#ester birch
likeitovich · 1 year
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The Bombardment (Skyggen i mit øje) by Ole Bornedal (2021)
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389 · 4 months
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Ester Almqvist (Swedish,1869- 1934) Detail of ‘The Weeping Birch’ c.1900
Oil on canvas 100 x 110 cm National Museum Stockholm, Sweden.
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the-cricket-chirps · 7 months
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Ester Almqvist
Birch Grove after Sunset
before 1900
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montysworld · 2 years
Coldxman - Blasphemy from Mauro Chiarello on Vimeo.
Director - Ian Pons Jewell DOP - Mauro Chiarello Producers - Jon Adams & Sasha Bevka Prod Co: KAYFABE / Radioaktive Prod Design - Robin Brown Art Director - Evheniy Popovichenko Costume Designer - Ameena Kara Callender Choreographer - Charlie Mayhew Make Up - Marta Skalska Editor - Tobias Suhm VFX Supervisor - Dan Williams Colourist - Alex Gregory Sound Design - Tim Harrison @ Aumeta Song mastered - Dave Kutch Post-producer + Cast coordinator - Emmanuelle Le Chat
1st AD - Dennis Sonin 2nd AD - Vadim Yuzba PM - Julia Sotnikova PC - Daniel Linnik-Zhuravlev PAs - Vova Altsybeev, Anna Refel Chaperone - Andrew Birch Location manager - Dima Shevchenko Bullet Typeface - 10Foot
CAMERA 2nd cam DP - Ilya Maksymenko 1st AC/Focuspuller - Sergey Kolesnik Focuspuller cam B - Zhenya Bubley AC cam A - Vadim Dubas AC cam B - Vitaliy Topchiy Phantom OP - Dmytriy Grymalskiy Steadicam - Max Salo
GRIP Dolly - Artem Pilipchuk Dolly - Valeriy Legosha
CRANE Crane - Serhiy Subota
LIGHT CREW Gaffer - Leo Sidorenko
Key Grip - Oleg Egorov Chief Electric - Anrew Gorovoy Spark - Vova Akulov Spark - Serhiy Rudenko Spark - Vitaliy Schetinin Grip - Eugene Scherbak Grip - Dima Levchenko
PROFCOM TRUSS SYSTEMS Light Desk Operator - AAnton Medvedev
DIT/PLAYBACK DIT - Yan Wachowski Playback - Rupos Playback - Bear Playback - Eugene Ischenko
Playback - Lisa Tagintseva
ART DEPT Best Boy - Vitalii Shpakovich Prop master - Serhii Godlevskii
CASTING Casting Director - Nika Bondar
Casting assistant on set - Misha Voropay
WARDROBE Stylist - Kostya Goncharuk Assistant - Valeria Snesar Assistant - Julia Belous
MAKE UP Assistant - Maria Petrovskaya Assistant - Daria Gnatuikova
UNIT Helper - Tolik Oleshko Helper - Aleksey Vodopyanov Helper - Kirill Suzanovskiy Catering - Tetiana Okhrimenko
MISC Stills - Artem Nadyozhin @bornmentall
CAST CLOWN - Alexandr Gerasimchuk
POLITICIAN Veronika Boyarskaya Mikhail Bondarenko Larisa Chertkova Lucia Foloronso Boris Molodtsov Jean Ossoa Alla Priadko Alexei Romanov Vitaliy Shapovalov Valeriy Skripka Natasha Timoshenko Maxim Vakhovskiy Susanna Vyshneva Ihor Zorov Bakar Alwata Pavel Evchin Nicolay Bozhko Julia Farradjalah Phonsia Koba
AUDIENCE Tsoi Tania Pryhora Katya Demydenko Ostapenko Andrey Ostapenko Yura Ostapenko Dima Gasanov Elmir Chernyavka Vladimir Yadav Vishal Popenko Raisa Averina Nastya Otokhine Divine Onopa Sveta Misha Makarov @mishamihoan
Skisov Evheniy Garsia Joanna Dronchak Nantina @nantina__ Bello Akeem Bahtiar Ibragimov Syrovatka Tamara Dolapo Oso Maxim orobets Galena_Nina Muke Arno Amir Hanani Wale Adeyemo Keita Abraham Koval Vera Danyil Voronov Skargapolina @Skargapolina Zavertalyuk @Zavertalyuk Damien Paiatakov Aryna Kucheieva Vlada Malahova Dima Nalivayko Timofeieva Lidia Ngegba Thomas Chuikova Anna Bespechuk Max Brown Ester Natasha Boyko Shlyakovska Storozhuk Vasylenko Sanjaasuren Khmelnyckiy Hudabaeva Sveta Odushu Eysmont Karplyuk Monnie Ten Nastya Yulia Gomes Potopa Mukhina Novikova Kurtis Robaki Alma Gelmedova Kryvoruvhenko Devine Konchakovskiy Kushnerik
