#egon thompson
cptsadist · 5 months
"Very interesting..."
Egon would 100% play Buckshot Roulette, and as soon as I saw the trend of people drawing their characters as the Dealer, I HAD to do it for Egon.
Clear pic and close up under cut:
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uglygirlfriend · 8 months
Favorite books? Literature, art, etc.
I’m pretty horrible at picking favourites but a few classics that I love: Tom Robbin’s Still Life With Woodpecker, Patrick Süskind’s Perfume, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Ursula Le Guin’s Buffalo Gals, Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, Burrough’s Naked Lunch and R. Crumb’s illustrated Book of Genesis. Next on the to read list is We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson (on the recommendation of almost every woman in my life after many years of putting it off lol) and maybe also Stephen King’s Misery again since it is autumn.
Some artists: Francisco Goya, Kiki Smith, Francis Bacon, Aya Takano, Franz Sedlacek, Nan Goldin, Egon Schiele, Robert Crumb, Alexandra Waliszewska, Frank Frazetta, Juul Kraijer, Francisco de Zurbarán and Franciszek Starowieyski to name a few.
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Halloween movie masterlist 🧡🍂
Sidney Prescott
Stu Macher
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Gale Weathers
Dewey Riley
Kirby Reed
Mark Kincaid
Sam Carpenter
Wes Hicks
Tara Carpenter
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Dani Dennison
Thackery Binx
Eddie Kasprak
Richie Tozier
Bill Denbrough
Stanly Uris
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Beverley Marsh
28 Days/Weeks Later
Sergeant Doyle
Bodies Bodies Bodies
Dana Barrett
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Lucky Domingo
Ray Stantz
Winston Zeddemore
Janine Melnitz
Nightmare on elm street
Glen Lantz
Nancy Thompson
Kristen Parker
Lori Campbell
Will Rollins
Kia Waterson
Gibb Smith
Wrong Turn
Jessie Burlingame
Jake Washington
Nina Papas
Dan Torrance
Carrie White
Billy Peltzer
Grace Le Domas
Eric Draven
Clarice Starling
Lucy Lynskey
Ray Bronson
Eliza Esposito
Frank Bannister
Lydia Deetz
Rick O'connell
Emily corpse bride
Duncan Idaho
Regan Abbott
Duke Leto Atreides
Julie James
Seth Gecko
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Hashish in Berlin:
An Introduction to Walter Benjamin's Uncompleted Work On Hashish
Paper read at the Walter Benjamin Congress, University of Amsterdam, 1997: Scott J. Thompson.
O braungebackne Siegessäule
mit Winterzucker aus den Kindertagen [1]
This motto beginning Walter Benjamin's Berlin Childhood Around the Turn of the Century and appearing in a slightly altered form in Berliner Chronik has its origins in Benjamin's experiments with hashish, as Gershom Scholem and the editors of Benjamin's Gesammelte Schriften have noted. The "golden leading strings" [2] of childhood and the attempt to recapture their magic are interlaced throughout Benjamin's writings and experimental notes on hashish, opium and mescaline. As he expressed it in the mescaline protocol recorded by Dr. Fritz Fränkel in Paris on 22. May 1934, "The first experience the child has of the world is not that the adults are stronger, but rather that it cannot conjure."[3] In Benjamin's novella "Myslowitz - Braunschweig - Marseilles: Story of a Hashish Rausch" (1930), the narrator's hashish vision transforms a man in a restaurant into the image of a young boy in an Eastern European town. [4] In the essay "Hashish in Marseilles" (1932), a young boy on an electric tram is transformed into the sad child, Barnabus, from Kafka's The Castle. [5] In "Crock Notes" (1932), the opium smoker and hashish eater are said to "playfully exhaust those experiences of the ornament which childhood and fever made us capable of observing." [6] In the protocol to the hashish experiment with Gert and Egon Wissing in March 1930, Benjamin recorded the following:
I was not very attentive to what Egon said because my hearing immediately converted his words into the perception of colorful, metallic glitter which coalesced in patterns. I made this understandable to him by comparing it to the knitting patterns which we loved as the beautiful colored plates in Herzblättchens Zeitvertreib [Darling's Diversions] when we were children. [7]
In a more recreational experiment with the Wissings on 7. June 1930, Benjamin saw Gert transformed into "a slender boy in black attire." [8] When Egon Wissing supervised Benjamin's experiment with hashish and the opiate Eucodal on 7. March 1931, he noted that "toys or colorful children's pictures thrust themselves to the foreground again and again." [9] In the session of 18. April 1931, supervising doctor, Fritz Fränkel, noted Benjamin's extremely childlike sensitivity to color and wordplay, particularly his "remarkable number of diminutives." [10]
In his attempt to regain the child's magical power of conjuring by availing himself of Dr. Ernst Joël's invitation to become a test subject in a series of loosely monitored hashish experiments, Benjamin was able not only to independently evaluate the findings of Baudelaire's Artificial Paradise, which he told Ernst Schoen in 1919 would be required to appreciate the book, [11] but was also able to explore that root of his philosophical intentions, which Theodor W. Adorno has described as an ability "to render accessible by rational means that range of experience that announces itself in schizophrenia." [12] In his essay "A Portrait of Walter Benjamin," Adorno drew attention to the concept which unites the magic of childhood with "mental derangement," when he wrote that "The rebus is the model of [Benjamin's] philosophy." [13] The playful disorientation of the rebus and the delight in the sudden spark that ignites the mind with its solution are keys to Benjamin's concept of "profane illumination." Given Benjamin's mania for collecting children's books and books by the "mentally deranged," to which Scholem has attested in his essay "Walter Benjamin," [14] it is logical that he would have taken advantage of an opportunity to explore substances the experimental value of whose attendant rausch was described by his old acquaintances, Ernst Joël and Fritz Fränkel, in their article "Der Haschisch-Rausch" in the following manner:
Without proposing a blanket identification of spontaneous psychotic episodes with the phenomena observed in these experiments, we nonetheless maintain that an experimental way of penetrating abnormal states exists here, which allows us to investigate how far the individual can deviate from the norm, and to determine which psychotic symptoms in general are within the realm of the normal individual. The rausch provides a remarkable yield of sympathetic understanding for pathological symptoms (compulsion, schizoid behavior, delusions, incoherence, etc.). One acquires a new understanding for the mythic and the mystical. As for the alterations of particular qualities or the lack of such alteration, first we must identify the qualities in the norm, if the conditions of normal psychic processes are to be disclosed by pathological modification. [15]
Though they do not employ the term in their article, the concept of the psychotomimetic, a substance the ingestion of which is said to imitate or simulate a psychosis, supplies the operative paradigm in Joël and Fränkel's "experimental psychopathology," which they understood as both an attempt at "a total comprehension of altered psychic life" [16] and as a necessary corrective to the mechanistic psychopharmacology of Emil Kraepelin's school. It is important that we understand Joël and Fränkel's theoretical presuppositions if we are to bring an informed reading to Benjamin's experimental protocols and the extant writings which testify to what remains of that uncompleted book on hashish, once described by Benjamin in a letter to Scholem on 26. July 1932 as "ein höchst bedeutsames Buch" ["a truly significant book"]. [17]
In his pathbreaking book Du Hachich et de l'Alienation mentale [Hashish and Mental Illness] (1845), Jacques-Joseph Moreau (de Tours) [1804-1884], the doctor who introduced hashish to Charles Baudelaire and the Club des Haschischins, suggested that psychiatry could benefit by comparing hashish experiments with the symptoms of the mentally ill. [18] This idea was adopted by Emil Kraepelin (1855-1926), father of psychopharmacology, when he called rausch "Irresein im kleinen" ["derangement in miniature"]. [19] The Kraepelinian method however, according to Joël and Fränkel, failed to comprehend the entire human being, because it mechanistically severed partial functions of the psychic life, which were then altered by psychopharmaka and subjected to behavioristic testing. In this important respect, Jöel and Fränkel's critique of Kraepelin was related to Benjamin's critique of the Kantian concept of experience.
 In his early treatise "On the Program of the Coming Philosophy" (1917), Benjamin had called into question the Kantian concept of experience based on Newtonian physics, describing it as "view of the world of the lowest order." [20] Against Kant's Enlightenment mythology, Benjamin offered anthropological and psychological evidence of alternative realities outside the Kantian purview.
We know of primitive peoples of the so-called preanimistic stage who identify themselves with sacred animals and plants and name themselves after them; we know of insane people who likewise identify themselves in part with objects of their perception...we know of sick people who relate the sensations of their bodies not to themselves but rather to other creatures, and of clairvoyants who at least claim to be able to feel the sensations of others as their own. [21]
The cognizing subject of Kantian philosophy was called "a type of insane consciousness." [22] Against the Enlightenment worldview of the Protestant burgher, Benjamin posited a coming philosophy which would reclaim the cosmic rausch possessed by the human being of antiquity. In his later essay "Surrealism: The Last Snapshot of the European Intelligentsia" (1929), this cosmic rausch and its materialist, anthropological "profane illumination" were to be appropriated by the proletariat in the coming seizure of power.
