#eric is a gender as the kids say
ennaih · 6 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
262. The Crow (1994) -- fifty-billionth rewatch
part 1 | part 2
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bigenargy · 1 year
What If Twilight had a normal protag?
A/n: I also posted this on wattpad
Overview: In which y/n take on the role of Bella Swan but she doesn't act like a bloody egit.
Warnings: None, hinted Bella slander, I don't think gender is specified..maybe one sentence that readers to the reader as a girl? I spelt Jacob's name wrong on purpose
You'd never given much thought as to how you’d die, but dying in the place of someone you loved always seemed like the dumbest way to go.  
Cause what do you look like taking an L as big as that for some raggedy mofo who you’re not sure would do the same for you? Even so, you don’t regret your decision to leave home. Sure, you’d miss Phoenix and your loving, erratic, and sometimes overbearing mother but she and her husband wanna travel; it’s been a while since you’ve spent time with your dad. You’ve been spending two weeks with him every summer since your parents divorced so moving in with him won’t be that big of an adjustment. 
Your dad, Charlie, is the chief of police. He picked you up in a police car which was strange for you since you used to shout ACAB at them whenever they’d drive by. The drive was mostly pleasant with brief periods of comfortable silence between conversations. You enthusiastically filled your dad in on your life and he quietly listened, only speaking to ask a few questions or to let you know he was listening. 
“Your hair’s longer.” He spoke. 
“I cut it since the last time I saw you though”  
“Oh. Guess it grew out again.” He said awkwardly 
You could tell how embarrassed he was, so you started rambling about all the unique styles and colors you wanted your hair to be and how your mom never allowed you to do them. 
The two of you pulled up the driveway and made your way into the house.  
“I cleared off some shelves for you,” Your Dad said. 
“Oh, thanks dad,” you replied with a small smile.  
See, if you were whiny and ungrateful, you’d complain that there is one bathroom, but you had redeeming qualities, so you didn’t. 
You stepped into your bedroom that looked just the way you left it last summer. It resembled your room at your mom’s with a few different details. 
Your dad made his way downstairs and shortly after you heard a honk. You peered out your window and saw some familiar faces, so you made your way downstairs to say hi.  
Your dad re-introduced you to Billy Black and Jackob then went ahead to fake a fight with Mr. Black, leaving you to get re-acquainted with Jacob. You couldn’t help but smile for the brief time the two of you talked. He was literally so cute.  
Your dad made his way over to you and Jacob and asked what you thought about the old trick he was leaning against. 
“This is mine!?” you asked with the most realistic smile you could muster. In truth, the truck was the ugliest fucking thing you’d ever seen. It looked older than you and the color was atrocious. 
“I totally rebuilt the engine for you,” Jacob said as you ran your hands over it and lied about how perfect it was. 
“I told you she’d love it! I’m down with the cool kids brah.” You heard Mr. Black say. 
‘Be so fucking for real’ you thought to yourself as you entered the truck. 
Jackob showed you the little tricks needed to get it started and you offered him a ride to school. Pulling up in this old piece of metal alone seems like the most embarrassing first day ever. 
“Oh. I go to school on the reservation.” 
You just smiled and slightly nodded in response. You’re actually going to drive to school in this old thing by yourself. 
You quickly ran inside to shower and change since you just sat through a four-hour flight; then you made your way to school. 
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You can picture this outfit if you want. 
As you parked your tired excuse of a car you noticed all the kids giggling and pointing at it. 
“Nice ride.” Some kid said. 
“Thanks.” You replied while side-eying him and making your way to the school building. 
“Hi! You must be the new girl, y/n l/n. I’m Eric. The eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need? Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?"
“Oh, uh hi, yeah. I’ll take you up on the tour guide offer. I’m not tryna look like a goofy ass Freshman.” 
“Totally, totally. And the lunch date bit?” 
“I don’t know about the date part but if you don’t mind, I'd like to sit with you at lunch. Sitting by myself is just gonna be too depressing.” 
“Hey, I'll take what I can get.” He said, with an ear-to-ear smile that made his slanted eyes look closed. “I can see it now, ‘Woman with a Plan: New Girl’ that’s gonna be a sick title.  
“Title for what?” 
“Your feature. You’re front page, baby.” 
“Mm, I don’t know about that. I mean I literally just walked through the doors.” 
“Okay, cool, no feature.” 
Gym sucked. You didn’t have Eric with you, and you hit some kid named Mike in the head with a ball which summoned a passive-aggressive girl named Jessica who obviously had a thing for Mike. 
A/N: this is a silly goofy idea that came to mind. If it's received well I'll write more so please like and comment to lmk if I should keep writing
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cultofdixon · 11 months
Good Ol’ Dixon Advice
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] | Carl Grimes [ROMANTIC] • He/Him Pronouns • Crushes are weird and Daryl may not have the golden standard advice. But he’ll do his best • ANGST/SFW • TW: PTSD / Nightmares / Scars / Messy Confessions / Self Harm Mentioned
Requested by: Anon
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“Hey uh…dad? You’ve got a minute?”
Daryl looked up from the bike frame noticing his son standing at the garage door extremely anxious. He stopped what he was doing to give Y/N his attention.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! Or I don’t know. I just. Uh….” Y/N tried his best to be blunt about it, but he doesn’t know how Daryl would react to such. So might as well just… “I’m gay”
The archer blankly stared at his kid watching his tense shoulders relax when he shrugged before turning back to the bike frame.
“So? Love who yea want”
“Oh. Okay cool, so how do I do it”
“Huh?” His full attention returned in a split second as Y/N brought himself more into the garage to avoid anyone listening in. Both being paranoid individuals about eavesdroppers even if most aren’t around. “What do you mean ‘how do I do it?’ There’s no handbook to being gay”
“No! I know…like that much. I’m talking—-talking to your crush. Shit like that”
“Language, bud” Daryl scowled, asking for a certain tool for Y/N to grab as he did. If he’s going to be there, he’s going to learn and help with building the bike. “I don’t know how to deal with that that well”
“Seriously? You and Carol aren’t something alre—-“
“What! She’s not here! Aaron and Eric aren’t here! NO ONES LISTENING”
“WHOLE TOWN MIGHT AS WELL IF YEA YELLING” Daryl snaps, ultimately regretting it when Y/N retracted as he takes a deep breath. “Sorry. Shouldn’t have yelled. But again, I ain’t the best with crushes either. Hell, I only talk to yea most”
“Clearly. But you do grunt for every other sentence” Y/N states listening to him grunt in response, only proving his point.
Daryl handed off the tool for Y/N to put back as it dawned on him. “Who do yea like?”
“Uhhhhh. Not important”
“Y/N, bud…if yea want advice. I might wanna know”
“Or you don’t gotta and still give me advice that you won’t take for yourself and your own crushes”
This kid’s obvious statements is gonna piss Daryl off soon.
“Imma start guessin’ if yea—-“
“Carl!” He snaps hoping to then drop it as he was starting to stress himself out thinking about it. “But it’s like…fuck I don’t know” he got up about to leave the garage but stopped at the exit/entrance.
“Seriously I may cuss a lot. Don’t mean you gotta” Daryl gets up from his seated position, tossing the rag that he wiped his hands with on the work bench watching Y/N tense at the thoughts he was getting. “What’s stopping yea from just saying how yea feel?”
“Don’t you like…gotta know first if they like or don’t like the same gender…”
“Mm. From what I learned growing up, people just take their chances and if they ain’t? You move on”
“There’s nothing to move onto”
“That…sounded bad. But if you have a crush on the kid, then why not take the risk?”
“Cuz there’s also the chance of this Enid girl”
“Have you heard of bisexuals?” Daryl questioning only to receive a glare from Y/N as he held his hands up defensively. “I’ve never seen this Enid girl anyway. Heard of her but not seen her”
“Yeah well she’s on Rick’s good side for the most part. The dude doesn’t know she climbs the walls…and that Carl follows her and I just. Stay in here”
His kid was jealous, he could sense that instantly. But again, he doesn’t know until he just says something.
“Either take the risk or be disappointed, bud” Daryl pats him on the back as Y/N gave him a saddened look.
“I’m scared though”
“It’ll be alright. Whatever happens. It’ll be alright, son”
The next day, Daryl went to talk about such with Rick without his kid knowing that he was doing so. Since to Y/N’s surprise, everyone knew about his crush on the Grimes kid…except the kid himself.
Rick stopped watching a certain someone from the window when he heard the front door open. “Who is it?”
“Were yea expecting someone other than me?” Daryl scoffs shutting the door behind him watching his friend move away from the window. “No seriously. Who were yea expecting?”
“Just doing my job. Keepin’ an eye on people” Rick brought himself into the kitchen to get a bottle ready for Judith as it was almost time for her to wake from her nap. “What’s up, Daryl?”
“It’s about our boys” He says in a calm manner when joining him in the kitchen, but even with the calmness it still lead to worry coming on Rick’s face.
“What happened to our sons? Did Carl fight that Ron kid? Or did Y/N try leavin’ again”
“No to both of those. But it’s mainly about Y/N’s feelings”
Rick froze a moment as he screwed on the bottle cap before letting the confusion continue on his expression.
“Gonna have to explain more”
“Everybody knows Y/N likes your son”
“Okay, who doesn’t like Carl? He’s a great kid”
I’m about to lose my shit Daryl squints trying to read the oblivious expression on his friend’s face. “Rick. Seriously?”
“Seriously what?”
Guess the Grimes have that in common, being fucking clueless to things like love. Daryl wasn’t going to have it and would have to bring this type of conversation up again.
But in the mean time, Y/N was slowly building up the courage to talk to Carl. He climbed over the wall to follow after him wherever he was going and it didn’t take long to find the young Grimes…and what he was doing.
The archer flinched from his spot by the window which was a habit of his, Rick did it for different intentions earlier. He mainly reacted to the front door shutting harshly, immediately noticing Y/N running into the house.
“Hey! What’s wrong?!”
“Nothing! The world is a terrible fucking shithole that I don’t want to be apart of” Y/N yells back only for Daryl to get annoyed and ignore the boundary his son has where if he was upset, then Daryl can’t just barge in on the matter he has to approach it gently. But given he almost broke the front door, he wasn’t having it.
“What happened? Seriously. You can’t just shut out and curse”
“Why can’t I just fucking internalize my feelings for a fucking night! I don’t want to talk about it” Y/N snaps about to shut the door to the basement apartment the two stayed in under the Grimes’s residence. But Daryl caught his foot in it.
“Nah. We’re either talking about it or I’m stickin’ with yea until you calm down”
“I’m not going to fucking hurt myself!”
“STOP CURSING” Daryl snaps. “And how do I know you won’t when that’s what yea used to do back in the prison after we found yea”
He didn’t know he knew. But honest? How can you hide something that serious in the apocalypse? Even the old world there would be an anxious aura whenever something as serious as that happened. Or at least Daryl isn’t blind to stuff like that.
“I’m…I’m not gonna do anything…I just wanna stop thinkin’ about it” Y/N frowns pressing his back against the wall and slumping to the floor. “I wish I didn’t see it”
Daryl frowns bringing himself to kneel to his level and not asking, but gave his kid a look to tell him at his own speed.
“Can we just…talk about it in the morning”
“As long as I know you’re not gonna do anythin’, bud.” Daryl sighs. “And that if anythin’ during the night yea come and get me”
It didn’t take long for the anxiety to consume Daryl during the night. He already has issues sleeping and now this? He didn’t want anything to happen to his kid and given their conversation from the other day…it could only be revolved around that. Or something REALLY bad happened that has nothing to do with it.
But the next morning, without the usual having breakfast with the rest of their group. Y/N leaned up against the wall as Daryl stood in the kitchenette.
