#emmets parents: OUR KID IS MISSING AGAIN
nartothelar · 3 months
How did the little Emmet come into Ingo's doorstep ?
in this au emmet has always been younger than ingo! they are still brothers but emmet actually stays with their parents! he keeps sneaking to gear station rather than staying at home tho (something that used to scare his parents who are now used to his impromptu trips sksks)
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ur1simp · 1 month
Ep.5 New Kid on the Block Marty McFly x FemReader
Yes! Tomorrow is Friday!! Finally...hm what do you both do after school?
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You were walking with Jennifer to your last class of the day. All she was talking about was Marty..wow, really?
"He's just so cute! His eyes! His hair!! Oh my...hes a dream boy!!" Jennifer said smiling and clapping her hands.
"yeah, so um what are you going to get for lunch?"
"Hm I don't know, oh I have to tell you. After school I have to pack because I'm going to be leaving for vacation with my family." Jennifer said and looked at you.
"Wow, not even here for friday." You said and looked at her.
"Yeah I know, I was trying to tell my parents to at least let me stay for tomorrow. I want to tell Marty that I will miss him." Jennifer said and smiled.
"oh." You said.
Sure, when Jennifer has a crush on someone she will put them first, but she would never forget about you. Plus, does Marty like her? No.
"Well I'm heading to math class. Bye!" Jennifer said and gave you a quick hug and ran to math.
"Bye..." you said, you were alone in the hallway.
"You okay?" A shaky voice said, oh Marty.
"Yes, Jennifer is just leaving for vacation today after school."
"Finally, that girl needs to leave me alone. It's not that she's talking my ears off, well our eyes off, she is just clingy..and I dot like her..sorry if that sounded rude but uhh it's true." Marty said and licked his bottom lip.
"hey want to hang out with me after school?" Marty said and smiled.
"Sure why not?"
You and Jennifer both said bye because her dad was picking her up and you guys usually walk together or go do something. Marty came behind you and grabbed your shoulders which made you jump.
"Ha! I got you!" Marty said and stood beside you licking his lips.
"So, what are we going to do?"
"Oh, I got an idea!" Marty said and grabbed your hand while his skateboard was in his armpit.
"Woah Marty!"
"Doc, I got someone I'd like you to meet." Marty said
A goofy guy with white hair and wrinkles came out with goggles on..
"Hello, I'm doctor Emmet brown. Nice to meet you." Doc said
"oh uh Hi." You shook his hand.
"So your Marty's girlfriend?" Doc said taking off the goggles, smirking.
Both you and Marty blushed and started sweating.
"oh, uh, no..Doc. it's not like that.." Marty said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ill be the judge of that. I can see it now, both of you guys dating, but of you guys getting married, you guys starting a family, and then living with each other till the end!" Doc said smiling looking up.
"Marty, if you do date her..he nice to her." Doc said looking at Marty.
"Doc!" Marty said which made Doc jump.
"Sorry! So, what brings you both here?" Doc said.
"I wanted Y/N to meet you!" Marty said putting an arm around you, leaning into you, smiling.
Something about that made you have butterflies, why?
"Marty. Stop trying to look cool." You said smiling and looking at him.
You turned his head, realizing how close he was to you. He licked his lips and nodded and turned his attention to Doc. You looked at his lips and looked at the ground.
Marty then, once again, turned his head towards you and you did the same. Next moment you guys now is your both leaving in to kiss each other.. when you guys were about to touch lips doc takes a picture which makes you both jump.
"Doc...what was that...?" Marty said backing away from you.
Jeez, almost your first kiss and Doc ruined it..
[Thank you for reading! Any requests? Let me know in the comments! Yes, I know it's Friday but once I get the time it will be Friday don't worry! It will be today too!]
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pcktknife · 2 years
How are the train twins dealing with suddenly having two kids, and that two of their partner Pokemon have gone missing?
i mean it was probably very odd and definitely stressful when they realized they'd be the ones to take care of them they've never had kids, dealt with the ones wanting to battle them and maybe the occasional youngin who'd gotten separated from a parent in a crowd but that's hardly the same as taking care of one full time yeah. like these 2 random girls who only go by a first name and dont have any sort of address they could be taken to,literally show up out of nowhere totally untraceable and they can't just leave em at the station. everyone there probably assumes they're the twins daughters anyway especially with how insistent the girls are about following them everywhere. probably just private about their personal lives is all. so they let them sleep on their couch so tula and lulu can have at least a temporary place to stay. Also yeah missing pokemon that's crazy. prior to tula n lulus appearance ingo n emmet are still going to work with one less pokemon each and theyre both sure that gavantula and chandelure are capable enough to handle themselves and will eventually make their way back to them though are still reasonably concerned. it's a few days passed when they let the girls stay with them and at that point they like alright this is a lot happening we'll see how to approach everything tomorrow but for now let's rest. come next morning lulu (who was not doing this before) is floating like a foot off the floor aimlessly waiting for someone to wake up and the twins have a lil oh moment of 'omg these are our missing pokemon' (this is how i think it'd happen but also part of me thinks tula would show up after lulu so idk maybe there'd be some differences)
as for parenting once they both already In It. emmets like very involved idk if they'd actually go school but emmet would be like the help at pta meetings and take the little league team out for ice cream type to me (not necessarily thrilled to be around *some* of the parents but hey do it for her) but despite that type of involvement it'd still be very surreal i guess? tula calls him dad straight up and every time she does it like shocks him to his core.in a good way tho! Worth mentioning tula's the more active/extroverted of the two she's kinda rowdy and can't be kept in the house all the time emmet has to match her energy (not particularly difficult). shes also just a tad defiant so she probably runs emmet a liiiil bit ragged but he's tryin and manages well i think.
ingo (again don't know if the girls would even need to go to school) would probably try homeschooling lulu. she's with him most hours of the day not quite as independent as tula so she'd have no desire to be out and about and that's fine. when the twins are at work lulus usually with them 9 times outta ten (tulas at home with a babysitter but will occasionally tag along as well). lulus very curious about what the brothers do as subway bosses and likes learning about the job (though shes already got something of a preexisting idea of what it is) and even when they arent on the subway battling doing more mundane things shes excited to see that too. ingos very encouraging of her interests and whenever she asks questions about the job he'll give her full but easy to understand explanations of what he does. he's a little awkward about having a kid cause again odd situation but he's not bad or anything.
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Hope Can’t Fix Everything
Jasper x Human!Reader
Warnings - Angsty, mention of blood
Summary - Jasper finds his mate, but it’s not all perfect.
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Jasper Hale never planned for his life to go this way. He never planned to become a vampire or to live for eternity. But he always went along with it. No matter what fate tossed at him. Because he had hope. Hope guided him through all his years. It lead him to Alice who took him to the Cullens. Hope brought him a undead life he finally could be okay with it. But something was missing. His true love. He saw Emmet and Rose. Carlise and Esme. Edward and Bella. But he still was alone. He couldn't believe it. How could fate screw him over again. But even when it looked like fate forgot him. Alice reminded him to remember to have hope. To trust fate to bring him who he's looking for. And one day it finally died.
"Is this seat taken?"
Jasper's eyes moved from his paper to the person before him. They were beautiful. Absolutely stunning. They have no right to be this perfect.
"Hello?" They ask, "is it taken?"
"Uh no," Jasper says softly, "it's free." They smile lightly.
"Do you mind if I sit there?"
"No... I mean no I don't mind you can sit there," He says panicking lightly. They chuckle.
"You're cute," They say, "my names Y/n L/n. Yours?"
