#enamoured….. I’m going to headcanon this in every fic I ever write from now on actually
what-the-fic-khr · 3 months
I felt such a strong, visceral reaction to this post specifically and had to write something really short and dumb for it literally immediately I’m so serious holy shit. in love with this. I’m gonna cry
character/s: superbi squalo, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: 359
warnings: swearing
prompt: squalo runs colder than most
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“It’s too cold! I don’t want to go on this stupid mission!”
Squalo watched you kick up a fuss, quiet as you gathered your stuff. He paid attention to every item you grabbed so he would remember them, so you wouldn’t complain about losing them if you forgot one on your way back.
“I just wanna stay here! It sucks, but it’s indoors at least…!”
“Just hurry up. The faster we leave, the faster this gets done, the faster we get home.”
You grumbled about it the entire way out of the estate, and he let you grouch on your way through. It’d get it out of your system and then you could get to work; you at least knew when to shut up.
You also promptly ignored every dig or mocking remark made at you as you pulled on gloves, a thicker coat, earmuffs. Because of your thick snow boots, the scarf you were wrapping around your neck. They could make fun of you all they liked, but you wanted to stay warm. Fuck ‘em.
Once you’d made enough of a trek away from the estate, pushing through snow with irritation, you eventually slowed to a stop.
Squalo stopped next to you, and leant down when you waved at him to. He stayed still, head bowed a touch so you could reach up and slip your (his) earmuffs onto his head. He straightened with a low noise, a grunt of thanks.
“You should start killing people if they’re gonna make fun of you for wearing fucking earmuffs, you know.”
He blinked at you slowly before lifting a leg. You yelled out when he hooked his foot into the back of your knees and you fell, knees hitting the snow.
“You bastard! Give them back and freeze, then!”
Squalo snorted and headed off again, not waiting for you to scramble out of the snow and catch up to him. You didn’t.
He jerked forward after you threw a crudely made snowball at the back of his head, poorly constructed due to your gloves.
“Oi! You stupid bitch; just get up and come on!”
“Bastard! That’s what you get!”
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01010010-posts · 5 years
— fake heart but real me, the same as you.
requests: im gonna put this worm in your ear: au where reader works pretty much as a wall-e type and rk900 is eve
Imagine an android reader interfacing with the robo boys im just so obsessed with this intimate android gesture and im sorta sad not a lot of fics have it aND ALSO HHHHHH I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH ITS SO SOFT AND PURE,,,, IT IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SUNSHINE BSBSBHWWJNSNS AAAAAA
Can I ask for a headcanon of the Rks and their S/O if they were a sex worker android?? Or even the Rks can be the sex workers. Anything as long as the reader is an android pls.
ohhhhhhh pick the android reader one. I'm never able to find any on here. I mostly like them cuz if you're human, you'll eventually die. Which is depressing...
me, in the year 2019, still using fictional characters as coping mechanism since i cant love myself: it be like that huh also 60’s one turned out bad im sorry :o
• he actually bumps into you during his eden club case • yep you’re one of the tracis he connects with to find the blue-haired one • there’s nothing peculiar about you • and honestly, the first time he meets you he still isn’t a deviant • but that doesn’t mean he won’t remember you • in fact, his instinct, when investigating a scene after the revolution, and casually glancing your way, is to send you a smile • of course you don’t remember who this other android may be • the club policy was to wipe memories in two hours after all • oh but you’re a curious robot with an empty schedule so you don’t mind waiting the whole half hour it takes for cops to get your testimony • would you look at that he’s coincidentally done as soon as you’re about to leave!! • “hey– I won’t rob you of more minutes” a quip “but I just wanted to say that I’m happy you got free, and, well, to thank you for your help, both then and now. and maybe to apologize for interfacing without asking–” • “umh, excuse me but do i know you?” • and he’s a little taken aback because wow he totally forgot about it • “oh– right, gosh, I’m terribly sorry. we already– I mean, we previously met but maybe this isn’t the best phrasing. I’m– well, we– mh I was–” • is he stumbling through his words? • you shouldn’t, really, but you can’t help but laugh • and he stops, delightfully surprised that he made you chuckle at least a bit • and maybe he blushes blue • “I guess we could still try to get know each other now....” 
