#elle is a fox.
citrusbuds · 1 year
WIP !!! my ocs Andy and Elle
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i havent drawn them in a while so i decided to revamp them from scared child with a fox friend to.....
a not so scared child with a fox friend
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theatre-heathen · 11 months
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has this joke been made? Idk I got possessed after watching the new content today. enjoy
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coolwizard78 · 3 months
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splatoon yuri is taking over my brain
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zishiyao · 2 months
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A year ago, the Avallac'h and fox painting I created was face-swapped by someone using AI, and the plagiarist presented the image to an artist she admired. I devoted all my energy to learning and practicing art, attempting to offset the damage this incident caused me. However, each time I open my art collection, the pain resurfaces, and the wound has yet to fully heal. If time were a cycle, perhaps I could redraw Avallac'h and the fox once more and pretend that nothing ever happened. Approaching this drawing with the same perspective and atmosphere, the more I painted, the more oppressive it became, reaching a point where I almost couldn't continue. I set down my brush, pondered for a while, and had an epiphany. Why was I tormenting myself like this? The fact that my painting was plagiarized is not my fault. I adjusted Avallac'h's pose, and I sensed the two foxes on the screen easing into a more natural stance. They seemed to know how to enhance the overall composition. I completed my artwork. In the video documenting the painting process, I edited out the sketching part, which was a process of struggling with the shadows of the past.
Painting process
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fonsmortem · 11 months
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❛We are the same as you... Because we equally believe that we are better than others❜
new portrait of one of my fav characters✧ :-゜・.
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wingallery · 1 month
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ . . . @# 🥀 ★
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ★ ACTRESS ICONS
cr. psd by coloursource
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some-little-infamy · 2 months
(Read on AO3)
“How would you feel about getting married?”
Eddie doesn’t mean to ask the question, or at least not so bluntly, but the words tumble out of his mouth after spiraling around his head relentlessly for the last hour of his date night with Marisol. They’re cleaning up after dinner, Marisol beside him at the counter drying off the dishes he washed and put on the rack.
“Like, as a concept? Or…” Marisol questions, carefully placing the glass she was holding down on the counter before turning fully to face him.
“To me,” Eddie clarifies, choosing to double-down instead of backtrack.
“I mean… if I’m being honest, I hadn’t thought about it a whole lot. Yeah, it’s crossed my mind in a hypothetical future scenario sort of way, but… you’re not talking about that, are you?” Her eyes narrow as they watch the emotions cross his face. “You’re talking about right now.”
“Not right now,” he says. “But soon.” “Where is this coming from?” Marisol asks. It isn’t a no, but it also isn’t a yes.
“Christopher,” Eddit admits.
“Christopher wants us to get married?” Marisol asks.
“Christopher needs something constant. He needs something long-term. He can’t keep losing people… I can’t keep bringing people into his life who leave.” If he’s going to spring something like this on her then the least he can do is be honest about it. He knows how this must sound otherwise, bringing up marriage out of nowhere. They never spoke of it before, they barely planned for the next week or two, let alone months or years from now.
“Eddie…” Marisol starts slowly, and it’s the tone of a gentle let-down that leaves an immediate pit in his stomach.
“Don’t say no, just-” “I can’t say yes, though. And that’s the problem. I can’t promise to never leave, Eddie. We’re not there. Or I’m not there, at least. And if that’s something you’re looking for… maybe it isn’t fair for us to keep doing this.”
A silence falls between them.
“There’s no chance you’ll be willing to pretend this conversation never happened, is there?” Eddie tries, sensing the line they just crossed and already knowing what it means for them. It means the very thing he was hoping to avoid.
“I don’t think that’d do either of us any good, do you, Eddie?”
Eddie doesn’t know what to think any more. Every move he makes seems to backfire, no matter how good his intentions are, and he’s starting to think that maybe it’s just him.
“I’m sorry,” he says finally.
“Me too,” Marisol agrees. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
“Me too,” Eddie echoes. If Marisol hears him she doesn’t give any indication, making her way to the door without turning back.
  “There are only two plates,” Christopher says as he takes his seat at the table. “Isn’t Marisol going to come over tonight?”
Eddie’s thankful that he has his back turned, scooping the potpie onto two plates at the counter. His face immediately pulls into a deep frown and he takes a deep breath for a second to steady his mind and his heart before turning to face Christopher with a small smile.
“Not tonight,” he says. “Actually… Marisol isn’t going to be coming around here any more.”
“But I liked her,” Christopher sighs.
“Me too, buddy. Me too.” Eddie forces the rueful smile to remain on his face despite every single instinct wanting to sigh right back.
“Then why did she break up with you?” Christopher asks.
“Hey,” Eddie says, feigning indignance. “What makes you think she broke up with me?”
“Because I heard you talking to Abuela when you dropped me off last night.”