"Jasper Hale," He says softly.
"Jasper Hale," They say, "that is a nice name. You got lucky your parents loved you enough to give you a cool name." He chuckles lightly.
"I like your name," He says.
"Thanks," They say, "I hated it growing up. But it grew on me."
"Alright now that everyone is settled lets get started."
The feeling in Jaspers chest revealed it right away. This was his person. This was his mate. And to think they were just right there. So close. He felt excited for what was to come. But he was also terrified. He knew nothing about this person. But he knew one thing about them. His mate was human. Which made this about a hundred times harder.
When Jas got home that night Alice practically tackled him to the ground.
"Well?!" She exclaims.
"I found them," Jas says, "I found my mate."
The rest of the family looks wide eye at the boy. Happy for him. Sure but confused.
"Slight problem though," He says.
"What type of problem?" Bella asks.
"They are human."
This was something they weren't prepared for. Even after Bella and Edward. They always assumed that Jasper would end up with another vampire. Mostly because of his trouble with humans. But still it's not like he could change it now.
"So their human," Bella says, "so. I was human."
"Yeah Bella is right," Alice says, "they are your mate. You are destined to be together."
"Yeah Jasper," Emmet says, "you've been waiting for them for over a hundred years. I'm sure that a pulse isn't enough to stop you."
Jasper with his families' encouragement suddenly felt a lot better about the situation. He has his mate. The person he is destined to spend the rest of his life with. And they are right here. He'll do this right.
The next day he was waiting for them in his last class. Excitedly watching as they stride across the room to take the seat next to him.
"So why are you taking AP Environmental Science?" They ask Jasper, "what made you choose a class 9 other people choose?"
"I like science," He says, "and I wanted to study something new. What about you?"
"I'm a hippie," They say simply, "metal straws no plastic. Pure vegan." Jaspers smile drops lightly. His mate was a treehugger? He suddenly didn't know about this. "I'm totally kidding. My mom is a Environmental Lawyer and she signed me up for the class." He chuckles lightly.  "This class is a joke. You're lucky you joined halfway through it. Mr. Jones has been making us teach ourself since day one. So that fun little slideshow demonstration yesterday- don't get used to it."
"He doesn't teach?" Jasper asks, "why?"
"He's going through a divorce with his wife who also happens to be the Honors Anatomy Teacher," They explain, "since they filled for the divorce he's just been sitting at his desk sulking."
"Thats a shame," Jasper says.
"Yeah for our ap scores," They chuckle, "but don't worry I'll add you to the class group chat. What is your phone number?"
"Uh here," He says scribbling it down then handing it to them. They smile wide.
"Perfect," They say, "I'll add you to it. You'll get everything you need in it. Plus we have study sessions all the time and you get all the info for it in there."
"Thanks," He says, "thats awful nice of you."
"Anything for my fellow prisoner," They say, "besides without us there is no way you'd pass." Jasper chuckles. His mate moves to open their laptop and start working on something the teacher had sent for them. "So you have a big family?" They ask, "the ones who I always see you with right?"
"Yeah we were all adopted," He explains, "thats why-"
"You guys have people dating each other," They say, "I mean it's the talk of the school. The first interesting thing to happen in Evergreen since our prom queen killed our prom king."
"That happened?" Jasper asks.
"Yeah well that's what everyone thinks happen," They tell him, "I mean they never found a body and well Cassie and her family left town three days after Camden went missing. Anyways it happened a year ago. So now everyone's focus is on you guys. The Cullens."
"We are pretty used to it," He says, "we are a weird family so when we move to a new town we tend to get plenty of attention."
"Do you move a lot?"
"Uh kinda," Jasper answers, "just depends."
"Your dads a doctor right?" They ask, "what causes a doctor to move a lot?"
"We go where they need more doctors," Jasper answers, "apparently you guys were in some pretty desperate need." They chuckle.
"Yeah you can say that," They say, "we have a really small hospital so when Cassie's mom left we were down a doctor. You'd be surprised how bad losing one doctor is in a town like this."
"I can imagine," He says, "I mean it's a pretty big deal when you have one doctor."
"Tell me about it," They say.
The bell for the class rings signaling the end of school. They smile over at Jasper brightly. Then looks down to their phone. Jasper feels his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulls it out and smiles lightly.
Unknown- It's Y/n! Can't wait to get to know you
"If you need anything feel free to text me," They say.
"Hey Y/n lets go!" Some girl calls from the door.
"Yeah alright," They call to their friend then looks back to Jas, "I'll see you around Jasper."
As they move off Rose moves to Jaspers side with a smirk.
"They are cute," Rose says, "you should get on with it."
"Yeah sure," Jas says, "I'm trying okay."
The next couple days it seemed to go smoothly. They'd hang out at school text all night. It felt like everything was going right. So on Friday he decided to step it up a bit.
"Okay do you have any plans for tonight?" Jasper asks them.
"Uh no," Y/n says, "why? Wanna take me out on a date?"
"If you'll have me," He says, "a movie?"
"Sounds great," They say, "got any movie in mind?"
"I was gonna let you pick," He says. They move pulling their phone up. Then nod.
"Alright there is this horror movie called Until Sunrise and apparently its terrible," Y/n tells him, "we have to see it."
"You like horror movies?"
"I love horror movies," They tell him, "even more than that I love terrible horror movies. Ya know the ones that make you question if the writers were on bath salts while making them." He chuckles lightly. "If you don't like horror movies we have other options. But if it's just cause you're scared don't worry you can hold onto me for support."
"No that sounds great," He says, "do you need me to pick you up or do you just want to meet there?"
"We can meet. I'll see you there Jasper."
So he heads home to get ready. Explaining to his family that they were going to a movie. Bella tries to give him some tips for how modern human girls like their dates. Rose immediately tells Bella that Bella has no authority to talk because she was weird.
"I know what girls like-"
"Yeah from like 12 years ago," Rose says, "seriously think about it. Times have changed. Humans have changed since then."
"Okay so just be yourself,"  Alice recommends.
"He can't be himself his mate will run for the hills," Emmet says, "no you've got to be cool."
"Ignore him," Esme says, "just relax. Read the room."
"And remember to breath," Bella adds, "when you stop breathing it freaks people out. And blink."
"I remember to blink," Jasper says.
"No you really don't," Rose says, "so remember to do that."
"You should get going," Alice says, "you don't want to be late."
So He got to his car. As he drove he couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly nervous. What if he messes this up? What if he drives them away? Oh god. Suddenly his didn't know if he could go through with it anymore. But when he saw them sitting outside the theater staring up into the sky waiting patiently.  It all melted away. He climbs from his car heading towards them.
"Hey Y/n," He says.
"Hey Jas," They say, "you look nice."
"Thank you," He says, "you look beautiful." They smile lightly.
"Thank you," They say, "wanna head in?" Jas nods. Y/n moves lacing her fingers in his. The movie is terrible. Honestly. The two end up laughing through most of it. However Jas being able to hold their hand. Cling to them. It makes it the best date he's ever been on. It's one of the only dates he's ever been on.
One date turns to two. Turns into dating. It's going amazing. But he feels guilty.
"You still haven't told them?" Rose asks him carefully, "Jasper you have to tell them."
"I was planning to tell them," Jasper says.
"No you weren't," Edward says.
"Get out of my head Edward," Jasper says at once, "I'm tryin it's just. I don't want to ruin this ya know."
"If you don't tell them then you'll ruin it regardless," Emmet says, "I mean you can't not tell them."
