#edited 7th nov 22
hollowwhisperings · 2 years
The Average Lifespan of Targaryen Monarchs of Westeros
The Life Expectancies of Targaryen Monarchs: Dead by "Natural" Causes
Of 18 Targaryen Monarchs (Rhaenyra I & Aegon II here jointly as monarch #6),
2 died of "old" age: Aegon the Conqueror dying at 64, Jaehaerys I at 69.
8 died of illness: Aenys I (35), Viserys I (52), Aegon III (36), Baelor I (28), Viserys II* (50), Aegon IV (49), Daeron II (~56), & Jaehaerys II (36).
6 were killed, 2 in battle (Daeron I, 18; Maekar I, 64~69) and 3 by murder (Rhaenyra I, 33; Aegon II, 24; Aerys II, 39). Maegor I's exact cause of death (36) is unknown but it is Universally Agreed that his death was both Unnatural & completely justified.
Aerys I's cause of death is as yet unknown, as is his exact year of birth. He is approximated by The Wiki as dying aged 34~39 years.
Under the cut: content warnings, distinctions between causes of death, calculation, notable factors & speculation thereon, "The Dragon In The Room".
CW: Major Character Death spoilers for HotD, endgame spoilers for HotD, spoilers for F&B, discussion of incest, reference to child marriage & underage parents, reference & implication of dubcon, discussion of fertility & infertility, brief reference to Old Valyria (slavery, genocide, human experimentation), reference to Targaryen eugenics.
Cause of Death: "Old" Age
Since only 2 of the 18 Targaryen monarchs survived to die of age, an average for a "natural" life expectancy cannot be made. It should also be noted that both Aegom the Conqueror was a war veteran whilst Jaehaerys I had a very dangerous childhood. Both kings were dragonriders, of Balerion & Vermithor respectively.
The longest living Targaryens on record are Queen Visenya the Conqueror (73) and Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch (102).
(Off-record, the longest-lived is Ser Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers (125, going on 126) but, given that Bloodraven is a dubiously human tree-wizard, he is a Statistical Outlier who Should Not Be Counted.)
It is difficult to approximate an average, "natural" life expectancy for members of House Targaryen due to an insufficient pool of data: most of the recorded deaths were only noted for being sudden or violent, whilst female & younger siblings faded into obscurity.
Cause of Death: Illness
Most kings who died of illness were born frail or otherwise known to be "sickly", yes, dragonriders included. These kings tended to die slowly or "as expected". There were only 2 exceptions to this rule: Viserys II, who died "suddenly" a year into his reign, and Daeron II, who died during The Great Spring Sickness of 209 AC (a pandemic that struck the entirety of King's Landing).
Baelor I is included amongst the monarchs to die of illness as his cause of death was "religious fasting", the illness that killed him thus "self-inflicted" but "natural" nonetheless (Baelor's religious enthusiasm was extreme and dangerous to himself & others).
An Average "Natural" Lifespan: Calculation
For the sake of this calculation, deaths by illness will be included amongst those of old age (suspiciously timed illnesses reluctantly included). A secondary calculation will be made, removing kings whose illnesses were sudden as opposed to "naturally" progressing.
The following 9 monarchs (& ages at death) will be used: Aegon the Conqueror (64), Aenys I (35), Jaehaerys I (69), Aegon III (36), Baelor I (28), Viserys II (50), Aegon IV (49), Daeron II (56), Jaehearys II (36).
(64+35+69+36+28+50+49+56+36) ÷ 9
= 423 ÷ 9
= 47 years.
Thusly, the average natural life span of a Targaryen monarch is 47 years.
With the removal of Kings Viserys II & Daeron II, whose deaths by illness were Sudden rather than Inevitable, the average lifespan becomes 45.3 years or "45 yrs & 4 months".
Factors, Additional Context & Speculation
Genetic Diversity (& Lack Thereof)
Of the 8 kings felled by illness, 3 were born to sibling-spouses (Viserys I, Baelor I, Daeron II), 3 had wholly unrelated parents (Aegon IV, Aerys I), 1 had parents who were cousins many times over (Aenys I), 1 had parents who were uncle & niece (Aegon III).
Inbreeding, as known by farmers & thus humanity for time immemorial (Westeros included), results in offspring who are more susceptible & less adaptable to illness.
Illness: Maternal Health
A major factor to any person's long-term health is the manner of their birth: mothers who were too young or too old, had previously dangerous pregnancies, &/or experienced trauma during their pregnancy... all these factors can contribute to the wellness of both mother & child.
Of 18 monarchs,
2 were born when their mothers were underage (Rhaenyra I & Daeron II)3 were born when their mothers were over 30 (Aenys I, Maegor I, Jaehaerys I),
3 had mothers neglected by historic record, 4 with the inclusion of Alicent Hightower (whose lifetime is currently Under Revision & thus excluded from this post's calculations),
the remaining 10 had mothers who were actually Of Age, 4 monarchs having older siblings.
For more speculation, see "The Maternity of Targaryen Kings" here: https://at.tumblr.com/hollowwhisperings/the-maternity-of-targaryen-kings/
Royal Privileges
The wealth & authority held by a monarch in a feudal society affords many privileges: a varied & stable diet, accessible healthcare, servants to attend hygiene, education, Kingsguard sworn to bodily protection, the highest quality arms & armour, and more.
Their high stations also, however, gavs historic Targaryens the "privileges" of: being able to eat & drink in excess, override sound advice from a young age (it is harder to enforce the eating of vegetables or the importance of Safe Sex when such advice could be interpreted as Treason), and becoming the Targets of [medical sabotage].
Regardless of any Greater Maester Conspiracies, the good health of those who hold or will inherit absolute power can never be truly safeguarded. The lavish lifestyle of medieval-ish royalty requires countless servants (cooks, kitchen staff, personal attendants, maids, errand runners...) and a life lived in public (at court, in council, for ceremony...). The ambitious and fearful can & do find ways to further their interests, anyone could mean a royal harm: their council, their bannermen, their chamber maid, their betrothed, their in-laws, their uncles, their children.
These combined Royal Privileges undoubtedly affected Targaryen Monarchs, especially those who inherited the throne in times of societal upheaval. Stress and authority over a continent (give or take a kingdom) take their toll, even on the most disinterested of monarchs.
A pertinent example is that of Viserys II: the illness that killed him was both abrupt and suspiciously timed.
Viserys II: a case study of Royal "Privilege"
Despite being one of the better rulers of Westeros, having served the Realm for ~30 years to Kings Aegon III (depressed), Daeron I (war-hungry) & Baelor I (dangerously pious) before his ending up on the throne himself. His sudden illness occurred just 1 year into his rule. Many persons & factions had incentive to remove Viserys II from office. He was unpopular both in his lifetime & in public record.
(nevermind his successfully resolving the conflict with Dorne through treaty & marriage alliances; his making & codifying law reforms; his increasing trade & public wellbeing... okay, Viserys II may or may not be one of my favourite monarchs. Better to acknowledge my bias & recommend grains of salt).
The Dragon In The Room
Of 18 Targaryen monarchs were dragonriders, 7 were dragonriders. Of these 7: 2 died of "old" age, 3 died of illness, and 3 were killed.
Thusly is the idea of "Dragonrider Immunity" in the royal line of House Targaryen disproved.
If anything, dragonriding seems to age a person: the height and speed of flight would logically take a toll, regardless of any "Dragonriding Genes". Queen Alysanne, amongst the few Targaryens noted to die of old age, hatched & rode the dragon Silverwing: she was noted as losing her hearing in her late 50's and, at 57, lost the mobility needed to ride her dragon. This point is dubious, given it is one example amongst an already small sample size. Another dubious point is the precedence in House Targaryen of premature greying of hair: this is difficult to confirm, given the shallow difference between "silver/silver-gold/blonde" and "grey/white" (as well as the dubious quality of witness accounts of historic Targaryens, given how polarizing many figures were & the thusly dubious accuracy of witness testimonies).
Less controversial is the fact that, in the ASOIAF setting, all magic comes At Cost: dragons are magical ("fire made flesh") and Targaryens were originally a minor house of dragonlords in Old Valyria. Valyria is mostly known for its dragons, wealth, conquering, mass enslavement, pyromancy, blood magic ...and human experimentation. Members of House Targaryen believe themselves to have "blood of the dragon" & in early cases, intended very literally. It is plausible that House Targaryen, specifically, became or were made dragonlords via [blood magic & human experimentation]. It is unknown if this was a unique feature of House Targaryen or common practice amongst the more ambitious families of Valyria. Thusly, Targaryens are themselves magical. Later generations added the blood of First Men (most notably Houses Hightower, Dayne & Blackwood) & thus also Andal, & the Rhoynar (a people whose genocide was attempted by Valyria but thwarted by Queen Nymeria; whose home was made a wasteland in their absence).
Through the hatching of dragons by Targaryens, a method used to ensure a "bonding", could plausibly cost a person's theoretical & potential [lifeforce?]. Dragonriders can bond with dragons they have not personally hatched, with varying difference in compatibility, and a dragon can have multiple riders durings their lifetime.
Note: Dragons DO hatch naturally, without Targaryen intervention, as evidenced by: the wild dragons of Dragonstone, descendants of eggs & dragons brought from Valyria; the past & present wild dragons of eastern Essos (though any Valyrian breeds are believed extinct); the historic dragons of Westeros, regularly recorded (& slain) many thousands of years before the rise of the Valyrian Freehold & its dragonlords.
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androidcharles · 8 months
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More info under the read more, since it gets a bit long!
Unwatermarked so you can crosspost to any site you wish, however, please give proper credit if you do repost.
Since I haven't seen any Stickmintober prompts (or if there are any I'm stupid and haven't really looked for them), so I decided to create a prompt list for myself (mostly because a while back I told someone I'd consider hosting this).
Anyway, as a small bonus, since I know it's difficult writing a small story for 31 whole days in a row (writing like that should be saved for NaNoWriMo), I thought I'd throw in a bonus writing prompt list as well! Feel free to get creative with the prompts or if you want, use the prompts from the top list.
I will be tracking the tag #stickmintober2023 for those who participate but you can also @ me if you want to see your pieces as well. I understand this is a bit short notice, I am angry w/ myself as well for taking this long to announce something like this (HELL there's prob a better prompt list on Twitter that peeps are prob preparing for that I'm not aware of) but either way, I hope you guys enjoy this little prompt list nonetheless.
That being said, this isn't a competition! Don't burn yourself out trying to chug out equivalents of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper everyday, just try to keep it simple, esp if it's your first time! And as always, have fun with it too!
Thanks in advance for participating!
Prompts for Screenreaders:
First Image: Stickmintober 2023 Prompt List! Day 1: Breaking the Bank Day 2: Henry Stickmin Day 3: Police Force Day 4: Escaping the Prison Day 5: Rupert Price Day 6: Dave Panpa Day 7: Stealing the Diamond Day 8: CCC Day 9: West Mesa Day 10: Charles Calvin Day 11: Infiltrating the Airship Day 12: Reginald Copperbottom/RHM Day 13: General Galeforce Day 14: Favorite Past Toppat Leader Day 15: Toppat or Government? Day 16: Ellie Rose Day 17: Fleeing the Complex Day 18: Dmitri Petrov/Grigori Olyat Day 19: Dance Day 20: Glitch Day 21: Sven Svennson Day 22: Completing the Mission Day 23: Favorite Ending Day 24: Underrated Ending Day 25: AU (favorite or your own) Day 26: OC (favorite or your own) Day 27: Silly Day 28: Angst Day 29: Favorite BG character Day 30: Costume Day 31: Halloween
2nd Image: Stickmintober 2023 Writing Edition!
Week 1 (Oct 1st-7th) Write about Henry Stickmin. Whether it's a headcanon interpretation of his past or about his life before or after certain events in canon.
Week 2 (Oct 8th-Oct 14th) Write about Toppat life. Either from the point of view of a character, minor or main or before or after certain events in canon.
Week 3 (Oct 15th-21st) Write about your interpretation of the events after an ending from Completing the Mission. Whether it's an ending you don't think about much or your favorite
Week 4 (Oct 22nd-28th) Write about the hypothetical past of a Toppat Leader of your choice. Special challenge: No Terrence or Reginald ;)
Week 5 (Oct 29th-Nov 4th) Two this time! Write a Halloween-y themed story or just a write something involving your favorite ship, rarepair or otherwise.
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randgugotur-6 · 7 months
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Nov 7th 1981 #OzzyOsbourne released the GREAT album "Diary Of A Madman" #OverTheMountain #FlyingHighAgain #YouCantKillRockAndRoll #Tonight #HeavyMetal
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The album's cover art features Osbourne's son Louis to his side, with Osbourne himself posing in theatrical make-up
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Diary of a Madman is the second studio album by English heavy metal vocalist Ozzy Osbourne. It was released in October 1981, and re-issued on CD on 22 August 1995. This is the last Osbourne studio album to feature guitarist Randy Rhoads and drummer Lee Kerslake. An altered version appeared in 2002 with the original bass and drum parts removed and re-recorded. In 2011, a Deluxe 30th Anniversary Edition was released with all original parts restored. To date, the album has sold over 3 million copies worldwide
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Diary of a Madman was supported by the Diary of a Madman Tour, which began on November 5, 1981, and ended August 8, 1982, spanning Europe, North America, and Asia. On March 19, 1982, during the North American leg of the tour, Rhoads died in a plane crash in Leesburg, Florida; after a two-week break, the tour continued with guitarist Bernie Tormé performing several shows in place of Rhoads before in turn being replaced by Brad Gillis.
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lacoonawalk · 2 years
— nct (127) fame indicators + success factors
because it was requested🥳🎉
idols with confirmed, approximate and for taeyong possible birth times (© to nugustrology on twitter):
johnny: 19:30 (7:30 pm) cst - chicago, il, usa
taeyong: 23:00 (11:00 pm) kst - seoul, south korea ! he might be born at earlier/later time
doyoung: 02:00 (am) kst - guri, south korea
jaehyun: 08:13 (am) kst - seoul, south korea
idols with possible birth times, in this case they’re unspecified if they’re born in the first 12 hours in the day or in the second half of the day:
mark: born in toronto, canada at (what he thinks since he allegedly don’t know) 11:00 et, either libra (for am) or aries (for pm/23:00). assuming his mbti (which is it really infj????), i would assume his rising might be aries, although i will check both alleged times with risk.
haechan: born in seoul, south korea at 10:00 kst, either leo (for am), or capricorn (for pm/22:00). assuming his mbti (enfp?), i would say he’s leo rising, although i will check both times.
i assume mark and haechan with these risings because of me being capricorn rising and also my experience with people with aries, libra and leo rising.
although winwin is inactive in the sub-unit, i will count him as member of nct 127 here.
i won’t count moon and mars’ degrees. i will count moon’s sign and both sun and venus’ alleged degrees.
