#entering my scalie era
d4ggerfish · 10 months
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My shadow monk/thief rogue tav (so enraptured by gale I rewound 40 hours to romance him 🤪)
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
Treasure Pt2
Platonic Yandere Dragon X Reader
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You’d been with the dragon for almost three days now and you had yet to sleep or eat or do much of anything besides pout. Too afraid that if you let your guard down even a little that would be the moment the dragon would see you less like a plaything and more like prey. The monster enters the cave looking quite satisfied with himself. He drops a deer on the ground and nudges it towards you, a smirk growing at your disgusted expression.
“I can’t eat this. You may be some kind of monster with a digestive system to match but I’m not.” You stare down at the dead meal incredulously and the dragon rolls his eyes as best he can.
His human was so difficult, so needy. Still he wouldn’t change a thing about you or you wouldn’t be his precious human anymore. The dragon breath a small puff of flame onto the deer and then used equally powerful breath to cool it. “Eat. You’re starting to become dull. Dull things have no place in my horde.” Perhaps it’s meant to be kind, some messed up declaration of his affection but it just sounds like a threat.
The beast watches in amusement and some amount of pity. How difficult it was for you to tear into the dear with this pitiful excuses for claws, how dull your teeth were. He thought of how easily he could tear you apart as he so often did with your kind or worse how someone else could hurt you and he became even more resolute in his desire to take care of you.
Once you’d finished eating the dragon drops you near his face and forces you to lay cuddled in his scaly arms. He hums at how you fight to stay awake, quickly being lulled to sleep by his warmth. Despite your distaste for him you obviously trusted him deep down. The dragon was filled with more warmth then he’d ever felt before at the thought that you could care for him as he did you. “Sleep. I won’t let anything happen to you, dear human.”
A/n:I’m in my yandere mythical creatures era. So please request more dragon or for other creatures!!
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title ➳ and the moon sets
status ➳ brainstorming & drafting 
pov ➳ third person
genre ➳ fantasy
warnings ➳ war, blood, death, manipulation, self-destructive behavior, unhealthy relationships, ect.
setting ➳ yamatochi; a mountainous country based off of sengoku era japan
synopsis  ➳
At fourteen years old, Neoma Takeda is taken from her desolate home in the mountains and taken to the Clan she is the heir of; the Takeda Clan, a force that was once one of the largest in the war that has wreaked through Yamatochi for generations. With no real-world experience and no knowledge of what war is actually like, plans are put into place for her to enter into a political marriage to protect the territories of the Clan and the Clan itself. However, when it’s discovered that the young woman is a dragonheart everything changes.
No longer will be she used just as a piece in the game of politics, but she will be exactly what the Takeda Clan needs to not only survive but reclaim their place as a powerful force in this conflict and potentially win the war. 
Naïve, the young lord does as what’s asked of her; after all, she’s just a child, she hasn’t a clue what it means to be a warlord or lead a battle. As the years wear on, she is constantly at war. Fighting enemies, fighting her mind, fighting her body, fighting her allies and those closest to her. There is no rest for the wicked, they say, and she is the cruelest of them all.
Down this path of endless bloodshed and death and darkness, how can there be any hope for the sun to rise on a world where there’s peace?
excerpt  ➳
The air in the council room is stifling, especially for the girl who sits in the very center of the room upon the dais. Dark colors swirl in the air around her; the colors of decaying flowers and rotting corpses. She shifts, stares out the open shoji doors, and watches the courtyard beyond. How she longs to be back in her childhood home, in the wild mountainous forest where the wind was always blowing and cutting through her in such an exhilarating manner. The only breeze she gets now comes when she has a sword in her hand.
"A number of months ago," a low and smooth voice captures her attention and that of all in the room, "our Lord Genkei Takeda passed. We all thought our lives were to fall apart without our Lord to follow, but just a few weeks later we met the heir of the clan."
The man -- Isao is his name, the one who has tended to all her needs since she arrived here -- looks at her with a smile that seems to reach his eyes, or is that a trick of the light? Smiling is not in his nature nor does it look natural on his face.
"The granddaughter of our former Lord; Neoma Takeda, the only blood of the Takeda line, the lifeline for our Clan. The gods have blessed us with you, my Lord. The day we met you, our fates changed for the better, for we have been able to continue our service to the Takeda family and in this war."
Neoma almost flinches, biting down on her tongue and curling her hands into tight fists in order to resist the urge to do so. Chest tightening, flashes of fighting flicker in front of her eyes and the scent of blood fills her nose.
It was just to be a small battle; one to give her a taste of what was to come, one to give her a chance to practice with the sword she had been given, one to show her what her life was to be. It wasn't supposed to be brutal...
But the emotions of all the soldiers on either side of the battlefield were too much for her, they choked her as a snake does the rabbit that falls victim to them, and a fear so strong came over her that she couldn't hold it in, she couldn't hold anything in.
Burning worse than any flame that has touched her skin before ran through her veins as her own blood. Silver brighter than the best of metals coursed through the air like lightning. A low grumble rattled the earth beneath their feet and cracked the ground. All those upon the field died, friend and foe alike. Only the ones within the boundaries of the camps were left breathing. 
At least for a short while, anyway. For while Neoma had collapsed to the ground, crying, screaming, choking for air, Isao sent out an order, one she wasn’t supposed to hear but his words still echo in her ears.
"Track them all down. Whoever has seen anything -- no matter if they are our enemy or not -- kill them without hesitation."
With a jerk, Neoma forces herself back to the present. Sickness swirls in her stomach and she can't bear to look at any in the room with her, especially not Isao as he continues to speak about gods know what. It's bad enough that their gazes -- ones of pity and expectation and so many other damned emotions that make her skin prickle and cause colors to dance in front of her eyes -- bore into her relentlessly. Shouldn't they be watching the one speaking rather than her? 
Reaching into the sleeve of her kimono with a shaky hand, she searches for just a moment, and a scaly head comes under her half-numb fingers. A short burst of comfort comes over her, lasting just a breath, but it's enough for now. Having her dragon there at her fingertips to act as a support when no one else can means more than anything else in the world.
"Lord Takeda."
Her eyes snap toward Isao and narrow on him ever so slightly. The sick feeling in her stomach grows stronger, bile creeping from her stomach up to her throat. 
"You are our hope in these troubling times." Isao gives a certain look with those dark eyes, a look she can come to associate with things that are not exactly good and kind. "We are all looking forward to fighting alongside you and reigning victorious."
You are our hope.
Those words choke what little breath she had out of her lungs. Forcing a smile, Neoma gives a respectful nod. Thankfully, from there the food and drink is brought in and she doesn’t have to speak. The attention of most is turned away from her and toward the food and each other as the vassals gossip and theorize. 
Alone on the dais, Neoma doesn't go to eat or drink, even as the maids bring in tea and a variety of foods for her to eat, all of which have been tested for poison beforehand. Another thought that only makes her feel awful.
How can someone risk their life just for her? Why? She is no one special. How can she be their hope? Isao said the magic of the dragon, her being a dragonheart, meant that she is nearly invincible in battle. What use is that if she can't control it, if she kills not only her enemies but her own allies and soldiers? How do they believe she’s the answer to their problems?
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@writeblrfantasy​ | @metanoiamorii​ | @stormbrightwriter​
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The Hunger Games: Ch. 5
I am finally getting around to writing up thoughts. Life am I right? So I’m not only behind, but starting a bit later on my chapter thoughts. 
Here are my rambling thoughts and emotions on chapter 5: 
"Good news, though. This is the last one. Ready?" I get a grip on the edges of the table I'm seated on and nod. The final swathe of my leg hair is uprooted in a painful jerk.// Girl, I feel you. We’ve all been there. #Noshaveforever
This has included scrubbing down my body with a gritty loam that has removed not only dirt but at least three layers of skin// It’s called exfoliating, Katniss, and I promise, it is good for your skin. If they can do one thing for you, it is this. 
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Okay. Like Katniss, I have a soft spot for her prep team. I can’t help it. They feel like they mean well and I’m a sucker for it. Even if they are prepping her for death.  💀
He gives his orange corkscrew locks a shake and applies a fresh coat of purple lipstick to his mouth.// I wonder if SC thought of the most gaudiest looks and just rolled with it. Probably. But some of these outfit choices just seem so out there that I have such a hard time picturing it. Am I alone on this? My fashion sense is that of a bygone era. So maybe that’s why. What is high fashion? Not me. That’s what.
Octavia, a plump woman whose entire body has been dyed a pale shade of pea green // Why would you want to look like a Sim? Why is that in style here? 
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"Excellent! You almost look like a human being now!" says Flavius, and they all laugh.
I force my lips up into a smile to show how grateful I am. "Thank you," I say sweetly. "We don't have much cause to look nice in District Twelve."
This wins them over completely. // Katniss!! I love you. Never change. I do love how other worldly each party sees the other. Maybe it’s a comment on colonialism in that sense shut up Terri Your English degree is showing BUT how Katniss views them as strange birds rightly so because one legit probably looks like a Sim and them viewing her as NOT HUMAN even though she definitely looks the more normal in the room and I stand by that Where was I going with this? It just feels a bit Two Worlds colliding. Okay. Moving on. 
Just how filthy was Katniss? Like she definitely bathed before coming. Twice in one day. So what is their standard here? I don’t want it because it’s probably too much effort. #lazy
It's hard to hate my prep team. They're such total idiots.// My thoughts exactly. 
