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sprooknooky · 10 months
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@thoughtless-gay-frog has very kindly agreed to rewatch fairy tail with me so here’s a collection I’m starting of poorly made jpegs of our texts, which are mostly roasting characters’ outfits and Frog being a lot funnier than me
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Quite an underrated duo!🪆🌬
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mobbothetrue · 7 months
I’ve reached the point in my Fairy Tail rewatch where it’s further along than tfd ever got, which means shit keeps happening that makes me go “fucking WHAT”
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everyerzascarlet · 1 year
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more random headcanons bc why not (shorter this time)
natsu’s actually really fucking smart
his memory is really good. he was the one that reminded lucy of virgo during eisenwald bc
he very quickly analyses things when the adrenaline’s rushin. like how wind can’t cut the ground without like a LOT of evidence. twas no evidence with erigor’s barrier. so its not underground. so escape is underground.
when the adrenaline’s NOT rushing hes oblivious. so its a good thing his adrenaline’s almost always goin. like if he wasnt fighting jacob he wouldve had no clue why anyone was flustered or uncomfortable with lucy’s clothes Going. like yeah. what of it. but he saw the weakness with jacob.
knows words. honestly thinks its hilarious when people think he doesnt. he understands and can spell shit like unbeknownst and superfluous and defenestrate. sometimes he pulls that shit out in the wrong context for the giggles. sometimes he pulls it out in the right context so people can tell hes fucking serious. but its still so funny seeing their shocked looks
juvia’s autistic with high support needs
her special interest is gray
gajeel told her that maybe this special interest shouldnt be tossed around so much because its not that usual for special interests to be. people.
she understood but could only tone it down
in place of gushing about gray she purposefully refers to herself in third person. cause its fucking funny. its so hilarious. she doesnt even know why.
she went to fairy hills bc everyone was saying that they were like sisters there. it took a few weeks for people to be properly comfortable with her there, but when they were, they realized just how much she really cant take care of herself
the girls of fairy hills now watch gray like a HAWK. if he fucks something up once with juvia’s needs they will be taking her back
laxus and gajeel nearly convinced erik to join fairy tail. the only reason he didnt is because the noise cancelling headphones laxus used to wear didnt actually block him hearing thoughts, just the ones further away.
laxus and loke were a thing.
before loke nearly died he and laxus would spend so much time together. more than laxus spent with the raijinshu
anyone who would call them boyfriends would get shocked and blinded. people assumed they were blinded from laxus’s lightning since loke didnt have any light rings
laxus knew before bickslow that loke was a dying spirit and was the main reason loke lasted three years. like yeah sure leader of the twelve and all but he could really only survive a year on his own.
sometimes leo opens his gate when lucy wont need any spirit for the day and spends it with laxus. they were always open, but now even more so.
sting was in cait shelter with wendy for like four months. he didnt travel with mystogan he just showed up like seven months before oracion seis. he left with rogue when he eventually showed up.
despite the five lights on 7/7/x777, they all woke up at different times. gajeel and natsu woke up first, with the others in stasis wherever they landed. wendy woke up before she was meant to because mystogan found her. sting and rogue woke up at the same time and next to each other, but went their separate ways to find their parents.
it took until that year fairy tail was disbanded for levy to not be scared of gajeel. it took until lucy got her award for levy to even think of the possibility of dating him. babies are Years out, if she ever even wants to. she still wakes up from nightmares of that night.
gajeel really wants to date levy. he spends most of the time with the other slayers going on about how he really wants to show her that hes sorry and so deeply regrets what he did but also theres no way in Hell hes walking up to her and mentioning anything about it. he doesnt want to scare her away, and this tentative friendship they have is enough for him.
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Honestly, having been rewatching the early episodes now, I'm a little annoyed how little what we learned about Ivan and what was going on with him and how horrible his actual debut truly was.
