#everyday i notice something Cheritz did that has me go “....oh that was planned”
nebou · 1 year
i have an odd question but like…what does C&R even do? what do they sell? like do the rfa members go into like a grocery store and realize it’s named “C&R groceries” ??
no this is a totally valid question! C&R is a corporate conglomerate, like Warner Bros, or Johnson & Johnson. basically it's a company that own's other companies that make/do things. (for reference: FMCG stand for Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
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this is the fundamental structure, but here are some real life examples:
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groceries is actually a funny thing to mention because iirc Zen tries to accuse Jumin's company of hurting local grocery stores by driving sales away from them, but imports like groceries isn't actually something C&R specializes in! (for reference: SME stands for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
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so, knowing all this, we can guess that C&R own's brands that specialize in export, and through a quick google search it looks like South Korea's top exports are electronics, machinery, and vehicles. we also know from Jumin's own mentions that they have other projects like fashion, wine, and.....cat accessories....
so, would an RFA member walk into The C&R Store? no, but would, say, and RFA member eat a snack brand that's owned by C&R? wear a coat that that's parent company is C&R? get to work in a car or bus was manufactured by a company that is also owned by C&R? probably. my understanding is C&R is as large as Hyundai or Samsung, but has specializes in more than just cars or electronics, and so has more products they can claim sales off of.
we don't actually get much information on C&R aside from what it is and what some of their products are, but this seems to be the gist of it. if Cheritz does give us any more info on C&R in The Ssum, i dearly hopes it's what the heck the C and R even stand for, Cats & Rants? lol it's clearly a play on Procter & Gamble but i wanna know!! **obligatory i did not go to college, let alone major is business, so if anyone has anything to note, please do!
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