VFX - The Mill
Creative Director - Dan Williams
VFX Supervisor: Adam Droy
Executive Producer: Alex Fitzgerald
Producer: Dan Crozier Tarun Misra
Shoot Supervisor: Dan Williams
2D Lead Artist: Fergal Hendrick
3D Lead Artist: Dave Hempstead Umesh Namdev Ashwani Patel Gauri Razdan
2D Artist: Anand Daunde Abhishek Jain Jijo Joseph Putta Mahesh Mahesh Mane Sole Martin Matt McDougal Valeria Scalamandre Oscar Tornincasa Rafael Vormittag
3D Artist: Santosh Ambre Tony Atherton Dinesh B Ian Baxter Amit Das C Dinesh Reddy Pradeep Katta Fazal Khan Henry Medhurst @Henrymedhurstfxtd Sriram Namana Guru Prasad Showber Sadik Vudhata Sai Krishna Vinayak V Roman Vrbovsky
Production Coordinator: Jas Lewis-Humphrey Ankita Mitra
Colourist: Alex Gregory
Additional clean-up: Zdravko “Zee” Stoitchkov
Additional VFX - CGF
VFX PRODUCERS Ekaterina Averina Aleksandr Gorokhov
ART Sergey Manko Konstantin Radchikov
MODELS Ekaterina Glumova Nadezhda Kolganova
RIG Anton Pashkanis Anna Guskova
FUR Vadim Jiltsov
TEXTURES Nina Druzhkova
FX Evgeny Stefanov
ANIMATION Evgeny Mischenko Vlad Ladny
LIGHTING Aleksey Petrov
CAMERA TRACK Yaroslav Dyachenko
CLEAN UP Anton Yarovoy Sergey Likhachev Alexey Zhurin
COMPOSITING Victoria Demina Alexey Kulikov Dmitry Kirillyak Oksana Leferova Nikolai Kirienko
DI Stepan Neupokoev Alexander Zolotarev @AlexanderZolotarev
TITLE DESIGN Nico Chavez @ Done Thing
Song written, produced, mixed + performed by Coleman Hughes @coleman_hughes Executive Producer - Desh @iamdesh Legal - Gerard Anthony, Duane Hughes & Craig Cohen Accounting - JT Goldstein
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processes · 4 months
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Ester Almavist (Swedish, 1869- 1934)
Detail of 'The Weeping Birch' c. 1900
Oil on canvas 100 × 110 cm
National Museum, Stockholm, Sweden.
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lestreghedifenix · 1 year
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Betulla Simbologia,uso magico Utilizzi e proprieta
È un ottimo depurante, sia per l'uomo che per il terreno.
La corteccia contiene catrame, ciò rende la betulla un legno buono da ardere anche quando è fresco.
Veniva usato in passato per ricoprire i tetti delle case.
I nativi Americani della tribù Ojibwa usavano la betulla per la costruzione dell'inipi (capanna sudatoria).
La corteccia è stata usata per costruire barche e canoe.
Contribuisce all'equilibrio delle acque nel terreno.
In ambito erboristico, l'infuso delle foglie giovani ha un effetto depurante sul corpo in quanto stimola la cistifellea, i reni, la vescica. È una bevanda depurativa, diuretica, antisettica, antiinfiammatoria, e leggermente sudorifera che può aiutare in caso di sindrome premestruale, calcolosi renale,insufficienza venosa, ipertensione arteriosa e edemi da insufficienza cardiaca.
Miti e curiosità
La Betulla ha una lunga storia nei miti e leggende delle diverse popolazioni eurasiatiche: per i Celti era anticamente il simbolo del sole nascente (Beth, "Betulla", è la prima lettera dell'alfabeto ogamico). Con il tempo però sarà il potere materno e la sua candida corteccia a far prevalere l'aspetto specificatamente materno su quello solare, rendendolo per le popolazioni europee, un'albero legato alla Grande Madre e alla Luna. Questo successe a molti popoli in passato che dimenticarono l'aspetto materno e femminile del Sole rendendolo, col passare del tempo, prettamente maschile.
Per le popolazioni siberiane, era l'albero che collegava i mondi dello Spirito: l'axis mundi, asse del mondo.