Fantasia set up that Ivan was exiled for an unknown reason (something which is still unknown since Makarov didn't know Ivan knew about Lumen histoire until Laxus asked about it so it wasn't that), that he had some interest in Laxus although again never specified what for or why, that he was the one to give Laxus his lacrima and that Gajeel was working as a double, double agent for him.
Then we learn through a flashback during GMG (I think. I might be remembering when wrong) of Laxus asking Makarov about what he was doing with Ivan and learning that he didn't attack Fairy tail over the 7 years. Something which we do know the reason for, that being no one remaining would have known the information he wanted.
Now I'm not saying that Makarov or Laxus need to info dumb about their pasts or something. It would be quite OOC for either of them unless it was an episode/chapter focused on say Laxus and the thunder legion, you know, the group he is the closest with.
Better ways of dropping small hints would be, even just taking canon events, have Makarov think about things when he's beaten by Hades. Think about how not only did one of his potential father figures turn down the dark path but his son and almost his grandson did too and have him think about what he could have done for that to happen.
Stories can have unreliable narrators. Not everyone is going to see things through the same lens as you do. Makarov thinking he was a good father and grandfather could make sense if perhaps he wasn't entirely aware of what was going on behind the scenes.
If, like I have mentioned before, Ivan grew resentful of Makarov and Fairy tail because it took away his father's attention which started out as Ivan acting out for that attention but it didn't work and got worse then its possible Makarov may not have noticed his son was feeling neglected. And I will stand by my belief that Ivan was an abusive father to Laxus. Maybe not physically but definitely mentally. And its possible that he said something to Laxus for him to be too afraid to take to Makarov about what was going on.
Fairy tail has a mix of villains who you can understand why they might have fallen down the path they did(the seiz with bad guidance, Lyon with becoming obsessed with his goal, Gajeel being raised in a guild that practically praised him for his violenece) while others where they just are evil because (Brain/Zero, Mard Geer and the rest of Tartarous, Erigor) I personally believe Ivan could have been the former. Give more context to it. Sometimes, children who aren't treated correctly by their parents fall into the wrong crowd, that could have happened with Ivan.
And again, his debut and build up in GMG was not good. His whole reason for joining the games was to get at Fairy tail and possibly get to Laxus specifically. So why was it only targeted on the first day. Third I get since there was no way to attack each other although they could have tried to trip up Cana or sneakly hurt Erza or Cana while they stood around.
But there isn't an excuse for day 2. Natsu and Gajeel could barely move. Wouldn't it make sense for RT to go after them while they were down?
And why not attack Juvia as well as Gray? Both are from FT.
And the fact that Gajeel being a double agent is brought up once with Laxus just mentioning that was how they got the info and Ivan being angry about it. Why not bring it full circle to have Ivan order Gajeel to work at sabotaging FT and aiding RT. Maybe even make him attack his own guild members during the night. Gajeel would likely refuse to do this since he at this point cares about FT so Ivan proceeds to threaten one of the members he's close with. It could be Lily or Levy, maybe Juvia or any other member he has an attachment or relationship with (Like how I see him being close with Mira and Wendy) Which forces his hand and makes it a case where the members are sceptical and think Gajeel is falling back into his old ways and betraying the guild.
So then when its the fight with Laxus and Ivan reveals some info to Laxus since he thinks he'll be on his side, it gets Laxus angry that Ivan would be willing to harm any of his guild and breaks what little hope he had for his dad.
Plus, it could lead to a little more chaos if Ivan is questioned by the council because he could try to put the blame on Gajeel and cite his sudden behaviour change. The council bring Gajeel in for questioning and then you could have a moment where Laxus reveals Gajeel was never wanting to hurt the guild and that he was being threatened into doing what he was doing and Makarov reveals Gajeel was a double agent the entire time.