“Did yea sleep?”
“No…I should’ve just known” Y/N frowns bringing his attention to his feet. “Like. Why did I even bother trying to build up the courage to tell him if I was just gonna see what I saw”
“You told Carl?”
“No, but I saw him and Enid kiss”
“Oh…oh, I’m sorry kid” Daryl didn’t know what else to say as Y/N didn’t know what he wanted to hear frankly. “Somebody will come”
“Oh like that’s possible”
It is. Given Daryl and Aaron are recruiters and there are other fishes…in this apocalyptic sea. But this was recent and he wanted to feel his feelings in private.
Even if he doesn’t know the other side of the story.
The two hide within a tree trunk to avoid walkers and whoever else was outside the walls. Enid brought herself close as Carl tensed slightly when looking her in the eye to try and read what she was instigating.
Then when her lips pressed against his and the sound of shuffling happening, Carl pulled away giving her a confused look.
“Oh. Shit I overstepped”
“No—Well. Yes. Sorry I just…don’t like yea in that way”
“Oh okay…” Enid wasn’t entirely surprised, her being in a similar situation as another where you have to take the risk and either be disappointed never knowing or at least knowing feeling either way. “So…this is a bit awkward”
“Yeah. But like. I care about you and I don’t want this to like. Ruin the chance of being friends”
“It’ll be awkward yea. But no I agree.” Enid reassured him with a smile. “Just friends”
As they exited the tree once the coast was clear, the two started to head back toward the wall they scaled and Enid had to know.
“Who…do you like?”
“Do I have to like someone?”
“Well I do. I just had to make sure”
Enid rolls her eyes followed by a laugh as Carl drops down beside her. “Imma guess if you don’t say anything”
“I’m not gonna be surprised if you get it on the first guess”
“Oh, so it is Y/N? Cuz that’s who I was thinking of. Ron doesn’t seem like your type…whatever that is”
“Clearly Y/N”
“Daryl, we need to talk”
The archer is always disturbed when working on his bike and there’s only two people he doesn’t care for the disruption, Rick ain’t one of them.
“I’m busy”
“It’s about our sons”
Daryl sets his tools down giving Rick his undivided attention, noticing the tense expression on his face which lead to his worry but he was better at masking it.
“What happened?”
“Carl just told me he likes your son”
Holy shit Daryl instantly stood to his feet when he heard such and thought how did Rick find this out or what more could’ve happened that didn’t involve either of them. “Okay?”
“Like. Fuck how do I go about this?!”
Oh. Great. “Rick, are you like. Upset by it or—-“
“NO! NO NO NO.” Rick scrambled a bit before taking a deep breath. “No. Just surprised is all. I don’t know what to do about the information I was given”
“Be happy for our kids? But…Uh. Wait. What did Carl tell yea exactly?”
“That he likes both males and femal—“
“About Y/N”
“That he likes Y/N a lot and that he’s been avoiding him. Asking me what he should do but I don’t know!”
Part of Daryl wanted to smack Rick given he has more parenting experience than the archer but he’s this clueless. But another part worried about his kid.
“You’ve seen Y/N today?”
“No, neither has Carl or frankly anybody”
Not like Y/N would go very far since when they first brought him in he was a bit skittish, sure. But as Daryl took him in and the group made him feel like he was a part of something…he never wanted to leave that. He simply has his moments he would rather be alone but he’ll always come back.
And he does.
Daryl waited by the gate for most of the day thinking about the route he’ll take to go find Y/N if he doesn’t come back soon. But when the gates were pushed open, letting said individual in as he was instantly met with a glare.
“Uh. I brought game?” Y/N tried to soften the tension looming as he held up a rabbit that he caught.
“You gotta go talk to Carl”
“Why?” Y/N scoffs carrying his rabbit toward their home as Daryl grabbed his shoulder carefully pulling them back. “What! Why do I have to?! His answer was loud and clear”
“His answer wasn’t loud and clear. You gotta trust me and go talk to Carl.”
“Okay…and what do I get if I do it?”
A boyfriend what fucking else do yea want?! Daryl thought as he knew where Y/N was about to go which made him a tad annoyed.
“You tell Carol.”
“Do I have to go fucking first?”
“No, and language” Y/N grins deviously before tossing the rabbit at him and making his way to the Grimes’ residence but up to where Carl’s room was.
The time from the gate to the door of Carl’s room, made him anxious. He didn’t want to talk about it with him. Didn’t want to be rejected face to face…but right before Y/N knocked on the door, he heard his name being called from the stairs…noticing Carl had gotten home right after he did.
“Oh uh. This is awkward”
“But good. I gotta talk to you”
Huh? Y/N brought himself close but enough for distance even if Carl did take a step forward to break it and some part of Y/N kept him cemented.
“You’ve been avoiding me…and it’s got me thinking about what happened recently with uh. Me and Enid”
“Oh I—“
“I knew someone had ran off in the distance. Too fast to be a Walker or at least we don’t know any variants that can run uh…Just. I knew you saw what you saw”
“Oh…and I’m guessing you’re confirming—-“
“No!…No. it’s not like that at all…I do like Enid. But it was never in that way” Carl started to become a bit bashful as the rise of a pink hue came to his cheeks. “Really never was”
Now Y/N was feeling a bit of the heat rise to his cheeks as he thought this was his window. It is! Just say—-
“I like you”
“I like you”
That left the two to laugh at the unison as Carl instantly brought Y/N into his embrace, feeling him tighten his grasp on the Grimes. The two held onto each other for a while…until the time felt right to take that next step. Even if for the time being it was a kiss on the cheek from Y/N to Carl because they might not know, but the two knew the dads looming on the first floor.
“You think he confessed”
“Yeah they are definitely sucking face right about now if they ain’t talkin’”
“Calm your tits, Rick. They’re young love let them enjoy themselves…” Daryl starts as it started to get a bit too quiet. “BUT NOT TOO MUCH”
“FUCK OFF DAD” Y/N yells downstairs as that was their cue to leave the two alone for a bit.
Enjoy their happiness for themselves
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qtkat · 1 year
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being eric cartman’s babysitter would include…
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gender: female she/her (being referred to as a girl, as well)
warnings: use of y/n (I KNOW OKAY)
request: nope
a/n: thank you all so much for the likes and reblogs on my first post! i appreciate more than you’d think haha. these headcanons are set when you’ve been his babysitter for a while now, and are based on actually liking you, since i love the mother/older sister figure and eric dynamic (and also i don’t think there’d be much to write about if eric hated you, other than if it’s an enemies to friends i guess lol). also if you want these type of hcs for any of the others just lmk! also wanted to lyk i was fucking smacked writing this, so if there’s any mistakes tell me and i’ll fix them.
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- eric dragging you along with him everywhere
- like genuinely dragging you by the wrist and booking it type
- he’s probably tried to take you to school with him
- the bell rings when you were just done getting ready for school and he’s just standing there like ‘ 😃 ‘
- you’re just staring back at him confused
- after a while he’s like “well, are you gonna put on your jacket?”
- and you’re like “what”
- and he just sighs, head down, pinching his nose, “jesus y/n, just puT THE DAMN COAT ON.” (squealing like a little piggy btw)
- “christ, okay - okay.”
- you have one arm in as you’re dragged down the path leading up to your house
- he forced you to drive and you were honestly so disoriented you just did it
- he marches into school, jaw locked dude 😭😭
- everyone is staring, like mr mackey fully stopped in his tracks but didn’t say anything
- mr garrison is so confused bro 😭
- “eric!”
- “yeees” (aka yiiiis)
- “why did you bring a teenage girl with you to school?!!!??”
- ofc you had to leave, because duh??
- don’t worry too much though, the little gremlin made your exit very dramatic
- full on screaming punching the ground at you slowly back away
- i read once about eric dragging out your name like he does his moms, and he does that here too
- has probably accidentally called you mom once (we don’t talk about that)
- you guys have sleepovers
- it’s actually so cute, whenever you’re set to come to his house he gets so excited
- like he’s so hyper the whole day of the sleepover
- his mother is not to disturb
- you improvise stories about clyde frog for him all night, setting up a theater with the plushie in hand
- now presenting: eric and clyde frog go to space
- .. -or the wild west, taking over the world, etc.
- he always opens up to you so much at these sleepovers
- like just fully starts telling you about how hard he has it without a dad
- has cried in your arms multiple times (we don’t talk about that)
- you were so there during the stick of truth
- you’re like an alchemist or a red mage (or a combination, if they’ll allow that)
- this is how you formally meet the other boys
- they like you, even though they didn’t really talk with you too much
- i think it’s pretty obvious to everyone eric is a jealous person, so he wouldn’t like sharing your attention much (hence you not really talking to the other boys)
- if you ever need to go away for an extended amount of time he will freak
- tries to manipulate you into staying like how he did his mom in the real estate episode
- also you better hope he’s the only kid you’re babysitting
- oh boy if he finds out you’re babysitting, like, butters or something he would throw a fit
- i swear
- so in conclusion you have gained 10 extra bucks an hour and a child making you hang out with him 24/7
- you guys have a sweet relationship
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mbavyuri · 4 months
what if serica got a gender swap episode?
the writers & bethan would finally treat them like people
erica is immediately like oh ok so i can date girls now! yay!
sarah spends the whole episode SUPER uncomfortable with the involuntary changes to her body, which echoes her vampirism plotline.
jane doesn't recognize them at first and gets one of those little kid crushes on sarah. everyone makes fun of her for the whole episode. it's implied that the crush doesn't go away when sarah gets turned back. bisexual jane sweep!
erica insists upon going by "eric"
sarah flashes her fangs when benny jokingly calls her by a boy name so they stick to calling her sarah
sarah hides away in a dysphoria hoodie while erica is still out there wearing miniskirts and tank tops and knee high boots. fashion doesn't have a gender, and erica can just eat anyone who says anything to her. this inspires rory to wear a skirt for the first time because he ALSO can eat anyone who says anything to him
sarah and erica do kiss. it's not gay because they're not really both boys :) they're both girls who are attracted to boys see? because they're kissing each other while they look like boys? (it's pretty gay)
when they turn back, erica keeps some of the potion that got them turned into boys in the first place. being bi-gender is kind of a slay 👀
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jewbeloved · 9 months
Some places aren't what they just seem to be...🩸🩸♥️
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Note: Have this horror fanfic as my way of bringing back my spicy fanfics. I'm kinda losing motivation and I have hell (school) on my tail .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Warnings: Murder, bl00D and Knives....mentions of drugs (in the beginning).
Gender: Neutral
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💙💚 The Main Four 🧡❤️
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You were dropped off to a nearby orphanage by the police after both of your parents passed away due to drug overdose.
The orphanage looked very fancy and aesthetic from the exterior. You wondered what the inside of the building looked like.
When you walked into the building, you were met with a lot of children your age running around, chatting with each other, playing games together, and playing tricks on each other.
You noticed one of the maids walked up to you with a bright smile on her face.
"Hello there dear, are you by any chance the new orphan that we were getting today?". You looked up at her with a blank expression.
"Uhm...yeah, that's me...".
"Well it's lovely to meet you, I can ensure you that you will love it here at the orphanage! What is your name, little one?".
"(Name) (Last Name)".
"(Name)....what a beautiful name! come, let me give you a tour around the orphanage since it's your first time here".
The kind maid showed you every room and area that was around the orphanage. They had a dining hall where the orphans could get their food, they had showers so the orphans could take a bath, they had a library for any orphans who were interested in books.
They even had dorms for where the orphans could sleep and rest up their energy.
You were surprised to hear that there were 40 orphans and 5 maids at this orphanage.
Once the tour was over, the maid gave you comfortable clothes to wear for the day and allowed you to go talk with the other kids.
