#even that game memory
weaselle · 4 months
i really like the lock picking in Skyrim because it's an actual skill that i, the player, have gotten good at.
like, i have never put a single perk point into the lockpicking tree, but i can pick any lock in the game in ten picks or less because i have a system that i developed into a practiced skill i use on all the locks.
That may sound like a useless or broken game dynamic, but it's one of my favorite things in the game actually -- the locks in Skyrim are built a certain way, and i, as a player, have developed the skill to pick them based on experience, practice, and the development of a process.
i actually wish more things in more RPGs were like that.
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generallyjl · 2 months
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truly a game changer episode of all time
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shrimpricebowl · 3 months
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oh thank god
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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“Almost Christmas” means it wasn’t Christmas!
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jeeaark · 1 month
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Nobody gave Greygold the 'How to Squid' Manual. And even if they had one (it's probably integrated in their brain like a squid tutorial)-gonna adamantly ignore it. Adapt on the fly instead. In the middle of an invasion. No better way to learn babeeeeeey~
Maybe all the other tiny-tentacled Tavs insta-figured out how to cerebral-armor. But. Greygold has... different priorities.
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ryllen · 1 month
honestly, was it a fever dream
where did i read sebek talking about that he doesn't care about beauty, bcs beauty fleets over time that it is vain.
that's why he holds power in higher regards (bcs it's more useful to protect malleus-sama, something something)
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0fps · 10 months
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BLADE ❖ death approaches until your sin is cleansed, my vengeance will pursue you
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stella-clara · 5 months
Something about Dismas being the one with barks implying he has vague memories about the Hamlet
Something about Dismas being the one who recognizes the Hoarder but can't place from where
Something about Dismas having unique barks showing For Certain he remembers Reynauld. That that's his friend he's trying to save his friend
There's something here and by god am I fascinated by it
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flying-ham · 6 months
one of the greatest tragedies of the hunger games series is Mrs. Everdeen. She both begins and ends the series dealing with tremendous loss, and instead of holding on tighter to those that remain, she allows herself to succumb to the pain and loneliness of her own mind.
At the beginning of thg, katniss describes the depression her mother sunk into after the death of her father. She says that, "my mother was locked in some dark world of sadness, but at the time, all I knew was that I had lost not only a father, but a mother as well," (thg). Katniss struggles to reconcile the mother she currently has with the one she remembers from the age of 11. She cannot ever fully trust this woman again as, "I can see is the woman who sat by, blank and unreachable, while her children turned to skin and bones. I try to forgive her for my father’s sake. But to be honest, I’m not the forgiving type," (thg). Because Mrs. Everdeen could not cope with the loss of her husband, she very nearly lost her two daughters as well. Thus, Katniss and her mother's relationship became permanently altered, only really beginning to improve by catching fire and mockingjay.
Even as Katniss and her mother's relationship blossoms and improves, she still does not feel that she can fully share with and rely on her mother. In Mockingjay, Katniss tries to protect Prim and her mother, saying "It's automatic. Shutting Prim and my mother out of things to shield them," but quickly realizes even Prim can no longer fully rely on Mrs. Everdeen when she tells her, "'You could tell me, you know. I'm good at keeping secrets. Even from Mother,'" (mj). Even prim, sweet innocent prim who cries when Katniss cries, cannot fully rely on her own mother anymore.
By the end of Mockingjay, it is revealed that Mrs. Everdeen has left Haymitch to take care of Katniss back in District 12. Katniss quickly understands what this means as Haymitch explains, "'She's helping to start up a hospital in District Four. She wants you to call as soon as we get in.' My finger traces the graceful swoop of the letters. 'You know why she can't come back.' Yes, I know why. Because between my father and Prim and the ashes, the place is too painful to bear. But apparently not for me," (mj). Katniss acknowledges her mother's trauma, but also understands the hypocrisy of it, as Mrs. Everdeen ultimately lost two daughters in the bombing instead of one. She could not cope with the loss of prim, and so she gave up on Katniss as well, the same way she nearly lost the girls after Mr. Everdeen died.
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drawfee-quot3s · 9 months
i'm having- i'm having a struggle. 'cause the one on the left- and i don't know how to explain this.
the one on the left-
has got, the energy. of the entire cast of cheers
- julia, nathan, + karina
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carpisuns · 10 months
me (newish zelda player, very bad at video games) being so so brave and venturing back into the depths (scary, real heebie-jeebies hours) to find a way into korok forest (my little haven, everyone loves me and calls me mr hero there)
I am in there for way too long and am being to feel more unnerved but then I see BEAN LIGHTS! I KNOW THOSE! I ascend. At last. My safe place.
but why is it so dark here?? It’s 9:25 am. All the koroks are zombies. gloom is creeping out of the deku tree’s belly. oh no.
I go in. I see chasm. I descend. gloom hands jumpscare. are you serious. I have never attempted to fight these things I only run away they’re so scary!!!
They squeeze my little lifey out multiple times and then i finally manage to do some damage but ALAS! I run out of arrows. I decide to retreat for supplies. I buy beedle out of arrows at three stables. I hunt for bombflowers. I bravely return. I end up using about 50 arrows and bombs and ice fruits (they come BACK if they’re not all down at the same time??? Good grief.)
but finally. finally. THE EVIL IS DEFEATED. I DID IT. THE HERO OF HYRULE. korok forest is safe!!!
