#eddie munson lives rent free in my head
steddieassheg0es · 2 years
Score One Harrington
“You seriously brought that here?”
Steve isn’t sure if he should be mad or embarrassed, or some combo of the two as he stares blankly at the board in front of him with the familiar “You Rule/You Suck” written on it. There’s still a tally of 0 to 6. And it is currently resting on the break room table at Family Video.
“Of course I did. Gotta keep that ego of yours in check, your highness.” Robin laughs. “Besides, how else am I supposed to entertain myself on a slow day? Watching you strike out is the highlight of my shift. Or was, anyway. I haven’t seen you shoot your shot since Scoops.”
“Yeah, well, forgive me if spider monsters and getting drugged by Russians doesn’t put me in the mood.”
“Aw Stevie, where’s your sense of adventure?”
Steve hold back a groan as he hears the voice of the real reason he hasn’t even thought of flirting with anyone in a while now. Normally he’s thrilled when Eddie drops in to hang out with them at work, but he’d love to keep the humiliation of this to just Robin. The fact that he’s got his hair tied back and is wearing a fucking crop top does not help the situation.
“I know you can read, Munson. That sign on the door is there for a reason. Last I checked you’re not an employee.”
“Like a sign has ever stopped me before. Speaking of signs, what’s with that thing, who sucks?”
Robin lights up with vicious glee and he knows all hope that she’ll spare him is lost.
“Steve-o. Turns out the rumors are so not true. Whoever said he was charming was delusional. I’ve been keeping tally of his epic inability to score.”
Eddie’s face scrunches up adorably with confusion. “Steve can’t get a girl?”
“Nope, you should see him in action. It’s painful.”
Eddie finds that incredibly hard to believe. He’s so undeniably charmed by Steve without the man even trying, he can’t imagine being able to resist if he were.
Still, a selfish part of him is glad that Steve’s having no luck with the ladies. Which is dumb. Single or not Eddie knows he doesn’t stand a chance.
But hey a guy can dream.
“Aww Stevie, you’ve lost your touch? That’s a damn shame.”
“Shove it, Munson. That board is woefully out dated. I haven’t struck out in a while now.”
Robin snickers. “Only because you haven’t tried.”
Eddie doesn’t think Robin sees just how uncomfortable Steve is with the continued assault on his lack of a love life. He feels bad for his earlier joy. Steve deserves to be wanted, to be loved. By someone he wants back. Eddie’s pretty sure he’s a huge romantic even if he wouldn’t admit it. Steve’s the kind of guy who has so much love to give, it must be hard to have no where to put it.
“I’m sure you just need some practice to get your groove back, man, don’t sweat it.”
Steve thinks something in his brain must have short circuited. It’s the only explanation for why he does what he does next.
Which is to lean forward into Eddie’s space. He gently tucks one of the curls that has escaped his bun behind his ear. He lets his fingers trail down Eddie’s cheek as he pulls away.
Eddie has turned a lovely shade of pink, and stand frozen in place. Steve pushes forward with his stupidity.
“You must not have any trouble, hm? Pretty doe eyes. Those dimples. Bet you can get anyone you want.”
He can see Robin out of the corner of his eye, staring in shock. And maybe a little bit impressed. There is definitely judgement on her face. Whatever game he thinks he’s playing, she sees right through him. He chooses to ignore her for the time being.
Eddie lets out a shuddering breath. He’s blushing to the tips of his ears and seems to be at a loss for words. His eyes flick over to Robin, and then suddenly he’s flinching away from Steve.
“Hah. Right, yeah point made. You still got it. Congrats. I’ll uh…I’ll see you guys later.”
He barely gets the words out before he flees, and Steve is left crushed. And wondering how he can possibly salvage their friendship after he just made Eddie so clearly very uncomfortable.
Shit. He’s such an idiot. For a moment he let himself get caught up. To fall prey to incredible force that is Steve Harrington flirting. The second Steve crowded in to his space, the conversation they had just been having vanished from his mind.
When he saw the look on Robin’s face, reality set in.
Of course he wasn’t actually flirting with Eddie. He was making a point. Showing off his charm, still fully intact. Eddie feels the shame and embarrassment clogging his throat. He knows Steve didn’t mean anything by it, he’s too good to intentionally fuck with Eddie this way if he knew, but it doesn’t stop him from dying inside.
