#dw i’m still working on rewrite
bookinit02 · 6 months
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two’s a crowd
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mindibindi · 6 months
Was it Perfect? No. Was it Joyous? Yes.
Okay, I did a bunch of shitposting yesterday but now it's time to collect some coherent thoughts on what I liked and didn't about "The Giggle", the Doctors' bi-generation and RTD's HEA.
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Donna: I would’ve liked Donna to have a little more to do in the final ep. She just worked out the arpeggio thing and followed the Doctor round trying to have earnest conversations with him. When she was sat with the Doctor and the Toymaker, I kept thinking she was gonna insert herself into the game and insist she be dealt in too. Instead, it became another case of supernatural male genius vs supernatural male genius. Maybe this is me being greedy though. Because the last ep was ALL DT and CT and the whole anniversary season has been very focused on Donna and the Doctor. They had to make room somewhere for a fabulous villain (which he was), a new Doctor (also fab) and the UNIT ensemble (fab-est of all), so I guess that meant a little less Donna.
Donna did have some great moments, including annihilating those creepy puppets (which made me lol), meeting Mel and refusing to let the Doctor die alone. I do think Donna should’ve been the one to lust after 15 (much like she did when meeting Captain Jack), but maybe this older, settled version of Donna is less thirsty. As for UNIT, no doubt she will be fired regularly but then promptly rehired because she’s so indispensable (and beloved). Best of all, I love the idea of her, Shirley, Mel and Kate going out for post-work drinks while Donna’s two husbands wait at home, tapping their watches and wondering where their ginger chatterbox has gotten to.
Male Parthenogenesis: Now, RTD knows his DW lore far better than I do and apparently there is some precedent for this. But I still say the metacrisis from ep 1 could have been used to better effect in this episode, with Donna essentially healing the Doctor with her excess regeneration energy and Rose creating the new Doctor with her share of the metacrisis/regeneration energy. Because, modern understandings of gender and deep-dive fan knowledge aside, Doctor Who pretty much revolves around the idea of male parthenogenesis, man birthing man, passing on history, tradition, power, experience and greatness. Socioculturally, asexuality is fairly unfamiliar to us, but we are all indoctrinated with patriarchal, heteronormative narratives from birth. And historically, men have expressed their fear and envy of the power and potential of women/pregnant people by attempting to steal it for themselves, control creation myths and birth male gods and monsters. All the while, they completely disavowed (even denigrated) the role women/pregnant people have played in birthing this world. Through the lens of heteronormativity, regeneration offers men and boys eternal power and godlike creativity. So yeah, I would’ve liked a grown woman/mother and a trans girl just coming into her power as a woman to get a little of that regeneration action that usually belongs to the boys (with the exception of 13). Not because women and birth parents are defined by this biological function but because the male urge to own and control birth, creation and reproduction still has very real-world impacts for girls, women, enbys and trans people.  
Bi-generation: So. The big question is: Does bi-generation diffuse the power and pathos of THE Doctor? Yes. Does it follow that this is a bad thing? No. Not necessarily, not in my mind. I am not a fan of showrunners rewriting known history for shock value or fan service, but I’m not sure this is either. I understand the argument that there is power and meaning in the idea of death and rebirth, letting go and moving on, changing and learning with experience. But for all of that to be owned and embodied by one usually male/male presenting person and played by a popular, powerful cis-het male actor is a problem embedded in this show from the get. NuWho has consistently made an effort to alleviate the inherent power imbalance built into the format, distributing the incredible power of the Doctor amongst a community of extra/ordinary human beings. Some showrunners have been able to do this better than others. That said, we’ve also had a good long stint of the Doctor being a singular, tortured genius who no one quite understands, no one can ever really equal. Whatever gifts companions and their families bring, the Doctor will always be bigger, older, wiser, eternal. But, through the magic of bi-generation, his power can be shared, his centrality dispersed, his reach limited, his experience idiosyncratic, and his knowledge discrete.
Over the years, the Doctor has accrued a lot of trauma and tragedy and suffering and longing, all by virtue of this incredible power. This burden was never been more wetly portrayed than by DT so it’s fitting that he be the one to release both the power and the burden of the sad, wet, lonely Timelord by SHARING IT, by becoming plural rather than singular. It may not feel satisfying, partially because it feels unfamiliar. The trope of the lone tortured genius is recognisable and relatable. We know it well, from so many narratives. Personally, I can’t imagine Ncuti Gatwa as a lone tortured genius. I want him to have a new joyous start. And hey, if you miss the tortured Doctor then 15 has all of time and space in which to once again start accruing trauma and tragedy. But I think it’s good, and time, for 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 to drop their load and come down to earth. No longer a god, an avenging angel, an objective overseer, but essentially, a human being. Which is kinda what he/she/they wanted to be all along. This IS the death of one version of this show, one version of this character, but it isn’t being offered without regeneration and rebirth right there on the horizon.                   
Happily Ever After: RTD is not like other showrunners. He’s a bold and marvellous beast who isn’t afraid to change things up, especially when they’re not working or have outlived their usefulness. We’re often told that happy endings are trite, trivial, insignificant, unrealistic. Drama, tragedy, sorrow and suffering: that’s where all the weight and meaning of life lies. And look, RTD can write tragedy and pathos as well if not better than the best of them. He could have given us “Journey’s End” or “The End of Time” redux. He could have given twisted and complicated and harrowing. He chose not to. Because, unlike SO MANY SHOWRUNNERS, RTD knows when to write an ending, when to resolve tension, when to heal wounds. It’s common practice, especially in the American television industry, to just…never end, never resolve, never stop, never state, never land. To just flog a creative horse until it drops dead. (At least, this was the television I grew up with; streaming services have altered this model somewhat.)
Doctor Who is exactly the kind of intellectual property that could’ve (and could still under Disney) fall victim to the capitalistic urge for moremoremoremoremoremoremore, despite the fact that such endlessness eventually exhausts creativity and, with it, audience interest. A capitalist never wants the revenue stream to end. But a real writer, a true creator is bold enough to know where to place a well-timed full-stop. In my opinion, RTD read the room and wrote an ending. An ending that the show and the world needed. An ending that shared power. An ending that celebrated ordinary humanity. An ending that healed trauma and prioritised love. An ending that still allows for new life, new potential, new discoveries, new structures, new understandings, and new joy. All of that is totally on-brand for RTD. Those themes of multiplicity, humanity, healing, love and possibility pervade the 60th anniversary specials from beginning to end. They were built into the fabric of each episode. And they’re also the very essence of Doctor Who.     
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daisybellejpeg · 1 year
So I have one question, Daisy. Since I am also rewriting Dr. Br*ght into Dr. Glenn Osborne (my rewrite and replacement of said character in case you’re wondering), what are the general rules you would give to anyone who is replacing Dr. Br*ght with their rewrites? Just curious.
BTW, sorry about what you had to go through with that creep.
Dw friend I gotchu!!
So the guidelines I could give since I applied these to Shaw are the following:
Use something else or another medium of possession to replace the amulet. Remember, AB used the amulet as a possession fetish thing. I was actually branded using it via them asking for nudes with me wearing it. I’ve seen some people give Shaw prior to me working on the project a yellow gemmed amulet but I’m pretty iffy on that.
Make sure you have some sort of magic rule in place that prevents your bright rewrite from possessing kids or teens. Animals are fine but please god we don’t need another Doctor Doctor Doctor fiasco. What I did with Shaw was make it so that he could only posses people the same age as he was during the original in in incident that separated his soul from his body: 29.
Bonus points if the character has no agency over who they possess, as that would be the final step to erase bright’s possession fetish from the concept completely. I know that would be hard to do so it’s not a requirement but it’s still good to point out.
Lastly, have fun!!! Honestly AB was really lazy with the concept they were trying to write (I mean, they were writing this character for sexual gratification after all) so while treating these as guidelines to be respectful of me n others I’d also take them as a creative challenge for you and others! I’d love to see people go apeshit with differing concepts as well as writing rewrites from all walks of life. Shaw’s latine-ness was heavily inspired by my experiences having a first gen Colombian immigrant tiger mom, given Shaw’s relationship with his dad.
Give your rewrite a foundation based family business, make them an only child, make them start working for the foundation on their own, make them black, latine, AAPI, indigenous, Roma, Slavic, middle eastern, Jewish, Hindu, Wicca, Sikh, Muslim, gay, bi, pan, trans, AFAB, neurodivergent…. Go crazy! Who knows, if this trend of making your own sub ins takes off I may do some tales where the multiverse merges a bit n they’re all in the same place, that would be fun.
Hope this helps💖
(Edit to add: if you’re gonna use a culture/religion/mental condition that doesn’t belong to you/you don’t have please please PLEASE do your research and make sure your rewrite is written as sensibly as possible and doesn’t play into any caricatures. Not doing so is how we got Bright’s mom being accidentally perceived as Muslim because AB thought all abrahamic headdresses were called Hijabs, lmao
Don’t be like AB, be smart)
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goneahead · 5 months
Writer 20 Questions
I was tagged by @stephmcx and @itwoodbeprefect back when trilobites roamed the earth. Um, sorry?
How many works do you have on A03? Actually, I’m mostly on Dreamwidth so:
Dreamwidth ~150 fics
AO3 is 59 fics
What's your total AO3 word count?
DW is 1,012,997
A03 is 404,628
note: I don’t keep an exact track of my separate poetry journal but there are 947 poems—so I am guessing that’s another 75,000 words😁
What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Steve and Danny from Hawaii Five-0 have stolen both my heart and my muse!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
* Care and Feeding of a SuperSEAL
* Trusses of my Heart
* A Bodyguard for Christmas
* The Long Road Home (Broken Road on DW)
* Five Times Steve was an Idiot, but Danny Kissed Him Anyway
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do respond to comments, but in a completely random and haphazard way because I am incable of being organized😂
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My H50 comment fic ‘Anger’ is definitely my most angsty ending. And yes, it’s yet another fic I need to cross-post to A03…
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It’s a toss up between Care and Feeding and Bodyguard. I love happy ever afters!
Do you get hate on fics? Not on my fics per se, but I called out some people who were bullying a friend of mine in another fandom—and they decided to repost all my fics on other sites to punish me for speaking up. So, now all my fic is on Dreamwidth and friend-locked. I am slowly cross-post H50 fic to A03, but I doubt I will ever cross-post fic from that other fandom.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I will write sex if its necessary for the story, but porn is definitely one of my weak spots as a writer.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Occaisonally. I wrote an Addams FamilyxAvengers that was very short and very silly😂
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, many. At least I am really good at writing DMCA letters now?
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but I had few pod-ficced ages and ages ago.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I used to co-write regularly, but my co-writers all got super busy😭
What's your all-time favorite ship? I think McDanno has ruined me for all other ships.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have a X-MenxSupernatural fic that my co-writer had to abandon.
What are your writing strengths?I love to world build and have been told my AUs are very believable. Even when I do really crazy stuff, like **checks notes** space spiders.😁
What are your writing weaknesses? Writing sex scenes. Definitely.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In general, I think writers are still working out how to write fanfic that is easy to read on mobile screens. For example, long paragraphs and conversations between more than three people are sooo much harder to read on a mobile phone.
Heck, I’ve even stopped using italics for dream sequences/flashbacks because it’s just not readable on a small screen. And then there’s coding. **Sigh** Dreamwidth has updated their coding and now I really need to reformat my entire journal because the changed have made my older fanfic much harder to read.
So when it comes to different languages or dialects, I try to come up with something that will make it easier for my readers, instead of relying on the ‘proper’ way to do things. I don’t know if I’m always successful, but I at least make a stab at it. And since I have a fic I’m currently rewriting that has 13 different languages in it, I definitely spend more time than I want to admit thinking about this problem! 🥵🤪
First fandom you wrote for? Duran Duran bandom. Yes, I just dated myself😂😂😂
Favorite fic you've ever written? My fic with the most kudos is Care and Feeding of a Super SEAL. The fic that people are still dming me about is So Let Me Set Your Battlements On Fire over on dreamwidth.
Tagging @cowandcalf @actingcamplibrarian @stellagioia @redgoldblue @bennyokelly and anybody else who wants to play!
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Hi! Thanks so much for all your fic recommendations and analysis posts! They are fantastic! 
I was wondering if in your travels you had come across any fics that rewrite season 9, so that Mulder didn't leave, BUT also keep going with something that looks like the plot of season 9. Not necessarily the exact plot (since it’s bonkers), but something where Mulder and Scully have to deal with the larger Mytharc while being parents. Falling In And In by Aloysia_Virgata is the closest I’ve come to what I’m looking for. 