I cannot stress how much I love how blunt SC makes Katniss’ thoughts. It feels so human to me and I don’t always see that in writing. It’s nice. 
Am I alone on wondering if Cinna has that eyeliner tattooed on? I don’t know why that’s always my first thought with the second being “ouch.” 
I do love how Katniss is always thrown when her pre-perceptions of the Capitol are challenged by *the few* people like Cinna. 
I saw someone point out how Katniss remembers a lot of details like the stylists and past years winners and their strategies and I’m wondering if it’s more like how I know stuff on like the Kardashians that I don’t really want to know or care about knowing. Just facts living in her head rent free. But she remembers a lot of details on the Games.
He presses a button on the side of the table. The top splits and from below rises a second tabletop that holds our lunch.// The future 1950s ads promised and Disney Channel’s Smart House made those in my generation fear. That or a super fancy automat. 
Unpopular opinion, but I absolutely hate when Katniss goes on about the food and how to make dishes. I think it’s so boring to read. Even one sentence about what everyone is eating dulls me. 
What must it be like, I wonder, to live in a world where food appears at the press of a button?//Okay, I know we kind of already have this luxury to an extent, but I too want to press a button and my food is magically there, in my home, already made. #queenlazy
My heart saddens when Katniss wonders what people do in their free time. She is a CHILD. *cries*
Okay. So I know Katniss has boasted about concealing her thoughts, but is she REALLY good at it? She gets called out a lot by practical strangers. I will cling to my headcanon that she is truly an open book and just believes she’s sneaky like that and Peeta pretends she’s succeeding at later in life. Is this canon? Maybe? Don’t @ me
SC’s commentary of sexualizing young teens and kiddos is amazing and yes, please keep coming at us like this, Suzanne. 
Also those poor, naked children. Not only were they going to their deaths, but they literally were paraded around on national television buck naked. 
I'll be naked for sure, I think...Naked and covered in black dust, I think.//An example of why I just love her narration. I crack up every time at the clear doom in her “voice”
He sees my expression and grins.//A true madman because I can only assume her face is that of horror.
I am still mad at the scaly-looking outfits the movie gave us and how they made her hair look
It crosses my mind that Cinna's calm and normal demeanor masks a complete madman.//He is a madman. We accept it and move on from here
*Peeta enters* *Cue my glee* 
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*He is my favorite and that favoritism will show*
*Listen I am here for the messages on war and our consumer culture SC is providing*
*But I will not hide why I’m really here rereading these books*
"What do you think?" I whisper to Peeta. "About the fire?"
"I'll rip off your cape if you'll rip off mine," he says through gritted teeth.//Don’t touch me. The teamwork they already share. 
Haha I just imagine Peeta has that big smile on his face all “Haha I want to die right now”
THEY’RE LAUGHING. Precious beans. 
I guess we're both so nervous about the Games and more pressingly, petrified of being turned into human torches, we're not acting sensibly.// That or you both are talking to your crushes and are feeling giddy about it. Don’t deny it Katniss. We see you
Lmao Katniss’ enthusiasm for D1 cracks me up
Cinna over here just lighting people on fire and relieved it worked properly. This man, I swear
She calls him dazzling. Be still my heart. 
Also I still don’t understand the true purpose of Cinna presenting them as united. Maybe I’ll get a refresher later on. Is it just to make them stand out more because they’re united? I don’t understand this angle at all. So #SameKatnissSame
Lmao or maybe Peeta’s the one who is all “Idk, but *sings* I wanna hold your hand...” 
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Or not. But you bet Peeta is pumped. He’s not naked on national television and he’s holding his crush’s hand. Peak day for Peeta Bram Mellark, with all things given.
I do hope they are waving correctly. 
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I'm glad now I have Peeta to clutch for balance, he is so steady, solid as a rock.//I’m FINE. Totally FINE that this will be how she views him for the rest of the series. FINE.
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Narrator: She was not fine. 
How absolutely sad that she mentions how the Capitolites took the effort to look in the program for their names. How they waste CHILDREN’S LIVES. 
But I shall focus on her gaining confidence and Katniss Everdeen legit getting caught up in the moment where she is blowing kisses at them. The power of a great outfit, amirite? 
Someone throws me a red rose. I catch it, give it a delicate sniff, and blow a kiss back in the general direction of the giver. A hundred hands reach up to catch my kiss, as if it were a real and tangible thing.//Oh my god. So Extra
Everyone wants my kisses.//Peeta wants those kisses 
"No, don't let go of me," he says. The firelight flickers off his blue eyes. "Please.// I am crying as I think about their interaction in the same square in Mockingjay, when she tries to take the nightlock pill and he stops her. “I’ll never let go, Jack”  
SC can describe Snow however she wants, I will forever see Donald Sutherland and only that. Even when Snow is a teenager I picture Donald. The power of Donald Sutherland.
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I love that she doesn’t realize she’s still holding his hand. If Portia had enough time to spray them down, she’s been holding on for awhile. Katniss, explanation?  👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
"I'm sure they didn't notice anything but you. You should wear flames more often," he says. "They suit you." And then he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me. // AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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The more likable he is, the more deadly he is.//Yeah, for catching a dangerous thing called FEELINGS. 
Katniss, how does *kissing* him help matters here? You clearly caught wind he was flirting and your first thought was *le kiss* ???????
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These two, I swear
And Katniss is just so smol having to stand on her *tiptoes* to kiss his cheek. #teamsmol
Onward to the next chapter! 
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theskyrimlibrary · 4 years
2920, Morning Star, V1
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Morning Star Book One of 2920 The Last Year of the First Era by Carlovac Townway
1 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind
Almalexia lay in her bed of fur, dreaming. Not until the sun burned through her window, infusing the light wood and flesh colors of her chamber in a milky glow did she open her eyes. It was quiet and serene, a stunning reverse of the flavor of her dreams, so full of blood and celebration. For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying to sort through her visions.
In the courtyard of her palace was a boiling pool which steamed in the coolness of the winter morning. At the wave of her hand, it cleared and she saw the face and form of her lover Vivec in his study to the north. She did not want to speak right away: he looked so handsome in his dark red robes, writing his poetry as he did every morning.
“Vivec,” she said, and he raised his head in a smile, looking at her face across thousands of miles. “I have seen a vision of the end of the war.”
“After eighty years, I don’t think anyone can imagine an end,” said Vivec with a smile, but he grew serious, trusting Almalexia’s prophecies. “Who will win? Morrowind or the Cyrodilic Empire?”
“Without Sotha Sil in Morrowind, we will lose,” she replied.
“My intelligence tells me the Empire will strike us to the north in early springtide, by First Seed at the latest. Could you go to Artaeum and convince him to return?”
“I’ll leave today,” she said, simply.
4 Morning Star, 2920 Gideon, Black Marsh
The Empress paced around her cell. Wintertide gave her wasteful energy, while in the summer she would merely sit by her window and be grateful for each breath of stale swamp wind that came to cool her. Across the room, her unfinished tapestry of a dance at the Imperil Court seemed to mock her. She ripped it from its frame, tearing the pieces apart as they drifted to the floor.
Then she laughed at her own useless gesture of defiance. She would have plenty of time to repair it and craft a hundred more. The Emperor had locked her up in Castle Giovesse seven years ago, and would likely keep her here until he or she died.
With a sigh, she pulled the cord to call her knight, Zuuk. He appeared at the door within minutes, fully uniformed as befitted an Imperial Guard. Most of the native Kothringi tribesman of Black Marsh preferred to go about naked, but Zuuk had taken a positive delight to fashion. His silver, reflective skin was scarcely visible, only on his face, neck, and hands.
“Your Imperial Highness,” he said with a bow.
“Zuuk,” said Empress Tavia. “I’m bored. Let’s discuss methods of assassinating my husband today.”
14 Morning Star, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil
The chimes proclaiming South Wind’s Prayer echoed through the wide boulevards and gardens of the Imperial City, calling all to their temples. The Emperor Reman III always attended a service at the Temple of the One, while his son and heir Prince Juilek found it more political to attend a service at a different temple for each religious holiday. This year, it was at the cathedral Benevolence of Mara.
The Benevolence’s services were mercifully short, but it was not until well after noon that the Emperor was able to return to the palace. By then, the arena combatants were impatiently waiting for the start of the ceremony. The crowd has far less restless, as the Potentate Versidue-Shaie had arranged for a demonstration from a troupe of Khajiiti acrobats. 
“Your religion is so much more convenient than mine,” said the Emperor to his Potentate by way of an apology. “What is the first game?”
“A one-on-one battle between two able warriors,” said the Potentate, his scaly skin catching the sun as he rose. “Armed befitting their culture.”
“Sounds good,” said the Emperor and clapped his hands. “Let the sport commence!”
As soon as he saw the two warriors enter the arena to the roar of the crowd, Emperor Reman III remembered that he had agreed to this several months before and forgotten about it. One Combatant was the Potentate’s son, Savirien-Chorak, a glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The other was the Emperor’s son, Prince Juilek, in ebony armor with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.
“This will be fascinating to watch,” hissed the Potentate, a wide grin across his narrow face. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this. Usually it’s army against army. At last we can settle which philosophy is better -- to create armor to combat swords as your people do, or to create swords to combat armor as mine do.”