He’s back in his van before he even realizes he’s moved, fighting back the urge to vomit. How the fuck is he ever going to face him again? Explain why the hell he cut and run like that? If Steve doesn’t figure it out, he knows Robin certainly has. He’s pretty sure she’s had her suspicions about his feelings for Steve for a while now, no way she has any doubts after that horrible scene.
He’s so completely fucked. The best he can hope for now is that Steve will be a bit distant but at least stay his friend.
“Well that was certainly…interesting.” Robbin wanders over to the break room table and puts a tally down under “You Rule” with a dramatic flourish. “I mean he did run away, but I think you still earned a point. So Steve, now what?”
“What are you talking about? He ran away. Robbie he couldn’t get out of here fast enough. Jesus, I freaked him out. What the fuck was I thinking?” His voice is shrill with panic.
“Woah there. Calm down, dingus. Did you not see the look on his face before he took off? I thought his face was going to actually catch on fire he was so red, oh my god. As hilarious as the two of you being total idiots is, it’s also getting kind of sad at this point.”
Steve is pacing, hands in his hair. He’s not really absorbing anything Robin is saying to him, too busy freaking out. Seriously, what was he thinking? His pride was wounded in front of his crush so he decides to…flirt with him to prove a point?! There’s no way Eddie doesn’t know now. How can he explain that he didn’t mean it?
Well he did mean it, but not really, he hadn’t intended to ever let this slip. He was fine with just being friends, had no delusions of Eddie feeling the same. No matter how much Robin insisted the other man was definitely gay. Didn’t mean he liked Steve. Hell Steve was shocked they were even friends, he knew Eddie could do so much better than him.
He gets the feeling she’s been trying to get his attention for a while now. “I hate when you call me that.”
“At least it caught your attention. You seriously need to chill out. Listen, I know I’ll never get it through your thick skull that Eddie likes you-“
“He doesn’t!”
“We’ve been over this. I’ve literally never seen him smile at anyone the way he smiles at you…” He opens his mouth to interject again, but she quickly and loudly keeps talking. “BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT RIGHT NOW. The point is, heart eyes or no, Eddie’s not going to stop being friends with you for being bi, Steve. That’s not who he is.”
Steve stops his pacing, collapsing into a heap on the floor leaning against the wall. His head in his hands, he lets out a deep sigh. Tries desperately to hold back the tears he can feel burning behind his eyelids.
“I know that. I’m not afraid he’s gonna be a homophobe. Or biphobe. But being accepting of a guy who likes girls and guys, and being accepting of a guy liking you are two different things. Rob, if my crush on you hadn’t been 90% based on us just being awesome together and 10% me desperately wanting to be with someone who actually liked me as a person…If I hadn’t gotten over it once I realized it wasn’t real, you really think you could have stayed my friend? Knowing I was pining after you?”
Robin looks uncomfortable at the thought and he knows he’s right. “I mean that’s different. I’m not into guys, any guy being into me is weird and uncomfortable. And I’m not Eddie. I love you, but I don’t think the sun shines out of your ass. Steve, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing you could do to fuck things up with Eddie. At least not in a way that’s totally beyond repair.””
“I don’t know Robin.”
“Well here’s an idea, dingus. Go and talk to him. Don’t let this fester. It’s a ghost town in here anyway, I’ll cover for you. Don’t argue with me! Just go.”
And with that he’s shoved out of the break room.
Eddie makes it home before he breaks down. He’s thankful that Uncle Wayne is at work, because the second he’s through the door he’s leaning back against it sobbing.
What a fucking mess. He got a glimpse of the thing he wanted more than anything, and for a second he thought his heart was going to burst right out of his chest. And then reality set in and not only was the rug ripped out from under him and his little fantasy, but now he’s ruined the best thing in his life.
Even if Steve keeps being his friend, he knows things will be different. He’s been foolish, taking advantage of Steve’s obliviousness too much. There’s no way he can keep up with calling him things like “sweetheart” and “pretty boy”. The touches to his lower back, his wrist, his hair. Probably won’t be able to hug at all anymore, but certainly not those long lingering ones that make him feel like he’s home.
He’s pathetic enough that he’ll take what he can get. But he knows watching Steve pull away with destroy him.
Eddie’s not sure how long he stays like that. Long enough that he runs out of tears and just sits there feeling hollow. He nearly jumps out of his skin when there’s a knock at the door against his back.