 Some scholars have seized upon the Surrealism essay to downplay Benjamin's interest in psycho-pharmaca. The concept of "profane illumination" is stressed as an awakening from a rausch, which is all-too-often characterized as a "narcotic trance," [23] despite the fact that cannabis and mescaline are not narcotic. The "profane illumination" of the rebus, however, presupposes an initial disorientation and sense of being puzzled. The problem with taking Benjamin's Surrealism essay as a definitive statement on rausch is that in so doing we overlook the fact that most of Benjamin's hashish, opium and mescaline experiments were written after 1929. Protocols V - X were conducted between March 1930 and May 1934. In November 1930, "Myslowitz - Braunschweig - Marseilles" appeared in the journal Uhu. During the spring of 1932, the more theoretical Crock Notes were written in Ibiza, and in December 1932, "Hashish in Marseilles" appeared in the Frankfurter Zeitung. Then there are the passages on hashish in the Passagen-Werk. Nor may we forget that Benjamin had first told Scholem that "even my experiences while under the influence of the drug" were a "worthwhile supplement" to philosophical investigation. [24]
Other scholars, such as Gershom Scholem, Susan Buck-Morss, Sándor Radnóti, Norbert Bolz, [25] have been much less reticent to admit the extent of Benjamin's hashish investigations. In her Origin of Negative Dialectics (1977), Susan Buck-Morss went to far as to assert that:
...the insights induced by drugs were not insignificant to Benjamin's theoretical endeavors. His notion of the subject-object relationship which lay at the heart of his theory of knowledge bore the stamp of these sessions and characterized the particular nature of his empiricism. [26]
Despite these less reticent scholarly remarks about Benjamin and rausch, a book length study of these writings has not appeared, and although these writings have been available in German for twenty-five years, "Hashish in Marseilles" is the only work of this nature by Benjamin which is available in English. Were one to substitute "Benjamin" for "Baudelaire" and Über Haschisch for Flowers of Evil in the following passage from Benjamin's letter to Max Horkheimer [6. January 1938], one would discover an apt analogy to the status of these writings in Benjamin scholarship. Voicing his displeasure with what he perceived as their bourgeois limitations, Benjamin characterized the Baudelaire scholarship of his day in the following words:
The mark of Baudelaire commentaries is that, in all fundamental aspects, they could have been written the same way had Baudelaire never written Flowers of Evil. They are, in fact, challenged in their entirety by his theological writings, by his memorabilia, and above all by the chronique scandaleuse. The reason is that the limits of bourgeois thinking and even certain bourgeois ways of reacting would have had to be discarded - not in order to find pleasure in one or another of these poems, but specifically in order to feel at home in the Flowers of Evil. . . [27]
Having been able to feel "at home" in what remains of Walter Benjamin's uncompleted book on hashish, a new breed of Benjamin research-activists have begun to examine this material in depth. As Hermann Schweppenhäuser noted in his essay, "The Propadeutics of Profane Illumination," "like the micrological explorations that typify his philosophizing as a whole, [Benjamin's] experiences of rausch bring to light surprising finds." [28]
--Scott J. Thompson
 San Francisco, July 1997
[All links to www.wbenjamin.org as The Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate have been inactive since 2016]
[1] "O brown-baked victory column with winter sugar from children's days" appears with the altered line "With children's sugar from the winter days" in Berlin Chronicle, trans. Edmund Jephcott in Reflections, NY, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1978, p. 27. The original poem which was inspired by hashish appears in Über Haschisch, ed. Tillman Rexroth, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp Verlag, 1972, p. 142: "Im berliner Nebel/ Gottheils Berliner Märchen:/ Oh braungebackne Siegessäule/ Mit Nebelzucker in den Wintertagen/ Französische Kanonen überragen/ Mein Fragen. /Barbarossa 1771" [In Berlin fog/ Gottheil's Berlin Fairy-tale/ Oh brown-baked victory column/ with frosted sugar in winter days/ above my questions spire/French cannon fire," in On Hashish, trans. S. Thompson, San Francisco, 1996, p. 105 <http://www.wbenjamin.org/translations.html>Cf. Gershom Scholem's afterword to Berliner Chronik, Frankfurt a.M., 1970, p. 132, cited in GS IV/2:973 and GS VI:798.
[2] Friedrich Hölderin, "Dichtermut" [Poet's Courage] and "Blödigkeit" [Timidity], cf. Walter Benjamin, Selected Writings, Vol. I: 1913 - 1926, ed. Marcus Bullock & Michael W. Jennings, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1996, pp.21-22; GS II/1: 105-126.
[3] On Hashish,op. cit., p. 91; Über Haschisch, op. cit. p. 130; GS VI: 608.
[4] GS IV/2:729-737; 1075; cf. also Über Haschisch, op. cit., pp. 41-42; On Hashish, op.cit., p. 9; As the editors of the Gesammelte Schriften have pointed out, Benjamin borrowed this vision of the schoolboy in Myslowitz from Ernst Joël's hashish protocol of 11. May 1928. The boy in the vision was none other than Benjamin himself. Cf. GS VI: 577; Über Haschisch, pp. 90-91; On Hashish, pp. 50-51.
[5] GS IV/1:415; Über Haschisch, p. 53; On Hashish, p. 19.
[6] GS VI: 603, 824; Über Haschisch, p. 57; On Hashish, p. 22.
[7] GS VI:588; Über Haschisch, pp. 107; On Hashish,p. 66.
[8] GS VI:592; Über Haschisch, p. 112; On Hashish, p. 71.
[9] GS VI:593; Über Haschisch, p. 114; On Hashish, p. 73.
[10] GS VI:598; Über Haschisch, p. 122; On Hashish, p. 82.
[11] Benjamin, Briefe I, ed. G.Scholem & T.W.Adorno, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp Verlag, 1978, p. 219; The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, trans. M.R. & E.M. Jacobson, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1994, p. 148.
[12] Theodor W. Adorno, "Benjamin the Letter-Writer" in On Walter Benjamin, ed. Gary Smith, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991, p. 329.
[13] Theodor W. Adorno, "A Portrait of Walter Benjamin" in Prisms, trans. Samuel & Shierry Weber, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1967, p.230.
[14] Gershom Scholem, "Walter Benjamin" in On Jews and Judaism in Crisis, trans. W. Dannhauser, NY, Schocken, 1976, p. 175; cf. also Neue Rundschau , 76, Jahrgang, 1965, p.3.
[15] Ernst Joël & Fritz Fränkel, "The Hashish-Rausch: Contributions to an Experimental Psychopathology," trans. S.Thompson [Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate: <http://www.wbenjamin.org/contrib_1926.html>, San Francisco, 1997]; it originally appeared in Klinische Wochenschrift, 5:1707,1926. Benjamin opened "Hashish in Marseilles" with a long except from this article.
[16] Ibid.
[17] Walter Benjamin/Gershom Scholem, Briefwechsel,ed. G.Scholem, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp Verlag, 1980, p. 23; Correspondence, op.cit., p. 396.
[18] Bo Holmstedt, "Historical Survey" in Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs, ed. D.H. Efron, B.Holmstedt & N.S. Kline,U.S. Dept. of Health,Education & Welfare, 1967, pp. 4-9.
[19] E.Joël & F.Fränkel, op.cit.
[20] Walter Benjamin, "On the Program of the Coming Philosophy" in Benjamin: Philosophy, Aesthetics, History, ed. Gary Smith, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1989, p.2; GS II/1:159.
[21] Ibid., p. 4; GS II/1:161-162.
[22] Ibid., p.5; GS II/1:162.
[23] Cf. Peter Demetz, "Introduction" to Reflections, trans. E.Jephcott, NY, Harcourt,Brace, Jovanovich, 1978, pp. xx, xxxi; Herman Schweppenhäuser, "Propadeutics of Profane Illumination," trans. L.Spencer, S.Jost, & G.Smith in On Walter Benjamin, op.cit., pp. 35-36; Richard Sieburth's interpretation of profane illumination in "Benjamin the Scrivener" [in Benjamin: Philosophy, Aesthetics, History,op.cit., p. 18] would divorce it from its propadeutics altogether, characterizing altered consciousness as "private avant-garde narcosis." John McCole [Walter Benjamin and the Antinomies of Tradition, Ithaka, NY, Cornell University Press, 1993, pp. 225-227] expatiates on Benjamin's accusations that the surrealists had an "entirely undialectical conception of intoxication" and not surprisingly find little value in "narcotic ecstacies." The list could be greatly expanded.
[24] Correspondence, op. cit., p. 323.
[25] See "Walter Benjamin's Hashish Experimentation: Remarks from Selected Secondary Sources," on the Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate website, op.cit.
[26] Susan Buck-Morss, The Origin of Negative Dialectics,New York, The Free Press, 1977, p. 126.
[27] Correspondence,op. cit., pp. 549-550.
[28] Hermann Schweppenhäuser, "Propadeutics of Profane Illumination," op. cit., p. 35.
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rainbow-filmnerd · 2 years
Movies I've seen in 2022 and my honest opinion on them. [3/12...?]
My goal for 2022 was to watch more movies, especially ones that are on my "list". At the end of each month, I'll make a post with a brief review of the movies I got to see for the first time this year. LIGHT spoilers ahead (I don't want to ruin it for those who are interested!)