And just to be clear, I love fics like Terra Firma by Malibusunset and Hurricane Season by Beduini and Rah, but they aren’t quite what I’m looking for in this case. 
YES I HAVE! (Thanks for the compliments~.) I did my best sticking to this very, VERY specific niche. Some of these include Mulder left but Scully joined him later:
Mulder Doesn't Leave But the Mytharc Continues
Lapsed_Scholar's MASTERFUL fill-in series: Mulder is a stay-at-home dad during the entire events of S9 (including the cat autopsy scene.) Love this to death; and it further cemented my hatred of canonical S9, so there's that: Season 9 Rewrites and Musings - Lapsed_Scholar - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] 
ML/ML_is_me’s (Ao3, Gossamer, DW, Invidiosa)  
Mulder is a stay-at-home dad battling the Conspiracy. Scully and their new partner get a call and drop-in from Phoebe, who is relatives with a higher-up:
1/ Project:TruthSeekers Alt Season Nine: Home Fires, Part One - ML_is_me, spookyawards_archivist - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] Goss Gossamer | Story: "The New Truth, A Project 09x04 - Home Fires 01" by ML  
2/ Project:TruthSeekers Alt Season Nine: Home Fires, Part Two - ML_is_me, spookyawards_archivist - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] Goss Gossamer | Story: "The New Truth, A Project 09x04 - Home Fires 02" by ML AU/INTP marvels that ISTJ tracked him down w/ Will-- Gossamer | Story: "155 Words - Thankful" by ML
@baronessblixen's short AU covers a S9 nightmare Mulder had: (53) Hate is always foolish and love is always wise on Tumblr Ao3 Just A Dream - Baroness_Blixen - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
@o6666666's (Ao3) 20. As we huddle together, the storm raging outside--  Untitled — 20 (tumblr.com)-- is an invasion story where Mulder and fam bunk out to escape the aliens.
jeri's (MC) fic focuses on a case Monica and Doggett bust in connection to Marita. Mulder is in the background being a stay-at-home, mentioned occasionally by Scully: Ahonis (mulderscreek.com) Goss Gossamer | Story: "Ahonis" by jeri 
@aloysiavirgata has a long series about Mulder and Scully parenting a specially-abled Will, ending with mytharc Colonization:
By Falling In and In
LiveJournal 2
LiveJournal 3
LiveJournal 4
LiveJournal 5
Other assorted S9 fics w/ dashes of By Falling In and In are:
A Heart of Star-- Mulder has bonding moments with his growing son
Elysium-- Scully has bonding moments with her son growing up
Mulder Left, Scully Joined-- Mytharc Flavored
touchstona's epic that diverges from your idea only slightly-- Mulder is on the run; but Scully hauls Will out to him with her. The series is long and beautiful, touching on their entire relationship but mostly the wounds of S8 he has yet to address. She also reforms the entire mytharc while only using tools the show's writers gave us. Stunning work:
Part 1/ Amor Fati: Destinata (The Fated Love), Act One: Desiderium (The Longing) - touchstoneaf - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Part 2/ Amor Fati: Destinata (The Fated Love), Act Two: Et Perierat et Inventus Est (The Lost and the Found) - touchstoneaf - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Part 3/ Amor Fati: The Fated Love, Act Three: Tres Discendens (The Leaving of the Three) - touchstoneaf - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own]
Tess (Ao3) and Jacquie LaVa's fic covers Byers escorting Scully and Will to Mulder to Christmas. Mulder convinces her to stay: xfms.xffics.com/stillstillstill.txt Goss Gossamer | Story: "Still, Still, Still" by Tess & LaVa, Jacquie 
Tess also writes about Scully being shoved back to the FBI for resources since Mulder is on the outs. The conspiracy rages on: Gossamer | Story: "The New Truth, A Project 09x00 - Prologue, A New Beginning" by Tess
ML/ML_is_me’s (Ao3, Gossamer, DW, Invidiosa) Slightly off topic-- Scully tracks Mulder down with Will in tow: Gossamer | Story: "155 Words - Thankful" by ML
Does this count? Gillian Leigh's (MC) AU diverts from canon midway? when Mulder gets a vision from his future daughter warning against the adoption. He goes back, packs up Scully, his fam, and hers, and hides out in a civilization bunker. Samantha's there, too: Visitor in the Desert (mulderscreek.com) Goss Gossamer | Story: "Visitor in the Desert" by Leigh, Gillian 
I have more; but this is long enough as it is! XDDDD
Hope these all do somethin' fer ye~!
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farty-city · 6 months
watching the new doctor who special bc this is, first and foremost, a dw fan account. blogging my thoughts
Episode 1
i’m a bit weary of reboots and stuff and i know this will be self indulgent but i have hope bc rtd but we’ll see
i forgot they made donna part of a swirl relationship
omg angst
did rtd manage to make dw child friendly and also profound
well i’m sure they also had to tone it down bc disney
ong they killed her
wtf r the next two episodes gonna be about
omg they made rose like… woah
what if i got emotional
the non binary thing with donna’s rose was like.. lazy tho
i liked the maternal metacrisis solution tho
and they’re going back and rewriting the doctors sexuality but i will excuse it because it’s rtd and an openly gay doctor would have been a hard sell in 08, i guess. also he had that thing with rose
i do partly feel that they were relying on the past grandeur and lore of the show which obviously worked on me but like i generally think it’s lazy
Episode 2
rtd did not dissapoint
i liked the beginning with newton
the Creaturss r so good
that scene of ten screaming and yelling and hitting the grate me lmao
this is crazy wow
they made them look so fucked up ddujfgjjjfg
what is the mavity
oh no oh fuckkkkk
oh my god
rtd will threaten to kill the main characters and it will work every time
yeah this one is probably the best out of the three
idk maybe i’m biased bc i liked the plot but the character building and the writing from an objective standpoint with the theme of the mini series binaries and what we hide away and what happens when we are reflected back to ourselves, and how it is distorted- representative of how we see our own self. u know
but mavity tho … was it just for laugh or at i’m i missing something
Episode 3
o fuck i forgot nph was in this ..:/
his fake german lsnjds
doctor who has ai wtf what is that robot
oh this is interesting…
oh god it’s about privacy in the digital age and screens
there’s an evil puppet hiding in our screens
what an interesting social critique..
All World Leaders Are Being Affected By The Giggle
the toy maker concept is actually pretty interesting and definitely reminds me of like the literary jester i just feel like they were relying too much on the toy makers mystique to impress us
women and gender studies majors would have massive words to say about the doctor birthing scene
the catch scene is actually pretty cool
the puppet as a symbol for the biblical christ , the toymaker, the all knowing Creator
and i did like what rtd was trying to say as far as rage and believing you are right
omg ten hugging 15(?)
our blobo finally got the hug he needed
the master callback yes down to the nail polish
good 2 know a twink will still be speed walking around the tardis
so ten got his family and his happy ending…
now ether are two tardis’s. they’re fucking with canon, but its not new.
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duckiemimi · 8 months
Mimi how did you get the idea for Honesty Corner? What made you write it was it inspired by something?
omg!! i’ve been meaning to talk about this, so thank u so much for asking!!!
i wrote “honesty corner” as a classic, cheesy rom-comish type of story and initially, i didn’t intend for it to be serious. i was actually very surprised when people actually started reading it bc it was only my second published fic and i was pretty new to posting on ao3. (i was a lil embarrassed too,,,,i wasn’t very confident with my writing at the time.) it started out stream of consciousness (under sleep-med high; i wasn’t doing well when i first started writing it), so my first drafts were horrendous. then i went back and edited a couple times before and after posting each chapter, but i still think i can do better, so i’m gradually rewriting it—no plot changes, just a change in writing style! i love this au so much that i’m dedicating time to making it better!
i actually had the concept down a year before writing. i wasn’t doing the best then, so visualizing the story from start to finish was my way of escapism. at the time, i was reading a lot of college-setting bl manhwas and manhuas, too, like “semantic error” and “here u are,” and i had just graduated college and was unemployed during covid (womp womp). i also failed my professional ethics class at one point, soooo,,,(in my defense, attendance is a stupid formality, like i’m paying for these classes,,,i had to pay again to retake it as the only class in my last semester, fuck capitalism, fuck the system) and i loveee a good college au, so i said, “why not!”
as with any other happy jjk fic, it was written to be a fix-it au where everyone ends up less traumatized than they did in canon :’) if u can’t tell, i’m very, very, veryyy into characterization and character studies, so it started out with me playing with the idea of no-curse au geto and gojo as college students, and i worked my way up from there. i had them meet in a professional ethics class (bc the letter E in my semester grades fucking stung, u know what that shit does to a gpa???) and bc it was inline with their conversation about power and ethics in hidden inventory, so very fun times, very fun times
all of the characterizations in “honesty corner” is my take on their canon ones but in a non-jujutsu setting. their main conflict, as is with canon, is their (annoying) communication skills. i didn’t make toji be the reason of their fight (bc he deserves to be happy here, too), but i made it mahito bc he’s the embodiment of hatred and all things negative in the series, and i thought it worked with geto’s thought process throughout the story. i also had fun humanizing mahito, bc ppl like him exist irl and they’re just as human, even if they’re assholes. (i had a one-shot of “honesty corner” mahito in my drafts, but i’ll have to clean it up first if i ever post it.)
it was fun writing sjw-keyboard-warrior geto (who almost gets it right, but his judgmental tendencies and his “i’m the most correct” mindset keep him from really looking at things the way they are) and nepo baby gojo (who doesn’t give a fuck about any of the -isms, but never acknowledges the absolute privilege he was born into bc he’s so out of touch) and it was fun exploring how they become better people and a better couple in the “honesty corner” sequels. icb they’re almost getting married! if i ever get the last chapter of “and then, home” done, then u’ll see them be married, heh
(i’m kidding it’s in my drafts dw)
but yeah!!
i had too much time on my hands and i love a good college au.
(funfact: i wrote “punishment for a monster” in the middle of writing “honesty corner” and it felt like a plunge into deep, dark waters.)
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kamiversee · 5 days
Oh. My. Goodnessss I haven't rlly been active because college has been beating me to a pulp and I've had readers block in which I have not had the motivation to read any of my books/ffs despite them bringing me joy and I've read the what ifs and your other works on your alt page but I haven't been sending in asks 🫤
But I'm super excited to see you getting back to writing full blown stories again!! (And no offense because I love your writing regardless whether it's a oneshot or not I just personally love storylines and the rollercoaster of emotions) I can't wait to read 'f*ck the list' and finally unravel the mystery we've all been reeling for and I'm super excited for 'my love note' bc the original version was my favorite before it got taken down on wp so I'll be around More frequently!! (⁠^⁠^⁠)
Dw abt not being as active babes, college was hell for me to TRUSTTTT. But I hope you’re doing & feeling much better now! ^.^
Im excited to start actually writing again, I miss writing full on storylines, fluff, angst, DRAMA 😩 Sooo I’m happy to be back at it! (My second page will still be active tho dw)
And I couldn’t rewrite the origninal My Love Note because of a few reasons buuut now that it’s jjk, there’s a few scene changes so it won’t be exactly as you rmb but it’ll be just as good!! 🙂‍↕️
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Hi Disko, what do you think of the non-binary Joan of Arc play? I confess I'm a little conflicted on the subject. On the one hand, yes Joan dressed like a man during her campaign, on the other hand, was she supposed to go fight in a skirt and corset? I understand that this is a historical story and no one probably knows the whole truth now, but it sounds to me a bit like people telling me that Lincoln was a Buddhist. Theoretically, that may be true, but it sounds kind of weird. Then there's the thing that it's theatre and there's no limit to creativity, right? Plus, it points out the problems in our current society. But why therefore rewrite the life of one of history's very important woman? Why not write something new and provocative instead of a controversial rewrite of someone's life? I think the thing that probably bothers me the most about this is that it seems like they need to somehow jazz up their play and come up with the idea that she is non-binary, but that is something that only the author can say with absolute certainty. I'm sure it will be a play that a lot of non-binary people will enjoy, but it will also probably be a play that pisses off a lot of women (and maybe historians). I don't know what to think about the whole thing. It's something that's going to be debated quite a bit in my area, and you have to have the right opinions to not get talked down to. (I'm joking. Although not really). So is it a progressive work or an offensive work? Can the two exist together? For example, my sister is going to love this play and I'm glad for it. On the other hand, the more I write about it, the more I'm inclined to think that I'm not entirely comfortable with this depiction of Joan. It's just that saying something like that out loud seems almost like a social death sentence. And maybe I'm just over thinking this. We don't have to agree on it and as long as there is no hate, every reaction to it is valid, right?
