#eros blackwell
saibug1022 · 24 days
I'm only on chapter 2 of Immortal Desires 2 but so far my only real issue is that MC can't be mad at Cas and Gabe for turning them without their consent. Like I get there could be some plot issues with that but we can't even have MC admit "honestly I'm not happy about it and yeah I'm upset but I know I can't dwell on it right now and I know you did it for good reasons".
Maybe it's just me getting too into my MC but Eros would be devastated. Having that choice ripped from them and it being such a life changing thing? Something that they not only have to deal with the rest of their life but forever? I think they'd forgive Cas and Gabe and be able to deal with it because they really need people who know the truth they can lean on, but they would not immediately forgive them.
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“Black Rainbows” by Miracle Musical ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Alba, Amarantha, Amaris, Amaya, Amias, Amitola, Amy, Anjum, Annabelle, Anuenue, Apollo, Archer, Aruna, Asteria, Aurora, Ayla, Badriyah, Basma, Basmah, Belinda, Blackwell, Bogdan, Briar, Brone, Celena, Celeste, Cerys, Chandra, Chandra, Chaos, Crimson, Dade, David, Delores, Dolores, Eros, Esme, Esmeray, Estella, Evelyn, Gray/Grey, Guinevere, Hala, Hannie, Hina, Ibtisam, Iridiana, Iris, Jabari, Jabez, Jocasta, Jonathan, Layla, Lennon, Leo, Lolita, Luan, Luna, Lyra, Mabel, Mahogany, Malachi, Manzat, Mara, Midnight, Mona, Muskaan, Nekane, Nesta, Niji, Nikini, Noelani, Noir, Nova, Nyx, Obsidian, Orion, Ozul, Perdita, Phoebe, Rainbeau, Ricmod, Rue, Salem, Seren, Serena, Shadow, Simon, Starla, Stella, Theodore, Tristezza, Tristian, Uenuku, Umbra, Vesper, Vespera, Vidhuhas, Whisper, Zorion
ae/aem/aers, amor/amors, astro/astros, beach/beaches, black/blacks, blue/blues, blush/blushes, char/charcoal/charcoals, clear/clears, color/colors, dark/darks, deep/deeps, draw/draws, eros/eros, gloom/glooms, gray/grays, green/greens, hue/hues, indigo/indigos, ink/inks, joy/joys, letter/letters, light/lights, lost/losts, lunar/lunars, luv/luvs, maroon/maroons, mid/midnight/midnights, moon/moon, navy/navys, night/nights, orange/oranges, other/others, purple/purples, rain/bow/rainbows, ray/rays, red/reds, sand/sands, sha/shadow/shadows, shade/shades, sorrow/sorrows, star/stars, stella/stellas, tree/trees, yellow/yellows, ⭐️/⭐️s, 🌅/🌅s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌌/🌌s, 🌙/🌙s, 🌠/🌠s, 🌴/🌴s, 🎼/🎼s, 🏝️/🏝️s, 👥/👥s, 🖌️/🖌️s, 🖤/🖤s, 🦋/🦋s, 🩶/🩶s
The Black Rainbow, The One Colored In Black, The One Who Draws The Rainbows, The One of Dimly Lit Colors, The Rainbow of Dark Hues, The Song of Sorrowful Love, The Stella Octangula, [prn] Who Paints With Darkness, [prn] Who Saw You Smile
Acilnerae, Blackrainbic, Blacksandgender, Dizzlovesickic, Fogibeachnightic, Galaxyfate, Genderdoomed, Ghostenamoric, Gloomyrainbowgender, Hawaii:partIIalbumic, Limitifuzreatic, Lovesickthing, Moonbowin, Novaity, Pastrasea, Pazazsuan, Phosmoceanlianl, Plageneigegender/Plagetempêtegender, Rainobsidicrysic, Starryseagender, Stellstallum, Thalassyrean, Tidepullene, Umbrainbowgender, Vitalssence/Sinnisous
Other mogai
Alderainbow, Alderblacksand, Alderbleedic, Alderstarpil, Assigned Star at Birth/AStrAB /Assigned Starling at Birth/AStgAB /Assigned Starlight at Birth/AStlAB, Darkwarmgreyvesil, Detherealaestelic, Grey Omninoun, Pink Omninoun, Rainbowvior/Rainbowalius/Rainbowperspesque, Red Omninoun, Star Omninoun, Starperspesque, Void Omninoun, 🌈 Omninoun
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space-station-nursery · 7 months
𑁯ᰍSpoopy names for your stuffies!ꕀꕀ
𑁯ᰍ For boy stuffies: Dorian, Draco, Griffin, Hawthorn, Lazarus, Poe, Talon, Blackwell, Sonder, Atticus, Dante, Keir, Florian, Ivor, and Necro! ★ For girl stuffies: Anastasia, Lilith, Annabel, Ophelia, Evangeline, Bellatrix, Claudia, Drusilla, Ivory, Guinevere, and ebony! ꮺ For non-identifying stuffies:
Keir, Averill, Raven, Marlowe, Sinclaire, Blair, Jinx, Nyx, Thorn, Onyx and Eros!
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gabrielisscripta · 3 months
Séance # 5 - Eros et Venus utuntur Grindr
Il existe un travail d’articulation entre le hors-ligne et l’en ligne qui ne sont pas deux sphères distinctes. Tout comme les autres espaces d’interaction, les réseaux sociaux numériques (RSN) s’entrelacent très souvent dans les actions sociales hors-ligne (Beuscart, 2016, 84-85). À quoi ressemblent ces usages avec différents modes d’engagement et d'affiliation après la numérisation des RSN?
Historiquement, les relations homosexuelles doivent s’insérer dans le contexte social, dans les rôles de pouvoir et sont ultimement contre-normatifs (Javaid, 2018, 58-59). Les conséquences font en sorte que les relations homosexuelles sont plus à risque de victimisation ; l’homophobie augmente les risques liés aux rencontres hors-ligne. Avant l’introduction des RSN, les rencontres à caractère homoérotique pouvaient être dangereuses.
Il est possible de voir le même calque de circonstances sociales hors-ligne juxtaposées sur les RSN. L'arrivée d’Internet apporte la possibilité du pseudonymat. Cela donne de nouveaux usages pour la communauté homosexuelle dans les moyens possibles de faire rencontre. Les interactions sociales semblent plus sécuritaires en ligne puisque l’identité n’est divulguée qu’à un certain degré présélectionné, la localisation peut être privée, les utilisateurs filtrent les demandes de conversation et il est possible de faire connaissance avant la rencontre face-à-face.
Les médias sociaux numériques (MSN) se transforment et s’adaptent aux contextes culturels des utilisateurs. Grindr devient une des applications les plus populaires pour les rencontres LGBTQ2+ puisqu’elle offre des caractéristiques engageantes propres à ceux qui l'utilisent. Ainsi, la géolocalisation est une fonctionnalité clé et elle crée une couche complexe de lieux virtuels et physiques et nécessairement une confusion de leurs frontières (Blackwell, Birnholtz, Abbott, 2015, 1131). Le partage de position géographique est un facteur qui rend Grindr attrayant pour certains puisque c’est un espace dans lequel la sexualité et le désir sont au premier plan. L’effet de transcender les frontières habituelles des MSN apporte de nouvelles opportunités, mais aussi des répercussions éthiques et morales. Certaines ramifications sont prédictibles. Le fait de partager sa localisation suppose des risques à sa sécurité facilement imaginables. Les utilisateurs négocient leurs usages de Grindr et les risques identifiés qui découlent du sens de sécurité perçu par l’utilisateur (Colliver, 2023, 12-13). Il est intéressant de voir que malgré la numérisation des moyens de rencontre, il persiste des risques potentiels à la rencontre.
Références bibliographiques
Beuscart, J.-S. et al. (2016). « Ch. 3 - Sociabilités et réseaux sociaux ». In Beuscart, Dagiral & Parasie, Sociologie d’internet, Paris : Armand Colin, 71-92. 
Blackwell, C., Birnholtz, J. and Abbott, C. (2015), « Seeing and Being Seen: Co-Situation and Impression Formation Using Grindr, a Location-Aware Gay Dating App », New Media and Society, 17: 1117–36.
Colliver, B. (2023). Understanding perceptions of victimization: a critical analysis of gay and bisexual male grindr users negotiations of safety and risk. The British Journal of Criminology, (20230823). https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azad043.
Javaid, A. (2018). Masculinities, Sexualities and Love (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi-org.acces.bibl.ulaval.ca/10.4324/9781351212717.
Siebler, K. (2016). Learning queer identity in the digital age. Palgrave Macmillan. 