“Eddie? Your van’s outside, I know you’re in there. Can we talk?”
He turns and stares at the doorknob. He’s not ready for this yet. He thought he had time to prepare himself to deal with the fall out. But there’s nothing he can do now. He’s not going to ignore Steve. He can’t. So he takes a deep breath and opens the door.
“Hey, can I…can I come in?”
He shifts to the side to let Steve in. He stares outside for a few beats, delaying the inevitable, then closes the door and turns to face this. Eddie’s surprised to see how torn up Steve looks. Probably feels bad for flirting now that he knows. So he tries to salvage this as much as he can by taking the lead.
“Look, Steve, it’s fine. We’re good, yeah? I’m not stupid I don’t expect anything. I just want to keep being friends.”
Steve’s face morphs into one of confusion. “What do you mean you don’t expect anything?”
Eddie sighs and looks down at his feet, unable to handle looking into those eyes when he says this. “Come on, I know you figured out I’m into you, ok? And I know you weren’t actually hitting on me. I know you don’t feel that way about me and I never expected you to. I wasn’t ever going to say anything. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I get it if I have now and I’m sorry. I just really hope we can stay friends.”
When the silence carries on for too long, he finally dares to look up. Steve is staring at him with wide eyes, looking completely shocked. Shit. Did he not know? Did Eddie just fuck things up by trying to fix them?
“You…What? You’re into me?”
Now it’s Eddies turn to be speechless. Steve’s face shifts from shock to one that Eddie can’t really decipher and he has no idea what to do now.
Eddie flinches when Steve laughs. “Shit…Robin’s never gonna let me live this down.” Then Steve’s tilting his head like a puppy. “Wait, then why did you run away?”
“I thought you left because I made you uncomfortable. If you weren’t, like, disgusted by me why’d you go?”
Eddie has no idea what’s happening. He feels like he’s trying to read a book but some of the pages have been torn out so he’s left trying to catch up. But the utter confusion is better than devastation at least.
“Why would I be disgusted by you?”
“Because I’m into you. I flirted with you. It wasn’t very subtle. I figured I freaked you out because you caught on to my embarrassingly huge crush on you. But if that’s not it why’d you bolt out of there?”
“I…what? Am I fucking high?”
Steve giggles and in a distant part of his brain he can’t help but think how cute it is. The rest of him is stuck on embarrassingly huge crush.
“I don’t think so. Eddie, you still haven’t answered me. Why’d you leave? Why didn’t you tell me you felt the same way?”
“I didn’t think you were serious! Jesus, in what world does Steve Harrington flirt with Eddie the freak Munson and mean it?”
Steve frowns. “Don’t call yourself that, you’re not a freak.”
“Oh my god, that is so not the point right now Steve. You have a crush on me? Since fucking when?”
The frown gives way to a shy smile. Suddenly Steve is looking at him all soft and fond, and it completely destroys his ability to think. The emotional whiplash is overwhelming.
“I think since you pinned me to the wall with a broken bottle to my throat. Confused the shit out of me, that’s for sure. I didn’t really realize it until I saw you surrounded by the demobats bleeding out on the ground. I thought you were gonna die, man. What a shitty moment to figure out you’re in love with someone, right when you’re about to lose them. I was a fucking wreck. The happiest moment of my life was when you opened your eyes in the hospital.”
Eddie remembers that moment. He was on some good shit, feeling floaty and not even sure he’d actually made it out or if he was hallucinating. But he opened his eyes and there was Steve. Holding on to his hand with tear streaked cheeks, looking at him like he’d performed a miracle by just breathing. Which to be fair, it was close to miraculous that he’d survived. It wasn’t until later he found out Steve had carried him out, and he’d refused any kind of medical care for himself until Eddie woke up. Even then he was practically dragged out by some nurses.
He’d been in awe of his bravery then. He is again now, watching Steve hand him his heart on a silver platter.
It’s dawning on Steve that Eddie only said he was ‘into’ him. Maybe spilling his guts and saying he’s in love with him was too much. Just as he’s starting to fully work himself into a panic, a pair of lips touch his own and the chaos in his brain stops.
It’s a painfully sweet kiss, Eddie’s hands so gentle as they trail up his jaw, fingers curling against his neck. He’s never been touched like this. Like he’s something precious. It’s immediately addictive.