No one in the crowd, aside from a few scattered Akaviri counselors and the Potentate himself wanted Savirien-Chorak to win, but there was a collective intake of breath at the sight of his graceful movements. His swords seemed to be a part of him, a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind him. It was a trick of counterbalance, allowing the young serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center of the ring in offensive position. The Prince had to plod forward the less impressive traditional way.
As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight. The Akaviri was like a moon in orbit around the Prince, effortlessly springing over his shoulder to attempt a blow from behind, but the Prince whirled around quickly to block with his shield. His counter-strike met only air as his foe fell flat to the ground and slithered between his legs, tripping him. The Prince fell to the ground with a resounding crash.
Metal and air melted together as Saviriend-Chorak rained strike after strike upon the Prince, who blocked every one with his shield.
“We don’t have shields in our culture,” murmured Versidue-Shaie to the Emperor. “It seems strange to my boy, I imagine. In our country, if you don’t want to get hit, you move out of the way.”
When Savirien-Chorak was rearing back to begin another series of blinding attacks, the Prince kicked at his tail, sending him falling back momentarily. In an instant, he had rebounded, but the Prince was also back on his feet. The two circled one another, until the snake man spun forward, katana extended. The Prince saw his foe’s plan, and blocked the katana with his longsword and the wakizashi with his shield. Its short punching blade impaled itself in the metal, and Savirien-Chorak was thrown off balance.
The Prince’s longblade slashed across the Akavir’s chest and the sudden, intense pain caused him to drop both weapons. It a moment, it was over. Savirien-Chorak was prostate in the dust with the Prince’s longsword at his throat.
“The game’s over!” shouted the Emperor, barely heard over the applause from the stadium.
The Prince grinned and helped Savirien-Chorak up and over to a healer. The Emperor clapped his Potentate on the back, feeling relieved. He had not realized when the fight had begun how little chance he had given his son at victory.
“He will make a fine warrior,” said Versidue-Shaie. “And a great emperor.”
“Just remember,” laughed the Emperor. “You Akaviri have a lot of shadowy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through, it’s all over for you.”
“Oh, I’ll remember that,” nodded the Potentate.
Reman thought about that comment for the rest of the games, and had trouble fully enjoying himself. Could the Potentate be another enemy, just as the Empress had turned out to be? The matter would bear watching.
21 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind
“Why don’t you wear that green gown I gave you?” asked the Duke of Mournhold, watching the young maiden put on her clothes.
“It doesn’t fit,” smiled Turala. “And you know I like red.”
“It doesn’t fit because you’re getting fat,” laughed the Duke, pulling her down on the bed, kissing her breasts and the pouch of her stomach. She laughed at the tickles, but pulled herself up, wrapping her red robe around her.
“I’m round like a woman should be,” said Turala. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
“No,” said the Duke. “I must entertain Vivec tomorrow, and the next day the Duke of Ebonheart is coming. Do you know, I never really appreciated Almalexia and her political skills until she left?”
“It is the same with me,” smiled Turala. “You will only appreciate me when I’m gone.”
“That’s not true at all,” snorted the Duke. “I appreciate you now.”
Turala allowed the Duke one last kiss before she was out the door. She kept thinking about what he said. Would he appreciate her more or less when he knew that she was getting fat because she was carrying his child? Would he appreciate her enough to marry her?
The Year Continues in Sun’s Dawn
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dreamerfae · 5 years
für immer
A/N: für immer means forever
Summary: Touka brings an injured Ken home that night and their relationship began then. AU Ghoul Ken x Human Touka.
Word Count:  4,271
Rating: Teens and Up
Genre: Alternate Universe, Tragedy
Notes: AU where Ken is a full ghoul and Touka is a human. Set in an era where ghouls are recognized as people like humans are, and are allowed to be like humans.
Ken ran and ran, holding a hand over the big hole in his torso, under the heavy rain. His feet hurt, his body numb and vision slowly fading. Turning into a narrow alley, he hoped that this would make his enemies lose sight of him. When their presences disappeared, he let out a huge sigh of relief and slid down the wall. He tried to force his eyes open but it was no use, as he succumbed to the darkness.
"That damned Nishiki! Purposely closing the shop slowly—" Touka paused in her sentence as her eyes narrowed at an outline of someone's body laying on the floor. Taking a step closer, she gasped when she saw a white-haired male lying in a puddle of his own blood. There was a gaping hole in his stomach and she quickly squatted down beside him to check whether he was still breathing.
She tensed upon feeling his breath. He was alive, but barely. At that moment, she knew that he was a ghoul. If he were a normal human, he would have died from blood loss a long time ago. Her mind debated over whether she should leave him to die here or nurse him. Freak it, she cursed. She didn't want to be responsible for this guy's death if she did leave him alone.
Touka grimaced at the amount of blood she cleaned using 3 bath towels and quickly bandaged his torso without looking at the huge wound. Finally, she settled his body onto her bed and watched as his eye twitched in his sleep.
The male stirred and slowly opened his grey eyes. It then darted all over before looking directly at her. Kaneki bolted up from the bed and jumped to the corner of her room. He bared his teeth at her and brought out his kakugan. Before he could let his kagune out, he doubled over and groaned in pain.
"H-hey! You can't just get up so fast like that! You're injured!" Touka exclaimed as she made an attempt to walk towards him and try to get him back onto the bed. A kagune tendril shot out from his back and turned into the form of a spear before pointing so closely at her face.
"Don't come any closer to me." He warned. He couldn't tell whether she was an enemy or friend and had to be cautious.
His attitude was starting to piss her off. "Excuse me, I was the one who found you half dead in the alley and bandaged you up! The least you could do is thank me, and not point your kagune at me!"
Kaneki glanced over to the bloody bath towels beside him and then down to his bandaged body. Withdrawing his kagune and kakugan, he relaxed and sat down. "..Thank you."
"Good. Now lie back down onto the bed. You need to rest."
He does as he's told and turned to face the wall. He heard her saying some stuff as she cleared the towels up but he doesn't bother when he's busy thinking of sleeping and leaving as soon as possible.
The first thing he did when dawn broke was move the woman from her sofa to the bed and left her house through the window.
Touka awoke to the bright morning sun and frowned when she saw that he already left her place. He still looked pretty weak last night and she hoped that he was okay. At the back of her mind, she wondered what happened to have made people attack him until he was fatally wounded. But she swept the thought away. It's not like she'll ever see him again.
She went on with her usual life, working at a cafe near her home and spent her days peacefully.
It's been one week since Kaneki met with the lady who saved his life. His stomach hasn't healed at all and he cursed himself for being so weak. This was all because he couldn't find any food in this ward, nor could he kill anyone here due to the strict laws of this ward. In his previous ward, he was able to get human meat with ease and still get away with it.
He walked on the streets, hand grabbing his shirt tightly when his torso throbbed and he bit his lower lip to bear with the pain. A delicious coffee scent penetrated the air and he directed his attention to a small cafe in the corner. He hoped that coffee would be able to heal his wounds a little or at least ease the pain. With those train of thoughts, he entered the cafe and was shocked to see the same lady who nursed him a week ago, working as a waitress there.
Both of their eyes widened when they saw each other and Touka quickly guided him to a corner seat before sitting down beside him. "Hey, are you alright? Your stomach..."
The male shifted his chair away from her, purposely putting some distance between them. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for--" He hissed when her hand settled over his stomach and she quickly retracted her hand.
"Don't lie. I'll be done with my shift in an hour. Wait for me here. Don't you dare leave without a word this time." She glared menacingly at him and he nodded with a swallow.
After her work was over, she guided him back to her house and passed him a brown paper bag. He brought it to his nose and sniffed. Human meat. His eyes looked to her, as if asking how she got this. "I know how hard it is to get food in this ward and you don't seem like you're from this ward either. So I borrowed some from my co-worker. He's a ghoul too. Don't worry, it isn't poisoned."
Despite her last sentence, he still opened the package warily and inspected the meat before taking a bite. She watched him chew slowly, swallow and smiled when he started to eat more of it. Within seconds, he was finished with the package and she handed him another one.
His kakugan was out again and she stared curiously at them. He was slightly disturbed by her gaze and asked, "What?"
"It's my first time seeing a ghoul's eyes up close."
"They're pretty."
He froze at her comment. Did she just compliment him? No one ever compliments a ghoul's eyes. They all say it's scary. This is the first time he's hearing a human say that.
"I'm not lying. Hey, can I see your Kagune? I didn't manage to see it fully the other night." She asked.
She frowned. "Is this how you repay someone who saved your life and gave you food?"
Kaneki dragged a hand down his face with a sigh. He brought out his kagune as asked, and had 4 tentacles in the air. Her eyes dazzled at the sight of red scaly tentacles and she reached out to touch one. "Why isn't it sharp? You pointed a sharp one at me that time."
He answered her by sharpening one tentacle and making it soften. "We ghouls can control it."
She stared in awe and then looked at him. "So beautiful..."
His breath hitched, and he teared up a little since no one has ever called him that. Beautiful? How is he beautiful? All he's ever done his whole life was kill people and ghouls with these. They're ugly, sinful, disgusting. He's anything but beautiful.
All his life he was overcome with hatred because his human mother abandoned him when she realized that his father was a ghoul and she gave birth to a full ghoul too. From then on, he hated and couldn't trust humans. But why—when she cupped his face and pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth with a smile—did it make his heart beat so fast?
"You had a very lonely expression in your eyes earlier. I couldn't help it. Sorry." Touka said.