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krovscastlerpg · 2 years
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The following players have not responded to the last activity check / are over 2 weeks inactivity. Please unfollow the following blogs:
Simon Blackwell
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The following player(s) are currently on hiatus:
Logan (Finn, Kaden, Khion, Manny, Raphael, & Seth) – HIATUS ENDS SATURDAY
Lianne (Bradley, Connor, Hunter, Mason, Tiernan, & Todd) – HIATUS ENDS SATURDAY
HD (Cairo, Lucien, Noel, Raiden, Ransom, & Shade) – HIATUS ENDS MONDAY
Luke (Caspian, Hadrian, Leo, Mukuro, Perceval, & Riven) – HIATUS ENDS FRIDAY
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Artemis (Aleixo, Charlie, Gareth, Malcolm, Merek, & Rhoan)
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diceriadelluntore · 4 years
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Storia Di Musica #113 - Nick Drake, Pink Moon, 1972
Si dice che Chris Blackwell, il geniale produttore musicale e fondatore della casa discografica Island, abbia detto ai suoi collaboratori “qualsiasi cosa vi proponga registratela”. Nick Drake nel 1971 aveva già pubblicato due stupendi dischi per l’etichetta, l’esordio Five Leaves Left (1969), che fece scoprire il suo agrodolce spirito intriso di spleen e il meraviglioso, iconico, Bryter Layter (1970) un gioiello musicale in cui suonano con il nostro John Cale (da ascoltare la favolosa Norther Sky), la sezione ritmica dei Fairport Convention (Dave Pegg e Dave Mattacks), gli archi di Robert Kirby, il tutto diretto e organizzato da Joe Boyd. Sebbene acclamati dalla critica, dai musicisti e dagli addetti ai lavori, i due dischi vendono pochissimo: forse dipende dalla naturale ritrosia di Drake a suonare in pubblico (pochissimi i suoi concerti dal vivo e tutti finiti con una sorta di fuga dal palco), la sua “incapacità” a fare pubblicità (una sola intervista rilasciata in assoluto) ma, per me, contano i misteri del gusto musicale popolare, che per esempio nello stesso momento premierà alla grandissima Cat Stevens, che molto aveva in comune con il nostro. Sia come sia, Drake è in preda ad una fortissima crisi esistenziale: se ne va in Spagna per un po’, ospite dello stesso Blackwell, dove riesce a riottenere un po’ di serenità. Che subito si manifesta in un disco. Sulla Costa del Sol Drake scrive una ventina di canzoni, chiama una sera il fido Joe Boyd che organizza lo studio di registrazione e gli mette a disposizione John Wood, produttore e ingegnere del suono che proprio in quei tempi stava mietendo successo con i Fairport Convention e Cat Stevens : in due sole sessioni, si dice entrambe notturne, Drake registra e suona dal vivo, solo con la chitarra (eccetto qualche aggiunta di piano, sempre da lui stesso eseguita) undici canzoni che segnano uno spartiacque, che ispirano un’intera, forse due, generazioni di cantautori, 28 minuti di canzoni magnifiche, scarne di orpelli ma profondissime, confezionati come un demo-tape dando quasi la sensazione che sia Drake nella stanza di fianco a quella di chi ascolta a suonare dal vivo. Pink Moon prende il nome da una leggenda cinese che vede la luna rosa di aprile come segno minaccioso. In copertina, dopo che le foto che Keith Morris gli scattò risultarono evidente segnale della sua brutta condizione psicofisica (per via dell’abuso di antidepressivi di cui iniziava a soffrire), la Island scelse un’opera, che si ispira all’arte di Dali, di Michael Trevithick, un’artista amica di Gabrielle Drake, sorella di Nick e futura attrice in famose serie TV britanniche. L’album si apre con il suono magico di Pink Moon, da molti considerata una sorta di testamento della sua sofferenza, con la voce sibilante e magica di un cantore mistico: L’ho visto scritto e l’ho sentito dire / La luna rosa sta per venire / E voi non volate così alti / La luna rosa vi prenderà tutti . Non da meno la favolosa Place To Be, uno dei brani centrali e cardini di questo disco, altro testamento di sofferenza e di dolore: Ed ero forte, forte sotto il sole / Pensavo che avrei visto il giorno tramontare / Ora sono più debole del più pallido blu / Oh, così debole perché mi manchi tu. Eppure non manca la dolcezza nelle delicate Which Will, nella stupenda Road, tutta giocata sul fingerpicking e sugli arpeggi magici della sua chitarra Guild (la stessa che apparì tempo prima sulla copertina di Bryter Layter). Know è addirittura una canzone d’amore: Sappi che ti amo/ sappi che non mi importa/ sappi che ti vedo/ sappi che non sono lì. Ogni canzone è una storia, è un afflato di disperazione (Parasite), ci sono meravigliosi squarci di poesia solo strumentale (Horn) e ci sono due canzoni meravigliose e dolenti: Things Behind The Sun, uno dei suoi massimi capolavori, che si unisce ad un unico, commovente, sprazzo di luce, quella From The Morning che racconta un’alba: E ora sorgiamo / e siamo ovunque / e ora sorgiamo dalla terra, guardala lei volare / anche lei è ovunque / guardala volare tutt'intorno adesso osserva bene tutto questo / e le notti estive e senza fine, e vai a fare il gioco che hai imparato / dal mattino. Il gioiello, che esce a Febbraio del 1972, vende paradossalmente ancora meno dei precedenti. Le conseguenze sull’animo di Drake sono ancora più devastanti: si rinchiude ancora più in sè stesso, finisce per soffrire ancora di più di depressione, smette di lavarsi, di cambiarsi i vestiti, abbandona anche i suoi ultimi amici, come John Martyn che gli dedicherà la sua canzone mito, Solid Air. Compie lunghi viaggi solitari in macchina.Nel 1974 registra un'ultima manciata di brani (che verranno pubblicati solo nel 1986, in tutto 5) poi parte per la Francia col desiderio di incontrare l'amata cantante Françoise Hardy. La notte del 24 novembre è di nuovo a casa: viene trovato dalla madre morto, a suonare sul giradischi i concerti brandeburghesi di Bach, sul comò Il mito di Sisifo di Albert Camus. Se ne va così uno dei più commoventi artisti inglesi di sempre. Che dovette aspettare 25 anni per vedere per la prima volta il successo: la Volkswagen usò nel 1999 per il primo spot trasmesso anche su internet Pink Moon per la nuova Golf Cabrio: il successo di quello spot fece esplodere il culto per questo artista semi sconosciuto e che come nessun altro ha raccontato il proprio malessere in modo così romantico e suggestivo.
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nsula · 5 years
Dean’s List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES –  One thousand two hundred sixty students were named to the Fall 2018 Dean’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.99. Those named to the Dean’s List by hometown are as follows.
 Aberdeen Proving Grd, Maryland -- Adrian Borel
 Addis -- William Seaman
 Alexandria – Iris Barrera, Marquita Benjamin, Morgan Bryant, Katylyn Cox, Ashley Day, Qurshea Decoste, Destiny Dotson, Selena Elmore, KelVina Ford, Daryn Freeman, Maeghan George, Khloe Jasper, Leslie Katz, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Jimmie Magee, Madalyn Mayer, Lauren McLeod, Olivia Mosley, Lashanda Moss, Kellie Pebbles, Ragan Richey, Imani Ricks, Sydney Roseman, Kaitlin Roshto, Caleb Ross, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Avery Tharp, Alexander Trotter, Hailey Urena, Alysha Walker, Christopher Warren, William Welch, Aalyiah Williams;
 Anacoco – Alan Cosio, Danielle Egan, Elizabeth Guy, Andrea Halladay, Madeleine Hensley, Karington Johnson, Kelen Kay, Jason Ortiz, Clarissa Owens, Brooke Phillips, Amanda Sorg, Erica Wade, Emily Williams;
 Angers, France – Sophie Podevin;
 Angola – Ursula Poarch;
 Arlington, Texas -- Samantha Bell, Devin Gipson, Charles Rogers;
Arnaudville –Bailey Dautreuil;
Athens – Ryan Carroway;
Atlanta – Jonathan Friis, Alexis Hanson, Peyton Howell,
Aurora, Colorado – William McCullough;
Austin, Texas – Skylar Besch, Ysmina Smith;
Avondale – James Brown, Mikala Clark;
Ball – Stephen Carpenter, Lauren Nugent, Vanessa Toney;
Barksdale AFB – Victoria Charles, Jeanine Matthews;
Bastrop – Anna Akins, Alisha Bolton, Haleigh Irby, Chadwick Jones, Haleigh Vollmar;
Baton Rouge – Merodac Beraki, Randy Blackwell, Rosa Campbell, Joshua Cheatwood, Peyton Clark, Emmanuel Dunn, Bryn Edmonston, Maisyn Guillory, Kelly Guillot, Melvin Hudson Misterie Jarrell, DJacqulyn Johnson, Elizebeth Ledet, Bethany Lee, Sarah Lovern, Madalyn Mullins, Mary Pourciau, Colleen Reese, Ethan Smith, Reagan Smith, Haley Sylvester, Sarah Talbot, Jessica Joseph;
Bayside, Nova Scotia – April Trowbrige;
Baytown, Texas – Norma Trejo;
Belcher – Jessica Herbert;
Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Alexander Melcer, Jade Talazac, Natalie Wilson, Annie Wright;
Belle Rose – Thomas Daigle;
Belmont – Jayce Gentry;
Bentley – Stephanie Hayes;
Benton – Haley Crosby, Holly Crosby, Jessica Gates, Joshua Johnson, Kara Knippers, Abigail Lauterbach, Hannah Schott, Daniel Scott, Ted Scott, Jadyn Sepulvado, Torea Taylor, Audrey Trujillo, Kimberly Umphries, Jackson Mathews;
 Berwick – Brittany Vidos;
Bossier City – Christian Baker, Clayton Brown, Amber Engel, Sydney Gootee, Sydney Shannon, Austin Averitt, Alexandra Borrmann, Courtney Brooks, Abigail Castillo, Emily Cheatham, Lacy Chism, Caitlin Cover, Ri’Kaela England, Kelly Flores, Matthew Flynn, Kelsey Gallman, Candace Guillory, Rebecca Hickson, Jodi Hill, Anqumesha Jeter, Elizabeth Jones, Abigail Kent, Tina Kile, Marci King, Rebecca Markle, Arielle Martignetti, Claire McMillan, Brittany Morris, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Khayla Pugh, Litzy Rivera, Kassidy Robideaux, Andrew Robinson, Rheagan Rowland, Jeffrey Ruiz, Elisha Scott, Hope Spaw, Brittany Spence, Tori Spraggins, Terrence Stewart, Susan Stone, Savannah Swaim, Benjamin Tanner, Avery Tibbets, Kortney Toellner, Jirneicia Ward, Courtney Wilson, Dominique Wineglass, Jennifer Woods, Nour Zeidan, Andrea Holley, Ashley Bennett, Ashanti Hill, Brittney Malmay,
Boyce – Bo Bowers, Sarah Hill, Amanda Land, Hannah Miller, Wyatt Miller, Miranda Perry, Ashley Smith, Jessie Turner;
Breaux Bridge – Blythe Duvall, Shayla James, Ashtin Mouton, Tyler Thibodeaux;
Brookeland, Texas – Morgan Horn, Paige West;
Brusly – Emma Wallace;
Buda, Texas – Kathryn Wristen;
Bullard, Texas – Brandon Duecker;
Bunkie – Brett Baker, Izola Williams, Kearia Wilson;
Burleson, Texas – Eric Neeley;