Well... This was a a reall thought journey. I'm still kinda interested what you think about the play.
I think that it’s great to see a new perspective on the way Joan has usually been presented. I also think that it’s worth remembering that this is a play, not a historical study. It’s an interpretation of Joan of Arc, not a biography. 
Was Joan non-binary? She probably would have said no, but then again, what else could she have said, given the time she lived in. While non binary people have of course always existed, it’s only in recent times (historically speaking) that we’ve had the language to express such a concept. It’s a little bit like the arguments for Alexander the Great being gay or bi. We define him that way, but those terms didn’t exist (at least in the same way we understand them now) in his time. If Joan or Alexander were transported to modern times, it’d be interesting to see what labels they would choose, but those labels are modern inventions and the product of a modern mindset. 
I think that ultimately, it doesn’t matter if Joan is portrayed as non binary in a play -- at least in the sense it doesn’t diminish her historical story or her myth. (And I’m using the word “diminish” in the sense that I think you’re worrying it may be taking something away from an important woman in history, not in the sense that being non binary is lesser.) I get where you’re coming from, because Joan is a feminist icon -- the suffragettes used her as a literal poster child! But I think that her positioning as a feminist icon is as anachronistic as attempting to label her gender identity, ultimately. So if she’s a feminist icon, even though the concept of modern feminism would have been entirely foreign to her, then why not be a non-binary icon as well? 
When I say that I think it ultimately doesn’t matter if Joan is portrayed as non-binary, I’m talking in the historical sense, of course. A play doesn’t change Joan’s history. But in the sense of the importance of seeing non-binary representation on stage, I think it’s wonderful that this play exists. I think it’s wonderful for non-binary people, and I think it’s wonderful to get a new perspective on an old story. And of course it’s always wonderful for art to challenge the status quo! 
Historically, we can never really know how Joan would have identified if she’d been given that option. But when it comes to the myth of Joan of Arc, I think she’s more than strong enough to handle some different interpretations. 
Myths grow and change, and I think if you remember that they don’t have to bear much resemblance at all to the historical person, that’s fine. 
We can have both, and we always have! 
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grimsdeadb0nes · 2 years
sSorry for bothering you, but i have 2 questions:
1:Are you going to write the soinc lost world cutscenes?
2:Are you writing any fics? if so, where can i find them?
Its not a bother at all, dw! I’m rewriting cutscenes (or tweaking most but completely rewriting a few, and adding completely new ones too) for Sonic Lost World bc im doing a rewrite of the whole game actually! General story, cutscenes, mechanics, how bosses playout, level layouts, maybe loooooore, etc- its mostly a personal fun project, just me tweaking the game, but also adding Zenyx into it bc im a sucker and very very lame  I’ve dabbled in ‘rewriting’ before, like for Unleashed, but SLW is my most in-depth/most complete attempted rewrite so far- its a giant doc too!  Roughly 25 pages for game stuff specifically so far (and im still far from done)  and almost 30 for the cutscenes alone, of which im ALSO far from done bc I work very slowly,,, Technically no? yes? kinda? Most of all my writing, whether it be drabbles, short ideas, messy string of thoughts, or full on stories I typically keep to myself and in my google docs; im very self conscious about my writing usually so sharing it, even with close friends, isn't easy for me Some things I dont mind sharing, but due to issues in the past im also very iffy about sharing full stories anyway in general for a few reasons. Im flattered that you seem interested though! but alas, I dont often share them or write full on fics too often; I stick better to doodling ig I dont have Ao3 or anything either, though I have thought about it.
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Hey so I have a WIP of todays fic but I didn’t get any chance to work on so it’ll have to wait til tomorrow. BUT in the meantime if y’all are curious, here’s a playlist I made of all the songs by Aviators or Miracle of Sound that inspired bits of my rewrite canon. Below the cut is what each song is connected to,
Incandescent & Ascension - The DWs when they were happy (aka before shit hit the fan)//how they got remembered
Fading Light & We Rise - both are about the reincarnation cycle//the relics themselves
Fallen Leaves - Partially about the divine cycle, but also about the Wyverns and their perspective on it
Streets of Gold - Irene and Aphmau being all that’s left after everyone else dies
My Church - Zane vibes. Just, Zane vibes.
Remains - Mr. Shad Shadowlord Being The Shadow Lord
Into the Black - Mikhal//The Demon Warlock’s perspective on things (the ‘you’ it’s referencing is Enki)
Moonlight Blue - Hyria remembering the good ol days
My Odyssey - Ya know I had to include something about Kulzak and Kiran in this. Ya had to. Its perfect cuz it sounds like they’re singing abt the shared journey of the Wanderer together—
Bonfire (A Rest) - The thing that inspired As The Bells Toll
Fires Far - The Shadow Army bein shadow knights
Let There Be Fire - Laurance. That’s all I can say that isn’t spoilery
Upside Down & Through Life and Loss - these songs are honestly the best way I can describe my mystreet rewrite plan and even I have no idea what is being explained. So vibes???
When Forever Comes - the identity crisis of Aphmau versus Irene, BUT MYS!APHMAU EDITION!
Stay Dead - this one’s new so I’m still getting into it rn but the lyrics make the most sense for The Void across the whole canon?? So yeah. The Void gets a song
Too Late for a Savior - Mikhal/the Demon Warlock’s perspective/role in the Mystreet rewrite
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starcchild · 2 years
((as a heads up, I’m gonna be changing how I tag verses on the new blog (dw, not moving just yet - still got a ways to go with rewrites lol), and I’m gonna be changing some au names! 👀 I think the biggest is gonna be “don’t make me be the bad guy” because: 1) that verse name is long as hell; 2) I have to completely change what I have planned for the verse since I’ve changed the way Carter’s arc reactor works in the ikau in general, because the original idea had been banking on the reactor using the precursor to the centipede serum, but since now that’s gonna be default for the ikau, that’s gotta change; and 3) I think the new name, “subject zero”, is a helluva lot cooler sdfkgfgsdhj
overall, for aus, I’m gonna start using “#auv; [verse name]” (so any au of the ikau will be “#ikauv; [verse name]”), since I like the format of it separating regular verses from au verses and private verses! so any au verse that has au in the verse name is gonna be changed so I’m not repeating myself lol
but, I think I’m gonna be over on the new blog working on all that for the night! I’m,,, not really having any luck writing atm ahah, but I wanna do stuff! And I think my brain will like it better doing setup instead of replies fsdgjhksdf
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cloudy-leonhart · 3 years
I JUST READ YOUR VETERANS WITH FILIPINO S/O AND IM SO PROUD WCEIWVEHHW, can i also request a veteran reaction to like, their s/o gets flirted with a guy and their s/o is totally oblivious. (also, nanaba is very cute, ate nana 😭✊)
wait but this is such a good request 🥺 maybe that’s just me, I like jealous headcanons lmao-
[author note: I have a few fic requests in my inbox rn! Please dw if u requested a fic, it takes me a little longer to write fics than headcanons so please don’t think I’m ignoring your request! I also had to rewrite this, I had a bad weekend and tumblr keeps deleting my drafts but I still want to provide for my followers, so I apologize that it’s only half of the veterans! I’ll add Nanaba and Moblit once I do get the motivation too! ]
Summary: S/O get’s flirted with, vets are big jealous babies.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Recommended Song: How Long - Charlie Puth.
TW: some swearing, suggestive themes, yucky boys hitting on you.
Theme: Fluff, canonverse.
Characters: Erwin, Hange, Levi, Miche.
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Erwin Smith
Honestly even he couldn’t tell at first that the noble man (lets call him, Gene.) you were talking to was flirting with you.
You were absolutely oblivious, you think Gene is just having a conversation with you and Gene thinks you like him.
When Erwin notices it, at first he’s like “hmm, maybe Reader’s talking business with him.” And then Gene kissed the back of your hand, in which he felt his eye twitching. He started pouting really bad, he looked like a kicked puppy from across the ballroom. He didn’t want to be rude, so he kept reassuring himself that it was a friendly gesture.
You were absolutely clueless, like “this is fine.” clueless. You had no idea Gene was trying his hardest to court you. Until You felt Erwin behind you, that is.
You know those big coughs that you do to get someone’s attention. Yeah, Erwin coughed REALLY loud. Mind you, Erwin probably towers most nobles. So imagine the face on Gene when he saw this tall, titan-slaying commander towering over him. I think he almost peed his pants honestly, he was like “uh..it was nice meeting you, miss Last name, but uh..I- I uhm.. Igottago-“
Yeah he speed-walked his scared ass outta there, you were kinda just like “what?” You saw Erwin’s shadow and just turned around with the cutest smile on your face.
“Erwin!” You chirped, he softened his glare on the noble and looked at you, cue his pout coming back. “You really didn’t know?”
“Know what?” You asked, walking with him, hand in hand. You guys were walking back to your carriage to go home for the night.
“Reader, he was flirting with you, quite literally trying to court you.” Erwin groaned, his jealousy starting to show. You were still a bit confused, so you just stared at him with a blank expression.
“He was just being nice Erwin, come on.” You nudged his arm, trying to get him to loosen up, he looked at you, in which you looked at him with puppy dog eyes, in response he groaned, being a sucker for your puppy dog eyes.
He huffed, “you’re staying back at the headquarters from now on.” Your eyes widened slightly, “What?! Why?!” You shook him arm. “Because I don’t want you being flirted with, you’re mine reader, and I’m yours.” Erwin squished your cheeks together.
“Owf Cwouse I’m youws-“ you took his hands off your cheek. “You’re the only man for me,” you laughed as you entered the carriage.
“Now get in, I’m feeling a little empty inside and you’re the only who can fix that.”
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Levi Ackerman
Oh dear, if you’re willing to flirt with the Levi Ackerman’s S/O, you’re basically asking for a death wish.
He usually isn’t too jealous when it comes to someone flirting with his S/O genuinely because he’s either busy doing something or he isn’t there at all but...
He’s not called Humanity’s Strongest for nothing. Both of you were in charge for training the cadets. You were known for your kind behaviour, so obviously a lot of the cadets would ask for your training.
In which Levi was okay with because, duh less work for him. He was doing fine until he glanced at you and saw a male cadet getting a little too close. (calling him, Sam.)
You guys were in a secret relationship at the time, he didn’t want anyone teasing you or him about anything so both of you kept it a secret.
See, he regrets that decision right now because it’s really a pain in the ass to see Sam acting like he doesn’t know the moves when he knows damn well he taught the brat those moves a week ago.
So with a clenched jaw, he glared at Sam as you were behind the cadet, teaching him the same move Levi taught him.
Levi looked across the field to see you behind Sam, helping him strike his punch correctly, he felt angered and a little jealous, watching you be so touchy with him.
He sighed and shook his head, trying to calm himself to keep him from doing something, that is until he watched as Sam tripped you just so he could “catch” you. He caught you in those romantic poses.
You weren’t really paying attention to what he was trying to achieve and instead thanked him, unaware of his plan to kiss you. You tried to get out of Sam’s hold, until you realized that Sam was getting close to you.
You were about to start freaking out until someone pulled you into their arms, you looked at your “saviour”’s face, seeing it’s Levi. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to a section commander, cadet?” Sam gulped, walking back. “Just making sure captain Reader’s okay, captain Levi.” Sam saluted, sweating profusely.
“That requires you tripping them and almost kissing them?” Levi’s eyebrow raised as his arm tightened against your waist, that’s when a lightbulb lights up in your mind, ‘Is..is Levi jealous??’ “uh well-” Sam tried to explain himself, “I taught you this move last week, you have no excuse to ask for captain Reader’s help.”
A scowl was long planted on Levi’s face. Sam scoffed, “Okay, so I wanted to court captain Reader, but Sir, they’re single, you can’t blame for wanting to court them.” Levi took a step forward, you prevented him from beating Sam up.
“They’ve got a boyfriend.” He spat out, basically death staring Sam down. “And who’s that?” Sam laughed out.
Levi clicked his tongue, before you knew it, Levi’s lips were on yours. “Me.” He stated.
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Hange Zöe
Hange, they usually are chill most of the times, to be honest they don’t get too jealous, it’s only when it’s painfully obvious, that’s when it starts to tick them off.