The consequences can vary. It could be Gajeel is arrested because its a 4 to 5 vs 1 and its canon Gajeel has been in legal trouble before or he could be let go with a slap on the wrist and a warning to the FT guild where it could come back up later. (Maybe in a Gajeel centric arc perhaps something similar to the Rhodinite manga)
Or have Ivan cause harm to Gajeel now that he knows he was a double agent, attacking Gajeel and causing him to have a permanent injury. A branding, missing limb, damaged eye. Something other than a basic scar that isn't that noticeable to put out permanent consequences.
What can I say, I just love putting Gajeel in angsty situations.
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hello I’d love to hear about natsu. do you have any thoughts abt what he was like before we (and lucy) meet him in fairy tail? like with growing up in the guild and all that
You were the first one in here but I literally had to let your ask marinate in my head longer to answer it properly lol.
So we don't know much about Natsu's childhood, whether it be pre-guild with Igneel or pre- main story when he joined the guild apart from a spare handful of moments and facts, these being:
Makarov was evidently the one to find him.
That god forsaken scene of the others laughin at him for not being able to read.
His moments with Gildarts as a kid
Macao being a teacher to him at some point who taught him to use his fire other than to burn things ( hello Natsu vs Erigor )
Finding and raising Happy with his bestie Lisanna
He never officially formed a team with anyone in the guild before the main story.
I think I might be missing a spare few but you get the idea.
For a main character we know scarcely little about him. His thoughts, his views. Zero. Which honestly for such a long running series is so odd to not even get a peek at what's goin on in his head.
There's nothing absolutely solid about his past that we can get to use to dig into his head. Save for the fact that he loves his friends and his family.
Across the board for a lot of his moments in his past we know he's got a lotta love to give. He loves his Dad, he loves Happy, he loves his guild. But just because you have something doesn't mean you know how to work with it.
He loves Igneel. Igneel disappeared. And that forced him into a denial of his dad being dead so strong that up until present in the main story he still desperately searches for him even when the other slayers had accepted it. ( And i'm almost sure he got laughed at for over the years. Can you imagine? Saying your looking for a dragon in a dragonless world?)
He loves his friends. But I think after that damning moment (which honestly I think is a moment really early is his joining the guild. Like he hadn't gotten to know em 100% yet) of them laughing at him he clams up about certain things.
Any moment of vulnerability he could have with them down the line is tossed out to avoid something like that happening down the line.
Lisanna (lisanna, lisanna ilu. I should draw u more.) was a blessing in that she was working on getting those walls down and she was close! Then her incident happened and he clammed up again even fucking harder than before!
Man this is such a long winded way to answer your question but I think growing up in the guild for Natsu, I think as much as he loves everyone- and he does! He loves em all! Even the mfers who piss him off sometimes- I think even though he was there with everyone he didn't feel as though he could open up (or well risk opening up tbh) to them. So he played along to make things in general easier going forward. (Whether intentional or not is up in the air)
So whatever perceptions everyone had of him he rolled with it. He's a lil bit dumb, he's loud, he's inattentive, etc. He doesn't deny what's said about him. Hell he might even play it up. He just doesn't do anything to break the perception as time went on. And since no one really dug like Lisanna did there was no reason to break it.
So he grew up in the guild as the happy go lucky loner. Nothin more and supposedly, nothing less.
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cobrakiin · 9 months
Finally made some charts for pre-Tenrou heights for the characters in Slitherfuck & Metalface.
First, the Dragonslayers (so far)
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Others under the cut!
Next the Former Phantom 4 and the Seis + human!Kina (I don't have Richie here bc I couldn't decide how outrageously tall to make him and I didn't add Erigor since he's not part of the Seis in x784)
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Team Natsu + Levy and the Raijinshuu
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Kids + Cats and the Old People + Elderich (he's in his 30s but he is an Old Man in Spirit)
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(the cats aren't babies and Maka isn't a kid, those are just the displays for those height ranges x.x)
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allfiredupfornalu · 11 months
Chapter 17: The Maiden's Magic
Woah another long chapter w/o NaLu moments.
Well the Chapter 14,15,16 covered the fight with the guild members of Eisenwald.