Here we have my birth month, March! Somewhat belated!
Happy Feet: apparently my Mom said that I've seen this before but I have no memory of it. Anyway, it's a cute and funny movie with pretty animation, and it's kinda refreshing/nice to see Elijah Wood have a much more light-hearted role. Also, this movie made me miss Robin Willaims even more, and I don't whether to laugh or cringe at Hugh Jackman's Memphis.
Cruella: another great live-action film by Disney inspired by their animated classics. Plot was both predictable and unpredictable, but I got the message/theme of new and unconventional fashion in the industry. Good cinematography and performances by the Emma leads (Stone and Thompson), but I hated how half of the time we saw dogs, they were CGI.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife: I thought this was a well-done sequel without ruining the franchise itself. The use of CGI isn't cheap/cheesy, funny dialogue (courtesy of Paul Rudd), and a respectable tribute to the late Harold Ramis (aka Egon). Was also nice to see the OG cast members return (the 2016 reboot film had them as minor cameo roles), and also one of the Terror Dogs was a puppet during a few scenes (like in the Walmart scene).
Turning Red: Another gem in Pixar's massive crown. Screw what negative things that people said about it, this movie got everyone talking. I relate a lot to Mei, and seeing her friends makes me wish I had friends like them during my middle school years. The usual Pixar movie charm with stunning animation, compelling plot, and lots of emotions.
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chiseler · 3 years
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In Hitler’s inner circle of thugs, lunatics, imbeciles and perverts, Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl stood out as an oddity among the oddballs. Where they tended to be snarlingly parochial bumpkins, he was a cosmopolitan man – a Harvard man – with an international set of high-placed friends and associates that included not only Adolf Hitler but Franklin Roosevelt. It wasn’t that he didn’t look the part of the Aryan goon. He stood a mountainous six foot four, with broad shoulders, a barrel chest, huge hands, and a boulder of a head with a lantern jaw and lidded eyes designed for the threatening glower. But he was a big man who only wanted to be liked, aggressively ingratiating as a golden retriever. He was universally known by his childhood nickname, Putzi.
Putzi was born into a prosperous and cultured home in Munich in 1887. His German father was well-known dealer in fine art reproductions, with galleries in London and on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. His mother was an American of fine New England pedigree, with a Civil War general in her family tree. They sent him to Harvard in 1905. In 1911, at 24, he moved to Manhattan to run Galerie Hanfstaengl at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 45th Street. Yet his first love was music. He was an accomplished pianist if a sometimes overenthusiastic one who, it was said, occasionally banged the keys so hard with his sledgehammer hands that he broke strings. Many mornings before opening the gallery he could be found at the Harvard Club around the corner, playing the piano there. That was where he met another grad, state senator Franklin Roosevelt, who breakfasted at the club. Putzi was an assiduous cultivator of the celebrated and influential; he’d later write that “the famous names who visited me” at his gallery “were legion,” including “Pierpont Morgan, Toscanini, Henry Ford, Caruso, [the aviator Alberto] Santos-Dumont, Charlie Chaplin, Paderewski, and a daughter of President Wilson.” He also made friends with the artists and writers in Greenwich Village, including an affair with Djuna Barnes.
The coming of the Great War made life very difficult for him in New York, as it did for many German-Americans. The Justice Department investigated him; his Harvard Club fellows turned cold; the gallery’s windows were smashed more than once; and then, toward the end of the war, the government seized the gallery as “enemy property” and auctioned it off for a pittance.
In 1921 he returned to Munich with his wife and infant son. The following year, a Harvard classmate at the American embassy asked Putzi to go hear a political speech and give his impression. The speaker was Adolf Hitler, and Putzi was definitely impressed. He immediately ingratiated himself with Hitler, becoming his constant companion, his court minstrel and court jester. He saw his role as introducing some culture and refinement to Hitler and his loutish crew. He played Wagner and Liszt to soothe Hitler’s nerves, and tried to get him to grow out his moustache, which Putzi called his “snot-catcher.” He provided Hitler an entrée to upper-crust Germans and their money, and personally footed the bill for expanding the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter from a thin weekly to a thriving daily.
On November 8, 1923 he was inside Munich’s Bürgerbräu Keller when Hitler launched his failed putsch. Escaping the chaos of the next day, Hitler fled to Putzi’s country home some 40 miles south of the city. The American journalist Dorothy Thompson, who knew Putzi, showed up, pursuing a rumor that Hitler was hiding out there, but the police had gotten there first. “HITLER SEIZED NEAR MUNICH,” the front page of the November 13 New YorkTimes reported. “Found in Home of E. F. Hanfstaengl, Ex-New York Art Dealer.” [November 13, 1923]
Putzi maintained loose ties with the Nazis during their low ebb in the 1920s; then, when Hitler’s fortunes seemed to be reviving in 1931, Putzi re-hitched his wagon, joining the party – a commitment he’d resisted until then – and convincing Hitler to let him be his foreign press spokesman. He certainly had the international press contacts, from Thompson to Quentin Reynolds to William Randolph Hearst, though Thompson would dismiss him as “an immense, high-strung, incoherent clown,” and Reynolds sneered, “You had to know Putzi to really dislike him.”
One evening in 1935 another Harvard man, the New York writer Varian Fry, stepped out of his hotel in Berlin to witness “a band of some 200 Nazis, clad in civilian clothing but many of them wearing Storm Troop boots and trousers,” surge along the fashionable Kurfürstendamm, attacking anyone they thought was Jewish. They yanked people out of cars and cafes to beat and kick them senseless. They smashed the windows of Jewish shops and restaurants, as they sang the “Horst Wessel” song and chanted anti-Semitic slogans. Fry saw one young man “whose eyes became filled with blood so that he could not see where he was running,” and the Jewish proprietor of an ice cream shop badly beaten as his shop was wrecked. Fry returned to his hotel room, telephoned his report to a wire service, and the next day it was in the Times and other newspapers.
The Völkischer Beobachter, unsurprisingly, blamed Jews for inciting what it described as the spontaneous disturbance Fry witnessed, supposedly outraging good Germans by hissing at an anti-Semitic Swedish film in a Kurfürstendamm theater. To Fry, the riot “gave every evidence of careful planning” and was clearly led by storm troopers. The morning after, he went to Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda for some answers, and was ushered into Putzi Hanfstaengl’s office. At first Putzi went into boola-boola overdrive, one Harvard man to another, but when Fry resisted, Putzi deflated. Apparently he was finding his job of explaining the Nazis to the world rather daunting and frustrating. He was remarkably, even recklessly candid with Fry. He confessed that it was most likely storm troopers who had hissed at the Swedish film as a pretext for the rioting. More amazing still, he told Fry that two factions in the Nazi Party leadership were arguing over how to deal with Germany’s Jews. The moderates, in which he counted himself, maintained that the answer was to segregate or send them all away, perhaps to Madagascar. The radicals, who he said included Hitler and Goebbels, preferred exterminating them. Fry reported this conversation to the Times as well, seven years before the Nazi hierarchy formally adopted the Final Solution.
Putzi grew increasingly uncomfortable with making excuses for Hitler over the next couple of years. By 1937, Hitler and his inner circle harbored doubts about his loyalty. Fearing that Hitler planned to liquidate him, Putzi fled Germany for England, where he was hoping to be embraced as a political exile. Instead, the British interned him as an enemy national.
In 1942, Roosevelt took pity on him. He arranged with the British to have  him transferred from a POW camp in Canada, which was reducing Putzi to a miserable sliver of his jolly old self, to a house outside Washington. There, under house arrest and constant guard, Putzi was kept busy writing voluminous psychological profiles of Hitler and other Nazi leaders for possible use by American intelligence and propaganda services. For a while his guard was his own son, Sergeant Egon Hanfstaengl, who had also fled Germany, come to America, and enlisted in the U.S. Army.
After the war Putzi was allowed to return to Germany, where he submitted to the humiliating process of being “de-Nazified.” He spent the rest of his life trying to convince anyone who’d pay attention that he’d been a “victim of Nazi political persecution,” even asking for cash reparations from the German government. In 1974 he made the news again when he was allowed to return to Harvard for his 65th class reunion. He died the following year.
by John Strausbaugh
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davidosu87 · 5 years
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jimmysavile · 3 years
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- operation midnight climax
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- gore vidal
- joe exotic, robert durst
- robert crumb and his brothers
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- nick land, terry a davis
- egon schiele
- peter ivers
- diogenes
- roman polanski
- nathan larson
- saddam hussein and his sons
- terrence mckenna
- hr giger
- thomas pynchon
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gallerystock · 4 years
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RIGHTS-MANAGED | A specific one-time use. Pricing is based on factors such as size, placement, duration of use, exclusivity, and geographic distribution. Contact your Gallery Stock Licensing Agent and we will handle all approvals/releases and provide you with a quote.
ROYALTY FREE | A one-time flat fee to use the image for unlimited, non-exclusive, and perpetual use. Simply select the image size and immediately pay, download, and license.
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cptsadist · 2 months
Random little post because I thought it would be interesting to share:
How Much Education Have the Murder Boys Received?
