#dust being chill
mcgeez9040 · 9 months
Aka joshua the purifier
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(snake, bird and human)
Basically his is a granchild of the Divine tree of life and death (also know as Quetzalcoatl but they quite had a controversy so i just refer as god)
In Canon lore the tree of life and death doesn't get along with lanny and nim (the Guardian of Magic and morality) so stays at a long distance
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Once dreamtale gets "ruined" god takes over
And lanny gets "replaced"(executed) by the family "Primis mahō" (Primis= first in latim/ mahō= Magic in japanese)
So they now the new Guardians of magic
And dreamtale becomes "TheDivinitasArbores tales"
Which just means "the Divines trees tales"
Overall becomes a average place to stay
God fixing what lanny's and nim's shit
(also nightmares but god sees him as savior of his au, afterall. He finished nim, plus Weaking lanny. Making they job easier)
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More about God
God has 2 fragments that are his helpers death and life snakes (which is also kinda part of the cannon lore too) which they also have a servants that help around specifically the au(like the society, politics, generally the world) more then the Divines duties (aka the balances or cycles of time/existing)
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I still trying to keep there origin about them which is Quetzalcoatl
I did make a family tree
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Joshua is the typical himbo/ kind boi
Doesn't has a "Divine role"
Afterall hes not allowed to go other aus, since Michael (servant of the snake of death) doesn't want him to fall the same "demise" of his father
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Which is the shrine gates of the sacred palace (which none of mortals knows about cus... is extremely hiding)
But how did killer got there? Lets say he got "isekai" vibes
Starter the typical fights
Star sanses vs bad sanses but it happens in inks domain
By the "combine" attack of dream and noot cus a portal reaction of there "scroll au" which activeted a portal and killer got swallowed by it and pop out of the shrine injured so Joshua cares for him until he gets healthy
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And for there our dear killer Falls in love with him
Killer does leave the au (without realize that was dreamtale) but he promises to come back
He does while talking the outside of there world (like the other aus etc)
While Joshua shows about his home and culture
And Just having a funtime
Nightmare asking WTF killer IS doing and so he sends dust tofollows kils to where hes been going
And the intereaction went like this
Killer: hi i back!
Joshua: welcome back ki, who your friend behind you?
Killer: whah? *Looks back*
Dust: hi bud
Killer: *screams inside*
Killer: hey dustbun whatcha...doing?
Dust: wondering whatcha been doing... lately you been missing for quite some while. Bo- "big friend" been worried sick about you...
Killer: ((shit... i been risking too much... gonna think fast about good comeback-)) *killer Just trying to think of excuses of his missing*
Joshua: is ki good?
Dust: he just FINALLY using his brain, so WHO are ya?
Joshua: oh i joshua Nice to meet ya
*dust and Joshua nicely to eachother while killer froze up*
@unknownarmageddon here some lore for ya
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 5 months
if nightmare can pick up a cemi, what else can he lift? does he pick up the bad gays sometimes?
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anime-lover-mooncake · 2 months
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I really want to see Lucifer interacting more with the HH Crew.
I feel Angel Dust and Lucifer would have an interesting dynamic!
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sentientsliotar · 9 months
Please let this be canon
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Okay so we all know Lilith is Charlie’s mom and Lucifer’s wife-
TIL that some texts describe Lilith as Adam’s first wife before Eve…..please let this be canon in Hazbin, chaotic family drama is entertaining
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selineram3421 · 1 year
🚧Under construction🚧
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Romantic: Angel Dust X Reader
From: Paparazzi Headcanons
Warning! ⚠
⚠ implied/suggestive, paparazzi being creeps, reporters, social media stalking/harassment, Valentino being a bitch, outraged fans, blood, descriptive injuries, murder spree ⚠
"Hey!", you greet your boyfriend, sprinting over with a grin. "How was your day?"
"Same old shit. I stole some guy's wallet though!", he says and lifts it up, pulling you close with one of his lower arms and walking.
"Anything good in there?", you ask and walk with him.
"Kinda? I mean, there was a condom and two hundred bucks.", the spider demon shrugs and puts the wallet away.
Angel Dust.
One of Hell's most famous porn stars and your boyfriend.