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Natsu's trying to get out on the barrier that Erigor placed. You can see Lucy's worried face right here.
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It looks better in Anime tho, they said it's the first time they hugged. Well not really since it's one sided, Lucy is hugging also from behind which really doesn't hug him but restraining him because he will get hurt.
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This scene is actually cuter in the anime, since Natsu looked at her (eye-to-eye) and Lucy blushed.
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The first shoulder touch. So cute.
Our NaLu moments are under development, there shall come a time where our long wait will be worth it and we shall reap the fruit of our labor. Huhu.
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teleiapotami · 9 months
Before She Was His
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Ship: Gray/Lucy
Tags: Secret Relationship, Friends With Benefits, Eventual Smut, Prequel, Canon Timeline
-By Request- A prequel to She Was Always Yours. An exploration of how Gray and Lucy might have become more than friends.
Gray finds himself fascinated by the guild's newest member, Lucy. Placed on a team together, their friendship grows as they get to know each other.
*This story eventaully contains non-canon pairings. I have received some feedback that the relationship dynamic ends up feeling toxic in the original fic. If you don't like that kind of thing, feel free to move on.*
It had started out as nothing more than a typical attraction to a beautiful blonde. Gray had always been partial to blondes. When he met Lucy, he thought her eager, beautiful, and smart, despite her being attached to the fiery dumbass. He didn’t think much more of her, beyond being a new guildmate, and someone to tease Natsu about. It soon became obvious, however, that the slayer was entirely ignorant of the new girl’s charms. Gray wasn’t one to jump the gun whenever he thought a girl was pretty though. He may not be able to keep his clothes on, but he did know how to keep it in his pants.
It wasn’t until they were on their way to Onibas, heading to deal with Eisenwold that Gray really had any significant interactions with her. She asked about Erza’s magic, and the woman had deflected it to him.
“Gray’s magic is much prettier than mine.” Erza smiled as she spoke, her armored hand resting on top of Natsu’s unconscious head. The beautiful girl, Lucy, he reminded himself, turned and smiled at him expectantly.
“What, you mean like this?” A few options of things to make for her flashed through his mind. A flower? Too obvious. A miniature of her? Too creepy. Then he remembered something she’d said about being a Fairy Tail fan before she got to join, and he smiled to himself. He pressed his right fist against his open left hand and then offered her his fist. Opening it, he revealed a palm-sized Fairy Tail Emblem, formed out of near-flawless ice.
She plucked it delicately from his palm and rewarded him with a wide smile. “Wow! This is incredible!” Lucy held it up to the sunlight beaming through the window. The light refracted and danced in cool shades of blues and purples. She found it mesmerizing and spent the rest of the train ride spinning the trinket between her fingers until it melted.
Later, when Erza sent him off with Natsu to find Erigor, Gray took a moment to ask Natsu about her. He didn’t have much to say, which Gray didn’t find surprising. “I dunno man, she was hangin’ out in Hargeon. She bought me and Happy some food, and then she happened to be on the same ship as that fake Salamander when I busted in. She said she wanted to join Fairy Tail, so I brought her with me. I don’t know much more about her beyond that.
“She’s pretty cute, huh?” Gray said thoughtfully. He should have known better than to bring it up with Natsu. Gray was pretty sure a girl could full-on kiss the flame-brain and he still wouldn’t notice her.
“I guess? She’s nice, weird, and a decent wizard. What does it matter if she’s cute?” Natsu’s tone made it clear that he wasn’t interested in continuing this line of the conversation, so Gray let it drop. He focused on the task at hand and pushed his growing interest in the girl aside.
Natsu and Erza had agreed to a contest once they returned from Clover. The whole guild had begun to congregate in the street leading up to the guild. The fighters were in the center sizing each other up and stretching. Gray scanned the crowd, searching for their other teammate. “Happy, have you seen Lucy yet?” The cat replied that he hadn’t before flying over to Cana to place a bet. Gray pressed through the crowd heading for Lucy’s. I bet she forgot. I better go remind her. There was still a half hour before the fight was scheduled to actually start, so he had plenty of time.