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aah, yes. leo moon. as a person whose moon is in leo, they're very emotional too. strongly fame indicator because it's in leo.
sun at 22/23 degrees
long-term fame (22 degree) or internet fame with him being trendsetter (23rd degree).
hm.. both are valid.
mercury rx at 8 degrees
mass of people watching him bc of obvious reasons.
venus at 28/29 degrees
his fame is fated. idk if someone from his family is famous, so 29th degree for now.
jupiter rx at 5 degrees
hm. maybe he wasn't ready for the fame? i doubt that the 5th degree is for short-term fame/fame since young age.
saturn (not in retrograde) at 12 degrees
he'll be relatable, lol
neptune rx in 22 degrees
long-term fame. see??
true node in scorpio, in 23 degrees
internet fame with him being trendsetter :D
grand water trine (mercury, jupiter, saturn)
deeply emotional, he has strong intuition. it can help his moon, his neptune and the planets in his grand trine.
scorpio stellium-ish
helps his water trine xd
taurus stellium-ish? (i would call it influence; stellium-ish because there’s more asteroids rather than planets…)
hm.. interests in fashion/art? he could have specific aesthetic in his wardrobe
(edit: 7th nov 2022, 15:10 eet) well, aries? capricorn? i have no idea….
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sun in 20 degrees
oh :)
anyway, uhm, mass of people watching him. yeah.
misunderstanding scandals, like the one he had last year.
mercury rx in 8 degrees as oriental planet
same as taeil's, although as oriental planet he has to learn to be himself. i know how hard it is to have mercury rx as oriental planet.. personal experience.
venus in 5 degrees
basically, his trainee life since young age.
mars rx IN LEO in 23 degrees
internet fame with him being trendsetter. possible hardships for when he has to act and/or say whatever he wants.
jupiter in sagittarius in 11 degrees
internet fame with him being trendsetter. his jupiter being in sagittarius, means his fame/glory/abundance/etc. is coming to him easily.
saturn in 12 degrees
he'll be relatable.
uranus in 27 degrees
success is coming to him with his freedom (and hard work).
neptune in 24 degrees
he'll be idolized. (if not now, then in the future)
pluto in 0 degrees
CRITICAL DEGREE! um, fame is coming to him in its pure way and it can be shocking.
5th house stellium
so, johnny in acting industry when? (asking this because it's great, great indicator for acting fame)
capricorn stellium
like jisoo from blackpink, he could give to his audience ceo vibes. he can have his own business in the future.
moon in 10th house
fame indicator by itself.
virgo rising in 17 degrees
the degree is fame indicator by itself. long-term fame.
medium coeli (mc) in gemini
yeah...ceo vibe. he might create company, or will be involved with something that involves talking/creativity in the future.
fire signs in the houses (sagittarius in IC/4th, aries in 8th and leo in 12th)
- sagittarius in the fourth house
with sagittarius in 4th house, he can feel that everywhere is his home
- aries in the eighth house
yeah.. mars rx, it makes sense he has hardships with his way of acting.
- leo in the twelfth house
johnny is unpredictable and even mysterious.
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same as taeil's. literally.
mercury in gemini in 17 degrees
his mercury being in gemini is great (because the planet is in its comfortable sign alongside virgo)! although his degree is in fame (and critical degree), whatever and whenever he talks, everyone will talk about him and if he doesn't want/have to talk, ehm.. taeyong has to be careful/cautious.
jupiter rx in sagittarius
although rx jupiter is hard placement, it's good placement for taeyong to speak out when he has to. since he's in industry where these days has fans in the whole world, beliefs/social issues/etc. are important. this placement is great for that. although jupiter being in retrograde might slower the things, it can happen and if taeyong wants to, he should! + it being in the 9th house speaks to that even more. in conclusion: jupiter in sagittarius/9th house = great influencer placement.
saturn (IT ISN’T RETROGRADE) in 24 degrees (in first house)
look. i know his saturn is great indicator for his musician career, but i do think there's more than him being idealized..
maybe, perhaps, there could be possible movement? similar to free britney? i don't know..
uranus rx in 29 degrees (in 11th house)
karmic degree (it’s obvious it’s also long-term glory too). possible hardships with people who are more important than him, like boss(es)/friends/close people/etc. (more likely boss(es), colleagues). he has original, even shocking, one-of-a-kind ideas. can possibly help his saturn…
neptune rx in 24 degrees (in 11th house)
idolized, can be also relatable. hardships with putting himself in the first place (he could prefer to help others more rather than himself). emotionally he might have elements of mercury rx (his mbti is similar to mine…or the same).
possible controversial indicator personally to him, not sure. i could do a research on that actually but i don’t quite know from where i can start. there has to be 20 degree somewhere in his natal chart…
pluto rx in 28 degrees (in 9th house)
fame degree as well as perfect house indicator about media and entertainment. pluto rx strengths his neptune rx (about the elements of mercury rx).
pisces rising in allegedly 7 degrees
yes, i said allegedly. possibly from there we can sense he’s an introvert (infp mbti..)? i don’t know people who i know they’re pisces rising so that’s why i assume that.
we can sense he’s interested in music even from his rising.
fire signs in houses
- aries in the cusp of the second house, 22 degrees
success in military/sport/entertainment in some cases. long-term career (doesn’t matter if he has it rn or will have it in the future).
- leo in the cusp of 6th house in 3 degrees
great indicators for him in the entertainment/music/tv industry. he can use more communication in the future though.
- mc in sagittarius in 17 degrees
great influencer indicator! helps his saturn and jupiter imo.
in my opinion, the degrees on his natal houses aren’t these.
i won’t count mercury, venus, mars and lilith’s degrees as well as moon as whole, although i will count sun’s degree.
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scorpio stellium
he'd do (almost) anything to achieve what he wants. possible interests in mysterious things, spiritual life, similar things.
libra stellium-ish (influence i would say)
appreciates art and beauty in life. possible interests in fashion, art, even things that include fairness.
sun in 1/2 degrees
yuta's sun is more like "you are going to be successful" rather than "FAME". although if his sun is in the second degree, he'll see the fame in unexcepted things, in the mysterious for example.
mars and jupiter in sagittarius
i see yuta loves freedom in what he does career-wise so much..
his jupiter seems the same as taeyong's with the difference it isn't retrograde.
pluto in 29 degrees
karmic as hell. literally.
long-term fame, with heavy mark in the k-pop industry. either there, or in the future with whatever he decides to do.
hm. capricorn rising? maybe 22/23 degrees? having in mind his planets by degrees, it's very possible to have 20-degree planet, like moon (slim chance to none) or venus (small chance but not big, maybe like 40%; having in mind that he once? twice? wore questionable? controversial? shirt). if not, 20th degree house. 100%.
if his scorpio stellium isn't that influental to him.. i don't know.. sagittarius? pisces? not quite sure...
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stellium in the 3rd house
his mbti (isfj?) really shows up here.
realistic for sure. communicative, hard-worker.
aquarius stellium
interests in everything that makes him free. fashion, art, technology, inventions, astronomy/astrology..
capricorn stellium
100% helps his 3rd house. can give ceo vibes (if he wants to). interests in anything secure.
saturn as dominant planet and in 22 degrees
how funny. long story short, his capricorn stellium (& aquarius). slowly, steady career.
his saturn in the 4th house, though... :( can relate. he's lucky his chiron is in 11th house.
sun in 11 degrees
internet fame. great indicator for social media fame.
moon in 27 degrees
i have that. success degree !!!
it's obvious he's introvert though, lol
uranus in 1 degree
success degree.
pluto in 2 degrees, 1st house
crazy, crazy fame. famous for what he is, as individual. he can shake the k-pop industry.
true node in libra, in 20 degrees, in 11th house
aah, the 20th degree. everyone is drooling over him, though the degree gives me similar vibes to saturn in 20 degrees. they could be fated too...
chiron rx in 11th house
there could be some hardships because of his (past/future) scandals. he has to be careful because he has 20 degrees more than once...
scorpio rising in 20 degrees
the degree :') can relate.
well, he can say something and later will realise his mistake and will apologize. he means it every single time. he could not change that though, he's introvert after all and sometimes whatever he says, he can meant it differently. i understand him too well..
mc in virgo in 0 degrees
everything involving communication/health/education/exploring (either one or more).
fire signs in houses
- sagittarius in the cusp of 2nd house, 20 degrees
flexible career-wise. could be misunderstood about his ideas at first. there's also possibility of people underestimating him.
- aries in the cusps of 5th (2 degrees) and 6th (28 degrees) houses
[5th house] success in entertaiment/sport industry.
[6th house] success in sport industry (including military). feeling like home... probably it'll be the military.
- leo in the whole 9th house
same as 5th house.
well, he could love the military when he has to go to serve..
he's lucky his mercury is in the 19th degree.
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aquarius stellium
interests in fashion/art/computers..
12th house stellium
interests in anything spiritual/mysterious.
11th house stellium
massive fame. many, many fans. he probably loves being in nct (or having group work in general).
uranus as dominant planet, uranus in 5 degrees
he wants to do anything that makes him happy and free.
5th degree - either fame since young age, or he wasn't ready for his fame. ik he was in smrookies but just wanted to say that.
saturn as dominant planet, saturn in 1st house
slowly but steady career. in 1st house, this will be even more influental.
moon in 20 degrees
owch. he has intense emotions. possible scandals because of them?
mars rx in 5 degrees
hardships with his willpower.
5th degree.. well, he probably wasn't ready for his fame.
jupiter in 5 degrees
fame since young age/him not ready for his fame.
neptune in 28 degrees
his dreams are BIG. the fame is his home? he might've visualized it years ago without realising.
pluto in 5 degrees
ah, the 5th degree is everywhere...
true node in virgo, in 29 degrees
same as virgo mc: everything involving communication/health/education/exploring (either one or more).
lilith in LEO
just him having strong ego... or him not having that at all.
chiron (not retrograde) in 2 degrees
crazy, crazy fame. obssessive even.
pisces rising in 12 degrees
definite indicator (in my opinion) for his career in the industry.
mc sagittarius in 20 degrees
great influence indicator! though, the 20th degree..i do believe it has similar vibe to saturn in 20 degrees.
other fire signs in houses:
- aries in the cusp of the 2nd house
success in sports/entertaiment in some cases
- leo in the cusp of the 6th house
workaholics, success in the entertaiment industry (specifically acting/singing)
well, i had to manual write the coordinations since i cannot find GUNPO :) so i had to search sanbon-dong’s coordinates somehow
i won’t count sun in signs and moon as whole as well as mercury’s degrees. although, i will count sun’s degrees.
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sun at 29/0 degrees
karmic/critical degree. the fame is fate.
saturn in aries, in 17 degrees
long-term fame. great leaders.
neptune in 0 degrees
critical degree. dreams comes into his head purely.
true node in 11 degrees
success in the internet. possible influence indicator imo.
aquarius stellium
interests in computers/fashion/art.
hm. water rising?
i won’t count sun and moon’s degrees.
and here comes my magic of editing:
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mercury rx in 29 degrees
introvert vibe. karmic degree. long-term fame.
both houses seem realistic, although i am not nctzen and since i don’t watch mark to that extent i wouldn’t assume based on his natal chart which one seems more in place.
mars in 12 degrees
great willpower, acts when he has to.
assuming his mars is in scorpio, in dominant sign for the planet, and assuming that the degree is pisces one, both houses seem realistic too to my opinion.
neptune rx in 2 degrees
he could have (had) hardships with his dreams/illusions. massive fame, many, many fans.
since neptune is all about illusions.. ugh.
based on “child”, 11th house. he REMEMBERS his childhood (based on some facts i read randomly while doing my research). he’s not that dumb to not remember what his past was. he PRIORITISE his family, he doesn’t want to let them down. he puts that in the first place and he doesn’t forget.
on the other hand, i do see some water degrees in the aries rising chart, and there are asteroids and pluto in 8th house. there is definitely spiritual meaning to his neptune in some way.
neptune in the fourth house - no. big no.
true node in LEO in 12 degrees
him in entertaiment industry - yeah yeah it's too obvious yeah, he will be relatable somehow.
well, according to the true node in the 5th house, it’s about reclaiming his individuality, it’s about finding ourselves. it makes sense to the true node to be in the fifth house because of both his mercury and venus retrograde. mercury is about communication, way of thinking, knoweledge. venus is about creativity, art, beautiful things in general. as soon as i learned that his brother pushed him to try for the sm audition, i understood it makes sense.
in 11th house though, it makes sense too! he knows that he is worthy as person, though he gets sad and can find everything harder when he is alone, no matter if it’s literally or it is feeling.
both placements make sense.
lilith in sagittarius
influental for how he grow up or another secret(s). cou;d be relatable about that.
since lilith is about secrets and these dark things, i do believe it’s 8th house because of his true node. mercury rx and venus rx appear here as my reasonings for that too.
i do think it makes no sense for his lilith to be in the third house just because of his retrograde mercury, it’ll be hard placement if his rising is actually libra….
chiron in 27 degrees
helps his lilith!
imo chiron is in his 8th house because of his moving to south korea when he was 6 (that's what i read so if i am wrong, correct me).
my magic of editing also comes here (without lilith; i am too lazy to fix that sorry):
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so yeah, very emotional. very expressive.
both houses makes sense imo, i don't stan nct so i wouldn't know to that extent.
mars in 22/23 degrees
long impact or internet fame, both degrees and houses make sense.
jupiter in 23 degrees
internet fame. both houses make sense imo.
saturn in 24 degrees
he is and will be idealized. both houses make sense imo too.
uranus rx in 20 degrees
oh.. is it about that scnadal when it was reported he was friends with saesangs? if yes, uranus in 20 degrees might mean scandals when he has free time, when he does whatever he wants..
both houses make sense imo too, lol
pluto rx in 11 degrees
internet fame, he might've accepted it hard at some point.
probably 4th house, pluto in 11th house is harder placement imo. i know from personal experience.
true node in cancer
he listens to his heart! great indicator for musicians. both houses make sense imo. again.
and, i know, he's inactive in this unit, but WINWIN
i won't count sun, moon, mercury, venus and mars' degrees, though i do think his sun might be in the 5th degree.