"I know I know," Jasper says, "I'll tell them soon. Tonight. We have a date."
Before they can keep hassling him he leaves to go prepare for his date. His partner had talked him into going swimming in some lake. He didn't really care much for the later but when they suggest skinny dipping well he couldn't exactly say no to that.
He meets his partner at the lake. They are already in the water. Though apparently in a swim suit. They smile widely at Jasper as he makes his way towards them.
"Hey!" They call, "I was gonna wait but the water is really nice."
They move slipping out of the water to meet Jasper. Pulling him into a soft kiss.
"Come on," They say leading him into the water. He tosses aside his shirt then kicks off his jeans. Jumping in the water in his boxers. The vampire is thankful that the lake was shallow. It only went to chest meaning no awkward sinking of being the rock  solid vampire. They pull Jasper into another kiss. "I've missed you," They say as the break the kiss, "I'm not one for teen romance bullshit but... You are different."
"Well we were meant to be," Jasper says, "fate. Right Darlin?"
"Right," They say, "you are so right." They move kissing Jasper's jaw. "You are always talking about Fate. It's like you've been looking for me." They pull away from Jasper to sink into the water. Swimming away from him. Jasper smiles. If only they knew. The two move around the water playfully. He scoops his mate in his arms and playfully dunks them under the water. They come up laughing.
"Oh I'll get you for that Hale!" They scream. They splash the vampire with full force. He seems unfazed so they try again this time jumping on Jaspers back. He moves a little to roughly and knocks them back into the water.  They simply laugh for a second before they make a pained face. Then suddenly the smell of blood fills Jaspers senses. "Oh shit. I think I stepped on glass." Jaspers eyes shift to black. Pain and hunger filling him. His partner climbs from the water gentle moving to their pile of clothes hoping to address the wound. Jasper stares at his mate. Trying to keep himself in the water. Trying to relax. But the smell. The bloodlust rising in his stomach.
He moves towards his partner. Jumping to pin them down. They were shocked. Confused as to why this was happening.
"Jasper what are you doing?" They ask slightly startled. They start to move. But Jaspers firm grasp keeps them pinned down. His mouth opens. His fangs showing clear as day. Y/n tenses looking at her partner in pure terror. He looks like an animal. A monster. "Jas! Jas! What are you doing?!" They are thrashing under him. Trying to push him away. "Jasper get off of me!"
Jasper leans to his mates neck. His teeth scraping lightly.
"Jasper stop! Get off me you're scaring me!"
The boy moves starting to bite but before he can sink his teeth into her he's yanked off. He see's Edward and Emmet holding him back as he growls lightly.
"Jasper! Jasper stop!" Edward yells.
But he doesn't calm down until he sees his mate in Bella's arms sobbing violently. He feels his mates terror. It's suffocating. All his hunger melts into guilt and regret. What did he just do?
"Babe," He says softly. He moves yanking away from the two men.
"Get away from me!" They shout, "I don't want you anywhere near me you freak!"
"Darlin just let me explain-"
"No Jasper we are done!" They shout, "I don't want you anywhere near me."
"Darlin I-"
"You freak!"
Disgust. Thats all that's radiating from them. He watches as Y/n leaves. Bella walking with her. He ruined it. He lost his chance at his mate. He ruined his own life. All his hope for nothing. He could hope that in time they will let him back in but his hope can't fix anything. This time- hope isn't gonna be enough.
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shxdowsofombra · 3 years
Calling Misty
Nibs had called Dylan’s phone hoping that Misty would pick up. It had been a few days since he called Misty since Dylan had been mostly carrying his phone with him. He waited as the phone rang a few times. 
Dylan had left and left his phone with Misty for the night. She woke up and grabbed the phone before answering, “Hello?” 
Nibs instantly smiled when he heard Misty’s voice. “Princess! I didn’t wake you up did I?” He asks before pressing the button for the face calling. He didn’t realize how close to his face it was so all she saw was his forehead…again. 
“No…no you are fine.” She said shifting slightly to turn on the light in her room. She looked at the camera and saw Nibs’ was too close to the screen. “Baby, I can’t see you.” She smiled.
“Oh! Is the camera not on?” He asks while tapping the camera lens as his eyebrows knitted together. It changed the camera perspective to show he had nothing on before tapping it again. “How does this thing work…” The male mumbled before looking at the camera screen and moving it away from his face. “Oh! There we go. Wait…you should turn yours on too!” 
“You are so old.” She said playfully before turning her camera on. “Hi baby, will you stop yelling it’s nighttime. We don’t need to yell.” She smiled. “How are you?”
“Hey, normally we don’t have to use this because you are here with me so…” He teases. “Oh um, good I suppose. I miss you though. I don’t like being far away and not knowing where you are.” He tells her with a pout. “Zach found the guard responsible though so he is getting information out of them as we speak.” The male smiles, “That means you can come home soon.” 
“I miss you too.” She smiled before nodding, “I’m excited. I can’t wait to see you again.” She said moving to sit up and take down her hair. “Did you eat? Are you taking care of yourself?”
Nibs noticed that she didn’t have anything on and he bit his lip. His hand moved down to lazily stroke himself as he watched her take down her hair. “Mhm…Yes I am eating. Of course I am taking care of myself as much as I can. But there are some things I can’t really do for myself without you here.” He winks. 
She watched his hand move down his body and smirked as she heard his words, “Ah I see. Well there are things I would like to do for you, but you aren’t here. I am just thinking about all the things we can do for each other when I’m home.”
“Oh? What would that be princess? I want you to use your words.” He purred as his eyes flashed red. 
Misty blushed slightly as she picked up the phone, “Baby we are using Dylan’s phone doesn’t this feel…dirty?”
“Mhm I would like it if it were on your phone so you can save it to watch whenever you miss me but…I guess we have to make do.” He smirked. 
She laid back against her bed and bit her lip as she took a second to think, “I really want your cock in my mouth daddy. I miss tasting your cum, and seeing how you react when there’s spit connecting from my lips to your cock.”
Hearing her words, he sped up his hand as he started to stroke himself faster. “I want you to touch yourself. Show daddy how wet that tight pussy is for me.” He growled. 
Her eyes turned red as she licked her fingers before moving them down her body. She teased herself causing a soft moan to escape her lips as she slid two fingers inside of her. “Fuck daddy, I miss you so much.” 
His eyes burned red as he watched her slide two fingers inside herself. His hand moved even faster as he pumped himself. “Fuck you look so tight princess. I’m going to have to fix that once I see you.” He smirked. 
Misty moaned at his words, “I want you in me so badly daddy. My fingers don’t compare to your cock.” She purred as she moved her fingers faster. “Fuck Nibs…”
He could feel himself getting close at her words and actions. “Fuck princess. I want you to cum for daddy. Make a mess for me.” He purred with a smirk. 
She watched Nibs please himself and bit her lip as she could feel herself getting close. Her free hand gripped the sheets under her as she came around her fingers. “Ah fuck Nibs…” She moaned. “Cum for me daddy. Let me see how much you miss me.”
Nibs squeezed his cock when he saw her clenching around her fingers and he let his head fall back as he let his orgasm paint his chest and hand with ropes of cum as he moaned her name. “Fuck Misty…” He growled as he came down from his high. 
She watched his cum cover his chest and licked her lips, “I really want to lick you clean daddy.” She purred before bringing her fingers up to her mouth and licking them clean. 
“Mhm and I want to lick you clean princess. I bet you taste so fucking good.” He groaned as his cock twitched once more. 