When he arrived and let himself into the apartment, it sounded like Lucy was in the bathroom, so he made himself comfortable on the couch. Natsu was right. The apartment was a nice space for the rent Lucy paid. Gray looked over his shoulder as the bathroom curtain opened. Lucy stepped out in a cropped white tee and pink capris. She didn’t notice him sitting there and walked right by him to her bed. Grinning to himself, he said. “Man, seventy thousand is a steal for a place like this!”
Lucy whirled around, startled at the sudden voice. Her eyes raked over the man relaxing on her couch. He was mostly naked, as he often was, wearing just a pair of long shorts. She wasn’t expecting it to be Gray, and it made her double-take with a blush. Gray grinned at her. “Did you forget?”
Flustered, Lucy glared at him. “Did I forget about what? What are you doing here Gray, and where are your damned clothes? Don’t strip in someone else’s apartment!”
“Hey, calm down Lucy! I figured you had forgotten about Natsu and Erza’s fight, so I came to get you. And I was naked when I got here.”
“Like that makes it any better…Well, let’s go then. You came to get me and here I am.” She slipped on some shoes and opened the door to shoo him out of it. They walked together back to the scene of the fight and pushed their way to the front to watch. Lucy wasn’t the type to enjoy fighting just for fighting’s sake. She seemed anxious watching her friends square off. When she brought her hand to her mouth and began to bite at the nail Gray hooked a finger into the palm of her hand. pulled it away and laced his fingers between hers.
“Hey, don’t worry, they’ll be fine. You can hold my hand if it makes you feel better.” Lucy didn’t say anything, but her fingers wrapped around his lightly and she wore a lovely, light blush from then on. After Erza had been arrested and they all sat in the guild hall waiting to hear what was going on, Lucy sat next to him. He was the only member of their team present, so he refused to let himself think anything of it. Still, her presence made him smile.
Weeks passed with little changing between them, although Lucy did tend to have breakfast with him since they both got to the guild earlier than Natsu did. It was just breakfast between friends, but it was still nice. He learned that she was not just eager, but ambitious. She wanted to grow her strength and abilities. She was more than smart; she was downright brilliant. He discovered that there was a warmth within her that she shared without hesitation. Her heart was open and kind, and she had a free spirit to match that of the fairy stamped on the back of her hand.
And one day, he learned that her ambition could lead her to be just as dumb as Natsu. The pair had taken an S-Class quest, against the rules. He thought Lucy might have been forced into it by the flame brain until the reward was revealed to include a golden key. Lucy would walk through dragon fire to get a new zodiac key. Before the end of their illegal adventure, Lucy had learned about his dark past and seen him at his worst. Finding Deliora on the island unearthed some long-buried pain, and Gray knew he didn’t handle it all that well.
When all was said and done, the Fairy Tail team loaded onto Erza’s pirate ship. Gray was taken to one of the cabins where he would be able to rest. His wound from Lyon was healing, but he had developed a bit of a fever and was banished to the bed to rest until they arrived in Magnolia. He woke to the sound of the door creaking open. His head ached and his mouth was dry. Soft, cool fingers brushed his hair off his forehead gently and a damp rag was placed against him. The chair beside his bed creaked as someone sat down.
He let out a low groan as a cool washcloth was placed across his forehead. He tried to force his eyes open, but they felt too heavy. The blankets over his chest were gently pulled down and he felt those fingers pull his bandage away from his wound. He finally managed to crack open his eyes slightly. A head of golden hair was bent over him. “Lu…cy?” his voice croaked.
Her head whipped around to look at him. “Hey there. Your fever still hasn’t broken, but your wound looks a lot better now.” She patted his shoulder gently, then returned to his wound. She cleaned the area around it where the bandage had left a mark, then began to spread a salve over parts that were still open.