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jupiter in 12 degrees
he is and will be relatable.
neptune in 27 degrees
success degree.
lilith in 24 degrees
he is and will be idolized.
i dunno which rising... i bet leo. libra. idk. scorpio. NO IDEA.
so yeah, the nct members are definitely interesting. i can relate the most with doyoung by degrees and signs. like, i felt myself somehow at least a bit (and i’m not nctzen).
click for nct dream here
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sugarcyanide · 2 years
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It's Tuesday 10/25/22 The Last Day of the October Session In Gentle Yoga today our affirmation is " I make a difference" We will be discussing Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch1 Vs 18 for our philosophy portion of the class. We will then have a gentle asana practice focusing on strength and flexibility. This class is great for those new to yoga or who prefer a more gentle class. $25 Drop in/ $80 Session 6pm at Utopia Studios In Dance Core Basics we will be reviewing our dance technique. Practicing things we learned in previous classes. This class is the prerequisite for my burlesque classes and teaches dance techniques to promote a safe and healthy dance experience for new and experienced dancers. $25 Drop in/ $80 Session 7pm at Utopia Studios Sign up for the Nov/ December Session and Save! Early Bird goes to November 7th! Sunday, December 11th is the Awakening The Flow Workshop $45 ( $35 Early Bird) This workshop is to promote personal healing by helping to process stuck energy or emotions that may be stuck in the body. We start by warming up the body with gentle yoga and end the work shop with free flow movement. 2 to 4 pm at Utopia Studios Vamp! 101 Will be Mondays November 14,28 Dec 5 &12 This class is for my intermediate to advanced students and focuses on refining burlesque techniques. This session will be focused on removals. $25 Drop In/ $80 ( $70 Early Bird) for the Session 6pm at Utopia Studios Gentle Yoga and Dance Core Basics will be Tuesdays November 15,29 Dec 6 & 13 6pm and 7pm $25 Drop In/ $80 ( $70 Early Bird ) for the Session each. Gentle Yoga is a Gentle Hatha practice that is focused on the meditative and more gentle aspects of asana practice. Dance Core Basics goes over basic dance techniques from various dance cultures and breaks them down into easy-to-understand movements. So you can build your dance vocabulary. An all-access pass for intermediate and advanced students $200. 📷 By Michelle Bovinett in Dorsett, UK edited by Rocky. (at Utopia Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJr428OwlO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wugaroxoqex · 2 years
Honda gyro canopy service handleiding
           7 nov. 2018 — Honda 22 pk 2 cilinder benzine motor; maaibreedte 122 cm; grasvangzak; zitting; accu druppellader; NL handleiding; compleet gemonteerd;. Past bij: HONDA gyro canopy TA02-110 x x x and later. HONDA gyro canopy TA02-110 x x x and later. Quality is good, installation manual is messy. REBUILT ENGINE. LARGE STOCK OF ENGINES . NEW AND REBUILT PARTS CATERPILLAR, FIAT-HITACHI, KOMATSU, HITACHI, VOLVO, NEW HOLLAND. SCRAPPING MACHINERY. BekijkZOOM 450 PRO. Full color manual is available on Instruction docplayer.org › 45309754-Zdocplayer.org › 45309754-Z 2 sep. 2007 — Honda Z50A, Z50R, Z50 K0 K1 K2 Werkplaatshandboek Batavus Moped Owner Service and Repair Manual 1976-1978. (58,0MB) Manual - Manuel d instructions Bedienungsanleitung - Handleiding. Maintenance: The Carbooon 500 is an helicopter which flight functions need to be19 Step / Stap / Etape / Schritt 17 Align the canopy and drill the 31 3D SETUP Use these settings as a guide to set up your radio. HONDA NC 700 15 apr. 2016 — The Norwegian Cruising Guide is in its 7th Edition and covers 950 harbours/anchorages on the west Produce I T. 198 likes this. /honda-gyro-canopy/ · /honda-v1/ · /yadea-c-lucky/ · /wow-model-6/ · /peda-legend/ · /moto-parilla-carbon-limited-edition/ · /battre-e-scooter/
https://www.tumblr.com/wugaroxoqex/698635567974498304/lego-10730-handleiding, https://www.tumblr.com/wugaroxoqex/698635147716804608/sony-dcr-sx22-handleiding, https://www.tumblr.com/wugaroxoqex/698635368919187456/src-schuberth-c3-pro-handleiding, https://www.tumblr.com/wugaroxoqex/698635368919187456/src-schuberth-c3-pro-handleiding, https://www.tumblr.com/wugaroxoqex/698635928105893888/general-electric-dishwasher-handleiding.
0 notes
evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Course: Online.RNAseqWithBioconductor.Nov7-18
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Course: Online.RNAseqWithBioconductor.Nov7-18 > Date: 22 July 2022 at 05:44:45 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear all, > > registration is now open for the 3rd edition of the Analysis of RNA > sequencing data with R/Bioconductor course. > > Dates: online, November 7th-18th > > This course will provide biologists and bioinformaticians with > practical  statistical analysis skills to perform rigorous analysis of > high-throughput  genomic data. The course assumes basic familiarity with > genomics and with R  programming, but does not assume prior statistical > training.  It covers the statistical concepts necessary to analyze genomic > and transcriptomic  high-throughput data generated by next-generation > sequencing, including:  hypothesis testing, data visualization, genomic > region analysis, differential  expression analysis, and gene set analysis. > > ** Session 1 �� Introduction (Mon, Nov 07, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - Introduction to R / RStudio - Creating high-quality graphics in R > > ** Session 2 – Hypothesis testing (Wed, Nov 09, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - CDF, p-value, binomial test - types of error, t-test, permutation test > > ** Session 3 - Bioconductor (Fri, Nov 11, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - Introduction to Bioconductor - Working with genomic region data in > Bioconductor (GenomicRanges) > > > ** Session 4 - RNA-seq data analysis (Mon, Nov 14, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - Characteristics of RNA-seq data - Storing and analyzing RNA-seq data > in Bioconductor (SummarizedExperiment) > > ** Session 5 - Differential expression analysis (Wed, Nov 16, 3-6 PM, > Berlin time) > > - Multiple hypothesis testing - Performing differential expression > analysis with DESeq2 > > ** Session 6 - Gene set analysis (Fri, Nov 18, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - A primer on terminology, existing methods & statistical theory - > GO/KEGG overrepresentation analysis - Functional class scoring & > permutation testing > > Full list of our Courses and Workshops: ( > https://ift.tt/8EtOrDi ) > > Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: > [email protected] > > Best regards, > > Carlo > > Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D > Physalia-courses DIRECTOR > [email protected] > mobile: +49 17645230846 > Follow us on ( https://twitter.com/Physacourses ) > > "[email protected]"
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cursed-seagull · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @i-do-know-and-idc!! I actually love these questions so I am going to go weirdly into detail on some of these, sorry in advance!
1. name/nickname: okay I put “Ker” in my description which is *Cas voice* a shortened version of my name. It’s also an actual name that means “from the bog” which I think is GREAT
2. gender: female
3. star sign: Aquarius (astrology for fun only)
4. height: 186cm (6′1) YES I AM TALL
5. time: 7:16PM but I might take ages to finish this
6. birthday: Feb. 7th
7. favourite bands/groups: Not a massive music stan but some of my top bands on spotify are Linkin Park, Heaven Shall Burn, System of a Down and Red Hot Chili Peppers
8. favourite solo artist: can I say Britney Spears....? edit: the only reason she’s so high up in my spotify analytics is because I listen to “Work Bitch” on repeat whenever I really need to get something done at approximately 2AM
9. song stuck in my head: The Name Game (which I think I heard in a tiktok compilation at some point today?)
10. last movie: Hi. I never watch movies apparently. 
11. last show: ...s*pernatural. Still.
12. when did i create this blog: June 2017 (I didn’t post between Oct. 2017 and Nov. 2020 but I was lurking the entire time) my old blog? July 2013 🤦‍♀️
13. what do i post: stuff I like, which is mostly things that look nice, are funny, related to spn or related to star trek (OR all of the above!)
14. last thing i googled: tombstone (to figure out the season and episode number of the spn episode)
15. other blogs: @hells-deadeye for the occasional... sepia/desert/abandoned aesthetic?
16. do i get asks: very very rarely
17. why i chose my url: interesting story! At some point last year I noticed my first name is pronounced exactly like the phrase “cursed in” which I think is awesome. The seagull part because I lived close to the coast for a few years and actually LIKE seagulls (controversial, I know) And “cursed seagull” as a whole reminds me of the laughing seagull meme which I also like :)
18. following: 167
19. followers: tumblr 🤝 hidden follower count (not that many)
20. average hours of sleep: it’s probably close to 8 (with a range of 0 - 10...)
21. lucky number: don’t have one! But since you asked: 6.022x10²³
22. instruments: I used to play the clarinet and I used to technically be a band kid... (but I hated it...)
23. what am i wearing: my running outfit minus the shoes
24. dream job: ever since I saw a job listing for a scientist in a research station in Antarctica, THAT
25. dream trip: I definitely want to see the Northern lights at some point, so maybe Norway?
26. favourite food: I’ll answer this like “if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be” because that’s very easy for me: o a t s
27. nationality: german
28. favourite song: I really like Aerosmith - Dream On
29. last book i read: Charles Stross and Cory Doctorow - The Rapture of the Nerds
30. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: I’ve never really thought about this but uhhh Jurassic Park (if I can visit the park and it’s functioning), Harry Potter universe (let’s be real), and just for the hell of it The Magic School Bus
Tagging (but definitely no pressure!) @spoiledxdirt @onefuckupfromdisaster @melly-the-crazy-coconut @wildmage7 @thatnormalcrazygirl @46larstar aaaand you know the drill, anyone else feel free to do this as well :)
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Unus Annus - November
354. Accepting the Truth, 6:11, 2.8M (Nov 1st) - While sitting by the pool, Mark and Ethan announce that a livestream will happen on the 13th so that the audience can join them in reminiscing over the past year and watching the channel be deleted live.
355. The Unus Annus Last Supper, 26:58, 2.6M (Nov 2nd) - Amy creates a 7 course meal for Mark and Ethan based on various past videos. This includes eggnog with bug biscuits, them having 3 minutes to eat a raw onion and edible items of a mature nature.
356. Being Brutally Honest with Each Other, 26:14, 2.2M (Nov 3rd) - Mark and Ethan reflect on how well they have worked together during the course of the channel’s run. Some things that were revealed consisted of them having to re-evaluate their communication after the wall punch, Mark committing to bits even if they start going a little far and how Ethan could build his acting skills. There is a heartfelt moment where Ethan expresses how grateful he is to have Mark as a friend and someone to learn off of, which ends in tears.
357. Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video, 45:11, 3.2M (Nov 4th) - Amy reads out the title of videos in chronological order while Mark and Ethan do something quick to re-enact that video. Alexa misinterprets a command, some episode segments are just them wondering who came up with the titles and Amy gets confused by a few titles that state she shouldn’t know about them.
358. All Our Video Ideas That Never Happened, 25:13, 1.8M (Nov 5th) - They discuss the videos that never were, including potential collabs, things the pandemic prevented from happening and ideas that were best left not attempted. 
359. Who’s Cutting Onions In Here???, 22:24, 2M (Nov 6th) - The two of them spend the entire video cutting onions and talking about the channel. They discuss their expectations when they started the channel, how they were affected by the deaths of family members and how they would like to die.
360. The 1st Annual Unus Annus Roast, 16:41, 1.7M (Nov 7th) - On Twitter, they invited the viewers to send in their roasts. They just laugh at most of them but a few they roast the poster back. One of the cameras produced corrupted footage so they had to lipsync at times. 
361. God’s Fitness Test, 22:58, 1.9M (Nov 8th) - Along with their personal trainers, they form two teams which consist of Mark and Alex vs Ethan and Andre. They do push ups where you have to have all four limbs airborne during part of it, a burpee hybrid, a race where Mark and Ethan carry their trainers on their backs, weightlifting with squats and a sprinting challenge. 
362. Saying Goodbye to All Our Guests, 39:44, 2.2M (Nov 9th) - Mark and Ethan call up some of the people they’ve worked with in videos over the past year to thank them. Upon learning The Basement LA (where they did the escape room in December) was in financial trouble due to the pandemic, they offer to donate the ad revenue from the escape room video to help them out.
363. Everything’s Legal If You’re Dead, 24:50, 2.2M (Nov 10th) - Mark and Ethan attempt to make breakfast with sex toys again. However, this time they steal the products they got from the shop and Mark’s lawyer Ryan tries to discourage them from their plans of insurance fraud.
364. 7 Minutes in Heaven | 7 Minutes in Hell, 12:41, 1.9M (Nov 11th) - In new inflatable saunas, they are sent to Heaven and Hell with items previously featured in past videos. Ethan goes to Heaven where he receives the scent of essential oils, kiwis, a cupping session using a mouth instead of the cups and wax on his face. Mark, meanwhile, is subjected to Hell where the aromatherapy is of the onion variety, his mouth is filled with hot dogs and the straw his dogs may have used as a toilet is laid at his feet.
365. The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover, 17:17, 2.3M (Nov 12th) - Ethan goes to Mark’s home to spend the night. They shoot cans while the other hides behind the targets, make popcorn as well as friendship bracelets and play truth or dare. Ethan decorates his bracelet for Mark with 'My Pal Annus' while Mark puts 'EEF' inbetween Takis that had been in his mouth. Towards the end, the two of them share a glass of champagne before settling down for the night. At various points, the signature ticking sound is heard.
366. Goodbye., 12:00:00, 1M (Nov 13th - Nov 14th) - This is the farewell livestream. The two of them sit with a television that displays the timer inbetween them. Throughout the 12 hours, they show the editors’ highlight reels, watch and comment on a few videos, look through fanart and memes as well as welcome guests. When there’s around 3 hours to go, Ethan gets 00:00:00 tattooed on his left arm by DanielleSkyeee. They promise that if the stream receives 1 million likes, they will reveal the inside of their coffin and possibly get inside. With less than an hour to go, this does indeed happen, with the fake eulogies making them emotional and the coffin is dubbed the ‘Cry Box’. As the hours become not only minutes but seconds, Mark, Ethan and Amy gather around the laptop so they can press the delete button together. The clock finally reaches 00:00:00, leaving the audience with a black screen as well as a channel that no longer exists.
1. Unus Annus, 1:52, 10M (Nov 15th) - Introductory video explaining the premise of the channel.
2. Cooking with Sex Toys, 12:42, 4.6M (Nov 15th) - The guys buy a bunch of sex toys and use them to make some bacon, eggs and pancakes. Towards the end, someone spots Mark being fed while wearing a gag.
3. Purging Our Sins with a Neti Pot, 11:18, 4.8M (Nov 16th) - They clear their noses with Neti Pots, essentially flooding it and triggering a drowning sensation. Towards the end, the spiral screen appears where Mark and Ethan thank the audience for their initial reaction to the channel, which lead to the intro video becoming #1 on trending. They announce that if the channel reaches 1 million subscribers within a week, a viewer who helped spread the word will be hand delivered the button. Otherwise, Mark will have his nipples pierced.
4. Hot Dog'd To Death, 11:18, 3.3M (Nov 17th) - They attempt to eat 60 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Ethan struggles to work out how long 360 seconds is. The are certain Chica could beat Joey Chestnut's record of 71 any day.
5. Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank, 13:44, 2.7M (Nov 18th) - They filled a pool with salts, blindfold themselves and put headphones on. To mess around, they pretend to try drown each other.
6. The Good Kind of Cupping, 11:59, 2.7M (Nov 19th) - They attempt cup stacking. Mark is better at it than Ethan. The two of them end up trying to walk on all fours while wearing the cups like some sort of cryptid. This is also where they announce the winner of the 1M play button (Kingkasuma 2.0). The next challenge is also announced, get it to 2M subs within a week so a viewer has the chance to meet Mark and Ethan while appearing in a video or Ethan will destroy the Barrel with a bat.