You spotted 4 boys chatting with each other. One of them seemed to be arguing with the chubby one while the other 2 just watched.
The kid with the orange parka was the first one to noticed you and he waved at you before his other friend in the blue and red beanie looked at you as well.
"Hey, aren't you the new kid?" The kid in the blue and red beanie asked you.
"Yeah, that's me..who are you guys?". You looked at them puzzled.
"Right names, I'm Stan Marsh and this one next to me is Kenny Mccormick...the one in the green ushanka is Kyle Broflovski. And the fatass is Eric Cartman". Cartman immediately looked away from Kyle and at Stan in anger.
"IM NOT FAT YOU GODDAMN EMO HIPPIE!!". Stan rolled his eyes at Cartman's anger towards him while you just stared at the boys with a "•_•" face.
"Alright then...my name is (Name) (Last Name)". They all gave you a thumbs up while Cartman was still pissed off and crossing his arms.
"Mhppmhhhhmmphhhmmmhh". You looked at Kenny with a confused face since you didn't understand what he said.
"Um, what was that Kenny? I'm afraid I don't follow on what you said".
"He said: 'Do you want to hang out with us?'". Stan translated for Kenny.
"Oh...sure!". Your face began to lighten up as you assume this orphanage wouldn't be as bad as the rumors say.
What rumors? No need to worry! those are just said by silly people....this orphanage is perfectly okay!
You ended up spending time with the boys during the "daily activities" the maids gave out for all of the orphans to do and have fun.
You got to know the boys better and they got to know you better as well. You didn't understand why the other kids would call them "problematic". They say that the boys would swear at each other or other orphans, always talking to each other during quiet time, and getting into some fights (Kyle and Cartman).
But you didn't see them do any of those things because they have been so nice and chill around you, but if many orphans were saying it. You didn't care anyways since you were glad you had at least some company instead of going the whole day being awkward while living in a orphanage full of 40 kids in total. (THATS A LOT).
When dinner time came, the maids had all of you dress up in special uniforms for the occasion.
You were confused on why you have to dress in uniforms to eat some food, but you couldn't complain until you see how the food they serve here tastes.
You got in line while holding your trey, the orange-haired maid placed (your favorite food) onto your trey while giving you a glass of milk with it.
Milk at dinner?? I expected to at least get some juice or (your favorite drink).... You thought inside your mind as you left the line to find a table to sit at to eat.
Kyle motioned for you to come over and sit with him and his friends. You sat down at their table and noticed that they all had a glass of milk on their trey as well.
You then looked around to see a few other kids (6 of them) have a glass of milk on their treys too while the rest didn't... was this normal?
"Hey....uhm...do they serve anything else besides milk? or are they just out of stock?". You asked the boys as you pointed to your milk.
"Well, they normally do now because that's all everyone really wants now. You'll get used to it eventually (Name)". Stan said as him, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny began eating their food.
You eyed your food and milk while glancing up at them back and forth. You signed and began eating your food as well while ignoring your milk for a while.
You heard a little cough from the boys and the other 6 kids when they drank their glass of milk.
You immediately looked up at your friends. "Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny? are you guys alright?".
They were silence for a couple of secs before they snap back into reality. "Yeah, we're fine it's no big deal really".
You looked at them confused and eyed your own glass of milk, you picked it up and looked closer at it until you..saw that it was...
Your eyes widened. "Guys! you just drank spoiled milk!". You panicked as they gave you a concern look.
"What are you talking about (Name)? the milk wasn't spoiled it was fresh, did you hit your head or did Kahl jewness aura hurt-". Kyle pushed Cartman out of his chair with him letting out a "OW!".
"But but-! I just looked at my milk and it was spoiled!". You tried to defend yourself you didn't understand why they were being so calm about this as if it was a normal routine.
Before you could say something else to them, the maids have announced that all orphans should go to their dorms to get ready for the night.
"Oh Jesus finally! I get some goddamn fucking rest after so many hours!".
"Shut up fatboy! you barley participated in anything since this morning!". Kyle and Cartman began arguing back and forth with each other as you watched your 4 friends walk out of the dinning hall.
You signed as you got up from your seat and followed everyone else to the dorm area. All of the other dorms were occupied except for the room that had only one bed in it..it looked a little ragged but it was still comfortable to sleep on, it even had a small candle on the nightstand to light up the room.
You took off your uniform and began to change into some nice warm clothes to sleep at night.
"Oh well, I hope nothing weird will happen at night...". You locked the door and climbed into your bed before falling asleep.
After 2 hours, you woke up to some growling noises. You were half asleep as you rubbed your eyes wondering what that noise was. You shrugged it off since you were lucky your room door was locked anyways.
When you tried to go to asleep, you heard a loud scream that sounded like one of the orphans. You immediately jumped out of your bed at the sight of the scream wondering what was going on outside of your dorm.
You picked up the candle that was on your nightstand and held it close to your face, not close to enough to burn you.
What was that scream just now? It sounded more like a scream of horror....
After 3 mins you heard another loud scream and then another following after that one. You were getting nervous and you wanted to know what the hell was going on...if you remembered, people always said the rumors about this orphanage are what happened at night...
You were snapped out of your thinking as you heard some kids banging on your door letting to be in as they cried for help. Your body was shaking a little at their cries.
The crying and yelling was soon replaced by stabbing noises and more loud screams. You saw something red splattered onto the glass window of your door...is that...
You were now having second thoughts about opening the door since you were sure that some killer must be inside of the orphanage now...why weren't the maids doing anything at all???
This continued until 27 screams were heard and then the alarm began to go off. Your door was unlocked automatically when the alarms went off.
You heard a maid telling the orphans to run to something they call "bunker". Everyone ran straight to the bunkers immediately.
You ran out of your room as well trying to follow the remaining orphans to safety. As you were almost out of the hall, somebody grabbed your hand while placing a knife near your neck.
You were flabbergasted and turned around to see your attacker, it was one of the orphans except their entire body was twitching like crazy as if they were possessed.
They had a evil smile on their face as they saw the fear in you. Another orphan with a knife in their hand was in front of you, their whole body was twitching like crazy as well.
You were confused, scared, and shocked. You had no need what was going on and why there was suddenly some orphans going completely nuts and killing everyone.
You looked at the psycho in front of you and saw something white dripping from their mouth.
Was that...milk?
Your eyes widened even more as you remember the time you heard coughing from Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny when they drank the milk after you discovered it was spoiled.
You were sure that the spoiled milk could've given them a bad stomachache, but it seems like it did something else other than that.
You didn't have anymore time to think as the 2 psychos were ready to stab you dead.
That was instantly stopped when you saw they were pulled back and dragged away at the same time.
2 screams and blood splattering were heard at the same time meaning it must've came from the 2 psychos who were trying to kill you. But how? that happened so fast in a short amount of time....
Thankfully you still had your candle and you shined it around until you saw 4 boys which looked exactly like the ones you befriended when you first came to this orphanage...
"Stan..? Kyle...? Cartman...? Kenny...?". You were shaking uncontrollable in fear because so much has happened since nightfall came...
Their bodies were twitching crazily as well. You wanted answers and you wanted them now..
"What is going on here?! why are all 4 of you holding knives and drenched in blood?! I want answers please!!". The boys stayed silent as they look at each other.
"Guys should we really tell them?". Stan asked as Kyle and Kenny nodded except for Cartman who shaked his head.
"No way, they'll just fucking rat us out!". You had a confused mixed with anger expression on your face as you looked at them.
"What are you guys talking about?! Everything seemed normal and happy when I first came here, but now things started to get weird at the diner hall where we were only given "milk" and that weirdness lead to all of this bloodshed at night! You guys know what's happening in this orphanage and I want answers!". You were on the verge of tears while your anger was still showing.
Stan signed and decided to speak up.
"Basically....this orphanage is about survival...we can't blame you for acting this way. The spoiled milk the maids served us is the calayist leading to all of this bloodshed".
"What do you mean? how can spoiled milk be the cause of this?? isn't it supposed to give you a bad stomachache because when things are spoiled it means they usually god bad!".
"That's usually what spoiled things would do, but this milk doesn't work that way. All of our visions went red when drank the milk after we finished coughing".
"You guys make it seem like this is a normal routine!!".
"Duh, because it is. once you drink the spoiled milk the maids give you, you become a threat to other orphans who didn't drink the milk".
"Goddamnit Cartman, can't you be nice to people for once?!". Kyle yelled at Cartman rolled his eyes.
"Sorry, but the word "nice" doesn't work in my dictionary for jews".
You didn't even noticed that sun had already raised up and all of the blood that was around the place was gone and the boys were no longer twitching or had a knife in their hands.
"No...no....this has to be a dream...it has to be...". You sulked down on the floor next to the wall while your hands were wrapped around your legs.
"The rumors about this orphanage...were true after all...but why isn't this reported to the police....? don't tell me the walls of this sick place is soundproofed!". You couldn't hold back your tears as they streamed down your cheek.
Stan and Kyle sat down next to you and wrapped you in their arms as Kenny pulled down his hood to speak.
"Yeah, you could say that the walls are soundproofed and more orphans are coming here every week or so. we pretty much can't leave since this orphanage is in a forest".
"So I can't leave then...I have to spend the rest of my life in this haunted place....". You cried even more.
You then felt 4 other arms wrap around you.
"It's okay (Name), even if we can't leave you won't share this pain alone because we will be there to protect you from the other orphans".
"But that sounds like the only way we can leave is if we die!".
"At least we will die together instead of dying alone..".💙💚🧡❤️🩸🩸💖💖
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I have been way to hook up in watching ONE PIECE and checking out WELCOME HOME I haven't had any time to write anything on my blog or my hellpark blog as well. I deeply apologize for my lack of posts everyone, multitasking yourself can become stressful at some point....
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Can you do sp main 4 with a reader who is trans mtf?? I really like your ftm one and since my sister is trans mtf she would love to read this x
sp main 4 finding out reader is trans mtf
A/N: i am so glad you liked it and i hope your sister likes this too!!!! i know this is really similar to the ftm one mainly because i dont think they'd react too differently! link to ftm vers here
also i wanted to add that i usually write with a fem reader differently than a g/n or masc reader!! mostly because they're like 4th graders and the whole girls vs boys thing. so i'm sorry if they're... colder??? idk how to describe it😭
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stan marsh
he's just like "oh" in a surprised voice
doesn't really care but might ask a few,,, personal questions. he's genuinely curious and he doesn't mean harm. asks about what it means and why you transitioned
"how did you find out? like what does it feel like?"
he might encourage you to talk to wendy and the girls if you haven't become friends with them already! he says this because he knows it'd probably be nice for you to hang out with other girls so they can dress you up and help you feel like you fit in
also puts in a good word to wendy for you and u two become friends :)
again you coming out might make him question his own gender. he just gets really confused because he's never had the chance to explore himself and having a trans friend makes him more comfortable to do so!!
might ask you questions at first about how you found out, but other than that he just treats you like how he normally does; probably forgets that you're trans if anything
kyle broflovski
kyle never really hangs out with girls in the first place, the closest girl friends he has being you and sometimes wendy. he is very awkward around girls .
so you don't have to worry about him treating you like more of a bro after you come out, because he doesn't. if he were to treat you any differently he would treat you like more of a girl if anything if that makes sense
like he doesn't mean to exclude you but he figures it'd make you feel better to not be grouped with the boys??