“You shouldn’t do that….Erza or I could—”
“I want to. Erza is busy navigating us around in circles, and Natsu is on a boat. I volunteered to take care of you. Besides that, you can barely even talk. So just relax and let me take care of you.” She replaced the bandages with new ones and crossed the room to clean her hands in a bucket. She returned to sit by his side and lifted a cup to his lips.
His dark eyes locked onto hers and he lifted his head slightly to accept the drink. “I could do this myself,” he grumbled as she refilled the cup. She reached over and flicked his nose gently, making him grunt in annoyance.
“Gray, you are severely underestimating how dangerous it is to have an open wound. Your ice may have kept you from bleeding out, but it also kept it from being cleaned for an extended amount of time.  Plus, we have no idea if your fever is from the wound or just exhaustion from the fighting. I’m not taking any chances with your health. Now, if you have had enough to drink, do you feel like eating anything? The food’s not much on the ship, but I could get you some bread at least.”
He shook his head slightly and relaxed again. “No…just, will you stay?” She smiled sweetly at him. “Of course, I will stay with you.” She slid her small hand into his and scooted her chair closer to him. “Hold my hand and tell me a story about the stars,” he told her. And she did. She told him the legends about the zodiac and compared them to the spirits she had actually met. He fell asleep again, listening to her soft voice. *~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*
“I’ve been gone for a year, and my father never cared. Now he suddenly wants me back? Why? I never mattered before!” Lucy’s words echoed through Gray’s mind. The team was on the way back from her childhood home after defeating Phantom Lord. So many things he had learned about Lucy made his other impressions of her make sense.
Then again, many things he knew about her were thrown into question as well. How had the daughter of a wealthy family, brought up to be a prim and proper lady, ended up wanting to join one of the most notoriously destructive guilds in Fiore? He thought back to her cleaning his would after Galuna. She hadn’t even flinched as she worked on the grisly injury that had ripped him open. How? A Lady would never have been able to see something so gruesome without reaction, much less touch it. Yet Lucy had done both, without a moment’s hesitation.
“I never mattered before!” he heard in his ears again and he ground his teeth in anger. The look on her face when she said that haunting sentence made it clear that she believed it. That anyone could make a woman like Lucy believe that she didn’t matter was abhorrent to him. He was making himself angry, thinking about all this. He needed to calm down or he might do something stupid and ruin his friendship with Lucy; something he was unwilling to do.
He glanced down at her sitting beside him. She was reading a book, chewing on her damn thumbnail again. He hooked his finger into her palm and pulled her hand into his. She jolted slightly and looked over at him.
“Stop doing that,” he grumbled at her.
She smiled sheepishly up at him. “Sorry…I—” She stopped as a warbling moan drifted over to them from across the aisle. Natsu was lying across the entire bench, his fists pressed into his gut in an attempt to keep them from spinning. Erza stared out the window across from him blankly.
Turning back to him, she found him glaring at the empty seat across from him. “Gray, will you tell me what’s bothering you? You’ve looked so angry since we got on the train…” She spoke softly, keeping their conversation between them.
How could he express what he was feeling? The rage at her father for making her feel like an afterthought made him want to hurt the man. His confused feelings for her made the situation even more complicated for him. He was attracted to her, but they were friends, and she was Natsu’s partner.
He wet his lips and finally spoke just as softly. “I want to make sure you know….You matter Lucy. So much. I’ll never let anyone make you doubt it again.” Her eyes widened and she flushed, looking down. He squeezed the hand he was still holding gently, and her lips twitched upwards momentarily.
His intensity was something she always found a bit intimidating. Hearing it directed at something focused on her made her stomach do a somersault. Finally, she found her voice again and said, “Thanks for coming to get me. The train ride home was much better with you guys around. It means a lot to me to know that…..that you cared enough to look for me.”