7. The Bad Kind of Cupping, 13:36, 8.8M (Nov 20th) - Mark and Ethan place suction cups on each other. At one point, Ethan is unable to detach a cup and gets very stressed about it.
8. The Worst Kind of Cupping, 10:17, 3.1M (Nov 21st) - They react to Two Girls, One Cup before trying to see if they can find out where the girls are now. This is Mark’s first time watching it and he does not have a good time.
9. Ethan Will Be Kicked in the Balls, 7:30, 4.2M (Nov 22nd) - They plan to use those inflatable balls that you can run around in. Ethan struggles to inflate his so he goes to a shop to ask they can help him with a pump. The staff are nice and chuck it to him via a window. He reaches his car, only to realise he can't fit it in without deflating it a little. Ethan does indeed get kicked in the balls at the end.
10. Doing Each Other's Makeup in the Dark, 12:08, 2.2M (Nov 23rd) - Mark and Ethan blindly apply makeup to one another. There is a risk of blackface when Mark gets into the bronzer but Amy is able to warn him to be careful. Ethan uses blush for its intended purpose and as lipstick. When they look at themselves in a mirror, he compares himself to the little girl wearing makeup while in a carseat. You can tell Amy is the one editing due to her written comments.
11. Baby Hands Operation, 8:29, 2.7M (Nov 24th) - Mark and Ethan assemble and then play Operation while wearing baby hands. When Calamity Pete's buzzing annoys them, they begin waterboarding him and are only able to remove the foreign object after hitting him hard enough to accidentally project the piece. This is where the 'Oh My Fucking God' meme originates.
12. Mark and Ethan Summon a Ghost, 18:02, 4M (Nov 25th) - This is framed as a kind of found footage documentary. While at Ethan’s home, they form a pentagram out of candles before playing Bloody Mary and Charlie Charlie. It ends with them getting attacked by a ghost.
13. 2 Truths and 1 Lie -- Waxing Edition, 16:49, 4.5M (Nov 26th) - They play 2 truths and a lie where getting it wrong means a body part gets waxed. The body part is determined by a spinning randomiser wheel. Korea is mentioned during both times the spinner lands on pubic hair.
14. Poopsie Sparkly Critters (a slime surprise...), 12:24, 4.3M (Nov 27th) - Mark and Ethan buy Poopsie Sparkly Critters, a toy that will eject slime from either their butt (poop) or mouth (spit). They play around with the toys, adding glitter to the slime as instructed. This is the first time ‘Martha Maywho’ (Martha May Whovier from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas) is mentioned.
15. Play-Doh Thanksgiving, 10:35, 2.2M (Nov 28th) - They create a thanksgiving meal with only Play-Doh. A tray full of ‘food’ that are the appropriate colours is created, including a tiny live turkey made by Ethan. A mega turkey is also made using a conglomerate of the remaining Play-Doh. Mark and Ethan then sample their creation.
16. Helium Therapy, 14:55, 3.3M (Nov 29th) - The two of them inhale helium then discuss various topics, including how they’d kill each other, childhood misadventures and their romantic pursuits involving an abundance of Abigails (plus a Sarah).
17. Drawing Memes from Memory, 10:53, 2.6M (Nov 30th) - With drawing pads and scented coloured markers, Mark and Ethan attempt to draw old memes with Amy telling them their prompts.The ‘This is fine’ dog, dat boi, Rebecca Black, dancing baby, the Numa Numa guy, dikbutt, condescending Willy Wonka and trollface all make an appearence. They spend nearly as much time sniffing the markers as they do drawing.
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Unus Annus: A Complete Ranked List
well, now that every single video has been released, i’ve compiled them all into a complete ranked list, from best video to worst! this took way longer than it had any right to.  (also, please note this is just my opinion, and in all honesty, this list was really hard because so many of these videos are fantastic. you could tell me that you’d rearrange anything in the 50-250 range and i’d probably agree with you.) 
And if you don’t feel like going through the whole list, here’s Unus Annus ranked by month!
If the video is in: Top 50: 5 points 51 - 100: 4 points 101 - 150: 3 points 151 - 200: 2 points 201 - 250: 1 point 251 - 300: 0 points 300 or below: -1 point (Any ties settled by which month had the highest ranking video overall.)
November: 93 October: 72 December:70 September: 66 February: 66 August: 63 June: 60 January: 59 July: 53 May: 43 March: 37 April: 1
The Truth of Unus Annus (Oct. 31st)
Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN (Jan. 10th)
Phasmophobia in Real Life (Oct. 25th)
Mark and Ethan Attempt an Escape Room (Dec. 6th)
Hunting HeeHoo (Aug. 29th)
DIY Geriatric Simulator (Jan. 18th)
Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video (Nov. 4th)
Mark Teaches Ethan to Read with Hooked On Phonics (Jun 6th)
Ethan Gives Mark a Viking Funeral (Dec. 9th)
Cooking with Sex Toys (Nov. 15th)
Mark Reviews the Impossible Burger But There’s a Looming Sense of Impending Doom (Dec. 13th)
Helium Therapy (Nov. 29th)
2 Truths and 1 Lie -- Waxing Edition (Nov. 26th)
Ethan Will Be Kicked in the Balls (Nov. 22nd)
Being Brutally Honest With Each Other (Nov. 3rd)
Would Chica Save Us From Drowning? (Jul. 24th)
Mark and Ethan are Now Fathers (Mar. 22)
Ethan Kidnapped Mark (Oct. 30th)
Mark’s Outdoor Escape Room (Aug. 28th)
The Unus Annus Last Supper (Nov. 2nd)
Mark and Ethan Go Casket Shopping (Jan. 11th)
The Sensory Overload Tank (Jan. 7th)
Mark and Ethan Summon a Ghost (Nov. 25th)
Mark Knows What Ethan Did… (Sep. 22nd)
Pee Sauna (Jun 17th)
We Made Nude Paintings of Each Other (Dec. 14th)
All of Our Video Ideas that Never Happened (Nov. 5th)
Mark Teaches Ethan How to March in a Marching Band (Sep. 4th)
Hiding Our Sins From Amy’s Holy Peepers (Jan. 2nd)
Our Perfect (and last) Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14th)
The Barrel - Official Music Video (Mar. 9th)
Edward Pumpkin Hands (Oct. 26th)
This Video Is Completely Unedited (Oct. 17th)
Ethan Teaches Mark How to Swim (Jun. 28th)
The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover (Nov. 12th)
Everything’s Legal if You’re Dead (Nov. 10th)
Harnessing Our Dogs’ Unlimited Energy (Dec. 23rd)
2 Grown Men Attempt the Presidential Fitness Test (Dec. 31st)
Learning to Breathe Underwater (Jan. 13th)
Playing Children’s Games in Total Darkness (Aug. 17th)
The Unus Annus Annual Costume Contest (Oct. 28th)
Saying Goodbye to All Our Guests (Nov. 9th)
We Got Pepper Sprayed (Mar. 10th)
The Cryptid Olympics (Oct. 24th)
Mark and Ethan Get Into a Fight (Mar. 8th)
Mark Punishes Ethan (Jan. 27th)
Ethan Watches as Mark Achieves the Impossible (Sep. 29th)
Drunk College Party Simulator (Feb. 15th)
God’s Fitness Test (Nov. 8th)
3 Big Boys Attempt the King’s Royal Fitness Test (Feb. 18th)
The Beginning of the End (Jul. 26th)
Mark Cooks Blindfolded While Ethan Guides Him Through FaceTime (May 22nd)
Pitching a Tent in the Woods But There’s a Bear 15 Feet Away (Aug. 22nd)
We Forced James Charles to Run a Military Obstacle Course (Mar. 23rd)
We Tried a Labor Pain Simulator (Mar. 20th)
The Bad Kind of Cupping (Nov. 20th)
Ethan Destroys Mark’s Van with a Bat (Dec. 7th)
Duct Tape Crucifixion (Amy, Please Don’t Watch This Video) (Dec. 29th)
A Bear Attacked Us in the Middle of the Night (Aug. 24th)
Mark and Ethan Look at a Puppy for 10 Minutes (Jul 7th)
Building the World’s First IKEA Boat (Jun 27th)
Goat Yoga (Feb. 22nd)
10 Strange Amazon Products Ethan Bought Mark Because He Doesn’t Know How To Spend Money Responsibly (Feb. 16th)
Top 10 Worst Things Your Friend Could Possibly Spend Their Money On (Feb 29th)
Fixing Mark’s Hole with Ramen But Every Time We Add Glue We Get 5% Closer to God (Jan. 14th)
Being Attacked By a Fully Trained Bodyguard Dog (Feb. 19th)
Preserving Ourselves in Wax (Dec. 26th)
Santa’s Mukbang (Drinking 1 Gallon of Eggnog) (Dec. 24th)
The Unus Annus Space Program (Jul 11th)
Ethan Explores Mark’s Haunted Basement (Dec. 17th)
Dummy THICC for Dummies | A Tale of Two Butts | Pushing Our Butts Even Further Beyond (Jul. 4th)
DIY Bungee Jump (please don’t try this) (Jan. 4th)
Unregulated Axe Throwing (Feb. 7th)
Making the Ultimate Unus Annus Burger (Sep. 15th)
How to Rescue a Cat from a Tree (Aug. 23rd)
Beer Sauna: Turning a Portable Sauna Into a Portable Hell (Mar. 16th)
The End of Unus Annus Is Almost Here… (May 15th)
We Accidentally Made an SCP While Amy Was Away (Sep. 13th)
We Play The Newlywed Game While Consuming That Which Will Kill the Other (May 23rd)
Building IKEA’s Hardest Piece of Furniture Without Instructions (Jun 18th)
Recharging Our Phones Using Only Brute Strength (Jul. 30th)
Eating Only Onions for 24 Hours: How Many Onions Does It Take to Kill a Man? (May 8th)
The Candy Bra Challenge (Jul 6th)
We Bought Every Grinch Costume on Ebay (Oct. 13th)
Only UNUS-es/ANNUS-es May Watch This Video (May 28th)
Only Watch From 2:25-6:11 --- DO NOT WATCH ANY OTHER PART OF THIS VIDEO (May 29th)
We Force Mark to Swim in the Ocean (HIS GREATEST FEAR) (Oct. 22nd)
Recreating The Miracle of Childbirth (Mar. 21st)
Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank (Nov. 18th)
Turning Mark into an E-Boy (Feb. 2nd)
The First Annual Unus Annus Roast (Nov. 7th)
Reacting to Your Hilarious Green Screen Memes (Jun 5th)
The Ultimate Trolley Problem (Feb. 21st)
We Looked at Unus Annus Memes (Apr. 30th)
Exploring the Unus Annus Subreddit for Your Delicious Memes (May 16th)
BLACK LIVES MATTER: Resources and How You Can Help In The Description (Jun 2nd)
The Chubby Gummy Challenge (Dec. 4th)
Who Can Teach Their Dog a Trick the Fastest? (Mar. 5th)
Taped and Afraid (Dec. 20th)
We Played Strip Poker (May 20th)
Consuming the World’s Hottest Chip (Sep. 30th)
Mark and Ethan Learn About the Human Body (Jan. 26th)
1 Man 100 Accents (Dec. 1st)
Mark Steals Ethan’s Face (Jan. 15th)
Chickens Teach Us About Life and Death (Feb. 17th)
We Lubed Our Floor for a Sliding Competition (Aug. 3rd)
Mark Conquers His Fear of Night Swimming (Oct. 11th)
The Ultimate Paper Airplane Showdown (Jun 20th)
We Pierced Each Other’s Ears (Sep. 11th)
Crushing Watermelons Betwixt Our Mighty Thighs (Jun 3rd)
7 Minutes in Heaven | 7 Minutes in Hell (Nov. 11th)
Two Men in a Trench Coat Teach You How to Save Money at the Movies (Jun 26th)
Having an Adventure in VRChat Because We Can’t Go Outside (Mar. 27th)
Preparing a 5-Star Meal for Our YouTube Famous Dogs (Jul. 16th)
Mark and Ethan Shave Chica (Aug. 8th)
The Wubble (Aug. 7th)
How to Start a Fire (except don’t…) (Aug. 27th)
Unus Annus (Nov. 15th)
This Is Goodbye (Aug. 5th)
Puberty Simulator (Aug. 13th)
This Video Went Completely Out of Control (Oct. 1st)
This Video Will Never Make Sense (Sep. 23rd)
Blowing Our Souls into Some Hot Glass (Feb. 28th)
We Attempted to Create THICC Water (May 10th)
Brick Soccer (Sep. 19th)
Accepting the Truth (Nov. 1st)
Drinking Real THICC Water...How Bad Does It Taste? (May 19th)
How Far Can We Chuck a 16lbs Rock? (Sep. 10th)
Recreating Ourselves as a Cursed Mannequin (Jan. 8th)
Recreating Childhood Photos (Jun 13th)
Nutball: The Most Dangerous Game (Feb. 10th)
Mark Teaches Ethan How to Play the Trumpet (Aug. 1st)
How to Safely Bury Your Friend (Aug. 25th)
Mark Breaks His Nose on an Aerial Hoop (Oct. 4th)
DIY Bed of Nails: OH GOD, PLEASE DON’T EVER TRY THIS (Jul. 20th)
Pee Soda (Sep. 17th)
We Had to Drink Each Other’s Pee (Dec. 16th)
Creating Mark FISHbach (Jun 21st)
Making Our Own Gravestones to Prepare for Our Inevitable Demise (May 11th)
We Made Fanart for Each Other (Jun 11th)
Bear Trapping 101: An Elegant Knot for an Elegant Beast (Jun 25th)
Pressure Washing Our Sins Away (Oct. 21st)
Literally Finding a Needle in a Haystack (Oct. 8th)
We Ate Dog Treats so You Don’t Have To (Sept. 12th)
Giving Away Our 1,000,000 Subscriber Gold Play Button (Dec. 18th)
2 Idiots Get Crushed By 18-Ft Giant Snakes (Mar. 15th)
We Cryogenically Freeze Ourselves (Jan. 20th)
DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2080 (May 27th)
Fighting Fish to the Death in the Deep Blue Sea (Oct. 23rd)
DIY Teeth (Jul. 17th)
We Attempt to Make UNHOLY Water (Sep. 24th)