Though he swore to never trust humans again, he moved closer and enveloped her in his arms. Just once, he wanted to know how a human's warmth felt like. She was warm, unlike a ghoul's normal body temperature of 30 degrees. Pressing his nose into her hair, she smelt like coffee and flowers.
To his surprise, she returned the hug and wrapped her arms around his waist. Tears brimmed in his eyes when she pulled him closer and he tightened his grip around her. The way she hugged him and ran her hand soothingly down his back made him feel so wanted and so loved. It was something he didn't have, not even once in his life.
He separated from her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that—"
Touka saw his tears and smiled sadly. Poor boy. He must have been devoid of love for a long time. Maybe because she lost her family at a young age, that's why she understands how it feels to be lonely. Though he hasn't said anything about the reason why, she could see it in his eyes. I'm lonely. I need someone to love me.
She can't help but want to give him what he wanted. Since he was one head taller than her, she had to stand on her toes and wrap her arms around his neck to reach for his lips. She pressed her lips gently against his and he froze on the spot.
So many things ran through his mind but the main one was why is she kissing him? She was a stranger to him, and yet she's been doing nothing but weird stuff and stepping into his privacy. As much as he hated humans, he couldn't hate her. Not when she nursed him, gave him food, hugged him and now kissed him. It took him some time to relax his body and open his mouth to accommodate to hers. His arms go around her to pull her close and he inhaled the flowery scent of her. If he could eat human food, he'd say that she tasted like sweet strawberries.
They separated hesitantly and gazed into each other's eyes. Touka's hand caressed his cheek and she smiled. "Let's date."
His mind said no, he shouldn't date her because he's a ghoul and someday she'll get hurt. But his body said yes, because he has craved love for a long time.
When Touka asked where he was staying, he told her that he was sleeping in different areas at a time. Sometimes the park, below a bridge or on rooftops. He hasn't found a job so he doesn't have enough money to buy or rent an apartment. He was homeless basically, so she asked him to move in with her. Since he was new to the ward, he didn't have many items with him. So they also went to purchase some necessities and new clothes.
Once they were settled down with everything, Touka sat down beside him on the bed and intertwined their fingers together before laying her head against his arm. His heart started beating real fast, just like the time she hugged him. She doesn't say a word but he could see that she's smiling.
"You can do anything you want with me, you know." She finally spoke.
"..I'm sorry. I'm new to this so I don't know what I should do."
This was the truth. It was his first time dating, and on top of that, his partner was a human girl.
"It's okay. We can learn together."
Being a novice at dating, Kaneki didn't know how to be a boyfriend. It's been a week since they started dating and the only thing he's done for the past week was stand outside the cafe and watch his girlfriend work. He felt like a stalker of some sort but he really didn't know how to do this relationship thing.
Touka was aware of his presence whenever she worked and each time she turned in his direction, he'd quickly hide behind a tree or wall and hope she didn't spot him. But alas, she did and would always laugh at his silliness because he looked so cute doing that, as if they were playing hide and seek.
After the one week, she finally invited him in for a cup of coffee and settled down beside him. His heart raced at the proximity of their shoulders almost touching and he stared down at her hand which rested on the table. Trembling, he placed a hand atop hers, and watched her eyes light up and cheeks turn pink. He felt his own face warm as well, and decided to take it a step further, intertwining their fingers together.
Being a man of few words, he didn't know any romantic words to say in this situation. Touka knew that, turned her hand over and laced her fingers with his before giving him a smile. All he needed was encouragement and a little help along the way.
Ever since he was little, Kaneki has had problems trusting others and always kept to himself. He did everything alone. Ate alone, hunted alone and slept alone. For the past 25 years of his life, he's been doing that with no problems. After his mother abandoned him, he thought he had closed his heart off to prevent anyone from entering it. But Touka did, so easily and made a mark there.
She'd give him a big smile and welcome him home each time he returned from work, listen carefully to what he said, and touched him so gently and with so much love. Just as how she stormed into his life, he found himself falling in love with her.
Touka could tell that Kaneki was starting to change with her by his side, as he would have more smiles and laughter now than when they first met, where he always had a solemn and lonely look on his face. Truthfully, she enjoyed his company as well, being someone who also craved closeness with another, since she lost her family at a young age. She started looking forward to heading home, where he would always wait for her patiently and shower her with kisses and hugs.
They'd chat a little, and he'd ask how was her day, to which she complained about the stupid customers she met and he would laugh each time because she made it so funny. Then, they would shower and cuddle on the bed before falling asleep in each other's arms.
Sometimes, he would disappear for a day or two, just to hunt for food and she was always so worried whenever he did. But each time, he would press a kiss to her forehead and promise that he'll be back. He kept his promises and gradually she didn't worry as much as before.
It was around 4 months into their relationship that they started getting intimate with one another. It started off with them casually kissing on their couch, to which Kaneki took the kisses further and pressed his lips against the sides of her neck. She let out a gasp, panting as she felt his hands go under her shirt and they separated to gaze into one another's eyes.
He would have stopped there if she didn't encourage him to take her to bed and soon, their clothes were strewn all over the floor and their naked bodies were pressed together. It was both of their first times and though it was painful and uncomfortable for them, they enjoyed every minute of it because being this close and intimate with someone was something that they have craved for their whole lives.
Kaneki cried the moment they were done with the act and Touka pulled him to her chest, running her fingers through his white hair to comfort him. His arms went around her and she held him until he fell asleep.
He never thought that he'd fall so deep in love with her but he did.
One night, Kaneki was worried because she was late in returning home from grocery shopping and decided to check in on her at the supermarket. On the way there, he heard a familiar evil laughter and quickly turned into an alleyway. He found the gang of ghouls from his ward who was chasing after him, led by Matsuo, surrounding Touka. His eyes dilated with horror when he saw her bleeding and brought out his kagune to slit the necks of the ghouls who had their backs to him.
Touka's eyes widened at the sight of her boyfriend.
Matsuo was alerted due to the screams and smirked at him. "Oh, so you were here? We were looking all over for you and decided to ask your girlfriend when we couldn't."
He growled, anger evident in his red eyes. "What did you do to her?!"
"Oh, nothing. Asked her where you were and she refused to answer. Gave her a little injury—"
Before Matsuo could finish his sentence, Ken's kagune had flown past him, made a small cut on his cheek and pulled Touka into his arms. He gritted his teeth as he stared down at her wounds and glared at Matsuo. "I'll kill you."
"Ken, I'm okay.."
He smiled down at her. "I'll protect you. Don't worry, it'll only take a while."
With them, he narrowed his eyes at Matsuo and the gang. He was fine with being hurt but no one, no one was allowed to hurt his girlfriend. Bringing out more tentacles, he was about to attack them when a group of guys' laughter could be heard and the gang quickly retreated, knowing that they could get in trouble if they were spotted. Fights among ghouls were fine in this ward, but if a civilian was hurt in the process, they would be arrested by investigators.
"Doctor, please help her! She was attacked by ghouls!" Kaneki exclaimed, pleading with the doctors to save her. Touka was looking really pale now, having lost too much blood and they immediately brought her in.
After a few hours, she has finally stabilized and he was allowed to visit her in her hospital room. She was given a few stitches and although she was in pain, she forced a smile when he settled down beside her bed. He had his head down, tears dripping down his cheeks. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault—"
"It's okay. I'm alright now. The doctor said I can be discharged in a week!"
He looked at her with teary eyes. "Those guys who attacked you were the ones who injured me when you found me that night. They're after me because I killed some of their comrades in the past. You shouldn't be involved in this. It's dangerous if we continue to date, I think we should break up—"
Touka squished his cheeks with her hands and frowned. "No, I won't break up with you. I promised, didn't I? That I would stay with you."
"B-but you might get hurt again in the future. What if they came after you again?"
"I'll have you here to protect me. I'll even take up self-defense classes if you want me to. So please don't say that you want to break up." Her own tears dripped down her cheeks and he moved to hug her.
He swore on his life that he'd protect her.
They resumed their normal lives once Touka was discharged. The doctor advised her to stay at home for at least 3 more weeks before returning to work. She was hesitant but Kaneki insisted that she did and promised that he'd help her if she needed him. Of course, she agreed under his pressure.
While he did help her with the house chores before, now that she was injured, he did everything by himself. She needed all the time in the world to rest and he would do anything to ensure that she did. He still felt that her getting hurt was his responsibility and fault, and watched her every minute of the day even after she returned to work to make sure she was safe.
One night in bed...
With his arms around her, Touka gazed at Ken's face and caressed his cheek. "Hey, where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
He pondered for a bit before smiling down at her. "I see myself married to you and us having children together."
She grinned. "What? Are you saying you're gonna propose to me one day?"
"Someday, I will. Then we will be together forever."
Soon after that, Kaneki started receiving challenge letters from Matsuo, asking him to meet at a certain place for a showdown but he wasn't stupid and threw all of the letters away. It continued on for around 2 weeks and then they stopped coming.
One night, just as he was on the way to pick up Touka from work, he received a message from her.
Good evening, this is Matsuo. Since you wouldn't meet me by yourself, I have asked your girlfriend for some help. If you want her alive, come to 123 Shinjuku Warehouse.
A photo of Touka tied up by ropes was attached in the message.
His blood boiled. He'll kill all of them.