(From least to most)*
⛓️ RALPH - Very minimal schooling from Hauer
🎤 TRANCE - A couple years of elementary school
📷 EGON - Some high school (dropped out senior year)
🖥 JET - High school graduate (just barely)
💉 HAUER - College graduate, has his doctorate
* Demons excluded
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actionspacelondon · 5 years
Volunteer Blog: Andy Auld
Tumblr media
I started volunteering at ActionSpace in Autumn 2018 after attending Thompson Hall and Ian Wornast's exhibition 'My Life In London' as part of Unlimited Festival at Southbank Centre. I hugely enjoyed the show and had a nice chat with Thompson, Ian and ActionSpace staff after looking at the artwork, during which I inquired about volunteering. My taste in art veers toward colourful, abstract and not purely representational work so I was blown away by Ian's intricate, abstract and colourful maps of London and Thompson's bold technicolor pieces.
Not long after that I began to volunteer with the Thursday group, which I did for the majority of a year. I loved my time in this group and all the artists' unique and impressive creative processes - from Mohammed Muzmayeem Roaf’s extremely physical paintings and sculptures to Mark Walter's pop cultural ink work. There was so much to take in each week. Since then I've moved over to the Tuesday group, also assisting on the occasional Wednesday, so I've had a great overview of the creativity and variety of the work produced at ActionSpace's Cockpit Arts Studios across the week. To continue to name artists individually would take forever as I have found something to enjoy about every artists work or process - the sheer variety and ingenuity of the artists' is striking and I've had my eyes opened to so many different materials & techniques.
I find volunteering at ActionSpace positive in so many different ways - being exposed to so much amazing new art has inspired me to produce work of my own, something I hadn't done much of, beyond collage and posters, since my teens. Being part of the ActionSpace community is great as I've made new friendships and have a lovely time with the artists  - this is a highlight of each week for me. I'm extremely grateful to be able to support the artists in their practice and in return I feel I've gained inspiration, friendships, exposure to new styles & techniques and more. I feel like part of an extremely welcoming and creative community.
This year I've particularly enjoyed being part of 'Clever The Way It's Moving' at the Barbican, an immersive interactive installation by ActionSpace artist Mark Lawrence, which was part of a community view of Lee Krasner's 'Living Colour' exhibition. Watching such a diverse group of attendees interact with Mark's work was so great - it was an excellent evening. This inspired a return visit to the Lee Krasner exhibition, in our leisure time, with Rebekah Cameron, who leads our Tuesday sessions, and ActionSpace artist Matthew Berry. We all loved the exhibition and saw much of Krasner's work reflected in Matthew’s own work - I believe they are kindred spirits in their bold use of colour and manipulation of shape and form through abstract line work. Aside from the regular studio sessions, I've also enjoyed a trip with ActionSpace artists to the Royal Academy to attend to Egon Schiele exhibition and workshop as well as the Cockpit Arts Open Studio exhibitions - this is a huge bonus of volunteering with ActionSpace, meeting more of the artists, families, friends and admirers of their work in the process.
Outside of ActionSpace I work at Community Focus as volunteer coordinator and workshop facilitator and assistant - this has ranged from mixed media, painting and collage to drama and writing. I feel that my time at ActionSpace has inspired my approach to creative work, teaching me new skills and techniques that I'm able to offer to others. I am also studying at Bath Spa University, doing a PhD in Disability and Cultural Studies, looking at the creative practice of learning disabled artists' using Inclusive Research methodologies.
I'm very pleased to be a small part of the ActionSpace team and would thoroughly recommend volunteering to anyone who is interested - I have gained a great deal from it and feel very lucky to attend each week.
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coltonwbrown · 7 years
Nazi looting: Egon Schiele, Portrait of Wally Neuzil, 1912, 
Speakers: Dr. Erin Thompson and Dr. Beth Harris
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Tag Game
Rules: tag 20 amazing followers you want to get to know better! 
I was tagged by two awesome and lovely people, @anaire and @maeinthecorner, thank you guys <3
Name: Charlotte Anne (y’ain’t getting my last name right now :P)
Nicknames: Luc, LTS (both are shortenings of my username), Char, and one friend has called me Charlie.
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces 
Height: 5'5″
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Favorite color: Dark purple, red, black
Favorite animal(s): Cats, raccoons, sea otters
Average hours of sleep: During the school year it’s around 7 hours, but now that I’m on summer break it’s been about 8-9 hours (not the nights before I have to work at 6 in the morning though haha)
Cat or dog person?: I’ve had some bad experiences with dogs, so I tend to lean more towards cats <3 I own 2 right now and they’re so precious :D
Favorite fictional characters: Merle Dixon, Negan, Simon, Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Freddy Krueger, Nancy Thompson, Hermione Granger, Fenrir Greyback, Jareth the Goblin King, Beetlejuice, Loki, Deadpool, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and a million other characters
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 Huge comforter <3
Favorite band/singer: Ghost (BC), David Bowie, Bon Iver, Warmer, Alice Cooper, Aurelio Voltaire, Creature Feature, Emilie Autumn, Mystery Skulls, One-Eyed Doll, Portugal. The Man, Steam Powered Giraffe, Timber Timbre, Alt-J, and a bunch of other artists I can’t remember right now
Dream trip: Japan
Dream job: Being able to get to the point where I can make novel writing my job. I know it’s possible, it’s just kicking my ass in gear and trying to work out all the cluttered plot bunnies in my first novel
When the blog was created: About a year ago
Current number of followers: 981, close to the big 1,000 :P
When did your blog reach its peak?: I’m hoping I still haven’t peaked yet haha
What made you decide to make a Tumblr?: I was reading the Walking Dead graphic novels, and when Jeffrey Dean Morgan was announced as Negan I wanted to get into the show. I also noticed all the fanfic authors were over here, so here I am.
Tagging in case they want to do this: @ladylorelitany @superprincesspea @kijilinn @genevievedarcygranger @egonic
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nilnews4 · 4 years
Noah Davis Is Gone; His Paintings Continue to Hypnotize
Noah Davis Is Gone; His Paintings Continue to Hypnotize
Artwork historical past is stuffed with artists whose careers, lower quick by early dying, hang-out us with their unfulfilled promise. The 20th century is pocked with many such examples, a mere handful of which embody Paula Modersohn-Becker (who died at 31); Egon Schiele (28); Bob Thompson (28); Eva Hesse (34); Jean-Michel Basquiat (27).
The 21st century has the painter Noah Davis, now the…
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boombergnews · 6 years
Finest and worst superstar seaside our bodies (okay largely greatest)
It is rather onerous to seek out stars with unhealthy our bodies who frequent seashores. However we nonetheless strive. Form of.
http://www.foxnews.com/”>Fox Information
Olivia Culpo: Finest
Olivia Culpo unveiled her crimson scorching look whereas having fun with the steamy summer time season. For extra photographs of the pageant queen, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Alessandra Ambrosio: Finest
Alessandra Ambrosio received some sand between her toes, making time for a visit out to the seaside in Malibu. The Victoria’s Secret supermodel donned a black bikini, absorbing as a lot daylight as potential. For extra photographs of the Brazilian bombshell, try x17on-line.com.
Alessandra Ambrosio received some sand between her toes, making time for a visit out to the seaside in Malibu. The Victoria’s Secret Supermodel donned a black bikini, absorbing as a lot daylight as potential, 
Tara Reid: Worst
Tara Reid (left) appeared dangerously skinny as she sported a bikini and tiny denim shorts whereas vacationing in Tulum, Mexico with a good friend. The American actress, greatest recognized for showing in “American Pie” and “Sharknado,” is 42. MORE: TARA REID HITS RED CARPET WITH WHOLE NEW LOOK
Britney Spears: Finest
Britney Spears confirmed off her match physique, rocking a black bra coated in sequins and matching bottoms, in a latest Instagram selfie.
Lindsay Lohan: Worst
(Pacific Coast Information)
Meg Ryan: Finest
Vanessa Hudgens: Finest
Former Disney little one star Vanessa Hudgens fortunately soaked up the solar whereas on a scorching seaside getaway. For extra photographs of Hudgens, go to HollywoodLife.com.
SI mannequin Nina Agdal: Finest
Stephanie March: Finest
Bobby Flay’s ex-wife, actress Stephanie March, celebrated her birthday by having fun with a romantic Italian getaway with tech investor Dan Benton. For extra photographs of March, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Sarah Hyland: Finest
“Trendy Household” star Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams of “The Bachelorette” fame took a romantic rendezvous to the Palafitos-Overwater Bungalows at El Dorado Maroma by Karisma. Throughout their trip, the couple shared photographs and movies by way of Instagram of them having fun with themselves on a non-public catamaran, parasailing over the Caribbean Sea and watching nightly leisure offered by the resort. Hyland additionally had enjoyable with a good friend, proper, earlier in the summertime.
(Instagram/Sarah Hyland)
Lily Collins: Finest
Lily Collins, actress and daughter of singer/songwriter Phil Collins, was seen vacationing in Ischia, Italy. Collins has been staying on the posh Lodge Regina Isabella.
Shanina Shaik: Finest
Victoria’s Secret mannequin Shanina Shaik was seen rocking Wildfox’s upcoming Resort 18 swimwear in Miami Seashore, FL throughout Wildfox’s pool get together at Miami Swim Week.