Eddie winces. He remembers bits of the conversation he had with her - how he might ask Marisol to move in with him, or how he wondered if she might be ‘the one’. How much had Christopher overheard? How high did Eddie get his hopes up only to crush them the same way his own were the night before?
“I’m sorry, Chris,” Eddie says.
“It’s okay,” Christopher says.
“I know you liked having someone else around the apartment-”
“Now Buck can come over more often!” Christopher points out.
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees with a laugh. “But it isn’t the same.”
“Why not?” Christopher asks. “Buck plays games with me, and eats dinner with us, and helps me with my homework, and watches me when you and Abuela can’t. He even gave me advice about girls,” Christopher adds. “Much better advice than you or Marisol.”
Dinner is growing colder by the second, but Eddie doesn't seem to notice as the seconds of silence following Christopher's statement stretch to a minute, and then two, as his son's words settle over him.
“It isn't the same when Buck is around,” Eddie tries to explain, his words coming slow and carefully chosen. “As it is when I bring a date over.”
“You're right - Buck always leaves at night. But I wish he wouldn't. I like it better when Buck's around. You do, too. Right?”
The question is so casual, so innocent. Christopher talks between bites of dinner while Eddie’s own food continues to cool, untouched in front of him.
If he's being honest with himself, he has missed having Buck around as much as he used to. If he's being really honest, maybe he's been pushing himself to date to try and not think about just how much he likes it.
Likes Buck.
So when Christopher so easily points out that Buck is the most constant part of his life - of both their lives - Eddie wonders why he didn't realize the true weight of that sooner.
As if reading his mind, Christopher fills the silence.
“You should just date Buck. Then he'll never have to leave.”
Eddie's breath catches in his chest.
“It isn't that simple, buddy,” Eddie says.
“Why not?”
Why not, indeed. Because what if Buck doesn't feel the same? Because what if Eddie doesn't just ruin his relationship with Buck, but Christopher's, too? What if he runs the entire dynamic at work, and their friends have to pick sides or avoid him or-
“Areeee you okay, dad?” Christopher drags out the first word, waving his hand - fork and all - in front of him in Eddie’s direction.
Eddie is most certainly not okay, but he isn’t about to explain to his son that he’s having an existential crisis over the affections of a man Christopher is so certain of.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay,” Eddie says, picking up his own fork and taking the first bite of a dinner he’s no longer hungry for. It wouldn’t do to leave the table without eating at least a little, though, or else he’ll never hear the end of it the next time Christopher tries to boycott eating his own food.
“You’d really be okay if Buck and I… dated?” Eddie asks, tentatively easing into the conversation Christopher is already fully having whether Eddie wants to or not.
“Of course,” Chris says.
“And that wouldn’t be… weird for you?” Eddie continues.
“Nope,” Christopher answers, dropping another bite of food into his mouth. “Did I eat enough to go play video games now?”
Christopher eyes Eddie’s barely-touched plate as if daring him to say no.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“Thanks!” Chris pushes back his chair and moves as fast as he can before Eddie can change his mind.
Eddie sits there another minute or two, head racing with everything that just happened. Every point Christopher made was not only valid, but also so painfully obvious looking back on everything. All of the nights they spent together, or days helping Chris with projects or sports over the weekends… hell, Eddie made Buck Chris’s guardian if anything ever happened to him, for fuck’s sake.
Eddie has no trouble admitting that Buck is the best thing to happen to the two of them in a long while, so why is he so hung up on taking that one step further?
His cell phone rings, jolting him from his thoughts for just a moment, but of course the name that lights up on his screen shouldn’t be a surprise.
Eddie considers not answering it, but changes his mind at the last second, answering it just before it would’ve gone to voicemail. Thankfully, Buck can’t hear the way Eddie’s pulse picks up at the sound of his voice in the context of all the other thoughts running through Eddie’s head just then. “Hey, Buck,” Eddie says by way of a greeting. Now or never. The thought is in his head, the possibility of more, and he needs to know if it’s just him (okay, just him and Christopher) who’ve seen it and thought about it. “Just the guy I was looking for. What are you doing tonight?”
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behindfairytales · 1 year
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- What? Are you mad? - I am brillant, which has often been miscosntrued as mad.
- You're mad. - Which we have now established is good.
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classyinfur · 2 months
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filministic · 9 months
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The Great (2020-…)
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escapismthroughfilm · 2 years
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diegotripodi · 2 years
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fshmgtn · 4 days
the first family!!
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nannelflannel · 11 months
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something compelled me to draw this. i havent played xvi yet but like. do u see the vision-
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celebratingwomen · 4 months
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Megan Fox photographed by Kayt Jones for Elle Magazine, 2011
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 5 months
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Chéng Yì 成毅
Elle Men China - January 2024 (2/2)
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