I mean, making Levi Ackerman mad is one thing, but Hange?? I’m already planning your funeral. One of the corps’ rules, never ever make Hange Zöe mad.
It does not help when their S/O absolutely is oblivious. 
Hange starts off with being a little skeptical and glancing at you from afar. then it becomes a stare once in a while, and then their mood gets soiled.
they start to become irritated, at this one garrison squad member (let’s name him Avery) talking with you. You should actually be helping them with their experiments.
And they snap when they see you being offered a flower.
Little clueless Reader, just confirmed Avery’s death, it’s been signed this point on.
You could hear AND feel Hange’s stomps nearing both you and Avery.
God help the poor garrison member, because they’re about to be sent to heaven with how jealous and irritated Hange is.
“Hey, Avery.” Hange’s voice cut through your guys’ conversation, “Hange!” you chirped, holding onto the flower Avery had gifted you. “Hange! You’ve met Reader here right?” Avery asked, also unaware of Hange’s attitude.
“yes, they’re actually my partner.” Hange’s teeth was gritted as they took their rightful place beside you, pulling you close. Cue the awkward silence, “Oh my god, Hange I’m so sorry, I thought they were you know-” Hange didn’t even let him finish. 
“Just get the fuck out, Avery.” Hange gave him a glare that almost made Avery shit his pants. “Yes captain!” He saluted and left before Hange could murder him. “What was that about, Hange?” You asked as they took the flower out of your hand.
“He was courting you, and you were letting him, darling.” Hange stated, as you covered your mouth with your hand, “Oh! I’m sorry Hange! Darn it, I’m so oblivious.” You scolded yourself.
“It’s good you can still remember that you belong to me.” Hange continued, inspecting the flower gifted to you. “Of course, you only, Hange.” You agreed, looking at them. 
“Wanna prove it to me then, Reader?”
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Miche Zacharias
Miche is kind of like a grizzly bear, you should never be around him when he’s mad or jealous. 
He tends to be more aggressive when it comes to him being irritated, I don’t mean to headcanon him as a wolf, but I know he just growls when a little thing goes wrong.
He’s possessive over you now, but now he’s basically just suffocating you with his over-protectiveness.
I feel as if he can tell when someone has some kind of weird scent, and it basically spoils everything he can smell.
He tends to hover around you once he gets jealous, he’ll get clingy and probably need to have you touching him somehow, holding hands, side by side. He just needs to be touching you.
He’s the type of person to also just, push away who ever you’re talking with, and just drag you away. 
One time, you and him went on a date and the person who worked there hit on you right in front of him, Miche made him almost piss his pants.
Miche and you were out at an event for survery corps members, celebrating your recent successes with your latest expedition. Miche was with Erwin and Levi while you chatted up a storm with a noble named Walter. 
Miche could feel himself about to break his glass, watching you and Walter laugh together. “So, are you seeing anyone?” Walter asked, you stopped laughing, shocked that he’d ask you that question out of nowhere.
“What?-” At this point Walter had a hold of both of your hands, you were absolutely still in place, “Actually don’t mind that, can I court you?” A big smile was on Walter’s face, wondering about your answer. “I-” 
“You actually can’t, they have a boyfriend.” Miche had long appeared behind you, towering over both you and Walter. You closed your eyes, in a bit of relief, “Yes, this is Miche, he’s a section commander and my boyfriend.” You smiled, hooking your hand with Miche’s, silently hoping that Walter would leave you both alone.
“Ah, I’m terribly sorry, I thought you didn’t have a partner, that’s my fault.” Walter quickly apologized, seeing how intimidating Miche was. “well, I-..I should go, it was lovey meeting you and your boyfriend, Reader.” Walter speed-walked his way out of his situation, leaving you with a pouty and jealous Miche. 
“Why talk to those who look like they have it tiny, Reader?”
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lesbian-in-leather · 2 years
Okay so here we go: ARCANE THOUGHTS
cried when Silco was like. A good dad at the end. Even as he’s fucking DYING because she SHOT HIM he was still like “no it’s okay I love you I literally do not hold this against you. Something I would have done at your age, dw about it”
Actually Silco’s ENTIRE fucking character was incredible. One of (if not THE) best written villains I have ever seen. He had a justifiable goal, went too far but in the confines of the universe it wasn’t even really much further than anyone else, he was just better at it - but then he gets a daughter! The way all of his cronies looked at each other and at him when Powder first threw herself at him, the way he just slowly sort of curled around her, the fact that she was unstable as shit and technically a massive liability and he was repeatedly told this but still he protected her because she was his KID. The fact that he’d spent his entire life working towards the same goal but literally turned it down because he loved her more. The scene where he’s talking to Vander’s statue like “I get it now”. Fucking heartbreaking, thank you
The way they portrayed Jinx’s madness????? INCREDIBLE. The way that sometimes we can see what she sees, or hear what she hears, but we also get just as much from an outside perspective and we can see exactly why she does what she does while simultaneously seeing that she’s unstable af. The way we see how she perceives things and rewrites interactions real-time so we know that, to her, it’s not an overreaction at all! But to everyone else...
Other reasons I’m fucking sad: THEY ALL VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. The whole fuckin council is like “actually, yeah, we can have peace” and now they’re all going to FUCKING DIE and I’m SO UPSET ABOUT IT. I want Mel to survive and I understand that she’s right in the path of the missile but here me out okay, like hear me out, what if she doesn’t die because she’s one of my two favourite characters and I love her
LOVE EKKO (hate that that’s how his name is spelt but hey we can’t have everything). This Little Man (hehe) literally found the singular tree growing in the undercity and was like “hey, you could make a religion safe haven outta this” and just fuckin did it. What a king
My lil gay kids! Good for them! It’s gonna take Vi a while to accept that she has feelings but I’m just happy for them. “Cupcake” I swear to god. Imagine being that cute
Jayce (again, hate the spelling. That Y is unnecessary sir) is super interesting but is he aware that he literally was never the powerhouse of the council. Like it has ALWAYS been Mel. She has been playin you, boy - not saying she doesn’t care about him but she has absolutely been playing him
Speaking of Mel playing people, still not over the QUEEN SHIT level of shade we got right at the start when Mel gave that other councillor a child’s toy for his birthday. And the fact that he fuckin LOVED IT and continues to play with it to this day. He doesn’t even know. Icon
Lil fluffy man. Heimerdinger (had to google that). Love that lil man but also he really does need to understand that not everything can be stretched out. Like, if she understood the time crunch relative to a human lifespan and ajusted his advice accordingly then he would have gotten on a LOT better with the rest of them
Also Viktor, I love you, but the animators really need to remember which side you hold your crutch. The sheer amount of scenes where it was in the wrong hand was STAGGERING like... his right leg is the injured one. So it should always be in his right hand (when he’s using it). And yet. Edit: have discovered I was ENTIRELY wrong about this my bad (ily Viktor)
Also Caitlyn’s dad is an icon. This man is just tryna keep his family together, good for him. He’s so proud of his kickass councillor wife and kickass enforcer daughter. Peak
IMEDDIATE EDIT TO ADD: the soundtrack was also just FUCKING AMAZING I am obsessed
I have a lot more thoughts and I’m absolutely going to go into more depth about this but rn I’m just. Sad. And I want more. Please give me more I need it
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leahseclipse · 3 years
Painful visit (Grey’s X CM crossover)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader 
Summary: As the BAU lands in Seattle for a case, the reader encounters a traumatic event.
Warnings: SPOILERS/MENTIONS OF S6 EP 23, 24 OF GREY’S ANATOMY; Graphic details, mentions of injuries, blood, shooting, GSW, death, suicide, prison mentions, slight sexual allusions
Category: Rated T - Hurt/Comfort (DW, despite all of the shitty stuff that happens- it ends well !!!) 
Word count: 9.7 k
A/N: That's a- kinda 'rewrite', bc I took the eps 23 and 24 of s6, of greys as a base, I didn’t include all of the scenes, and I mixed it w some CM scenes, etcc...We didnt get to have a crossover, so I took these eps, so it would kinda be one. So, enjoy this.....'kinda rewrite of greys, mixed with CM' LMAOO (SPOILERS OF THE EPS MENTIONED: Instead of Alex, it’s the reader who gets shot, I wanted to change things up, so....i did that )
I....don't know if it's good or not, but if you like it, let me know! :)
RE-EDITED ON 5/25/22
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          Soon after the team landed in Seattle, they drove to the police station that had been assigned the case. After settling in, Hotch quickly delivered everyone’s orders at lightning speed and to her luck, y/n had been assigned to go to Seattle Grace.
No one had any idea how badly she had wanted to decline and try to switch, but she decided to not play it childish and remain professional.
It might seem weird to anyone else, but hospitals have never been her favorite place to be at, she had been there quite a few times, each of the trips remaining memorable, especially when she almost got killed when she had attended there with Reid and Hotch. 
Not exactly the best to start with in her first week.
Nonetheless she moved on, mainly so that she could be as effective as possible in her work to not be a risk to anyone else, she wouldn’t forgive herself for a while if someone would be injured because of her, whether they’re absolute strangers or one of the members of her team.
The case had been in Seattle today, it had been a while since she haven’t been there for another reason that work itself but she always enjoyed in some way to come here when she didn’t happen to be there for work, she would at least go on ferry boats once a day, she couldn’t leave without at least going on one during her trip.
Too bad she’ll have to sit out on this one, she really likes them.
She was also lucky enough to be familiar with some of the officers working there as it wasn't her first trip at the station. She had seen them outside of work, so the relationship between them was more than okay and quite advantageous for work.
Even if her main priority was to solve the case, it was nice to have a good work environment once in a while. Y/N had to admit that she knew a whole lot of people in that place, whether it was officers, doctors, or whatever person she interacted with. 
As she arrived at the place, she was about to ask for the people she needed to see when a voice called her.
“Y/L/N, what a pleasure to see you there!”
“Sloan. Indeed, what a pleasure.”
“It’s been a while since you came, didn’t you miss me?”
“Not at all.”
“Not even a little bit?”
“I’m quite disappointed, I thought you’d be delighted to see me. It’s a shame.”
“Quit it Sloan, I’m not here to play, unfortunately.”
“Not even after the case? I’m sure you have an hour to spare.”
“I’m sure I have it.”
“Can’t say I didn’t try.”
“Too bad, I’m not interested...and available.”
“Not available, as if...not single?”
“You got it.”
“Oh, wow. That kinda hurts.”
“Try to get back little Grey instead of hitting on me.”
“Nah, she’s with Karev. She’s moving on.”
“No, trust me, she’s not. You gotta try harder. She’s obsessed with you.”
“Nah, she likes Karev now.”
“I can see it, both of you. And if it’s not true, then I guess my profiling skills must suck.”
“They probably suck.”
“Shut up, they’re better than your flirting skills.”
“No, no one can resist Sloan.”
“False, because I’m the living proof.”
“Ouch, that hurts.”
“I know. By the way...is the chief still Webber or did that change?”
“It’s Shepherd now.”
“Really? What happened there?”
“Richard encountered some…stuff, and Derek took over. Hate to admit it, but he’s pretty good at it.”
“Do you hate to admit it because you wish that were you?”
“Hate to admit it again, but yeah.”
“Just murder Shepherd and take over, I’ll cover for you.” Y/N joked.
“It’s okay. We had...some stuff that you know about- ruining our relationship, but I guess it got better, we’re able to talk without having the need to kill the other.”
“At least it’s a good progress.”
“It’s better than having to murder each other at least.”
“Hm, true.”
“Anyway, before you get in trouble because you’ll be late or whatever, tell me about that boyfriend of yours on the way.” Mark said, as they both walked in the direction of the elevator.
“...fine, but just because it’s you.”
“So, can I ask questions?”
“Go ahead.” Y/N said, walking in the elevator with him.
“Is he part of the men you were with last time?”
“Yep, the one with glasses.”
“What was his name? Reid? We have someone named like that too.”
“Wasn’t her name spelled ‘R-e-e-d’?”
“Yeah, I don’t know much about her, but, don’t worry, I don’t plan on hitting on her.”
“Do you?” She asked.
“Everyone knows me as the hospital’s whore already, you don’t need to add more.”
“Bailey didn’t need to tell it, everyone knows.”
“Did you come here to hurt me?”
“As always.” She chuckled.
“You’re mean y/l/n.”
“This is my nice side.”
“...not really to me.” He pointed out, sounding hurt.
“I never hit you once, consider yourself lucky. Morgan accidentally found himself with a bruise when I hit him...by accident of course.”