Gli sciamani siberiani usavano questo albero per accedere ai mondi superiori nello stato ampliato di coscienza.
Era usata anche nei riti di iniziazione, nei quali il novizio compieva il suo primo viaggio.
Il suo legno è usato da millenni per costruire i sacri Tamburi, oltre che per il Potere legato all'albero, anche per la sua capacità di modulare toni alti e bassi conferendo al tamburo una voce armonica e profonda.
Per questi motivi, i Siberiani consideravano la Betulla come l'albero sciamanico per eccellenza.
Nelle tradizioni popolari nordiche simboleggiava l'Albero Cosmico; "custode della porta", apriva allo sciamano la via del Cielo, permettendogli di passare da una regione cosmica all'altra, dalla Terra al Cielo o alla Terra agli Inferi, in un viaggio interiore che conduceva all'estasi.
La Betulla, è una pianta magica chiamata anche Betulla, Betula Alba L., Betula Pendula, Vituddu, Bedollo, Bedola, Gray Birch, White birch, Bouleau blanc, Betula verrucosa Ehrh, Betula pendula Roth, Betula pubescens Ehrh.
La Betulla è della Famiglia delle betullacee, è legata al Sole, agli elementi di Fuoco e Aria, al Pianeta Giove, alle Divinità di Thor e Giove e ai Segni Zodiacali del Leone e Ariete e più in generale tutti i segni di fuoco
Nel periodo di Aprile – Maggio l’aroma è maggiormente intenso e duraturo, i principi attivi della pianta sono molti: Betulina, Quercitina, Miricetina, Olia essenziale, Estere Butilico, Saponine, Acido nicotinico, Clorogenico, Caffeico, Acido Betulinico, Flavonoidi.
Il livello di tossicità è assente e l’unica Controindicazione è per i soggetti allergici all’aspirina e più in generale ai salicati.
Se la pianta viene usata assieme a Verga D’Oro, Spirea Olmaria, Pungitopo, Vite Rossa, Frassino Comune, Tarassaco, Ortica, Ribes Nero, Sambuco, Carciofo, Lespedeza, Levistico, Ononide, Lampone.
Uso Terapeutico: Capelli, colesterolo, colorito, cure di primavera (depurativi), dermatosi, efelidi, gotta, intossicazione, litiasi, obesità, pelle, piaghe, reumatismi, sudorazione, urea.
Nella magia la pianta ha un ruolo importante nelle tradizioni magiche dell’Est Europeo e paesi scandinavi, ad essa vengono associate caratteristiche di protezione ed esorcismo. La betulla viene usata sia per la fertilità che per la protezione, essa veniva piantata nei pressi della propria dimora durante il solstizio d’inverno. Nei paesi nordici si faceva liquore ricavato dalla resina di questa pianta che veniva consacrato, bevuto per favorire esiti positivi. In magia si usano le foglie polverizzate che vanno gettate nel fuoco come purificanti e scaccia-negativita. Le foglie essiccate sono difficili da polverizzare poiché la cellulosa le rende, piuttosto robuste, quindi se ne consiglia il trattamento con strumenti affilati.
Nella betulla viene utilizzata anche la parte bianca della corteccia che tende a staccarsi in modo abbondante dal tronco, specialmente durante l’inverno ad opera degli sbalzi termici. In nord europa spesso si sentono dei scricchiolii particolari provenienti dalle cortecce, le popolazioni rurali attribuiscono a questi rumori un significato soprannaturale. La corteccia, messa in acqua a bollire per circa 30-40 minuti, diventa morbida e perde la forma arrotolata.
Lasciandola asciugare sotto pressa, potrà costituire un supporto per la scrittura di invocazioni votive o da bruciare durante un rito.
Simbolismo celtico della betulla
Associata con il sole, la betulla è un emblema di questa stella, facilità la passione, l'energia, così come la crescita; l'associazione con il simbolo solare và di pari passo con la comprensione che possiamo imparare a possedere come i druidi, che usavano la corteccia di questo albero per accendere il fuoco. La betulla serve come innesco perfetto che inizierà a bruciare anche quando altri saranno umidi, cosa che lo rende pregiato al fuoco perché ne è alimento sostanzioso e sicuro.
Anche in questa analogia la betulla chiede a chi la conosce di servire gli altri con il fuoco della passione nel cuore, ricordandoci che nonstante le vicissitudini della vita ci portino a perdere energia e voglia di agire, in un istante la scintilla dell'anima può ritornare ad ardere grazie alle passioni che ci spingono verso la nostra divinità interiore.
