everlastiingiimmortals ยท 2 months
Unlike his predecessor, Dan Heng's tail had no shame in the way it rapidly wags behind him to call out his true emotions. Either he doesn't seem to mind, or notice, given his curious gaze focused entirely on the lantern he was given. There was a certain brightness there as he gently sways it to make the figure float in the air, similar to a child who was just handed a toy. "Does it look familiar to you?" He asks, leaning to one side to bump against Jing Yuan, still watching the lantern.
Unprompted. Always accepting! | @etherealguard
"To me?" Jing Yuan feigns thoughtfulness, stroking his chin. The round little lantern has a stubby tail, whiskers, paws, and horns. The knowing look of the shopkeeper as they took in the horns on Dan Heng's crown had been enough of an indication of the lantern's resemblance, but Jing Yuan finds himself, as he turns his gaze onto Dan Heng to answer, drawn to the younger man's eyes.
The brightness within them is one he'd never seen from Dan Heng, a glow only nurtured by safety, confidence. Jing Yuan's struck by the impression of him both suddenly mature and experiencing a childhood he never got to have, and the rush of fondness within his chest swells until he's sure his heart is about to burst.
How proud he is of Dan Heng, to come this far. Yinyue would be proud too. Of that, he's sure.
With Dan Heng's eyes fixed on the lantern, he can't see the mistiness that glosses briefly over Jing Yuan's eye, the bittersweet crease in the quirk of his eyebrow. The others should be here. An impossibility. You should have been granted this happiness sooner. A truth, a wishful thought, something that could never have come to fruition. Such was never Jing Yuan's luck.
Yet despite it all, one wish had come true, hadn't it? In the form of the young Vidyadhara beside him, in the form of the bump against his side, a gesture of comfort and security, in the form of the tail -- unknowingly -- hitting the back of his leg. The thought settles the grief, soothes the ache in his heart. He can take comfort in this reunion, and the reunions that are sure to come.
What a blessed new year.
Jing Yuan cradles Dan Heng's head close, minding his horns and tucking him briefly under his chin. "I think it looks like you, little dragon."
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astrxlfinale ยท 1 month
๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ - for [Dan Heng] to protect [Caelus] from harm .
Once again did the ante find itself stationed at familiar highs. In many ways, fate did have it that before them, opposition of increasingly finer caliber would often appear. Whereas Dan Heng's gaze remained a pinnacle of conscious focus, Caelus held a different front, prideful eyes narrowed towards the sweeping storm of electrical currents that shuddered like a tumultuous hall around their foe. Singers of Imaginary desolation would revolve in harmless in that turbulent strength, seemingly empowered.
"Say. They're all just barking up a tree for charge time." Caelus begins, a shift of understanding edged within his gazes. A friendly swat upon the shoulder, harmless and light would be made on his friend's shoulder, a fine confidence bolstered within his tone. "Think you can get me there while I concentrate on this new card I've been cookin' up? I got a move in mind, and we can wire some techniques to shatter this whole domain."
A taste for fresher air was heavily overdue.
The demand was for their movements to once more transcend the scales of lightning, one as heavily and heightened as the distorted standard of the Fragmentum. The solemn nod was all he needed to hear, and as their forms braced to begin a sudden advance, the opposing foes sung their hymns and allowed the tremors of thunder to growl in the surroundings, allowing a symphonic light show to glimmer up ahead.
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"Time to show 'em what hell looks like, Dan Heng."
Their own forms would immediately jolt with speed so profound that the actual shockwave lagged for a second before erupting. In a funneled stir of wind pressure, a special zone of pure agility that only heightened fighters are privy to, their advance was seamless as they made their charge to the thunderous behemoth. Allowing for faith to be his calm and his guide, he keeps true to the plan, allowing the essence of Destruction to gradually be harnessed as a new form found itself realized. The power in itself aimed to gnaw at his flesh, his foes, his friends, the very space all around him, yet it remains controlled.
It'd be the heavenly spearwork made by his companion that allows such concentration to be possible. Similar to a zephyrous fang repeatedly finding its mark, whether it was lightning unbound, or the calamitous golden fury that rained from above, all of it would find it countered. For them to effortlessly reach a state of deflecting all of these attacks, Caelus was aware of Dan Heng operating at a pace five times as fast as his own lethal speed.
Decisive counterattacks, blow backs of power, it wasn't simply a dance made in deflecting away all harm. No, it was a blur of precision and finesse that allowed a swarm of self-made attacks and brutal counters to eliminate all obstruction. Multiple foes found themselves with their heads gouged as they dissolved, elemental birds were eradicated body first before the crystallized wings could even realize. It allows a simple thought to strengthen the smile on the Trailblazer's lips.
He's damn glad a guy like this is on his side.
All of this was being performed while keeping an intentionally set pace surrounding him no less!
Once they found themselves eclipsed by the beast's massive frame, one of those legs encased in violet armor had raised for a stomp, a frightening focus on high voltage seized as a second layer around their frame.