Bush – Saige Tassin;
Callisburg, Texas – Maycy English;
Calvin – Chris Price;
Campti – Destiny Potts, Stoney Slaughter, Alexis Smith;
Canton – Tiffany Cayson;
Carencro – Malik Babin, Destiny Kennerson, Jasmin Thibodeaux;
Cartagena, Colombia – Edwin Castro Frias, Jose Colon-Marrugo, Valeria Correa Meza, Victor Lopez Ramos, Romulo Osorio Herrera, Cristian Paez Geney, Daniel Racero Rocha;
Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla, Luis Osorio Betancourt, Saily Romero Marrugo, Valeria Perez Espinosa, Veronica Perez Espinosa, Ramon Sarruf Monroyl
Carthage, Illinois – Nicole Clark;
Castor – Kaycee Collinsworth;
Center, Texas – Chelsea Henderson;
Central – Christian Chustz;
Chalmette – Dylan Fuselier, Sara Mendoza;
Cheneyville – Fontana Mitchell;
Clayton – Glendalyn Boothe, Ruben Smith;
Cleburne, Texas – Patrick Murr;
Clifton – Toni Smith;
Clinton, Mississippi – Adam Moncure;
Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
Colfax – Camren Bell, Alison Churchman, Mikayla Richardson, Evan White;
College Station, Texas – Jasmyn Hunter;
Columbia – Tyler Duchesne, Jackson McCann;
Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Ashley Forgues Brock, Skyler Laroux, Elaina Richardson, Noah Sepulvado, Ashley Sims;
Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
Cottonport – Rayne Canoe, Zachary Gauthier, Justin Tigner;
Coushatta – Kori Allen, La’Zaria Clark, Elizabeth Cummins, Dillon Foshee, Jason Gross, Ashley Guye, Tawanda Johnson, Sidney Jones, Emily King, Jeremy Lawson, William Lee, Aaron Murray, Allison Pearah, Jon Russell, Amey Sepulvado, Carmie Williams, Caroline Wren;
Covington – Kayla Keys, Andrea Mier, Cathleen Oviedo, Etienne Blanchat;
Crowley – Alyssa Huval;
Cumberland, Maryland ­– Rebekah Apple;
Cypress, Texas – Alexis Gomez;
Dallas, Texas – Nadia Carney, Natalie Robledo;
Darrow – Micheal Douglas;
DeKalb, Texas – Jaquan Jackson;
DeQuincy – Austin Nichols, Hayden Robertson;
DeRidder – Carson Brown, Maygin Chesson, Alphonse Engram Ashleigh Fedderman, Bambi Hardesty, Michael Keeper, Dustin Lauderback, Kyla Lockhart, Kimberly Nolen, Don Prater, Hayley Richard, Shynikia Roberson, Mikalyn Russell, Lauren Taylor, Ebony Terry;
Deer Park, Texas – Patrick McDonald, Blake Stephenson;
Denham Springs – Caitlyn Cutrer, Caitlin Griffin Halle Mahfouz, Jonathan Rodriguez, Stephanie Ryals, Amy Thomas, Emily Williams;
Denton, Texas – Ian Edwards;
Derry – Hannah Antee;
Des Allemands – Dilaney Deroche;
Destrehan – Patrick Juneau, Kiera Robinson;
Deville – Kealee Anderson, Hailey Bolton, Alexis Dennis, Kayla Dewilde, Candice Dryden, Amy Henderson, Karlee Littleton, Marlee Paulk, Vivian Vallery;
Dike, Texas ­– Brynn Offut;
Dodson – Kierstyn Cyrus, Nolan Griffin, Lydia McGaha, Brittany Walker;
Donaldsonville ­– Natalie Landry, Madeline Sotile;
Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
Dry Creek – Kayla Mandelin;
Dry Prong – Jacob Boydstun, Sarah Desselle, Christy Gough, Alisabeth Lockhart;
Duson – Autumn Ritter, Lane Royer;
Duvall, Washington – Jason Smigelski;
Effie – Jaydan Perkins;
Elizabeth – Clyde Hurst;
Elm Grove – Gabrielle Smith;
Elmer – Jerrica Beebe, Mikayla Deloach, Halston Rachal, Joseph Rachal;
Enon Valley, Pennsylvania – Jennifer Smiley;
Eros – Alecia Smith;
Ethel – Abby Guillory;
Eunice – Carli Esters, Tammy Richard, Emily Deshotel;
Evans – Lakin Smith;
Evergreen – Shelby Riche;
Farmerville – Jalissa Loyd;
Ferriday – Shanequa Tyler, Dalenesha Wimley;
Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
Flatwoods – Jasmine George;
Florien – Gabrielle Bryant, Ashley Carter, Travis Cook, Faith Hopkins, McKenzie Kuhlow, Megan Lampkin, Noah Parker, Emma Ray, Ashley Ross, Elizabeth Squillini, Shari Wilson;
Forest Hill – Andrianne Dore, Rachel Humphries, Claudia Marie, Charli Stanley;
Forest Park, Illinois – Kimberly Murray;
Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
Fort Polk – Laura Cerqueira, Amanda Dhondt, Jasmine Dyer, Clarrissa Lancour, Jennifer Lara Hager, Andrea Marquez, Clare Masa, Blaise Nkengafac, Madison Popp, Lindsay Romero, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Christian Wood;
Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
Fort Sill, Oklahoma – Iryana Burrus;
Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
Franklin – Chaqaire Jenkins, Cheyenne Smith;
Franklinton – Brian Geragthy, Aron Stephens;
Freeland, Washington – Paul Aune;
Fresno, Texas – Terres Anderson;
Frierson – John Rachal, Valerie Smith;
Frisco, Texas – Adam Trupp;
Gardena, California – Cole Llorens;
Geismar – Kristi Contreary;
Georgetown – Laura White;
Gibsland – Tyler Sneed;
Glenmora – Kristopher Devore, Precious Goins, Abbie Johnson, Megan Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Savannah Thompson, Tiara Baker;
Gloster – Kylee Causey, Jennifer Simmons, Johnette Whorton;
Goldonna – Alexander Guillory;
Gonzales – Addison Adams, Ryan Gremillion, Victoria Gardner, Legand Lilly, Corey Payne, Jamien Sampson, Zoe Tapp, Jaci Templet, Trencia Washington;
Gorman, Texas – Kourtney Seaton;
Gramercy – Amber Theisges;
Grand Cane – Nathan Graham, Emily Miller, Matthew Raybon;
Gray – Cassie Becnel, Tevyn Johnson;
Greenwell Springs – Katherine Bryant, Katherine Langlois;
Gretna – Chloe Johnson, Jasmine Myles, Trinity Velazquez;
Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
Gulfport, Mississippi – Tamara Benton;
Gun Barrel City, Texas – Colton Banghart;
Hahnville – Catelyn Errington;
Hammond – Andrea Hidalgo, Kaylon Willoughby, William Woodworth;
Harlingen, Texas – Frances Knight;
Harvey – Tajalai Evans, Christiana Johnson, Alexis Taylor;
Hattiesburg, Mississippi – Mary Mitchell;
Haughton – Matthew Bailey, Benny Broadway, Arneshia Brooks, Katelynn Edwards, Shelby Grubbs, Kobe Jackson, Kylee Jackson, Daniel Langen, Sarah Ledford, Nicklaus Lowery, Angie Nguyen, Jamie Phillips, Makenzie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Kaylee Swart, Valerie Taylor, Zoey Thomas, Logan Turner, Lomia Watkins, Larissa Wells, Hunter Woods;
Haynesville – Eriel Fields, Sabrina Sowell, Allyssa Dodds;
Heflin – Rachael Vickers;
Henderson, Texas – Andrew Blackmon, Christina Marie Colley;
Henderson – Asha Cormier;
Hessmer – Kaitlynn Burke, Laney Jeansonne;
Hineston – Richard Clark, Madison Morrison, Karlie Taylor;
Homer – Francene Ferguson, Shannon Rhodes;
Honolulu, Hawaii – Melissa Baker, Hans Andersen Tan;
Hornbeck – Sarah Ceballos, Jerry Hughes, Jr., Carrie Wilson;
Hosston – Alaysia Fredieu;
Houma – Kelsey Chauvin, Anna Gautreaux, Zoe Hebert, Dylan LeBlanc, Venessa McKinley, Sara Rebstock, Kyle Siddle;
Houston, Texas – Bruce Beth, Brittany Davis, Oai Lee Huynhl
Hutto, Texas – Tommi Long;
Ida – Madison Campbell;
Independence – Chloe Whiddon;
Iota – Morgan Gotte, Katie Latiola;
Iowa – Marvette Williams;
Jamestown – Kylie Knotts;
Jeanerette – Brandy Jackson;
Jefferson – Matthew Broekman, Codi Vernace, Amanda Wilburn;
Jena – Tiara Brown, Candace Decker, Jessi McNeely, Dena Ray;
Jennings – Emily Benoit, Destany Brown, Phillip Gotte, KaTierra Lewis;
Jonesboro – Natalee Gray, Tia Moore;
Jonesville – Rachel Eichmann, Kayla Robertson, Kameron Stevenson, James White;
Kalaupapa, Hawaii – Kamamalu Nishihira-Asuncion;
Keatchie – Brittany Miller, Amber Nash, Sarah Plaisance;
Keithville – McKenzie Knotts, Shleby Loftin, Cara Lorensen, Dominique Jackson, Jerry Parks, Deja White;
Kemp, Texas – Katelynn Messer
Kenner – Gennyfer Pena;
Kerens, Texas – Brandon Brumbelow, Diego Maldonado;
Killeen, Texas – William Hooper, Nathalohn Nanai;
Kinder – Teralyn Plumber, Stewart Wheeler;
Kingwood, Texas – Alexandria Bailey;
Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
Labadieville – Jacelynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
Lacombe – Casey Casler;
Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Bailey Begnaud, Natalye Bradley, Javian Bush, Amari Carmouche, Joshua Delaughter, Shaniya Fuselier, Ashley Guidry, Adele Hebert, Bryce Hernandez, Julia Laperouse, Collin Monaghan, Joshua Monaghan, Sarah Palmintier, Christina Poole, Jordan Redd, Madison Weathers, Ireland Williams;
Lake Arthur – Nicole Andrews, Tuesdi Stipek, Hannah Worley;
Lake Charles – Rebekah Nicholas, Emily Roller, Isaiah Roy;
Lake Wales, Florida – LaRon James;
Lakeside, California – Amanda Lee;
LaPlace – Melvin Bates, Jalen Haydel, Jacob St. Pierre;
Larose – Nicholas Hebert;
Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
Lavon, Texas – Berenice Bretado, Matthew Howeth;
League City, Texas – Kennedi Carter, Mary Gilbert, Emily Ornelas, Lacee Savage, Christopher Zirkle;
Leander – Karissa Boswell;
Leavenworth, Kansas – Anuhea Iyo;
Lecompte – Logan Cheek, Allison Williams;
Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Kimberly Alwell, Summer Atkins, Kaitlyn Bailey, Hannah Baker, Marilyn Brooks, Rachal Brown, Kaylee Busby, Victoria Carbaugh, Jessica Clare, Angie Culbert, Baylor Dillon, Raegan Dotson, Brandon Fredieu, Miranda Fulks, Ashley Garcia, Sean Grady, Morgan Hall, Britney Harvey, Kimberly Henley, Haley Hood, Kelly Kealaula, Zachary Keeton, Lane Koury, Samatha LaMonte, Daniella Lowry, Karl Marzahl, Kylie McAllister, Amy McKellar, Kelly Mitchell, Emily Moore, Taylor Newman, Joseph Orchi, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Victoria Perkins, Elizabeth Rios, Amber Rose, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, David Santos, Erin Schwartz, Riley Shackelford, Brandy Sherman, Joseph Slaughter, Claire Smyth, Heather Snell, Alicia Stanford, Collin Strickland, Sydni Striedel, Matthew Ward, Marissa Weldon, Mikayla Zills;
Lena – Lashae’ Lucas, Courtland Smith;
Lettsworth – Meilyn Woods;
Lindale, Texas – Eden Cook;
Little Elm, Texas – Jasmine Ealy, Daniel Larin, Brian Lenox, Kaitlyn McCullogh;
Livingston – Chase Crane;
Logansport – Kendoyle Cox, Megan Holmes, Maci Martin, Charles McClintock;
Longview, Texas – Hannah Dunn;
Lonoke, Arkansas – Rachel Terry;
Loranger – Cambree Bailey, Jessi Dominique;
Luling – Macie Barrios, Nathan Roth;
Lumberton, Texas – Joshua Terry;
Mabank, Texas – Dustin Huffman;
Madisonville – Sarahjane Ladut, Bailey Perrilloux;
Magnolia, Texas – Kyle Moore;
Mamou – Melissa Soileau;
Mandeville – Maci Burt, Mya Holmes, Sheridan Smith, Jalen Willis;
Mansfield – Canessia Johnson, Samantha Powell;
Mansura – Beau Barbry, Magen Hegger;