We Attempt to Make Holy Water (Sep. 20th)
DIY Cheese (Jan. 29th)
Making an Indoor Tornado to Flex on Mother Nature (Feb. 9th)
Literally Eating Fire (Feb. 6th)
2 Absolute Beginners Experience the Dancing Glory that is Salsa (Jan. 17th)
Team Building for 2: Trust Fall, Tug-of-War, and More! (Aug. 26th)
The Great Ice Cream Cake Race (Sep. 27th)
The Unus Annus Confessional Booth (May 26th)
Blood Bath (Oct. 27th)
2 Dirty Boys Wash Their Filthy Mouths Out With Soap (Jun. 30th)
Who Can Make Themselves Taller? (Jan. 6th)
Mark and Ethan Share a Drink (Aug. 6th)
2 Adults Take a 4th Grade Math Test  (Sep. 6th)
Bobbing for Literally Anything But Apples (Oct. 16th)
Momiplier Teaches Self Defense (Aug. 15th)
The Human Mop (Jul. 21st)
We Attempt Pottery Without Amy’s Help (Sep. 8th)
Becoming One With the Horse (Jun 19th)
Wikifeet: A Tale of Two Tootsies (Apr. 4th)
We Found Websites That the World Forgot About (Apr. 11th)
1 Gallon of Jello Nearly Broke Us (Aug. 20th)
We Finally Drank Our DIY Wine (Sep. 5th)
We Do It Better Than Icarus Ever Could (Jul. 25th)
We Turned Our Bodies Into Art (Jan. 25th)
You Blink, You Lose (Dec. 30th)
Can You Bake a Cookie from Cookie Dough Ice Cream? (Jul. 13th)
Mark Turns Ethan into a Mummy to Prepare Him for the Great Beyond (Dec. 3rd)
Ethan Turns Mark Into a Werewolf (Oct. 29th)
Making Soda with Literally Anything But Soda (Sep. 16th)
Dunking Oreos in Literally Anything But Milk (Jul. 15th)
Making Snow Cones With Literally Anything But Normal Flavors (Sep. 7th)
How Many Slaps Does it Take to Cook a Chicken? (Sep. 2nd)
Play Doh Thanksgiving (Nov. 28th)
Hot Dog’d to Death (Nov. 17th)
Mark and Ethan Build a Scarecrow (Oct. 20th)
Transforming Mark into the Eighth Wonder of the World (Aug. 16th)
Unus Annus Try Pole Dancing (Jul 8th)
Mark Teaches Ethan to Wrestle (Sep. 28th)
Ethan Teaches Mark Gymnastics (Sep. 26th)
Who’s Cutting Onions in Here? (Nov. 6th)
How to Escape from a Hostage Situation (Jul. 18th)
Are We Already Dead? (Feb. 13th)
Bored? Press This Button (Apr. 27th)
Judging Your Terrible Unus Annus Ideas (Aug. 10th)
This is for FUN and NOT a Fetish (Oct. 10th)
This is What Being Tased Feels Like (Jan. 21st)
Learning the Ancient Art of Chinese Archery (Feb. 20th)
Tearing a Phone Book in Half With Our Huge Manly Hands (May 31st)
Beating Inanimate Objects to Death (Dec. 27th)
Edible Slime was a Mistake. (Feb. 23rd)
We Eat Bugs (Jan. 3rd)
Amy Sent Us a Mystery Box (Sep. 21st)
Hydro Dipping a Baby (Aug. 11th)
The Egg Smashing Game (Jul. 12th)
Discussing the Idea of Murdering Each Other But It’s Just a Joke and Definitely Not Serious Haha (Feb. 12th)
Mark is Guilty. Ethan Has the Proof. (Jul 1st)
Learning How to Lockpick (FBI Please Don’t Watch) (Jun 22nd)
Mark Needs to Rub Ethan and Only His Mom Can Help Him (Mar. 14th)
Learning to Use the Force (Sep. 18th)
The Secret Unus Annus No-Touchy-Touchy Hand Shake (Apr. 25th)
We Google Each Other to Find Our Darkest Forgotten Sins (Apr. 6th)
Shooting Archery ON A HORSE (Oct. 6th)
Ethan Redefines Male Beauty (Feb. 3rd)
Ethan Roasts Mark for 15 Minutes Straight (Jun 7th)
Playing Cards: The World’s Deadliest Weapon (Aug. 2nd)
Morphing Our Bodies Into Superhero Poses (Jun 4th)
Becoming a Master of Mime (Feb. 11th)
This is the Most Dangerous Children’s Toy Ever Made (Jul. 23rd)
A Serious Conversation Under the Stars (Jul. 29th)
Is Mark a Masochist? (May 1st)
Literally Laying On Literal Broken Glass (Feb. 8th)
Bad, Bad Beans (Jan. 23rd)
DIY Wine (May 30th)
2 Men 200 Accents (Apr. 18th)
DIY Boob (May 24th)
Mark and Ethan Go On a Drum Date (Feb. 27th)
10 Miracle Products to Give YOU the Thiccest Jaw On Planet Earth (Jun. 29th)
Ultimate Horseshoes (Jul. 28th)
Mark and Ethan Get a Full Body Scan to See What Secrets Lay Hidden Within (and learn their body fat) (Mar. 13th)
Acupuncture is NOT Painful (Dec. 11th)
What the Hell is a Pink Trombone? (May 2nd)
Donating Toys to Charity w/ Jacksepticeye (Dec. 22nd)
Poopsie Sparkly Critters (a slime surprise…) (Nov. 27th)
The Great Meat Mistake (Dec. 10th)
DIY Minesweeper (Oct. 7th)
Popping Popcorn with a High Powered Laser (Aug. 12th)
Bobbing for Apples but the Water Keeps Getting Thiccer (Oct. 3rd)
We Buy a Professional Hypnosis Video and React to It (Dec. 5th)
Long Hair, Do We Dare? (Feb. 25th)
Recreating Mark’s Childhood (Jul. 2nd)
Professional Fire Cupping (Going Even Further Beyond) (Feb. 4th)
An Extremely Sour, Not-at-All Sour Meal (Feb. 5th)
Purging Our Sins with a Neti Pot (Nov. 16th)
Attempting to Build IKEA Furniture Without Instructions (Jun 9th)
The Annual Unus Annus Dunk Contest (Jul. 27th)
Our Fans Try to Scare Us With Their Homemade Creepypasta (Jun 12th)
There’s Something Horribly Wrong With This Picture… (June 8th)
Too Many Pickles (Aug. 21st)
5 Products to Grow Your Patchy Beard (Jul. 31st)
What is the Least Viewed Video on YouTube? (Apr. 10th)
Baby Hands Operation (Nov. 24th)
Mark Builds a Pillow Fort for the Very First Time (Apr. 2nd)
Are Reptilian Humanoids Living Among Us? (May 6th)
Mark and Ethan Bet Everything on a Wikipedia Race (Apr. 15th)
We Will Churn Thy Butter (Sep. 25th)
We Take a Lie Detector Test to Uncover Our Darkest Sins (Jan. 12th)
Drawing on Each Other’s Backs in Total Darkness (Oct. 9th)
Drawing Memes from Memory (Nov. 30th)
We Made Every YouTuber Battle in the Hunger Games (Apr. 5th)
Ultimate YouTuber Boxing Showdown (Mar. 30th)
Tasting Weird Food Combos: Pickles and Chocolate? Ice Cream and Soy Sauce? (Jul 10th)
How to NOT be the Perfect Boyfriend (Apr. 13th)
Help Us Break a YouTube World Record (Apr. 17th)
Momiplier Tells Us True Scary Stories from Korea (Oct. 18th)
The Most Dangerous Shave (Jun 23rd)
We Took the Polar Plunge (Jan. 1st)
2 Complete Amateurs Enter a Body Building Competition (Jun 1st)
Does This Magnetic Skincare Routine Really Work? (Jul. 19th)
Mark and Ethan Milk a Goat (Oct. 5th)
Pumpkin Spice “Challenge” (Oct. 19th)
Doing Each Other’s Makeup in the Dark (Nov. 23rd)
We’re Better Than Dogs (Aug. 18th)
We Have the Best Bellies on YouTube (May 25th)
The Good Kind of Cupping  (Nov. 19th)
Hacking the Very Fabric of the Universe (Jan. 30th)
Where in the World is Unus Annus? (Apr. 1st)
Mark and Ethan Become United States Citizens (Jun 10th)
Mark and Ethan Desperately Attempt to Feel Something (May 4th)
We Took an IQ Test (Jan. 9th)
Mark Teaches Ethan Korean (May 13th)
Lost Omegle Video (Mar. 31st)
Finding the Most Cursed Image on the Internet (Jun 15th)
Amazon Shopping for the Apocalypse (Mar. 28th)
Desperately Trying Not to Touch Our Faces (Mar. 24th)
Going on an Internet Scavenger Hunt (Mar. 26th)
Reading YOUR Scariest True Stories (Apr. 21st)
The Scariest True Stories on the Internet (Apr. 12th)
REAL Ghost Hunting At An Abandoned Zoo (March 2nd)
Bleachus Annus (Jul. 14th)
Pumpkin Taste Tier List (Oct. 14th)
Floating in a Real Sensory Deprivation Tank (Dec. 12th)
Was 2020 a Bad Year for Unus Annus? (Aug. 30th)
Speed Reading 1000+ WPM to Gain a Complete Understanding of All Human Knowledge (Apr. 9th)
We Give Each Other Tattoos Blindfolded (Mar. 11th)
Mark’s 1 Weird Talent Leaves Ethan Absolutely Speechless (Apr. 3rd)
Learning to Jump Higher in 16 Minutes and 16 Seconds (Oct. 15th)
You Breathe You Die (Jan.16th)
Breaking Glasses With Our Screams (Aug. 4th)
The 1000 High-Five Challenge (Oct. 2nd)
Becoming the World’s Greatest DJs (Mar. 4th)
Grip Strength Test: Loser Becomes the Winner’s Butler for a Day (Aug. 14th)
Forcibly Turning Mark into Santa Claus Against His Will (Dec. 25th)
We Smell Every Smell (Sep. 1st)
We Wrote a Hit Pop Song in 30 Minutes (Feb. 26th)
Unus Annus Carves the Roast Beast (Mar. 18th)
The Painful World of Aerial Skills (Oct. 12th)
The Koala Challenge: TikTok’s Intimate Couples Trend (Aug. 19th)
Ethan Traps Mark’s Soul in the Palm of His Hand (Jun 24th)
Will We Break the Boards...Or Will They Break Us? (Jun 14th)
DIY Chiropractor (Mar. 7th)
Mark Gives Ethan a HOT (stone) Massage (Aug. 31st)
We Bought a Camera That Can Look Inside Us (Mar. 3rd)
Can Plants Feel Pain? (Sep. 9th)
This is Hiding on Your Body RIGHT NOW. (Jul 9th)
Strange (and legal) Things You Can Do With Your Body After Death (Jan. 28th)
Like It Or Not...This is What The New Human Looks Like (May 7th)
Looking at Long Lost Memes (Jan. 31st)
We Played Mad Libs and Ran It Through Google Translate (Apr. 7th)
Running Internet Drama Through Google Translate (Apr. 24th)
Mark and Ethan Desperately Try to Name a Single State in the USA (Apr. 8th)
Professional Fetish Scientists Rank the Best/Worst Fetishes of 2020 (May 3rd)
Reddit 50/50: Two Player Edition (Mar. 25th)
Mark and Ethan Find the Lost City of El Dorado (Apr. 14th)
Using Google Maps to Find the Lost City of Atlantis (Apr. 20th)
We Hired a Real Hypnotherapist to Analyze Our Darkest Dreams (Jan. 24th)
2 Boys 2 Poops (Sep. 3rd)
This is How We’ll Die... (Jan. 19th)
Nutball Extreme: Taser Edition (Mar. 1st)
You Made Beautiful Music for The Barrel...But Only One Could Win (Dec. 15th)
Can Sound Therapy Heal All Wounds? (Jul. 22nd)
Middle School Science Experiment Teaches Us About Life and Death (Mar. 6th)
Reverse Engineering a Kite to Steal the Idea of Electricity from Benjamin Franklin (Jul 5th)
Ethan’s Relaxing and Totally Normal Nail Salon (Dec. 19th)
Mark and Ethan Take a Personality Test (Apr. 22nd)
An AI Generates Our Worst Nightmare (May 5th)
Learning to Cry on Command to Increase Our YouTube Views (Jun 16th)
How Big Can a Nuke Get? (May 17th)
Granting Access Into Heaven’s Sweet Gates (Feb. 24th)
We Put an Apple Watch in a Rock Tumbler (Jul. 3rd)
Whom Would Eat Whomst First in a Zombie Apocalypse? (Mar. 29th)
Bigfoot is Real and It Ate My Friend (May 14th)
What is the Most Painful Thing We’ve Ever Endured? (Dec. 21st)
Don’t Go In The Ocean....Ever. (Apr. 28th)
An AI Predicts How We’re Going to Die (Dec. 2nd)
Harnessing Our Yodeling Power to End The World As We Know It (May 21st)
The Creepiest Videos on YouTube (Apr. 16th)
What Does Astrology Say About Our Friendship? (Mar. 12th)
Discovering the Secret to Eternal Life (Feb. 1st)
What Happens When a YouTube Channel Dies? (Jan. 22nd)
5 Weird Apps That Predicted Our Death (Mar. 19th)
Emotional Pain vs. Physical Pain...Which is Worse? (Dec. 28th)
How Tall Can a Human Get?: An Impartial Review By 2 Average Height Men (May 12th)
Will AI Soon Take Over Humanity As We Know It? (Apr. 23rd)
Mark and Ethan Hunt the World’s Most Wanted Criminals (Mar. 17th)
The Illuminati...Do They Really Exist? (Apr. 19th)
We Explore the Most MYSTERIOUS Mysteries of Our Wildly Mysterious Mystery Moon of Mystery (Apr. 29th)
Two Male Men Judge Female Women On Their Beauty (Apr. 26th)
We Have the BEST Thumbnails on YouTube and No One Can Tell Us Otherwise (Jan. 5th)
How Much Caffeine Does It Take to Kill a Man? (May 18th)
There’s Still Hope… (Dec. 8th)
Unus Annus ASMR (May 9th)
The Worst Kind of Cupping (Nov. 21st)
33 notes · View notes
Detroit: Become Human - Chronology and timeline of events... (CANON)
The chronology and timeline of events ( https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Chronology ) in the world of Detroit: Become Human.
1915: Birth of Arnold Brook.
1917: Zlatko Andronikov's family flees the revolution in Russia.
1963: Birth of Carl Manfred (July 13).
1978: Birth of Michael Brinkley (January 24), Amanda Stern (May 14).
1980: Birth of Gordon Penwick (June 10).
1982: Birth of Dennis Ward (June 11), Jeffrey Fowler (August 8).
1983: Birth of Christopher Gray (June 18).
1985: Birth of Hank Anderson (September 6), Cristina Warren (September 15).
1987: Birth of Jonah Graham (December 9).
1988: Birth of Joseph Sheldon (August 14), Gary Kayes (December 3).
1989: Birth of Derek Myers (May 7), Ben Collins (September 12).
1991: Birth of Zlatko Andronikov (September 21).
1992: Birth of Douglas Mitchell (August 10).
1993: Birth of Rose Chapman (March 31).
1994: Birth of Captain Allen (December 2).
1995: Birth of Edward Dempsey (February 8), Richard Perkins (July 13), Todd Williams (September 21).
1999: Birth of  Isaac Falone (March 10), Elizabeth Wilson (March 25), John Phillips (October 11).
Death of Arnold Brook.[1]
Birth of Chris Roberts (May 16).
2000: Birth of Michael Webb (September 9).