You've been with him for a good while now. Meeting his friend Cherri Bomb and also participating in whatever the two got into sometimes. Dating was a blast, but you had to keep it on the down-low. With him being a star came paparazzi, and he didn't want you mixed up in that mess.
"What do you wanna do tonight? Wanna watch Hellflix and chill?", Angel asks you.
"That sounds good, let's do it.", you agree and take out your hellphone. "Want take-out? I'll order something."
"Hell yeah! Can we get burritos?", he says and leans over to look at your phone.
"Sure Fluff-ti.", you say and scroll to look for your favorite burrito place.
What you two didn't notice was the demon following you since Angel got out of the club.
Currently you both were "watching" a movie. Hours had passed since dinner and now it was just some time for the two of you, Fat Nuggets was asleep.
"Damn it Angel, you're too pretty for Hell.", you say in between kisses.
"Shouldn't I be doin' the sweet talkin'?", Angel asks, holding you closer.
Then there's an odd sound, making you pause.
"What was that?", you ask and look around.
"Probably the movie.", he says, pulling you for more.
There's another noise, like metal and you sit up, finding a light coming from the front door.
"What the hell? Why is the mail slot open?", you say and squint to figure out why.
A second later you jump up and cover yourself with a robe before rushing over to the door. Pulling it open, you Sparta kick a demon in a face and their back hits the wall across.
"Fuck off you creep!", you yell.
"Ack! You piece of shit! You broke my nose!", the demon cries out, holding their bleeding nose.
"I'll break more than that if you don't leave.", you threaten.
"No you would-", they start.
"One.", you start counting down. "Two.."
The demon scrambles getting up and runs down the alleyway.
"You ok hun?", Angel says from behind you, wrapping his arms around your neck and waist.
"I'm fine, but someone was looking through the mail slot.", you say and both of you head back inside, closing the door.
"I can't keep count how many times that's happened.", he says with a scoff and a roll of his eyes.
You make sure its locked and hug the spider demon, burying your face in his fluffy chest.
"Sounds like a nightmare.", your voice is muffled.
"Let's go back to bed.", he says with a certain tone.
Movie had finished a while ago.
You know that invisible pressure you get when being watched? That feeling like someone is just around the corner or in the shadows?
Yeah, that's been going on for two weeks now.
Angel thought you meant the usual stares he got from others but then there were demons sitting in cars for hours across the apartment.
Feeling a hint of paranoia, you wrote down all the license plates of the cars that stayed a little too long or any that seemed to follow you when outside.
Eventually you start having a panic attack, working on autopilot when packing an emergency bag.
Angel finds you pacing.
"Hey, whoa! Calm down babe.", he stops you with a hug and rubs your back. "You're ok, you're ok.", he whispers.
"Three cars followed me today. They were recording.", you tell him, hands clutched onto his top. "I don't wanna go through that again. Not again-", you mutter, remembering being in a similar situation when you were alive.
"Shh, shh..", he holds you tighter. "Its ok."
He makes a call to Cherri to help out get rid of them.
But its too late as all hell breaks loose when an article with pictures of you and Angel comes out.
Listening to Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
~Seline, the person.
Part 1
@ducky-died-inside @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb
ML for Angel Dust🕸
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toffeebrew · 20 days
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DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!!! i think i have some unpopular opinions in there so-also i don't hate any ships (aside from the ones listed) at worst i feel neutral about them!!
another big disclaimer: I do realize this could be very wrong haha i don't know everything about these aus and I don't claim my opinions to be correct or in anyway canon.
i would love to explain the reasoning for all of them heheh (also ngl only know like... maybe half of these aus more than surface level so most of this was based off vibes alone. im not doing research for all the aus just for this chart im sorry LMAOO)
sorry bad sanses enjoyers 😭
Ship chart from:
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Blank chart:
(remember to credit or ill skin you! joking but do credit)
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silver-dragonborn · 2 months
Because I've been reading too many Reborn as The Villainess mangas, I can't stop thinking about a self-insert fanfic where the oc wakes up as Alicent Hightower the day before her wedding to Viserys and decides to survive the story by living a life of luxury as Queen, preparing Rhaenyra for the throne, and ensuring that she never has children by Viserys because, in her past life, she was happily childless.