• one could say that RK900 is cold, superficial and maybe a little scornful • and one could say that the receptionist model of the DPD is nothing but old, obsolete and surely banal • but then again one would be pretty wrong in both cases • for the receptionist is capable of performing several exaflops operations per second, managing appointments and schedules, even speaking multiple languages • for RK900 is, yes, all of the above, but one thing is yet to be added: he’s terribly in love with the old receptionist model of the DPD. • and he’s very bad at hiding it. • he says ‘good morning’ and ‘good evening’, and eventually ‘good night’, every time he passes through the station’s doors • he, not one day of his career, has been late to work • he makes sure gavin is not rude to you • he sometimes silently helps with humans that might be prone to causing you problems while on the job • he leaves tiny juice-box sized thirium packets on your desk • he got the wrong thirium for your model the first time • and you, tenderly weirded out by the sudden appareance of such thing, had to give it to connor • this dork hasn’t been able to forgive himself ever since • though you don’t know it’s him, he’s the most advanced prototype don’t think he’d leave any traces behind • but being the latest friend shaped iphone has its perks and its cons, for example to not be endowed with social modules as good as yours and not having any idea on how to start a relationship • if it were for him you two would never go past the whole stage of casual conversations and his pining • which, as two androids, could last forever. every human in the present police station could grow old and die and you both would still be there, chatting, smiling, making awkward remarks to each other about the weather. not that any of you really mind that. or maybe he just says those things because you’re not a waterproof model? • but it’s okay because there’s this moment where it’s late at night and almost everyone is gone to their houses and it’s mostly you and him and yes, he doesn’t technically need sleep but you worry about him anyway • and you go up to him and you touch his hand to gain his attention and he, as if sparked by electricity, immediately turns his head towards you • “sorry. i didn’t know RK900 could be so easily scared” you hint a laugh, slightly covering your mouth with the tips of your digits, but don’t let go of the contact with his knuckle • he looks away for a second, fighting his biocomponent to not give away his blue blush “no, it’s my fault, I was too focused on the reports–” as he says this he fixes his eyes to yours and stops “wha– why are crying? is something the matter?” how cruel is it for you to have this feature he does not possess. at this point all of his energy is channelled into not taking your face between his palms and comfort you, whatever it is he can help, as he always does • “is that what you think of me? why you never told me anything?” and suddenly he lowers his gaze to the dark table, seeing your fingers interlacing in a soft white glow, exchanging informations through circuits 
• “can you stop simulating sighing?” • “I’m not simulating it, I am sighing” • “well. can you stop anyway?” • “uhhh, of course not?” • and now it’s RK900’s turn to heave his chest in exasperation whispering a silent “why the fuck are you build like this” • “I CAN hear you, you know” • “I sure hope you do, otherwise I’d have to send a request for repair on a RK800 model” • “shut the fuck up– connor! move! I can’t see them otherwise!” • “60, I have to work, and you should too. stop with the staring” 51 rolls his eyes, not even bothering to launch an annoyed look at his twin, swivelling in his chair as to let the other enjoy his favourite activity: watching the android server from the chinese restaurant across the street that brings lunches to human police officers • “why don’t you just ask them out and spare us with your eternal pining?” • “excuse me? have you perhaps gone mad, nines?” and he deliberately uses that because he knows RK900 doesn’t like it • but, actually, it’s not a bad idea, it shouldn’t be too difficult, just going near them, chatting a bit and using his charm like he always does • but, actually, now that he decided to execute his thoughts, mhh, how to say it, his body is acting against him, making his leg bounce the weird way it always does, making the little wheels in his head going in an opposite motion • “he–” some cough to clear his throat of an nonexistent clot “hey! it’s sunny today, isn’t it?” • GOSH that was such a stupid icebreaker where’s all of his confidence gone!! • but you smile, nevertheless, and your eyes slowly close in that friendly manner he’d grown to love, along with your lips that go up