"Caelus!" The decisive call was made, time found itself all wrapped up! In truth? It was more than enough, the warning instead eliciting that fiendish grin upon the Trailblazer's face. Oh oh oh did it feel good to fight alongside his allies.
"Let's tear 'em to shreds!" A decisive vault would draw them directly towards that incoming attack!
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Entropic Retribution!
The sweltering culmination of Destruction found itself compressed with the force of a blazing star, locked underneath the damnable dominion of this bastard it ached to be free from. The highly focused attack would find itself locked into his gilded grip, spear and fist united for that chaotic moment of impact. Lightning, gale and destruction, the following meet within the dimensional zone's epicenter had caused its falsified reality to shake. The ground for miles had stretched into a series of webbed cracks, heated fissures of Destruction seething through the skies as the caster and his companion's forms were safely coated by the power.
The same couldn't be said for the beast above. The wind allowed direction, giving Caelus's Path power a vicious spiral to take advantage of, causing the melting like effect of the Retribution technique to enfeeble both the electricity and its body.
In the end, that gargantuan body was forced to the heavens, the bodies of the Nameless tearing decisively through its entire frame, bisecting their foe and destroying the pivotal nail that allowed this corrosive zone to persist. They were akin to a glimmering star streaking towards the heaven's, the remnant visceral of electrical plasma being their twisted wings as an explosion erupts from underneath.
Another job done!
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the-solar-panel ยท 9 months
Respectfully asking for pics of ur cats
Answering this one directly because HOO BOY C A T S
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The only one not pictured is Azazel, but he's a black cat just like Boo.
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sunlessea ยท 3 months
โ if you need to feed, you can bite me. โž / pages ofc
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vampiric starters / @etherealguard
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curiously, this is hardly the first time one of the little stars in london has offered themselves to it in event of needing sustenance, though he is the first kine to do so, with no faintly trilling heart of any thinblood. it fixes him with something of an amused stare, though it is difficult to discern so from 'neath its overflowing robes, stained with inks and shrouded in darkness.
it's somewhat pathetic of him to offer at all, but also very fun.
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"i am not so bruticious as my colleciates." it means the other masters, of course, whom it so often does when comparing others to barbarians and demons. "i commitently feed through the use of blood bags, so as not to frightify our workers here." it is, after all, one of the few masters with a reputation even somewhat positive, hanging by a string though it is. even still, its fangs flash in a smile. "though, how bizzaron for one of yours to offer themselves to me. do you want me to feed from you, little star? if it's pleasure you seek, we can oblissitate."
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aeonblaze ยท 7 months
@etherealguard said: โ›ย  iย  thinkย  youย  hadย  aย  nightmare โ€ฆย  ย youย  seemedย  upset . ย โœ โ†ช ๐ƒ๐€๐–๐ ๐…๐‹๐€๐•๐Ž๐‘๐„๐ƒ.
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caelus blinks awake slowly , rubbing the sleep from his eyes. he didn't remember the last time he'd slept so soundly , & he's honestly quite reluctant to fully wake up , pressing his face into dan heng's shoulder with a whine. but he can't go back to sleep now , & caelus pouts , peeling himself away from dan heng enough to press a kiss to his cheek , offering the archivist a sleepy smile , a quiet hum leaving him. he's quite comfortable , content to stay like this for a while.
i think you had a nightmare ... you seemed upset.
& then dan heng speaks , & caelus frowns against dan heng's jaw , leaning back to look at him with a slightly sour expression.
โ› good morning to you too , dan heng. โœ
his expression falls with a sigh , shaking his head & winding his arms a little tighter around dan heng's waist , chewing his lower lip. he hasn't spoken about it to anyone on the express , least of all dan heng , perhaps the one person he should talk to about it. his fingers trail along the archivist's spine as he mulls over his words , closing his eyes for a moment.
โ› ... you could call it a nightmare , yeah. โœ
sure , maybe it's twisting his stomach a little to lie to dan heng , but he's selfish , he's terrified of what dan heng would say if he learned the truth , if he knew what caelus really was.
โ› i ... met aha in the simulated universe with herta. they ... were the one who destroyed the express. i kept ... i kept thinking about if it happened again , if ... what would happen to everyone else , to you if ... โœ
akivili , akivili !! won't you come play with me again ?? after all , you already failed the nameless once , surely you'll defeat me this time !!
his grip on dan heng tightens just slightly , both out of anger at recalling the elation's cruel mockery & the fear of losing the only home he's ever had , the only people he's ever called family.
โ› ... if something like that happened again. i know it's just a silly program in a computer , but ... i couldn't stand the thought of it happening , of seeing you all ... โœ
the trailblazer's voice breaks slightly , hiding his face in dan heng's shoulder.
โ› ... i can't stand the thought of losing you , dan heng. not ... not you. โœ
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fantomevoleur ยท 5 months
@etherealguard replied to your post โ€œIs he...looking at a reflection? Why does this...โ€:
Hi Akira don't mind him he's staring in disbelief from across the room
โ€‹They didn't feel like one of Akira's alternates. Other timeline Jokers gave off a certain feeling or 'vibe' when in the presence of another. This one was unfamiliar. And yet the man appeared strikingly similar to the young teen in many physical aspects. Even a 'rat's nest' of hair.