"yeah, i get that. sometimes i feel like i was made to be a tall black man. it's really hard to play basketball as a 4'3" jewish white boy."
mostly, he doesn't really care, and he probably actually would prefer not to hear you talk about it. like i mean he prefers to not hear about 'assigned genders' because it makes him think of genitalia and honestly he does not like to think about that
so yeah, he's a little confused but he tries his best to understand, and he might be appreciative that you opened up about it, but for the most part he's just like "good for you" and moves on
eric cartman
similar to the ftm one, since he's known you as a girl all this time that no matter how hard he wants to misgender you he never truly sees you as anything other than a girl
he'll call you names and tease you for it but at the end of the day he still sees you as a cootie-ridden girl
he kicks you out of games because 'girls can't play games' and the others say you can play and he gets all pissy
he shoos you away at lunch not because you're trans but because you're a girl. he would rather be caught dead than hanging out with a chick. so in a way he's kind of accidentally an ally LOL
he gets uncomfortable when the topic gets brought up and would prefer not to think about it. he genuinely wants to stay out of it because he does NOT want to know what people have down under. absolutely hates thinking about it
"dude, i already live in a hot dog. i don't need to have any more wieners in my face."
kenny mccormick
he looks at you funny all confused.
"mph, nmph? mphph? (wait, what? really?)"
"mmphmph, mph mphph mmf mmphh.. (jesus, dude, i never would've guessed.)"
he's genuinely really confused because all the stereotypes of trans girls he's seen on tv and they all depict them looking super masculine and stuff. he's never really met a trans person so he's confused when you're just some normal kid
he's supportive, but he doesn't really care. he pats you on the back and says cool and then goes back to like. playing mario kart or whatever you guys were doing
he doesn't know anything about what it means so he might ask some questions about what dysphoria is and transitioning and all that. he will listen genuinely but he might fall asleep. he actually does care though!!!
thinks it's interesting but never brings it up again or talks about it and treats you like normal. honestly he would be very happy to play princesses with you as princess kenny
you have sleepovers and he acts all girly. like you do his hair and nails and dress him up and he kicks his feet having the time of his life
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creat0r-cat · 2 years
Iplier Egos x Reader HCs - Pregnancy HCs
Warning: LONG
Well received
He’s happy to hear that you’re pregnant
Heck, he’s elated (but he won’t show it in front of the other egos cause edgy boss ego gotta keep his image)
More than willing to provide you with everything you need during your nine months
He can give you anything ;)
Isn’t really bothered by weird stuff like your cravings or increased/decrease in affection
Wilford throws you two a gender reveal party during your 5th month (Dark isn’t really one for parties but goes along with it for you)
You two are having a girl!
Dark starts to read books about how to keep boys away from his little girl (for the future)
Occasionally, if you two are cuddling, he’ll place his hands on your swollen belly and smile while nuzzling you lovingly
Is with you throughout the entire pregnancy (or as much as he can be)
Will hold your hand and whisper words of encouragement during labor
“It’s okay, darling. It’s almost over.”
“You said that three hours ago!”
“... I’m trying to help you.”
After an exhausting 16 hours of labor, you’re finally finished and the wails of a baby can be heard throughout the room
He’ll deny it, but Dark shed a few tears while holding his newborn daughter
Her name, decided by the both of you, was Celine Iplier
Happy mans
Jumping for joy and running around telling everyone he can find that he’s gonna be a dad
You find it adorable
Lots of kisses :3
He doesn’t mind your cravings and 9 out of 10 times he will try any weird concoctions you come up with
Is very impatient when it comes to finding out the sex of the baby
The egos make him wait an entire extra month to find out 
Bing and Google work together to throw the gender reveal party
Bing comes up with the idea to make him wait even more by making the inside of the cake blue and pink, the reveal balloons white, and more stuff like that
Wilford looks like he’s going to explode into glitter
Suddenly, Eric nervously comes forward wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt
“C-cong-gratulations.. I-it’s-s a g-girl.”
Chaos ensues
Key word: excitement
Likes to talk about dancing with his little girl when she’s old enough
It brings a smile to your face whenever he has these sweet lil’ gushes of happiness
He was doing an interview when you went into labor
Dr. Iplier began helping you through your labor pains and instructs Google to contact Wilford
Your husband teleports into the room in a panic
“Don’t worry, honey, I’ve gotcha!”
He happily holds his daughter, Willow Warfstache, in his arms quite a few hours afterward
“Wilford? Are you crying?”
“No, I’ve just got something in my eyes.”
“Oh yeah, like what?”
He just stares at you
“What did you just say?”
You repeat the news and he blinks, processing the information
“P-pregnant? Like, we’re going to have a kid?”
You confirm his question, now feeling very nervous
He is looking everywhere but at you, not being able to speak properly
“Y-you.. I.. we.. w-what..” 
With a sigh, he turns away and starts to leave
You call after him but he tells you he needs time to think
He doesn’t come to speak to you for a few hours
You’re in the living room of the mansion, a fire crackling in the fireplace while you read a book, trying to take your mind off of things
He walks in and sees you there and, after taking a deep breath, he goes to talk to you
“(Y/n).. darling.” 
“I’ve made up my mind, Mark, and I'm telling you now. I’m keeping this baby, whether you want them or not. I don’t care if you won’t want me around, but-”
He sits next to you, kissing you gently on the cheek and you turn to look at him
“That’s the thing, my dear. We’re going to be a family. I’m going to be with you every step of the way. I love you, and I’m going to take care of you and our baby.”
He meant it
He honestly did a pretty good job of it too
Sure he had a few things to gripe about, but he kept his word
You two don’t have a gender reveal party and instead keep to yourselves (for the time being)
Surprise! You’re having a little boy!
Has doctors come to the mansion when you go into labor
He’s starting to tear up and he’s more than happy to hold his son for the first time
“I never thought I could be so happy..”
Five years later, Actor is in a meeting with the other egos when there is a knock at the door
Google goes to answer when it suddenly opens and a little boy runs into the room
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Actor is shocked as (Y/n) quickly comes into the room, looking embarrassed
“S-sorry, we were going to surprise you when the meeting was over. David Iplier, I told you to stay in the hallway.”
Actor ruffles the boy’s hair, “It’s okay. I was definitely surprised.”
Just then they realized how silent the room was until Wilford let out a loud, “YOU HAVE A KID?!”
“Yes I do.” confirmed your husband, getting up and walking to the exit, “The meeting was basically over anyway so I’ll be taking my leave. Buh-bye!”
He took you and your son by the hand and departed, leaving behind a conference room full of shocked and confused looking egos
Dr. Iplier
Is very surprised but takes it well
“You really are full of surprises, aren’t you, (Y/n)?”
Honestly, he’s very excited and tells a few people at the hospital he works at as well as a few other egos
Being a doctor, he knows just what to expect from the pregnancy and, while he can’t always be home to take care of you (he does have a job after all), he does try his best to do what he can
Constantly checking up on you to make sure you feel okay
He’s the one to do the ultrasound on you and you can see his eyes sparkle when he sees his child for the first time
During the fourth month (when you can slightly begin seeing what sex the child is), he happily tells you that you’re having a boy
When one of the egos (probably Wilford but who knows) asks if they know yet, he’ll tell that ego about his son with a smile
Surprise, not surprise, he’s actually the one to deliver his own child
He was at work when an ambulance rushed in with you on a stretcher, obviously in labor
His eyes go wide and he runs to your side, grabbing your hand and giving you a quick kiss on the forehead
“It’ll be okay, (Y/n). Just breathe and get ready to push.”
The labor lasted around ten hours but it was worth it
Dr. Iplier was the first to hold his little boy and he was so incredibly happy
“He’s perfect, (Y/n).. thank you..”
“What do you think his name should be?”
“How about.. Liam? Liam Ipier.”
Very surprised and confused
He wasn’t aware that he could get you pregnant
Yes, he knew he was very much like a human, but not THAT much
He does realize that the timing checks out though and knows that you wouldn’t lie to him about something so important
He’s happy and is sure to tell you that
He is also happy to do what you ask in order to make the pregnancy easier for you
Primary objectives are: 
- 1) To answer questions as quickly as possible 
- 2) To take care of his wife and future child
- 3) To destroy mankind (he has determined that this objective needs to be put on hold and possibly terminated though that last part’s still up for debate)
Will go with you to every doctor’s appointment and makes sure you feel okay
There are some very difficult parts of the three trimesters specifically when the baby is developing their more human-like parts
These complications were very much obvious during the third ultrasound
“It seems,” said Dr. Iplier in confusion, “that your child has some metal growing on her skin. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
Yup! You and Google are going to be the proud parents of a little cyborg girl
By the way, Google is now 100% sure that the child is his because of this discovery
However, due to the fact that your daughter is part metal, it was pre-determined that she would have to be taken out via a c-section rather than a natural birth
It was just safer that way
When the time came and you went into labor, after a few minutes of waiting in the operating room, some surgeons came and introduced to the world a beautiful baby girl
Google smiled as he held his daughter in his arms for the first time and you watched his reaction from your bed with a smile
She was very small and had small plates of metal that were visible on both of her cheeks and on her upper arms
“Hey Google?”
“How does the name ‘Eve’ sound for your daughter”
“I think it’s perfect, my dear.”
I doubt the baby was planned but he’s happy to be a father anyway
Secretly he’s wondering if he’s actually able to get you pregnant but whatever he has a feeling the kid is his…. somehow..?
Tries his best to provide for you when you need things but probably ends up needing help from the other egos for a few things
Tries to act more mature at the doctor’s office when you go for checkups and ultrasounds
He likes to cuddle you and especially kiss your stomach
“Just givin’ the baby some love. Can’t have them feeling left out.”
Like in Google’s HC, there are some complications and you two find out that the kid is a cyborg
Bing’s happy when you two discover as well that you’re having a little boy
“We can name him Bing Jr. and I can teach him how to skateboard!” He told you excitedly
You secretly doubt you’ll end up calling your son Bing Jr. but decide to let your husband dream before a final decision is made
Well the decision comes faster than you two originally thought because you went into labor three weeks early
Your son is born via a c-section prematurely and while he is put in an incubation chamber in your hospital room, you and Bing are very worried but believe that he’ll be alright
“Hang in there little buddy.” Bing says softly, putting his hand up to the clear wall that contained his son
As he said that, the little boy opened his eyes and began to softly cry
The doctor informed the two of you that he would have asthma, as his lungs weren’t completely developed when he was born, but that he had a very good chance of survival
When you all were finally able to leave about a month later, Bing was the one to come out of the hospital with little Bing Jr. in his arms
“Y-youse is pregnant?? Oh gosh, what will I tell Mr. Murderslaughter?” 
He’s starting to hyperventilate and you hold him tight, calming him down after a few minutes
Yancy knew that he had already gotten special permission in the past to get married to you, his now wife, outside of the prison and in a Church, but this would probably not fly
Don’t get him wrong, as he tells you, he wants the kid
He really wants the kid (he had secretly wanted to be a father for a long time), but he’s worried about how the other prisoners and especially Mr. Murderslaugter would think if they found out
You assure him that everything will be alright and you both nervously go to the warden’s office and tell him the big news
There was a large moment of silence before he orders you both into separate solitary confinement cells
You both spend around 24 hours there before you’re both ordered back to the warden’s office
Mr. Muderslaughter tells you that, while he is a bit upset that you and Yancy did that, realizes that this will be a learning experience for all of them should this happen again, whether it be through you or someone else
So, soon everyone knows the big news and everyone is actually willing to help out
A surprising amount of the other prisoners are fans of babies
Unfortunately, prison food couldn’t quell all of your cravings but you put up with it
Yancy, who was happy to hear all of the encouragement from his fellow inmates, was happy to help you around as your belly grew
He was certainly fascinated when the baby started kicking
“I think they're gonna be either a fighter or a dancer. What’da think, sweetheart?”