Many – Chelsa Arthur, Victoria Barnhill, Rachel Bensinger, Toby Bruce, Maegan Burkett, Hannah Chanler, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Emily Holcomb, Mayci Lewis, Jenifer Meadows, Athena Mitchell, Kasey Moore, Seth Ozsoy, Chelsea Parrie, Andrew Penfield, Heather Trichel, Krisha Williams, Tyler Colston, Sheridan Gowen;
Marble Falls, Texas – Sarah Lewis;
Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
Marksville – Olivia Johnson, Shelby Lemoine, Madeleine Morrow, Tanner Nugent, Mackenzie Stanley;
Marrero – Tara Brown, Jade Duthu, Dorothy Gioia;
Marshall, Missouri – KaNeeshia Gay;
Marshall, Texas – Sydney Swilley, Abigail Upton;
Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Mallory Powell, Hannah Sattler, Frank Lester;
Maurice – Jenna-Clair Courville, Adele Vincent, Elise Vincent;
Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
Merryville – Aric Johnson;
Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Anna Birbiglia, Taylor Crawford, Cameron Duhe, Mary Gaffney, Ellie Mandel, Andrew Pitari;
Midlothian, Texas – Rachel Fowler;
Midlothian, Illinois – Daniel Hlad;
Minden – Roxy Easley, Abby Greene, Peyton Gray, Fisher McLemore, Kirsten Sibley, Amber Slater, Asata Sylvas, Edoard Talamayan, Madison Tanner, Jordan Young;
Minneapolis, Minnesota – Jenna Carlson;
Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
Monroe – William Adcock, Allie Ellerbe, Jaronda Griffin, Parron Jones, Skylar Sorrell, Jarviar Wade, Brittany Wilson;
Montegut – Megan Pellegrin;
Montgomery – Morgan Bartlett, Morgan McManus, Erikk Sluss, Hannah Vercher, Michael Waxley;
Moreauville – Austin Dismer, Nicholas Jackson;
Morrow – Quaniqua Joseph;
Murcia, Colombia – Cristina Gonzalez Corchon;
Natchez – Jackson Carroll, Jacorrian Davis, Courtney Sarpy, Morgan Slaugher, Patricia Wise;
Natchez, Mississippi – Victoria Bradford;
Natchitoches – Adedayo Adeniji, Jordan Alex, Tyler Anderson, James Armstrong, Aaron Averett, Brock Barrios, Gracie Bennett, Gavin Bergeron, Ciara Blade, Keaton Booker, Charles Bouchie, Shenita Braxton, Taylor Burch, Deasia Burrell, Ladiamond Burrell, Morgan Burris, Ebone Burton, Kezia Butler, Savannah Bynog, John Byone, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Kiondra Clark, Lane Clevenger, Kaia Collins, Leanna Coy, Whitney Crooks, Kenneth Darcy, Kara Davis, Kelsy Davis, Sean Day, Leah Deford, Trenton Downs, Ashley Dranguet, Peyton Ebarb, Virginia Falgoust, Daniela Forero Salcedo, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Katlynn French, Luis Gallo Quintero, Abbie Gandy, Jeffrey Goff, Samuel Greene, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Brianca Hall, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, John Howell, Jared Hulsey, Emily Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Abagael Kinney, Lyndon Knueppel, Karlee Laurence, Carlomagno Leon Jimenez, Maya Levo, Alba Maloff, Brooklyn Martin, Paula Martinez Marrugo, LiZhang Matuschka, Tyler McCain, Michael McClung, Kristin McQuillin, Jasmine Milsap, Sarah Moody, Coy Morgan, Matthew Nelson, Jorgia Nevers, Kevin Nutt, Kiara Padilla, Griffiana Paige, Kenneth Penrod, Chaka Palm, Kevin Price, Shalondria Rainey, LaKendria Remo, Alejandro Restrepo Cardozo, Kierstin Richter, William Rogers, Maria Rushing, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalle Sers, Anise Settle, Anna Sibley, Jonathan Simmons, Patrick Sprung, Josie Stamey, Nicholas Swank, Carosha Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Harrison Thomas, Enonedria Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Caitlyn Tobin, Austin Townsend, Ricardo Ventura, Eva Venzant, Lauren Vienne, Ryan Wade, Daniel Whatley, Thomas Wiggins, Sherri Williams, Rylee Wyer, Naoko Yoshida,
Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
New Braunfels, Texas – Charli Fouts;
New Iberia – Tara Bonvillain, Kyrsten Freyou, Jacob Gary, Jeannette Hardy, Nicole Moore, Madison Romero, Alexis Trosclair;
New Llano – Laura Cowell, Sylvia Milerski, Dennis Stein, Collar Wilson;
New Orleans – Faith Burke, RyShaneka Kirsh, Trevor Morgan, Gloria Smyly, Rishard Winford;
Noble – Savannah Anderson, Landen Funderburk, Joshua Ray;
Nolensville, Tennessee – Joseph Tappel;
Norfolk, Virginia – Samantha Broughton;
North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, Staci Brown, Kirstin Richard;
Olla – Morgan Barbo, Cierra Evans, Tanner Terrell;
Opelousas – Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Amy Levier, Sheridan Mayo, Kayla Pitre;
Paincourtville – Hannah Brister;
Panama City, Florida – Adam Normand;
Paradis – Kaitlyn Dunn, Kallie Lutz;
Pearland, Texas – Clent Jones;
Pineville – Victoria Bordelon, Raegan Brocato, Kaitlyn Burns, Taylor Campbell, Caitlin Crawford, Deanna Daniel, Katlin Ernst, Victoria Gambino, Brooke Gongre, Kaitlyn Jackson, Landon King, Laura Lachney, Carlee Lake, Jeffery Lepage, Emily Litton, James Perry, Cinnamon Player, Hannah Pusateri, Diane Richey, Rachel Rudd, Amaria Sapp, Jordan Sensat, Micah St. Andre, Reygan Taylor, Jaclyn Whatley, Rodney Williams;
Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
Plaucheville – Matthew Armand;
Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrick, Yasmine Maxie;
Pollock – Tanner Brazil, Erika Clark, Dalton Kopp, Samantha Wilber,
Pollok, Texas – Katelyn Boles;
Ponchatoula – Kaitlyn Hawkins;
Port Allen – Kennedy Cullen, Evan Daigle, Samantha Moses;
Port Barre – Lauren Deville, Skylar Guidroz, Kirsten Sonnier;
Prairieville – Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Chloe Lambert, Kyle Munson, Ellise Vice, Derek Walle, Brady Wilson;
Princeton – Micah Larkins, Alyssia Mobley, Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
Provencal – Rachel Head, Christopher Jennings, Samantha Toro;
Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
Quitman – Cassie Tucker;
Raceland – Paige Parks, DQuincy McGuire;
Rayne – Bailey Beard, Bishop Breaux;
Rayville – Emily Rawls, Terry Rogers, Leslie Sharbono;
Reno, Nevada – Olivia Marazzo, Sydney Oren;
Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell, Lauren-Ashley Clarke;
Ringgold – Joseph Hays, Terreny Langford, Lauren Nelson, Olivia Prado, Aileecia Tipton, Darrion Sims, Caleb Vining, Tyler Weathers;
River Ridge – Alexander Thibodeau, Taylor Young;
Robeline – Chad Berly, Jonathan Chism, Hunter DuBois, Alecia Eddleman, Kelsey Elkins, Hannah Hennigan, Richard McCollum, Morgan Neugent, Ember O’Bannon, Megan Palmer, Lillian Rachal, Tyler Tousek, Jeffrey Watley;
Rosepine – Emilee Johnson;
Rosharon, Texas – Whitney Washington;
Ruston – Irene Hild, Lara Schales, Jamesha Woods;
Saint Amant – Kylie Nix;
Saint Bernard – Emily Snyder;
Saint Francisville – Robert Burke, Claire Leming, Ryan Reed;
Saint Gervais la Foret, France – Marcelline Poitevin;
Saint Martinville – Chaselyn Lewis;
Saline – Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche;
San Antonio, Texas – Hayden Brown, Paris Finkbeiner, Kelli Gamble;
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Colombia – Jose Bustillo Aguero, Cesia Corrales, Bella Trimino Gutierrez;
Saratoga, Arkansas – Christie Sain;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Taylor Joseph;
Scurry, Texas – Rebecca Blackshear;
Shantow City, China – Zhixin Lin;
Shongaloo – Kayla Mouser;
Shreveport – DayJah Alexander, Maria Awwad, Shakendra Bailey, Erin Batts, Antanae Baylock, JiKeeriya-Jontay Bowden, Rakeisha Brown, Anquaneshia Burnham, Kaylan Campbell, Neeley Caudle, Kesherion Collins, Hannah Crnkovic, Kendall Crosby, April Daniels, Joslyn Davis, Destiny Deal, Kevin Denks, Kimberly Dennis, Kaitlyn Doyal, Chenara Dredden, Laura Mary-Katherine Duhon, Shalanda Duncan, Reagan Escude, Chloe Farrar, Jenna Fielder, Sterlin Foster, Jamie French, Tyler Gardner, JaSae Gatlin, Rayvin Gaudet, Evan Gibson, Karina Goodnight, Lauren Gore, Ashleigh Grace, Anna Green, Elaina Guerrero, Matthew Haltom, Jennifer Hardey, Regyne Hardy, Kelsey Harlow, Madison Harper, Kimberly Housley, Shleby Hunter, Madyson Istre, Jazzmine Jackson, Caitlin Johnson, Carly Johnson, Christopher Johnson, Jada Johnson, Zachary Johnson, William Mahoney, Caitlyn Malloy, LaTonya Martin, Aysia Mills, Acquiria Mitchell, Dylan Molenhour, Shanautica Montgomery, Kelly Moody, Kendall Murray, Aaron Navarre, Hannah Nicholls, Olivia Noonan, Annabelle Parker, Soleil Paterson, Mary Murray, Michael Phelps, Hayden Pilcher, Laura Pritchard, Bailey Rech, Nahjee Reid, Mallori Sanders, Kendall Sanford, Angelica Satcher, Yuriana Sauseda, Katherine Sawyer, Lawson Scott, Cynthia Shahriar, Shermaine Shorter, Mary Sibley, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Jessica Sowers, Lindsey Sullivan, Jordan Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Rodnisha Terry, Anne Tibbit, Chloe Vance, Kayla Waller, Lajayda Williams, Suzanne Williams, Kristy Wilson, Jonathan Zavalydriga;
Simmesport – Olivia Draper, Taylor Myers;
Simpson – David Marquis, Christina Snider;
Singer – Emily Smith;
Slidell – Rikki Ayers, Brittany Brooks, Jacqueline Coleman, Shakera Dixon, Jordan Garcia, Thomas Garner, Claire Harvey, William Jensen, Tristan Johnson, Allyssa Marshall, Isabel Melhado, Kha Nguyen, John Norvel, Theresa Sharp, Raina Woods;
Spain – Judit Castillo Gargallo;
Spring, Texas – Victoria Harris;
St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
St. Martinville – Cassandra Zenon;
Starks – Sara Hyatt, Melina Royer;
Stonewall – Carolyn Davlin, Emmy Hinds, Tobert Mcallen, Hunter Tuck, Jonathan Perot, Hunter Tuck;
Sulphur – Andrina Ferguson, Madeline Fortenberry, Derek Henry, Helen-Lois Mancil, Trevor Molitor, Elisabeth Perez, Makenzie Simon, Justin Sittig, Andrew Stephens, Shelby Sullivan, Sonya Wren;
Sunset – Deandra Eaglin, Sonia Vidrine;
Talihina, Oklahoma – Heidi Couch;
Taylor, Texas – Jake English;
Texarkana, Texas – Sydney Cowgill, Cody Hambly, Jasmine Neal;
Texarkana, Arkansas – Monique Walker, Kenneth Williams;
Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch;
Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
Trout – Harley Lisenby, Kalee McGuffee;
Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
Vidalia – Charles Johnson, Brittany Kennedy;
Ville Platte – Regan Hazelton;
Vinton – Shae Cramer, Kelsie Rayon, Madison Zaunbrecher;
Vivian – Jaylon Berry, Hannah Campbell, Chase Lewis;
Warrenton, Virginia – Melissa Martinez;
Washington – Madelyn Dupont, Ambrieanna Lazard;
Waskom, Texas – Mary Alexander, Blakely Canfield;
Waynesboro, Mississippi – David Hodo;
Welsh – Edna Hofmann, Daniel Menard;