Delilah Belle Hamlin: Finest
The daughter of Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin confirmed off her toned physique whereas sending a “constructive message” to her followers. “Simply settle for the stuff you can’t change as a result of in the long run, you can’t change anybody else’s notion of you,” she wrote earlier than including, “Typically it’s onerous to do what’s greatest for your self and even tougher to know what that is likely to be. belief your intestine. smile and take each day at a time. you’re all stunning :)”
(Instagram/Delilah Hamlin)
Charlotte McKinney: Finest
Padma Lakshmi: Finest
The “High Chef” star celebrated Nationwide Bikini Day on Instagram by displaying off her jaw-dropping physique. For extra photographs of Lakshmi, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Princess Talita von Furstenberg: Finest
Princess Talita von Furstenberg, the granddaughter of trend designers Diane von Fürstenberg and Prince Egon von Fürstenberg, proudly wore a string bikini and soaked up the solar in Greece.
Bella Thorne: Finest
Bella Thorne is able to hit the waves! The 20-year-old wore a skimpy bikini high in a behind-the-scenes snap from Liam Payne’s “Bed room Ground” music video. For extra photographs of Thorne, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Nikki Bella: Finest
“Complete Divas” star Nikki Bella (proper) was seen filming on the Fontainebleau Lodge in Miami Seashore.
Linda Thompson: Finest
Former magnificence queen Linda Thompson, who’s acknowledged by followers as Elvis Presley’s ex-girlfriend and Caitlyn Jenner’s ex-wife, was noticed rocking her bikini bod for the spring season on social media. For extra photographs of Thompson, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Kristin Cavallari: Finest
The previous “Hills” relaity star flaunted her bikini physique whereas on the seaside in Tulum, Mexico with associates. 
Trista Mikail: Finest
Playboy mannequin Trista Mikail Trista Mikail was photographed carrying a skimpy white bikini whereas posing for a automotive wash photoshoot selling 138 Water in Calabasas, Calif.
Kendall Jenner: Finest
Kendall Jenner was noticed in Cannes partying with associates on a yacht. For extra photographs of Jenner, go to X17on-line.com.
Kendall Jenner takes a break from the Cannes Movie Competition frenzy to calm down in her black plunging swimsuit as she events with associates on an excellent yacht at Eden Roc lodge. Kendall shows her flawless body whereas having fun with a couple of drinks as she soaks up the solar. Might 11, 2018 X17on-line.com USA ONLY
Kara Del Toro: Finest
Former Carl’s Jr. woman and lingerie mannequin Kara Del Toro loved a sun-soaked trip getaway, which she fortunately documented on social media. For extra photographs of Del Toro, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Heather Graham: Finest
Heather Graham was thrilled to point out off her bikini physique on the seaside. “Nothing higher than going for a swim within the ocean,” the actress captioned on Instagram. For extra photographs of Graham, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Riley Keogh: Finest
Actress Riley Keough, also called Elvis Presley’s granddaughter, shared a bikini selfie on Instagram whereas in Hawaii. For extra photographs of Keough, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Kim Kardashian: Finest
Actuality TV star Kim Kardashian proudly confirmed off her bikini physique whereas vacationing in Turks and Caicos. For extra photographs of Kardashian, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Iskra Lawrence: Finest
Plus-size mannequin Iskra Lawrence regarded beautiful in a one-piece bathing go well with whereas visiting Tulum, Mexico.
Lais Ribeiro: Finest
Victoria’s Secret Angel and Sports activities Illustrated Swimsuit stunner Lais Ribeiro exhibits off her seaside physique throughout a day dip within the ocean in Miami.
Susan Lucci: Finest
Kelly Ripa: Finest
Brooke Burke-Charvet: Finest
Former “Dancing with the Stars” co-host Brooke Burke-Charvet flashed her toned bikini physique in Malibu to advertise her new health app. For extra photographs of Burke-Charvet, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Taylor Hill: Finest
Victoria’s Secret mannequin Taylor Hill has been getting loads of solar whereas vacationing within the Eleuthera Island of the Bahamas.  The runway star made certain to pose in a teeny tiny white bikini for Instagram. For extra photographs of Hill, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Sofia Vergara: Finest
Sofia Vergara has been having fun with a sun-soaked trip getaway in Mexico together with her husband, “Magic Mike” star Joe Manganiello. For extra photographs of the “Trendy Household” actress, go to HollywoodLife.com.
LeAnn Rimes: Finest
Nation crooner LeAnn Rimes rocked a swimsuit that proudly confirmed off her curves whereas having fun with a romantic getaway in Mexico together with her husband, actor Eddie Cibrian. For extra photographs of the 35-year-old singer, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Girl Gaga
Girl Gaga revealed her well-known belongings (and tattoos) whereas having fun with a seaside getaway to kick off the New 12 months. The singer, whose actual identify is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, is 31. MORE: SEXIEST CELEBRITY BIKINI BODIES
Rebecca Gayheart: Finest
Rebecca Gayheart kicked off 2018 with some winter solar in Oahu Hawaii. The 46 year-old “Ugly Betty” actress regarded beautiful in a bikini whereas chatting with associates on the seaside.
Kelsea Ballerini: Finest
Kelsea Ballerini has been fortunately sharing photographs from her honeymoon with new hubby, fellow nation singer Morgan Evans, on Instagram. The swimsuit-clad 24-year-old is enjoyable in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. For extra photographs of Ballerini, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Katharine McPhee: Finest
Katharine McPhee confirmed off her beach-ready bikini physique whereas out vacationing in Mexico. The singer/actress, who first discovered fame as an “American Idol” contestant, is 33. MORE: SEXIEST CELEBRITY BIKINI BODS
(MOVI Inc.)
Charlize Theron: Finest
Charlize Theron showcased her bikini physique throughout Thanksgiving when she loved a sunny getaway in Los Cabos, Mexico, together with her youngsters. 
Tania Marie: Finest
 Italian Playboy Mannequin Tania Marie confirmed off her bikini physique whereas doing a photoshoot in Venice Seashore, California.
Hilary Duff: Finest
(MEGA The Media Company)
Natalie Pack: Finest
GUESS Woman Natalie Pack is not shy about flaunting her bikini physique on Instagram with a selfie. For extra photographs of the mannequin, go to HollywoodLife.com.
Christina El Moussa: Finest
(Mr Plow/Backgrid)
Kate Compton: Finest
Mannequin Kate Compton sizzled on the seaside in a horny, strappy black one piece. However the mannequin’s seaside day was for work — she spent the day modeling for a photograph shoot with trend photographer Malachi Banales in Malibu, California.
Danica Patrick: Finest
Natalia Borges and a few man: Finest
Sports activities Illustrated Swimsuit mannequin Natalia Borges was seen educating her pet easy methods to swim at Miami seaside. She showered her boyfriend and canine with kisses as they frolicked within the sea collectively.
Olivia Munn: Finest
Newly-single Olivia Munn headed to the Seashore Enclave North Shore Villa in Turks & Caicos to have a good time her birthday. She thanked Reserving.com on her Instagram account for sending her on the vacay. Through the journey, she confirmed off her match determine in a low-cut one-piece. Does Aaron Rodgers know what he is lacking? 
(Courtesy of Reserving.com)
Kristin Cavallari: Finest
Nicole Scherzinger: Finest
CJ Franco: Finest
All work, all play? Mannequin CJ Franco regarded like she was having enjoyable whereas donning a white bathing go well with for a Sports activities Illustrated shoot in Malibu.
Ashley Graham: Finest
Sports activities Illustrated swimsuit mannequin Ashley Graham channeled Pamela Anderson together with her “Baywatch”-inspired swimsuit. The piece is from the 29-year-old’s latest Swimsuits For All marketing campaign.
(Swimsuits For All)
Pleasure Corrigan: Finest
The Sports activities Illustrated swimsuit mannequin flaunted her bikini-ready determine throughout a scorching photoshoot in Miami.
Mama June: Finest
Jessie James Decker: Finest
Jessie James Decker confirmed off her newly-toned bikini bod because of the South Seashore Food plan. The busy mom-of-two mentioned a stability of weight loss plan and train helped her get into one of the best form of her life. “Once I was youthful, it was simpler to remain in form. However as soon as I had youngsters, all the things modified,” she mentioned in a press launch.
(South Seashore Food plan)
Lisa Rinna: ‘I’m 53’
Kate Hudson: Finest
Kate Hudson confirmed off her insane bikini physique whereas on a trip in together with her youngsters in in Hawaii. 
(Splash Information)
Porsha Williams: Finest
Actual Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams not too long ago vacationed AAA 4 Diamond Moon Palace Jamaica Grande in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Porsha stripped right down to a revealing swimsuit whereas on the resort to point out off her match seaside bod. 
(Dreamart/Palace Resorts)
Maria Menounos: Finest
Kendra Wilkinson: Finest
Nina Agdal: Finest
(Ruven Afanador/Sports activities Illustrated)
Bella Hadid: Finest
Adam Sandler: Worst
The ‘Glad Gilmore’ star could also be serving to his youngsters eat too lots of their Glad Meals.