Eddie hums around a smile as he pulls back, those huge brown eyes gone soft like melted chocolate. His thumbs stroke Steve’s cheeks.
“I love you. God you have no idea.”
“I love you, too.”
Eddie gives him what Robin calls his ‘Steve smile’. It lights up his whole face, dimples on full display, and it makes Steve’s heart flutter every time. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, Eddie. You have no idea. I’d have hit on you a lot sooner if I thought I had a chance. Actually…that’s why I haven’t struck out since Scoops. I mean first the whole chaos of Starcourt happened, but then I met you and I just didn’t see the point in trying. I knew it would never work with someone else until I got over you.”
Eddie laughs, shaking his head. “Shit, Stevie. I thought you were straight. If I’d known you liked guys I’d have taken a shot at you ages ago.”
“Yeah, I thought so too…you were kind of my bi awakening. I mean looking back I’ve definitely been attracted to guys before, but never anyone I was really interested in beyond that. So I just brushed it off as like, platonically acknowledging that other guys can be hot. Aesthetic appreciation or whatever. What I felt about you was a lot harder to ignore. Hell everything about you is impossible to ignore.”
They’re both all grins, trading confessions back and forth for awhile and just basking in being able to finally say all of this out loud. Eventually the emotions get to be too much, and he just has to touch.
He’s allowed to do that now, too. So he leans in to capture Eddie’s smiling lips.
Steve turns out to be right. Robin does not let either of them live it down. Neither does the rest of the party. But no amount of teasing can ruin their joy.
They get their revenge by being disgustingly affectionate all the time, so they call it a win.
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steviesbicrisis · 10 months
Steve’s best relationship wasn’t even a relationship. He could barely call it a fling, a flirt. They never even went on a date. They never kissed.
Steve still thinks of it as the best whatever-it-is he has ever had with someone.
At the beginning it was mostly infuriating, how quickly Eddie managed to win the kids over, compared to Steve’s months of work as babysitter/nailbat swinger/monster fighter. Steve had to literally bleed multiple times to get an ounce of respect, Eddie only had to run a nerdy club about fictional bleeding and monster-fighting.
Then somehow, and Steve still has trouble pinpointing when and how it happened, everything changed.
Taking the kids back home from hellfire became something he impatiently waited for.
He and Eddie would barely talk for a few minutes and he would find himself replaying the conversation in his head for days. Anything he could say to get a reaction out of Eddie became fundamental, and if he started by picking subjects to piss him off, he ended learning about Eddie’s favorites, because few minutes after hellfire were never enough and Steve needed Eddie to talk as much as possible, until the kids were begging to drop it and go home.
Steve never questioned the change, most likely out of fear. He doesn’t think he ever was clueless, just really scared about what would potentially mean to be staring at another dude’s eyelashes as he goes on a rant about why Ozzy Osbourne is the best artist of his generation. Or blush whenever said dude would call him “baby”, or “sweetheart”.
Steve convinced himself that the thing he and Eddie were having was as good as it was going to get, nothing more.
Then Chrissy Cunningham died, Eddie ran, and Steve realized that the thing will never be enough for him.
He couldn’t not have Eddie. Not watch him as he entertains a bunch of freshmen, as he stomps with his worn out sneakers on top of forniture, as he puts his terrible music on to push away anyone who doesn’t care enough about him to stay.
Steve needed to see Eddie being alive, doing what his heart desires, and he needed to be next to him when he does.
Obviously, this realization came at the worst possible time.
Steve tried to tell him so many times: when they found him at the boathouse, when he was hiding at refer Rick’s house, when they were taking a stroll in the upside down, and even when they were driving a stolen trailer to a gunshop.
But, it seemed, Eddie had come to a realization just as important and he tried his best to avoid Steve at every given chance.
Steve tried to initiate the conversation as Eddie did his best to run away from it. And he ran until Steve had no chances left to tell him how he actually felt.
Steve doesn’t know if he’s allowed to say he lost something he never had. To mourn a relationship he never began. A partner that, technically, never became a partner.
After Eddie dies, Steve has no one to be next to but he can’t say he ever did.
Steve just exists waiting. He can’t tell if he’s waiting for the pain to go away or for Eddie to jump out of a bush and yell “ah! I got you sucker!! By the way, I’m in love with you too.”