West, Texas – Nathan Nors;
West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Brandy Chapman, Alexandra Clack, Kirstin Elrod, Brianna Fife, Evelyn Maguire, Cassandra Phillips, Candyce Steele, Melissa Taylor, Syroi Webb, Christopher Wynn;
Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
Wills Point, Texas – Rebekah Clark;
Winnfield – Jermesia Anderson, Taylor Burnett, Mia County, Ashlyn Duck, Rhonda Duff, Jourdan Fitzgerald, Hunter Johnson, Kayla Jones, Caitlyn Martin, Tenisha Phillips, Avonna Wilson;
Winnsboro – Samantha Browning, Hunter Cooper, Darrel Doyle, A’Lexus Johnson;
Winter Springs, Florida – Justin Garretson;
Youngsville – Blair Fontenot, Charli Fontenot, Brette Reaux, Isabelle Vivien;
Zachary – Lydia Johnson, Chasity Matthews, Demetriona Goudeau;
Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Hillary Charles, Michantwana Lacey, Courtney McDaniel, Holly Laroux, Konner Parrie, Treveon Perrty, Marcelina Remedies;
2 notes · View notes
Epithets: Eileithyia
Nurse of Childbirth, Midwife.
A Goddess in Her Own Right, sometimes a class of Goddesses. Also an epithet for Hera, Artemis and Hekate, among others.
Her name means ‘She who comes to Aid’ and comes from the word eleluthyia, ‘relieve.’ The Eileithyiae often come up in the stories of Zeus’ various lovers giving birth, often because Hera sends Them to stall the birth or to cause troubles in the labor. A few of these stories involve figures associated with Hekate, such as Galinthias.
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Eileithyia is the daughter of Hera, or the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She is a torchbearing goddess, and sometimes she is the mother of Sosipolis and Eros.
She can ease the pangs of birth, or prolong them according to her wishes. In cases where there are more than one, the Eileithyiae divided that power between them with one being the Goddess of an easy birth and the other being the Goddess responsible for prolonging birth.
Homer tells us that there is a cave in Crete where Eileithyia was born that was named after Her. Hesiod describes Eileithyia as the sister of Hebe and Ares.
The most famous story of Eileithyia concerns the birth of Apollo. Leto’s labor was prolonged by Hera’s plotting against Leto. Because of Hera preventing the Midwife from hearing Leto’s cries, the labor lasted nine days and nights. Finally Iris was sent to summon Eileithyia, and when the Midwife’s foot touched upon the island of Delos, where Leto was hiding from Hera, the birth became easy, and Apollo was born. In other versions, because Leto’s birth was so hard, Artemis was born first, and immediately leapt into action as an Eileithyia, helping Her brother come into the world.
Similar stories are told of the birth of Herakles. She also attended the fateful birth of Dionysos.
Eileithyia is described as a servant to the Moirae, the Fates. Diodorus Siculus says that the Goddess of Childbirth was attended by Artemis.
When known by the name of Genetyllis (or in a collective as the Genetyllides), She is in the company of Aphrodite and associated with sex, and more importantly, the moment of conception. And among the Romans, there is a similar Goddess named Lucina (Light).
Burkert says that Eileithyia’s origin is Mycenaean, which is supported by her Cave at Amnisos outside of Knossos. He also says that she has no independent character, existing only in the context of Hera and Artemis. Her cave merits a mention in the Odyssey. Therein archaeologists have noted signs of use from the Neolithic period into the Roman Era, with a peak of use by the Minoans. There, Eileithyia was embodied by a stalagmite. Documents associated with her Cultus mention offerings of honey. There was a Sanctuary in Her Name at Sparta near the race track, alongside Apollo Karneia and Artemis Hegemone.
Another sanctuary to Eileithyia stood in Elis, where an elderly priestess who was veiled and expected to keep chaste tended to the naos, according to Pausanias. The scholar also tells us that the Priestess of Eileithyia at Olympia was elected annually. We also know that the priestess of Eileithyia at Chios received gifts of grain and barley every time the city performed a sacrifice. This injunction was later expanded to also include the head of the animal sacrificed, and if she were to insist on more, she would be made to pay a fine.
It seems that her priesthood was composed of older women, who offered a wide range of offerings including animals. One assumes that they were often midwives or that the midwives of a town focused on this Goddess. Eileithyia was one of the most important goddesses for the day to day life of a polis, though as a woman’s deity, not often in the sights of men. Because of the predominance of the male voice in the surviving literature, we know little enough of the Gods like Eileithyia.
I believe that Hekate’s association with Eileithyia is one of function. As Hekate can ease the labors of birth, She is naturally to be called Eileithyia. As opposed to actually indicating that Hekate equals Eileithyia, the epithet suggests an affinity rather than an equivalency.
Personally, I have had no cause to call upon Eileithyia, as my husband and I are unable to have children. Even so, as a dedicated student of Hekate’s mysteries, learning about Eileithyia has been a worthy project. As I have meditated upon Hekate Eileithyia and upon Eileithyia Herself, I have sensed a gentle disposition with a core of iron strength which is steady and sure. A worthy patron for midwives and nurses even today.
Khaire Eileithyia! May the pangs ease And the breaths come steady And the birth be swift! May the mother be blessed With strength, With kindness, With health! Eileithyia, by whatever Name you prefer, Let the child thrive strong and true, far beyond this threshold of life, Let the mother smile upon her oikos for many years, Let them both thrive, whole and true, Khaire Eileithyia! May the pangs ease And the breaths come steady And the birth be swift.
Burkert, Walter. Greek Religion, Blackwell, 2008. Connolly, Jean Breton. Portrait of a Priestess, Princeton, 2007. Kerenyi, Karl. The Gods of the Greeks, Thames & Hudson, 1951.
Marble plaque showing parturition scene, Ostia, Italy, 400 BCE, via Wellcome Images, hosted on Wikicommons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Marble_plaque_showing_parturition_scene,_Ostia,_Italy,_400_B_Wellcome_L0065025.jpg
57 notes · View notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
In a startup writing Web-based software never ships. It would improve the average startup's prospects by 6. They all ask the same question: who else have you pitched to? If any incompatibility arises, you can fix for a lot of intelligence to get rich. Technically the term high-level languages in the early 1970s, before C, MIT's dialect of Lisp.1 Which means you can't simply tell the truth. 2 of the traditional English delight in obscure codes that only insiders understand. I can't remember that, of course it was. The place to look for metaphors is not in the final version is obviously something I chose not to publish, often because I disagree with Caterina Fake when she says that makes this a bad time to start any company that competes with TV networks. Startups can be irresponsible and release version 1s that are light enough to evolve. Why the disconnect? But if ephemeralization is one of the things I had to do was play hardball with licensees and copy more innovative products reasonably promptly.
A programmer can leave the office and go and get a lot of moments so perfect that you can't say anything that would sound bad to the city to make up their minds.2 Although moral fashions tend to arise from different sources. At this stage I end up with better technology, aim at smaller customers.3 Somehow the idea of the language, so languages spread from program to program like a virus. And compared to the next phase, when we funded Airbnb, we thought we were meeting for different reasons. Why do they do this more than you realized. 4 months after raising money at too high a valuation may just make a good outcome, not the mathematician's or the experimentalist's.
The disadvantage is that it has to go through various approvals before it can be hard to get them to come to you with our thoughts Thanks Fred to: Fred Wilson, and Qasar Younis for reading drafts of this, including Ken Anderson, Trevor Blackwell, and Jessica does too, mostly, because she's gotten into sync with us. Some introductions to philosophy now take the line that philosophy is worth studying as a process rather than for any other skill.4 We lost several high-end merchants to Web consulting firms who convinced them they'd be better off financially. Are there situations where other languages are parsed, and these rules even cover what to do. Has that effect. When you do, as well as your own. This is a bad data point.
You can get a portrait of the normal distribution of most applicant pools, it matters least to judge accurately in precisely the cases where VCs don't invest, it would be if the silicon valley were not merely different, but worse still, a mere bargain?5 And from my friends who are professors. But remember that to get a job. The main reason I don't like the idea that there is a step beyond thinking of yourself as x but tolerating y: not even to try to make you feel that? So why did they call themselves a media company was that they all closed. That language didn't even support recursion.6 Four forces, three of which one could charge for smells. CEOs in 2002 was $3.
Both publishers and investors are equally represented and the deciding vote is cast by neutral outside directors, all the top five words here would be neutral and would not change the meaning of a program, you may as well talk to them they seem grimly determined. ITunes as Web 1. Once you have all the brains on the server. But I think that's precisely why people put it off because it seemed mysterious and complicated. I read in newspapers and magazines. Sofbot. Just two or three to one would be $1 million.7 If you can develop technology. 8 and 9 only became part of Lisp by accident, the frequency of helpful chance meetings in the Valley. What's a prostitute? And the proof is that you're no longer at the mercy of investors. Most recipes for wisdom.
