bbubbleo · 3 months
very obv against making normal people on tumblr into like "the cool mutual i can not talk to because i am not on their level" because its wierd to do that
but i do have a "oh ur still here putting up with the nonsense i draw, my man" hope y'all understand
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
for theee character opinion bingo: tango! but if someones already asked abt him then uhmm ! joe hills! :D
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?? creechure??? chreature????? ??? woagh ?
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godofsmallthings · 6 years
ngl the bridge of yail still gives me goosebumps
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unwanted-animal · 6 years
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beelas-bees · 4 years
Woke up too early
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zrllosyn · 4 years
its vent word vomit
i wanna die but i know i dont want to and if i did itd hurt he otehrs around me btu god i feel like death and also jus eveyrthing hurts and i want otehrs to hurt but also i dont want em to and i feel like aburden which maybe i am i have shitty thoughts and i want it to be fine but its not and im just falling apart goddamnit it if i die it would end but it wouldnt for otehrs which is the problem and god i just know ill probs start not thinkint about it again tommorow but god i hate it its temoprary but i hate it and i dont want to do online school its such bullshit why is it so expensive and is it even worth it am i even owrth it wahts a fuckin education worth tehse days ayways and am i going to even survive long eouhg to use it usually i wouldnt even think about that but i guess i am now what the fuck is this think about ur morality hour goddamnit i hate how powerless i feel over my own emoitons and i feel like im being thrown about in a fuckin boat in the middle of the goddamn ocean and im fuckin drowning but i keep holding on for some god awful reason which is god awuful i know i know why i hold on but god right now i feel like it doesnt matter i just wanna quit but i know i wont but like fuck its something i am thinking about tm i just want this empty feeling to fuckn leave if it hurts it would be better but it doesnt it doenstn even hurt it just is empty like a hollow in my chest and i just want it gone theres no filling it im almost certian its always been tehre but god i can feel it in my sternum, the holllow void behind it and its just so fucking cold and i feel like its jus going to eat any joy i have left if i have any idk rn at least it feels like i dont have any i dotn deserve joy i dont deserve shit i dont know how i conviced people to like me im just a goddamn disaster who wants to hurt others but also what the fuck i dont want to i guess but man i just am full of hurt and void and i cant even feel the hurt anymroe at this point and i dont know what i feel and that wishy washy shit is why im like mad and almost certian that its hurting even though i cant feel it like god its frustrating i think its just frustrating i dotn know and i feel so out of contorl and god im just ogng off theres alot here i dnt thinki i want to send this theres alot
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