After arriving at the place, he saw the gang surrounding his girlfriend who was bound to a chair by ropes and Matsuo smirked at him. "I see you came."
"Let her go. She has nothing to do with this. If you want a fight, I'll fight you."
"We can't have you running off with her once we release her, can we? Besides, it'll be nice to see your reaction once we start playing with her." Matsuo smirked, bringing out his kagune to point at her.
Before Ken could go to her rescue, he was held down to the floor by 5 ghouls and Matsuo laughed. "Let me go, you bastard! I'll kill you!" His eyes flashed with anger.
"If you want your girlfriend unhurt, then you better do as I say."
"I rather die than--" He gasped when Matsuo placed his kagune on Touka's neck and blood started to drip down.
"You WILL do as I say." The male repeated, eyes narrowing at Ken.
Touka shook her head at him, telling him not to listen but he bit his lower lip. He had already decided that he would protect her no matter what. "Fine. Let go of her! I'll do whatever you want me to do! Just don't hurt her!"
Matsuo smirked in victory. "So romantic. First, you'll kneel down and beg me for forgiveness for causing the deaths of my friends."
Despite knowing that he was doing this on purpose, he got on his knees and apologized. But Matsuo never planned to let Touka go and ordered his men to beat Kaneki until he was happy. Each time he tried to retaliate, Matsuo would position his kagune at Touka's neck and he had no choice but to continue to receive the beating.
Tears flowed down her cheeks as she watched them kick him and stab him with their kagunes. "Stop! Ken..he'll die!"
Satisfied from seeing Kaneki all beaten up with bruises and wounds, Matsuo released Touka and she quickly ran over to him. Though Kaneki knew he couldn't regenerate anymore, he still smiled when he saw her running towards him uninjured and slowly reached a hand out to her. In the blink of an eye, she was stabbed in the stomach from behind. His eyes widened as she fell to the ground, laying on her side. "Ken..."
Gritting his teeth as tears fell down, he roared, "Curse you, Matsuo! You promised you'd let her go!"
The male only laughed.
Lightning flashed in the sky, thunder following soon after and the rain came down hard on them. Ken used one arm to drag his bloodied and weak body against the ground towards his girlfriend and cupped her cheek when he was beside her. Staring down at the huge hole in her stomach and the pool of blood that surrounded her, he knew she wouldn't make it and couldn't stop his tears from falling. "I'm sorry,  I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..!"
Touka opened her watery eyes and shook her head. "It's not your fault, Ken. You did all you could to protect me. Thank you."
He could tell that he was losing her, from her pale face and shallow breathing and sobbed even more. Pulling her into his chest, he let his tears fall and kissed her head. Touka weakly wrapped her arms around him and whispered so softly that he almost couldn't hear her. "..I love you, Ken. Thank you for everything. If I could be reborn in another life, I would still choose to spend it with you."
"M-me too. I love you, Touka. I promise that we'll be together forever in our next lives. We'll meet again, get married and have children!"
Touka smiled up at him and slowly closed her eyes. She went limp in his arms and at that moment, he knew that he lost her. Hugging her so tightly, he wept in sorrow until the flame in his own life also died out.
The couple remained in each other's arms even as they left this world.
100 years later, they were reborn as humans and even retained their memories of one another. They found each other again, and this time, they stayed together forever.
Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.
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jessicajanehatcher · 2 years
Park Hall Farm
Deep in Shropshire countryside lies a farm
Where spray-painted pigs cast a curious charm...
Park Hall Farm is not an archetypal petting zoo. After entering, you walk past a mock-Victorian schoolroom (available only to pre-booked groups) and pass a Victorian-era laundry room and parlour; my four-year-old takes delight in pointing out the mangle. Then on the left is Little Oswestry with its estate agent, where my son takes a seat behind a desk and taps away on a keyboard, drawing up imaginary plans for the house he wants to sell me; a bargain at four hundred million pounds, apparently. Then we are into the belly of the beast – the cavernous main room where I drink passable cappuccinos while they leap and bounce, and pedal about on tractors. There’s also the perilous demon drop slide – a shiny, vertical slide that keeps the  truculent pre-teens occupied. “I think I’ll do it when I’m five”, my four-year-old says, sagely. 
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My coffee finished, we progress to somewhere that actually resembles a farm for the first time – the stables where the Shetland ponies and shire horses reside. Except today it’s not a pony but a dinosaur that greets us. I field the inevitable accusation: “Mummy, you told me dinosaurs don’t exist anymore.” It is confusing, I concede, while dodging his implicit question. Children line up to meet the scaly beast and offer him (or her) fistfuls of hay, which the dinosaur noses with interest. It’s such a realistic dinosaur, I feel for my son in this moment of questioning and self-doubt. 
Happily, everything becomes more literal and self-evident when we progress across the yard and into the field, where there’s a makeshift race track and children are placing bets on which of three hirsute pigs will be the first to cross the finish line. You know where you are with racing pigs – Pinky, Perky and I can’t remember the other one. They each have a Mohawk that has been spray painted a different colour. It gets very exciting, with a rowdy commentator whipping up the diminutive crowd, and ends with Pinky racing to victory (spoiler: I’m told Pinky wins every time). 
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A little way off, we spot a really good looking playground – like London’s Tower Bridge but made out of wood with all sorts of ramps and slides to explore. We eagerly make our way over to it – but discover there’s a stock fence in the way. It turns out the playground was built for goats, not children. Having spent all of two hours here, that strange fact doesn’t surprise me. Not least because there is no shortage of things for children to play on – the options are quite bewildering. But it’s OK because if you find it too much, you can take some time out in the trenches. Yes, as if Park Hall Farm is not curious enough already, there is a labyrinth of replica trenches that will walk you through trench warfare from WWI to the present day just next to the pig-racing track. Oh, and then there’s the Welsh fusiliers museum (which incidentally is fascinating). 
The last time I was here, I bumped into some friends from London and it wasn’t until I’d seen it through their eyes that I realised how extraordinary it all is. I’ve not even touched on the archeological digs, small animal petting, medium-animal live birthing (i.e. lambing), soft play, barn-sized sandpits, slides and water-play. Upcoming entertainment includes the ‘royal races’ – I would not put it past them to pit the Duchess of Sussex in spikes and lycra against the Queen – and, of course, that children’s classic, ‘find the missing corgi’. Park Hall Farm, I salute you – for being very odd, and very wonderful, at the same time.
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zeal-ascendancy · 2 years
While Ayla and Crono put the Sun Stone in the cave, Robo went back and retrieved the others to start on the task to restore the forest. Lucca and Marle went first, followed by Janus and Glenn.
When it came time for Janus and him to go to his era, Glenn closed his eyes as soon as he was in the Epoch. No one besides Ayla had seemed to notice his failure to act during the last fight and he wondered if this was for the best or not. He felt that if he couldn’t be of any help, then he should just be left back in his era. The motion of the Epoch and the thoughts racing through his mind made him feel sick and lightheaded.
The Epoch came to a stop and he felt a hand shake his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see Janus looking at him expectedly. “We’re here, Glenn.”
Glenn sighed and nodded. He climbed out of the Epoch and followed Janus to Lucca and Marle. He looked around at the land before them. It was just as Marle had described. The grassy field he had crossed to return to Porre had dried up, leaving a sandy soil and dead plants. In the short distance, he saw the small cave, presumably where the Mystics hid.
“As soon as Robo comes back with Ayla and Crono, we should head for that cave,” Marle noted. “We don’t know much but Fiona said they didn’t like the rain so maybe water magic will help.”
“It didn’t help last time,” Glenn thought bitterly.
Crono and Ayla arrived with Robo shortly afterward and the group made their way to the cave. The tunnel lead down the way to a large cavern with a sandy floor. Sunlight and some sand poured down into the cave from various small holes in the ceiling but otherwise it was decently lit.
Cautiously, the group readied their weapons and entered the cavern. The further they went in, the more the ground turned to sand, making it slightly difficult to walk.
“Are we sure this is the place?” Lucca asked.
“It has to be,” Marle said. “This cave wasn’t here before.”
“Marle’s right about this cave,” Glenn added. “I’ve been through this land plenty of times in my life and this was never here…”
“Then where’s the Mystics that supposedly created this place?” Lucca asked. “There seems to be nothing but sand…”
Suddenly, the ground began to tremor. Two massive insect-like monsters burst forth from the sand and surrounded the group. Their huge curved stingers glinted in the faint light.
“Look at this… some stupid humans with death wishes,” chortled one of the Mystics. “Let’s skewered them and feed them to Melphyx.”
As the two Mystics rushed forward, Marle barely jumped out of the way as a scaly clawed hand reached up from the sand to grab her by the ankle. Meanwhile, Janus let out a shout as something pulled him under the sand.
“Janus!!!” Lucca screamed.
Crono and Robo both found themselves in melee with the two insect-like Mystics, with Robo immediately losing his footing and getting stabbed in the shoulder by the Mystic’s stinger. Marle started to prepare an ice spell and looked around for the Mystic that had tried to grab at her.
Glenn and Lucca looked around as Ayla was frantically digging through the sand in some hope of rescuing Janus. Suddenly, the three of them found themselves thrown back as a wave of darkness blasted sand in all directions. A strange fish-like Mystic crashed into the sand nearby, apparently blasted out of the sand by the explosion.