Besides, there's no way in hell she's going to have children with a man who murdered his wife for a son. No, the oc gaslights Viserys into not getting her pregnant thus regaining Rhaenyra's trust and sabotaging Otto's plans. Oc also worked herself to exhaustion in her past life and now that she's Queen in this life, she indulges herself in court while preparing Rhaenyra for the throne and using modern means to help Rhaenyra produce children with Laenor.
And while the oc is living her life in luxury childfree and helping Rhaenyra, Otto is seething and rocking back and forth while Daemon isn't sure what to make of Alicent Hightower's change in personality.
Just a humorous crackfic of a self-insert not involving herself in the usurpation of Rhaenyra's throne through common sense, logic, and subterfuge. The main characters are watching her relaxing and wondering what the hell happened to Alicent Hightower.
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iamcringe-butiamfree · 3 months
hey can raging aphobes get out of the Hazbin fandom please :D /srs
just saw one person try to claim that the scene in the beginning of episode one where Alastor says “not gonna happen” to Angel’s p*rn video suggestion was violating to Angel Dust, not Alastor. they then proceeded to say that “asexuals claiming that this was ‘good ace rep’ are ignoring the blatant wh*rephobia that Alastor is showing in this scene” (not even kidding that is the actual word they used)
maybe? some people??? just don’t like sexual remarks made about them like that????? even if they’re NOT asexual???????
and they seem to be just. incredibly aphobic in general. they seem to disregard the fact that sex-repulsed aces exist (talking about them in quotations “like this” in a derogatory way as if we’re not real) and are really hostile to anyone who tries to reason with them - reblogging their responses with what are practically essays on why THEY’RE right and the other person MUST be wrong
anyways sorry for the rant. i’m just pissed lol
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lululeighwrites · 6 months
how dare you
characters: summoner leigh, (possessed) gunter, anankos
content warnings: imprisonment, coercion, betrayal from a lover, bad end (?)
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The door of the dungeon cell creaks open on its rusty hinges, emitting a noise so deafening it would cause anyone in their right mind to wince.
Of the three now present in the damp and crumbling alcove—the degenerating, his puppet, and their prisoner—none reacts to the piercing sound as it grates against their eardrums.
Leigh feels nothing, unflinching from their detainment along the back wall of the cell, arms drained of all sensation from where they hang above their head, wrists cuffed together in magic-resistant bonds from a metal chain attached to the ceiling.
“Call to me the power of those from other worlds,” Anankos demands. From his cloak he retrieves the stolen legendary relic of the summoner, tossing it towards Leigh and allowing it to skate along the rocky floor, stopping at their feet.
“And perhaps you’ll see more of this world than the dingy confines of this cage.”
“It’s impossible,” Leigh clarifies, unwillingly to meet the gaze of their captors, “I can only summon on Askr’s dais, and we’re a long way from there, aren’t we?”
“Then how about this one? One of my vassals has enlightened me on its origins, and the power it was once imbued with: that of another world, and another you.”
Leigh’s nerves flare at that, raising their head just as the entombed god pulls a second Breidablik from his cloak, heart jumping into their throat as they gaze upon the relic lacquered icy black and marred by the damage of those who tried—and failed—to retrieve its potential for themselves.
“I… I don’t know. Why would I ever try? It’s a memento from the past; a gift from someone that’s long been forgotten.”
“It seems yet another concerning similarity appears before us, summoner,” Anankos mocks, tucking the relic away. “I bestow gifts as well, and given your unwillingness to help, I feel it’s time for you to receive it.”
Madness—more than that which already permeates the air—descends upon the cell within that moment. No sooner has Anankos rolled up his sleeve and drawn blood with the flick of a wrist, running thick and grainy down his arm, than Gunter has come to tower over Leigh, hand squeezing their clenched jaw in a forceful attempt to pry their mouth open. His efforts are in vain as they resist the excruciating pressure applied to their mandible, unwilling to yield their freedom so easily, and using the remainder of their strength to do so.
“You humans are so stubborn to submit willingly before your god. No matter—my vassal, do not allow my blood to go to waste.”
For a moment, Leigh finds respite, watching as Gunter finds the wound along the silent dragon’s arm, drawing the rancid ichor into his mouth—but not consuming it himself.