2001: Birth of Jimmy Peterson (February 1), Caroline Phillips (May 23).
2002: Birth of Elijah Kamski (July 17), Gavin Reed (October 7).
2005: Birth of Pedro Aabdar (January 25), Rosanna Cartland (December 12).
2008: Birth of Carlos Ortiz (October 27).
2009: Birth of Nathan Clark (August 18), Chris Miller (September 30).
2010: Birth of Leo Manfred (March 21), Joss Douglas (October 24).
2012: Birth of Samuel McCray (April 10).
2013: Birth of Adam Chapman (August 5).
2018: Elijah Kamski founds CyberLife, creates first androids.
2021: Release of RT600 "Chloe".
2022: RT600 Chloe first android to pass the Turing test.
2027: CyberLife sells 1 millionth android.
2028or 2029: United States pass the Android Act.
2029: Hank Anderson promoted to the rank of lieutenant (reported on August 22).
Release of ST200 "Chloe", first industrially produced android.
CyberLife leased a disused warehouse. (Extras Gallery)
CyberLife starts the commercial production of androids.
KNC's interview with Chloe (April 25).
Release of JB100 OR Andy (12-2027).
Death of Amanda Stern (February 23).
Elijah Kamski named Century magazine's "Man of the Century". Later, Kamski resigns as CEO and leaves CyberLife.
Red Ice Task Force dismantles a Red Ice network (reported on February 3).
Birth of Emma Phillips (September 2).
Release of EM400 (2028), Jerry (06-2028).
Birth of Cole Anderson (September 23).
Release of PC200 and PM700.
2032: Release of AX400, Kara (04-2032).
2037: Rose Chapman starts helping deviants.
2038: the year Detroit: Become Human takes place.
CyberLife reaches market valuation of $850bn.
Release of TR400 OR Luther (01-2030), HK400 OR Carlos' Android (05-2031), URS12 Android Bear (10-2030).
Androids introduced into the United States military and Michigan law enforcement. Red Ice Task Force seizes boat with nearly 1t Red Ice (reported on November 23).
Release of Ralph (/WR600?) and PJ500 (2031), Josh (11-2031).
Birth of Sumo (April 2031).
Release of JB300 336 445 581 (/JB300?) (05-2033), YK500, Alice (07-2033).
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2033.
Release of PL600 (2034), Simon (02-2034).
April 2034 Season Finals Detroit's Champions Take An Early Lead (Basketball Magazine poster around Hank's Desk)
Release of "Traci"s WR400 and HR400 (2035), North (10-2035).
Death of Cole Anderson (October 11)[8].
Detroit Gears basketball Playoffs (Seen at Hank's desk)
Cristina Warren elected President of the United States.
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2036.
Release of KL900 OR Lucy, Rupert (possibly plus WB200?).
Reported missing: Simon (February 16), Rupert (October 11).
Death of Rose Chapman's husband (estimated, "died 2 years ago" in 2038[9]).
The year 2038 is the temporal setting of Detroit: Become Human.
global population 10 billion.[10]
The first DPD case file about deviants ("dates back nine months")[11]
RK800 "Connor" released (08-2038).
Birth of Damian Miller ("three months ago" in November).
Aug 15th: Chapter "The Hostage".
around 7:30 PM: Daniel takes Emma Phillips hostage.
Death of John Phillips (estimated 07:29 PM), Officer Antony Deckart (estimated 08:03 PM), and another officer (found dead in the pool). Officer M. Wilson is wounded by Daniel, death optional.
CyberLife sends RK800 Connor as a hostage negotiator. ITM televises the hostage situation.
08:29 PM: Chapter "The Hostage" begins. Connor arrives at the Phillips apartment.
08:30 PM: DPD reports that a deviant android is involved. (ITM report)
09/14: An android waiter (AV500 #234 777 821) in Fast Coney Dogs attacks Charles Bell and escapes.
10/04: Gordon Lopez's AL series android disappears. North deviates at a customer's home and escapes.
10/05: Eden Club manager Floyd Mills reports to the police that North is missing.
10/06: North arrives in Jericho (North has been in Jericho "4 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours" on Nov 6 after 5 PM).
around 10/17: Carlos Ortiz killed by Carlos' Android. (Based on his body being dead for 19 days on Nov 5th)
10/22: An android (AP700 #480 913 802) attacks her owner Sarah Cornwal, the house, and escapes.
Friday Nov 5th: Chapters: Shades of Color, The Opening, A New Home, The Painter, Partners, Stormy Night, Broken, Fugitives
CyberLife zoo opens in Detroit.
Several Russian warships have taken position in the Barents Sea since Saturday October 30th. (CTN news)
09:38 AM: Chapter "Shades of Color" begins. Markus arrives in Greektown to pick up Carl's paint from Bellini Paints.
09:58 AM: Chapter "The Painter" begins. Markus arrives back at Carl Manfred's House.
03:24 PM: Chapter "The Opening" begins. Todd Williams picks up Kara at Android Zone.
04:53 PM: Chapter "A New Home" begins. Todd and Kara arrive at Todd Williams' house.
"around 8" (PM or AM): Landlord calls police because he found Carlos Ortiz's corpse.
09:14 PM: Chapter "Stormy Night" begins. Dinner in the Williams house.
09:42 PM: Chapter "Broken" begins. Markus and Carl arrive home from the opening of Carl Manfred's retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
10:58 PM: Chapter "Fugitives" begins. Kara and Alice to get off the bus in Camden.
11:21 PM: Chapter "Partners" begins. Connor arrives at Jimmy's Bar to pick up Hank Anderson.
Saturday Nov 6th: Chapters:
The Interrogation, From the Dead, Waiting for Hank..., On the Run, Jericho, The Nest, Time to Decide, Zlatko, Russian Roulette, Spare Parts, The Eden Club
During the night: Russian carrier and American patrol boat reported to have exchanged warning shots in Arctic, no casualties. (~CTN news[11])
KNC reports on the first artificial intelligence to write a book.
CTN reports that a CyberLife prototype detective android is assisting the DPD. (~CTN news[11][15])
President Cristina Warren makes speech to Congress, demanding that Russian troops withdraw from the Arctic region. (~CTN news[8])
N/A: Severe hurricanes blight Mid-West, dozens killed. (seen under the scrolling header during Waiting for Hank.)   (~CTN news[8])
12:41 AM: Chapter "The Interrogation" begins. Hank interrogates Carlos' Android.
03:34 AM: Chapter "From the Dead" begins. Markus reboots in Solid Waste Landfill.
08:42 AM: Todd Williams' dead body is found by a friend and reported to the police. (If killed by Alice or Kara)
09:56 AM: Chapter "Waiting for Hank..." begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then arrives at DPD Central Station.
10:25 AM: Chapter "On the Run" begins. Kara wakes in Camden.
03:02 PM: Chapter "The Nest" begins. Hank eats at Chicken Feed.
04:30 PM: Chapter "Jericho" begins. Markus travels to Ferndale Station.
06:24 PM (estimated[16]): Death of Michael Graham at Eden Club.
05:13 PM: Chapter "Time to Decide" begins. Markus meets Jericho androids.
07:45 PM: Chapter "Zlatko" begins. Kara and Alice arrive at Zlatko Andronikov's House.
07:51 PM: Chapter "Russian Roulette" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then visits Hank Anderson's home.
08:01 PM: Chapter "Spare Parts" begins. Jericho androids raid CyberLife Warehouse and Docks.
08:17 PM: Chapter "The Eden Club" begins. Connor and Hank arrive at the Eden Club.
Sunday Nov 7th:
Chapters: The Pirates' Cove, The Bridge, The Stratford Tower
01:02 AM: Chapter "The Pirates' Cove" begins. Kara's group travels by car.
01:19 AM: Chapter "The Bridge" begins. Connor and Hank in Riverside Park.
09:24 AM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" begins. Markus sits on a street bench and gets an idea.
Monday Nov 8th:
Chapters: The Stratford Tower cont., Public Enemy, Midnight Train
01:30 PM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" cont. Markus infiltrates the Stratford Tower.
01:59 PM: Markus is recording the message in Stratford Tower (Connor' "Pupil Reflection" scan is timestamped "13:59:54").
04:06 PM: Chapter "Public Enemy" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then Connor and Hank arrive at Stratford Tower Floor 79.
05:10 PM: Chapter "Midnight Train" begins. Kara's group arrives at Rose's Farm.
Tuesday Nov 9th:
Chapters: Capitol Park, Meet Kamski, Freedom March, Last Chance, Connor, Crossroads
01:51 AM: Chapter "Capitol Park" begins. Jericho androids discuss Stratford broadcast.
02:00 AM: Jericho android teams attack the five CyberLife stores in Detroit simultaneously. Markus and North arrive at Capitol Park 10 minutes previous.
11:17 AM: Chapter "Meet Kamski" begins. Hank (+/- Connor) arrives at Elijah Kamski's house.
12:04 PM: Chapter "Freedom March" begins. Markus on roof, reflecting.
04:13 PM: Chapter "Last Chance, Connor" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. At DPD, Connor has to find Jericho.
N/A: Military androids removed from service(~CTN news), resulting in armed forces losing 2/3 of effective personnel. Androids are ordered to be turned over to the authorities, to be delivered to the nearest police station or army barracks, to be put in camps. The lack of androids shuts down services and utilities such as hospitals, schools, water, electricity, networks. (~KNC news[19]) Detroit is under curfew.
09:34 PM: Chapter "Crossroads" begins. Kara's group is driving to find Jericho.
10:45 PM: FBI and military raid on Jericho (~Warren press announcement)
Wednesday Nov 10th:
Chapters: Night of the Soul
06:00 AM: national curfew declared (~Warren press announcement)
Chapter "Night of the Soul" begins.
04:17 PM: Markus visits Carl's grave. (Pay Respects)
07:31 PM: Markus visits Carl's house. (Welcome Home) Then Markus in church (Markus on Sacred Ground). OR Jericho androids in church without Markus. (Connor/North on Sacred Ground)
07:31 PM or N/A: Connor speaks to Amanda (Thin Ice), visits Hank (Hank's House).
N/A: Android leader gives speech in undiscovered Jericho. (Markus/North Among the People)
09:24 PM: President Cristina Warren press announcement on Jericho raid, curfew etc. (Battle for Detroit)
Thursday Nov 11th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit (events from multiple paths)
N/A: The U.S. Army has set up temporary camps in most major cities (Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Boston, San Francisco) to gather and destroy androids. (KNC News report, which is heard in Kamski's house if everyone died)
"at/since dawn": Androids take to the streets, either in peaceful demonstration (Markus Demonstration) OR fighting to liberate camps (Markus Revolution).
10:48 PM: Connor arrives at CyberLife Tower. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
10:51 PM: Kara's group in West Side Industrial on the way to Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
10:56 PM: Androids march down Woodward Avenue onto Hart Plaza (Markus Demonstration/Revolution/North)
11:01 PM:
11:02 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Risky Checkpoint)
11:06 PM: Kara's group enters Enclosure. (Kara Captured)
11:07 PM:
11:08 PM:
11:15 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Safer Detour)
11:15-30 PM: Last bus from Detroit Bus Terminal departs to Canada Border. Cross-border bus service is suspended afterwards.
11:16 PM: Hart Plaza barricade is attacked. (Markus Demonstration)
11:26 PM:
11:30 PM: Kara's group arrives at US-Canada Border. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:36 PM: Kara's group enters Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:57 PM: Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
presumably before midnight: President Cristina Warren gives speech (Battle for Detroit).
Connor arrives at Floor -49. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower) OR Connor on Hart Plaza rooftop. (Connor's Last Mission)
Androids at Hart Plaza launch attack. (Revolution)
Connor vs Connor-60. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
Hart Plaza final assault, Markus vs Connor, vs tank. (Revolution)
Androids in Hart Plaza barricade. Perkins offers deal. (Markus Demonstration)
Kara's group facing destruction in Hart Plaza camp. (Kara Captured)
Hart Plaza androids arrested, Markus killed (Markus Demonstration, surrender)
Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Delray. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
Friday Nov 12th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit cont.
12:01 AM: Hart Plaza and CyberLife Tower android groups meet. Android leader gives speech. OR Machine Connor checks on Markus's corpse, after the latter's surrender to Perkins.
07:37 AM: Kara's group wakes in Solid Waste Landfill. (Kara Captured)
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advisorsload79 · 3 years
Banking Principles And Operations Mn Gopinath
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Banking Principles and Operations (M N Gopinath) on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A book of familiarize new employees of banks and. Banking Principles and Operations by M N Gopinath, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. BANKING PRINCIPLES AND OPERATIONS by M. N. Gopinath Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd Books In India.
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Author:Samura NikornCountry:PeruLanguage:English (Spanish)Genre:EducationPublished (Last):5 February 2005Pages:298PDF File Size:2.77 MbePub File Size:17.8 MbISBN:158-4-34720-184-2Downloads:63769Price:Free* (*Free Regsitration Required)Uploader:Tojashakar
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About BANKING PRINCIPLES AND OPERATIONS: A book to familiarize new employees of banks and students aspiring for a career in banks, with all the services and products offered by banks, how they are delivered and also the relevant legal and regulatory requirements to be complied with on a day to day basis. Banking principles and practice. This book covers the following topics: Elements of money, credit and banking, The banking system of the United States, Domestic banking, cash and deposit operations and earning assets. Author (s): Ray Bert Westerfield. Principles And Practices Of Banking 14MBAFM301 DEPARTMENT OF MBA-SJBIT 1 Syllabus Module 1. Banking Principles and Operations: M N Gopinath: A operatiions of the book will enable the readers to become productive employees of banks with the minimum of on the job training, resulting in greater job satisfaction for the employees and higher productivity, lesser errors and greater customer satisfaction for the banks. SWP’s Banking Principle and operations by M. Gopinath – 7th Reprint Edition 2021. About Banking Principle and operations: – A book to familiarize new employees of banks and students aspiring for a career in banks, with all the services and products offered by banks, how they are delivered and also the relevant legal and regulatory.
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Banking Principles and Operations (M N Gopinath) on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A book of familiarize new employees of banks and. Banking Principles and Operations by M N Gopinath, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. BANKING PRINCIPLES AND OPERATIONS by M. N. Gopinath Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd Books In India.
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Banking Principles and Operations : M N Gopinath :
A operatiions of the book will enable the readers to become productive employees of banks with the minimum of on the job training, resulting in greater job satisfaction for the employees and higher productivity, lesser errors and greater customer satisfaction for the banks.
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Easy to read and revise. A book to familiarize new employees of banks and students aspiring for a career in banks in bank, with all the service and products offered by banks, how they are delivered and also the relevant legal and regulatory requirements to be complied with on a day to day basis.
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Banking Principles and Operations
Anushi rated it it was amazing Dec 24, Click on image to Zoom. Good and elaborate coverage. Selvas Kumar rated it really liked it Nov 22, Worth for banking bnking.