Melissa Joan Hart: Finest
Melissa Joan Hart is pleased with sustaining her 40 pound weight reduction utilizing Nutrisystem and is wanting ahead to swimsuit season. “It has been superior making an attempt on completely different swimsuits and feeling assured. This crimson go well with is one in all my favorites – it’s attractive and playful, however nonetheless somewhat reserved. Excellent for an nearly 40 12 months previous!” Hart mentioned.
Selena Gomez: Finest
Selena shared an excellent attractive selfie of herself carrying a bikini and teased, “comin quickly.” Maybe the singer has a brand new photoshoot popping out or a music video. Click on right here for extra photos of Gomez.
Candice Swanepoel: Finest
Lindsey Vonn: Finest
Sylvie van der Vaart: Finest
Kellie Pickler: Finest
Pickler went from nation woman to cabana woman. The singer posted an image of herself getting some R&R on a lady’s journey with fellow nation singer Jana Kramer. Click on right here for extra photos of Kellie.
Paris Hilton: Finest
Paris celebrated July four absorbing some solar in a black, stringy one-piece. Click on right here to see extra photos of the lodge heiress from X17on-line.com.
Kate Walsh: Finest
Eire Baldwin: Finest
Alec’s daughter informed Galore journal that forgoing Cup of Noodles was key to her bangin’ bikini bod. Having half Kim Basinger’s genes does not damage both.
(Jacog Dekat/Galore)
Heidi Klum: Finest
Klum’s a minimize above the remainder. The mannequin and mother of 4 confirmed off her bikini-ready physique in a black cut-out one-piece on the quilt of Us Weekly. How does she keep in form? “I do not eat bagels—no method!” she informed the journal. “A bagel is principally a cardboard field…Normally I am going to have a smoothie within the morning.”
(Us Weekly)
Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens: Finest
Former Disney costars Tisdale (R) and Hudgens celebrated Tisdale’s upcoming wedding ceremony in type. The pair confirmed off their toned tummies in teeny bikinis on an enormous yacht in Miami. Click on right here for extra photographs from Tisdale’s bachelorette get together.
Shemar Moore: Finest
Shauna Sand: Finest
Sand wore an itsy bitsy teenie weenie teal bikini for a day of enjoyable within the solar. For extra photos of the Playboy Playmate, go to X17on-line.com.
Lisa Hochstein: Finest
Ashley Benson: Finest
Summer time cannot come quickly sufficient for this “Spring Breakers” star. Benson, left, shared a sultry poolside seflie of her and a good friend making an attempt to get a tan. “Attempting to look tan haha,” she wrote on Instagram. Click on right here for extra attractive “Spring Breakers” photographs.
Nina Agdal and Josh Henderson: Finest
Op’s Spring/Summer time 2014 advertising marketing campaign options Sports activities Illustrated Swimsuit cowl mannequin Nina Agdal, actor Josh Henderson, and mannequin/actress Cailin Russo. That is Nina and Josh. They’re fairly match.
Celina Jade: Finest
“Arrow” star Celina Jade stripped right down to a bikini for a Maxim shoot. The Hong Kong native revealed that she’s additionally a singer, songwriter and skilled martial artist.
Kris Jenner: Finest
Marg Helgenberger: Finest
Rihanna: Finest
Kate Upton: Finest
Supermodel Kate Upton confirmed off her clearly superior seaside physique within the pages of Sports activities Illustrated as their swimsuit subject covergirl… twice. 
(Derek Kettela/Sports activities Illustrated )
Amanda Cerny: Finest
Jaclyn Swedberg: Finest
Bar Refaeli: Finest
Gabrielle Union: Finest
Courtney Stodden: Finest
Karrueche Tran: Finest
Emmanuelle Chriqui: Finest
Bethenny Frankel: Finest
Holly Madison: Finest
(MOVI Inc.)
Lauren Stoner: Finest
Okay, so we’re not even certain who that is, however with a physique like that, does it even matter? For the file, she was on a actuality present in 2010 known as “The Spin Crowd.” For extra pics of Lauren, go to x17on-line.com.
Melody Thornton: X17
The previous Pussycat Dolls singer appears to be like extremely popular in Miami Seashore. For extra pics of Melody, go to x17on-line.com.
Farrah Abraham: Finest
Reese Witherspoon: Finest
Whereas celebrating the Fourth of July together with her son and husband, Reese opted to cowl up on the seaside. The brand new mother nonetheless appears to be like fabulous. Click on right here for extra from X17.
Maria Shriver: Worst
We’ve got to say, at 57, Maria Shriver appears to be like fairly good… from the entrance. However we want she would have paired her figure-flattering one piece swimsuit with a sarong or a cover-up. Maria Shriver: WorstClick on right here for extra photographs from X17
Victoria Silvstedt: Finest
Alison Brie: Finest
Katrina Bowden: Finest
Of her bikini type the “30 Rock” star says, “I like mixing and matching the brightly coloured bikinis, tank tops and shorts. I wish to create my very own particular person seaside type.” You may try extra behind the scenes footage right here.
Kellan Lutz: Finest
“One among my favourite types is the hybrid quick,” says the ripped star. “They dry shortly so you’ll be able to put on them within the water, then out round city.” You may try extra behind the scenes footage right here.
(Omar Vega/Invision for Iconix/AP)
Nicole Richie: Finest
It has been some time since we have seen Nicole Richie look this good – and wholesome. For extra pics of Nicole, go to x17on-line.com.
Jessica Alba: Finest
Alba stripped right down to her string bikini to benefit from the water in St. Barth’s together with her husband Money Warren, a former stage hand on one in all her film units, also called the luckiest man on the earth. HOT SHOTS: Tons extra pics of Alba on the seaside.
Jennie Garth: Finest
Jennifer Love Hewitt: Finest
The actress has gone up and down in measurement over time, however on the March 2013 subject of Form, she appears to be like fairly good a bikini.
Beyonce: Finest
The singer had a child not lengthy earlier than capturing this cowl. Bow down.
Naomi Watts: Finest
With a physique like that, it is onerous to imagine that Naomi has two youngsters! For extra pics of Naomi, go to x17on-line.com.
Magdalena Frackowiak: Finest
Stephanie Seymour: Finest
Claudia Galanti: Finest
Jennifer Aniston: Finest
Jada Pinkett Smith: Finest
Cindy Crawford: Finest
The supermodel, born in 1966, continues to be super-modeling. Cindy Crawford: FinestNow that is spectacular.
Courtney Cox: Finest
The “Cougar City” star confirmed off her bikini physique whereas having fun with a Corona in Miami. How does our favourite “Good friend” keep in nice form? She informed New Magnificence journal that she follows a light-weight weight loss plan plan. She skips breakfast and has a espresso as an alternative, rooster salad for lunch and meat and greens for dinner. Yep, that’ll do it. HOT SHOTS: Cox’s scorching bikini bod.
Jennifer Lawrence: Finest
Katy Perry: Finest
The singer typically exhibits off her determine in form-fitting attire, so it is no shock that she appears to be like this good in a two-piece whereas on trip in Miami. For extra pics of Katy, go to x17on-line.com.
Demi and Rumer: Finest
Jon Favreau: Worst
(RumorFix.com )
Finest: Olivia Wilde
Finest: Whitney Port
Her physique is seaside prepared, however her style in bikinis is missing, troubling as she is a “designer.” A minimum of on TV. For extra pics of Whitney, go to x17on-line.com.
Finest: Maria Menounous
(X17 On-line)
Worst: Val Kilmer
(X17 On-line)
Ashley Tisdale: Finest
The younger actress celebrated her birthday with boyfriend Scott Speer, sharing a kiss and taking part in within the ocean at her Malibu Celebration. For extra pics of Ashley, go to x17on-line.com.
Ramona Singer: Worst
The “Actual Housewives of New York” star ought to have finished a couple of additional crunches earlier than donning her itsy bitsy bikini. (They do make one thing known as a “one piece.”) Ramona Singer: WorstFor extra pics of Ramona, go to x17on-line.com.
Kelly Brook: Finest
Kelly Brook and Cannes: an excellent mixture. Fore extra pics of Kelly, go to x17on-line.com.
Michelle Rodriguez: Finest
Russell Simmons: Worst
David Hasselhoff: Worst
Eek. These late night time cheeseburgers are starting to point out. For extra on David go to X17On-line.
Janice Dickinson: Worst
Jordana Brewster: Finest
Cameron Diaz: Finest
Keira Knightly: Finest
Mario Lopez: Finest
Kristen Bell: Finest
Kathy Griffin: Worst
Deena Cortese: Worst
The “Jersey Shore” gal ought to contemplate buying and selling in all these fruity cocktails for some Muscle Milk. For extra pics of Deena go to Celebuzz.
Serena Williams: Finest
The tennis star appears to be like scorching in a bikini that appears like lingerie. For extra pics of Serena go to Celebuzz.
The post Best and worst celebrity beach bodies (okay mostly best) appeared first on BoomBerg News.