#lestreghedifenixtarot #lestreghedifenixwitchtcraft
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graywyvern · 1 year
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Angry Anymore.
"At intervals we could hear a dog barking: a sound of sad, almost human purity, that lent a warm, full-blooded feeling to the clear night, and to the cloudless sky bleached by the white glare of the snow. It was the only living and familiar voice in the frozen silence of that ghostly night, and it made my heart race. Nnow and then we could hear in the wind the squeaking of the ice-bound sea. The birch logs crackled on the fire, the crimson reflection of the flames flitted up the walls, around the gilded backs of the books, and around the marble busts of the Swedish sovereigns ranged on the high, oaken bookshelves: and I thought of those ancient Karelian icons in which Hell is pictured not by living and beneficial flames, but by blocks of ice that imprison the damned. The barking of the dogs reached us faintly, perhaps from aboard a sailing ship gripped by ice near the Suomenlinna Island." Kaputt
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tumb11 · 2 years
U.S Household Refrigerators And Freezers Market 2022- (New study Report 2030) Godrej Industries, The Whirlpool Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, Dover Corporation
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scenesandscreens · 2 years
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The Shadow in My Eye (2021)
Director - Ole Bornedal, Cinematography - Lasse Frank Johannessen
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pintoras · 3 years
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Ester Almqvist (Swedish, 1869 - 1934): The silver birch (1990) (via Bukowskis)
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overlookedwwiimedia · 2 years
The Bombardment (2021)
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Basic Story: The story of Operation Carthage and those involved in the tragedy itself and the aftermath.
Fan Thoughts: Watching this so closely on the heels of My Best Friend Anne Frank, it’s hard not to compare the two, given that they both center around children. However, whatever complaints other reviewers had about My Best Friend Anne Frank being to ‘sanitized’ will not be found here; this is one of the more upsetting films I’ve ever watched for this blog. The majority of the second half is spent in the aftermath of the accidental bombing of the Jeanne d’Arc School during Operation Carthage and there is a particular rawness to the performances of the parents searching for their children in the rubble, and finding those children that did not survive, that is difficult to watch. Additionally, there is a whole portion spent following one of the leads, Frederik (Alex Høgh Andersen), crawling his way through rubble to try and rescue one of the nuns and a child trapped with her, Teresa (Fanny Bornedal) and Rigmor (Ester Birch). These sequences of him making his way to them are quite extended and gave me a feeling of claustrophobia unlike any other film, including Beneath Hill 60. On top of being difficult to watch content-wise, there are several issues with the writing, starting with the multiple storylines that parallel without the characters ever really meeting. There are several stories focusing on different characters, and while they converge during the bombing, the characters never interact, and some do not have satisfying conclusions to their arcs. The performances however are excellent, particularly by the children in the lead roles and Alex Høgh Andersen. The acting may be good but with a story so wrenching, the capper being the names of those killed being listed as the last thing you see before the credits, it’s hard to recommend this film.
Warnings: children shown injured and dead, suicide, torture scenes
Available On: Netflix
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 3.16
Austin 3:16 Day
Black Press Day
Curlew Day
Day After Dumbstruck Day
Day of the Book Smugglers (Lithuania)
Everything You Do Is Right Day
Freedom of Information Day
Goddard Day
Gumby Day
Kick Butts Day [3rd Wednesday]
Latvian Legion Day (Latvia)
Liberty Day
Lips Appreciation Day
The Lord’s Day
National Curl Crush Day
No Selfies Day
Panda Day
Rocket Day
Small Business Development Day [3rd Wednesday]
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action [3rd Wednesday]
Tell A Mockingbird To Shut Up Day
Vitamin C Day
West Point Day
Wild Spring Flower Festival (India)
Young Careers Action Day (UK)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Artichoke Hearts Day
Feast Days
Abbán (Christian; Saint)
Argei (Ancient Rome) [also 5.14]
Dionysus' Day (Ancient Greece)
Edward G. Wood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Elaphebolia (Festival of Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Epictetus (Positivist; Saint)
Feast of Bacchus (Ancient Greece)
Feat of the Hand of God (Goddess Iusaas or Iussaset at the Temple of Edfu; Ancient Egypt)
Finian Lobhar (a.k.a. Finian the Leper; Christian; Saint)
Heribert of Cologne (Christian; Saint)
Hilarius of Aquileia (Christian; Saint)
Holi Phagwah (Surinam; Hinduism)
Julian of Antioch (a.k.a. of Cilicia; Christian; Saint)
Purim (Survival Celebration; Judaism) [begins at sundown]
Ta' Anit Ester (a.k.a. Fast of Esther; Judaism)
Urho (Christian; Saint) [Finnish Americans & Canadians]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [34 of 71]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [20 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [12 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [15 of 60]