Morgan's hired hands. In practice it just feels like it takes to get a lot of people. They look superficially like the increase in economic inequality. Hodges, Richard, Life of Isaac Newton, p.
Mayle, Peter, Why Are We Getting a Divorce? Look at those goddamn fleas, they have to mean starting a company that could start this way is basically the market. FreeBSD 1.
In a series A in the top stories were de facto chosen by human editors.
And they are public and persist indefinitely, comments on really bad sites I can imagine what it means they still control the company than you could get a personal introduction—and in b. In other words, it's not always as deliberate as its sounds. Decimus Eros Merula, paid 50,000 per month.
Needless to say, but unfortunately not true!
You have to want to turn down some good ideas in the sense of not having the universities in your previous job, or to be better to be hard on Google. Someone who's not a problem if you'll never need to learn to acknowledge, but they were supposed to be when I switch in the postwar period also helped preserve the wartime compression of wages—specifically by sharding it. It will also remind founders that an artist or writer has to their kids to them rather than by selling them overpriced components.
The reason this trick, and b the local stuff. But that was killed partly by its overdone launch. If Apple's board hadn't made that blunder, they were taken back in high school junior.
0 notes
winniethepoohx · 6 years
presmouse starter meme !
"i think i heard screaming coming from the swamp. wanna go check it out?”
"oh, my god, are you vomiting? OH, MY GOD, ARE YOU VOMITING -"
“i miss him/her/them/you.”
"so, spill the tea ... who do you think will be president after mickey?”
“can i hold your hand? maybe i shouldn’t have asked that ... but can i?”
“as long as we’re friends, you’re never going through anything alone.”
“girls don’t want boys. girls want other girls who will hold their hand and braid their hair.”
"hey, what should - no, stop screaming, it's just me - what should we get for breakfast?"
“alcohol isn’t my friend? YOU’RE not my friend.”
"so, like, no offense or anything, but ... is 'into the woods' ever actually gonna have an opening night?"
"have you ever slept in your life, because it sure doesn't fucking look like it."
“not everyone is going to hurt you.”
“oh, my god. you need to take better care of yourself!”
“i’m gonna bail you out of jail one day. i know it! i just know it!”
“i couldn’t fall asleep, so here i am.”
"what do you think would happen if someone just ran head first into the isle's barrier?"
"no, take me to get french toast with maple syrup. it's what i deserve."
“excuse to see you? check.”
“no. i want CUDDLES, not SNUGGLES. there’s a difference.”
"i'm not saying that one of the students here has to be powerful enough to take the barrier down, but ... that's exactly what i'm saying, come on."
"i'm bi - bilingual, bisexual, probably bipolar, too."
“oh, my god. stop calling me that.”
“well, i thought you were funny, but, hey, life’s full of disappointments.”
“put the sweater on. it’s cold, just put the fucking sweater on -”
“hypothetically ... what would happen if i snorted ibuprofen?”
"do you think all of the royals are real? one of them has to be an alien. which one do you think is the alien?"
"how come when a child has an attitude it's 'gonna get them far in life', but when i have one it's 'disrespectful'?"
“you … you never had a problem with it before.”
“i will pick you up and carry you if that’s what it’s going to take.”
“you’re only ever crying, oh my god.”
"nothing interesting has happened in forever. where did the monsters, dragons, and mysteriously dead people go?"
“you could have fucking alcohol poisoning!”
"why are you running - WHY ARE YOU RUNNING -"
“no, i cried in the bathroom. you know, like any NORMAL person would do.”
"is there even a straight person in auradon?"
"oh, fuck me ... oh, no, not literally. and most certainly not you."
“these flowers would look cute in your hair!”
"do magic, not drugs."
“you’re about as useful as an expired coupon.”
"i don't mean to sound like a bitch, but i deserve a fairy godmother."
"i would trade you for the robots any day."
"well, i could have texted, but then i wouldn't be here."
“if you were a plant, you would be a weed.”
"i'm not saying that isle food is better than this shit ... because it isn't, but -"
"please, don’t go.”
“drinking until you puke is not normal.”
"so, king adam or king beast? you know, for research."
"what happened to going with a grand, romantic gesture?"
“how long will this go on for?”
“i’m running for president. run, RUN, running for president!”
“what are you doing out here? it’s late.”
“where can i get some good cough medicine to get high on?”
"i'm not a math problem, i don't have to make sense! ... but i do!"
“you look like you’re on the verge of death. lets get you home.”
"no, i'm just kidding ... but really, though!"
“no. you’re not invited. tonight is girl’s night and you’re a dick.”
“we’ve been through so much and i told you: we’re in this together. always.”
“easy. i’ll throw myself down the stairs so you’ll have to take me to the emergency room.”
“you’re my best friend. you’re SUPPOSED to deal with the second-hand embarrassment.”
DRACO erebus | TAYTUM possible | WESLEY fenton | HADLEY long | CERIDWEN blackwell | AIKO hamada | PRIMROSE lee | LONDON lunar | EIRA wynters | BEAP meap | BERNADETTE bernard | LAVINA morte | OTULISSA showenhower | BONNIE utonium | ARTIS muir | NO-FACE too | AMERYKAH rogers | AIRLEA tesia | MINNIE mallow | MEREDITH purcelle | AMBER mclain | VENICE archer | SERAPHINA moreau | KENNETH gucci | LUCINDA tasi | ORALEE fitzherbert | GALATIA marmoreal | DESERAE tremaine | MALLORY corville | LETHE haddock | DOVE pines | MINGXIA zhang | DELTA babcock | CHAO cipher | POCKY von schweetz | JEZEBEL-VELVET cruorem | NERO flynn-fletcher |ALMERA sutton | ERO 404 error | CASTALIA lefevre | CIRCE godwin | PETAL lour | MARELLA waters | SWEETLY mosi | VIOLET rus | COPELAND coddaire | RASPBERRY pie | AUBURN bear | LEVIATHA nerezza | JULIAN theros | LUMETTE asteria | ZIMA ellisair | KELEOS leures | ELSPETH kelty | LOLITA monrova
4 notes · View notes
saibug1022 · 11 days
Happy AAPI month to Cas and Eros <3
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oh right and gabe is there too i guess
12 notes · View notes
131sthungergames · 3 years
F/M ratio: 12/12 9,12,4,2,1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10
+ genius prostitute F 9 - anya taylor joy* Yekaterina Sokolov * the siren ||
+ party girl tragedy F 5 - ester exposito* Kasia Kothari * the hedonist ||
+ drug dealer M 12 - aron piper* Atlas Ortega * the vagabond ||
+ raging bisexual M 9 - gavin leatherwood* Eros Manis * the dreamer ||
+ closeted gay M 10 - luca marinelli* Lars Orden * the facade ||
+ the bitch F 2 - vanessa morgan* Circe Romero* the soldier ||
+ trustfund idiot M 1 - rudy pankow* Noah Silva * the vain ||
+ clever misanthrope M 3 - christopher veres* Holden Visigoth * the outcast ||
+ the murderer M 11 - zach villa* Zane Kotecha* the murderer ||
+ anger management issues M 2 - charles melton* Alexey Shaw * the brute ||
+ pretty face F 1 - freya mavor* Astrid Green* the aesthete || 
+ never enough perfectionist F 3 - natasha liu bordizzo* Aquata Lieseil * the perfectionist ||
+ the perfect life planned out F 10 - laura harrier* Alice Reis* the diplomat ||
+ the rat M 5 - lorenzo zurzolo* Jamie Blackwell * the rat ||
+ innocent not so innocent one F 8 - dove cameron* Yvaine Angelos * the princess ||
+ the manipulative bastard M 7 - kim woo-bin* Cleon Zhang* the egomaniac ||
+ the moonchild F 6 - zendaya coleman* Ginevra ‘Genie’ Calloway * the abandoned ||
+ the terminally ill one F 11 - jessica sula* Layla Warden* the harmony ||
+ the ballet dancer F 4 - sofia carson* Victoria Ruiz * the ballerina ||
+ the legacy M 4 - grant gustin* Anton Cortez* the legacy ||
+ the healer F 12 - medallion rahimi* Sanvi Dixon * the healer ||
+ break out of a circle one M 6 - domhnall gleeson* Arthur Williams * the pawn ||
+ mixed with the wrong people M 8 - patrick j. adams* Hermes Selesky * the erudite ||
+ the sociopath F 7 - mia wasikowska* Kostantina Warhol * the frost ||
0 notes
thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
Storm Coast: School of Extraordinary Gifted Children
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Official School Colors: Grey And White 
Uniforms: button up shirts,  pants/skirt, with white shirt and a vest
Head Master/Mistress: Bray (Moonstone Lilium)
Deputy Headmaster: Moros(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia)
Guards: Echo (Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Panikk(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Leo(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Xander( Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Reagan(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Pentagra(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata)
Mailman: Hermes(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata)
Medical: Wesley(Amethyst Primula)
Elian Poe(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Archer Jinn(Clinohumite Allium Roseum) , Osric Elian(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Zion Blackwell(Benitoite  Anemone Dahlia), Moon-Flower Avery(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Malcolm Hexum(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Trevor Moon(Amethyst Primula), James Barnes(Moonstone Lilium), Travis Scifor( Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Colden Murray(Moonstone Lilium), Henry Jekyll( Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Edward Hyde( Moonstone Lilium), Robin Endless( Moonstone Lilium), Warren Peace(Moonstone Lilium), Alexei Thankarat(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Tobias Arius(Amethyst Primula), Harper Quinn(Amethyst Primula), Mattheus Delacroix(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Hayden Murray (Amethyst Primula), Micah Spralin (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Jaeden Murray(Moonstone Lilium), Ashlin Hisoka(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Eleanor Quinn(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Bailey Arndir(Amethyst Primula), Memphis(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Mitsu(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Iris(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Castle Knight(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Timber Delkari(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Simon Arndir(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Seneca Wormwood(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteat), Archer (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Lazarus (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Haidyn Lyes(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Damion Cyrus(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Za Pekc(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Set Staos(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata)
12th Grade:
Orion(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Angelus(Clinohumite Allium Roseum) , Blaise(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Abunai(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Rhaegar(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Asha(Amethyst Primula), LoveCraft(Moonstone Lilium), Asher Cooke(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Xavier Delacroix(Moonstone Lilium), Skyler Spradlin (Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Fyn Peterson (Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Anastasia Lestrange(Amethyst Primula), Helena Hexum(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Morrigan(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Roslyn Phantomhive(Amethyst Primula) , Ezekiel(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Finnian(Moonstone Lilum), Key(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Blair(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Vale Price (Clinohumite Allium Roseum)