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alamante · 6 years
Best and worst celebrity beach bodies (okay mostly best)
It is very hard to find stars with bad bodies who frequent beaches. But we still try. Kind of.
https://ift.tt/2hI3b1g News
Vanessa Hudgens: Best
Former Disney child star Vanessa Hudgens happily soaked up the sun while on a sizzling beach getaway. For more photos of Hudgens, visit HollywoodLife.com.
SI model Nina Agdal: Best
Stephanie March: Best
Bobby Flay’s ex-wife, actress Stephanie March, celebrated her birthday by enjoying a romantic Italian getaway with tech investor Dan Benton. For more photos of March, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Sarah Hyland: Best
“Modern Family” star Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams of “The Bachelorette” fame took a romantic rendezvous to the Palafitos-Overwater Bungalows at El Dorado Maroma by Karisma. During their vacation, the couple shared photos and videos via Instagram of them enjoying themselves on a private catamaran, parasailing over the Caribbean Sea and watching nightly entertainment provided by the resort. Hyland also had fun with a friend, right, earlier in the summer.
(Instagram/Sarah Hyland)
Lily Collins: Best
Lily Collins, actress and daughter of singer/songwriter Phil Collins, was seen vacationing in Ischia, Italy. Collins has been staying at the posh Hotel Regina Isabella.
Shanina Shaik: Best
Victoria’s Secret model Shanina Shaik was seen rocking Wildfox’s upcoming Resort 18 swimwear in Miami Beach, FL during Wildfox’s pool party at Miami Swim Week.
Delilah Belle Hamlin: Best
The daughter of Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin showed off her toned physique while sending a “positive message” to her fans. “Just accept the things you cannot change because in the end, you cannot change anyone else’s perception of you,” she wrote before adding, “Sometimes it’s hard to do what’s best for yourself and even harder to know what that might be. trust your gut. smile and take every day at a time. you’re all beautiful :)”
(Instagram/Delilah Hamlin)
Charlotte McKinney: Best
Padma Lakshmi: Best
The “Top Chef” star celebrated National Bikini Day on Instagram by showing off her jaw-dropping physique. For more photos of Lakshmi, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Princess Talita von Furstenberg: Best
Princess Talita von Furstenberg, the granddaughter of fashion designers Diane von Fürstenberg and Prince Egon von Fürstenberg, proudly wore a string bikini and soaked up the sun in Greece.
Bella Thorne: Best
Bella Thorne is ready to hit the waves! The 20-year-old wore a skimpy bikini top in a behind-the-scenes snap from Liam Payne’s “Bedroom Floor” music video. For more photos of Thorne, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Nikki Bella: Best
“Total Divas” star Nikki Bella (right) was seen filming at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach.
Linda Thompson: Best
Former beauty queen Linda Thompson, who is recognized by fans as Elvis Presley’s ex-girlfriend and Caitlyn Jenner’s ex-wife, was spotted rocking her bikini bod for the spring season on social media. For more photos of Thompson, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Kristin Cavallari: Best
The former “Hills” relaity star flaunted her bikini body while on the beach in Tulum, Mexico with friends. 
Trista Mikail: Best
Playboy model Trista Mikail Trista Mikail was photographed wearing a skimpy white bikini while posing for a car wash photoshoot promoting 138 Water in Calabasas, Calif.
Kendall Jenner: Best
Kendall Jenner was spotted in Cannes partying with friends on a yacht. For more photos of Jenner, visit X17online.com.
Kendall Jenner takes a break from the Cannes Film Festival frenzy to relax in her black plunging swimsuit as she parties with friends on a super yacht at Eden Roc hotel. Kendall displays her flawless frame while enjoying a few drinks as she soaks up the sun. May 11, 2018 X17online.com USA ONLY
Kara Del Toro: Best
Former Carl’s Jr. girl and lingerie model Kara Del Toro enjoyed a sun-soaked vacation getaway, which she happily documented on social media. For more photos of Del Toro, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Heather Graham: Best
Heather Graham was thrilled to show off her bikini body at the beach. “Nothing better than going for a swim in the ocean,” the actress captioned on Instagram. For more photos of Graham, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Riley Keogh: Best
Actress Riley Keough, also known as Elvis Presley’s granddaughter, shared a bikini selfie on Instagram while in Hawaii. For more photos of Keough, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Kim Kardashian: Best
Reality TV star Kim Kardashian proudly showed off her bikini body while vacationing in Turks and Caicos. For more photos of Kardashian, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Olivia Culpo: Best
Olivia Culpo happily swam with sharks while flaunting her bikini body in the Bahamas. The beauty queen was vacationing with NFL wide receiver Danny Amendola. For more photos of Culpo, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Iskra Lawrence: Best
Plus-size model Iskra Lawrence looked stunning in a one-piece bathing suit while visiting Tulum, Mexico.
Lais Ribeiro: Best
Victoria’s Secret Angel and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit stunner Lais Ribeiro shows off her beach body during an afternoon dip in the ocean in Miami.
Susan Lucci: Best
Kelly Ripa: Best
Brooke Burke-Charvet: Best
Former “Dancing with the Stars” co-host Brooke Burke-Charvet flashed her toned bikini body in Malibu to promote her new fitness app. For more photos of Burke-Charvet, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Taylor Hill: Best
Victoria’s Secret model Taylor Hill has been getting plenty of sun while vacationing in the Eleuthera Island of the Bahamas.  The runway star made sure to pose in a teeny tiny white bikini for Instagram. For more photos of Hill, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Sofia Vergara: Best
Sofia Vergara has been enjoying a sun-soaked vacation getaway in Mexico with her husband, “Magic Mike” star Joe Manganiello. For more photos of the “Modern Family” actress, visit HollywoodLife.com.
LeAnn Rimes: Best
Country crooner LeAnn Rimes rocked a swimsuit that proudly showed off her curves while enjoying a romantic getaway in Mexico with her husband, actor Eddie Cibrian. For more photos of the 35-year-old singer, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Tara Reid: Worst
Tara Reid (left) appeared dangerously skinny as she sported a bikini and tiny denim shorts while vacationing in Tulum, Mexico with a friend. The American actress, best known for appearing in “American Pie” and “Sharknado,” is 42. MORE: TARA REID HITS RED CARPET WITH WHOLE NEW LOOK
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga revealed her famous assets (and tattoos) while enjoying a beach getaway to kick off the New Year. The singer, whose real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, is 31. MORE: SEXIEST CELEBRITY BIKINI BODIES
Alessandra Ambrosio: Best
There’s a reason why Alessandra Ambrosio has developed such a successful, lasting career as a Victoria’s Secret Angel. The 36-year-old mother of two was spotted having a good time in her native Brazil.
Rebecca Gayheart: Best
Rebecca Gayheart kicked off 2018 with some winter sun in Oahu Hawaii. The 46 year-old “Ugly Betty” actress looked stunning in a bikini while chatting with friends on the beach.
Kelsea Ballerini: Best
Kelsea Ballerini has been happily sharing photos from her honeymoon with new hubby, fellow country singer Morgan Evans, on Instagram. The swimsuit-clad 24-year-old is relaxing in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. For more photos of Ballerini, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Katharine McPhee: Best
Katharine McPhee showed off her beach-ready bikini body while out vacationing in Mexico. The singer/actress, who first found fame as an “American Idol” contestant, is 33. MORE: SEXIEST CELEBRITY BIKINI BODS
(MOVI Inc.)
Charlize Theron: Best
Charlize Theron showcased her bikini body during Thanksgiving when she enjoyed a sunny getaway in Los Cabos, Mexico, with her kids. 
Tania Marie: Best
 Italian Playboy Model Tania Marie showed off her bikini body while doing a photoshoot in Venice Beach, California.
Hilary Duff: Best
(MEGA The Media Agency)
Natalie Pack: Best
GUESS Girl Natalie Pack isn’t shy about flaunting her bikini body on Instagram with a selfie. For more photos of the model, visit HollywoodLife.com.
Christina El Moussa: Best
(Mr Plow/Backgrid)
Lindsay Lohan: Worst
(Pacific Coast News)
Kate Compton: Best
Model Kate Compton sizzled on the beach in a sexy, strappy black one piece. But the model’s beach day was for work — she spent the day modeling for a photo shoot with fashion photographer Malachi Banales in Malibu, California.
Danica Patrick: Best
Natalia Borges and some guy: Best
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Natalia Borges was seen teaching her puppy how to swim at Miami beach. She showered her boyfriend and dog with kisses as they frolicked in the sea together.
Olivia Munn: Best
Newly-single Olivia Munn headed to the Beach Enclave North Shore Villa in Turks & Caicos to celebrate her birthday. She thanked Booking.com on her Instagram account for sending her on the vacay. During the trip, she showed off her fit figure in a low-cut one-piece. Does Aaron Rodgers know what he’s missing? 
(Courtesy of Booking.com)
Kristin Cavallari: Best
Nicole Scherzinger: Best
CJ Franco: Best
All work, all play? Model CJ Franco looked like she was having fun while donning a white bathing suit for a Sports Illustrated shoot in Malibu.
Ashley Graham: Best
Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Ashley Graham channeled Pamela Anderson with her “Baywatch”-inspired swimsuit. The piece is from the 29-year-old’s newest Swimsuits For All campaign.