“Of course I—we did. You’re Lucy of Fairy Tail, and no one is gonna take you away if you don’t want to go.” She smiled at him and settled in beside him, laying her head on his shoulder. Gray tipped his head over to rest on top of hers and closed his eyes. They sat together like that until the train jolted, signaling the end of their journey.
Gray picked up his head and looked around. They were slowing rapidly as the farthest outskirts of Magnolia slipped past them. He looked down at Lucy to find her asleep on his shoulder. Gently, he nudged her awake. “Lucy….wake up. We’re almost home.” She lifted her head and blinked blearily as she looked around them.
Her face lit up and she let out a hum of happiness as she stretched. “Home. Properly this time.”
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weaselsneazel · 1 year
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i haven’t drawn my dragon man Erigor in a long time, and i drew Marcus —i am very attached to them
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nagirambles · 2 years
What do you think fairy tail would have been like if Wendy was a water dragon instead sky ? Since I heard she was post to be a water dragon slayer but that idea was scrapped ? (Also where do you read your manga ? I’ve been looking but I can’t find any safe ideal websites ?)
Unfortunately, I pirate my manga, so I can’t help ya on the second question. Soz!
If Wendy’s was water, hmm... Wendy would lose her ‘healing’ properties, for one, because we set the precedent that healing is ‘Heaven/Sky’ magic (the Japanese word for these two are the same). Also the whole ‘breath of life’ thing in the bible. So basically, Wendy would be no one important.
Well, let’s put that aside. 
Water has had healing connotations before, so of course, we can say Slayer Magic is unique and she can use it to heal. There are non-healing air users in the story as well, from Erigor to Ren to Aria, so it would technically be okay for water as well. If Wendy was Water, I believe the universe would have been different to make Water the healing element instead. So not much would change in that standpoint except her attack names, and her access to a power replenishing source. But you know, a bit of landscape-designing liberty can fix that, no big deal. 
If Wendy was water... well, she’d had overlapped with Juvia an uncomfortable amount, honestly. Especially since Juvia is, by nature of her power, the strongest type of Water Mage we can have. She's an impermeable element that can only be struck by logic-breaking magic. Wendy would be difficult to figure out as a character in a writing standpoint, because she starts off with only support magic. 
Once that novelty wears off, she’ll be pit in a elemental superiority fanwar with Juvia and Aquarius. 
Unlike with air magic, she now has a very accessible battling teacher in Juvia, and there would be no reason she wouldn’t learn more water magic immediately after Nirvana or Edolas. The only reason she learned more enchantments than attacks in canon is because no one was around to teach her air-type attacks, so she learned from Grandine’s spells instead, either from young or from Porlyusica. All her attacks pre-timeskip were imitations of Natsu and Gajeel, so she is trying to learn them, she just didn’t have access to a variety because she’s adapting it to her element by herself. If Juvia taught her step by step, she wouldn’t have this problem at all. Wendy might even grow to have a more unique variety of attacks that’s similar to Juvia’s arsenal. 
But there’s the next problem immediately. 
If Chelia’s also Water, then this story is going to be immensely oversaturated with Water elements. Natsu’s fire element is also oversaturated, but he’s alright because he is the main character and he is allowed to very pointedly stand above everyone else. Wendy isn’t, and thus, if she starts getting overpowered in Water, she will outshine Juvia and Aquarius, and that cannot happen simply because Aquarius would stop being a powerful character in Lucy’s arsenal if she’s beaten in her own element. Juvia also cannot be outshone by Wendy, because the fact that she’s actually very strong is very vital to her character and everything about her wanting to protect Gray as a love interest. There’s a reason why Juvia and Aquarius have to stay equal rivals without a winner, and this is it. 
So if Wendy joins in the Water element fight, the story would be a mess. 
That’s the conclusion. Was fun to think about, though!
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daimaoryu · 5 months
jfkfjf completely forgot that gray just steals erigors clothes 😭
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everyerzascarlet · 1 year
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