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The question of approaching him over such a matter was out of the question, yet the prolonged silence and unintentional staring contest made it...very, very weird already. They must be thinking the same way.
So...in a classic seventeen-year-old fashion....
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..he stretched his hand out, just to see if the other happened to mimic their gesture.
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grislyintentions ยท 2 months
How hard is it for you to approach new people you want to interact with?
Meme || Accepting
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[Truth be told, I had a really awful time during my first few months here. I wasn't aware of what was brewing behind the scenes - bc I was a newcomer and in a vulnerable spot irl, so I ended up thinking that people just aren't fond of multimuse blogs or me in general. So I stopped following others first or trying to dm first. Even now, I still have issues getting past that mental hurdle of doing so.
But if I were certain that there are people who do want to write/interact with me, then I absolutely have no problem approaching. Be it via dms or sending starter memes etc. ^^ I'm in a happier spot now and I am very grateful for being able to make friends with wonderful people here, including you!]
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everlastiingiimmortals ยท 3 months
What is something you want people to know right away about yourself?
Anxious Munday! Still accepting! | @etherealguard
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some people seem to think i'm intimidating? idk if it's because i talk too much or am too forward or too blunt or something because i'm not an anxious person, typically, but-
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first thing anyone should know about me is that i am a certified unhinged dumbfuck. not scary i swear i'm like a tiny dog with too much fur. second thing is that as a university student i am tired 25/7 and only have so much energy to dedicate to folks so i may or may not respond in time (or at all) so pls don't be mad or think it's because i hate you if i drop our threads or don't answer asks/never write starters, i'm just not feeling the click and trying to force the muse will only drain me further. my ridiculously extensive analyses and hcs and shit are because i am (un)fortunately academia-brained so i end up formatting shit almost like a research paper by default EAHKJFAGLKJHAFSGDAGD
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astrxlfinale ยท 1 month
He's here to wordlessly deliver a simple soup, as if the man was hungover. On the outside he's =^= but inward he still finds the interactions from last night very funny.
That soup would immediately find itself within the hands of the eager and recovering. Each bite, each smack of abrupt flavor was a sign that the process of consuming was taking place. Anyone could easily believe that Caelus had thrust himself into a competition were reinvigorating serves as the goal. Wasn't this one of the biggest compliments one could see in the name of culinary delivery?
It could easily be believed! Yet, there's a pause after a fleeting moment. "Not bad..." So why does his word has that tinge of 'dissatisfaction' wired to the expression? As Caelus's head gradually turns with the finesse of a rusted fence, that burning, demanding gaze of the Trailblazer would focus upon one of his most valued companions. After all, that Astral Express core was well on a driven path of being unbreakable.
B U T!
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"....Dan Heng. Y'think I'm really lost on that language of yours? What your thousand faces could express to me in a heartbeat?! ..Shoot, this is good, we got any garlic bread to go with it?" AHEM. Not the point! So he says while rising from his perch, the soup remains carefully cradled in his hand as the spoon is lowered. A pointed prod was made upon the man's chest.
"Are you snickering deep down!? Don't think I can't catch that shine in your eyes! Since oooooh I swear!"
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shallliveoninsong ยท 2 months
|| @etherealguard cont. from [X]!
No blood, he realizes once he can look over Dan Heng. It happened without him really meaning to, his commander instincts took over, to check on those he felt were his responsibility after a dangerous battle. But Dan Heng turns the tables on him.
Right, the whole sneaking out against doctor's orders thing. The General turns pale in embarrassment as he's caught red-handed. Something about this feels reminiscent of when he'd get in trouble for taking on more than ordered in his young Cloud Knight days.
If he recalled correctly he had also been instructed by the healers to not try and lift anything heavier than ten pounds for quite a while. The Starfall Reverie was certainly much heavier than that. Oops.
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"Well I couldn't just sit idly by when I heard you and Lady Bailu were in trouble!" he protested.
But he soon realizes what he's done has caused discomfort to the other and he lets go quickly.
"Besides, my injury really isn't that bad," he lied. "Us Xianzhou natives are very sturdy, you see. Some good rest and we can bounce back from a lot quite easily!" he laughs.
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aeonblaze ยท 7 months
@etherealguard said: ๐Ÿ‘Œ โค๏ธ got me hooked on it from the spams smh /lh Send ๐Ÿ‘Œ if you would like to explore a PLATONIC relationship between our muses! Send โค๏ธ if you would like to explore a ROMANTIC relationship between our muses! โ†ช ๐‘๐„๐‹๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐๐’.
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listen. LISTEN. platonic or romantic, dan heng is truly one of the most important people to caelus, one of his favorite people in the entire galaxy and i think, in a way, they have the potential to understand each other better than most people could. ( although i am a romantic dancae enjoyer salkdjkfn )
just. both of them have complicated pasts that they have to wrestle with and face and move forward from and i think that's something they can bond over, and honestly ?? i just love them i think they're neat and they should hold hands. as a treat.
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