“I’m going to be careful then…” He exclaimed, leaving a space between the two of them.
“You should be afraid of me. I’m dangerous.”
“Damn, never thought you were like that, you looked like a small kitten when I first saw you.”
“I was a newbie, everyone is like that. Don’t you dare tell me that the interns aren’t like that on the first day.”
“We got pretty good ones, I got Avery with me.”
“Oh, Avery. The ‘plastics posse’ right?”
“Yeah, we’re a good team.”
“I pity him, you’re a bit annoying.”
“Never, you got the wrong person.”
“I’m sure I didn’t. You tried to hit on me 24/7.”
“You could have told me you got a boyfriend, I was kind of hitting on you in some texts.”
“He already knows you’re a friend.”
“So, during all this time...you were, what’s the term already?”
“Friendzone. That’s where you were at, and where you’ll remain with me.”
“It’s serious between you and the genius?”
“Yeah, I’d say so. It’s going pretty well.”
“Guess I’ll have to give up on you then.”
“Guess so. But you can keep fake flirting, it’s okay. That’s kind of fun.”
“You’re going to make him jealous.”
“I assure you, Morgan fake flirts with Penelope, and they’re not in love.”
“Okay, I’ll keep going if that’s not a problem.”
“Don’t go too far though.”
“That’s going to be complicated, you told me I could keep going like before.”
“Like before, but less like you want to...have sex with me.”
“Can’t guarantee, but I’ll try.”
“You better try.” She warned. “Okay, see you later, gonna talk with Shepherd. Go back to work, Avery’s gonna be lost without you.”
“He’s doing well enough, I don’t need to babysit him.”
“He’s still a baby. Go teach him more, now.”
“You’re bossy.”
“Glad to know that.” Y/N answered, knocking on the door before entering a few seconds after she heard him telling she could enter.
“Oh, y/l/n, it’s been a while. Didn’t get many cases here?”
“I’m afraid not, Derek.”
“You should try to come when you’re free, because I heard you like ferries too.”
“Quite a lot. But I’d have to either quit my job or have a big enough injury to be able to take a month off.”
“Let’s not hope for that, as much as I like to spend time with you.”
“Yeah, hospital stuff.”
“I remember, yeah.”
“No one forgets it. So, uh, do you mind if I ask you stuff about the last patients you’ve treated? That’s kind of why I’m here.”
“I was aware of it.” Derek pointed out, as we began discussing.
The conversation went on for a bit, a few jokes being exchanged from time to time as we went on, and finally closed the chat when all there was to be told was done.
“Outside of case stuff, it was nice to see you again.” She said.
“Yeah, for me too. Have...I was going to say fun, but…”
“...yeah.” She chuckled.
“Have a good day...I guess.”
“Have a good day as well.” She left the room, hearing a ringing before taking her phone and answering the call. “Yeah, Spence?”
“Is everything alright at the hospital? Just...wanted to check in.”
“Yeah, it’s going okay, I’m quickly going to see a few more people, and I’ll be on my way back to the station. What about you guys, anything new?”
“Yeah, it’s alright.”
“I have a feeling you didn’t only call for that.”
“...fine, I kind of missed you.”
“I already knew that. You’re the only one who called.”
“Morgan was going to, before me.”
“He probably saw how panicked you were, because I wasn’t here.”
“I was just...worried, I called to check if you were okay. I don’t want to be creepy or morbid, but you could have had an accident and I wouldn’t know until I’d have a call from the hospital itself.”
“You’re worrying way too much Reid.”
“Just in case. It’s better to be safe.”
“Okay, thanks for worrying. Is that okay for you?” 
“Yeah, it is. I’m worrying about you, you should at least be grateful, it’s an honor.”
“An honor? Why?”
“I don’t worry like I worry for you with everyone, you get a special worry type.”
“Huh, didn’t know you were worrying differently depending on who it is.”
“At least you learned a new thing about me.”
“Is it going to make me smarter, or what?”
“No! You get to be closer to me, I feel offended that this wasn’t what you said.”
“So now I have to say the right stuff, as if I’m a robot?”
“I’m gonna hang up on you.”
“Okay- no, you don’t have to say specific things as if you’re a robot. Stay yourself.”
“That’s better. Thanks, Genius.”
“Why do you still call me that?”
“Do you prefer ‘stupid’? I can call you like that if you want.”
“Genius is fine.”
“Good to know. I’m gonna see just a few more people, and I’ll be right back.”
“Hotch doesn’t need to know, right?”
“It’ll be five minutes. Tops. If I don’t call you back in five minutes, you call me to remind me to get my ass here, and I’ll stop the conversation, okay?”
“Okay. Be safe, I love you.”
“I love you too, Bye.” She hung up, walking further into the corridor as she put her phone back in her pocket when she arrived in front of the elevator.
Y/N steps inside, pressing the button of the lower level.
After a minute of waiting, the elevator stopped as a ‘ding’ made itself heard to indicate that it had arrived to the level, and honestly, without it, she would have stayed there for 30 hours more, she’s always daydreaming and doesn’t tend to pay attention to what’s around her.
The empty corridor in front of her seemed kind of weird at first, she didn’t get why. There're at least ten doctors on the same floor; and even patients around, so, why wasn’t anyone here?
She left the elevator, looking around as she walked. 
She didn’t see anything, but as she was about to walk down another corridor; a loud sound was heard, and it wasn’t unknown to her. And as if she wasn’t lucky enough, the sound wasn’t far at all, it was coming from a storage room, from what was written on the sign next to it.
Naturally, she took her gun from her holster, taking the security off as she made her way to the room, making sure not to draw attention, mainly to be able to take the person by surprise, before they’d see her.
When she crossed the door, she froze at the sight.
A woman was lying on the floor, in what seemed like her own blood, she seemed to have a head wound as most of the blood was coming from here, but in mere seconds, the blood formed one big pool, growing bigger as probably the entirety of her blood was draining out.
There was a man that stood right in front of her and he seemed to be in his mid 50s to 60s, approximately; but when she looked down to his hands; she didn’t care much about his age suddenly. 
He was holding a gun.
He had shot that poor woman that laid on the floor, and now she’s dead.
Is she going to end up being shot as well?
She didn’t know if she had to shoot him, run away to call for help, try to talk him down so she didn’t have to shoot, it was all blurry all of a sudden.
The gun that she was holding in her hand suddenly looked like a toy to her, her fear was overcoming it, it was like she didn’t know how to use it all of a sudden. When she stepped back, and saw him staring at her, she didn’t know how to use it, hence, hold it.
It dropped out of her hand.
Her breath intensified.
Before she could react, talk, move, or do whatever could be done, he looked right at her for a mere second, and just in front of her-
He shot at her, and just lowered his weapon as he watched her falling onto the floor after the impact.
Was it a good thing that she had gone here, or would it have been better to wait until he had left the room to take him by surprise?
She should have waited.
She should have done something.
Why did she freeze?
She could have done something.
He couldn’t see her when she entered.
She could have taken him by surprise.
She should have.
As she attempted to calm her thoughts down, he had already left the corridor, she could hear faint footsteps from where she was.
She tried to somehow stand up, but she didn’t have the strength, she’d probably still be at it in one hour...if she didn’t bleed out before.
The elevator wasn’t far from where she was, she could possibly crawl to there, at least be somewhere safe.
Y/N didn’t feel safe, all alone in that corridor, she had to leave.
She’ll call after.
Not now.
She had to reach the elevator.
She took a deep breath, placing her hands on the floor as she began to slightly move downwards to the location she had in mind.
The distance wasn’t far at all, she kind of was grateful about it when she thought about it as she’d see the trail of blood she would leave as she moved in front of her.
Don’t panic.
Get to the elevator.
Once she had reached the doors, she had taken a shaky breath, slowly sitting up against the wall to be able to reach the button as she wouldn’t be able to if she was still laying down.
Thankfully, the elevator hadn’t been called by someone else, so to her surprise, the doors opened a few seconds after, allowing her to go inside.
She had an enormous hate for elevators in general, but in that moment, she has never liked an elevator more.
When she had reached the inside, the doors closed after her, as she breathed as much as she could; looking at the ceiling.
She didn’t have the strength to move, but she had to call.
She had to.
He was going to kill someone else if she couldn’t take her phone.
But...she just couldn’t. 
Her arms didn’t apparently have the strength she had in mind, she was panicking, she could feel the blood pooling below her.
She was just...staring at the ceiling, asking herself if she was going to possibly die here.
“Yeah, I’m coming back in a bit! I have to go to the storage real quick, I’ll be back!” April exclaimed, taking her red notepad to write down something.
It had always been a habit to do that, she couldn’t miss out the details, and just in case she needed to remember something, she could always check in there.
No one or nothing was in the way when she had made her way there, so she hadn’t felt the need to look down and up from time to time.
Once she had briefly seen the door in front of her, she had pushed it with her hip, still writing down on her notepad.
As she walked further, she suddenly tripped over something, causing her to drop her notepad and fall face flat onto the floor. She slowly raised herself, as she put her hand on her nose, seeing a bit of blood, probably coming from her nose.
After wiping down some of the blood, she had begun to raise herself back up, but her blouse felt somehow...heavy, as if it was soaked.
April slowly looked down at her upper body, noticing a bright red color on it.
It couldn’t be hers, she barely fell down, it can’t be.
She turned around, completely freezing.
Reed was on the floor, her eyes were wide open, someone had shot her in the head.
She was laying in a pool of blood, and April had landed in it.
Her friend’s blood was on her.
She began panicking, her breath couldn’t stop but intensify itself, she could slowly feel tears coming to her eyes.
She had to warn the chief about it, they could still be in the hospital.
They shot Reed, and now...she’s dead.
She’s dead.
Someone shot Reed.
Someone shot her.
She’s dead.
On the way to Shepherd’s office, April couldn’t stop but repeat the same words, again and again. She couldn’t realize what had happened.
Why would anyone do that?
What was the reason?
She couldn’t understand what could have happened for her to get shot.
All of the blood...it didn’t make any sense.
I hadn’t seen that much blood since the farm.
With all of her thoughts, she didn’t even realize that she had arrived at his office.
She raised her trembling hand, opening the door, as Derek raised himself from his seat when he had seen April.
“April, what is it?”
“Do you know I grew up on a farm?” She asked.
“What happened?” Derek said, alarmed when he saw the blood on her blouse. He walked up to her. “I...grew up on a farm, so you know, blood doesn’t bother me, I,” She paused, taking her breath back. “I slaughtered a pig once. That was a lot of blood. ‘Bleeding like a… stuck pig’. That’s a saying, to bleed like a pig….you know.” She looked at him, trembling. “It...means something. But, you don’t think of people as having that much blood.”
“I mean…” She continued. “...you learn in med school how many pints we all have in us, but you don’t realize it until you see it. You don’t get how much blood...and a skinny person? I mean, my God, Reed, she’s almost anorexic.” She points out, as her lips tremble. “She’s like, five pounds, you wouldn’t think she’d have that much blood, but she did. She did-” 
“April, April, April!” Derek yelled, as he slightly shook April to get her attention. “You’re in shock, it’s all right. Tell me what happened.”
“Reed’s dead. Someone...shot her.” She answered, panicked, as Derek was coming to the realization, looking on the side.
“...the police are on their way. What’s the procedure?” Derek asks, flipping pages. “You’re the head of the hospital security, how do you not know?...I know it’s never happened before, this is the first time.” He said, as he stopped at a page. 
“I found it. ‘Lockdown. Nobody moves in or out...Yeah, nobody moves, nobody breathes until we know what’s going on. Okay.” He puts the phone back on the stand, turning back to April. “Here.” He said, wiping blood from her forehead. “The Police are almost here. Are you okay by yourself?”
“You’re leaving, you just said...nobody leaves, nobody moves.” 
“Nobody but me. I’m the chief. This is my hospital.”
“But what if you get shot, or-”
“I’ll be right back. I’m the chief.” He said, closing the door as he left the room.
April didn’t know what to do, she could only stand there, as she found herself alone.
“Reid, did you hear about y/l/n? We’re basically done here, we should be heading back in a bit.”  Morgan asked, briefly looking at him.
“No, we called about...thirty minutes ago, she told me that she’ll be back, and that she’ll call again, but she didn’t.” Reid explained, fidgeting with his phone. “I’m gonna call her to check in.”
“Okay, keep me posted.”
“Will do.” He took his phone in hand, turning it back on as he dials her number, putting his phone to his ear.
