#even the weird pa account is sending caricatures of thr van man
whereisthedamndaddymanual ยท 2 months
You know I just went around and picked up things that fell out of Dad's van when he was out rambling.
#You can say my ego gets in the way but i#t feels often like an offshoot of my humility#yet you know I am just like....doing things like existing sometimes here and it just....well I don't like being at people's beck and call#mac book....damn nigga#oddly I needed that right then though#sorry for our beautiful reptile eyes#sometimes that spirit if the night fucks with myself but the other side of it is do good#you could call all the chess pieces pawns because it is the game master who is king#so my sez puts women under spells#I don't do it on purpose most of the time#I just want to beach and sir puff a lot#but...yeah like it's important for you and I to hang out as only some kind of bipolar siamese twins would#and on a level like titles and certifications don't amount to much#but like....I did tell you how I would do you if it came down to it#And I think you got off knowing how bad I wanted it yet still on the outside showed a cool control about things#but after a while it became like when you drive and don't really think about it#it's not really Isis it's isis#like..... we've haven't been left alone in a room in years together#this is what I call a loaded opportunity#even the weird pa account is sending caricatures of thr van man#and I will tell you what#that son of a bitch did paint a mickey pitching#and I did pop a minnie after all#....I like the big bows.... they're sexy#do you out everything under bbc with us primarily or bwc#or guy strokes bbc while he watches two women#the butterfly effect#except you didn't like change my history you just pointed out that's you there a bunch#so you know how surreal it is to realize it's you but not just you the insane worker or demure teacher#or post man kidnapper....although I wouod have liked to see you try to hold me prisoner with nothing but you and your....powers
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