#erek erek
kanalblog · 1 year
Tafsir Mimpi: Apakah Mimpi Jadi Orang Kaya Dapat Berakibat Buruk?
Mimpi telah menjadi subjek yang menarik sepanjang sejarah manusia. Di budaya Jawa, mimpi memiliki makna mendalam yang dapat diinterpretasikan melalui Primbon Jawa dan buku mimpi erek-erek. Tafsir mimpi dalam Primbon Jawa bergantung pada simbol-simbol yang muncul dalam mimpi dan pengalaman turun-temurun. Sementara buku mimpi erek-erek digunakan sebagai panduan dalam mencari inspirasi angka. Dalam…
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littlespidermonkey · 6 months
Just saw a post that said Scott and Stiles are not in love with each other. WRONG. they are so transcendentally in love with each other that they don't know they're in love and have instead resorted to saying shit like "I want to be the same person as you. We need to merge" and thinking it is normal. They are the epitome of weird, fucked up, closeted even to yourself, codependent queer friendship, guy edition. This is not projection
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naughtyservant · 2 months
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D is for D/erek K/ingsfield!
This sexy football player found a filling purple wolfboy trying to catch a snack, so Derek turned him into butt-food instead~
Little idea with two characters from different games from this wonderful BL studio!
Drop all your ideas for E!
Uncensor version on my A/ryion and T/witter as always
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me for more sexy preds from this game! 7w7)r
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heyitsrink · 4 months
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Passing Notes <3
Inspired by the RotE discord prompt "Valentine." I imagine that Erek and Detozi trained the birds to pass notes to each other while they're working. Old habits die hard.
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fanonical · 1 year
animorphs has some really interesting things to say about absolute pacifism
the character of erek is a chee, a species of robot dog people who believe in and are programmed for pacifism above all - to the point where he is unable to restrain someone because it would violate that anti-violence maxim
but animorphs challenges that idea. that pacifism leads to inaction - and while the violence in the series can be brutal, the main team see it as a grim necessity more than anything else. they don’t enjoy killing, but they will do it if they have to
there are so many moments where erek could have helped our heroes and doesn’t because it would require a measure of violence and each time it makes the situation worse. and i think that is interesting for a series whose ultimate message is that war is hell and will traumatise you
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fairweathermyth · 4 months
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She Who Remembers opened wide her gills once more. She tasted a mystery in the waves. She had restored the two-legs to his ship, but the ship both frightened and attracted her. The silvery grey hull of the vessel flavored the water ahead of her. She followed it, drinking in the elusive tang of memories.
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Is it possible that an episode of A-Town could have "Written by Erek King" in the credits?
[For those of you just tuning in: A-Town is the shitty postwar sitcom inspired by the life of Jake Berenson, to the eternal annoyance of Jake Berenson.]
I'm honestly on the fence about whether Erek would be willing to get involved with this project, or would run in the other direction because surely mocking the war counts as "doing harm."
So, to the polls!
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dunsbar · 2 years
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inspired by countless other posts
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gabrielokun · 8 months
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tomberensonsghost · 1 month
Are you a cat person, or a dog person?
Erek: *sweats*
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Currently picturing Erek King playing human sports like Watergun Tag or Laser Tag and trying to downplay his inerring accuracy as just being really good at it when really he's got a built-in aimbot. Heck, he IS an aimbot. But he can't tell people that. He can't play paintball though. Recreational infliction of welts is still against his programming.
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annot8 · 2 months
Not me only realising 400 pages into book two of the rainwilds that detozi is a woman
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heyitsrink · 3 months
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Some outfit design practice featuring Erek and Detozi in their formal wear
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kooldewd123 · 3 months
i know it's stupid but the one animorphs detail that's been nagging me the most since i read it is how erek says that most dogs have the essence of the pemalites inside of them. because like. what's the exception there. why not just say all of them. and now my brain keeps conjuring this scene of erek going yes, we chee have cultivated the wolves of earth into the image of our creators. except for italian greyhounds. we had nothing to do with those freaks. no clue where those things came from.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hey P, I saw in one of your recent anon replies you said you'd love to see other countries takes on UWMA - and oh mY GODS! YES! I wish.
I was wondering if you have an ideal cast, country to country? Who would your picks be for the different productions?
(Side eyes Sam Lin as Dean for the Taiwan cast - also thought of Yagi Yusei as Team for Japan?!)
I was also wondering if there are elements of the story, dynamics, or characters you think different countries would do well, or what they'd bring to the table in terms of production and execution?
I genuinely can't wait to hear your thoughts if you have any!
Hope you're well and having a good May so far!
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Recasting Until We Meet Again
in different countries, 6 leads only, BL actors only, no existing pairs
(Generally I chose actors who are a bit too old for college, but this series could be set in a work place or sports environment etc… and the story would still work, so shrug.)
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Dean - Sam Lin (We Best Love)
Pharm - Erek Lin (DNA Says Love You)
Korn - Alex Chou (My Tooth Your Love)
Inn - Shi Cheng Xuan (Plus & Minus)
Win - Hank Wang (Be Loved In House)
Team - Hsu Shuo Ting (About Youth)
You cannot tell me you aren't absolutely gagging for that last pairing. I think I'm brilliant.
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If I didn't like busting up pairs I'd hand the Parks (Semantic Error) Dean & Pharm, and the 8th Sense boys their past selves. But since I'm feeling experimental...
Dean - Park Young Woon (The Director Who Buys Me Dinner)
Pharm - Choi Jae Hyun (Peach of Time)
Korn - Leo (Happy Ending Romance)
Inn - Gongchan (Unintentional Love Story)
Win - Kim Seong Hyuk (Choco Milk Shake)
Team - Jeon Chang Ha (First Love Again)
Alternate reality option: Hand it to OnlyOneOf and have them make a series of interpretive MVs about the darn thing.
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Dean - Miyazawa Hio (His the movie)
Pharm - Kura Yuki (His the series)
Korn - Suzuki Jin (Given)
Inn - Oriyama Nao (Takara & Amagi)
Win - Komiya Rio (Eien no Kinou AKA Eternal Yesterday)
Team - Ohira Shuzo (8.2 Byo no Hosoku AKA 8.2 Second Rule)
Although we all know Japan would have Dean & Pharm AND Win & Team also end up apart/dead.
Righto, those are my picks!
Fun ask!
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