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, by Victor Hugo (Novel; 1831)
The Scarlet Letter (Novel; 1850)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 75 of 2022; 292 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 11 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Xìngyuè), Day 14 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 13 Adar II 5782
Islamic: 12 Sha-ban 1443
J Cal: 15 Ver; Sunday [15 of 30]
Julian: 3 March 2022
Moon: 97% Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Epictetus]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 85 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 26 of 30)
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perfumesample-blog1 · 5 years
Facts You Should Know About Perfume
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Perfume (Latin "per fume" meaning "through smoke") was highly favored by the Egyptians, Romans, and Arabs.  In East Asia, perfumes were incense based.  People used to make perfumes from spices and herbs like bergamot, myrtle, coriander, conifer resin, and almond.  The use of flowers came only after Avicenna, an Iranian doctor and chemist showed the process of distillation, whereby oils could be extracted from flowers. If you have almost any questions with regards to where along with the way to work with Create Inspired fragrance, you'll be able to e mail us from our own website.  In 1370, at the behest of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, the world's first modern perfume - "Hungary Water" was made by blending scented oils in alcohol solution. The composition of a perfume is of vital significance and is handled by an expert known as a perfumer, who deals with primary scents like rose, jasmine, cola, etc; modifiers like esters; blenders like linalool and hydroxycitronellol; and fixatives like resins, wood scents, and amber bases.  The resulting scent is explained in a musical metaphor of three 'notes', namely, top notes (consisting of fast evaporating small size molecules) like citrus and ginger scents; middle notes (consisting of slow evaporating medium size molecules) like lavender and rose scents; and base notes (consisting of slowest evaporating largest size molecules) like fixatives etc.  All these notes work together like a musical chord. Perfume oils contain volatile compounds in high concentrations and thus have to be diluted by solvents, so that injury is not caused when applied directly on skin or clothes.  The common solvent is pure ethanol or ethanol mixed with water.  Fractionated coconut oil or wax, neutral smelling fats such as jojoba, can also act as solvents and dilute the perfume oil.   The perfume oil is further mixed with other aromatic compounds.   Generally, the percentage of aromatic compounds in perfume extract is 20% to 40%; in eau de parfum is 10% to 30%; in eau de toilette is 5% to 20%; and in eau de cologne is 2% to 5%.   The oil concentration in a perfume along with other aromatic compounds, determines the intensity, longevity, and price of the perfume and thus it is a closely guarded secret of every perfumer and perfume house.  By adjusting the percentage level and the notes of the perfume, variations on the same brand may be created like Chanel's Pour Monsieur and Pour Monsieur Concentree. Classification of perfumes is never complete, due to its ever-evolving nature.  The traditional classification comprises of categories like Single Floral, Floral Bouquet, Ambery, Woody, Leather, Chypre, and Fougere; while the modern classification comprises of Bright Floral, Green, Oceanic/Ozone, Citrus/Fruity, and Gourmand. In 1983, Michael Edwards, a perfume consultant, created a new fragrance classification "The Fragrance Wheel", which classified and sub-grouped five standard families, namely Floral (Floral, Soft Floral, Floral Oriental), Oriental (Soft Oriental, Oriental, Woody Oriental), Woody (Wood, Mossy Woods, Dry Woods), Fougere (has fragrance elements from all the families), and Fresh (Citrus, Green, Water). Perfumery has used a number of aromatic sources like plants, animals, and synthetic sources in the making of perfumes.  Plants are used as a source of aroma compounds and essential oils.  The parts of plants that are used are: 1 - Bark (cinnamon, cascarilla); 2 - Flowers (rose, jasmine, osmanthus, tuberose, mimosa, vanilla); 3 - Blossoms (citrus, ylang-ylang, clove); 4 - Fruits (apples, strawberries, cherries, litsea cubeba, juniper berry, vanilla, oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit);5 - Leaves and Twigs (lavender, patchouli, citrus, violets, sage, rosemary, hay, tomato);6 - Resins (labdanum, myrrh, gum benzoin, Peru balsam, frankincense/olibanum, pine, fir, amber, copal); 7 - Roots, Bulbs, and Rhizomes (vetiver roots, ginger and iris rhizomes); 8 - Seeds (coriander, cocoa, mace, cardamom, anise, nutmeg, caraway, tonka bean); 9 - Woods (agarwood, birch, rosewood, sandalwood, pine, birch, juniper, cedar).   Animal sources include Ambergris, Castoreum, Musk, Rom terpenes, Honeycomb, and Civet.  Other natural sources include Lichens and Protists.  Synthetic sources include synthetic odorants synthesized from petroleum distillates, pine resins, etc.  Modern perfumes are mostly made from synthetic sources as they allow fragrances not found in nature, like Calone is a synthetic compound that imparts a marine metallic ozonous fragrance.  Synthetic aromatics are more consistent than natural aromatics, and are hence, widely used nowadays in modern available perfumes.  