Surprisingly enough, your child went over their due date by three days before you went into labor
It was a long and painful twelve hours before your son was born
Yancy couldn’t hold back tears as he held the little boy who slept quietly in his arms
“He’s… so handsome.”
You giggled tiredly, “Yup, just like his father.”
Yancy smiled at you before his looked at his son again
“(Y/n)? Could we maybe name him Clifton?”
“May I ask why? I’m not saying no, m’just curious.”
“It.. Clifton was my dad’s name. I think it suits the lil’ guy.”
You couldn’t help but smile and as you looked at the sleeping child, you realized that he was right
“Clifton.. Yeah I like that name too.”
He has very conflicting thoughts on the matter
Yes, he’s happy he’s going to be a dad, but that means he would have to temporarily (if not permanently) give up treasure hunting
“Darling, will this affect how I do my work? I mean, I can’t exactly go exploring with a baby.”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” 
You’re a little hurt that his mind is elsewhere in regards to your big news, but honestly you should’ve seen it coming
Illinois looks sad, “With you being pregnant, I can’t just take you with me because something could happen to you and thus the baby.”
You frown sadly but then discuss a compromise with him
He can go treasure hunting by himself until you’re either five or six months pregnant then he has to come home (to LA where the two of you bought a house for when you’re not adventuring) and stay there until I’m well enough to take care of our kid on our own
He was hesitant at first but then took the deal
So yeah, he was gone for the first six months of your pregnancy, but he did make sure to call to make sure that you were okay
You told him unfortunately that you personally might have to retire from treasure hunting to be a stay-at-home mom and while he looked kinda sad about it, agreed that it was a logical decision
On a happier note, you told him that you found out that you two were going to have a daughter
He’s honestly very excited about that (he never knew he could be so happy about something like that)
When he comes back home, he’s pleasantly surprised by the sight of his VERY pregnant wife fast asleep on the living room couch
He can’t help but smile as he goes and gently wakes you up with a soft kiss
He keeps his word and stays with you for the next three months and is there with you when you go into labor
It was a tough 16 hours before your little girl was born and Illinois found himself on the verge of tears as he held his daughter
“She’s so beautiful..”
“So, what do you think her name should be?”
Illinois thought about it for a minute before responding
“Crystal. We met because of one, and now we’re closer because of one.”
You couldn’t help but smile as he passed the little girl to you and you kissed her softly on the forehead
“I like the sound of that.”
His mind is racing as he stares at you in shock
“I got the Captain pregnant I got the Captain pregnant I got the Captain pregnant”
Yes, he knows the two of you are married, there’s no issue with that, but YOU’RE PREGNANT???
“C-captain.. I-I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you’ll help me raise this kid. They’re yours too.”
“Y-yup! That works!”
It was quite the surprise when it was announced six months later for everyone to hear
You and Mark had been on the low, you personally doing a lot of work at the home you and Mark shared on the colonization planet in order to not stress yourself out
However, someone (Gunther) found out when he came over for a surprise visit to see Mark and ended up seeing you working from a laptop
Gunther was about to say high when the then noticed the casual clothes that clothed your swollen belly
Yeah, Mark told him to not say anything as you two were trying not to make a big deal over it, but he ended up telling everyone
A doctor from the Invincible II had been checking up on you for the past few months and told you both earlier on that you would be having a little boy
When you finally went into labor, a c-section had to be done because the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck
Mark was very frightened when he found out but you reassured him that it would be okay, as the doctors knew what they were doing
When you two were presented with your new child, Mark started crying happy tears and he hugged you who held your little boy
“I can’t believe I got so lucky.. To have such a beautiful family..” He whimpered as you kissed away his tears
“Do you want to hold him?”
He did and when he held his son, Daniel Iplier, he smiled shakily and kissed the baby on the forehead
“I love you two… so much..”
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gerrydelano · 2 months
i need to catch up on your fics but i am chin hands about trans fem gerry. i remember you talking about it before but id love to hear any new or updated thoughts :0
some of it would be spoilers for the PBR epilogue so i'm going to keep that to myself until then, but! ultimately i just was thinking about the fact that he uses she/her pronouns and enters Girl Mode in his happiest moments, his most intimate and vulnerable moments with people he trusts to love him, and what that says about his actual state of being outside of those moments. it means he's not fully happy or comfortable, there's something holding him back, which i've gathered is a fairly common feeling.
he's still got an attachment to being A Son specifically it's just rooted in his being but look me in the eyes and tell me that ever made him feel safe in his own body or head or surroundings. y'know? there's spoiler territory there with that part of the discussion though so heehee.
(not that long i just don't want everything stretching the dash where i might not be able to edit it later)
i do think she's always going to identify himself as a fag though which is also pretty common because things are more complicated than they are binary and he's always a color wheel understander. his gender is faglady but realistically her gender is also just nothing you could comprehend if you're not open to contradiction. you can't expect him to fit into neat little boxes, she just won't do it, it's not anybody else's business but his.
so. transfem gay man is probably still where he's at in general at this point in time in my writing but as time has gone on his egg has increasingly cracked lol it's just a matter of like... what's going on in his life, who she's with, how safe he feels being herself. as of right now, she saves herself for tim and tim is nothing but reverent about it and i could go ON about how her sex life goes hand in hand with her gender but i don't want to flood the dash with BDSM discussion LOL even though i have thoughts for MILES about it. i talked a bit about it in the link above iirc. it's incredibly soft and meaningful and also, crucially, sexy. but mostly it just makes her feel so incredibly safe and desired and respected and these are all things that were previously missing from her life in such a huge way, like.
look at his life. look at the life he's lived and tell me he's ever been fully happy playing the role he was put in. the expectations his mother had of him, that gertrude had of him, the way he was expected to obey and sacrifice and even hurt people at times because that's just how the world works, right.
well, he's never wanted to participate in that way of living! and he only did it as a survival mechanism because where else could he go but always come back home to mary and her dreams for him which were always just an extension of herself, he was nothing to her but an extension of herself and her wants and her beliefs and he was anything but that, even when he tried to blend in. half the time he measures his life from injury to injury. his whole life felt like nothing but punishment and for a long time he wouldn't even know what for.
it can be such a transgender narrative if you look at it. the repression that he'd have had to deal with is insane even if you look at how loud and proud he is about his sense of style (which is extremely queer in and of itself.)
and i also just do not buy transmasc gerry i'm so sorry you can absolutely have that HC if you want and i will not attack you for it but look at him. listen to him. and also remember that eric, who died when gerry was 2 years old, referred to him as his son. sorry but that to me says he's amab because He Was Un Bebe. also in what WORLD would mary be a supportive parent to a trans kid. she literally insists on calling him by his full birth name that he DOESN'T LIKE BEING CALLED; classic trans thing! he canonly has a PREFERRED name. a preferred androgynous name!
it just makes more sense to me that he's transfem. i don't believe he has a desire to be all that traditionally masculine. he literally is so gnc in canon and his whole life just reads to me as "person who did not get the chance to fully embrace themselves because everything was just too damn hard." i also enjoy depicting people transitioning later in life, because it's never too late! it's NEVER too late to embrace who you are and work out who you've wanted to be for a long time.
i think he still lives in ambiguity and grey areas and blindspots. it may not have even occurred to him that she wanted to transition until later in life anyway because life never slowed the fuck down for him enough to let himself ask the questions! but he knew he wanted his hair long. he paints his nails. he wears eyeliner and dangly jewelry and alt clothes and yeah, cis people can do that, but it's also a way to flag! a very strong way of flagging! these are all the things that felt right to him in canon and no one stays that alt into their thirties without a little bit of gender going on somewhere in the mix, be serious, y'know? g-d. i'm so invested forever in gerry's gender jfhbnkjn.
he doesn't like labels, he really doesn't. and she might not ever call herself a woman as much as a lady in particular but she likes the phrases "good girl" and "princess" in bed, she likes being seen as feminine in comparison to a partner, she has feminine preferences. she would probably use more reclaimed slurs to refer to herself than i'm comfortable just tossing around but like, a lot of people prefer those as identifiers than "man" or "woman" like i refer to myself as a fag dyke all the time and it's more affirming to me than trying to decide if i'm a trans guy or if i'm a butch dyke At All Times. gender can be complicated! i think it IS complicated for gerry at the moment with his baggage but i imagine if he were ever able to really let go of that baggage, she'd be a very different, happier person. i think she would like it to be simpler sometimes. she treats it simply even if other people might not be able to. she's really calm about all of it, and even as it changes, it just makes her confidence grow. really comes down to the people she's surrounded by and the opportunities that she manages to grab a hold of in terms of finally letting herself just be. and i just think the results of it are really gorgeous.
anyway transfem gerry truther forever
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aurelim · 8 months
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The Royal
❝I have to. It's my duty to serve the people of Oceanic.❞ ❝Listen to me. Ignore what everyone else will say. You are perfect the way you are. You are my everything, love.❞
Age: A month younger than MC
Race: Human
Gender: Male or female, depending on player choice
Pronouns: He/him or she/her, depending on player choice
Physical appearance: The Royal has slightly tanned skin due to intensive time spent in the sun, although their parents try their best to maintain the natural fair-pale shade. They have a heart shaped face framed by wavy red hair, either tamed or tied up in a bun with two small strands on the side. Soft brown eyes that can go cold at a poor choice of words and freckles dotting their cheeks. 5'7" no matter the gender.
Trope(s): Forbidden love, impossible love, royalty, [REDACTED]
As the heir to the throne of Oceanic, the Royal has a heavy weight on their shoulders that they cannot shake off—the expectations of the people and their parents often reminds them of their duty to deliver responsible decision for the betterment of the kingdom. For most of the week, they are cooped up within the castle walls, fulfilling their tasks as the one next in line. However, during a small portion of the day where their schedule is empty, the Royal will always go to visit their private shore by themself. A tradition they have upheld since they were young.
In public appearances, the Royal comes off as an understanding, charming, mature young adult—exactly what everyone expects from the heir. All warm smiles and dimples. But behind closed doors, the fake smiles drop and shoulders slacken. The fire in their eyes never goes out but they allow themself to be exhausted. Just once.
Their idea of relaxing is by standing in front of the waves, shoes off, and enjoying the smell of salty air and water. A servant usually has to come and fetch them, as they do not keep track of the time. And recently, they have been going more often due to undisclosed reasons... as well as sneaking off to town to do gods-know-what.
There have been rumors circulating around them, particularly involving [REDACTED]. Are they true? Are they not? You will have to wait until it is announced.
Chance encounters are life-changing. You don't think you would have ever noticed the Royal had it not been for Cordelia and K. And more importantly, you do not think you would have ever met them on the streets without your...unique circumstances. Little had you realized then the potential to gain a powerful ally, as well as a lifelong friend.
Fun Facts About the Royal:
There is so much lore I want to write down about them, but they would all be major spoilers for the game! So for now, take this condensed, somewhat short intro post for now. But expect to see some huge updates to this as further chapters are released!
Also would you call them "Lou"? Been thinking about an easier nickname besides "The Royal" and it's pretty cute! Though they are accustomed to everyone calling them by their first name
Their original design was going to be heavily inspired by Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid. However, it was changed to an appearance similar to Ariel. Maybe your headcanon is that he's Ariel's son or grandson? That's what mine is lol
Has a very refined taste for red wine. Likes it especially from their own kingdom but imported tastes are good too
Loves drawing. And because they live right by the sea they have a lot of sunset sketches and swirls of water in their notebook
Has a diary where they write down about their day; if you romance them you'll probably find long romantic tirades about you
Actually likes wearing crowns if it is light and only in the castle
Sheltered kid growing up—while their parents may have exposed them to monarchy politics early in their life they remained relatively naive and unaware of certain...things
Things that will remain unmentionable
Knows some secret passageways within the kingdom due to safety reasons, but they may show it to you if you are lucky enough!