“Enough. Go forth and create for me a new puppet—use any means necessary.”
Soon enough, he’s on them again, dragging their chin up and mashing their lips together. Leigh’s resolve remains strong, jaw locked and lips pressed into a firm line, trying their damndest to wrestle free of the hold he has on them. 
Their heart aches, knowing this is not him. Knowing that not once during the time they’ve spent together, he’s never forced himself upon them. Knowing that, as their muscles ache and their mind tumbles further towards exhaustion, feeling nearly defeated, that a kiss from him would soothe all their worries—
Leigh gasps, the sensitive flesh above their hips exploited as gauntlets sharp and dangerous dig in, unknowingly having slid beneath the fabric of their tunic in their moment of weakness. A stabbing pain courses through their chest as the fetid blood coats their mouth and pours down their throat, uncertain if the burning sensation is a side effect of Anankos’ curse, or the aftermath of their trust shattering like glass before their eyes.
They try to heave, hoping to expel some of what’s already been done, but it is too late, the forgotten king’s power establishing a new home within them with haste.
“Cease your resistance,” Gunter barks, hand finding their throat and hoisting them upwards. “Know your place as a vassal for he who has been forgotten.”
Somewhere, they know he is in there, buried beneath the anger and sorrow Anankos’ power feeds off for his path of destruction. Leigh feels much the same, body electrified with hatred and cynicism they’ve never once felt before. This is not them, a voice muffles from the broken pieces of their former selves.
This is not the love they once shared.
“Never,” Leigh chokes out, warm tears streaming down their cheeks to mix with the mess of blood along their chin, “Not for me, and not for you either.”
divider by saradika
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canichangemyblogname · 5 months
The things many parents teach their children do the exact opposite of preparing said child for adulthood.
Like. A non-zero number of us were taught as children never to invite ourselves over or invite ourselves in, like we’re fucking vampires or something. But that’s also the only way to include yourself in activities as an adult.
There have to be better ways to teach a child to be respectful of someone’s plans and not be presumptuous and pushy. There have to be better ways to express, “If you show up unannounced, they may not have the time or will to entertain you” and “Give people time to prepare for company” and “People get busy, so make plans in advance or they may be unable to hang out because they already have obligations.”
But— also— there’s something so… anti-community about the way this is taught with a simple, “Never invite yourself, wait to be invited.” You’ll wait forever.
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lucy-the-demon · 1 year
Tom nook and Timmy and Tommy
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I tried
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The gremlin tanuki children.
I love them
I don't love or hate Tom nook. We're just mutuals I guess
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
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That feel when I'm getting some replies banged out today but I also have a mad urge to draw the body horror. ✨
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tillman · 1 year
Omg yaaay can officially say our transcription project is a go 👍
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tvxcue · 2 years
the samsteve meet cute.........”it’s your bed isnt it? its too soft”............”everyone we know wants to kill us” “not everyone”.......................”when do we start”............................AND THEN STEVE JUST LEAVES HIM. TO GO BACK TO PEGGY WHO WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN HAVE A LIFE OF HER OWN AND STEVE HAS ALREADY MADE HIS PEACE WITH LOSING HER AND HAS BECOME FRIENDS WITH HER FOR REAL AFTER COMING BACK.