WRONG! hello little guy says phantom ganon. I scream and die immediately. You can’t be serious. I already DID the hard scary thing. How is there MORE.
I fight gloom hands again and am killed by ganon again multiple times. I retreat for supplies AGAIN. More arrows. I go to the depths and collect millions of poe to trade for bombs and anti-gloom stuff. I transport to multiple locations to pick up more sundelions that I marked. I make so much food. I am finally ready.
I bomb the crap out of the gloom hands. I’m ready for you ganon. I eat my anti-gloom food. I still die. I try again. I am very bad at fighting. Theoretically I know how to perfect dodge and shield parry but I can never seem to manage it when it matters. But whatever. I brought so much food. I will simply eat a meal every time he hits me, which is many times.
Eventually I succeed purely from the power of kebabs. The forest is purified. I don’t even get a treat for it.
I miss the guardians.
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malk1ns · 3 months
1st sentence ask - "It's gameday so you better not knot me"
Zhenya blushes when he says it, but with the way Sid's been following him around all morning, from the weights room to video review and even into the trainer's despite Zhenya's protests, he thinks it needs to be said.
The team is already on tenterhooks, watching them like hawks—with Zhenya's heat approaching like a freight train and the way Sid's been haunting his footsteps, they're ready to pull the plug on the whole experiment if it looks like it's going to negatively impact the on-ice product, and Zhenya thinks both of them missing a game because Sid pinned him down and tied them together would definitely qualify.
"Hmm," Sid says, crowding into Zhenya's space; he's shorter, but the width of his body makes Zhenya feel small, even younger than he is, like he wants to curl up in the protective crush of Sid's arms and let Sid do whatever he wants.
Omega instincts are a real bitch, but Zhenya's made it to the NHL on nothing more than will and grit, and he's determined that he won't be.
Sid's voice is hypnotic when he puts his lips to Zhenya's year and murmurs, "I think you don't mean a word of that," and Zhenya shivers, because it's true.
first line ask game!
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thereluctantfollower · 6 months
To help y'all out.. Spread this so others are aware too
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Scott made a post in 2018, on his plans for making THREE movies. FNaF 1, 2 and 3 he stated. They went over so many scripts, wanting to go over Cassidy's pov, decided on Mike's instead.
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Missile/Ray’s final farewell before he ceases to exist hits different when you know he was named and modeled and used the audio of and was entirely based off of Shu’s actual dog, who is also dead now.
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monbitemon · 6 months
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posting this late cuz im not sure how much yall care but i felt the impulse to make my own "six fanarts" thing but with the fictional "men" i've had crushes on over the years
and before yall say it, yes one of these does Not look like the others
i added my approx age when i liked these guys on each of em too
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tvlandofficiall · 2 months
how do you think this power imbalance is going to be solved, if you think it will be at all?
my personal theorized ending to deltarune is that we will sever the connection between the light world and dark world, freeing the darkners from being controlled by the light - after all, the same thing happens one level up, right? our connection to kris is going to be severed, freeing them from "reality's" control. all of the realms get separated from each other. it's sad for everyone to have to say goodbye, but the current system needs to be torn down.
you've got the spirit, but i don't exactly agree with the mechanics. i feel the lightners will have to give up their power — and to do so, they've got to walk away from the light world once and for all in one way or another. i don't think the light world can really exist past the end of the game, as deltarune is primarily about showing that it exists as an oppressive force in the world. it's a classic omelas-type situation, you know? the light world can't last forever when it's built on the oppression of another. the pain of the darkners is integral to what it is.
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the light world represents a lot of pretty awful things in the world of deltarune, and i've talked a bit about that on this blog already. and the suffocating nature of nostalgia is another big one i want to bring up here – for both us and the characters within. for us, it's a big warped symbol of our memories of undertale. not only is it stylistically similar, but it's also a facsimile of a post-pacifist route undertale (complete with that early 2000's small-town air – it's even got a riverdale-esque diner) populated by familiar characters. a lot of our possessing kris has to do with our morbid curiosity over the characters we knew and loved – to the detriment of kris.
but it's not just us stuck in nostalgia's trap. so too are the characters – the light world consistently comes to symbolize an idealized version of the supposed "good old days" to our cast, both lightners and darkners alike – though the light world characters tend to mention "remember when–?" far more often. even ralsei, our darkner guide, is constantly reminding us of the prophecy to close those dark worlds and get back to the light world (and remember to take a break whenever you want, and don't feel you need to talk to everyone all at once, and;), even when he wants them to stay, all wrapped up in a familiar asriel-shaped package. it's no coincidence that the character most preoccupied with the lightner's fates to return to the light world is meant to remind us of our fondest memories of undertale.
but how good really are those "good old days"? the darkners were (and are) objects with no free will, hometown is a miserable place with cruel people, and undertale itself isn't all "good old days" either. the light world represents the way things are "supposed to be"– a truman-show town that looks much like undertale in interface and in population – but is "supposed to be" really a good thing? will we hang on to that fragment of a memory forever simply so that we don't have to let go of familiarity and suburban "normalcy"? or will we be able to leave that familiar world behind once and for all?
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