Stuffed animals creep them out and they are all over the walls of the castle thanks to their father's love for hunting
No, not stuffed animals. Like actual taxidermy
Deathly allergic to gossipy people and mice—physically wilts at the mention of either one
Would buy you anything you want just to please you. This will especially show during the crushing stage, but it will be a habit that never dies down *if* you get married
Can resist puppy eyes with a huge question mark. But usually not because they are a major people pleaser. It comes with their job
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coochiequeens · 3 months
Justin Trudeau is attacking a man who wants women to have access to single sex soaces while a sadistic TIM is using his gender identity to be moved to a lower security prison.
OTTAWA — Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he believes "biological males" have no place in sports or change rooms that are labelled female.
Poilievre was asked at a news conference Wednesday about his position on whether transgender women should be allowed in spaces that are labelled for women and whether he would introduce any legislation to stop it.
Poilievre told reporters he believes "female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males."
That is in line with a policy resolution Conservative party members voted for at their convention last fall, which says women should have access to "single-sex spaces" in areas like prisons, bathrooms and sports..........
Poilievre said many of the spaces in question are controlled by provinces and municipalities so it is unclear what role the federal government could play.
"But obviously, female sports, female change rooms, female bathrooms, should be for females — not for biological males."............
He was asked repeatedly during a recent news conference on Parliament Hill about his stance on access to hormone therapies and puberty blockers for minors, following Alberta Premier Danielle Smith's proposal to restrict them.
He said he believes children should be able to make such choices about their bodies "when they're adults."
When asked directly whether he opposes the use of puberty blockers for gender-diverse youth under the age of 18, he said, "Yes."...........
Premiers of conservative governments in Saskatchewan, Alberta and New Brunswick all introduced new policies that require schools to notify parents when transgender or non-binary students want to go by preferred names and pronouns.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the premiers and Poilievre for attacking transgender rights.
When it comes to the proposed restrictions on gender-affirming medical treatments, Trudeau said Poilievre wants government to take away parents' ability to do what's best for their kids in consultation with doctors.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 21, 2024.
Stephanie Taylor, The Canadian Press
See whole article
By Genevieve Gluck March 16, 2024
A notorious sexually sadistic killer who fatally stabbed a man with a screwdriver during intercourse has recently been claiming to identify as a woman while incarcerated and was allowed to move from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security facility. Luka Magnotta, 41, born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman, brutally murdered Concordia University student Jun Lin in May 2012 after meeting him through Craigslist for a BDSM encounter.
Content Warning- the article discusses how he killed Jun Lin and kittens
Magnotta, a transvestite, male escort, and porn actor, has an extensive criminal history that includes disturbing incidents of animal abuse. The subject of a popular true crime documentary series titled “DON’T F*CK WITH CATS,” Magnotta had been sadistically torturing and killing kittens then posting the footage online in the years leading up to the murder. In a similar fashion, Magnotta recorded a snuff video of Lin’s slaying which depicted him dismembering the victim before performing acts of necrophilia and cannibalism.
After the killing, Magnotta dismembered Lin and mailed pieces of his corpse to both the national headquarters for both the Canadian Conservative Party and Liberal Party. Other packages sent to elementary schools contained Lin’s foot and hand.
On May 29, 2012, a man discovered Lin’s decomposing torso stuffed inside of a suitcase that had been left in a garbage pile behind an apartment in the Snowdon area of Montreal. Police quickly identified Magnotta as a suspect, but he had already fled, having purchased a round-trip ticket for a flight bound for Paris.
Three days later, Interpol issued a red notice calling for the arrest and extradition of Magnotta at the request of Canadian authorities. An international manhunt was conducted, with authorities being notified that Magnotta may have disguised himself as a woman.
On June 4, the deranged killer was arrested at an internet cafe in Berlin, where he was reading news stories about himself. Magnotta was ultimately sentenced to life in prison for the horrific crime.
See rest of article
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tinycupcakesstuff · 4 months
10 Reasons I am obsessed with Breakfast with Scot
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Grab yourself a T shaped pancake and enjoy!
I find the theme's of the novel by Michael Downing and the screen adaptation to be very compelling. Exploration of found families, stable queer couple navigating parenthood, potentially queer/gender nonconforming kids, coming out, self-acceptance.
I am a big fan of contemporary fiction, real-life situations meets romance/rom-com. I am not really into YA or fantasy, fandom can be heavily skewed in that direction. I also like more mature protagonists beyond the early 20s into adulthood.
Love a totally stable and in love m/m couple with careers and a house in the suburbs. No romantic drama. Just a wholesome queer marriage.
LOVE that the NHL and Toronto Maple Leafs gave permission to use the logos and branding in a queer-themed film.
I love both stories, novel and film. I think that the characters stand up really well in both. Particularly, I think Eric is entirely justified in remaining in the closet professionally and as a public figure. It was 2007! Ellen was recently out. Very few celebrities and next to no sports figures were out in that time period.
Tom Cavanagh and Ben Shenkman are just so fine, this should be self-evident.
I just love the wholesome, feel-good comfort of the film. I know it isn't perfect but for its time, I think it did well and was pretty ground breaking. Queer-themed films were usually tragedies back then.
LOVE that they incorporated hockey!!!
Love the supporting characters and feeling of a sitcom. That found family and found community comes through very strongly.
And most of all, I love that there is so much story to tell. How did Eric end up getting together with Sam if he can't even say the word gay out loud yet is ok talking about their bedsheets on the street for anyone to hear? How do they deal with Scot's trauma about losing his mom? How is Sam a sports attorney yet knows nothing about hockey? Did Scot finish the hockey season? I want to know all about Nula and George Jr's wedding! I want Eric/Sam commitment ceremony. Hell, I'd even enjoy Billy and Mia's wedding lol. I want to see Scot graduate from high school and Ryan Burlington get drafted.
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
A Spider-woman named Billie! 4
(Part 3)
The Hobies glares at Miguel 928 seeing how the bloke caught their ideas or fantasy. "You boys better relax. Having kids is a big responsibility." Miles 2020 stated, "Oh my goodness, they act like Alphas without a second gender."
"It's baby fever!" Miles 43 looks worried as he stand behind Miles 2020 holding Gonzalo 1015 in his arms. "Ain't no way we agree about kids!"
"Oh no, I have Billie to think of!" Miles 1610 said at his boyfriend.
Billie 1610 smiles happily at his brother being carried by Miles 42. "Ah-HA!"
"Me too but it's Gonzalo!" Mimi 1015 said. The Miles had their focus on their boyfriends while Gabriel turns to Billie.
"Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere! I thought we were supposed to stick to the plan. I take you here and meet up with Mari." He said with one hand out as he express himself about their plans before.
"Hey asshole! She's a grown woman and doesn't have to listen to you!" Miles 1019 scowls at Gabriel. The tall Spider-man ignores him.
"I'm sorry, Gabe. I wanted to try to do things on my own. You seemed super busy with your world and time travel." Billie looks up at him with her big honey-brown eyes pleading to be forgiven, her hand fidgeting almost being nervous.
Gabriel's mask to reveal his face with a worried expression, the whole gang gawks at his face. "Waahhh, no way!" Pavtri got close to look at his face.
Gwen and Miles 1610 couldn't stop looking at him. He look nothing like Miguel 928 and Miguel 970, in fact he had more of white features on his face. He had black hair with red eyes and creamy white skin, his nose straight and had more of a Prince Eric look. His hair looks like one of those pretty boys from the 90s. The wholes gang couldn't stop looking at him, looks like his Irish genes won this round!
"That's not a GAH-Bree-ell that's Gay-bree-uhl!" Miles 43 jokes using the Spanish pronunciation of Gabriel and the American version. This cause most of the gang to laugh at the joke.
Miguel 928 try to hold his laugher when he saw Gabriella looking so confused. "That's not a boy me! That's a white boy!" More laughter came out from the groups.
Jess said, "Um... your dad is Miguel 660?"
"Yeah, he's the white guy with red hair..." Gabriel pouts with one hand on his neck feeling a bit embarrassed. "Not my fault that one fourth gene won!"
"Gabriel, this is a variant of you of some form. He was born different..." Miguel said to his daughter.
"Really? Mmm, I guess so." She looked rather disappointed, she thought her boy version would look like her with brown skinned and brown hair and maybe close to her dad.
Gabriel said, "Hey, why I'm getting these kinds of looks!" He puts his mask back on, "Fine! Then no one can ever see my face, again!"
"No, Gabe. You're so handsome. It's just they aren't use to you or your dad being white." Billie 1613 said to him trying to lighten up his mood. "Trust me, I was surprised when I met Miguel 928! I didn't think there was such variety!"
"I wonder how Miguel 660 looks like then." Gwen rubs her chin.
"Very white." Marina 1022 hums to them, "Like really really white. You wouldn't even say he's Mexican until you hear him speak. He got a bit of that Latino American accent."
"How white?" Miles 1610 asked.
"Miles 43 called him, Leche."
That made all the Spanish speakers choked up with laughter trying to hold their snickering. Miles 43 giggles, "Mari, you're not supposed to tell them that! I only said that because he was so damn white!"
"Bruhh, like that makes me feel any better." Gabriel 660 scowls.
"Hey be happy you don't got redhead or else I would've called you, Ariel." Miles 43 added.
Miles 42 couldn't stop laughing, "Miles, stop! That's so funny. Ain't no way a Miguel is a redhead."
"He is... Idk where he get that Mexican pride coming from because he's gringo format." Miles 43 tries to explain, "And I know that sound bad, but I was just so confused."
"How are you confuse when we come in all forms of color?" Miles 1019 asked, "You called him, Leche!"
"Yeah because I'm Café!" Miles 43 explains, "Café con Leche would be..." She looks around, "Okay we barely have any light skins here... But you get me!"
"All this talk about coffee is making me crave for a pan dulce." Mimi 1015's stomach growling.
"Can we go now for lunch, mommy? I'm so hungry!" Gerald asked.
"Sure. Okay, guys. Kids are getting super hungry. How about we go to the cafeteria to each lunch?"
"Oh yeah. I wanna get to know my little sister, Billie." Gabriel holds Billie 1613's hands, "Right!"
"Right." Billie smiles at her.
"Oh me too!" Mayday said.
"Daddy, I want chicken nuggets!" Mariana 2020 spoke up being carried by Hobie 138b. "Me and-and- and mi hermanos discuss, umm-" She looks up at Hobie, "da-da, what's that word again?"
Hobie 138b whispers in her ear while Hobie 138c holds Aaron and Hobie 138e holds Karl. Hobie 138d holds a sign that saids, "Three cookies each!"
"Oh, chicken nuggets com-boo and three cookies each! Because we a-ew super super hung-wy or we will st-wike!" The toddler looks up at Hobie again to make sure they got all their needs met.
Miles 2020 giggles at the sight, "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah! Down with the system! W-epa-wations." Mariana 2020 holds her first out.
"YUS!" Aaron and Karl hold their fist out cheering on for their demands.
"Demands must be met for our kiddos!" Hobie 138d hold his sign.
Miguel 928 pinched the bridge of his nose, "Why did I have a feeling that them meeting those kids would cause problems?"
"Because they would fallen in love to their variants' children?" Petie giggles, "Peter was happy to meet May."
"Oh yeah, I was." Peter 616 chuckles. "Come on, she's cute." May giggles being proud of her adorableness.
"And do we have to remind a specific someone loving his own variant's daughter?" Jess hums at Miguel 928.
"You got me there." Miguel 928 said.
Miles 2020 smirks at the group, "Okay, because when they sugar high I'll let my mate handle them."