#when she calls him a drama queen like they are friends yes she forgets and its the heartbreak all over again when she sees him#but like. legiterally one scene did so much work for their relationship and did it so well like it's sad it's tragic it's heartbreaking but#steve made his peace with it. peggy made her peace with it. they will never be who they were again but they have something else now.#and steve leaves behind the entire life he built he leaves behind all these people just to unravel the past. when it doesnt make any sense#for his character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he just passes the shield off to sam and leaves him.#the steve i know would never the steve EYE know broke sam out of ultramegasupermax and gave him a stupid little smile the whole time!!!!!!!#hes a fugitive on the run the whole world hates him now and he breaks into the raft so he can break sam out and then sam is dusted and#steve is left all alone AGAIN. he loses so many people who have become his family and the one he needs help grieving is PEGGY?????#SAM LITERALLY WENT TO HER FUNERAL WITH HIM. HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW PEGGY AND HE WENT TO BE THERE FOR STEVE.#AND THE ONE STEVE IS ALL BROKEN UP OVER IS PEGGY. AND WHEN SAM FINALLY FUCKING COMES BACK. AFTER BEING GONE FOR#FIVE YEARS OR WHATEVER. AFTER STEVE DOES HIS ENTIRE LITTLE TIME TRAVEL NUMBER TO GET HIM AND BUCKY AND EVERYONE#ELSE BACK STEVE JUST LEAVES HIM???? SAM LITERALLY CAME BACK AND THE FIRST THING HE SAID WAS ON YOUR LEFT.#DOES THAT MEAN NOTHING TO YOU STEVE ROGERS. WHO THE FUCK WROTE THAT MOVIE YOU DONT DESERVE ON YOUR LEFT KILLING YOU KILLING YOU KILLING YOU#im okay :) btw. im super chill abt this. i dont even care really.#speaking
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homunculus-argument · 8 months
If you know anyone who seems really chill to the point of being virtually indestructible, like nothing could ever bother them in any way, could get hit by a train and just shake it off and be totally fine, laughing it off as soon as they've dusted themselves off and stopped bleeding, but who occasionally just randomly falls apart to complete fucking smithereens with seemingly no cause nor warning, only to get back up again a few minutes/hours/days later like "ok yeah I'm fine again that was weird lmao", and you've ever wondered what the fuck is up with that:
They are actually not ok and most likely are not ok at any point. The whole "hardiest person you know who just collapses randomly sometimes" thing isn't a deliberately constructed façade, as a matter of fact it might be something that they actually personally believe themselves to be. But in reality this is somebody who's either unintentionally learned or has been deliberately trained to hide negative emotions and mask symptoms at all costs, as the #1 priority that goes over any other survival needs.
So even though it may look like they go from 1 to 100 completely at random and unpredictably, and then swing right back again to being totally fine, you have no way of knowing how long they've been at 95% before the last line of defense broke down and the system collapsed. And once they flip back up, odds are that they just managed to scrape their shit back together again just enough to get their backup masking systems running. The "check engine" light never turned on because the wire was clipped years ago.
If this is you, this is your callout to seek some sort of help. I'm telling on everyone in this room including myself.
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dioica · 12 days
@harrenhail : continued from here.
the room was small, but nicer than anything she'd ever lived in. her fingers twitched, the smell of such a concoction unfamiliar and assaulted her ability to focus. nett shifted in her seat, though she froze as this woman began to speak. the words twisted her guts, and the memories that were beckoned forth tasted foul on her tongue. nett could scarcely move, and no part of her wanted to, something within bid her to remain still. the low light of half-spent candles cast odd shadows across the wetnurse's face, and her mouth screwed up in mistrust as she withheld her hands. the more this HEALER spun words like intricate webbing, the colder she felt. She retracted her hands to her chest, as if she'd been struck ⸻ ❝ how'd you. . .  ? ❞  the words died in her throat as she tried to make sense of what spilled from Alys's mouth; there was no possible way this woman could've known about the subtle intricacies of her last few months accompanying the rogue on his hunt for his beloathed nephew. 
Such a revelation should have sent her careening out of the room and back to the safety of her mount, of her dragon ⸻ but the soft melody of the 'witch's' voice kept her firmly planted in her seat. Was it enchantment? Was it fatigue? Was it the way her sharp words harmlessly glossed off of nett's skin? As if such pointed vitriol aimed towards her throat?  After some hesitation, she offered her battered hands forward, much like a defeated child. Despite losing her mother long ago, the advice offered sounded similar to the clever harbor ladies of spicetown who looked after her when she was too young to know any better. nett did not flinch as the poultice was slathered over her wounds, but it was alys's words that cut her deeper, it reminded her of a mother's care she hadn't felt in many years. it reminded her of her mother's face she could scarce remember now; ❝ I'd sooner face the wyrm than the man. ❞
nett the fearless, the clever, the patient⸻could not bring herself to play the with the wiles such of a man; she could face down death and dragonfire, could handle the burn of the knife's edge as it sliced the bridge of her nose as punishment for lifting sheep, but a man like him? she knew little in ways of outwitting such a creature. Her eyes flickered up to find those piercing eyes already settled upon her face, almost as if she was asking for advice.
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