“Hi! You’ve reached y/n y/l/n. I can’t come to the phone right now, so leave me a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a nice day.”
“She’s not answering. It’s weird.” He said, as he came back into the room.
“She’s probably talking with someone, or she ran out of battery and used all of it when she called you, I guess.” Morgan assumed.
“I hope so. I'm just...really worried. What if something happened? We can't know, she's not answering her phone."
"Uh, didn’t you say that she knew people back there? Don’t you have a way to call them?”
“No, I...didn’t talk much with them, she was the only one who got closer, as she told me she would often come here out of work.” He pointed out, pausing for a bit. “Would it be ridiculous to try to call there? I mean, I...only have that in mind. I don’t even know if they’ll be able to tell.”
“It’s worth a shot.”
“Yeah, that's the only thing who came to mind. I’ll be right back...again.” Spencer awkwardly said, leaving the room once again to dial the number.
“The hospital is currently in lockdown. Furthermore, it is not able to receive outside communication. Please attempt to recontact the receiver at a later time.
“The place is on lockdown. Doesn’t that usually mean that...there’s a shooter, or something going on, whatever that might be?” He asked as he hurriedly walked into the room.
“Yeah, usually.” Derek answered. “Wait a minute.” He said, as he walked past Spencer. “Hey, did you guys get any call from Seattle Mercy, saying that there was a shooter… or anything worth contacting authorities? We called because one of our agents is in there, and there was some...automatic message telling it was in lockdown.” He explained to one of the officers, as Hotch and some of the members stepped in.
“Yeah- We did, the chief called in about a few minutes ago, and we also received a few from people there. There were...a lot of calls.”
“So, can we help on the field? In any way?” Morgan asked.
“From what I know, some officers and SWAT are on there, and we’re not aware if he’s alone, or if he’s still in there, or not. So, I think some more help won’t hurt.”
“Did your chief already go there?” Hotch interrupted.
“Yeah, he left with some others.” He answered.
“Y/L/N might be still in there, if you told me she called in half an hour ago, she could have not managed to get out, and might have encountered him.” Morgan said.
“Whether she’s in there or not, we might be able to help.” Emily pointed out.
“I don’t know, if you said that the hospital is on lockdown, we won’t be able to reach him unless one of the persons working there encounters him.” The man said.
“Could we...be of any assistance?” Reid asked.
“Of course.” He said, which closed the conversation as him, and the rest of the team along with some officers left the building.
Y/N had heard her phone ring two times. 
The second ring was shorter. 
Someone called in to check on her, and she couldn’t even answer.
Am I about to die here?
What if they don’t find me in time?
I’m scared.
I hope that someone called in about that damn shooter, he’s going to kill other people.
It’s all my fault.
People are going to die.
Probably because of me.
Certainly because of me.
Just because I couldn’t even gather the courage to even shoot his leg to stop him.
I swore to myself that I wouldn’t let anyone die because of me.
I couldn’t have saved the girl that he had shot, and I could have saved the people that he’s probably going to shoot.
This is entirely my fault.
Lexie walked in the lobby, briefly running a hand on her forehead as she looked for Mark, walking in his direction once he was in sight.
“They want attending approval to do the.. auditory evoked potentials.” Lexie said, handing him papers.
“Kind of crazy, right? Think it’s serious?” Mark asks, as he flips through the pages after taking them.
“Can you just sign-” 
“Does Karev think it’s serious?”
“I miss you.” He said, looking at her.
“Can you just sign the order?” She said, exasperated.
“Sir, you can’t leave this area, this place is in-” A nurse warned  as shots suddenly  echoed, causing everyone around to panic. Some ran away, as others got on the floor.
“Get down, get down!” Someone yelled.
A bit after the precipitation, Lexie crawls on the floor in the direction of the nurse’s station.
The nurse that had just spoken was shot.
She had died within a few seconds.
“No, no, no!” Lexie yelled in panic.
“Lexie, come on! We have to get out of here.” Mark took her arm, as he glanced around.
“She’s dead, she’s dead.” Lexie said.
“Come on, I’m getting you out of here.”He said, the grip on her arm slightly stronger as he raised her up and walked further into the corridor.
He kept his arm around Lexie’s neck, as his hand was covering part of her face to keep her safe as they walked in the direction of the closest elevator.
“Come on; come on!” He yelled after pressing the button.
The doors of the elevator opened, taking both of their breaths away at the sight in front of them.
Y/N was laying in the middle of the elevator, unconscious.
Her blood was forming a large pool beneath her on the side, some of it was also splattered on the ground, and on her right side, which was darker than the rest.
Mark had seen her just an hour ago, she was perfectly fine.
Alex suddenly walked in their direction, wondering why they were just there...standing in front of the elevator instead of going in.
“Guys what are you-” He said, before looking at the laying figure. “Is that y/l/n?”
They all stopped for a second.
“What the hell happened?” 
As they arrived at the location, the whole place was moving.
Helicopters were flying around, some officers were dispatched; each gathered in groups as they discussed the situation.
Prior to their arrival, one of the officers noticed their presence forward.
“One of my men called in about you on the way. BAU, right?”
“I’m the unit chief, SSA Hotchner.”
“Chief Harrison.” He answered, shaking his hand.
“What do you know about the situation?” 
“Not much. We got called in a bit ago by the chief himself after one of his interns found out that one of her colleagues had been shot, and after that, we got a few calls lasting a few seconds from what we presume employees and patients as well.”
“Is there any information about the guy?” Morgan asked.
“Not yet.” Harrison said.
“Y/L/N might be still in there.” Spencer pointed out.
“She probably encountered him.” Emily resumed.
“One of your agents?” He interrupted.
“Yes. She had gone here a few hours ago to talk to some of the doctors that had talked to victims, and didn’t answer since. She might have still been there when the lockdown was put.” Hotch informed.
“Alright, we’ll work on that.” He answered.
“Do you have uh...a technical analyst with you? The analysts right there might use some more help.” A younger man asked.
“Garcia?” Hotch called.
“On it sir.” Penelope answered, walking past them.
“I grabbed everything I could think of.” Lexie said, setting down the supplies around, as Mark set y/n down on the table.
“I- I should have done something. I had a damn gun.” She cried out.
“Y/N, you’ve been shot.” Mark said, loudly enough so that she could hear.
“We have to get her out of here. He could come back, Mark. We have to get her out of here.” She hurriedly said, visibly panicked.
“There’s no exit wound Sloan. We’re gonna have to flip her.” Alex said, looking at Lexie. “Lexie, grab her shoulders.”
“We have to get her out of here Mark.” Lexie said, looking around in panic.
“Lexie, she’s losing blood. We can’t move her. Now shut up and help!” Mark yelled as Lexie sprung into action, grabbing her right shoulder; a few groans of pain coming from y/n.
“Nothing. Damn, the bullet’s still in there somewhere. We’re gonna have to wing it.” He pointed out; as they slowly put her on her back again. “Start an IV. I’ll set up a chest tube.”
“You’re going to be ok, y/n. All right?” Lexie reassured her.
“He- He’s going to kill other people. I can’t-” Y/N hurried out.
“We’re in lockdown y/n. Someone must have called the police, they’re on their way.” Mark said.
“This is my fault- I...could have stopped him.” 
“Y/L/N, you froze. I know that you think you could have shot him, but you saw it, and froze. It’s a normal reaction.” Mark said.
“No, I’m a- fucking FBI agent, I could have done something. Shoot him in the leg or- something.”
“Y/N, it’s okay. Just calm down. All right?” Lexie asked.
“How can I- it’s my fault Lexie.”
“It’s not, you didn’t do anything wrong.” She reassured her, again.
“They’re going to get him.” Alex interrupted.
“Alright, you’re doing great y/n, really great. Now, I need to put in a chest tube. You’re with me, okay?” Mark checked in.
“A chest tube? No, I- I can’t. I’m ok, you don’t need to- cut me.” Y/N hurried out.
“Lexie, you get the betadine ready. I’ll do the rest, okay?” He asked.
“Okay.” She answered, applying betadine on a tissue on her skin. “Oh, god.”
As Mark began cutting into her skin, y/n let out a whimper, which quickly turned into a loud scream.
“Y/N, you have to calm down- Lexie, find a way not to make her scream.” Mark ordered.
“Oh my god- oh, god. Okay.” Lexie answered, turning back to Y/N. “Shh, it’s ok Y/N. You’re going to be okay.” 
“No, I’m- Shit!” Y/N yelled, before screaming again.
“Shut her up, Lexie. If that guy with the gun hears the screaming, he’s gonna head this way. Now do something to shut her up.”
“Ok, ok, Y/N? I know that it hurts, but you have to be quiet. Ok?” She asked, as she felt Y/N’s hand moving towards her. Lexie understood what she meant, as she gripped hers at hard as she could to attempt at distracting her.
“Y/N, I want you to try and take deep breaths- Lexie, talk to her, she needs to stay quiet..”
“Ok, ok. I...you’re gonna be okay Y/N. Just hang in there. I know everything hurts, but you have to hang in there.”
“Spencer’s waiting for you, hang in there. For him. All right?” Mark asked, as she slightly nodded. “Lexie, tell me her stats.”
“Yeah.” She answered, grabbing her stethoscope, as she put it on her chest, looking at the side as she thought. “BP’s 60/palp.” She answered after a minute.
“She’s like...losing a lot of blood.” Alex said.
“Damn it, she needs a transfusion. I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Mark pointed out.
“I’ll go. I’ll go get it.” Lexie volunteered.
“Lexie, that’s insane. I’ll go.” Alex interrupted.
"No. I don’t know what to do. You guys do. I don’t...I can’t do nothing.” Lexie protested, looking back at y/n. “Y/N? Hang in there, don’t die. Ok? I will be right back.” She put her hand on her cheek, slowly moving her thumb in circular motions. “I will be right back.” She took her hand away from her face, getting up from the table as she left the room, closing the door after her.
“Karev, go with her. I don’t want her to die.” Mark said.
“I wasn’t planning on it. I’ll be right back.” Alex answered, leaving the room.
“Hey, Mark?” Y/N asked, Mark looking at her. “ Try not to kill me. Please.”
“Doing my best.” He answered honestly.
What’s going on? Why are people getting out?” Emily asked, as she saw people getting out of the building.
“They’re visitors, it’s the policy. Room by room, floor by floor, before moving non-essential hospital personnel.” Harrison answered.
“Is the shooter out already? Do we know...who it is?” Reid asked, worriedly.
“No, it’s-” He said, getting interrupted by a voice playing on the computer behind.
“Dr. Owen Hunt from Seattle Grace…”
“Sir, we have sound.” Garcia informed.
“...we are coming out with a critical patient.”
“Dr. Torres. I’m up on peds, we’ve got a kid with a ruptured appendix.”
“Dr. Miranda Bailey. I’m on five.”
“...he shot a doctor. In the ICU.”
“There are two dead security guards…”
“This guy, six-one, graying hair, mustache…”
“Dr. Charles Percy’s been shot…please come, we need help up here.”
“He killed a nurse...and shot an FBI agent, Y/N Y/L/N. Dr. Karev is with me. We’ve got a GSW to the chest, I need a way outta here if she’s gonna make it. “
“He’s looking for the chief. Specifically the chief.”
“He shot him. He shot Derek Shepherd, right in front of us. We need help-”
They all stared at the computer for a moment, not saying a word, no one knew how to react.
Y/N was still in there, and as planned, she encountered him. 
On top of that, at least seven potential victims had been shot, and approx. five of them were deceased.
From the calls, three were potentially still alive, but it wasn’t guaranteed that they’d survive.
“Wait, did he say Y/N’s name?” Reid asked.
“Yeah, the- the name on it was Mark Sloan.” Garcia confirmed. “He’s with Y/N and...Alex Karev.”
“Didn’t we briefly talk to them last time?” Morgan interrogated.
“Yeah, in another case.” Hotch answered.
“Don’t worry, that guy’s gotta be pretty talented, I think he’s an attending. That means he’s gotta be pretty good at it. She’s going to be okay.” Morgan reassured Spencer upon seeing his expression.
“I really hope so.” 
“So, are we cleared to go in there, or do we have to wait furthermore?” Emily interrupted.
“If some members of your team have already done that kind of stuff, the SWAT team at the entry won’t mind some assistance to clear the floors.”
“Okay then.” Hotch answered, turning to them. “Reid, you feel okay to go in there?” He asked before moving on.
“Of course Hotch. I’m fine, don’t worry.” Spencer confirmed.