"Yay! We won!" Mariana said happily to Hobie 138b, "Tank-coo, da-da!"
"Da-da!" The boys also said to the other Hobies.
"When did they taught them to say da-da?" Miles 1610 asked his variants being so confused.
"That's a secret, Sunflower." Hobie 138b winks at him while holding Mariana 2020 in his arms then gave his variant's daughter a kiss on the cheek, "Right, lass."
"Right!" Mariana giggles as the two smirks at Miles 1610.
Miles 1610's face turns bashful almost as if he got baby fever. "Oh no, baby fever! Miles snap out of it! You're still so young!" Gwen said out loud with panic. "I'm not ready to be an Aunt!"
"Aunt? Miles is a man! He can't possibly have a kid unless some weird invention Lyla creates to-" Miles 42 hushes Pavtri, "Hush! Just say it's basic biology! The male anatomy doesn't work like that."
"Hehehe," Billie 1613 giggles, "Awe, nothing wrong about dreaming about being with someone you love and fantasize about their kids."
Gabriel lovingly gaze on Billie, "Yeah..."
Miguel 970 glanced over at Mariana still standing next to her even when she moves around. "Mmhhmm."
"Awe man, the O'Haras just got bad game... it's so painful to watch." Jess said to Peter and Petie.
Peter sighs, "Looks like I gotta teach them a few skills."
"You got skills?" Petie arched his eyebrows.
The massive group slowly walks to the cafeteria having to continue their multiple conversation. Miles 2020 watches the Hobies carrying his pups, "You guys are so good with children. I'm impressed."
"Aye, Jack Harlow, have people ever ask for your ID?" Miles 43 asked at Gabriel giving him a new nickname.
"Who's Jack Harlow?" Gabriel asked being so confused as he walks in the middle of all the Miles. They were suspicious of him still.
"You know, that song Lovin' on Me. Your vanilla, baby or you want me to call you, Logic?" Miles 43 hums. The Miles around Gabriel were snickering at the joke.
Billie 1613 carries Billie 1610 admiring her hairstyle, "Wow, you have such pretty hair, but... the outfit is weird..."
"I told Miles to make her cute." Miles 42 pouts. "And she looks so cute with that hairstyle."
"Hehehe, I like my tutu!" Billie 1610 touches her tutu even though she got on her weird outfit of sweats and shirt.
"I tried! We skipped laundry day!" Miles 1610 added with a slight whine.
Jess said, "Oh nonono, this won't do. Not with my baby. Right, honey? You want a cute outfit to match with your tutu." She went over to carry Billie, she expected her outfit seeing how terrible it looks. It was giving lazy dad on a couch, little Billie is a classy girl and deserves to dress cute. "Petie, you got any extra clothes for Billie."
"Hmm, I think I do, but May is pretty small." Petie went into his baby bag to find a cute plaided dress, "This one."
"No way, Billie needs something more cute." Miles 42 said out loud.
"I think this is cute." Petie pouts.
Miguel 928 look into Miles 2020's baby bag to find a two strap red gingham dress with one big bow into the middle. "What about this one?"
Miles 1610 said, "You guys don't need to find her an outfit, I can-" Miles 2020 said, "It's fine. Besides, those sweat pants aren't it."
"I know." Miles 1610 sighs giving up. The three adults were able to put a cute outfit plus with Miles 42 being the one to critique the outfits. It went from preppy, to princess, to girly.
In the end, Jess was able to give Billie a cute outfit, a pink top with white puff sleeves, and with a plain pink skirt underneath her tutu. The little girl wave her hand being happy, "Yea!"
"Awe, she's so cute!" Mariana 1022 cooed at the three year old.
Little Billie giggles being bashful. Gabriella happily poke her cheek, "Wow, tia Jess, you did a wonderful job!"
"You can say I'm a pro." Jess proudly grins widely.
All the Miles were admiring Little Billie's cute outfit, then Miles 42 carried her. "Awe, Boo-Boo! You're so cute. Finally someone gave you a cute outfit." She responded with laughter.
Miles 1610 rolled his eyes at Miles 42 being dramatic. Then he noticed Gabriel looking at Billie 1613, who cover her mouth having to giggle. "So, Gabriel... how close are you are with Billie?" He asked being curious.
"Oh um... we are-" Billie happily said, "He's one of my best friends." She hugs one of his large arms. They look like a couple when she gets close to him. Gabriel nodded, "Yeah, she's a very close friend."
Mariana giggles, "Awe, such a shame. You two look so good together, too." She held her holo-camera from her watch to take a photo of them. "Hehe, aren't they cute together?" She looks at Miles 1610.
"Yeah, I can see them together." He nodded.
Billie giggles, "You guys are so funny. We're just friends! Gabriel doesn't like me like that and I just got out a relationship!"
"What?" Miles 1610 and the other Miles became alarmed by that too.
Gabriel blinks under his mask, "Wait, since when?"
Mariana grins widely, "Oh yeahhh, you were busy with your time travel missions. Billie Boo was dating Peter Parker 1613."
"Whoa, everything is coming together huh?" Peter 616 blinks in surprise.
"It's bound to happen with all these multi-verses." Jess commented.
"Before you guys start freaking out. He was a year older than me, and his name was Peter Osborn... Technically Mary and Norman Osborn got together and had twins. Harry and Peter Osborn. Let's just say it was a messy family. I didn't know Peter Parker was so common as Spider-man, until Gabriel told me about it and I came here." Billie nervously rub her hand, "Haha, we weren't a thing, well he wanted to but got pretty abusive... I think he's taking that drug from his dad."
"Yikes." Gonzalo 1022 commented.
"Huh uh!" Billie 1610 nodded.
"Oh my goodness." Gonzalo 1015 added.
Peter 616 blinks in shock, "Man, these multi-verses!"
"Wait, did he touch you?" Gabriel asked with a panic.
Miles 42 got his claws out, "Where is that asshole? I'll kill him."
"Well..." Billie 1613 wanted to speak but she saw the Miles and Gabriel looking menacing like they're going to murder someone.
"Come on, guys. Relax. Let her speak." Mariana said, "She will give us an answer."
"Wow, a green goblin Peter Parker... today is getting better and better!" Pavtri types into his blog about a new Peter Parker variant for his readers.
The Hobies went over to listen while holding the triplets. They peak over at Pavtri's long blog. This guy writes so fast, they wonder how he does it.
Gwen said, "Wait, is there a Gwen Stacy in your world."
"Yeah! His name is Grayson and we're friends. I'm friends with him, Harry and Ga-Yeon. I met Peter through Harry. The issue was they are known to be the popular rich boys in school, so it was hard to hang out with the two of them. There was a lot of fan girls, and Harry always seems to be the nerdy one."
"Funny, I always thought Harry liked you, too."
"Maybe. I only dated Peter because he asked me out then something happen with him that got him tweaking. It was on our fifth date he took me to the movies, but his eyes were green and bloodshot. He took me to an empty freeway driving faster and faster, I got so scared until I snap him out of it. When I told him, I'll take the bus home, he threatens to hurt me. Luckily, I'm Spider-woman, because he grabbed my wrist leaving a bruised." She softly said rubbing the wrist where the teenager hurt her, "I got home safe by taking an Uber! I swear, he never touched me, again."
Gabriel's claws came out, Miles 1610 could tell he's pissed off. The way he hunched over almost like a primal vicious animal, looks like an O'Hara is showing.
"I'ma kill him." Miles 42's face darkens.
"Not until I get him first." Miles 43 scowls.
Miles 2020 grins widely showing off his own canines, "I do like hunting..."
Miguel 928 spoke up, "No, you guys stay! Your Spider-men! Well, except for you, but don't do it!" He points at Miles 42.
"I don't care. How can he hurt my baby sister? It's like saying if Gabriel got abused by a boyfriend. You're gonna avoid that?" Miles 42 said to the older Spider-man.
For the moment, just for the moment Miguel 928 had thought about it. His whole face darkens with cruel almost menacing expression on his sculpted face, this made Gabriella stare a bit afraid. "You're right. As you were." He finally said trying to calm down. No, he will never let his Mariposa be tainted by cruel abusive men when she reaches her teens. He will commit murder and knows how to hide a body.
Miles 2020 gave him a side hug, "Awe, papa bear."
"Why do you hug him like if he was your man." One of the Hobies felt a bit jealous seeing Omega Miles being very touchy with Miguel. They saw him hugging him, playing his hair and calling him, 'Papa Bear', it made them very jealous.
Miles 1610 said to his boyfriend, "Calm down, bae."
"But luv... if I see you touching the bloke like that I will go insane! I will- I think I will blow this place to the ground!" Hobie 138b said.
Gwen laughs, "He would like Hobie Pine blow up a sector because Meows was hugging one Kaine Barker."
"Oh my god, you met Kaine Barker! He's a dog, right?" Miles 1610 asked.
"Yup, a cute Golden Retriever." Gwen added.
"Awe, so cute. I wanna meet him," Then he noticed his Hobie frowning almost hurt being ignored and mentioning another Kaine. "Sorry, bae. It's just so many variants to meet!"
"Easy boys. I'm always flirty with Peter, Ben, Miguelito, Jess, anyone. It's who I am." Miles 2020 chuckles.
"That is true. Always flirting but respectfully." Peter nodded.
Miles 42 put down Billie 1610 so she can walk with Gerald and Mayday. Gabriella watches them, "Wanna hold my hand, Billie?"
"Yea!" Billie looks over at May being carried by Petie, "Fren?"
"Daddy, I wanna walk!" May finally wiggle her legs.
"Okay, honey. Stay close my me!" Petie set her down so she can walk with her friend. Then, the Gonzalos got down to walk with them. They were talking having their own conversation.
As the group have so many conversations with each other, one specific one was focused. Gabriel said to Billie 1613, "Why didn't you tell me about this? What if he hurt you? He's an Osborn. They're all tweaking on that drug." He places his hands on her narrow shoulders being so gentle with her.
"You seem so busy. I thought it would be stupid to tell you... besides I talk to Mariana and my friends about it. I'm not delicate, Gabe." She pouts.
He let out a sigh with his head lowered, "I thought you could tell me anything."
"I'm so sorry, Gabe. I didn't mean to..." She felt awful now, "I thought it wasn't important to share."
"You dating a jerk?" He asked being offended.
"Somebody is jealous." Miles 43 whispers at Gwen and Pavtri.
"Mmmhhmm." They nodded.
"I'm not jealous! Coño!" Gabriel shouted at them being annoyed.
Billie 1613 said, "Then, there's no problems. Are there rules about Spider-heroes dating? Did I hurt my canon for dating a Peter?" Her being so naive and unaware of Gabriel's crush on her made it worse.
"No..." Gabriel answered.
"Because Mariana was dating a cute guy too!"
"QUÈ?" Miguel 970 asked Mariana.
Mariana burst out snickering, "Oh, it was this guy... I think he was the male version of Black Cat. It was all flirts. We went out a couple of times then he left me on read."
"Gurl, you didn't fight him!" Mimi 1015 said to her, "I would be so offended."
"Meh, we were flirty before but I was never serious about it. Then I dated this guy who happens to be Lizard Man." Mariana shrugs, "Nothing serious."
Miguel 970 frowns, "When was this?"
"Recently. Black Cat comes and go whenever he feels like it. Lizard Man and I stopped dating once he became all evil."
"Recently? Why you didn't tell me?"
"Geez, these two O'Haras are hopeless." Gwen said to Miles 43 and Mimi 1015.
"Yup." Miles 43 nodded.
Petie saw Miguel 970 looking gloomy, "Miguel, maybe you should talk to him about how the young kids "rizz"." Jess burst out laughing.
"What?" Miguel 928 asked.