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candlemylife · 7 years
The scandinavian wave
We barely do know that some scandinavian brands offer some wonderful scented candles, inspired by the scandinavian nature, the history of the monarchy or peaceful landscapes of the countryside or the coast.
There is long and strong tradition in Scandinavia about the candles. inside many houses, the scandinavian families light some candles on the edge of the windows during the long winter days. The industry of candle making used to be really important during many decades in Scandinavia.
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Among these company, we can figure out one, which exists ince more than 30 years, a family-founded company in Denmark, in the area of Jutland. This is ester & erik. They recently launched a range of scented candles under the name "a nordic scent of pure nature". Each of these candles has a traditional, Danish name inspired by the history of our country and generations of Kings and Queens. And the scent of each candle is inspired by the nature of Denmark. From deep forests to wide oceans, from the breath-taking landscapes to wild flowers growing everywhere. One of the emblematic candle of this range is Christian. Great parts of Denmark are covered with woods where you can take a peaceful stroll and enjoy all shades of green, from the delicate, bright colours of the birch to the deep, warm shades of the pine and coniferes.
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ester & erik http://www.ester-erik.dk/
A nordic scent of pure nature http://anordicscentofpurenature.com
Mineral and vegetable waxes 240g - 49€
Other story for this danish brand founded few years ago by two british guys who falled in love of Denmark and each other of two danish women. Skandinavisk has been inspirated from the custom and the danish way of life. The keyword : Hygge. Following the exemple of the candle of the same name, we can find among the several candle of the brand. But we're gonna to introduce you the candle "Fjord". The name and the fragrance reveal ideally the spirit of scandinavia. Cold and refreshing, woody and lot of fruity notes, we travel immedialtly towards norvegian Fjords, a scent carved from glaciers.
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Mineral wax 190gr - 35€
The swedish fashion brand of clothing, & other stories, offer three candles with an inspiration that comes from the work place of the brand and their headquarter. Among this home fragrance range, "Atelier Stockholm", we can figure out the scent "Kungsholmstorg". This fragrance diffuse a smell of rich wood (cedarwood, pine needles, treemoss) with with a trace of cade and an accord of top-notes of nutmeg, rapsberry and incense bring the world outside of their Stockholm atelier to mind.
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Mineral wax 190gr - 19€
Still in Sweden, we can discover the fantastic range of scented candle of L:A Bruket. One of those drawn particulraly our attention, it’s “Black oak”. A scent of blackened oak and Nordic woods. Formulated with cashmere wood and birch to give a calming and strengthening aroma experience that brings an urban soul back to nature. A must have for all the scented candles fan.
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Organic soy wax 260gr - 56€
Same country, other story, we discover an old brand of goods made of brass. Recently this old long-tradition house of craft, launched a range of scented candles. The fabulous packaging with the brass container and the black cardboard box host 4 fragrances. We have tested "Black wood". This marvellous smell emits some really good scents of Cedar wood and spicy Clove leaf and is topped with sultry elements of Rose and Jasmine. This high quality candles are hand poured in Stockholm in Sweden. This range of candles is the best way to make a gift with an authentic Sweden spirit.
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Blend of waxes 300gr - 70€
We recently discover an adorable brand of skincare, cosmetics, etc... It’s called YARD ETC’s. All the products are carefully crafted by garden enthusiasts in Sweden. The smells contain natural ingredients, the scented candle range is poured with organic soy wax into a nice tiny box.
We have choosen to try "oak moss". The smell of the wet forest from the deep woods where the trolls live. The aroma is rich and earthly with a distinct fragrance of wet woodland. A deep, rich aroma of wood, earth and moss. The scent of oakmoss was once upon a time used by Native Americans to treat respiratory diseases.  It's a really masculine fragrance, quite mordern, that will match perfectly to the modern scandinvian interior.