The fight briefly stopped as everyone looked back at the location of the blast. There stood Janus, surrounded by swirling shadows and his sword in hand. He lunged at the fiend with frightening agility as it leapt to its feet. It looked like Janus was flying across the sand as he impaled the fiend on his sword.
“You fools can’t defeat Melphyx,” it hissed through the pain. “We will destroy this continent for General Slash and avenge the great Demon King.”
Janus only responded by shoving his blade deeper into the fiend’s chest before pulling the blade out. As the fiend fell its knees, Janus traced the rune for an ice spell and invoked the incantation, snakes of frost striking each of the Mystics on the surface. The ice froze the fish-like Mystic solid while the Mystics that were attacking Crono and Robo found themselves frozen to the ground.
The Mystics shrieked in pain and frantically tried to break free of their icy prisons. Crono slashed the Mystic in front of him and chopped off one of its arms, causing it to reel back in pain. As it went to strike him with its stinger, Crono dodged and slashed his katana across its side. It turned to attack him in spite of the pain only to be struck in the head by a large block of ice by Marle. It collapsed in a heap, giving Crono a chance to finish it off.
Robo took advantage of the Mystics being distracted by Janus to fire a laser at the face of the Mystic attacking him, killing it instantly.
Glenn, Lucca and Ayla managed to get to their feet as quickly as they could in the sandy soil and readied their weapons. Ayla quickly moved to put her back against Glenn’s. She glanced over her shoulder, “You okay, Glenn?”
“I’m fine.” He muttered. “Keep an eye out for more of those Mystics in the sand…”
As Janus rushed over to the group, Ayla noticed that his feet never seemed to touch the sand until he came to a stop by them. However, there wasn’t time to ponder this strange occurrence.
A vortex appeared in the sand a short distance away. The ground shook violently. Spikes of bone briefly emerged from the sands before sinking back down.
“Now you’ll get it, Melphyx has awoken,” declared another fish-like Mystic who surfaced from the sand. He sent a blast of sand flying at the group, but they were able to shield their faces before Marle cast her ice spell and frozen the fiend solid.
“I think we need to retreat to more solid ground,” Glenn called out. Ayla nodded in agreement. “Bad monsters in the sand will just keep trying to grab us.”
Crono and Robo nodded. They backed up to rejoin the group with Marle. Lucca turned to follow but found herself being grabbed by another Mystic from below. She frantically shot at it but she must have missed because it grabbed at her again. Janus hurried over and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to safety. 
As Janus pulled Lucca towards him, the sand behind her exploded in all directions and a massive skeleton with a single glowing eye socket and wings made of bone rose from the depths. A strange sphere that looked like it was made of leathery flesh was nestled where one would expect a stomach. An eye opened on the sphere and it turned its gaze on the group.
0 notes
elby-ma · 4 years
[part of my project Tales of Eminae] 
 I wrote this as the beginning of the first story set in the modern era, but I have decided to start the story off somewhere else. So here is a scene that won’t be used!  It’s still canon though, so this might serve as a little glimpse into the plot.
“You owe me a favour.”
“I know,” Cheonsa responded solemnly.
“You should be happy; you’ll finally be rid of the promise that binds you,” Mrs. Zheng said. 
“I’m fully aware these shackles will be replaced with new ones soon enough. But don’t misunderstand, I’m eager to hear what I’ll be doing for you, ambassador.” Cheonsa said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You should be.
“Well then get on with it!” Cheonsa responded and was met with a glare.
“I’d refrain from reading my mind if I were you,” The older lady warned.
“My apologies, ambassador,” Cheonsa said quietly as Mrs. Zheng made her way to the door. The elven ambassador’s office was neat and organised as always. Behind her sturdy wooden desk were large windows and long, heavy curtains that were the centrepiece of the otherwise unremarkable room. Every other surface was left empty with not a single speck of dust in sight. Cheonsa had to stop herself from knocking over the single flower vase that stood at the edge of the desk, just inches from where her elbow rested.
“A friend of mine is in need of some help. Your favour for me will be assisting him in his endeavours.” A flock of birds passing by the window caught Cheonsa’s attention as the door opened. She could hear someone entering the room, but her eyes remained fixed on the birds who were flying further and further away into the sky.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mun Su-Cheonsa. I am Ryunnait Leathdragan.”
She knew that name; everyone did. “You can’t be serious...” she whispered as she tore her eyes away from the window and took in the stranger’s appearance. Just as the name had implied, the stranger had a horned face and scaly skin. Looking down she even saw a long tail ending in what looked like a blade. Ryunnait seemed to be a man, though there really was no telling with their kind. One look inside his mind supplied her with the word “Vydem”, or “male” Merlinian. Clever guy, she thought, before facing Mrs. Zheng once more “You told him?” the young agent asked.
“I didn’t have to; He has access to the registry,” the ambassador said.
“Wonderful,” Cheonsa answered in a bitter tone, though she was pleasantly surprised a half-dragon had remained so polite in her presence, despite knowing her secret.
“So what’s the favour?” Cheonsa smirked “If someone like you needs my help, the end of the world must be in sight.”
At this, Ryunnait smiled and said “You’ll see soon enough, Cheonsa, that I am not like most people; I won’t treat you any different because of your gift.”
Cheonsa’s eyes shot op. “Gift? You must have lost your mind!"
“My mind is doing just fine, thank you,” He responded coolly.
“Oh psssh!" she spat as she looked straight into his eyes. "I may not like the elders but they are right about one thing: This is a curse. And there’s no use in making it out to be anything else.”
Ryunnait seemed unfazed by her attitude and calmly continued “It makes little difference what you call it, the fact remains that your abilities are the reason why I sought you out. The fair folk are going missing at an alarming rate and the Elder Council is effectively ignoring all their pleas for help. I’ve made it my business to aid them and a mind reader is just what I need to make my plan succeed.”
Cheonsa was silent for a while before responding incredulously “You do know I only just graduated, right? I haven’t even been assigned a team yet!” she glanced sideways while brashly adding “Not that any sensible person would want to be my teammate for the rest of their life.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Mrs. Zheng responded, “Ryunnait and I will convince the council to assign you to a team right away, with him as the leader. Your teammates won’t even know about your curse, and they’ll be too proud of being under his wing to care.”
Cheonsa hadn’t expected to hear that. Becoming a team meant becoming family, living together, training together, essentially dying together too. In rare cases a team might disband for some reason, but when that happens they’re immediately kicked out of Arcary. Which is humiliating in and of itself.
“You’d go this far to help the faeries? Bonding yourself to some rookies for the rest of your life?”
“The rest of this life, Cheonsa. Remember, us dragonkin can be reborn. Besides, I have plenty of reasons to care about the fair folk’s fate. Not the least of which being that the survival of this world depends on their wellbeing.”
“I-I see” Cheonsa stammered.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[FN] “If you value your life, my life, the lives of everyone in the city, do not wake up the princess”
Mist roiled across the cobblestone stones as the moon winked through the clouds at irregular intervals. A lonely stature clad in a frayed cloak walked quickly through the streets. With a bang, they threw open the doors to the pug. It was like a completely different world, the lights were bright and the people were rowdy. The clocked figure threw off his cloak!
The people paused and stared. A knight in shining armor raised his sword. “Cheers!” The knight cried. The place erupted once again. The knight made his way through the crowded place to the back tables. He slammed himself onto a bench and ordered a round of drink for the other 4 people there.
After getting tipsy, he asked the table “Can you guys tell me about the tower outside of the city?”
A bearded dwarf sighed. “You’re here for the princess too? You know that I might just be a legend, right? A 1000 year old princess in a tower guarded by a dragon? A human living that long is funny enough but the fact that she needs to be woken up by a kiss is stupid. If a witch wanted her to suffer they would have but a pain spell on her or something, and that kind of curse is harder then a pain spell.”
The knight chuckled. “Thanks for looking out for me but I’m mostly here for the dragon. If there happens to be a beautiful princess in the end as a reward, all the better.”
The dwark chuckled and chugged his beer.
* * *
The next day, the slightly hungover hero arrived in front of the tower. It looked like a typical wizarding tower, coned top, shooting into the sky, and magic symbols that had long decayed. The Oriental Dragon with it’s long body was coiled around the tower. From the knight’s distance it seemed like the dragon could wrap its body around half the perimeter of the average city if it wanted to. It was black with large purple horns pointing to it’s back.
Roar It raised its head from the cone top and stared at the knight. It was true that dragons were favored species. WIth just that roar it, the knight could feel the mana running rampant. His Shining white armor with gold designs light up even more. The rampant mana was drawn towards his sword. It had a white and gold design with a dragon on it’s handle.
SHOOOO The mana in a 40 foot radius was drawn into it. The dragon stared at the sword, it’s eyes widening. It uncoiled and ascended to the sky to create some distance. It roared again and the clouds parted making the sky clear. It’s figure cast an enormous shadow across the plains.
Opening its mouth it gathered energy, the dragon watched the knight. The knight dashed towards the tower, his sword running across the ground. The dragon’s body swelled more and more. When it was close to bursting, if squeezed his entire body, blasting out all the mana in the form of a black beam.
DOOM It streaked across the sky, hitting the earth in a second and shaking it. The knight quickly pulled out a sheild from its back. This was a multi colored scaly shield. It didn’t look that good, quite ugly in fact but as each of the scales lit up, the mana ran rampant once more and the image of a dragon appeared, tens of times larger then the purple dragon. This faint outline swallowed the black beam as he purple dragon adjusted it’s aim to follow the constantly running knight. The outline rushed towards the panicked purple and went through it.