“Nibs…” She groaned as her pheromones filled her room. “You have to stop talking like that or I am going to beg for you. We have to stop…”
“Mhm you can beg for me next time I see you princess. You won’t be able to walk when I am done with you.” He smirked before licking some of his cum off his thumb. 
“Oh is that right? Then I look forward to it.” She bit her lip as she looked away and tried to catch her breath. When she did, she got up and slid on her nightgown before removing the sheets. 
“Too bad you can’t join me in the shower princess. I know I will be thinking of you while I am in there.” He teases before getting up and cleaning himself off. 
She laughed softly at his words, “I am very jealous, just like you will be when you can’t cuddle up to me tonight.” Misty smiled as she changed her sheets before grabbing the wine bottle off her desk.
“Mhm you aren’t drinking without me again are you? Should I crack out a bottle too?” He smirked. “Although I am sure the ones we have here are so much better than whatever that is.” He teases. “Oh which reminds me. I got your favorite wine for when you get back and for us to open when we move into the cove.” 
“That was very nice sweetie.” She smiled before shaking her head, “I didn’t plan on drinking. Must have been left here by accident. I’ll put it back later.” She said placing it back down. “Um…how’s Luna?” 
“Ahhh that makes sense. She is okay. Hallie has been watching her but she doesn’t seem to be able to sleep much. I think she can sense how stressed we all are.” 
“That’s…good. That’s good.” She nodded, pushing her hair behind her ear. “And the other kids? Are they good too?”
“Charlie and Rose are having a disagreement. I think about changing her so she can have children. Zach and Hope are both still working on looking for you. I think Ellie is trying to calm Tommy down because he is freaked out because someone took his heart for a bit. Hallie and David are with Luna. I think Emmett might have come back to help Zach as well. Stiles still isn’t answering his phone and I couldn’t find him either…which is weird.” 
“That’s a hard conversation to have. I am just going to bite her and then heal her, sure she will be pissed but if she wants to live she’ll get over it.” She said before nodding at his words. “So Hallie and Emmett are keeping their kid? And aw Emmet is so big now.” She said before sighing softly. “So the whole family is together finally. Please go to Stiles and check on him.” 
“I think they are. Helping with Luna has really opened both of their eyes to wanting to be parents and brought them closer to each other. I am not sure how Hope and Zach will feel about that but I think that they are taking the responsibility and it’s a step in the right direction. I don’t know how Zach and Hope will feel about being grandparents but…it’s a funny thing to think about.” He laughs slightly. 
“I know I am trying to find him too. It’s like they just got up and left their house. That’s not like them unless something was wron-“ Nibs stopped as he thought about it. “He didn’t move away from us last time because he wanted too. It was because Grace did something to the family. You don’t think…no…she was trying so hard to let us back into Stiles’ life recently. Wait…do you think Grace did all this? I mean, all this started to happen when she started hanging around our family.” 
“Well that makes us great-grandparents and I am too hot for that.” She teased him. “But I like David, he seems to treat her right and Hallie is head over heels in love with him. And Zach hasn’t killed him so…maybe it is working itself out. Hope will get over it, just like we did.”
Misty listened to Nibs’ words and shook her head, “Stop that, Grace hasn’t done anything. So stop. Just go find Stiles and then make assumptions. I’m not even going to talk about that idea.”
Nibs shook his head, “You are right. My mind is probably just overtired. There is probably a logical reason why they moved. Maybe it has something to do with Cameron.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I am sure it would be nice to have a change in scene like we are so maybe that’s why they moved. In any event, I was going to go and check tomorrow since it’s pretty late.”
“So…um how have things been with Dylan? I know you don’t like being in confined spaces for too long. Is there enough for you to do there? Is he making sure you are taking care of yourself?”
“You probably just need some rest.” She said before hearing his question. “I am okay, I miss going outside. And the flower fields are closed now so I missed that with you.” She shrugged. “He doesn’t stay around long, so I take care of myself. I am doing fine.” 
“We can visit them again when you get back don’t worry.” He smiles. “Really? He doesn’t? I thought for sure he would try to stay around with you. But I am glad that you are doing fine. Just think, only a few more days then you can come home.” He teases. 
“Well I mean he stays the night sometimes in his room, but he has been giving me space.” She clarified. “It’s closed, Nibs, we can’t.” She smiled back. She touched her wrists and nodded, “Just a few more days.”
“You forget we have some of the flowers at the castle garden that I have moved to the cove for us. We can visit the flowers anytime we want.” He smiles before noticing her touching her wrists. “How have you been mentally princess? Are you…are you holding up okay? Are your wrists better?” 
“Right…that was a very nice thing you did for me.” She smiled before removing her hand from her wrist. “I’m fine Nibs, really don’t worry about me. Everything is okay over here.” She smiled reassuringly.
“Mhm you don’t have to hide things from me princess, you know that.” He reassures her. “If there is something not right I want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to help you.” 
“You aren’t here Nibs, even if you wanted to help…you aren’t here.” She said softly. “I should get some sleep. I will ask Dylan for his phone tomorrow so you can call me again.” 
“I know I am not there right now, but I am a phone call away. I can help in my own way from here and you know that. Mhm it is getting late princess you should get some sleep. I can talk to you some more tomorrow.” He tells her with a small smile. “I love you.” 
“I love you too. Goodnight.” She smiled before hanging up the phone. Her smile faded as she looked at her wrists and wiped off the make up. She moved to turn the light off and laid down.
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ozmontague-blog · 6 years
Seriously?!?! || Oz & Valeria
Parties: Oz Montague and Valeria Montague
Date: Monday, July 28th
Location: Oz’s office in the Tower
Summary: Valeria hears that Ginny was allowed to enter a claim and takes Oz to task for his unfairness and Oz’s starts yet another shit week 
Triggers/Other Notes: None
Mentions: Emmet Capulet @emmetcapuletdom, Ginevra Montague @ginnymontague, Will Capulet @willxcapulet
Val could not believe what she had just heard, and she was livid. How dare her uncle grant Ginny permission to get claimed by Will Capulet, while she was practically begging him to trust her, and allow the same thing with Emmet, and all he could grant her was a lift on her travel ban. She saw red, and she was not going to allow him to get away with it. She walked past his receptionist, straight into his office, and slammed her purse on his desk, "How dare you! Are you fucking kidding me right now? Ginny! You give permission to Ginny before me!" She never took her eye off of him, she had backed down too long, but not today.
Oz picked up his coffee cup and was about to take a sip when the door to his office flung open. "Of for fuck's sake Valeria." He growled unhappily. He was exhausted and temperamental. He had not wanted to permit the claim but after being so undermined by Dante, he had been between a rock and a hard place. "Dante did." he stated flatly, "Whereas your parents have left the decision to me."
Val was not buying that, "Bullshit! You know you could have still said no if you wanted too, but you didn't, and now she is happily going to get claimed to Will Capulet. The same Will Capulet that said could not provide for her like she deserves. But me, I can't get claimed by Emmet Capulet, who has more money to take care of me, although I can take care of myself, but you know he can securely take care of me, and you still say no. Do you not want to see me happy? Is that it?"
Oz stared at the girl, feeling his own rage bubble below the surface. With great effort his maintained his calm. "You know that finances was never the reason I objected to that actor. Stop playing coy. He encouraged and facilitated your defiance and public embarrassment of me and this family. He is weak and since you clearly have no fucking control, you need strength. If you honestly believe coming in here and making a scene is persuasive in your favour then you have taken leave of every last one of your senses Valeria. Now sit down and stop being such a goddamned child."