For obvious reasons, that never happens.
What does happen, is a call.
It’s a normal Tuesday, as normal as you could define it after Hawkins almost collapsed into the upside down. Steve got into a routine, between checking on the ones at the hospital, helping out at the shelter, allowing Robin to check on him to see if he’s still alive.
The call happens while Robin is doing her kitchen check up - aka making sure he has food and that he’s eating it-, so she picks the phone like she did a million times before.
“Harrington residence, this is Robin” she says, cheerfully.
Steve doesn’t pay much attention to it as he’s folding his dad’s old clothes that intends to donate to the shelter, until he hears Robin’s loud gasp.
“What is it? Is it the hospital? Is it Max?” He rushes to the other room where Robin is.
She doesn’t answer but she gives him a look as she passes him the receiver.
Steve goes quiet, a million thoughts going through his head as he takes the phone from Robin.
He’s still unprepared when he hears that unmistakable voice “Baby”.
Steve gasps for breath “Eddie?”
Is that really you? What happened? Are you hurt? Isn’t this impossible? Is what goes on in Steve’s head, but he ends up just asking “are you okay?”
He can hear a chuckle, Eddie’s wicked chuckle, a further confirmation that it is him, “I’m- hanging in there… are you okay?”
Steve finds the question absurd. He isn’t the one who got left in the upside down, the one that got eaten by demonic bats, the one who died before Steve had the chance to tell him how he felt.
He answers truthfully nonetheless, “I’m… I’m not okay.”
“I’ll be there soon, I promise.”
“Please Eddie, come quick.”
“I’ll break the sound barrier for you.”
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foxprism · 8 months
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polaroids :>
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
Eddie Munson does do the whole rock star thing, but it doesn't quite go the way it did in the daydreams of a sixteen-year-old kid trying to stay awake in school.
He leaves Hawkins after the world doesn't end, gets himself out there, takes all the hurt and fear and fucked up shit and puts it into a handful of good enough songs to get himself signed.
It's not quite the genre he grew up with, not quite something any of his idols might have played, but only because it is so entirely Eddie, so influenced by where he's been and what he's seen that it kind of doesn't fit one specific influence.
It's new and it's good, is the point. Really good. And he skyrockets fast enough to give himself the spins.
He's recognizable and then he's famous and then he's too famous and too young to know what to do with it and too far from home and everyone he loves to really cope with it and it's just.
Eddie isn't built for it. Eddie hasn't even processed the fact that he was maybe supposed to die in that place, or the fact that he did watch people better than him actually die, but he's out here shooting to the top of the charts and being called the next big thing and it's too much.
It's just enough, at the end of it all, for him to self-sabotage his way out of being more than a one-hit wonder.
One big hit, a contract broken by the guys at the top with the fancy lawyers because Eddie has become the too much thing, just like always, and it's over as quick as it started.
He disappears, becomes one of those whatever happened to him? he was supposed to be the next big thing? stories that travel by word of mouth and then fade with the shift in conversation.
So what does happen to Eddie Munson?
He falls hard, he hits rock bottom, he crawls his way home to an uncle who deserved for Eddie to really make it, make him proud, have him financially set for life and get him into a real house with two stories and a garage to park the truck in, maybe even a yard for a dog.
He spirals and isolates and falls apart and stops letting himself make music at all and makes some personal choices that will probably have lasting effects on him for the rest of his life and then somewhere along the line a girl with hair like tangerines and terrible aim manages to smack him with her cane and says if I learned to walk again, so can you, asshole.
There are people in his life again after that, a reason to get out of bed and realize that he can make Wayne proud in more ways than the one he'd already fucked straight to hell.
Eddie watches a bunch of kids graduate high school and then he packs up and chases down some people who pulled him out of hell once before up in Chicago, crashes on Steve and Robin's couch until he gets himself a job painting houses and they can afford three bedrooms instead of just the two.
He cuts his hair, not short but shorter, and he gets more tattoos and itches for the guitar that sits in a case under his bed, ignores it. Itches for the pen in his hand, ignores that too.
He's still barely past his mid-20s and he still has some fucking around left to get out of his system, some finding out to accomplish doubly so, but he learns as he goes no matter whether it's forwards or backwards.