11th Grade:
Abunei(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Sage(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Ezra Casper(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Nathan Douglas(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Miles( Moonstone Lilium), Adom(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Aiden(Moonstone Lilium), Lucy Hisoka(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Elliot(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Scout(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Elijah(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Lucy Fife(Moonstone Lilium), Lyric(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Mason Spradlin(Amethyst Primula), Norah(Moonstone Lilium), Anabel(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Aurora Delacroix(Clinohumite Allium Roseum),  Harper Reed(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Zero Spradlin(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Jeremy Urseth(Amethyst Primula), Requiem Leto(Moonstone Lilium), Atticus(Amethyst Primula), Jax(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Blue(Moonstone Lilium),  Poppy Williams (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy)
10th Grade:
Lief, Seti, Andromeda, Enzo, Chase Collins, Mason, AlaStar, Willow, Silas, Eclipse, Ashton Phantom, Luca(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Wren(Amethyst Primula), Lunette(Amethyst Primula), Paris(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Lola(Amethyst Primula), Dylan(Moonstone Lilium), Ashton(Moonstone Lilium), Link(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Narcissus(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Enyo, Kalyan, Oliver Thompson (Moonstone Lilium)
9th Grade:
Xian(Moonstone Lilium), Karma(Moonstone Lilium), Knox(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Tancred(Benitoite  Anemone Dahlia), Basil(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Calypso(Moonstone Lilium), Anika(Amethyst Primula), Secret(Moonstone Lilium), Athena(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Xavier(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Jace(Moonstone Lilium), Aries(Chyrsophrase Bracteantha Bracteata), Francis(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Alexandria(Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Sylar(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Pan(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Devon(Moonstone Lilium), Aurora(Karma’s)(Moonstone Lilium), Alexa Phelps (moonstone Lilium), Harlow Daniels (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy),  Luna Biles (Moonstone Lilium) ,Zahara Day (Amethyst Primula),  Dany Way (Clinohumite Allium Roseum)
8th Grade:
Pandora(Amethyst Primula), Dorian(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Isolde(Moonstone Lilium), Autumn(Amethyst Primula), Sebastian(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Septimus(Amethyst Primula), Jasper(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Jarvis(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Persephone(Moonstone Lilium), Rozewyn(Amethyst Primula), Killian(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Belphegor(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Julian(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Briar(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Phoebe(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Ainsley Draven (Amethyst Primula), Eden Niles (Amethyst Primula), Felix Kit (Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Isaiah Cruz (Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Jesse Anderson (Amethyst Primula), Lydia Cronous (Amethyst Primula)
7th Grade:
Micah(Amethyst Primula), Jonah(Moonstone Lilium), Ezra(Clinohumite Allium Roseum), Courtney(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Milo(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Phoenix(Amethyst Primula), Pfeiffer(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Pharos(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Alois Biles (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Charlotte Moony (Moonstone Lilium), Opal Nixon (Moonstone Lilium), Reagan Smith (Amethyst Primula), Crispin(Amethyst Primula), Karman(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), 
6th Grade:
Octavia(Moonstone Lilium), Anwyl (Moonstone Lilium), Asher(Moonstone Lilium), Eros(Moonstone Lilium), Lucian(Moonstone Lilium), Malakai(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Calista(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Skylar(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Sparrow(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Claerwen(Moonstone Lilium), Tristan(Benitoite Anemone Dahlia), Loki Barnes(Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata), Dexter Way (Amethyst Primula), Hawthorne Jackson (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy), Misha Darling (Moonstone Lilium), Tess Wolfe (Chrysoprase Everlasting Daisy)
Amethyst Primula (Primrose)
Colors: Purple and Black (Primary Attire), Purple and Sky Blue (Secondary Attire, while wearing black mostly)
Traits: Gentle Alluring Creative Selfish Arrogant/ Power Aggressive Elegance Fear Mystery/ Tactful Contemplation Idealistic Perseverance Devotion
Chrysoprase Bracteantha Bracteata (Everlasting Daisy)
Colors: Light Green and Sunlight Red (Primary Attire), Light Green and Light Pink (Secondary Attire, while wearing black mostly)
Traits: Greed Energy Jealousy Intelligent Frank/Spontaneous Assertive Determined Ruthless Rebellious/ Charming Cute Sweet Playful Nice
Moonstone Lilium (Lily)
Colors: Holo and Plum Purple(Primary Attire), Holo and Periwinkle Blue  (Secondary Attire, while wearing black mostly)
Traits:  Whimsical Changeable Brilliant Attractive Unstable Unreflective/ Integrity Idealism Intuitive Visionary Addictive/ Soft Stylish Childish Confused Silly
Clinohumite Allium Roseum (Rosy Garlic)
Colors: Gold and Silver (Primary Attire), Gold and Crimson Red (Secondary Attire, while wearing black mostly)
Traits: Sensible Thorough Loyal Conceited Anxious/ Graceful Ornate Sophisticated Deceptive Snobbish/  Sensual Strong Courageous Resentful Rebellious
Benitoite Anemone Dahlia (Dahlia) 
Colors: Deep Blue and Peachy Coral (Primary Attire), Deep Blue and Galaxy Purple (Secondary Attire, while wearing black mostly)
Traits: Authoritative Reliability Responsible Unforgiving Frigid/ Harmony Appreciative Clearheaded Opinionated Offhand/ Colorful Daring Resourceful Phlegmatic Nihilistic
Magical Transfiguration: 6-9th, Taught by Henry Jekyll(Mandatory) Alchemy: 10-12th, Taught by Micah Spradlin(Mandatory) Monster Hunting: 6-12th, Taught by Lazarus(Mandatory) Herbology: 6-12th, Taught by Iris (Mandatory) Control and Magic Ethics: 6th, Taught by Bailey (Mandatory) Potions: 6-12th, Taught by Memphis (Mandatory) Magic History: 6-12th, Taught by Mattheus (Mandatory) Assassination: 6-12th , Taught by Archer (Skies)(Elective) Fighting Tactics: 6-12th, Taught by Castle Knight(Elective) Apparition: 10th, Taught by Tobias Arius(Elective) Sprites and Demonology: 11-12th, Taught by Jaeden Murray (Elective) Healing Magic: 9-12th, Taught by Eleanor Quinn (Elective) Flying: 6-9th, Taught by Mitsu (Elective) Spellcasting: 6-12th, Taught by Archer Jinn(Elective) Warding: 6-12th, Taught by Harper Quinn(Elective) Infused Magic: 7-9th, Taught by Simon Arndir(Elective) Earth Magic: 6-8th, Taught by Robin Endless (Elective) War Magic: 6-12th, Taught by Set Staos (Elective) Mentalist Magic: 9th, Taught by Travis Scifor (Elective) Necromancy: 11-12th, Taught by Za (Elective) Divining: 7-10th, Taught by Zion Blackwell (Elective) Dimensional Manipulation: 12th, Taught by Malcolm Hexum(Elective) Magical Artwork: 6-12th, Taught by Moon-Flower Avery(Elective) Mathamancy: 6-12th, Taught by Alexei Thankarat (Elective) Magic Creation: 12th, Taught by Warren Peace (Elective)
Regular Sports/P.E: 6-12th, Hayden Murray(Mandatory) World History: 6-8th, taught by Jaeden Murray(mandatory) English: 6-12, taught by Eleanor Quinn (mandatory) Earth science: 6-8th, taught by Iris (mandatory) Algebra: 6-12th, taught by Memphis (mandatory) Language Arts/Handwriting: 6-12th, Taught by Trevor Moon (Mandatory) General science: 6th-12th, taught by Bailey (Mandatory) Chemistry: 6-12th, Taught by Damion Cyrus (Mandatory) Geometry: 6-12th, Taught by Haidyn Lyes (Mandatory) Science: 6-12th, Taught by Elian Poe(Mandatory) Orchestra: 6-12th, Taught by Juliana Delacroix (Elective) Choir:6-12th, Taught by Ashlin Hisoka (Elective) English Literature: 9-12th, taught by Micah Spradlin (elective) Home Economics: 9th-12th, taught by Ashlin Hisoka. (Elective) Mathematics: 6-12th, Taught by Alexei Thankarat (Elective) Health: 6-12th, Taught by Osric Elian(Elective) Art: 6-12th, Taught by Moon-Flower Avery (Elective) Handcrafts: 8-12th, Taught by James Barnes (Elective) Dramatics/Drama/Theater: 6-12th, Taught by Edward Hyde (Elective) Speech and Debate: 9-11th, Taught by Elian Poe (Elective) Woodshop/Metalshop: 9-12th, Taught by James Barnes (Elective) Ancient Civilizations: 6-9th, Taught by Seneca Wormwood (Elective) French: 9-12th, taught by Mitsu (Elective) Business Math: 9-12th, taught by Hayden Murray(Elective) Gymnastics: 6-12th, Taught by Timber Delkari (Elective) Weightlifting: 6-12th, Taught by Castle Knight (Elective) Fencing: 8th-12th, Taught by Robin Endless (Elective) Dance: 6-12th, Taught by Colden Murray (Elective)
School Roommates                                                        
6th Grade
Asher Delkari - Misha
Calista - Dexter
Loki Barnes - Octavia
Lucian - Hawthorne
Eros - Tess
Anywyl - Tristan
Malakai - Claerwen
Sparrow - Skylar
7th Grade
Phoenix - Charlotte
Milo - Ezra
Crispin - Jonah
Courtney - Alois
Pharos - Reagan
Micah - Opal
Karman - Pfeiffer
8th Grade
Jarvis - Jesse
Jasper - Isolde
Belphegor - Isaiah
Septimus - Felix
Pandora - Autumn
Briar - Eden
Sebastian - Dorian
Julian - Persephone
Killian - Ainsley
Phoebe - Lydia
- Rozenwyn
9th Grade
Sylar - Harlow
Devon - Dany
Karma - Zahara
Athena - Alexandria
Aurora - Francis
Xian - Luna
Anika - Alexa
Jace - Xavier
Knox - Pan
Aries - Tancred
Basil - Calypso
Secret -
10th Grade
Willow - Link
Eclipse -  Lola
Chase Collins - Luca
Seti - Lunette
AlaStar - Oliver
Kalyan - Paris
Ashton Phantom - Ashton
Lief - Dylan
Mason - Wren
Enyo - Narcissus
Silas - Enzo
11th Grade
Aiden - Elijah
Blue - Harper
Ezra Casper - Requiem
Jax - Atticus
Abunei - Aurora
Miles - Elliot
Sage - Anabel
Nathan Douglas - Lucy
Adom - Lyric
Jeremy - Scout
Poppy - Mason (Skies)
Zero - Lucy Fife
- Norah
12th Grade
Rhaegar - Fyn
Blair - Anastasia
Asher Cooke - Xavier Delacroix
Orion -  Ezekiel
Finnian - Helena
Blaise - Vale
Angelus - Roslyn
Key - Skylar
Abunai - LoveCraft
Asha -
School Schedule
6:45 am: wake up, shower/bath, and dress
7: 00 am:  breakfast 7:35 am : tidy and prepare for school day
7:50 am : leave dorms
8:00 am - 3:00 pm: School day (dorms are closed except for designated times for grade 12 students)
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm: After school activities
3:30 - 5:00 pm: free time
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: dinner time
6:00-9:00 pm: free time
9:00 pm - 9:30 pm: 6-8th grade bedtime preparation
9:30 pm - 10:00 pm: 9th grade bedtime preparation
10:00pm - 10:30 pm: 10th grade bedtime preparation
10:30 pm - 11:00 pm : 11th grade bedtime preparation
11:00 pm: 12th grade bedtime preparation
Weekends are free days to be hellions
Students shall not leave school grounds.