up and up, almost in an inhuman way, flashing a polite face • the same that makes him weak at his knees, makes his thirium pump regulator go crazy from all the blue blood it has to send in the upper part of his freckled cheeks and nose • “yes. we’re having nice weather.” you murmur, gathering back the bags you used to carry all the takeaway in • “I’m– I want to order something.” he has your attention “for tomorrow’s break, I mean” • “oh? you’re buying a plate for a human co-worker? that’s sweet. what would they like?” • “yes– I mean, no– for me, it’s for me.” • “mh? but you’re an android. i’m sorry but we don’t sell thirium based dishes.” • “oh that’s fine. I’m designed to eat like humans do.” he wouldn’t be doing so bad, if it wasn’t for his red LED giving his panic away • “are you? quite peculiar.” you giggle, absolutely delighted by the artificial pearlescent sweat adorning his temples and his fingertips “i’ll get you something then.” • this is probably the toughest order he’s ever asked, and probably the first and last • 51 and RK900 are SO going to mock him the next day they’re gonna laugh at his enamoured ass faking eating just to please his crush he never even picked up a fork in his life what’s he gonna DO
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levyfiles · 5 years
Yo, we are spreading some positivity around and I wanted to say that your blog is one of my favorites that inspired me to do mine in the first place. Your fics are top notch! From all of them, which one is your favorite and can you tell us a bit behind the scenes stuff of it?
Sorry about the delay in this reply! I think your blog is great and I’m so happy you messaged me or I might not have found your fantastic content and it always makes me all starry-eyed and soft to learn that this blog I often come back to and have so much fun with has inspired others to have the same sort of fun. I’m always a fan of seeing the spread of positivity and a community that always needs a little now and then.
(Granted I have a long and daunting selection of asks to get to in my inbox right now and find myself finally making time for them so please do bear with me). 
I had a notion that the fic I was currently working on might be done before I answered this and since it's my favourite one right now it was hard not to vomit up some meta about it but it’s pushing 12K as we speak and I’m having a bit of editing crises with my complete 60K one. Basically I’m pushing myself through a bit of self-prescribed writer’s therapy right now with the projects I’m working on and while it’s doing me a lot of mental good, public results are taking their time. What I hope is that it’s really worth the wait.
Having said all that, I gotta give the title to Ihidaya. It’s because I started working on the fic when inspiration hit and the sheer shock that I was actually inspired to write for a whole new fandom I’d never read a single thing from made me start this very blog. Ir’s strange to be talking about this now since it’s just a month after the anniversary of when I made my first post here and only a few days since the anniversary of when I posted chapter 1
The premise hit last year while my sister and I got to talking about demon!Shane headcanons. Neither one of us had ever really bothered checking the tumblr tag because I’d started watching bfu back when the Tupac and Biggie Smalls episode first aired and it was just this casual little weekly ritual for Fridays before I slept for work.  I started to notice the demon!Shane headcanon arise in the comments and mentions in the episodes I was enamoured. I think I made a joke one day while watching an episode with my sister that it’d be pretty damn hilarious if Ryan tried an exorcism and the demon in Shane flew out and the guy left behind was a complete stranger. We talked about the behaviorisms of a guy that has had a demon in him from a young age and what that could mean about who he had become as an adult. Logistics got away from me (they always do) and I was suddenly breaking out the research. There has always been a saturation of biblical lore when it came to demons in nearly every medium so I wanted to try something a little different and my gilfriend in high school going into college was from Jordan and she used to talk my ear off about witchcraft in Syria and pre-Christian invasion stories and best of all, syriac mysticism. I would listen to that shit for hours and I still would and I’ve still retained a deep fascination with it. Just the idea of what we consider demons now once being considered gods and maybe they were such a deep part of the earth’s composition that some of them were only comprised of smoke and ash. This gave birth to Smoke Monster Madej as I’ve affectionately labeled him. 
