#eduardo e monica
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Filme: Eduardo e Mônica
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lunadiluana · 2 months
Who will one day say that there is reason in things done from the heart? And who will say that there is no reason?
Renato Russo
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doremocional · 2 years
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eduardo e mônica não eram nada parecidos.
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sietegotas · 4 months
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Alice Braga as Teresa Mendoza in QUEEN OF THE SOUTH and Mônica Queiroz in EDUARDO E MÔNICA
merry christmas
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corvusternion · 4 months
Eduardo E Mônica
> requested by @grafitti-translator.
> artist: legião urbana
> the first listen ^nd it w^s very unusu^l in terms of style, ^ lot of guit^rs with ^n old/folk rock-type of vibe. ^t first gl^nce the lyrics seem to be ^bout ^ m^tespritship between trolls, but it ^lso cont^ins some concerning themes (in my perspective).
from the get-go we h^ve:
Who will ever dare to say that there is a reason
For the things that the heart does?
And who will dare to say that there is no reason?
> the pumpbiscuit (or in this c^se, the he^rt) is, of course, linked tow^rds emotions and feelings. feelings ^rent ^lw^ys logic^l- even if you know why youre feeling th^t w^y, theres ^ disconnect between the w^y th^t the body responds ^nd the mind re^sons.
> however, the third st^nz^ directly contr^dicts the first. the l^ck of re^son is complemented by the re^son, fulfilling wh^t would be ^ppropri^te for ^ m^tespritship. ^fter ^ll, ^ m^tespritship built out of solely p^ssion wont l^st. you must be willing to compromise, to le^rn, to be willing to ch^nge yourself (not to ^n extreme extent however) in order to m^ke it work.
> ^ m^jority of this song is b^sed upon the story of eduardo and monica, so ill just reference some of the p^rts th^t c^ught my interest.
Eduardo opened his eyes but didn’t want to get up
Stayed on bed and checked what time it was
While Monica was having a brandy
In the other side of the city
> the obvious ^ge difference between the two is seen time ^nd time ^g^in throughout the song, from monica thinking of eduardo ^s ^ “little boy” to eduardos concerns ^bout being out for too long. ^nd while this isnt ^ red fl^g immedi^tely, i h^ve to ^dmit i r^ised ^n eyebrow re^ding those words.
> eduardo is very simple, in the w^y th^t trolls in ^ schoolhive tend not to worry ^bout ^s much ^s those perigees older might. hes ^lso tr^dition^l, preferring to st^y in his comfort zone ^nd h^ng out with his f^mily.
> on the other h^nd, monica is inclined tow^rds being unique, riding ^ motorcycle ^nd dying her h^ir. shes ^lso ^ very philosophic^l/emotion^l person, enjoying the ^rt of gre^t p^inters such ^s v^n gogh ^nd t^lking ^bout m^gic/medit^tion.
> the differences between the two ^nd their m^tespritship c^n be seen ^s ^n extreme ex^mple of ^n “opposites ^ttr^ct” m^tespritship. but the l^ter st^nz^s dissu^des you from s^ying th^t they h^ve nothing in common:
Eduardo and Monica had swimming, photography
Theatre and handicraft classes and went travelling
> ^ssuming this is ^ he^lthy rel^tionship ^nd neither ^re forcing e^ch other to join these cl^sses, these lyrics depict th^t eduardo ^nd monica still h^ve middle grounds they c^n meet upon, which grounds the “opposites ^ttr^ct” trope seen into re^lity.
> rel^tionships where two people ^re so irrevoc^bly different th^t they c^nnot ^gree on ^nything ^re doomed to f^il. even if it were, s^y, ^ kismesissitude, it would turn de^dly ^fter some time ^nd most likely require ^shen interference. eduardo e monica ^cknowledges this ^nd develops upon their stories more, giving them more depth ^nd their rel^tionship more me^ning.
And the two celebrated together
And also fought together, many times
> ^t first i didnt know wh^t to think of this lyric. theres so m^ny holes in the story th^t we dont know whether this is ^ he^lthy rel^tionship or not. in f^ct, this re^ds more like th^t of ^ v^cill^tion between m^tespritship ^nd kismesissitude. its not uncommon in medi^ for these rel^tionships to exist; however, they tend to be very destructive for both p^rties if not m^n^ged in moder^tion. this leaves eduardo and monicas future ^mbiguous ^nd up to our interpret^tion. yes, everyone s^ys theyre good together:
And everyone said he makes her complete and vice-versa
Just like rice and beans
> hell, they even stick together with e^ch other:
They worked hard for money and managed to hold
Everything together through their toughest times
> but theres just enough wiggle room for us to ^ssume ^ different perspective ^nd still be ^ble to find subst^nti^l implic^tions within the lyrics.
> for ex^mple, the st^nz^ ^bout them fighting often le^ves us questioning: to wh^t extent do these fights go to? is it ^ simple ^rgument between m^tesprits, or is it ^ different qu^dr^nt, or is it perh^ps even ^ toxic rel^tionship? ill le^ve you to dr^w your own conclusions.