Val wanted to scream, but she also knew that she needed to talk to her uncle and not just scream. She took her seat, "So, how long do I have to be punished for my mistake uncle Oz? I made the decision to leave, and Emmet tried to stop me, but I made the decision to be there for him on such a big night for him. This is the pinnacle of his career, and he was rewarded for it, and I didn't want to miss that. So I can't apologize anymore for that, I have done it enough. But for you to hold that over my head, and deny me the opportunity to be with the man I love is so wrong. I have done all I could to make up for what I've done, but all you can do is give me crumbs, while you offer the whole damn loaf to everyone else."
Oz laughed bitterly with no humour in his voice. "It hasn't been an entire year but of course, you have already quite moved on from it, haven't you Valeria? And don't give me lies about Emmet trying to stop you. That's bullshit and we both know it. If anyone had pulled that nonsense with me, jeopardizing my standing, they certainly wouldn't have been purchased jewellery for and allowed to walk down the red carpet. That is the weakest version of 'no' I have ever seen in 45 years. He rewarded you for your defiance and let's not pretend otherwise. Also I have allowed your relationship to continue against my better judgment and have even been so recently impressed as to permit travel if you will recall. So far from denying you the chance to be with him, which would have been my right to do, I permitted it. Generously. You have yet to earn the whole damn loaf. Either of you. I will not reward temper tantrums or permissive weakness. Frankly, the only thing you are convincing me of is that I was right."
Val stood up, "NO! I am not going to allow you to talk about Emmet that way, he is not weak, and yes he wanted me there with him, why wouldn't he? He loves me, and wants me to share in these moments with him, and for you to act like you have never made a mistake, or done something stupid for love, then again I call bullshit. You are not right about this, what you are is cruel. If it was in your rights to tear us apart, then why not do it, instead of letting me have hope in my heart that one day you would come around, knowing you never planned on letting that happen. And I am supposed sit around and watch everyone else get what they want, and even help them plan it, but never getting that moment for myself? That is the worse thing you could do to me uncle Oz, the worse."
Oz rose to his feet to look down at the petite enraged girl, "That is enough! You have no right to speak to me in this manner. If you cannot be civil then you will leave. I have had enough. For the record, you are making a great deal of assumptions about my personal life that are not warranted or invited." Frankly at this point, his regret was damaging Megan's life by claiming her in the first place. However, that was not information he would share with Valeria. They had not healed enough between them for shared confidences and frankly after today he suspected any hope for it was long gone. "Do you really want me to order you to end your relationship? Think carefully before you issue challenges like that to a cruel monster like me."
Val sighed and sat back down, "You are doing this you know that? This is all your fault, and you are too blind to see it. I honestly can't understand why you are being so stubborn, and putting our families lives on the line. All you have to do is allow a few of us to be claimed, and we can all stay, but you are truly showing why people call you a monster, and I know you better than that. I know that you are not a heartless as you want people to believe you are. You are the same man that had tea parties with me when I was a little girl. The same man that read me bedtime stories at night, and checked under my bed for monsters when I was scared. So I know you are not that monster, but you are so desperate to make people believe that you are, that now, you are starting to act like one." She knew she didn't want him to break her and Emmet apart, but she was not going to let him control her whole life. "You know that's not what I want, but let me throw a challenge back your way, if you do decide to order the end of Emmet and my relationship, I will do what Vin and Alice did, and you know Emmet will back me up, and we'll leave Verona ourselves." She looked him in the eye, "Is that what you want uncle Oz? I love you and I want to be here with my family, but you are pushing me away right now."
Oz waited until Valeria sat before he followed suit. The trip down memory lane was not particularly welcome. "Then you will now have cause to join them. I will be the Monster of Verona. You can proudly claim to be among the first to spot it or the last as the case may be." He sighed, "I will not tolerate any elopements Valeria. So put that out of your head. The one thing I like about that foppish tattooed pup that Ginny has grown inexplicably fond of is that he talked her out of such a notion. I will lay the blame squarely at your Dominant's door for permitting such a permanent rift with your family."
Val sighed, "I don't want to join them, I want to be a Montague and a Capulet. I love my family, and I love you, but how do you expect me to behave when you are coming against me with who I love." She wanted to cry, but she knew he would think she was weak because of it. "Fine, I won't elope, but I want you to be fair with me uncle Oz. I love Emmet, and that's not going to change, so why won't you allow me to be happy? I am not going to leave you, and I know you know that, I will always be a Montague, no matter what, but I want to be claimed....and have babies. I want my kids to know you like I know you."
Oz nodded as she at least conceded on this point. "I expect you to behave as a grown woman who is still earning my trust who has, without my understanding of it, grown to love a Dominant who is still earning my respect. I know you have magically pretended that well is dry and there should be no more atonement but trust does not regrow in an instant. I had already thought myself to be moving in the correct direction by permitting you to travel with him, for the very first time with actual permission. I apologize if your procreation plans need to be put off for a few more months due to my recalcitrant ways but you were stuck with me as the head of your family and not the placid weakness that is Lady Bea. Frankly you would have run ramshod over her before you were in puberty from what I can see."
Val had enough of this talk, "I don't know what to say to you right now, I am livid..." She sighed and shook her head, "I never thought that trust would grow back instantly, but I did hope because I am your niece that you would show me a bit more mercy, but obviously not. Just knowing that you are allowing Ginny to get claimed, before me, when I have been asking about it so much longer just baffles me." She grabbed her purse, "So how long is it going to take? Because that was so long ago, and maybe not a year, but is that the cut off time for you trust me again?" She knew he was right about Lady Bea, "You might be right about that, but remember I learned what I know from you."
Oz nodded, "Your feelings are understandable and frankly at this moment if I could retract my consent to that claim I would. I did so in a fit of pique and I have paid dearly for my momentary lapse in good judgment, as evidenced by your visit today. You act as if I handed this to them with great blessings. I have not. I will not. But Ginny's soon to be Dominant..." At that Oz made a face of pure disgust, "At least has been prepared to live by the rules and conditions I have set them and has never sought to undermine me or make me look publicly foolish."
Val sighed, "So this is all about that huh? You know how persuasive I am, and even if Emmet would have said no, I would have gone anyway. You know I would, so please don't blame this all on Emmet. He is not a weak dominant, he was just cursed to fall in love with a stubborn submissive, that would rather do what she wants, and risk the consequences later." She sat back, "Do you think that maybe if you set some guidelines on Emmet and me, would you, even if it is begrudgingly, allow Emmet and I a claim."
Oz stared for a moment and then shrugged, "Were the consequences worth it Valeria?" he asked very seriously. "I will consider it. But that is all I will concede."
Val "It wasn't great, but it showed me that I can do anything I want to do if I put my mind to it. And that I don't have to be reliant on you and your money, that I can make it on my own. But I hate you not trusting me, when I know there are things you want to tell me, but you are holding back, and that sucks. That's the most important thing I lost." Val sighed, "But I appreciate the consideration." She got up and headed to the door, "I do love you uncle Oz, but please think about it seriously."
Oz considered her words and nodded, "Yes, I miss you as well. But I cannot divulge my thoughts to someone whom I cannot trust." His words were softly stated but bluntly honest. "But I am pleased to see you finally taking things on for yourself, something which you will note I encouraged you to do for years." He sighed and shook his head, "I love you too Valeria. I wish things could be different between us as well. I will consider."