I also intended for That Scene in chapter 3 to happen at the Buzzfeed offices but, if you’ve read it, I think we can agree that really wouldn’t have worked out the way it did.  
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This month we’re showcasing an author in the fandom who has written popular works such as Fall Without Wings and Celebrity!Magnus AU. Lu is on ao3 as vulturemonem and on tumblr as @notcrypticbutcoy, and we’d like to thank her once again for taking part in the OML author showcase! 
1) When did you start writing fics? Tell us a little of your journey as a fic writer.
WELL. The first fandom I was ever a part of was the HP fandom, a solid 7+ years ago now, and I found my feet in this tiny little niche part of it in the most obscure place. That was where I began, where I learnt about what fanfiction was, and it was honestly a journey from there. I’ve been part of some very questionable fandoms and writing communities (if you want the details you’ll have to hit me up lol). I found the TMI fandom in maybe 2012? It was right before the CoB film came out, and I’d been totally obsessed with the books, because there were actual LGBT+ characters??? Like what?? (Alec and Magnus were the first gay/bi characters I’d ever seen in a YA book. I was enamoured immediately. Forgive me.) And then the show came out, and was everything I’d hoped for and so much more, and the rest is history, as they say! 
2) What fic of yours are you most proud of and why?
The obvious answer here is to say Fall Without Wings, which has been more successful than I could ever have hoped for. I’ve put my heart and soul into that fic, and seeing other people loving it honestly means the world to me. The other fic I’d say I’m really proud of is the fic I wrote for Malec Week 2016, Day 3: AU Settings Day. You know when you sit down and write, and everything just spurts out and you read over it and you’re like, damn, did I actually write this?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That fic in a nutshell. I don’t know where it came from.
3) Who is your favorite character to write and why? Which character do you find the most challenging to write? 
Magnus and Alec are definitely my favourite characters to write, but for entirely conflicting reasons. Alec, because I relate to Alec on pretty much every level, and so I find him very easy to write, and it comes naturally, most of the time. And Magnus because he’s also, to answer the second part of the question, such a challenging character to get right. He’s centuries old, there are a million facets to his character, and there are so many things to consider when writing him. He’s experienced more than I could possibly imagine. He’s also in my top 5 favourite characters in anything, ever, so I’m especially driven to do him justice! 
Having said that, though, I think the hardest characters to write are those we’ve got less source material for, because I’m never totally sure whether I’ve got their characterisation right. Also, Clary, because she frequently frustrates me in canon, so I often find myself writing her a little differently in my fics. (Admittedly, she’s annoyed me less as the show has gone on. I have high hopes for season 3!)
4) What is the hardest part about being a fic author? The easiest?
Honestly, I think there are lots of hard things about being a fic author. One of the hardest things imo isn’t unique to fic writing, but is probably true of writing in general. When you put everything into writing something that you care about, it can be really hard to see it get torn down by hate comments - even just a couple. Consciously, you know that people who come into your inbox on anon spouting bullshit are just cowards, and that you shouldn’t take their words to heart, but sometimes people manage to hit you where it hurts. Some hate comments are just plain hilarious, but some of them can run around in your mind for a while.
The other hard thing is staring at your WIP wondering why the hell you can’t just write this damn thing already.
The easiest thing is definitely generating ideas! I get far too many to ever write! It’s hard to finish a fic, and it’s hard to stick to an update schedule, but it’s much too easy to come up with the ideas! 
5) What inspires you? Where do you find your muse?
Literally everything and anything. Songs are often a big inspiration to me, or random little things I see on TV, or chatting to other people in fandoms about headcanons or such. And even just life anecdotes. 
I’m a bit of a biology nerd, so I always think it’s really interesting to read about where creativity actually comes from. There’s science behind why I always get my best ideas in the shower or walking to the tube station on my morning commute – Google “brain idling” and have a read, if you’re interested! 