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Organic soy wax, estimated to 190g (250ml) - 19€
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Can Clinique All About Eyes Rich Eye Cream Really Get Rid Of Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes?
Clinique All About Eyes Rich likes to boast. It claims it can do everything: it moisturises skin, fights wrinkles and makes dark circles go away.
But when I put it to the test, it didn’t exactly live up to the hype. Here’s why:
What’s In Clinique All About Eyes Rich?
Clinique All About Eyes Rich is loaded with shea butter, one of the most moisturising ingredients on this planet.
Shea butter works by creating a protective barrier on the skin that keeps moisture in, where it needs to be to hydrate skin and make it soft.
Studies show that shea butter works better than mineral oil (what derms think of as the gold standard for moisturization). Its effects last for up to 8 hours!
Related: Why Shea Butter Is A Godsend For Dry Skin
Clinique All About Eyes Rich contains its fair share of silicones to minimise fine lines. It works like this: silicones fill in fine lines and wrinkles so they look smaller to the naked eye.
Of course, the effect is only temporary. When you wash off your skin at night, the silicones end up down the drain and your wrinkles look as deep as before.
Silicones go a step further: they also give slip to a product and allow it to spread smoothly on the skin.
They’re not even as suffocating as you think. It’s true that silicones create a protective barrier on this skin. But this barrier has holes all over the place.
Due to their molecular structure, you’ll find little gaps in between each silicone molecule. That allows them to keep water in the skin and let it perspire at the same time.
Related: Do Silicones Prevent Active Ingredients From Penetrating Skin?
Clinique All About Eyes Rich is loaded to the brim with antioxidants. Here are the highlights:
All together, these antioxidants help you fight free radicals and keep wrinkles at bay.
The catch? Every time they’re exposed to light and air, they lose some of their effectiveness. Guess what? This eye cream comes in a jar.
While you won’t make the antioxidants completely useless as soon as you open it, this packaging can compromise their effectiveness somewhat.
Related: Why I’m Not A Fan Of Jar Packaging
A pale ivory in colour, Clinique All About Eyes Rich has a fairly thick, creamy consistency that isn’t greasy and absorbs quickly.
It’s fragrance-free. That’s good. Fragrance is irritating. You do NOT want it anywhere near your eyes.
How To Use It
Before moisturiser, apply a couple of small dots on your under-eye area. Pat the cream in with your ring finger. Apply any leftover on your eyelids, too.
Performance & Personal Opinion
Clinique All About Eyes Rich keeps good on one promise: it hydrates and soothes skin, leaving it soft and smooth.
I was a bit worried the richer texture would give me milia seeds, but thankfully that didn’t happen. It also didn’t sting, burn nor irritate my eyes.
I also noticed the fine lines around my eyes looked slightly smaller (thanks silicones!), but the effect only lasts for a few hours.
So far so good. So, where does this cream fail?
For starters, it can’t do anything for dark circles. I’ve used this cream for weeks and didn’t see the slightest difference. Both the darkness and the puffiness is still there.
I’m on the fence about antioxidants. I know they can help me age more slowly, but I wish the packaging maximised their effectiveness, you know what I mean?
Available at: $32.50/£27.50 at Asos, Feel Unique, Nordstrom, Sephora and Ulta
Clinique All About Eyes Rich is a nice moisturizer that hydrates skin, leaving it smooth and soft. It makes fine lines look smaller temporarily and has good antioxidants properties. But it doesn't diminish dark circles and the jar packaging spoils the antioxidants.