“Alright. We’ll make a brief plan with them before entering. They’re aware that we are here to assist as I discussed with them, so there shouldn’t be complications.” Hotch explained, as everyone sprung into action.
“You gotta talk with Lexie.” Y/N said.
“You have- to talk with her. You guys like each other.”
“She’s moved on y/l/n, I can’t force her.”
“You can. It’s not like they’re married with two kids, you still can.”
“I wish it was as easy as you’re telling.”
“It’s gonna get better, trust me. I’m happy for Karev, but she’s not for him. You- You’re made for her.”
“Okay, I will...I’ll talk to her. But you gotta hang in there, cause they’re gonna be back any minute. Spencer is gonna be back any minute. Karev and Grey had to go to the blood bank.”
“They’re going to be okay though? They have to.”
“Of course they’re going to be. Don’t worry about that, you have to hang in there until Spencer comes. He’s head over heels for you, you can’t go.”
“I know. I have to see him...the team...all of them, again.”
“You will.”
None of them were reassured by the silence of the corridor as they made their way through it.
Lexie was pushing down a cart with supplies on it, as Alex was behind her. He looked behind him; when Lexie suddenly stopped.
When he looked back in front of him as he wondered why she wasn’t moving;
They both saw him.
Right in front of them.
“Mr. Clark…” Lexie said.
“I didn’t plan to shoot all those people.” Gary explained.
“Of course, you didn’t. No, you were sad...you were grieving.”
“I only planned to shoot Dr. Shepherd. And Dr. Webber.” He enunciated. “...and you.” He said, as he pointed his gun at her. “You unplugged the machines. Your hands killed my Allison.” He said, as he lifted the hand that held his gun and then;
a shot echoed through the corridor.
The silence lasted a few seconds, as Lexie sat up, slightly getting her head out of the cart to glance in front of her.
Gary was on the floor, barely moving, as he raised himself up, his face scrunching up in pain because of the gunshot wound he had received in his left shoulder.
After checking that Alex and herself weren’t injured, she took a deep breath, looking behind her.
Two people were behind, she recognized one of them from the last time, but the other remained unknown. The man with the FBI vest signaled with his hand that they could move forward, and after a few breaths, she stood up with Alex, running back to the room with him.
“Is she dead?” Lexie asks, as Alex closes the room behind them.
“She’s unconscious. Her vitals are tanking, and there’s nothing more I can do for her.” Mark answers.
“Don’t die, y/n. Please don’t die.” She said, running a hand on her forehead. “I unplugged his wife. I’m so sorry, this was my fault, not yours. Don’t die, do you hear me? Your team is waiting for you.”
“We got a name. Gary Clark.” Harrison said.
“Did you say Gary Clark?” A man approaches. 
“Yes, but, may I...know who you are?”
“I’m Richard Webber, the uh...chief, former chief- Look, this is my hospital.”
“Do you know something about him, perhaps?”
“Yes. Gary Clark’s wife was a patient here. She was my patient. He’s suing the hospital, why?” Webber asked, as the chief glanced at him. He didn’t even need to answer, because both of them knew what this was about.
“He’s the shooter.” Morgan said.
“JJ?” Y/N asks.
“Y/N? It’s Lexie.” Lexie walks forward, sitting up on the table.
“JJ, I’m sorry. This was my fault. Don’t go. I’m sorry.”
“I’m...I’m not going anywhere.” She answers.
“You came here JJ. You came.” 
“Yeah, I came here. It’s going- It’s going to be okay.” Lexie reassures.
“Don’t leave, please.”
“I won’t. I won’t ever leave you y/n. Me, and the team...can’t wait to see you again. They need you-” Lexie said, as the sound of the door interrupted them.
Hotch, and two other SWAT agents enter the room, looking around before talking. 
“The floor is clear. We’re going to evacuate you now.” The SWAT agent informs, as Lexie takes a relieved breath, a tear falling from her eye.
“We’ve cleared the floor, and we’ll clear the others.” Harrison explained to Webber.
“You’ve got- five guys searching over 150,000 square feet of hospital-”
“The BAU’s with them. Don’t worry. He’s not getting out of there.” He said, as he turned around. “Garcia?”
“Yes, sir?” Penelope answered.
“Pull a DMV photo of Gary Clark. Have Dr. Webber confirm. And shut down the elevators. We wanna isolate this guy.”
“Where can I find him sir?” She asks.
“He’s right over…” He turned around...but he’s nowhere to be seen. “Shit.”
“Gunshot wound to the right chest. We put in a chest tube. She’s gotten three liters of LR, and two units of packed cells.” Mark informed, as him, Lexie and a paramedic are pushing the gurney. 
“Alright, get her into an ambulance. Call Seattle Pres, let them know we’re coming!” Teddy said after she arrived.
“I- I need to update that chart. She’s going to be okay, right?” Lexie asked, worried, but Teddy didn’t answer. She glanced at her, and went with the paramedic. 
“You’re one of y/n colleagues, right?” Alex asked.
“Yes, Hotchner. We...already came here for a previous case.”
“Yeah, I talked a bit with her. She also briefly came, when she was out of work. Sloan did his best, she...I hope she’s going to make it. Him and Lexie talked a bit about a guy named...Spencer. Is it her boyfriend?”
“If I’m not wrong, they’ve grown pretty close, so...maybe.” Hotch assumed.
“Oh, well, I’m sure he’s going to be happy to see her. She should make it.” Alex presumed.
“Of course. Excuse me.” Hotch said, heading back to where Garcia and the chief were. “Where did the guy go?”
“Webber? I don’t know. We...were about to ask him to confirm Gary Clark’s identity, but he just...disappeared.”
“Do you think he...went inside?” Harrison questioned.
“Most likely.” Hotch answered.
As the automatic doors opened upon Webber’s arrival, the corridor was deadly quiet. 
He stepped in, looking around to see if anyone’s there.
On the floor, close to a room, a doctor laid on the floor, shot in the chest. His eyes remained open, and blood was pouring from his wound to the side.
Richard walked towards an ICU room, noticing Clark sitting on a chair next to the bed, holding his gun in his right hand.
“I’ve been looking for you.” Clark said.
“I’ve been looking for you.” Webber answered, as Clark laughed.
“You wanna know something funny? Do you?” He asked two questions, raising his gun at the second.
“Ok.” Richard said.
“Five days ago, when I brought this gun- did you know you could buy a gun at a superstore? They have a whole section off at aisle eight. A gun section.” He said, chuckling. “Anyway, when I brought the ammunition- ammo. I brought a whole bunch of it ‘cause it was on sale. And then this morning, when I was packing it into my coat, I didn’t have enough room for all of it in my pockets...because; I wanted to bring my flask.” He held it in his right hand, as Richard glanced at it. 
“You mind?” Gary handed the flask to him, and Richard stepped  forward, twisting the cap open before giving back to him, as he took a large sip from it. “I’m not much of a drinker...but I figured I’d need some liquid courage. You want some?” He offered.
“No, thanks.” He answers.
“The funny part is…” He said, chuckling again. “I didn’t need a drink until now. Right now. And the only reason I need a drink is because...I only have one bullet left.” He announced, as his smile dropped, revealing a serious face. “I left bullets at home because I thought I’d need a drink. And the only reason I need a drink is because I don’t have enough bullets!” He laughs at it for a few seconds once again, taking a serious face as he takes a stronger grip on his gun. “See, I was gonna kill you...shoot you right in the face, watch you suffer and die. And then I was gonna shoot myself...but I only have one bullet left.”
“Then it seems you have a bit of a problem.” Webber assumed.
“I do. I do. I have one hell of a problem.” He agrees. “You sure you don’t want a drink?” He asked, handing the flask to Richard, as he stepped forward after a short moment of hesitation. 
When he takes it, he brings it to his nose, smelling it.
“Vodka. That’s nice.” He said, putting the flask upside down as the liquid poured down on the floor.
“Hey.” He warned, before Webber raised his right hand.
“What’s it gonna be, Mr. Clark? Me or you?” Richard asked, throwing the flask on the bed afterwards. “You shoot me, SWAT’s gonna get you. And they’re not gonna shoot you; they’re gonna capture you and take you to prison.” He explained. “You shoot yourself, then you’re free. Done. Maybe you get to see your wife again. So you have a choice to make. Me or you? A life in prison? Or an afterlife with your wife?”
“Screw you.” He pointed his gun higher, towards his head.
“See, I’ve lived. I mean, I’ve really, really lived.” He answers. “I’ve failed, I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy, and passion. And I’ve had a great love. See, death for me; is not justice. It’s the end of a beautiful journey; and...I’m not afraid to die. The question is...are you?” He asked. “A life in prison...or an afterlife, with your wife. Me or you. Your choice.” He enunciated as silence took over the whole room as they glanced at each other.
In the corridor, three SWAT agents, along with Spencer, Derek and Emily made their way in the area, their guns drawn in front of them as they explored the surroundings.
Reid heads to one of the ICU room with Morgan, as suddenly;
a gunshot echoes.
No one moves.
The sound disappears only a few seconds after the impact.
When they’re cleared to move forward by one of the SWAT agents standing at the end of the corridor, they walked in the room.
Clark’s eyes are closed, a gunshot wound on his forehead. 
The gun is next to the chair, it had probably fallen down from his hands after he had shot.
Webber was sitting on a bed, a calm -but disturbed expression- on his face as he looked at them.
Everyone lowered their weapons.
It was over.
When they had made their way back outside, Spencer had noticed that some ambulances were outside. Taking injured people in.
He began looking for y/n.
But he didn’t see her.
Is she already back there?
Did she...no. 
She has to be okay.
Upon seeing Spencer’s worried expression, Hotch stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Reid. Look at me.” Hotch ordered. “They took her in an ambulance to Seattle Pres. We don’t know if she’s going to make it yet, but I know she’s going to make it. Y/L/N’s not anyone. She had many trips at the hospital, and always came back strong as ever. So, she’s going to be okay. All right?”
“Yeah, she’s going to make it. I know she will.” Spencer sniffed, taking a deep breath.
“Come on, kid. Let’s go there.” Morgan checked in with him, as Spencer nodded, walking along with him.
Hotch briefly checked in with the other officers before leaving, as they thanked them for their assistance as well. 
When y/n had left the station just hours ago, none of them thought she’d end up leaving with a gunshot wound in her chest, ending up in a pretty bad shape that had almost killed her.
But, she’s going to be fine.
That’s probably what everyone repeated to themselves as they made their way there.
She has to be.
For everyone’s sake.
Among all the hospital trips many of them in the team have had in the previous years, from start to this day, they can honestly say without hesitating that they’ve had their fair dose of heart attacks.
But what they couldn’t, and still can’t bear, is to lose one of their loved ones.
Each of them dealt with the pain differently, but it never...completely goes away, and, if Y/N hadn’t managed to make it, or if they hadn’t even found her in the first place...no one would have been able to imagine the pain it would cause afterwards.
As Mark had told them a bit of what happened back there, when he was just signing papers and then; it all happened so fast.
A nurse talked; and that was it.
He drew his gun and shot.
He had killed one of the nurses, and just went on.
When he had gone to the elevator with Lexie, as Alex came a bit after, y/n had unfortunately encountered him; and could have lost her life if they hadn’t gone there and taken the stairs, for example.
It was all luck, that they had managed to survive.
One of them could have gotten shot when he had shot bullets in the lobby, or when Lexie and Alex returned from the blood bank, or randomly when they were saving y/n.
He could have gotten here.
He might not have killed all of them, but probably one or two of them, if he had decided to spare the remaining ones.
No one could have predicted it.
They’ve been...quite lucky to be able to get out of here alive.
Reed, Charles, and some other doctors, nurses, and even security guards had been the consequences of his anger, and unfortunately lost their lives.
Everyone will have its own trauma from it.
It won’t really go away, but, perhaps lessen with time.
Some will pretend to be fine, to...draw away from the problems, ignore them to not have to deal with it all over again.
Some will need time to recover from it, and won’t totally be themselves for a while, it’ll be difficult for them to not get triggered by something that’d make them think of what happened.
But, everyone will get better, at their rhythm, time, even if it’ll take more than a few months.
There isn’t a specific time to recover, everyone deals with trauma differently.
Not any of them know how y/n will do, if she’s gonna stay stuck in the same place, pretend to be fine and let of the pain stuck inside, ready to explode at any time, but, they know that, if she’s aware of it, she won’t let it put others at risks.
With all of what happened, she knew when she had reached her limit, and postponed her work temporarily until she was able to function better.