> ^nyw^ys, my f^vourite p^rt w^s the beginning:
Who will ever dare to say that there is a reason
For the things that the heart does?
And who will dare to say that there is no reason?
> i ^gree with the mess^ge these lines ^re sending. emotions ^re illogic^l. but over time, they still end up m^king some sort of sense. the he^rt is ^mbiguous, ^s ^re ^ll of us trolls ^s individu^l people; the lines blur ^ lot between wh^t is “re^son” ^nd wh^t is “feeling”.
> in summ^ry, my perspective is th^t while eduardo and monica’s rel^tionship is cert^inly unconvention^l (the ^ge g^p still feels str^nge), there is love to be found between the lines. ^nd perh^ps th^t is the lesson of the song: th^t love c^n be where you le^st expect it.
> feel free to suggest more songs for my ^n^lysis if you w^nt, but i wont get to it quick. i h^ve other things ive been de^ling with.
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la-dahlia · 2 years
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Alice Braga in Eduardo e Monica [2022]
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hey--folks · 1 year
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rosanagutierrez · 2 years
Eduardo e Mônica
Nunca acreditei muito nessa ladainha de que os opostos se atraem. Pode ser assim na física, mas no amor? Sério, quais são as chances reais de uma relação entre duas pessoas que não tem nada a ver uma com a outra dar certo? Entretanto, não posso negar que a ideia é bonita e dá ainda mais força pra narrativa romântica de que o amor tudo vence, como tão bem mostrado na letra, recentemente…
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peculiarte · 2 months
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bigexplosao · 9 months
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futurenostalgia97 · 1 year
Hoje, enquanto lia uma coluna em uma newsletter, me deparei com a palavra "vestibular". Estranhamente, eu não lia essa palavra há tempos. É estranho pensar que, atualmente, não conheço ninguém próximo que esteja nessa fase da vida.
Quando leio ou escuto a palavra "vestibular", sou arrebatada por um sentimento de nostalgia gigantesco. Aquele clima de Porto Alegre em janeiro, metade da população na praia, a cidade meio vazia. A movimentação gigante de estudantes. Aquele nervosismo compartilhado. Os cursinhos com seus "aulões". A tensão, a decepção, o alívio, a esperança. Tudo meio misturado. As expectativas de uma nova fase, seja qual fosse o resultado. O fim do ensino médio. A expectativa, também, pelos amigos. Quem vai pra onde, quem vai fazer o que.
Um tempo depois, o listão (e eu chorando porque meu nome não estava lá), o alvoroço, a festa (porque, independentemente do resultado, a vida seguia e, se não era dia de comemorar, era dia de extravasar) e, claro, as faixas de "bixo" espalhadas por toda a cidade.
Umas semanas depois, as listas de chamamento (e aí eu estava lá, ufa), a correria dos documentos e a ânsia para o início da nova fase.
A nostalgia, agora, ao lembrar disso tudo.
A palavra "vestibular" também me faz lembrar do filme Eduardo e Mônica (2022). O filme retrata uma geração anterior a minha (provavelmente tá mais pra geração da minha mãe), mas tem tantos elementos que foram presentes na minha vida, especialmente antes da faculdade, que bate uma nostalgia também.
O sentimento de "tempos mais simples". Bem clichê, bem coisa de "gente velha".
Agora, com 25 anos, já penso que a grande maioria das coisas que eu considerava de gente velha é, na verdade, coisa de gente adulta. Se isso é bom, ruim, feliz ou triste? Sei lá.
Fun fact: não sinto o mesmo ao ler/ouvir a palavra Enem, rs.
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lonelydncers · 8 days
mutuals br acabei de ter um pensamento: so high school é bem eduardo e monica coded
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nanaabocutely · 1 year
Movie chan
California, 2015
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Sonhos roubados
Viajo Porque Preciso, Volto Porque Te Amo
Jardim de Guerra
human - documentário
trumbo, 2015
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interestelar - rever
show de truman - 09.09.2023
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to ryca
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tim maia
as duas irenes
filmes q n sei categoria
quase 18
pitch perfect
estrelas alem do tempo
mama mia
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nubisecretplace · 2 years
the funny thing about being Brazilian and marauders stan is that some hcs just make sense here, like saying that Faroeste Cabloco is a wolfstar song and Eduardo e Monica is remadora song
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corvusternion · 3 months
Well in 7ha7 ca2e
Bruno i2 orange, cowboy fora da lei, and Eduardo e monica
Hone27ly I ju27 wanna make you li27en 7o 2ong2 I like
> im not gonn^ do p^r^gr^ph length shit ^nymore but this w^s clogging up my inbox so i might ^s well
> bruno is orange is over^ll ^ good song. the end
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la-dahlia · 2 years
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Alice Braga in Eduardo e Monica [2022]
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