(Swimsuits For All)
Joy Corrigan: Best
The Sports Illustrated swimsuit model flaunted her bikini-ready figure during a sizzling photoshoot in Miami.
Mama June: Best
Jessie James Decker: Best
Jessie James Decker showed off her newly-toned bikini bod thanks to the South Beach Diet. The busy mom-of-two said a balance of diet and exercise helped her get into the best shape of her life. “When I was younger, it was easier to stay in shape. But once I had children, everything changed,” she said in a press release.
(South Beach Diet)
Lisa Rinna: ‘I am 53’
Kate Hudson: Best
Kate Hudson showed off her insane bikini body while on a vacation in with her kids in in Hawaii. 
(Splash News)
Porsha Williams: Best
Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams recently vacationed AAA Four Diamond Moon Palace Jamaica Grande in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Porsha stripped down to a revealing swimsuit while at the resort to show off her fit beach bod. 
(Dreamart/Palace Resorts)
Maria Menounos: Best
Kendra Wilkinson: Best
Nina Agdal: Best
(Ruven Afanador/Sports Illustrated)
Bella Hadid: Best
Adam Sandler: Worst
The ‘Happy Gilmore’ star may be helping his kids eat too many of their Happy Meals.
Melissa Joan Hart: Best
Melissa Joan Hart is proud of maintaining her 40 pound weight loss using Nutrisystem and is looking forward to swimsuit season. “It’s been awesome trying on different swimsuits and feeling confident. This red suit is one of my favorites – it’s sexy and playful, but still a little reserved. Perfect for an almost 40 year old!” Hart said.
Selena Gomez: Best
Selena shared a super sexy selfie of herself wearing a bikini and teased, “comin soon.” Perhaps the singer has a new photoshoot coming out or a music video. Click here for more pictures of Gomez.
Candice Swanepoel: Best
Lindsey Vonn: Best
Sylvie van der Vaart: Best
Kellie Pickler: Best
Pickler went from country girl to cabana girl. The singer posted a picture of herself getting some R&R on a girl’s trip with fellow country singer Jana Kramer. Click here for more pictures of Kellie.
Paris Hilton: Best
Paris celebrated July 4 soaking up some sun in a black, stringy one-piece. Click here to see more pictures of the hotel heiress from X17online.com.
Kate Walsh: Best
Ireland Baldwin: Best
Alec’s daughter told Galore magazine that forgoing Cup of Noodles was key to her bangin’ bikini bod. Having half Kim Basinger’s genes doesn’t hurt either.
(Jacog Dekat/Galore)
Heidi Klum: Best
Klum’s a cut above the rest. The model and mom of four showed off her bikini-ready body in a black cut-out one-piece on the cover of Us Weekly. How does she stay in shape? “I don’t eat bagels—no way!” she told the magazine. “A bagel is basically a cardboard box…Usually I’ll have a smoothie in the morning.”
(Us Weekly)
Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens: Best
Former Disney costars Tisdale (R) and Hudgens celebrated Tisdale’s upcoming wedding in style. The pair showed off their toned tummies in teeny bikinis on a huge yacht in Miami. Click here for more photos from Tisdale’s bachelorette party.
Shemar Moore: Best
Shauna Sand: Best
Sand wore an itsy bitsy teenie weenie teal bikini for a day of fun in the sun. For more pictures of the Playboy Playmate, visit X17online.com.
Lisa Hochstein: Best
Ashley Benson: Best
Summer can’t come soon enough for this “Spring Breakers” star. Benson, left, shared a sultry poolside seflie of her and a friend trying to get a tan. “Trying to look tan haha,” she wrote on Instagram. Click here for more sexy “Spring Breakers” photos.
Nina Agdal and Josh Henderson: Best
Op‘s Spring/Summer 2014 marketing campaign features Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model Nina Agdal, actor Josh Henderson, and model/actress Cailin Russo. This is Nina and Josh. They are quite fit.
Celina Jade: Best
“Arrow” star Celina Jade stripped down to a bikini for a Maxim shoot. The Hong Kong native revealed that she’s also a singer, songwriter and trained martial artist.
Kris Jenner: Best
Marg Helgenberger: Best
Rihanna: Best
Kate Upton: Best
Supermodel Kate Upton showed off her clearly awesome beach body in the pages of Sports Illustrated as their swimsuit issue covergirl… twice. 
(Derek Kettela/Sports Illustrated )
Amanda Cerny: Best
Jaclyn Swedberg: Best
Bar Refaeli: Best
Gabrielle Union: Best
Courtney Stodden: Best
Karrueche Tran: Best
Emmanuelle Chriqui: Best
Bethenny Frankel: Best
Holly Madison: Best
(MOVI Inc.)
Lauren Stoner: Best
Okay, so we’re not even sure who this is, but with a body like that, does it even matter? For the record, she was on a reality show in 2010 called “The Spin Crowd.” For more pics of Lauren, go to x17online.com.
Melody Thornton: X17
The former Pussycat Dolls singer looks very hot in Miami Beach. For more pics of Melody, go to x17online.com.
Farrah Abraham: Best
Reese Witherspoon: Best
While celebrating the Fourth of July with her son and husband, Reese opted to cover up at the beach. The new mom still looks fabulous. Click here for more from X17.
Maria Shriver: Worst
We have to say, at 57, Maria Shriver looks pretty good… from the front. But we wish she would have paired her figure-flattering one piece swimsuit with a sarong or a cover-up. Maria Shriver: WorstClick here for more photos from X17
Victoria Silvstedt: Best
Alison Brie: Best
Katrina Bowden: Best
Of her bikini style the “30 Rock” star says, “I love mixing and matching the brightly colored bikinis, tank tops and shorts. I like to create my own individual beach style.” You can check out more behind the scenes footage here.
Kellan Lutz: Best
“One of my favorite styles is the hybrid short,” says the ripped star. “They dry quickly so you can wear them in the water, then out around town.” You can check out more behind the scenes footage here.
(Omar Vega/Invision for Iconix/AP)
Nicole Richie: Best
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Nicole Richie look this good – and healthy. For more pics of Nicole, go to x17online.com.
Jessica Alba: Best
Alba stripped down to her string bikini to enjoy the water in St. Barth’s with her husband Cash Warren, a former stage hand on one of her movie sets, also known as the luckiest man in the world. HOT SHOTS: Tons more pics of Alba on the beach.
Jennie Garth: Best
Jennifer Love Hewitt: Best
The actress has gone up and down in size over the years, but on the March 2013 issue of Shape, she looks quite good a bikini.
Beyonce: Best
The singer had a baby not long before shooting this cover. Bow down.
Naomi Watts: Best
With a body like that, it’s hard to believe that Naomi has two kids! For more pics of Naomi, go to x17online.com.
Magdalena Frackowiak: Best
Stephanie Seymour: Best
Claudia Galanti: Best
Jennifer Aniston: Best
Jada Pinkett Smith: Best
Cindy Crawford: Best
The supermodel, born in 1966, is still super-modeling. Cindy Crawford: BestNow that’s impressive.
Courtney Cox: Best
The “Cougar Town” star showed off her bikini body while enjoying a Corona in Miami. How does our favorite “Friend” stay in great shape? She told New Beauty magazine that she follows a light diet plan. She skips breakfast and has a coffee instead, chicken salad for lunch and meat and vegetables for dinner. Yep, that’ll do it. HOT SHOTS: Cox’s hot bikini bod.
Jennifer Lawrence: Best
Katy Perry: Best
The singer often shows off her figure in form-fitting dresses, so it’s no surprise that she looks this good in a two-piece while on vacation in Miami. For more pics of Katy, go to x17online.com.
Demi and Rumer: Best
Jon Favreau: Worst
(RumorFix.com )
Best: Olivia Wilde
Best: Whitney Port
Her body is beach ready, but her taste in bikinis is lacking, troubling as she is a “fashion designer.” At least on TV. For more pics of Whitney, go to x17online.com.
Best: Maria Menounous
(X17 Online)
Worst: Val Kilmer
(X17 Online)
Ashley Tisdale: Best
The young actress celebrated her birthday with boyfriend Scott Speer, sharing a kiss and playing in the ocean at her Malibu Birthday party. For more pics of Ashley, go to x17online.com.
Ramona Singer: Worst
The “Real Housewives of New York” star should have done a few extra crunches before donning her itsy bitsy bikini. (They do make something called a “one piece.”) Ramona Singer: WorstFor more pics of Ramona, go to x17online.com.
Kelly Brook: Best
Kelly Brook and Cannes: a good combination. Fore more pics of Kelly, go to x17online.com.
Michelle Rodriguez: Best
Russell Simmons: Worst
David Hasselhoff: Worst
Eek. Those late night cheeseburgers are beginning to show. For more on David go to X17Online.
Janice Dickinson: Worst
Jordana Brewster: Best
Cameron Diaz: Best
Keira Knightly: Best
Mario Lopez: Best
Kristen Bell: Best
Kathy Griffin: Worst
Deena Cortese: Worst
The “Jersey Shore” gal should consider trading in all those fruity cocktails for some Muscle Milk. For more pics of Deena go to Celebuzz.
Serena Williams: Best
The tennis star looks hot in a bikini that looks like lingerie. For more pics of Serena go to Celebuzz.
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