He falls in love and falls out of it, gets fired from jobs and tracks down new ones, gets into fights with his friends because they're all a little fucked up and codependent and weird but makes up with them for the same reasons.
The thing with Steve happens slowly, going from tolerating each other for the sake of knowing they'll always be on the same team to genuinely liking each other to discovering a care between the two of them that's a bit too strong to be normal about even if it still takes them a half-dozen so-called turning points to really name it and take it and keep it.
Eddie's 33 when they buy a condo together on the outskirts of Chicago two weeks after they fall into bed with each other for the first time, and he's over a decade on from being a kid who rose to the top too fast but it doesn't feel dissimilar, that sensation of a too-good thing that's bound to go wrong.
Only this time he doesn't try to sabotage it, tries the opposite, tries to hold it tightly in ways that would probably be too tight for anyone other than Steve Harrington with all his deeply intense feelings and inability to love at anything other than an eleven.
It's in the move that Steve finds a box of notebooks, snoops because it's who he is, and finds years worth of words that never made it past the tip of a pen but did, eventually, make it that far.
And it's not an easy thing, convincing Eddie that they're words worth sharing, because Eddie doesn't want it to be an easy thing. He can't let kind words shoved into his orbit by a beautiful man be enough to make it feel worth it, can't see a world where sharing his art doesn't end in another great big self-induced mess that he can't let happen when he's finally found something good.
He doesn't want to go on tour and get screamed at on stage and, besides, he's pretty sure the rest of the world doesn't want to scream for him anymore either, but then Steve has to go and remind him--
"You don't have to be the face of it. You can just be the words; you are so fucking good at being the words, Ed."
Which still isn't quite enough to be convincing, but it's a start in a solid six months of the words coming easier now that he has someone to share them with, someone to listen as Eddie plucks away at a guitar that sits out in the open now, free of dust.
It stops feeling like something shameful to hide, his music, and the thing is? It doesn't feel how it did back then either.
It's not an escape or a purge of violent energy or a distraction from everything he didn't know how to think about. Sure, it takes all of that into consideration because it takes the whole of Eddie into consideration, but more than anything it's just fun.
Like he's thirteen and still learning how to play the guitar, like it's just a hobby that never has to go anywhere, like it's just art that maybe deserves to be heard.
Everyone pitches in on ideas when they find out he's trying to come up with a pseudonym, and it's goofy and supportive and kind of the final straw in reaching out to old, burned bridges to see about any new artists looking for equally new tunes.
The first time Eddie and Steve catch familiar lyrics being sung by a new hotshot band on the radio, Eddie cries not because he's jealous or disappointed, but because it feels right.
He doesn't like being up in front of the crowds, had only ever walked across tables and made himself big and scary and loud out of self preservation, would always rather his biggest performances be for the people he knows really care.. Besides, after everything he's survived he's learned, albeit slowly, that he really likes the freedom of the quiet.
This way he still gets to say what he has to say, gets to throw his hat into the ring of an artform that he loves without selling his soul to a machine that tried to eat him alive (trust him. he knows what that feels like.)
Of course, someone is going to put 2 and 2 together eventually, the industry isn't as big as it looks and pseudonyms only pull so much weight when you went out in such a spectacularly messy and memorable fashion, but Eddie's got his condo in Chicago.
He's got the guy he shares it with in his bed.
He's got two cats and a windowsill full of plants he's going to keep alive this time, Steve, just you watch.
He's got his uncle settled in Indy these days, a small place with a small yard.
He's got music, too. Turns out even his own tendency to self-destruct couldn't take that away, huh?
It's what got him out of hell alive, after all.
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thevulturesquadron · 2 years
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Have a doe’eyed Munson before I throw ‘im in the sketch pile
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jonathanbiers · 1 year
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delivery service!
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from this prompt list (send me some if you'd like!) prompt #s 6, 20, and 122
pairing: steddie | word count: 544 | rated: T
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Eddie Munson has been hopelessly pining after Steve Harrington for years now.
So many years that the pain of longing has scarred over.
It’s still there, don’t get him wrong; some days it hits him just as bad as the day it first started, but, in general, it’s devolved from white-hot to chronic.
And now, as he watches the man of his literal fuckin’ dreams turn to walk away from him toward what could be his actual doom and leave Eddie and Dustin to the same, he can’t take it any longer.
 “Hey, Steve?”