Beautiful With Brains
Temporarily reduces the appearance of fine lines
Doesn't sting nor irritate eyes
No milia seeds
Doesn't diminish dark circles nor de-puffs under-eye bags
Jar packaging
7.3 3.625 5
Have you tried Clinique All About Eyes Rich? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Water\Aqua\Eau , Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) , Cetearyl Alcohol , Butylene Glycol , Hydrogenated Polyisobutene , Phenyl Trimethicone , Polyglyceryl-3 Beeswax , Polybutene , Sucrose , Cetyl Esters , Polymethyl Methacrylate , Isostearyl Neopentanoate , Glycerin , Cetearyl Glucoside , Tocopheryl Acetate , Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract , Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract\Extrait D’Orge , Sigesbeckia Orientalis (St. Paul’S Wort) Extract , Peg-100 Stearate , Coleus Barbatus Extract , Betula Alba (Birch) Extract , Polysilicone-11 , Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate , Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract , Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf , Glyceryl Polymethacrylate , Yeast Extract\Faex\Extrait De Levure , Gentiana Lutea (Gentian) Root Extract , Stearic Acid , Whey Protein\Lactis Protein\Protéine Du Petit-Lait , Palmitoyl Oligopeptide , Squalane , Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate , Cholesterol , Caffeine , Peg-8 , Phytosphingosine , Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer , Aminomethyl Propanol , Dimethicone , Isomerized Linoleic Acid , Linoleic Acid , Sodium Hyaluronate , 1,2 Hexanediol , Decarboxy Carnosine Hcl , Potassium Sulfate , Caprylyl Glycol , Disodium Edta , Sodium Dehydroacetate , Phenoxyethanol , Yellow 5 (Ci 19140) , Iron Oxides (Ci 77491, Ci 77492, Ci 77499) , Mica , Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891)
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Can Clinique All About Eyes Rich Eye Cream Really Get Rid Of Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes? syndicated from Beautiful With Brains
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leapchemdavid-blog · 6 years
LEAPChem Highlights 2-Cyclohexen-1-one (930-68-7) Today!
Searching for niche products has always been a problem. You have to spend much valuable time looking for a supplier, and then you need to make sure the provider is reputable. Usually, successfully finding a reputable, reliable, and responsible supplier of high quality chemicals must be a headache. Relax now, because those days are over! By coming to the LEAPChem - Pharmaceutical Chemicals website, you have come one step closer to acquiring your trouble free pharmaceutical chemicals. LEAPChem Highlights 2-Cyclohexen-1-one today!
 Basic Information of 2-Cyclohexen-1-one
Chemical Name: 2-Cyclohexen-1-one
Cas No.: 930-68-7
Molecular Formula: C6H8O
Chemical Structure:
  Cyclohexenone is an organic compound which is a versatile intermediate used in the synthesis of a variety of chemical products such as pharmaceuticals and fragrances. It is clear colorless liquid in pure state but a commercially available product is mostly yellowish liquid.
Industrially, cyclohexenone is prepared from phenol by Birch reduction. Cyclohexenone is a ketone, or more precisely an enone. Common reactions include nucleophilic conjugate addition with organocopper reagents, Michael reactions and Robinson annulations.
It is soluble in many solvents, such as alcohols, ethers, haloalkanes, esters, and also is miscible with polar aprotic solvents. Cyclohexenone reacts both ketones and alkenes. It has an electron-poor carbon-carbon double bond as a typical representative of the α, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. With strong bases, the positions 4 and 6 (the two CH2-groups of the carbonyl group and the C-C double bond adjacent) are deprotonated.
Cyclohexenone is a widely used building block in organic synthesis chemistry, as it offers many different ways to extend molecular frameworks. Cyclohexenone is easily adapted to Michael addition with nucleophiles (such as enolates or silyl enol ethers) or, it could be employed by a Diels-Alder reaction with electron-rich dienes. Furthermore, this compound reacts with organocopper compounds from 1,4-addition (Michael addition), or with Grignard reagents 1,2-addition, i.e., with attack of the nucleophile at the carbonyl carbon atom. Cyclohexenone is also used in multi-step synthesis in the construction of polycyclic natural products.
Cyclohexenone was accidentally found to be an in-vitro catalyst for a relatively mild decarboxylation of alpha amino acids in 1986. Researchers in Japan were attempting to use t-butyl peroxide as a catalyst for decarboxylation using a solvent choice of cyclohexanol. Curiously they found that when they used lower-purity (e.g. technical grade, 98%) cyclohexanol, the reaction proceeded as much as 4 times faster compared to when they used relatively pure cyclohexanol (>99.3%). They found that cyclohexanol contained cyclohexenone as a natural impurity, which was three times more abundant in the technical grade cyclohexenone compared to the more purified cyclohexanol (~0.3% versus ~0.1%). Further research showed that 1% cyclohexenone in cyclohexanol will decarboxylate most alpha-amino acids, including non-standard ones, with a yield of 80-95% in a matter of several hours. The exceptions are certain amino acids like histidine, which was reported to take over 26 hours, and poly-amino acids, which fail to decarboxylate using 2-cyclohexenone and another route must be found instead.
 Allow a company with a ISO 9001 certification to handle all your pharmaceutical chemical needs. From finding a reliable manufacturer who creates a quality product meeting your specifications, to shipping to the port or facility to your choice, LEAPChem’s experienced and professional staff will make the process as smooth as possible.
If you are interested in 2-Cyclohexen-1-one, click here to send an inquiry!
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