Peter nodded, "Oh I heard a lot of the kids rizz each other. I dunno what that is but it's like flirting?"
"It's a slang for charming someone." Miles 2020 added.
Miguel 928 rub his neck, "What do i say?" He saw Gabriel and Miguel looking so upset about their crushes. "Ugh, I guess I can give them a talk... or-" Gabriella went over to Mariana, "Big sis, why not hold Miguel like this! Please? I got a magic trick to show you."
"OKay!" Mariana being a nice person hold Punk Miguel's hand. "Like this?"
"Yeah! Okay," She claps her hands once and said, "You two, will be together! Now, promise me together forever!" She smiles at them.
Miguel 970 blushing so hard while Mariana thinking this is a harmless magic trick. "Okay. Together forever." She smiles.
"Pshh! Abracadabra!" She puff her chest out when she somehow release glitter on the two's hands holding showing a red ribbon pop around their wrists.
"Wow, where the sparkles came out?" Mayday asked.
"Ohh, ahhh." The three year olds gawk.
"Wait, where did the ribbon came from?" Gerald tilted his head being so amazed.
"Hehe, a trick I learn!" She grins widely.
Mariana giggles, "Looks like we're stuck together, Miguelito!"
"Ye-yea..." He blushes.
"Awe, so cute. Gabriella, do it to Gabriel and Billie!" Pavtri said, "I need this on my blog."
"Hehe, you got it!" She happily went to the two with the other kids to look at the trick, again. Gabriel being shy holding Billie 1613's hand.
"I think Gabriella already did your job." Jess commented at her friend.
"Hah, yeah." Miguel 928 smiles happily at his daughter being adorable.
"Freedom!" Mariana 2020 spoke to the Hobies, "We fight for freedom! For Ana-wchy!" Along her brothers chanted.
"Anarchy!" The Hobies cheers on.
"Jesus, this is a cult..." Peter 616 said to Miles 1610.
"That's what I'm afraid of..." Miles groans, "He always love his little anarchist, so I'm not too surprised."
"Especially when it's your kids." Peter hums. Miles couldn't help but feel his face red and warm at the idea of children existing between him and Hobie. Well, he is happy to find out there is a possibility and to meet them.
(Part 5)
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amarettodepresso · 12 days
I wanted to write a story based on or around the events of columbine, including Eric and Dylan. Before judging or anything, please read on. If any anti tcc people find this, please respectfully just block me. This isn't a glorifying post, and it's just a what-if situation.
With that information, here are story beats that are almost always present when I go to write a story -
> Rachel is usually the main character's friend
> She's wary of Eric and Dylan but respectful til the end
> The main character is usually friends with Eric and Dylan first but meets Rachel first and hangs out with her more.
> The first half of the book is mainly friends fucking around and having fun.
> Takes place around junior year, 1997-99.
> Implied that the main likes the same gender sometimes, but isn't a main plotline
> Eric is initially kind to the main, but they grow to have a banter-y taking the piss sort of relationship, friend who can say the rudest shit and its probably a joke
> The main never has a dad, and if they does, he's either dead or they have a stepdad (who plays baseball?)
> implied interest in Dylan but they never do anything about it.
> probably argues with some person in the toilets and is expelled
> embarassed on first day
> there's 3 separate versions of Prom as well, which I'll outline -
"The bad guy" prom, where a popular kid takes the main character to prom, leaving them depressed afterwards because the popular kid dumped them for "someone hotter". This one included Dylan, as the main would leave the prom and he'd follow as a concerned friend.
"The friend" prom, where they go with Rachel and her other friend, loosely based off of the I am not Ashamed prom. Begins with the two showing up and convincing the main to go, but they don't have an outfit, so their mom/step dad gets out their prom outfit from school. Includes Dylan again but without their heart to heart, which was crucial.
"The doesn't go" prom. The main stays at home, which is the worst of the lot, because they brood the whole time and make the worst decisions, which leads to destroying something. I never figured out what. I think I wanted to add Eric here somewhere, like a phone call or something. Like he called the main and told them about how good his date was, furthering the main mental spiral.
> When it comes to the 20th of April, I don't write it. It'll be an implied ending, based off of what occurs during the story.
I've had multiple attempts writing a story based around the events of columbine, I wanted to create a world where nobody was harmed and to see the after effects of that. I just never really began. But this ^^^^ outlines how I imagined it, basically. If anyone does like it, lmk and what prom ending seems the most interesting.
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jewbeloved · 2 years
can you write about Main 4+ Butter with a Rich s/o
Main 4 + Butters with a Rich! s/o💵💵💰💓💓
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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🫐 Stan Marsh 💙
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Let's imagine that you were a really popular student in the school.
Everyone is fonding over you and always wanting your autograph.
You were also indeed very rich, you also just sometimes feel like these people just only like you for your looks and money.
But you knew you already had the looks for a certain boy you took interest, Stan Marsh.
Stan is most definitely in utterly disbelief that you would choose him out of everybody in this school.
He didn't really care about how somebody looks or If they're rich or not. He mostly goes for their personality.
You explained to him that you choose him because he didn't take interest in your looks or your money and you were glad about that.
But people would stare straight at you both if you are walking the hallways to class.
Some even gave him death glares.
You gave those people a death glare back If they ever stared at Stan.
It's their lost.💙💙💙💙💙
💚 Kyle Broflovski ☘️
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When you saw Kyle, you just saw this as a win-win.
Even thought people are always following you where ever you go, you always kept your eyes on Kyle and nobody else.
You tend to make him fluster all the time and sometimes spoil him a little.
He does appreciate it, but he declines your gifts because you didn't need to spend all of that money to get him that, you could say all he want is your affection towards him <3.
Your house is a literally luxury mansion, that Kyle almost mistaken you for living in a castle-
He is amazed by how unique your house is thought!
Same with Stan, people do get jealous when they see you holding hands with Kyle.
Sometimes he even ends up receiving letters in his locker threatening to beat him up.
He shrugged it off because it was probably written by somebody who has no bitches or is a desperate loser.
If the person does try to hurt Kyle, you immediately blocked the person's way with a angry look on your face.
The person then ran away and you embraced Kyle into your arms while placing a kiss on his lips.
He felt so loved that you were doing all of this for him.
You love him for the way he is, and he loves you the same. The moments between you never ends💚💚💚💚
❤️ Eric Cartman 🍒
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His mom spoils him all the damn time, so you spoiling him is like playing with matches ;-;
He likes that you spoil him, but he also still doesn't give a shit about how rich you are. He still sometimes make fun of you just like everyone else but he doesn't be too mean about it.
Cuddles with him is still always the best! But he prefers to cuddle on the couch then in bed because your bed is literally huge and he gets sunk into it like he's in quicksand-
He hates to admit it, but he likes it whenever you are the big spoon when cuddling. He likes the feelings of your arms around him holding him close to you like you never want to let him go.
Cartman is an evil asshole, but he still has feelings you know?❤️❤️❤️❤️
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🍊
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You felt bad when you found out that Kenny was the poorest kid in south park and you were the richest (including Token).
Every night, you sneak out of your house with a basket full of food and drinks and left it at the Mccormick's doorstep.
You knocked on the door and ran away back to your house.
Karen was the one to open the door, she found a basket with a little note attached to it on the doorstep.
Kenny came out behind her and saw what she was looking at.
They both looked at each other for a sec before picking up the basket together and took it inside.
The note on the basket was written: "Hey, it really does make me sad when I see that you guys are poor and have no food to eat so I asked my mom to prepare a meal for you guys and put it in the basket to take to your doorstep for you". - signed by Y/n.
Kenny was surprised and his face lit up in flusterness until he saw that you written more on the back of the note.
"Oh and by the way, that confession letter you putted in my locker. I accept! I would love to be your girlfriend/boyfriend <3".
Kenny immediately fainted onto the floor with a big smile on his face, even if its covered by his parka.🧡🧡🧡🧡
💛 Butters Scotch 🧈
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Please, you spoiled this boy to the maximum!
Same like Kyle, Butters also declined your gifts as well, he didn't want you to spend a whole a lot of money to get him a sample gift you know?
But also at the same time, he loves the affection you give him!
It makes him feel all happy inside <3
Butters grandma doesn't like you both being together so she demands you both to break up.
Butters didn't know what to do and feared that his grandma will beat him up again if he doesn't break up with you, but at the same time he loves you too much to even want to break up.
Let's just say that you had a real talk with his grandma and his parents for quite a couple of hours.
After you were finished Butters grandma had a worried look on her face.
"Woah, y/n..what did you do to my grandma and parents?", "Don't worry about that Butters we just only had a little talk that's all".
At the end of the day, Butters is really glad to have you by his side. He was really wishing that he had this kind of affection with his family, but since it's with you he doesn't mind it.💛💛💛💛
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Request completed✅✅✅✅
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fredfilmsblog · 2 years
BTS w/B&PC Part 1
The first Bee and PuppyCat Storyboard 2012 @Scribd
Now that Bee and PuppyCat: Lazy in Space is scheduled to drop on Netflix,  September 6, 2022, I thought I would share some of my recollections as to how this special series of Natasha Allegri’s came to be. –Fred Seibert
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In the summer of 2012, my company Frederator announced that our Cartoon Hangover YouTube channel would be calling for pitches for what would be my fifth short cartoons incubator, Too Cool! Cartoons. As with all our other shorts programs, my goal was to bring new creator talent to the world. We’d already succeeded beyond my wildest dreams with Genndy Tartakovksy, Craig McCraken, Pendleton Ward and dozens of other cartoon creators.
But, Too Cool! was going to be different. Our other series had been kids projects only, given they were for Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. But, with Cartoon Hangover we had a chance to spread out to a world that had changed dramatically with the internet. Now, cartoon and animation lovers could watch pre-school shows now matter how old they were, the the world of adult oriented cartoons could spread out beyond The Simpsons and South Park.
The question among ourselves was what exactly did “adult” mean.
You can check out all the shorts to find out where we landed, but I have to say, when Natasha pitched the original Bee and PuppyCat storyboard (above), we were a bit perplexed.
Sure, Bee was 20-something, and she opened the cartoon telling us she’d been fired from her job. Adults work, right? And they get fired, right?
But, among ourselves, let me speak for myself here, I thought that adult cartoons that weren’t on network television had a chance to go a little farther than the PG stuff we all were used to. A little “edgier” –whatever that means– a bit naughtier? Whatever vibe I gave out, our vice president of creative affairs and development, Eric Homan, wasn’t sure that Bee and PuppyCat fit the bill.
We all loved Natasha Allegri’s work. Eric, in particular, had noticed her on the crew of Adventure Time, where she’s landed without any background in animation. Creator Pen Ward and Natasha had been trading “diary comics” for several years –both heavily influenced by future Cartoon Hangover creator James’ Kochalka’s American Elf– and Pen brought her aboard his maiden series from the very first day.
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And then, there was Fionna and Cake. I won’t go too far down the rabbit hole, but one day we noticed on Natasha’s personal then-blog, this web comic where she’d done the hip thing of the moment and done a gender reversal on Adventure Time. We loved it, put it on the Adventure Time tumblr we’d started, and the readers went crazy. I mean, crazy! Natasha did a follow up, crazy got crazier, and before you know we’d convinced Cartoon Network to do an 11-minute episode in the third season, and it got even more nuts, the highest rated episode until that point. A comicbook series by Natasha followed from Boom! Studios, and cosplayers started showing up to conventions as Fionna instead of Princess Bubblegum. We knew Natasha had the thing.
Nonetheless, was it right for Cartoon Hangover? Eric told Natasha it wouldn’t work, I had concurred, and she started walking home.
More BTS w/B&PC in Part 2.
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