This is it, all he has to do is ask for it; shouldn’t be too hard, right? He’s hoping against hope that Steve will take pity on the nerdy virgin freak in front of him, and just do it.
Eddie takes a quick breath, and says “....Kiss me.”
He doesn’t even ask. By semantics, he demands it, actually. Eddie tells Steve to be his first, and possibly last, kiss.  But right now, on the precipice of whatever the fuck is about to happen, he can’t bring himself to care.
Steve doesn’t have to know it’s his first kiss, doesn’t have to know what this would mean to him.
Eddie just looks at the younger man, watches indecipherable emotions flit across his face while Henderson flips his shit beside him (it’d be funny if Eddie wasn’t about to pass out and throw up from nerves simultaneously).
Then, against all odds, against Eddie’s very own Munson Doctrine, against all things that should even be possible—as if whatever being in the sky that had been bullied back to let all the others beat down on Eddie and his luck over the last three days got a second wind enough to toss him a scrap of good—Steve Harrington strides back, cups Eddie’s face in both hands, and kisses him soundly.
Steve’s lips slot between Eddie’s like they were made to be there, soft against Eddie’s chapped ones.
Steve’s face feels gross and grimy under Eddie’s nose, pressed into his cheek like it is.
And he smells.
Hell, Eddie undoubtedly smells like BO and old lake water, his breath for sure is a horrendous combination of morning breath, stale beer, and Spaghetti-o's, but he can’t bring himself to care.
Steve stinks, Eddie stinks, they’re both shaking with nerves and with the cold of this upside-down hellscape…and it’s amazing.
Eddie feels everything in him hum to life; The chill of Lover’s Lake that had clung stubbornly to his bones is just gone. Like it’d never been there. The connection to Steve is pouring everything new, beautiful, and wonderful in the world down into his toes. He could live in this moment for the rest of his life.
He feels like he’s glowing.
Eddie grabs the front of Steve’s new/old bomber jacket and tugs him as close to him as he can, his mouth chasing after Steve’s when they finally part.
Steve doesn’t go far, only pulling back enough to drop his forehead to Eddie’s.
“Don’t do anything stupid, Eddie.” he says, fanning hot, nasty breath of his own over Eddie’s nose. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” 
Eddie huffs out a laugh, “I’m not going anywhere, big boy.”
Turns out, Eddie’s a liar.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie, leaving a zoom interview with the band when Ozzy comes down to the studio and coming back a few minutes later: Sorry about that, my husband fell asleep in the shower.
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feralsteddie · 7 months
obviously we see that eddie is pretty meticulous/clean and a lot of the grungy/gross eddie content is probably based on stereotyping and classism…
however i personally grew up in several trailer parks and think trailer trash douchebag!eddie is so unbelievably hot so keep up the good work guys
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amethyst-crowns · 1 year
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still thinking of @azrielgreen ‘s Eddie / Little Bit
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lazer-meme · 5 months
having omegaverse steddie thoughts,,, like omega steve unconsciously purring while eddie dresses his wounds
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Okay last one until after I post chapter 13 and a few requests I promise
But this is a headcanon I’ve had for a LONG TIME and I don’t remember if I’ve seen it anywhere else or not but
Wayne was Eddie’s dad’s brother, the complete opposite of him in just about every way
He was the first one who dated Eddie’s mom in high school, loved her so much she didn’t know what to do with it, didn’t know how to accept that love so instead she found it in someone who didn’t give her the right kind of love and dated the other Munson
She didn’t know she was pregnant when she broke Wayne’s heart, had no idea she was giving up a future that maybe wouldn’t have been perfect, but would’ve been filled with love
She convinces Wayne’s brother the baby is his, which is easy because she’s only 6 weeks along when she finds out and he’s not very bright to begin with
Wayne left town when they broke up, cut off contact with them completely, so he doesn’t even know
But he knows when he gets a call from CPS that his brothers in prison and the only love of his life is dead, he’s gotta take in his nephew and love him the way he always deserved but probably never got
At first, he just does what he can to make sure he’s safe and doesn’t run away. At 12, he’s pretty resourceful and probably could make a hell of a run for it if he wanted to
But the longer Eddie’s with him, the more he notices about their similarities
Some of it can be explained away, if he’s half his brother, it makes sense they share some genetic traits
But the dimples he has weren’t from his dad or his mom, only Wayne had those
And he knew Eddie didn’t those curls from anyone but him
Even things like the way he liked his hamburgers and his favorite beer when he got older were the same as Wayne