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chiefsaladarbiter · 3 years
Usf Organic Chemistry Lab Manual
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Usf Chemistry Major
Usf Chemistry Faculty
Usf Organic Chemistry Lab Manuals
Usf Organic Chemistry Lab Manual Pdf
Books Written by Department of Chemistry Faculty Members
University of South Florida ORGANIC 2 LAB CHM 2211L - Summer 2014 Register Now Spectroscopy- Infrared Spectroscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Post lab 9.docx. CHM 2010 - Organic Chemistry Lab (203 Documents) CHM 2011 - Organic Chemistry. Organic Chemistry Post Lab #4 Organic Chemistry Post Lab #3 Chromatography - Analyzing Analgesics By Tlc And Isolation Organic Chemistry Lab Report #2 Organic Chemistry Lab Report #1 Health Care Paper - I earned an A in this class Test Exam Review 1 February 13 Spring 2017, answers.
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Theodore Askounes Ashford
Ashford, T.A. 1960. From Atoms to Stars: An Introduction to tehg Physical Sciences. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. New York, NY.
Bill J. Baker
McClintock, J. B. and B. J. Baker. (eds). 2001. Marine Chemical Ecology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL
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Jesse S. Binford, Jr.
Binford, J.S. Jr. 1977. Foundations of Chemistry. Macmillian New York (Reprinted version, 1985)
Jefferson C. Davis, Jr.
Davis, J. C. Jr. 1965. Advanced Physical Chemistry; Molecules, Structure, and Spectra. Ronald Press, New York
Jack E. Fernandez
Fernandez, J. E. 1971. Modern Chemical Science. Macmillan, New York, NY
Fernandez, J. E. and R. D. Whitaker. 1975. An Introduction to Chemical Principles. Macmillan. New York.
Solomons, T. W. G. and J. E. Fernandez 1976. Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry.Wiley,New York, NY
Whitaker, R. D., J. E. Fernandez, and J. O. Tsokos. 1981. Concepts of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA
Fernandez, J. E. 1982. Organic Chemistry: An Introduction. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Solomons, T. W. G. and J. E. Fernandez 1986. Study Guide to Accompany Organic Chemistry 2nd ed.Wiley.New York
Dean F. Martin
Martin, D. F. and B. B. Martin. 1964. Coordination Compounds. , McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Moeller, T. and D. F. Martin 1965. Laboratory Chemistry. , D. C. Heath, Boston, MA.
Martin, D. F. and B. B. Martin. 1968. Coordination Compounds, (Japanese Language Edition - Translated by K. Morinaga) Coordination Compounds. Kogakusha, Tokyo, 1968.
Martin, D. F. 1968. Marine Chemistry, Vol 1, Analytical Methods. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, First Edition, 1968, 280 pp.
Martin, D. F. 1970. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 2, Theory and Applications. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Martin, D. F. and G. M. Padilla (eds.), 1973. Marine Pharmacognosy: Action of Marine Biotoxins at the Cellular Level. Academic Press, New York.
Martin, D. F. 1974. Marine Chemistry, Vol 1, Analytical Methods. (Russian Language Edition--Translated by Michael A. Rozengurt) Gedrometroy, Leningrad .
George R. Newkome
Newkome, G. R., C. N. Moorefield, F. Vögtle. 1996. Dentric Molecules: Concepts, Syntheses, Perspectives.VCH. Weinheim, New York.
Newkome, G. R. (ed), 1999. Advances in Dendritic Macromolecules. JAI. Stamford, CT
Newkome, G. R., C. N. Moorefield, F. Vögtle. 2001. Dentrimers and Dentrons: Concepts, Syntheses, Applications.Wiley-VCH. Weinheim, New York
Terrence C. Owen
Owen, T. C. 1969. Characterization of Organic Compounds by Chemical Methods. Dekker, New York
Douglas J. Raber
Raber, D. J. and N. K. Raber. 1988. Organic Chemistry.West Publishing Co. Minneapolis, MN.
T. W. Graham Solomons
Usf Chemistry Major
Solomons, T. W. G. 1976. Organic Chemistry.Wiley.New York Six editions
Solomons, T. W. G. and J. E. Fernandez 1976. Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry.Wiley,New York, NY
Solomons, T. W. G. and J. E. Fernandez 1986. Study Guide to Accompany Organic Chemistry 2nd ed.Wiley.New York
Solomons, T. W. G. and C. B. Fryhle 2000. Organic Chemistry. 7th ed. Wiley.New York.
Solomons, T. W. G. and C. B. Fryhle. 2002. Organic Chemistry. 7th ed upgrade . Wiley.New York.
Janice Tsokos
Whitaker, R. D., J. E. Fernandez, and J. O. Tsokos. 1981. Concepts of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA
Robert D.Whitaker
Fernandez, J. E. and R. D. Whitaker. 1975. An Introduction to Chemical Principles. Macmillian. New York
Whitaker, R. D., J. E. Fernandez, and J. O. Tsokos. 1981. Concepts of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA
Jay H. Worrell
Usf Chemistry Faculty
Worrell, J. H. 1990. Labtrek:Experimnents for General Chemistry. Contemporary Pub. Co. Raleigh, NC.
Worrell, J. H. 1994. Labtrek:Experimnents for General Chemistry. Contemporary Pub. Co. Raleigh, NC. (And later versions)
Michael J. Zaworotko
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Usf Organic Chemistry Lab Manuals
Seddon, K. R. and M. J. Zaworotko (eds.) 1999. Crystal Engineering: The Design and Application of Functional Solids. NATO ASI Series. Kluwer. Boston
Usf Organic Chemistry Lab Manual Pdf
N. B. A partial list. Not editions of all books have been mentioned
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Course: Online.RNAseqWithBioconductor.Nov7-18
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Course: Online.RNAseqWithBioconductor.Nov7-18 > Date: 22 July 2022 at 05:44:46 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear all, > > registration is now open for the 3rd edition of the Analysis of RNA > sequencing data with R/Bioconductor course. > > Dates: online, November 7th-18th > > This course will provide biologists and bioinformaticians with > practical  statistical analysis skills to perform rigorous analysis of > high-throughput  genomic data. The course assumes basic familiarity with > genomics and with R  programming, but does not assume prior statistical > training.  It covers the statistical concepts necessary to analyze genomic > and transcriptomic  high-throughput data generated by next-generation > sequencing, including:  hypothesis testing, data visualization, genomic > region analysis, differential  expression analysis, and gene set analysis. > > ** Session 1 – Introduction (Mon, Nov 07, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - Introduction to R / RStudio - Creating high-quality graphics in R > > ** Session 2 – Hypothesis testing (Wed, Nov 09, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - CDF, p-value, binomial test - types of error, t-test, permutation test > > ** Session 3 - Bioconductor (Fri, Nov 11, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - Introduction to Bioconductor - Working with genomic region data in > Bioconductor (GenomicRanges) > > > ** Session 4 - RNA-seq data analysis (Mon, Nov 14, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - Characteristics of RNA-seq data - Storing and analyzing RNA-seq data > in Bioconductor (SummarizedExperiment) > > ** Session 5 - Differential expression analysis (Wed, Nov 16, 3-6 PM, > Berlin time) > > - Multiple hypothesis testing - Performing differential expression > analysis with DESeq2 > > ** Session 6 - Gene set analysis (Fri, Nov 18, 3-6 PM, Berlin time) > > - A primer on terminology, existing methods & statistical theory - > GO/KEGG overrepresentation analysis - Functional class scoring & > permutation testing > > Full list of our Courses and Workshops: ( > https://ift.tt/8EtOrDi ) > > Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: > [email protected] > > Best regards, > > Carlo > > Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D > Physalia-courses DIRECTOR > [email protected] > mobile: +49 17645230846 > Follow us on ( https://twitter.com/Physacourses ) > > "[email protected]"
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pageantcast · 5 years
PageantCast Mail Bag: LABOR DAY SPECIAL 9/2/19
New Post has been published on http://www.pageantcast.com/2019/09/pageantcast-mail-bag-labor-day-special-9-2-19/
PageantCast Mail Bag: LABOR DAY SPECIAL 9/2/19
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We know no one uses mail anymore, but here in the mailbag we put a selection of Instagram posts, Facebook posts and Twitter posts that we’ve been tagged in.
Here’s this week’s selection:
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Meet Miss Multiverse Czech Republic 2019, Lenka Josefiova, age 28, height 1.75, Winner of Miss European Tourism 2015, Best Travel Blogger 2019, WBA Forbes Best Tourism Blogger 2019, Most Inspirational Fashion Star 2019 & numerous other international awards. She is Travel & Fashion Influencer, Blogger, TV presenter, International model & Brand Ambassador. She has a degree in tourism, which has always been her biggest passion. She has collaborated with tourism boards of different countries promoting their tourism such as: Thailand, India, Egypt, Tunisia, Taiwan, Romania or Uzbekistan. Her biggest hobby is travelling. She also loves trying different adventure experiences, she has jumped from the plane at the Skydive Dubai, did Macau Skywalk. She will compete at the personality contest world finals of Miss Multiverse 2019, Nov 28 to Dec 20, 2019, 7th edition at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana and the TV Reality program “I am Multiverse” #crown #contest #TVReality #Model #MissMultiverse @liindagrandia @ramonahaar @hrhcpuntacana #model #woman #realitytv #challenge @thetravellingbeautyqueen
A post shared by Miss Multiverse (@missmultiverse) on Aug 21, 2019 at 11:31am PDT
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Our gorgeous miss Australia spent the day amongst our wildlife and these two young ladies just had to have a photo with “the princess” they met on their journey! 👑 #missaustraliaglobal #missaustraliaglobalinternational #bodyscub #natural #pamper #feel #beautiful #beyou #beaqueen #MAGI #MAGI2018 #crown #wildlife #australia #experience #bodyscrub #love #missglobalinternational #global #missaustraliaglobal #today #princess #adventure
A post shared by Australiaglobalinternational (@australia_global_international) on Aug 22, 2019 at 1:16am PDT
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👏Cheering on the ladies at the @missgalaxypageants in Orlando, Florida! 👑Pageantry brought me together with each of these amazing women🎉🎉🎉 from pageants all over the country! Good luck to my best friend and coach @crystalcavey this evening!!!! #teamcrystal #uscpageant #uscontinentalpageant #pageant #sashalert #crownontherun #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #msuscontinental #msillinoisuscontinental
A post shared by Ms USC 2019 (@msuscontinental2019) on Aug 24, 2019 at 5:21pm PDT
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It was a pleasure judging the Glitter and Glam Pageants yesterday and catching up with these beauties @rachael_evren and @itsbronkyy 👑❤ Congratulations to all 40 contestants you are all winners and all did amazing on stage, it was a very tough competition indead. Well done Kaye for running such a well run and well organised pageant. Thank you for our gifts 🍫🍾 #glitzpageant #glitterandglam #pageant #pageantday #glitterandglampageant #pageantjudge #judging #queening #visageboutique #macduggal #brisbane
A post shared by 💎 (@gemmaaa_white) on Aug 18, 2019 at 6:15pm PDT
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Client Spotlight on this amazing lady in red @missnevadaforamerica_ @trinityraya_6. Trinity’s platform, “Starting With The Littles,” was inspired by her work with Baby’s Bounty organization, which helps provide supplies for families with newborns and children. Trinity has checked in as the inaugural Miss Nevada For America @mrsamericapresents. It’s truly been my pleasure to work with this brown eyed beauty on her pageant journey. Best of wishes to @trinityraya_6. 👑❤️ #queenteam #pageantcoach #pageantry #motivated #startingwiththelittles #browneyedbeauty
A post shared by Tracy Rodgers (@pageantlife_coach) on Aug 20, 2019 at 8:05am PDT
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Holy wow 😮 did you see @crystalcavey giving life in our fabulous blazer set?!?? Everyone needs one of these in their closet!!! We want to wish her all the best at @missgalaxypageant this week! She is absolutely perfect for the job of MRS GALAXY!!!! #teamcrystal #sparkle #sparklestudiollc #orange #set #fashion #style #pageant #glam #swagger #slay #fierce #realness #sparklebabe #statementjewelry
A post shared by SparkleStudio (@sparklestudiollc) on Aug 20, 2019 at 9:25am PDT
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If you ever wanted to know the story behind my spider coffee, here I am telling this lovely children's tale to Miss Galaxy UK 19 Emma Collingridge 👍 I don't know if it traumatised Emma (her facial expressions seem to suggest so), but I'm not embarrassed to say it's the only time I've cried after drinking something 😭
A post shared by THE PAGEANT PROJECT (@thepageantproject) on Aug 19, 2019 at 5:48am PDT
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I Can't Wait to See You Soon! • • • • I am super excited about scheduling private GLAM Lessons across the nation and I know you will love these one on on sessions! • • • • ➡️ Book Your GLAM Lesson Today! https://www.lizeverettglam.com/book-liz • • • • August 31, 2019 Columbus, Ohio September 13-16 New York City September 22 High Point, NC November 27 Orlando, FL • • • • Stay tuned also for upcoming dates for my group sessions called The GLAM Class, where I teach you how to master stage makeup application and on camera makeup. • • • • #makeup #lizeverettglam #hairandmakeup #pageantmakeup #pageanthair #modelmakeup #modelhair #makeuplessons #makeuptutorial #makeupparty #pageantglam #pageantplanet
A post shared by The GLAM Class (@theglamclass) on Aug 16, 2019 at 12:12pm PDT
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Get your next #pageant #outfit from @sparklestudiollc #yellow #pageant #statement #blazer #shorts #fashion #fun
A post shared by SparkleStudio (@sparklestudiollc) on Aug 15, 2019 at 7:19am PDT
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Emcee at Mac Duggal for the WORLD OF PROM market in Atlanta🎉 #crownup #msuscontinental2019 #uscpageants #uscpageant #pageant #emcee #fierce #style #glam #fashion #designer
A post shared by SparkleStudio (@sparklestudiollc) on Aug 11, 2019 at 2:16am PDT
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Cheering on all the ladies at Miss Royalty International today in Wisconsin👏👏👏 Have fun this evening at the awards party! 🎉 QUEENS 👑 SUPPORT 👑 QUEENS #msuscontinental #uscpageant #uscontinentalpageant #pageant #cocktail #dress #feathers #crystal #shies #hair #makeup #statementearrings #purple #rosegold #life #pictureoftheday #pic #living #crownontherun #sashalert
A post shared by Ms USC 2019 (@msuscontinental2019) on Aug 11, 2019 at 5:30am PDT
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matoki-project · 7 years
B.A.P Primer [Link Saved Version]
-- Updated last 6/17/17 -- (Updated with Party Baby Links!)
Who is B.A.P?
B.A.P (Best Absolute Perfect) is a six member Korean k-pop group under TS Entertainment that debuted on stage on Jan. 27 2012 with their first mini album Warrior. They are best known for their strong messages and signature powerful style of music. | More info here |
| Official Facebook | TS Ent Twitter | TS Ent Youtube | Official Fancafe |
V Live Channel  [Follow on V App as well]
The official fanclub name of B.A.P is BABY (plural Babys or Babyz) and the unofficial fan color is spring green.