Val sighed and opened the door, "I do too, and yes, I do know that you encouraged me for years, but I'm stubborn, I wonder where I got that from." She smiled, and although it hurt to hear him say he didn't trust her, in all honesty, she didn't know if she could fully trust him either, especially the way he was treating her relationship. "I'll see you later Lord Montague." She smiled and walked out, heading to Emmet's place, she needed to be held.
Oz 's lips curled in a sad smile. "You came by it rightfully I will admit." Her defiance had not only hurt their relationship but his standing as the Head of the family. To be betrayed by someone he considered so close to him had been a deep blow. It did not heal quickly, especially not for Oz. "Good day Valeria." The door closed and he contemplated going to his residence. Deciding that would be pointless since there was nothing there for him, he reached into the cupboard and withdrew a good bottle of bourbon that he had been saving for a special occasion. To get very drunk would be a perfectly terrible beginning to the week.
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“Okay,” Principal Tucker started. “Let’s do a roll call to make sure everybody’s here?”
The eight boys nodded. They were all in the Principal’s office which they all barely managed to fit in. 
Five minutes ago, they were all called to go there through the school’s intercom. But it was not explained why they were beckoned. Yet.
Principal Tucker cleared her throat and called, “Emalia, Mason?”
“Here,” replied a tall blonde, standing from his seat just to show respect. He wasn’t usually this polite. He was one of the troublemakers at their school. To prove it, he lit fireworks at their school’s pep rally “just to have a little fun.” If he wasn’t the star player at their basketball team, he would’ve been dismissed by Coach already.
“Hello!” waved a “unique”-looking boy who sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. He had piercings almost everywhere: two on his lower lip, a stud on his right eyebrow, three on his right ear, and five on his left ear. He was troublemaker number two, but different. Aside from helping Mason smuggle fireworks into school, he also helps him with “other situations.” Let’s just say that he’s a sly Beta who knows his way into every man’s undies. Rumor has it that he once slept with one of the teachers, who of which was at least three times older than him.
Principal Tucker cleared her throat again, trying her best not to get upset with how she was rudely cut off and called “Emmet, Lee?”
“Present!” replied a strawberry blonde-haired almost-midget in a small voice (he somehow managed to find a seat far away from the others where he could still be seen). He’s always been humiliated because of his appearance: small and dorky. But behind all that, he’s a genius with grades off the charts. His GPA may have been even higher than Jax on ecstasy. He was raised to act this way by his father, who he rarely talks about. Though everybody admired how far ahead he is academically, they wouldn’t think the same when it came to his personality. He could be a real jerk if you got on his nerves, but it would be hilarious if you blew his fuse. His voice would get all squeaky and high, like an angry mouse.
“Blueburn, Isaac?”
“Here!” smiled an adorable Omega who you would probably mistake as a peanut. He was the school’s sweetheart, the nicest person you’ll ever meet. He’s made friends with almost everyone in the building because he’s just too nice, it’s frightening. Lee somehow dislikes him, and Blue has no idea why.
“Otto, William?”
“Present, Ma’am,” answered a well-built senior who’d make you want to question why he was still in high school when he looked way older. Will was used to that. Plus, he couldn’t blame you for thinking that way because he did look at least thirty years old. This was because his hormones were… odd. They made him look older and manlier because he was a “pure” Alpha. But he wasn’t just all that. He was a decent human being who knew how to sympathize, empathize, and communicate with the people around him. He was friendly and loyal. Sure, he had abs that could bite, but he didn’t allow that to be the reason why he should be like the other Alphas who were oblivious and overcome with pride. He wanted to make sure that he would stand out and be good for not only his peers but also for himself. It was the least he could do.
“Otto, Caleb?”
The boys looked among themselves, but couldn’t find Caleb anywhe-
Just then, a boy in all-black raised his hand and cleared his throat. Everyone turned to where it came from: the darkest corner of the room. And there he was, sitting on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees as he buried his face in them.
Caleb was a peculiar kid. He wasn’t Will’s biological brother. His parents only adopted him when he was eleven years old. Nobody knew where he came from or who raised him. All they knew was that he had a deeply cut wound in him that just kept getting bigger and bigger as he grew older. It didn’t even show that he was an Alpha anymore. If you tried to compare him to Will, you would see a big difference; it was obvious that they weren’t brothers. But Will tries his best to be a good big brother to him, and he appreciates that.
“Wyatt, Robinson?”
“Present,” smiled a tan young man with dark hair tied in a man bun. Robbie was a charming one. He was part-Filipino and for some reason, people found that attractive. If people weren’t crushing on Will or Mason, they would be crushing on him. One of the boys in the room has had a crush on him for a long, long time. Wanna know who it is? It’s-
“Grenfield, Caspian?”
“H-here,” stuttered our one and only Caspian Grenfield. He had disheveled brown hair, round glasses, the brains to get to Harvard, and anxiety that would probably kill him if he didn’t get out of there soon. He was a hard-working, determined student who did all he could to avoid trouble, and being here at the principal’s office scared him to death. Do you know what else scared him to death? Having to sit beside his childhood—and up to now—crush, Robbie. He didn’t want to end up beside him, and Robbie even had the choice to sit somewhere else; and he still ended up sitting right beside him. He ended up feeling light-headed and nauseated. His face heated up and his stomach felt funny. Let me die, let me die, let me die~ he kept repeating in his mind.  It was almost unbearable.
“Seems like we’re all here, yes?” their Principal finally finished.
All the boys showed their signs of agreement; this was Principal Tucker’s cue to continue.
“Then let’s begin,” she said, straightening herself up. “I gathered you eight here today to discuss a rather unusual matter.”
“Excuse me, Miss?” Jax said, raising his hand to get their principal’s attention. “How unusual are we talking about here?”
“I guarantee that you’ll find out in a bit if you let me speak,” answered Tucker.
“Boom,” muttered Mason, jokingly.
“Oh, shut up, Emalia. I’ll be back for you later,” said Jax.
“Damn right you will,” smirked Mason.
“You sly-“
“Ahem,” coughed Tucker, sternly.
The boys straightened up and muttered a “sorry, Miss.”
“As I was saying,” Principal Tucker finally continued. “This concerns the upcoming prom and the charity funds.”
“Oh no,” Blue gasped.
“No, Blue, it’s good news,” Tucker clarified. “We recently discovered that we raised more money than expected and couldn’t find any other charities to donate to.”
“Nice,” Will said, grinning.
“Exactly,” Tucker agreed. “And that is why I called you boys in to ask if you could organize an event to use all that money for.”
“Wait,” Lee paused. “What?”
All eight boys were scratching their heads and replaying it in their minds. This was all too confusing because the prom wasn’t until a few more months. It was unusual indeed. 
“Ma’am,” Robbie started. (Caspian could’ve sworn he felt his lungs stop functioning for a second.) “Couldn’t the school have just kept it instead as pocket-money or something?”
“Well,” Tucker said. “We’ve thought of that, but the school has had a good year. It was unnecessary to keep that much money in our hands. Plus, it might also get stolen. That’s why we decided to put it to good use instead.”
“Touché,” Blue shrugged.
“Anyways-“ Principal Tucker pushed herself back, rolling her chair farther away from her desk, and leaned down to pick something up. She got back up with eight yellow pieces of paper and handed them to the boys who got one and passed among their selves-“Those include anything else you have to know about this event and the permission slips you’ll have to let your parents sign. You can submit them to your homeroom teacher.”
“Excuse me, Ma’am,” Lee said, holding the paper. “But it says here that we will be staying at an Airbnb for a week. May I ask if that’s true?”
“Yes, Mister Emmit,” Principal Tucker chuckled. “You will be accompanied by Miss Sara Leslie at the Airbnb.”