The way he was stubborn, and worked hard but only if he cared about it, all Wayne traits
Wayne does the math
Wayne doesn’t need any type of DNA test to know what’s going on now
Eddie is his son not his nephew, and he doesn’t know it
He’s treated Eddie like a son since he came to live with him, so nothing changes but sometimes Wayne just looks at him, watches the way he weaves stories for his friends with that dragon game and the way he mixes his vanilla ice cream with coke, and the way he sleeps with his mouth wide open but doesn’t snore
He knows he should tell him, knows he should do a test to confirm it
But he doesn’t know how to approach it so he doesn’t
He’s forced to when Eddie’s in the hospital, the government running every test under the sun to confirm he’s safe enough to release into the general public when his name is cleared, one of those being DNA
When the doctors ask if he was aware Eddie was his son while Eddie stares at him with wide, teary eyes and Wayne thinks this is it, this is the last time Eddie will want anything to do with him
But he’s crying because he suspected it for years, but didn’t let himself think that because he didn’t think he deserved to have a dad who actually cared about him
It’s awkward at first, difficult for them to really acknowledge it out loud, especially when Eddie explains to all those kids who hang around and the Harrington boy and even Hopper, who Wayne thought was dead
But eventually, they reach a point where it just makes sense
Eddie starts calling him dad, says even without it being a fact, he was more of a dad than the guy who “raised” him
Wayne cries about it, never thought he’d have this or anything close to it
Eddie cries about it too, mad at his mom for hiding this and hiding him from a relationship with his real dad who would’ve given them both the love they deserve but happy he was getting it now
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marvins-linguinie · 1 year
after the kids graduate, they leave hawkins, trying to leave everything they've been through, in their past. they all made a promise to reunite on every holiday, no matter where they may be, they always come back to hawkins to spend the holidays together.
steve, eddie, robin, and nancy are the only ones who stay in hawkins. steve works at the middle school, eddie's still in corroded coffin, and is doing really good for himself. he even bought wayne a multi-story house, and a brand new car. robin works with steve, and is an art teacher. nancy writes for the hawkins post, and worked her way to the top. new york times even wrote a piece on her, about her bestselling book: searching.
steve and eddie bought a house, and it has 2 spare rooms, just in case one of the kids want to stay at their home when they come to visit.
fast-forward to christmas eve. nancy and robin come over to steve and eddie's house. no one else had shown up yet. nancy cooked dinner, and robin and eddie helped steve decorate. it was a tradition. the kids would get there, eat dinner, and tell crazy stories from their jobs, then everyone would exchange gifts. steve, robin, eddie, and nancy waited patiently for hours in the living room.
waiting for a phone call, or a knock. anything. after a while, nancy started to call the kids, and steve walked outside. eddie followed. steve sat down on the porch, and lit a cigarette. "i thought you didn't smoke." eddie said, and sat down next to him.
"yeah, i did too. guess i don't know a lot of things. they have lives," steve's head dropped "i can't hold them back. can't protect them. it was stupid. did i really think that they would come back here every few months for the rest of their lives? i mean, the only thing this place has done for them is traumatize them. and, i still ask them to come back."
eddie laid his head on steve's shoulder, staring down the empty driveway. "maybe their cars broke down?" Steve shakes his head. "all of their cars?" eddie's mind raced, trying to find some excuse, some reason to explain why they couldn't come. he looked back up, to see a gray car, racing towards their house.
the car stopped in the driveway. dustin, mike, lucas, max, el, and will pile out of the car, rushing toward steve and eddie. "our car broke down. im pretty sure lucas broke it even more. i told you to stop touching things." max explained. "we got a flat tire. mike didn't know how to change it." will adds. "i forgot to stop and get gas." el said. "and, somehow they all were stranded around the same place. i gave them a ride." dustin announces, proudly.
"what'd i tell you?" steve's smile grows. "shut it, munson."
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urdadsnewgiirlfriend · 11 months
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nietozz · 2 years
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They deserve to be happy please I'm on my knees...
Fanart for "The Shire is NOT on Fire" by kissesforcas on ao3!
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thevulturesquadron · 2 years
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You can't start a fire You can't start a fire without a spark
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