N Roses 12. saddest song you know: Fiddler on the Green 13. Favourite song to sing in the shower: I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle 14. If you played an instrument in grade school, what was it Cello/ Guitar/ Voice 15. What song would you like to have your first dance to at your wedding: You never can tell (Pulp Fiction :D) 16. 5 Songs to have sex to: Nightrain/ Guns N’ Roses, Schuyler Sisters/ Hamilton, Whole Lotta Love/ Led Zeppelin Sex Training/ Ninja Sex Party, Adrenalize/ In this Moment 17. One band you’d have get back together/bring back from the dead: Michael Jackson 18. You’re forced to listen to only one album for the rest of your life, what album is it: Motley Crue Greatest Hits 19. A song that gets you through shit: Don’t Stop Me Now 20. A song to shut everything out: Wig In A Box/ Hedwig 21. A song that’s a joke between you and your friends: Livin’ In The Sunligh/ Tiny TIm  22. A song to jam out to at 4am: Fireflies/ Owl City 23. A song that punches you in the gut every single time: Fiddler On the Green  24. A song that calms you down: Dear Theodosia/ Hamilton 25. A song that makes you feel alive: Non Stop/ Hamilton 26. If you could get any lyrics tattooed, which would you choose: Not even a clue 27. What band/artist would you get your children addicted to at an early age: Metallica  28. Can you play any instruments, if so, which: Cello, Guitar, Voice, Drums, Piano, Bass, Mandolin, Harmonica 29. If you could be a member of any band for one show, who would it be HANSI FUCKING KURSCH 30. CDs or Vinyls: Depends. Punk, Rock or Metal, CDs. Black Metal, 70′s or earlier music, vinyl.  31. 25 songs to play at your funeral 25? Jesus.  32. What are some song titles that you love Fiddler on the green, The Gunslinger, Yonkers, Domo23, Immigrant Song, Into the west, FYI I wanna F you A, Reign in blood 33. If your life ended today, what song would you choose to represent it: Children Will Listen/ Hamilton 34. Can you give me a 10 song playlist on ____ : wut 35. A heart wrenching song: FIDDLER ON THE GREEN  36. A band/artist you’re proud of: Demons and Wizards 37. A song that has a lot of meaning to you: Non Stop/ Hamilton 38. A song that reminds you of school: AGONY/ INTO THE WOODS 39. A song not sung in your native language: Bomboleo/ Gypsy Kings 40. An instrumental song: When Time Fades Away/ Wintersun 41. A classical song: Haydn Cello Concerto in C 42. A song with no percussion: idk 43. Something you’ve heard performed live: A lot of shit 44. Something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live: Mirror Mirror/ Blind Guardian 45. A song from a band/artist that’s from your town/city/state/province: Idk 46. A song made suddenly precious because of a special someone: Say No to This/ Hamilton 47. A song made suddenly painful because of someone special: Positive/ legally blonde 48. A song that demands lip syncing and a makeshift microphone: Sugar Daddy/ Hedwig 49. A song from a band/artist you met/know: Nada 50. A song that you would rock at karaoke: SUGAR DADDY HEDWIG 51. A song you can’t help but dance to: Hips don’t lie/ Shakira 52. A song that makes you want to dance on a table: See above  53. Your 10 song striper playlist: wat 54. Favourite Disney song: SON OF MAN/ TARZAN 55. A song that starts with the first letter of your name: Wish You were here/ Pink Floyd 56. A song from an artist still alive: The fuck 57. A song from an artist who’s dead: The fuck 58. A song you love by an artist/band you hate: What makes you beautiful 59. A song you love with a colour in the title: Fiddler on the Green 60. A song you love with a number in the title: Domo23 61. A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about: Positive/ Legally Blonde 62. A song that needs to be played LOUD: Twilight of the Thunder God/ Amon Amarth/ Sabaton mixed version (During a thunderstorm) 63. A song that makes you think about life: Non Stop/ Hamilton 64. 15 Songs that get suck in your head easily: Nope 65. A song that you think everyone should listen to: The one they like best 66. A song that makes you want to fall in love: Helpless/ Hamilton 67. A song that makes you think about ‘him/her’: Thinking out loud/ Ed 68. A song that you remember from your childhood: Help/ The Beatles 69. A song that reminds you of you: Nighttrain/ Guns N Roses 70. Okay what’s the real answer to number 1/ Literally dont know
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