“Why do we need to be in an Airbnb?” Mason asked, furrowing his brows.
“Have you tried studying in the library?” Lee blurted out, almost angrily. “It’s impossible to keep your thoughts straight.”
“Thank you, Mister Emmit,” Principal Tucker hushed.
Caspian scanned the paper. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. One week? Airbnb? With five more strangers? The thoughts circled his mind so intensely, it made him feel even more nauseated than before. He tried telling himself that he was overreacting and that he shouldn’t worry too much.
Was this really happening?
 …And that’s how they ended up here, in front of the Airbnb.
next chapter in seven days... 
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theoddcatlady · 7 years
The Legion Studies, Part Seven
December 8, 198X
No sign of Father Carter or Scotty, and now there was a dead body on our hands with no trace of who the murderer could be.
I was planning on bailing when the blizzard calmed down. Money or not, this wasn’t worth it. Whether it was the Devil or someone whose inner psychosis had caused them to snap under the pressure, lives were in serious danger.
I talked my plans over with Dr. Leon and Lois over lunch.
“I’m onboard.” Lois stabbed her fork into her meatloaf. “And then I’m telling the police that Dr. Lewis let a pedophile have ‘alone time’ with his kids.”
“It wasn’t intentional,” Dr. Leon began, but when Lois and I glared at him, he changed his course, “but I’ll do the same. Not to mention one of them’s still missing. Poor Scotty. He was such a happy kid. God knows what’s happened to him.”
The lights flickered and I reached for my cross, clutching it tightly. Lois shuddered. “Don’t. Don’t even start. I bet it was Father Carter who killed the inmate.”
I thought about Father Carter compared to Ollie. “Maybe? I always figured Ollie was stronger.”
Lois shrugged. “Desperate asshole is a desperate asshole.”
That I couldn’t argue with.
Dr. Leon sighed and pushed away his half eaten plate. “Not hungry anymore. We’ll find Father Carter and Scotty soon though. There’s not that many places they can hide out here,” He said.
The only thing to take comfort in, yet three days in and we still couldn’t find them. A puzzle no one had an answer for.
December 9, 198X
This was the last day.
Hugo was interviewing Chloe this time, looking tenser than a stretched rubber band. Chloe sat across the table, her hands folded in with each other as she smiled sweetly.
“Hello Mr. Hugo! Is it really snowing outside? Can we go play together?” She asked.
Hugo chuckled as he twiddled his pencil between his fingers. “I don’t think so, Harus. We’re staying in here until you decide to piss off back to hell,” He said.
Chloe’s jaw dropped and shock exploded across her face. “How did you-“
“What? Did you expect me to forget you?” Hugo leaned in and smirked. “I remember all the friends Emmet loved to bring in, and I remember your foul mouth. You’re a bit of a bitch.” He leaned back and cocked his head. “Now. Are you gonna leave the little girl alone?”
Chloe’s expression twisted into something dark before she turned to the window, right where I was sitting. “No. Chloe needed me. She let me in! Your power won’t move me.”
“You wanna bet?”
Hugo took off one of his necklaces and swung it around his finger. Lois looked up from where she was monitoring Chloe’s brain activity. “What are you doing?” She asked suspiciously.
“Exorcism, love.” Hugo started walking around Chloe, whose small face had gone pale. “This wasn’t the deal, that little kids would have a demon marching around their heads.”
“This hasn’t been approved by Dr. Lewis-“
Hugo’s snort cut Lois off. “I really don’t give a shit about a man who knows dick on how to parent. I’m not letting this demon stay inside Chloe any longer than it has to be. You want to make this easy, Harus?”
Chloe spat on Hugo’s shoes.
Then the room went dark.
I heard Lois scream and Hugo shout something before I was knocked to the floor. Terror filled my chest when I felt a pair of familiar hands wrap around my throat. Not again. This could not be happening again.
This time I could still breathe, but I couldn’t get up. I was paralyzed. Then I heard a voice.
“… you start to believe in that cross now?”
The distorted voice laughed, a sound like radio static.
“One moment, one moment too late, Barbie.”
A finger stroked down my face, attached to an arm I still couldn’t see.
“You look just like your mother.”
The emergency red lights clicked on and whatever had me pinned was gone. I heard the others in the room gasping and hacking, I stumbled to my feet to see at least two of the others were passed out, the others trying to force breath in through bruised throats.
I gripped the cross before I ran to the interview room. It was like a tornado had been through there. The table was knocked over, the monitoring equipment smashed and smoking. Hugo was laying across the ground. Lois was slumped over her chair, groaning quietly. Chloe was nowhere to be seen. I went to Lois first and shook her awake.
Lois’ eyes flicked open before she gasped. “Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit! Chloe!” She looked around wildly. “Holy shit, the kid threw the table- Hugo!?”
Hugo groaned before raising a hand.
“I think we’re fucked.”
Chloe had vanished the same way Scotty and Father Carter had. The only thing the power was running was the heat. There was no lights.
Hugo and I were together, everyone was ordered to remain inside their rooms until the power came back on. No one wanted to be alone. Especially me.
We sat on my bed, back to back for several quiet minutes. Maybe an hour. I’m not sure. I broke the silence.
“My mother was possessed when I was ten years old.”
Hugo tensed. “… I thought you didn’t believe in all of that,” He said, turning his head back.
I laughed. “I don’t know any more Hugo. I don’t know.”
The most terrifying to me, up to this day, is the unknown. Why things happened. Everything had an explanation that could be defined by chemicals in the brain, how you were raised, your genetics. Everything could be explained by that.
“My mom always called me Barbie. No one else did,” I shifted until I was leaning against the wall, so I could see Hugo’s reactions, “it was our thing. I was her Barbie. She was… a very thoughtful woman. You would’ve liked her I think.”
“I’m terrible at being thoughtful. So probably not.”
I elbowed Hugo gently. “Knock it off. I’m being serious.”
Hugo raised both his hands. “I’ll behave! So… what happened?” He asked.
I sighed.
“… I’m not sure how it happened. It wasn’t an overnight change. It was over the span of a few weeks, I think. She stopped going to work after her brother died. She spent all her time in the room. She never wanted to talk to me. She started complaining of hearing things in the walls. Things I never heard. She hated to be close to me. I was a child who loved hugs. Mom always encouraged that. But when I went in for a hug one day, she… she pushed me. I hit the back of my head on the counter. My dad came home to me crying and my mom sobbing, telling me sorry and that it wasn’t her that did that.”
Hugo rested a hand on my shoulder. “You don’t have to tell me more.”
“I feel like I do.” No one knew these things except for a therapist. “My mom was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. She got worse. Began talking to someone. Someone no one could see.”
I started to pick at a hangnail I’d gotten a few days prior. “Dad just told me he was like mom’s imaginary friend. I’m surprised he didn’t leave her. Dad took care of her for the last part of her life. Until she beat him up, flung him across the room and just… ran off screaming. I was in the room when it happened, I just… wanted to show my parents my A+ on my math test.”
Hugo didn’t say anything. I pulled loose the hangnail and a little blood welled up. “She threw herself in front of a truck, according to dad… I’m not sure if that’s the truth. I always wanted to explain what happened to her. And now I wish I hadn’t.”  
It was only a second of silence before Hugo pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back so tightly I thought I’d break his ribs.
We stayed like that until the subjects from B-2 escaped.
It was almost midnight. We’d almost fallen asleep when the door slid open and a man slipped in. I screamed and threw my flashlight at the figure.