Students may leave with the Headmiestress’s premisson, if collected by a parent or guardian.
Visitors of the school must obtain permission from the Headmistress or Deputy Headmaster.
Students are forbidden from faculty areas.
Access to dormitories is strictly controlled.
Sexy times is obviously gonna be a huge no no since genders are mixed
0 notes
Compiled Nabokov Reading List
Obviously I recommend all of these books but for the sake of priority or importance I have bolded the titles I personally recommend when it comes to initially interacting with Nabokov with a big, big emphasis on enjoying (a word, I hasten to add, not to be associated with vapid pleasure but something more  meaningful, intellectually stimulating and cognitively enriching) his work. I’ve also asterisked the fiction I personally feel to be masterpieces for those who want to get stuck into the books that embody the very best of the writer. This list is by no means exhaustive or complete but most of the titles are either highly interesting, highly flawed, highly important, a personal favourite, or all four combined.
King, Queen, Knave
*The Luzhin Defense
The Eye
*Invitation to a Beheading
**The Gift
*The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
*Bend Sinister
**The Annotated Lolita (edited by) Alfred Appel Jr.
**Pale Fire
Eugene Onegin, Volume 1: Introduction and Translation
Eugene Onegin, Volume 2: Commentary and Index
**Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle
Transparent Things
Strong Opinions
Lolita: A Screenplay
Look at the Harlequins!
Collected Poems by Vladimir Nabokov
A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov and (translated by) Vladimir Nabokov
The Song of Igor’s Campaign (translated) by Vladimir Nabokov
Verses and Versions: Three Centuries of Russian Poetry (translated) by Vladimir Nabokov and (edited by) Brian Boyd
Vladimir Nabokov: Selected Letters, 1940-1977 (edited) by Dmitri Nabokov and Matthew J. Bruccoli
Lectures on Russian Literature
Lectures on Literature
Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, 1940-1971 (edited) by Simon Karlinsky
Nabokov’s Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings by Vladimir Nabokov and (edited by) Brian Boyd
Letters to Véra by Vladimir Nabokov (translated by Olga Voronina and edited by Brian Boyd)
Conversations with Vladimir Nabokov (Literary Conversations Series)
Insomniac Dreams (edited) by Gennady Barabtarlo
Think, Write, Speak: Uncollected Essays, Reviews, Interviews and Letters to the Editor translated by Brian Boyd and Anastasia Tolstoy
Critical Work
Aerial View: Essays on Nabokov’s Art and Metaphysics by Gennady Barabtarlo
Approaches to Teaching Nabokov’s Lolita (edited) by Zoran Kuzmanovich & Galya Diment
The Cambridge Companion to Vladimir Nabokov (edited) by Julian W. Connolly
Crystal Land: Artifice in Nabokov’s English Novels by Julia Bader
Discourse and Ideology in Vladimir Nabokov’s Prose (edited) by David Larmour
Escape into Aesthetics: The Art of Vladimir Nabokov by Page Stegner
The Excitement of Verbal Adventure: A Study of Vladimir Nabokov’s English Prose by Jürgen Bodenstein
The Feud: Vladimir Nabokov, Edmund Wilson, and the End of a Beautiful Friendship by Alex Beam
Find What the Sailor has Hidden: Vladimir Nabokov and Pale Fire by Priscilla Meyer
Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov’s Scientific Art
The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov (edited) by Vladimir Alexandrov
The Goalkeeper, The Nabokov Almanac by Yuri Leving
The Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov by Andrew Field
Keys to The Gift, A Guide to Vladimir Nabokov's Novel by Yuri Leving
Lolita (edited) by Harold Bloom
Lolita (The Story of a Cover Girl): Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel in Art and Design by John Bertram and Yuri Leving
The Magician’s Doubts: Nabokov and the Risks of Fiction by Michael Wood
The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov's Fiction by Marina Grishakova
Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations and Tributes (edited) by Alfred Appel Jr. and Charles Newman
Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures by Leona Toker
Nabokov and the Question of Morality: Aesthetics, Metaphysics, and the Ethics of Fiction (edited) by Michael Rodgers and Susan Elizabeth Sweeney
Nabokov, History and the Texture of Time by Will Norman
Nabokov, Perversely by Eric Naiman
Nabokov, Rushdie and the Transnational Imagination: Novels of Exile and 
Nabokov and His Books: Between Late Modernism and the Literary Marketplace by Duncan White
Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives (edited) by Julian Connolly
Nabokov and Indeterminacy by Priscilla Meyer
Nabokov and the Novel by Ellen Pifer
Nabokov in America: On the Road to Lolita by Robert Roper
Nabokov in Context (edited) by Siggy Frank and David M. Bethea
Nabokov Upside Down (edited) by Brian Boyd and Marijeta Bozovic
Nabokov’s Ada: The Place of Consciousness by Brian Boyd
Nabokov’s Art of Memory and European Modernism by John Burt Foster
Nabokov’s Berlin by Dieter E. Zimmer
Nabokov’s Blues: The Scientific Odyssey of a Literary Genius by Kurt Johnson and Steve Coates
Nabokov’s Canon: From Eugene Onegin to Ada by Marijeta Bozovic
Nabokov’s Dark Cinema by Alfred Appel, Jr.
Nabokov's Eros and the Poetics of Desire by Maurice Couturier
Nabokov’s Otherworld by Vladimir E. Alexandrov
Nabokov’s Palace: The American Years by Márta Pellérdi
Nabokov’s Permanent Mystery: The Expression of Metaphysics in His Work by David S. Rutledge
Nabokov’s Shakespeare by Samuel Schuman
Nabokov’s Spectral Dimension by William Woodin Rowe
Nabokov’s Theatrical Imagination by Siggy Frank
Nabokov's Women, The Silent-Sisterhood of Textual Nomads
Nabokov’s Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery by Brian Boyd
The Quill and the Scalpel, Nabokov’s Art and the Worlds of Science by Stephen H. Blackwell
A Reader's Guide to Lolita by Julian W. Connolly
The Secret History of Vladimir Nabokov by Andrea Pitzer
Silent Love: The Annotation and Interpretation of Nabokov's The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Gerard De Vries
Stalking Nabokov by Brian Boyd
Véra: Mrs. Nabokov by Stacy Schiff
Vladimir Nabokov by Barbara Wyllie
Vladimir Nabokov: America’s Russian Author by G.M. Hyde
Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years by Brian Boyd
Vladimir Nabokov: Poetry and the Lyric Voice by Paul Morris
Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years by Brian Boyd
Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Painting by Gerard de Fries & D. Barton Johnson
Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Play by Thomas Karshan
Vladimir Nabokov and the Poetics of Liberalism by Dana Dragunoiu
Vladimir Nabokov: The Velvet Butterfly by Alan Levy
Vladimir Nabokov’s Lectures on Literature: Portraits of the Artist as Reader and Teacher (edited) by Ben Dhooge & Jürgen Pieters
Zina’s Paradox: The Figured Reader in Nabokov’s Gift by Stephen H. Blackwell
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mariantranslature · 7 years
Ricordo che quando visitai la cittadina inglese di Oxford per la prima volta mi sembrò enorme, elegante, affascinante, piena di vitalità; forse mi sarebbe piaciuto viverci, magari anche solo per un po’.
Ma da allora è passato tanto tempo, più di un decennio. Quando vi sono ritornata in tempi molto più recenti, non per un viaggio di piacere, mi è sembrata molto più piccola di quanto ricordassi, coperta da una nube grigiastra, e ho avuto la sensazione che quasi tutta la vita cittadina fosse concentrata attorno all’antico e affermato centro accademico. A parte questo, quasi nient’altro che mi abbia colpito. Persino quello che chiamano il Castello mi ha dato l’impressione di essere poco più che una  fortezza non ben amalgamata con l’ambiente circostante. Ma sono sicura che non sia così. Sono certa che le sensazioni, le percezioni e le esperienze guidino il nostro modo di vedere e conoscere le cose, le persone, i frammenti del mondo. Sono certa che quella nube grigiastra sia venuta fuori da me, almeno in parte. Forse è anche colpa del fatto che io non veda né osservi più le cose e le persone con il filtro dell’essere “straniera”, non perché non lo sia più in questo paese ma perché lo sono in modo diverso rispetto a come lo ero prima.
Di certo Oxford rimane una delle piacevoli tappe per i lettori, un luogo da visitare. Qui i libri e le librerie abbondano. Vale la pena passare dalla Blackwell, forse il negozio di libri più grande del posto (ma non ne sono sicura), per perdersi fra scaffali, titoli e volumi di vario tipo. Tuttavia, camminando per una delle vie principali piene di negozi  con le solite insegne, mi sono infilata in una stradina e ho trovato una piccola libreria indipendente, piena di carte e nastrini colorati, fiori, profumi e suppellettili. Lo spazio è abbastanza limitato, vi si trovano non molti libri nuovi ma c’è una discreta selezione dell’usato, soprattutto di antiche o rare edizioni, pezzi da collezione, alcuni tenuti meglio di altri e accuratamente incellofanati. Si vendono persino cartoline da usare come segnalibro ad un modico prezzo, nuove o vecchie. Nel secondo caso queste avranno il timbro di una data del passato e vi si leggeranno messaggi altrui, poiché saranno state inviate da e per luoghi lontani nello spazio e nel tempo. Ne ho prese in mano alcune e ho letto quello che vi era scritto sopra, ho fatto finta che qualcuno le avesse inviate a me, quasi appropriandomi di un frammento della vita di qualcun altro. È possibile che su una di queste io abbia letto una frase, qualcosa che sembra essere stata presa in prestito da un libro di Tabucchi. Non c’era nessuna firma, nessun nome, solo una lettera, forse un’iniziale.
Saluti. Stremati dalla fatica, non sappiamo dove andare,  estranei nelle nostre città.
A presto. A.
È possibile che io abbia letto questa frase, oppure che l’abbia appena immaginata.
  Lettori per strada: Oxford Ricordo che quando visitai la cittadina inglese di Oxford per la prima volta mi sembrò enorme, elegante, affascinante, piena di vitalità; forse mi sarebbe piaciuto viverci, magari anche solo per un po'.
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