They’ll all be there for her, none of them ever planned on letting her down.
Of course, there will be days where she’ll need to be alone, everyone needs to be sometimes.
But, again, they won’t really know how she’ll react, so they can’t do anything but be with her, as much as possible.
They were just..really glad to know that she had made it, mainly.
As they had expected, the part when Y/N had woken up seemed kind of difficult.
She had gotten shot, lost a lot of blood, had to get cut so that Mark could put a chest tube, her vitals were tanking, and she just had another operation to get the bullet out, so...all of these combined were pretty tough.
They also had to intubate her, and eventually, remove the tube from her throat when she was waking up, as being intubated while you’re awake isn’t really...comfortable.
It wasn’t a bother for them to wait, the case was basically done, and the paperwork could eventually wait until they got back, it didn’t really matter.
Mark had said in advance that she’d need a bit of time to take in her surroundings, and that they shouldn’t startle her.
Spencer would have almost done all of the opposite, he couldn’t be happier than when he had seen all the things that would reassure him such as, the steady heartbeat on the monitor, her chest rising up and down, and when she woke up, her eyes opening.
He couldn’t be more relieved than from a single sight.
They couldn’t all enter the room, so only Spencer, Morgan and Hotch were in.
Spencer had sat next to the bed, as Morgan was sitting a bit further. Hotch was standing in the corner of the room, taking in the sight.
“...I kinda feel cornered right now.” Y/N said, earning a laugh from them.
“You really scared the hell out of us.” Morgan informed. 
“It was scary on my side too, so...we’re quits.” She pointed out. “By the way...did they catch him?”
“No. He killed himself before we got in.”
“For god’s sake. I don’t even know if I’m supposed to be mad or not. The look on his face. It had something. He wasn’t...I don’t know.”
“Apparently, he had...lost his wife. And, he...didn’t mean to kill all those people. Only the chief, Dr. Webber, and...Lexie.”
“They were all innocent, Spencer.”
“I know.”
“Gosh, I’m never going to a hospital without someone else again. I thought I was going to die there.”
“We all hoped you’d turn out to be okay, the whole day. You survived thanks to Dr.Grey, Sloan, Karev and also, Dr. Altman. She stabilized you again, and you made it.”
“I know. I’m grateful for that.”
“Do you want to see them? They’ve been asking about you, and haven’t left since.” Hotch asked.
“Sure, send them in.” She agreed, as Hotch opened the door, making a brief sign with his hand. 
A few footsteps were heard, as three familiar faces appeared.
"Y/L/N, you’re awake! Not gonna thank your savior?” Mark joked.
"Whether you'd say it or not, of course I'd thank you. I'm mostly alive because of you guys."
"I'm glad you're okay. Genius, over there was really worried. I thought he was going to pass out when you were still unconscious." Mark explained.
"I was just a bit dizzy. Nothing...much." 
“It’s okay. I would have fainted if it would have been any of you guys. You can admit it Spencer.”
"No, I...it's okay."
"If you say so." She accepted his answer, letting it slide off. "When can I go...by the way?" She asked.
"You'll be able to go back to Quantico in two days max, you've already shown great progress, so it shouldn't be a problem for your discharge." Mark informed.
"If you miss us, we'll come by Quantico if we all happen to have time. You guys don't have ferry boats, which sucks, but we'll make an exception for y/n." Alex said.
"It's only five hours if we travel by plane, so it's pretty fine." Lexie pointed out.
"I'll also come back, but...not right away to the hospital."
"Yeah, we get it. We'll probably take a few days off." Alex admitted.
"So, if we both have days off, can I stay there?"
"We'll eventually have to go if we get a case." Hotch said.
"I'll have surgeons with me in case I fall down the stairs. I'll be safe."
"You sure you won't miss me too much?" Spencer asked y/n.
"Of course I'll do. That's why I don't want a new case."
"Let's hope we get some free time then." Morgan interrupted.
"Then I have to get on a ferry as soon as I'm well enough. I'm definitely not leaving without doing it." Y/N said.
"Don't worry, we'll definitely go on it." Mark said.
"We better. That'll be fun for all of us, we've all earned it."
"You say it." Mark agreed. "I'm gonna have to be careful with my words though, y/l/n has a boyfriend now."
"You don't stand a chance against Spencer, sorry." She admitted to Mark.
"Damn, you always manage to find ways to hurt me each time. That's really mean." 
"What can I say? I'm just pointing out the truth."
"Yeah but, your truth is kind of...harsh."
"Not always."
"What's the exception? You never did it with me." 
"He knows the exception." She points at Spencer. "I love him, and that's the pure truth, the other truth."
"Really?" Spencer asked.
"Does it look like I'm lying? You're supposed to be a good profiler."
"No, you're not lying. I love you too."
"You don't have to be embarrassed about it, pretty boy. It's okay." Morgan interrupted.
"They already heard us saying that, so...you don't really have to be embarrassed, Spence."
"It’s just a bit weird."
"It isn’t to me Reid."
"There’s just...a lot of people here.”
“Ok, would you mind giving us a minute guys?” Y/N asked, as everyone agreed, leaving with a few words. “Now it’s just the two of us. What did you want to say?”
“I...just; really, really, like you, and...even if it’s...really recent, I couldn’t imagine having to hear that you didn’t make it. Because, I don’t just want a few months, I want much more than that. And, what happened back there really scared the hell out of me.”
“I know. It scared me too. I also really wanted to see you. But, I’m okay now. You don’t have to worry. I’m never going anywhere without someone with me, ever again.”
“Then you’ll have to get pretty used to having me around.”
“It’s not a problem at all. I look forward to it.”
“I’ll never leave though, we might end up moving together at this rate.”
“Your apartment is sort of like a 24/7 open library, and it’s quite nice. So, I won’t mind. I also have my own genius.”
“I’ll always be your genius, right?”
If you liked this piece, let me know here! (As it’s my first crossover piece, let me know if you’d like to see others!!)
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AN: I’m not fully happy with this one. The idea was good, but its not really edited and I’m not too fond of the ending. But continuing to try and rewrite it isn’t getting me anywhere so I am going to post it for now. Maybe in the future I will come back and fix it.
Word Count: 1412
Warnings: smut/lemon, telepathy, cockwarming
Description: DW Kinktober Day 3; Prompt: Telepathy
You just wanted to have some attention, and the Master needs to finish his sums.
Tag List: @c-s-stars @queerconfusionthings @how-masterful @truthbehindthemysteries
Shifting uncomfortably on the Master’s lap you tried to distract yourself from the situation you had put yourself into. Unfortunately, there was no one to blame but yourself for your predicament. As much as you wanted to blame the Master, he hadn’t done anything wrong. He had told you when this started that he had work to do and there would be little attention paid to you. That really it would be a much better idea for you to just relax and entertain yourself somewhere else. Or to even go grab a book to read while you joined him if you really wanted to stay. You had been so certain that the appeal of you settled in his lap, warm and full of his cock would be enough to distract him from his work. It had yet to work. It had been ages already! It felt like he had been working on his sums for hours. How could he resist you ready to be fucked in his lap and continue to work with not even a little teasing? He hadn’t even bounced his leg or pressed a kiss to the side of your face.
Pouting you tried to enjoy the sensation of being so full and filled by the Master. Without him moving it was feeling more like agony. You were used to cockwarming but not for this long, not without him continuing to actively keep you aroused. You wanted nothing more that for him to move, even just to shift his weight. Anything would be a relief at this point. You wanted your thoughts and body to be filled with only him. Trying to be patient for so long was starting to take it’s toll on you. 
Yet you didn’t mutter a word of complaint. He had warned you that he was busy, it was your own fault for thinking you could change that. It had been your idea to beg him to let you cockwarm as he worked, hoping to derail his progress with a quick fuck. You had assumed he would give into temptation after half an hour at most. You had just wanted some attention, to be close to him. Clearly, your plan hadn’t quite worked out for you. So you tried to stay still, to behave. Because he was busy, and you didn’t want to disturb him when you had promised not to.
Almost as if he had been reading your mind, the Master shifted slightly so that his head could rest on your shoulder. Pressing a quick kiss to your throat before you feel an ache in your head. Like the very beginnings of a headache that you knew was coming on. Slowly the pain faded, leaving you with the strange sensation of your mind being cradled in warmth. Even after having experienced the sensations hundreds of times you were still not used to the Master being inside of your head.
"Hmmm someone's getting a bit impatient. You alright, love? Got somewhere to be?"
His teasing echoed in your mind, like your own thoughts but scattered. His mental laughter didn't help you to process his thoughts any easier. The laughter was quiet, almost as if he was trying to keep it from reaching your mind. The issue with that was that no matter how much he tried to shield his stream of consciousness away, your mind reached to pull him in with just as much force. 
“I can be patient,” you shot back at him mentally. Your own inner thoughts betrayed you with a soft admission, “or at least I’m trying.”
Fond amusement washed over you. How adorable it was that you were trying to play pretend when your body was now rocking side to side. Aiming to gain as much stimulation as you could from shifting your weight. 
Shaking your head you tried to get the Master’s thoughts out of your head. It was instinctual, your mind not wanting to accept that someone else’s thoughts were intruding upon where your own stream of consciousness should be reigning. It truth you wanted to know every thought the Master had, especially when they were about you. The moment you felt the semi-rough texture of the Master’s hands caressing your thighs you lost all semblance of thought. 
So close to where you needed to feel him, yet teasingly far away. You blissfully accepted every touch. Trembling when his fingers finally brushed over your clit. His cock twitching in pleasure simultaneously. Oh, sometimes you forgot that he could feel what you felt when he did this. Clearly, he knew that the build up had made for the most wonderful of pleasures when he finally relieved you of your anticipation. Again and again he repeated his teasing motions.
Stopping abruptly in his pattern right before he would brush over your clit he stole your full attention. 
“I have to get this work done. Be a good girl and be patient again?” He projected into your mind.
“Please,” you whispered into the silent room. 
You found your hand wrapped around the pen the Master had been using before his hands found their way to your waist. Slowly, you could feel the emptiness left as the Master lifted you off of his cock. Mind filled with your thoughts mourning the loss, until you rapidly found yourself filled again. Being yanked back down with a force that made you cry out in pleasure. This, this is what you had been patiently waiting for.
“I don’t know if you can really count what you were doing as patient. Love. Your thoughts had been screaming that you wanted attention. They made it even harder to concentrate than the feeling of your warm, tight cunt around my cock.”
You moaned wildly as his words entered your head, bringing with them echoes of memories of how he had struggled to keep him mind focused.
“Write down 62 for me would you, love.”
Startling you out of your mental haze you tried to focus on the mathematics the Master was now filling your thoughts with. Each lift and drop of your body as he made you ride his cock clearing your head again. You could barely understand the numbers, nervermind write them down. Yet somehow you managed.
“Next we need to solve for E equals,” interrupting his thought you reminded him that it was really him who was solving these impossible difficult mathematic computations. It was kind of him to mentally include you, but you both knew the truth was that you were his glorified secretary.
“And what a beautiful secretary you are, now where were we?”
“Solving for E=mc cubed, Master,” you mentally reminded him.
“Such a good girl, remembering your lesion on the extra temporal physics of the time vortex!”
Your mind seemed to heat up as if your brain itself was blushing. It wasn’t possible yet somehow that it what it felt like. Or maybe the sensation stemmed from the Master resting one of his hands against your very flushed cheeks. The heat he was feeling transferring into your own thoughts as a literal feeling of heat. 
You hands shook as overtime your arousal grew, building up until you felt ready to fall apart. It was a struggle to write down any of the numbers you could pick out of the Master’s head. How did he manage to do both solve mathematic equations and fuck you? You were getting distracted just trying to write down some numbers! You hated the fact that he could multitask so well.
A pleasure shot through you before the mental connection was broken. You could feel the Master’s release shooting into you. It felt heavenly, something you had grown to love more and more each time you felt it. It was then that you noticed. Your arousal hadn’t subsided at all, your little orgasm had been a reflection of the Master’s. Your body was still humming with need. You whined pathetically, it wasn’t fair. You could feel the Master’s cock softening inside of you.
“What happened to my patient good girl?”
“This is so rude, Master. I want to cum so bad and now I’ll have to wait, again.”
“Good things cum to those who wait.”
“Don’t pun at me,” you laughed, annoyed that you couldn’t manage to stay upset with him.
Besides you knew what you were getting into when you interrupted his sums. Honestly, as long as you got to spend time with him you were content.
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