The light illuminated his face briefly before it konked him over the head. The man shouted and nearly toppled over, but I recognized his voice.
“… Ernie?”
Hugo stood up and picked back up the flashlight, flashing it on Ernie’s face. His face was covered in swollen bruises. I got up. “Ernie? Why are you out-“
“Everyone’s out. Everyone’s out now. Rex is dead!”
Ernie’s bottom lip quivered. He looked near tears. I hushed him and had him sit down, he looked like he’d been beaten half to hell. After he caught his breath he opened up about what happened.
“Everyone was on lock down. Dr. Lewis was questioning us about Chloe, if any of us had seen her. Then I heard Rex scream, and everything went to hell. Doors all opened up, everyone got out. It was like… It was like everyone in the room just went crazy! Everyone started attacking each other, and, hell I almost got caught up in it until I realized what I was doing. I just got the hell out of there but not… not before…”
Ernie’s eyes welled up with tears. “… Poor Rex,” He whispered.
Hugo gulped, but I took a deep breath. Stay calm. Stay calm. “What happened to Rex?”
“… I found his body in his room. Gutted and hanging from the ceiling.”
My heart dropped.
“Wasn’t recent either. His body was all bloated and dried out, he’d been like that for days but I, I knew that kid! I knew it was him screaming!”
Ernie shook his head. “Everyone kept on fighting and I ran. We gotta hide. Can we bar the door?”
Hugo stood. “We have to get out of here. Now.” He went into my wardrobe and grabbed my coat, flinging it at me.
I caught it but shook my head. “Hugo, none of us know how to fly a plane-“
“I do.”
Ernie blinked hard as if to clear his vision. “I know how to fly a plane, just haven’t done it in a few years. I’d never fly in the weather like we have right now, but… do we have a choice?”
Hugo answered for me.
“We don’t. Let’s try to find the pilot, but if we can’t, Ernie you better remember quick.”
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girl-q · 6 years
The Originals Season 5 Episode 10: A+ parenting
What a pickle Ladies and Gentleman. They just keep on killing characters. MY GAY BABY AND I`M NOT OKAY. JOSHIEEEEEEEEEEE
Hope keeps on beating Klaus up to make the Hollow quiet. Since she is not really mad at her dad he goes out and gets the boy she is really mad at. The legend, the vampire, the wheat if he was a bread, the kid that would choose salt as their favourite spice, the one and only Roman Ladies and Gentleman. We abduct curls and Klaus looks him up in a nice and cosy cell and lets Hope go loose on the dude. Wow Klaus really is an A+ dad. Teaching her the important things like family love, probably how to ride a horse and sweet torture.
In the Marcel plotline our wise and graceful leader chooses to check out Emmets hiding place all alone. I don´t know about you but walking alone into a warehouse were a gazillion vampire Nazis are hiding sounds absolutely amazing. No way that could go wrong right? Well false they strap him to a table and take his venom. I don´t get that part with the venom. Is it werewolf? Then so what? There´s Klaus right? I really should pay better attention to everything.
Before my Gayby (Josh) goes to rescue good for nothing Marcel he talks with a frantic Declan, who is totally going on my nerves. Dude just leave. A cute stranger flirts with my baby until he gets reminded of Aiden. Aiden…….Whenever something good and gay happens to me this stupid show takes it away. Joshie goes to rescue Marcel and they all get into a big huge fight. Then I died, because Josh that stupid, stupid, stupid boy got injected with the venom and he really died and I hate it so much, because I rarely hate a death, but this one I hated so much. He is so good and loyal and he was my favourite character. Fuck you. But all this has an upside. He goes into the afterlife, which really confuses me, and gets reunited with Aiden. That was beautiful. I love them and I wish I could love Freelin as much, but I can´t. I just don´t have that many emotions for them or Freya to be brusque and I seem to be the only one. (Later on marcel and this situation)
Meanwhile Roman is locked up. Antoinette texts Elijah. Fuck Antoinette. We are still not rid of that bitch. That horrendous woman asks Elijah to go rescue her baby brother from Hope. This was just such a middle finger to Hayley and Elijah shippers in my opinion. She just died. I still believe Hayley wasn´t his greatest love, but still. They were an important fandom to this whole spiel. Elijah of course tries, because he is so loyal. So loyal. He and Klaus have some conversation about family again and that he is leading Hope to an evil place with all his killings, but let’s move on.
Before coming to the final moments let’s quickly wrap up the Ivy and Vincent story.
I was so sad when she woke up, but she was kinda alive with vamp blood in her system. She rejected the transition and talked about her dad. Vincent showed her that the afterlife sucked for her, because of the ancestral magic pool. So Vincent convinced all the witches to give up their powerful magic, so HIS girl would have a peaceful death. And they all went along with it? Idiots. Not even one person objected? Power is super nice guys. Anyway Ivy died for good now. End for her.
The final moments was when Antoinette and Elijah tricked all the vampire Nazis that they were on their side until Hope and Klaus showed up and Hope destroyed the bastards. She killed them all and made the Hollow stop, because she eventually decided to not kill Romaine Salad. She killed a lot of people. You good Hope? That girl will either develop a serious drinking problem or will need centuries of therapy.
Without her knowing Declan was in the church too and she almost killed him too, but the Irish won´t stay down. What a tough cookie he is.
Hope freaks out and then she gets comforted by Roman and it is cute. We all hate Roman, but it was cute indeed. Doesn´t matter in the end, because according to the laws of the universe our Hope Mikaelson will soon have another romantic suitor and I bet he is a dark moody bad boy with a HISTORYYYYYYYY. Holy shit Roman is in fact Stefan.
Lastly Hope activates her werewolf side because she accidentally killed a dude named Bill and I´m very sad for Bill. He probably had a few plants he took care off and a thriving stamp collection.
Thoughts and Theories:
Marcel is going to go down an interesting path I think. He sees Hope going dark and his best friend/person just died and I don´t know how many friends he has left. Klaus is not really a friend. I think he might come around to the human thing with Rebekah. I think they could get back together. I know them can´t become human again, but I think he will understand her better soon.
Rebekah is also difficult. What she has is an eternity full of misery.
Around the block I heard Klaus is going to try to sacrifice himself for his family and Elijah takes his place. Caroline would be off to the side crying or something. Take this with a grain of salt though. It would be the exact thing like in the Vampire Diaries finale so I don´t know. It would support my Elijah death theory. Though. That´s just a rumour.
I didn´t pay that well attention so why is it bad that Hope activated her werewolf side now? Is she going to destroy the city now like the prophecy said? Is that why they flip out?
Oh and the Vampire Nazis are gone. Wow this season is all over the place with its villains. But I hated them and I still low-key judge them because a lot of them are POC or woman. Guys this is some straight male shit. What is you doing honey?
I´m tired so let’s go to the trailer and the next episode which comes out in a couple of hours.
Trailer/Next week
My girl Davina is back peopleeeeee. Klaus and she are going to try to fix Hope. Yey EVERYONE IS COMING back. The-woman-are-coming-back. Rebekah and Davina. YAYYYYYYYYYY. (Kol too btw) But DAVINA AND REBEKAH. I MISSED THEM SOOOOOOOOO MUCH. I´m crying.
The dark magic is destroying Hope and yeah.
Freelin is going to get married everybody. I saw the pictures and it feel kinda like a rip off of TVD but who cares.
Elijah is going to deal with Hayley’s memory and also Declan just keeps on snooping around. Stawp Lucky Charms. Marcel is going to get involved with that.
And with that we are done. I´m bored
I´m out
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