To catch new fans up with the previous development of events, in November of 2014, B.A.P announced they were filing a lawsuit against TS Entertainment to nullify their contracts due to unfair conditions and profit distribution [x]. Since then,they went months into inactivity, attempting to hold a trial throughout. On August 1st, 2015, B.A.P and TS reached a settlement [x]. B.A.P returned to TS, prepared for their next activities and promoted with “Young Wild & Free” from their Matrix album and now recently released “Wake Me Up” from their Rose.
Yongguk’s hiatus and return
Due to Yongguk’s recent health (diagnosed with panic disorder in October of 2016 x), the five remaining members promoted for the Skydive/Noir comeback. Himchan took the leadership role and filled in for Yongguk during their Skydive performances. Following that, Yongguk was revealed to return to activity for their Wake Me Up comeback and so far is active in promotion again.
Bang Yongguk  | March 31 1990 | Leader and Main Rapper |  | More Info | Twitter | IG | Soundcloud
Yongguk is the stoic, and shy, yet caring leader of B.A.P. He is responsible for many of B.A.P’s album lyrics and more recently their song productions. His deep cave-like voice is well-known and impersonated by many. He’s also known for his vast amount of charity work and fondness of children. His favorite things, besides working on his music include ramen and his favorite character, tigger. He’s easy to embarrass, but he has a childlike side to him as well. Overall, he’s a strong leader and a strong believer of justice.  
Kim Himchan   | April 19 1990 | Sub-Vocal and Visual | | More Info | Twitter | IG
Himchan is B.A.P’s resident “mother” figure. He brings the group to life especially during variety shows, as his outrageous humor and outgoing charms are a crowdpleaser. He is known for his talent with the janggu, a korean drum and knowledge of traditional Korean music. On top of that, he originally was an emcee for MTV’s “The Show”, so his abilities are diverse. His favorite things include fashion, food and iced americanos. While he can be quite strict and teasing towards the other members, he’s very caring and sensitive. He especially shares his positivity with Babys.
Jung Daehyun  | June 28 1993 | Lead Vocal |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
Daehyun is infamous for his high notes heard throughout many of B.A.P’s songs. True to his vocal position, Daehyun is one of the more talkative members, even assuming the role as reporter for the group. Besides his voice, Daehyun is also known for his intense appetite for food (his favorite is cheesecake). He enjoys teasing and rough-housing the other members, especially the younger ones. Like Himchan, he shows a lot of love for the fans but can be sensitive himself.  
Yoo Youngjae  | Jan. 24 1994 | Lead Vocal |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
Youngjae is the group’s energetic spirit and he is the huskier vocal that melodically holds together B.A.P songs. As the group’s “brain” he’s a wisecracker that enjoys trolling the other members and especially the fans. His laughter is extremely contagious and he’s best known among fans for his silly faces and reactions. Some of his favorites include R&B music and photography. Just like Himchan and Daehyun, he’s another talker and fan of the fans. Despite his often sassy to moody nature, he is quite caring over the other members.
Moon Jongup | Feb. 6 1995 | Sub-Vocal and Main Dancer |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
B.A.P’s ball of sunshine, Jongup excels in heightening the group’s stage performances with his effortless dancing ability. And since B.A.P’s return from their hiatus, he’s been able to showcase his impressive vocal skills as well. His many loves include pokemon, hamburgers, chocolate milk, Frozen (particularly Olaf) and Chris Brown. One of the quieter members, his clever sense of humor is his best charm, and he never ceases to remind fans or the group of that. When he’s not smiling he’s in a perpetual state of judgement and even babys aren’t safe from his troll-like jokes.    
Zelo (Choi Junhong) | Oct. 15 1996 | Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer and Maknae | | More Info | Twitter | IG
The youngest of the group, Zelo impressed with his famous LTE rap. He is also an immensely talented dancer, and his fluid style compliments their stronger dance styles very well. Despite his age, he’s also the tallest member, at 187 cm, and he’s quite conscious about it. Including rapping and dancing, he skateboards a lot and is often seen carrying one around. He also has a liking for interesting fashions (socks) and strange animals. Another of the shy members, he’s coy when put on the spotlight outside of the stage, but a very playful and curious person at heart. 
The mascot of B.A.P are a species of alien masked rabbits, from the planet Mato, called “matoki”. The B.A.P members have corresponding matoki and each has a color that helps designate their respective member. Their personalities loosely reflect B.A.P’s alien personas introduced in “Ta-dah It’s B.A.P!” Matoki are heavily used for promotional purposes (like album covers or graphic logos) and are frequently seen in their merchandise and products.
Original release photos | Group Photo
Shishimato (Yongguk) | Red | Intro Vid
Shishi can be described as the most soldier-like of the matoki (he’s fascinated by war tanks, fighting, destruction, and of the such). He looks after Tototmato often. Sometimes he’s seen looking at 19+ material.
Tatsmato (Himchan) | Pink | Intro VId
Tats is a laid-back, high maintenance, tatted matoki. He’s often seen drinking wine or lazing about. Tatsmato is also the only matoki wearing the default matoki mask (in logo form, the matoki symbol looks like Tatsmato).
Kekemato (Daehyun) | White | Intro Vid
Kekemato is the only matoki that is actually in a suit. Keke’s real skin color is pink, and he wears a mask with a heart on it. When in suit, his mask is white/gray (This brought a lot of confusion to fans when first released, but Keke’s/Daehyun’s representing color is white. Since white isn’t visible over light colors, fans will sometimes use gray, pink, purple or other lighter colors as a substitute in their posts/subtitling). Because of the suit, Kekemato has a secretive type of personalty. He has a fascination with Batman and superheroes.
Jokomato (Youngjae) | Yellow | Intro Vid
Joko is the brains and jokster of the group with a clown-like face. He often tries to come up with ideas and schemes but fails at executing them. In their “Goodbye” short, Joko and Keke work together to leave planet Mato. However, they crash in on the remaining matoki in their own spaceship, causing them to veer off course to Earth.  
Dadamato (Jongup) | Green | Intro Vid
Dada is a playful, tough, and active matoki with tire markings over his body. He fantasizes of riding a motorbike and is often seen making the noises as he pretends to.
Totomato (Zelo) | Blue | Intro Vid
Toto is a robot matoki (named after Zelo’s love of cherry tomatoes in Ta-Dah It’s B.A.P!). Because he’s a robot, he’s needs to recharge himself every so often. He often follows Shishimato’s lead in their adventures. Since he’s still a baby, he is very curious about everything around him.  
Earthventures Comic (original comic strip series featuring the main matoki)
Warrior    [1st Single Album]    |    2012 Jan. 26
Power    [2nd Single Album]    |    2012 April 26
No Mercy    [1st Mini Album]    |    2012 July 19
Crash    [1st Mini Album Repackage]    |    2012 Aug. 29
Stop It    [3rd Single Album]    |    2012 Oct. 23
One Shot    [2nd Mini Album]    |    2013 Feb. 12
Badman    [3rd Mini Album]    |    2013 Aug. 12
Warrior [Japan 1st Single Album]    |    2013. Oct. 9 | Limited Edition Tracks: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]  | Type A Tracks [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]   |  Type B Tracks [x[ [x] [x] [x]
One Shot      [Japan 2nd Single Album]    |     2013 Nov. 13
First Sensibility    [1st Album]    |    2014 Feb. 3
No Mercy    [Japan 3rd Single Album]    |     2014 April 2
Unplugged 2014    [4th Single Album] |    2014 June 3
Excuse Me [Japan 4th Single Album ] |    2014 Sept. 3
Matrix    [4th Mini Album]    |    2015 Nov. 16
Carnival      [5th Mini Album ]     |      2016 Feb. 22
Best.Absolute.Perfect   [Japan 1st Album] |   2016 March 30
Feel So Good   [Japan 5th Single Album]   |     2016 July 13
Put ‘Em Up   [5th Single Album]     |     2016 Aug. 8
Noir     [2nd Full Album]        |       2016 Nov. 7
Fly High    [Japan 6th Single Album]    |    2016  Dec. 7
Rose   [6th Single Album]   |     2017 March 7
Wake Me Up [Japan 7th Single Album]     |   2017 April 26
Daehyun x Jongup Project Album [Party Baby]     |   2017 June 8  
Music Videos
Going Crazy (Predebut - Yongguk & Jieun)
Shy Boy (Predebut - Appearance by Yongguk, Himchan & Jongup)
Starlight Moonlight (Predebut - Appearance by YG, HC, JU & YJ)
I Remember (Predebut - Yongguk & Yoseob)
Never Give Up (Predebut - Yongguk & Zelo)
Secret Love [TS Ver,] |    Ta-Dah Version
Goodbye (Animated Short with Matoki)
No Mercy
Stop It
For a Year (Appearance by Yongguk) 
Everything is Pretty (Youngjae & Sunwha)
Rain Sound
One Shot
Coffee Shop
Warrior [Japanese]
One Shot [Japanese]
1004 (Angel)
No Mercy [Japanese] 
Where Are You? What Are You Doing?     |    NG Version
Excuse Me [Japanese]
AM 4:44 (Yongguk personal work created during the lawsuit)
Young Wild & Free
Feel So Good
Body Lotion (SLEEPY feat. Yongguk)
Breakaway (Braclet feat. Zelo)   Band Version  |  Drama Version
Kingdom [Japanese]
Feel So Good [Japanese]
That’s My Jam
Now (Jongup MV)
Skydive | Director’s Cut |   Dance Highlight
Wake Me Up [Stream to increase views!]
Wake Me Up [Japanese]
Shadow [Daehyun Special Video] 
Try My Luck [Jongup Special Video]
Past Live Stages
Warrior Era  |   Secret Love Era
Power Era
No Mercy Era
Crash Era
Stop It Era
One Shot Era     [Himchan was absent due to a hand injury]
Badman Era
1004 (Angel) Era
Young Wild & Free Era
Feel So Good Era
Skydive Era      [Yongguk was absent due to hiatus]
Wake Me Up Era     [Himchan was partly absent due to a rib fracture]
Performances (starting from recent)
Miscellaneous performances to check out
Other Song Works/Features
Mine - Bang Yongguk for The Star
Sexy Clap - Bang Yongguk & Himchan
Q - Bang Yongguk
T - Bang Yongguk
Sacramental Confession - Bang Yongguk
Hallucination - Bang Yongguk
Curxe - Bang Yongguk
Vintage - Song Jieun feat. Zelo
No Title - Zelo
R(x)play - V-hawk feat. Zelo
Young Wild & Free (Mozaix Remix) - Bang Yongguk
X - Bang Yongguk
Feel So Good (Remix) - Bang Yongguk
Drunkeness - Bang Yongguk
Photo - Jongup feat. Bang Yongguk
How About You - Daehyun
Dark Light - Daehyun
Song recommendations list (songs mentioned by members)
B.A.P Must Watch Shows
Ta-dah It’s B.A.P! (Their first show in 2012 and the introduction of their “alien concept”)  Ep. 1, 3 - 9 Eng Sub  |  Ep. 2  Eng Sub
B.A.P Diary Ep. 1 Eng Sub  |   Ep. 2 Eng Sub
Killing Camp Ep. 1 Eng Sub |   Ep. 2 Eng Sub  |  Ep. 3 Eng Sub (Starts at 7:11)
Go! B.A.P Full Eng Sub
B.A.P Attack! Ep. 1 - 12 Eng Sub
B.A.P’s One Fine Day Ep. 1 (P1 P2 P3) |  Ep. 2 (P1 P2 P3)   | Ep. 3  |  Ep. 4  |  Ep. 5  |    Ep. 6  |  Ep. 7  |  Ep. 8
Other Shows to Watch
Weekly Idol 120822 No Sub (beginning is cut out  |  130904 Eng Sub   |  140305 Eng Sub
After School Club 130817 Ep.    |     140219 Ep.   |    151124 Ep.
Gurupop Full Eng Sub
Star King cuts130831 Cut No Sub |  130907 Cut Eng Sub  |   131102 Cut No Sub  | 131109 Cut No Sub  |   140405  Cut No Sub |
B.A.P HeyoTV Private Life
Hello Counselor160321 Eng Sub [Himchan and Daehyun] |   161114 Eng Sub [Himchan and Youngjae]
Some misc vids to check out (these are out of order)
B.A.P The Star Interview and iconic aegyo Eng
B.A.P Workplace Song
B.A.P Day Cut Eng
B.A.P Egg Song
B.A.P Egg Song 2
B.A.P and Miss A visit Nursery
Youngjae & Sunhwa at MTV Waiting Room Eng
DFLA X B.A.P Interview
B.A.P & A Pink for Skoolooks Eng 1 2 3 MV
Miss & Mr. Idol B.A.P Cut
B.A.P Safety Song
B.A.P Elevator Safety
Himchan wrestling
131003 B.A.P Interview Eng
Daehyun plays reporter in this Show Champ Interview
Yinyuetai V-charts Awards Interview Eng
B.A.P struggle with aiming in this game
LOE Special Memory In Japan Eng
B.A.P interviews B.A.P
B.A.P make Valentine’s chocolates
140530 B.A.P Interview
DFLA Live on Earth Interview
Ice Bucket Challenge Himchan Eng
Ice Bucket Challenge Youngjae & Zelo Eng
B.A.P’s first video as 6 after lawsuit is dropped 
B.A.P Vring U trailer and debut of giant matoki heads Eng
The Qmentary Eng
Chemitest with B.A.P Eng
5 Second Interview at The Show Eng
B.A.P plays pepero game
B.A.P play dance practice
B.A.P Young Wild & Free dance practice
B.A.P are warm and pretty in this Star1 photoshoot
B.A.P Be Happy dance practice Christmas special
B.A.P reacts to Kiss Scenes Eng
B.A.P Fan Heart Attack Idol Eng
B.A.P Heyo TV
Youngjae and GOT7′s JB in Celebrity Bromance [look in playlist]
Mato TV On-Air Zelo CF Parody
Mato TV On-Air Daehyun and Jongup Drama Parody Eng
Mato TV On-Air Yongguk Lotion Parody
161223 Idol Battle Likes Eng Daehyun MC
B.A.P vs Teen Top in Overwatch 1 2 3
B.A.P are helpless in this VR roller coaster game Eng
B.A.P do the limbo Eng
B.A.P Bingo Talk Eng
More English Subbed Content
Behind the scenes vids
B.A.P photobook and past calendars info
Other stuff to find
B.A.P support for comeback!
Voting Tutorials!
Follow those links for everything you need to help B.A.P in music shows and more! I will do my best to update this section with more tutorials as B.A.P’s promotions continue.
Tumblr Blogs
itsbap (main source for updates) |    B.A.P’s schedule
bapdirectory  (collection of B.A.P blogs/some may be inactive)
bapsubbers (for B.A.P’s translated video content)
baptrans (for B.A.P’s SNS translated content)
bapnet (Network for B.A.P fans)
bestabsolutestyle (B.A.P Fashion info)
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