6) Do you write original content as well as fic? 
Absolutely! I haven’t shared any of it online, but I do, yes. Recently, I’ve had my free time slashed in half, so I’ve had to prioritise a little, but I do still write original things when I get the opportunity. At some point, when the time feels right and I’m satisfied with what I’ve written, I’d love to get something published, but I’m not in a hurry at the moment. My life needs to settle down a little bit first, but watch this space ;)
7) Do you have a favorite fic from another author?
- and my heart is set on you by ohprongs is definitely a tick-all-the-boxes fic for me, and is impossibly sweet with just the right amount of light angst dotted in - Traveler by bumblebeeskness is absolutely heartbreaking and hilarious in places and overall so beautiful it’ll make you cry - Set Me In Motion by lemonoclefox is another great one, with a perfect mix of angst and fluff, as well as some great tension, pining, and some brilliant cooking anecdotes - Also anything by Lecrit – yes please!!
8) What’s something you’re looking forward to in the upcoming season of Shadowhunters?
We’ve had hints that we might get to see some domestic malec, so that, of course! I’m also totally here for the Garrobane development we got last season, so more of that would be wonderful. And Sizzy?? If this Simon/Izzy slow burn is going to continue, sign me up. I think Em and Alberto are doing a great job with their relationship! (Although I am surprisingly conflicted, because I’ve enjoyed Simon/Maia more than I expected to, considering I was fairly apathetic to their relationship pre-show…)
9) Can you give us a sneak peek to what you’re writing next? Or at least any hints to what’s to come?
I’m currently continuing Fall Without Wings as my main project, and I go back to dabble in my celeb!Magnus&cop!Alec AU now and then. Once I’ve finished FWW, I’ve got a super-secret (I’m kidding) multi-chap WIP that I started and have abandoned, so I’m hoping to finish that. I’ve also got two multi-chap AUs planned as full-time projects to start after FWW is done. (See, ideas?? Too many!!)
10) Do you have advice for anyone who might be interested in writing fan fiction?
Honestly, just go for it. If you want to start writing in the hope of someday getting published, fanfic is a great place to start. If you want to write fanfic just because, then there’s nothing stopping you! There are two things I always recommend to people who want to write, in any way, and that’s 1) read as much and as widely as you possibly can, and 2) practise until your fingers fall off! (Not literally, but you know what I mean!)
11) Do you prefer to write in AU verse or canon verse? Why?
I’ve got to be honest, I prefer AU verses, both writing and reading. There’s much more freedom in an AU. You don’t get people in the comments picking apart little details you’ve changed, and you don’t have stupid plot lines/silly world rules you didn’t like in canon that you’re supposed to take note of. I find there’s more fun to be had in a good AU. Even if you’re just tweaking things a little bit here and there to change the backstory, I prefer it to writing in strict canon.
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so can i make a statement
Tumblr almost completely ruined Sherlock for me. It’s a story that’s spanned four years of my life, and it’s changed who I am as a fan. Here’s how:
I joined tumblr at the ripe old age of 14. I was a freshman in high school, as I’m sure many of us were when we first signed up. Tumblr was still in it’s hay day. Superwholock was God among fandoms. Being the impressionable young thing that I was, I wanted to watch all of those shows. But I was (and still am) very bad at time management, so I only managed to watch one of them: Sherlock. One of my best friends had the DVDs, and I had a DVD Player, so low and behold I properly entered the Sherlock fandom. I already knew the spoilers; every scene was already a gif set. But I was young, and I was happy. I found a great new show! Yeah, it was on hiatus, but the fandom was so creative! Sherlock introduced me to the deeper world of fan fiction, where the fics were the length of novels and the writing was (and still is) absolutely phenomenal.