Thump Thump The purple dragon was filled with a sense of dread and emptiness. It decided run. But it was too late. The knight had finished drawing his inscription circle. He stabbed his greatsword into the center. “God’s Avatar:Imitation!” He cried.
SIIII The ground evaporated in a perfect sphere with a radius of 100 meters in all directions. The knight stood on the patch of land the circle occupied, about half of a football field, balanced on a thin column of land, remained. The rest of the land transformed into energy that fueled the circle.
A semi translucent, humanoid figure rose up from the circle. Starting from the size of a mouse, then growing the size of a human, then to a orc, then a giant, then to the size of the tower. Eventually it grew to the point the dragon would barely take up it’s palm. As it grew larger, the dragon flew away faster. With a speed that the knight’s eyes couldn’t follow, the giant leaped forward, quickly snatching up the dragon from mid air. They tumbled into some mountains, crushing them. The sound was deafening and the impact even more so. All the glass in the city was shattered and the people were stunned.
The translucent humanoid, without missing a beat pummeled the dragon. By the third hit, the dragon was died and by the 5th, the humanoid had disintegrated. The earth shook and ruptured, the city was practically destroyed. The knight fell to his knees. He quickly took out potions to recover. With the knight’s measly mana of 5,000,000 points, he could only hold the skill for 3 seconds, hence why he got close to the dragon before using it. The knight quickly got rid of the circle, then he pulled out a teleport scroll and ripped it. He quickly arrived at the purple dragon’s corpse. Picking up a scale, he placed it onto his shield. The rest, he collected in his storage ring.
He ripped another scroll and arrived back at the tower. Make no mistake, each scroll was worth hundred of thousands, but dragon hunting was a very rewarding job. The knight entered the tower, going through each floor, and each room.
“Nothing. There’s nothing here???” Everything was barren, not even a scrap of paper was left. Whoever sweeped this place clearly did a good job. As the knight reached the peak of the tower he saw a stunningly beautiful women floating at the top of the tower. She was naked, her clothes probably stolen.
‘That dragon was one hell of a perv staring at her all day, how is she not cold while being so exposed?’ The knight thought. He reached out and pulled her down. He wasn’t gonna lie, this girl was hot. He smirked thinking about how she might ‘thank him’ for waking her up. He leaned in and gave her a deep kiss.
Her eyes snapped open, piercing, cold. The knight who had his eyes closed felt shivers down his spine. He snapped his eyes open and pulled back. The girl’s expression was gentle, her eyes warm. She examined her body for a moment, then with a snap she rightened herself up and clothes appeared on her. She approached the knight and hugged him.
“Thank you sir! It’s been so long since I was able to open my eyes, without your help who knows how long it would have-” She froze as she stared at the shield of scales on the knights back.
She took a step back. “Sir, are you a dragon slayer?” She asked with a beaming smile. “Ha, ha, so you noticed? Yes, I am!” The knight, eager to impress the lady boasted about his feats, from slaying the ice dragon, Ignoi to his travels around the world. The lady listened, her smile growing wider and wider. As they walked down the tower, the lady pulled the knight into a room.
She pulled the knight into a passionate kiss. Though the knight was caught by surprize, he was more then happy to go along with it. The lady snapped again and a bed fit for a palace appeared. The knight thought nothing of it, hile it was rare, there were cases of people inscribing themselves with spacial spells in which they could store items just like any spatial ring.
Stripping the knights armor off, she pushed him onto the bed. It had been a while since the knight had seen some action because he was traveling so much that he eagerly took off his clothes. She quickly stripped and climbed on top of him. Leaning down she whispered “Mister dragon slayer, my name is Alisha, the Dragon Tamer.”
The knight tried to get up, but like with the dragon, it was too late. A dagger had inserted itself inside his heart. Alisha got off the bed and drew a magic circle on the wall. A miniature dragon’s head protruded out of the wall. “Come forth the spirit of Olisha, the mother of all dragons! I offer this ones filthy blood and soul as tribute. Grant me strenth!”
With a smooth flick of her wrist, the blood on the dagger was sent into its mouth.The head spat out a ray of light, hitting Alisha’s chest, before disappearing back into the wall. If an aura master was there they would have been shocked. The aura surrounding Alisha which was previously dim and faint grew brighter and clearer. It quickly expanded to fill the room and then the tower! She was a walking war machine!
Teleporting above the tower she looked down at the cracked and destroyed land. “Hanna, last time you caught me by surprise, this time I’ll crush you.” This was the beginning of a new legend! The legend of the strongest mage in the past era, and her revenge.
“Rise” Alisha commanded the tower. In the depths of the earth a roar resounded. The ground rumbled and split once more as a creature, larger then anything humans could easily comprehend rose from the earth. 1/100 of a continent disappeared as a dragon of stone rose. The tower previously seems was just a little horn on top of it’s head, barely noticeable. It reverted to it’s true form- a throne. Alisha placed herself on it and the dragon flew up, soon to become a symbol of terror everywhere.
submitted by /u/Pause_Remarkable [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3mjVnQM
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videogamefiles-blog · 6 years
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Morning Star Book One of 2920, The Last Year of the First Era
By Carlovac Townway
1 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind
Almalexia lay in her bed of fur, dreaming. Not until the sun burned through her window, infusing the light wood and flesh colors of her chamber in a milky glow did she open her eyes. It was quiet and serene, a stunning reverse of the flavor of he dreams, so full of blood and celebration. For a few moments, she simply stared at the ceiling, trying to sort through her visions.
In the courtyard of her palace was a boiling pool which steamed in the coolness of the winter morning. At the wave of her hand, it cleared and she saw the face and form of her lover Vivec in his study to the north. She did not want to speak right away: he looked so handsome in his dark red robes, writing poetry as he did every morning.
“Vivec,” she said, and he raised his head in a smile, looking at her face across thousands of miles. “I have seen a vision of the end of the war.”
“After eighty years, I don’t think anyone can imagine an end,” said Vivec with a smile, but he grew serious, trusting Almalexia’s prophecies. “Who will win? Morrowind or the Cyrodilic Empire?”
"Without Sotha Sil in Morrowind, we will lose," she replied.
"My intelligence tells me the Empire will strike us to the north in early springtide, by First Seed at the latest. Could you go to Artaeum and convince him to return?"
"I'll leave tomorrow," she said, simply.
4 Morning Star, 2920 Gideon, Black Marsh
The Empress paced around her cell. Wintertide gave her wasteful energy, while in the summer she would merely sit by her window and be grateful for each breath of stale swamp wind that came to cool her. Across the room, her unfinished tapestry of a dance at the Imperial Court seemed to mock her. She ripped it from its frame, tearing the pieces apart as they drifted to the floor.
Then she laughed at her own useless gesture of defiance. She would have plenty of time to repair it and craft a hundred more. The Emperor had locked her up in Castle Giovesse seven years ago, and would likely keep her here until he or she died.
With a sigh, she pulled the cord to call her knight, Zuuk. He appeared at the door within minutes, fully uniformed as befitted an Imperial Guard. Most of the native Kothringi tribesmen of Black Marsh preferred to go about naked, but Zuuk had taken a positive delight to fashion. His silver, reflective skin was scarcely visible, only on his face, neck, and hands.
"Your Imperial Highness," he said with a bow.
"Zuuk," said Empress Tavia. "I'm bored. Lets discuss methods of assassinating my husband today."
14 Morning Star, 2920 The Imperial City, Cyrodiil
The chimes proclaiming South Wind's Prayer echoed through the wide boulevards and gardens of the Imperial City, calling all to their temples. The Emperor Reman III always attended a service at the Temple of the One, while his son and heir Prince Juilek found it more political to attend a service at a different temple for each religious holiday. This year, it was at the cathedral Benevolence of Mara.
The Benevolence 's services were mercifully short, but it was not until well after noon that the Emperor was able to return to the palace. By then, the arena combatants were impatiently waiting for the start of the ceremony. The crowd was far less restless, as the Potentate Versidue-Shaie had arranged for a demonstration from a troupe of Khajiiti acrobats.
"Your religion is so much more convenient than mine," said the Emperor to his Potentate by way of an apology. "What is the first game?"
"A one-on-one battle between two able warriors," said the Potentate, his scaly skin catching the sun as he rose. "Armed befitting their culture."
"Sounds good," said the Emperor and clapped his hands. "Let the sport commence!"
As soon as he saw the two warriors enter the arena to the roar of the crowd, Emperor Reman III remembered that he had agreed to this several months before and forgotten about it. One combatant was the Potentate's son, Savirien-Chorak, a glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The other was the Emperor's son, Prince Juilek, in Ebony armor with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.
"This will be fascinating to watch," hissed the Potentate, a wide grin across his narrow face. "I don't know if I've even seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this. Usually it's army against army. At last we can settle which philosophy is better -- to create armor to combat swords as your people do, or to create swords to combat armor as mine do."
No one in the crowd, aside from a few scattered Akaviri counselors and the Potentate himself wanted Savirien-Chorak to win, but there was a collective intake of breath at the sight of his graceful movements. His swords seemed to be a part of him, a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind him. It was a trick of counterbalance, allowing the young serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center of the ring in offensive position. The Prince had to plod forward the less impressive traditional way.