As I said, I was young and impressionable. Johnlock was the hot ship, and that’s what the fan fictions were showcasing, so that’s what I had started to ship. But for every Sherlock blog I followed, I never felt the mania that everyone else did. I read the fics, but they never inspired me to write my own, something I’ve always felt for any fandom I join. Then of course there was the infamous Johnlock Conspiracy. The signs were all there! It was right in front of us all this time! Our boys are as gay as the day was long! Moftiss you sneaky bastards! And that was fine, it was cool. I’m always a slut for a good conspiracy theory, but I didn’t have the passion. I read the mile long posts and I followed the blogs and I read the stories, and I just didn’t have the attachment to the ship I had when I started.
Then Series 3 happened.
I was fuckin hype, ya’ll. I was a Junior in high school at this point, not yet bitter but starting to catch that senioritis. This show I really loved was getting another installment! Benedict Cumberbatch was the hot new actor, I was deeply enamoured with Martin Freeman, and everything was gonna be awesome. But then they announced the introduction of (1) Mary Morstan, to be played by Martin’s (at the time) real life partner Amanda Abbington. “That’s so cute!” I thought, “His real partner playing his wife!” The fandom did not care; they hated Amanda and Mary equally. She was getting in the way of Johnlock! The real OTP!!! But, I said to myself, that’s not really true? Johnlock isn’t canon.
Except it was. That’s what TJLC was for. It was Certifiable Proof that Johnlock was the canon endgame. It was at this point that my eyes were actually open to the fandom discourse. I watched people ripping each other apart for this behind the icon of anonymity, and I actually checked out of tumblr for a few months. The only articles I ever read were once from magazines that my mom cut out for me. Now this isn’t to say that all Johnlock shippers did this. I still follow blogs who ship Johnlock today. But there was a toxic part of this fandom that felt like such a majority that it almost ruined the entire show for me.
My savior, in all honesty, was yet another of my best friends.
She is a dear sweet cinnamon roll, too pure for such discourse. She didn’t have a tumblr at the time, thank god, but she loved the show. She would make fan edits in Microsoft Paint and send them to me. She was also a true and deep shipper of Sherlolly.
I don’t remember if I ever looked into Sherlolly before my friend introduced me to it. But when I did, I found this part of tumblr that was just as pure a cinnamon roll as she is. The fan fics! The fan art! The headcanons! It wasn’t much, but it was Good, and I was instantly committed. My friend and I swapped headcanons all the time, she inspired a fan fic for me, we made little music playlists that reminded us of the ship. Honestly, she became my source for Sherlock content. I think the arrival of Dashcon later that year caused things to simmer just a bit. Superwholock pretty much disappeared as far as I can remember, and I did a solid cleaning up of the blogs I followed.
With all the hype of Series 4, it’s a little hard seeing the anger of TJLC to return. Like I said, there are a few Johnlock blogs I still follow, I never completely blacklisted the ship and I still hold a few fics close to my heart, but the fandom is still harsh. To call someone an idiot or homophobic for not shipping Johnlock just perplexes me. It’s different strokes for different folks. My friends might not like cheese, but I’m not gonna shove it down their throats because cheese is something I love. Hell, just because one of my best friends identifies as ace doesn’t mean I’m gonna call her a filthy liar if she says she has really strong feelings for a guy she knows. People are fluid and they’re allowed to have opinions and feelings that are different then yours.
It’s funny, I hardly read Johnlock fan fictions now. None that I’ve seen are very kind to either Mary or Molly, characters I hold dear to my heart. I pretty much exclusively peruse the ‘rare pairs’ as they are so called: sherstrade, sherlolly, and my guilty pleasure is angsty past Sally/Sherlock. I even started reading some Marylock fics, burn me at the stake why don’t you. I talk to my cinnamon roll bestie all the time about Sherlock headcanons. We share cute fics once in awhile, and our lives are pure and good.
This rambling tale was a result of a lot of feelings. You’re not going to stay the same person you started out as, and it’s okay if your interests change. When I was 14 and reading fan fiction at 1 AM, I thought nothing was greater than Johnlock. But now, an 18 year old reading fan fiction at 2 AM, I know that there’s so many other amazing stories being told out there.
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