As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight. The Akaviri was like a moon in orbit around the Prince, effortlessly springing over his shoulder to attempt a blow from behind, but the Prince whirled around quickly to block with his shield. His counter-strike met only air as his foe fell flat to the ground and slithered between his legs, tripping him. The Prince fell to the ground with a resounding crash.
Metal and air melted together as Savirien-Chorak rained strike after strike upon the Prince, who blocked every one with his shield.
"We don't have shields in our culture," murmured Versidue-Shaie to the Emperor. "It seems strange to my boy, I imagine. In our country, if you don't want to get hit, you move out of the way."
When Savirien-Chorak was rearing back to begin another series of blinding attacks, the Prince kicked at his tail, sending him falling back momentarily. In an instant, he had rebounded, but the Prince was also back on his feet. The two circled one another, until the snake man spun forward, katana extended. The Prince saw his foe's plan, and blocked the katana with his longsword and the wakizashi with his shield. Its short punching blade impaled itself in the metal, and Savirien-Chorak was thrown off balance.
The Prince's longblade slashed across the Akaviri's chest and the sudden, intense pain caused him to drop both his weapons. In a moment, it was over. Savirien-Chorak was prostate in the dust with the Prince's longsword at his throat.
"The game's over!" shouted the Emperor, barely heard over the applause from the stadium.
The Prince grinned and helped Savirien-Chorak up and over to a healer. The Emperor clapped his Potentate on the back, feeling relieved. He had not realized when the fight had begun how little chance he had given his son at victory.
"He will make a fine warrior," said Versidue-Shaie. "And a great emperor."
"Just remember," laughed the Emperor. "You Akaviri have a lot of showy moves, but if just one of our strikes comes through, it's all over for you."
"Oh, I'll remember that," nodded the Potentate.
Reman thought about that comment for the rest of the games, and had trouble fully enjoying himself. Could the Potentate be another enemy, just as the Empress had turned out to be? The matter would bear watching.
21 Morning Star, 2920 Mournhold, Morrowind
"Why don't you wear that green gown I gave you?" asked the Duke of Mournhold, watching the young maiden put on her clothes.
"It doesn't fit," smiled Turala. "And you know I like red."
"It doesn't fit because you're getting fat," laughed the Duke, pulling her down on the bed, kissing her breasts and the pouch of her stomach. She laughed at the tickles, but pulled herself up, wrapping her red robe around her.
"I'm round like a woman should be," said Turala. "Will I see you tomorrow?"
"No," said the Duke. "I must entertain Vivec tomorrow, and the next day the Duke of Ebonheart is coming. Do you know, I never really appreciated Almalexia and her political skills until she left?"
"It is the same with me," smiled Turala. "You will only appreciate me when I'm gone."
"That's not true at all," snorted the Duke. "I appreciate you now."
Turala allowed the Duke one last kiss before she was out the door. She kept thinking about what he said. Would he appreciate her more or less when he knew that she was getting fat because she was carrying his child? Would he appreciate her enough to marry her?
The Year Continues in 2920, Sun's Dawn (v2)
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parezcomafalda-blog · 7 years
Fuego's Texas Burrito crowned Best Ever - Long lived in Cincinnati and a great fan of Mexican food, I've always been looking for this wonderful wealth that is the best Burrito in Cincinnati and beyond.
Fuego's Texas Burrito crowned Best Ever - Long lived in Cincinnati and a great fan of Mexican food, I've always been looking for this wonderful wealth that is the best Burrito in Cincinnati and beyond. I always had a really personal relationship with good food (as we all do, I'm sure) almost instantly obsessed with food because some people smoke or even drugs. For years of my own research to come to terms with myself, many nights in various Mexican restaurants around the city came to pass. During these different nights of research, I quickly came to learn that I was particularly interested in nothing more than Burritos. This search for my own discovery led me to my most important search ever since ... to find the best Burrito EVER. My friends and family always thought I was crazy because of their obsession in the search for the best burrito, but I fooled them unreasonably and I was jealous of my future success. Even before Burritos became popular by some restaurants in the burrito chain, I was already tied to the idea that someday burritos will become the main meal for all people's lunch. Although my vision is still not fully realized, I can see the beginning of what I call Burrito Era, and this vision slowly becomes more apparent when the revolution begins. Millions of people will gather to make a revolution that would include burrito as one of the main food groups. Mark my words: it's coming and the change goes on, if not already here. The first sign of change begins now with the great discovery of Texas Burrito from Fuego's Mexican grill, a local restaurant in Batavia, OH, outside of Cincinnati. This little jewel is located between a golf course and a cigar store near the center of Batavia. From a view beyond this small hole in the wall, you would never understand the idea of ​​keeping the title of the best burrito ever. But once you enter and feel the most important delicacy of the entire menu, Texas Burrito, you will understand that Fuego's Mexican grill is worth reigning as the best Burrito EVER producers. Size, shape, smell, taste and overall composition are critical factors that must be considered in order to objectively analyze all candidates for whom you have the pleasure of studying. In comparative terms, Fuego's Texas Burrito exceeds the rest I've ever tested far away. Fuego's Texas Burrito's greatest ever had the pleasure of meeting. This burrito is literally long, it is a long cylindrical shape (of course) and about a good 6 inches in diameter. Texas Burrito is not a skinny burrito makeup that you can find elsewhere. This burrito is a man's burrito, Argh ... even it seems that you feel thinner after the end of this feast movies torrent If you look at this incredible piece of beauty in your mouth, it was not enough, the scent will surely lead you over the edge. It smells simply divinely, excellent, even heavenly! The beautiful aroma of all different spices in meat, beans and rice fill the whole body even before the first bite. By the time you take your first snack of this magnificent scaly sky, there are many predictions, you think that you will be disappointed because everything you see and smell can not match your expectations in taste. But it fulfills your expectations and takes you to an even higher level of gratitude for the excellent ingredients that create a perfectly balanced and memorable combination of wonderful flavors. Before you find out, you will be surprised by this gigantic burritis, which seems almost too small for your newly created infinitely endless appetite for this piece of perfection. Your concern about the composition is irrelevant at this point, although in seconds you realize that this Texas Burrito is well maintained thanks to the strategic placement of all its ingredients. This burrito was neither too anxious nor too cruel. It's ... perfection in the board! When you finish feeding the whole thing, you go back to the ground and realize that you have eaten all the time, you were immersed and focused on the whole experience you forgot and completely ignored everything except you being ONE with this Texas Burrito. This intimate experience that you have created while you eat is the only indicator you need to know in your whole being that you had the BEST BURRITO EVER! Revolution is coming!
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alxx-lee · 7 years
I just wanna talk about my gay ocs for excuse me
Renshu is the son of a Chinese dragon and an emperor’s daughter, his heritage was mostly kept secret because he was born looking human for the first 8 years of his life then he started to change; his skin changed color as well as became scaly and his hair went from a harsh black to a dark red. His sudden change is what prompted the daughter to ran away from her cozy life as she knew her child would never be accepted for their appearance. She traveled Asia with Renshu, picking up didn’t culture’s dress style and speech as a way to help conceal their identity as Chinese royalty.
Eventually, his mother had to seal him away at 20 when they were finally found out. He stayed suspended in time until many years after, he was finally awoken from his eternal slumber. the modern era was vastly different then the time period he grew up in. He stuck out like a sore thumb with his obvious appearance and his dress style. He stayed far away from humanity until he could properly figure out how to pass for a human.
Vince, the son of a succubus and a wealthy human man. He was raised around the early Victorian age with his father, being enchanted by his mother to love him unconditionally and spoil him to no end. He grew up living in a cushy lifestyle with both his parents at his side, his father being there at his every need and his mother being here and there. He had numerous half-siblings from his mother that he has never met but hardly cares. his mother, of course loved each child she had equally and always made sure she had time for each of them.
of course he grew bored of his life when he reach finally reach 19, he decided to set off on his own and traveled a long time. his travels has brought him all around the world but each time he stopped in a city, his maternal parent’s heritage started to take over. He often became intimate with several partners as he traveled, he never kept touch with him as he never wanted a serious relationship beyond a simple one-stand. The years became decades slowly as a new modern age was sprouting around him, one where sexuality reigned free- a time-period he relished in.
Renshu and Vince met during Vince’s stay in Hong Kong, He was there purely because he wanted to see how modernized China had become over the years. He met Renshu on a chance when he was hiking through the woods when he spotted the dragon boy meditating on a rock. The meeting was awkward for both parties when Renshu mistaken Vince for a human and promptly tried to run away which resulted in both parties getting hurt. When the two were finally able to talk, Renshu shared his woes of being secluded from society and wanting to enter humanity’s strange new world and not being able to on the account of his looks.
Vince took note of the troubles and revealed his true self to Renshu, being amazed how he was able to look human the two decided to team up to help Renshu became human. It was noted that Renshu may have possessed shape-shifting abilities like his father, the two worked hard at trying to get Renshu to shift. It took a lot of late nights and long weeks but Renshu was able to finally shift into a human. He now looked like a regular Chinese boy now. Vince offered to show the human world to Renshu and to show him how far humans have come.
After getting a good set of clothes for Renshu to wear in public the two started to explore as much as China as they possibly could. Over the course of their adventure, they both started to fall for each other, it was overly casual and with awkward confessions pushed to the side they eventually became a couple. They both left China to explore the world together.
Unlike Crom and Donnel’s relationship, they are comfortably sexual with each other with having an open relationship as well.
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