#duncan ( DYNAMICS ).
bodywarmth · 1 month
keep thinking about how tashi and patrick both love art and in their own ways want what's best for him. tashi manipulating the match so that he builds his confidence against strong players and patrick using dirty games to force art into becoming a better tennis player on his own accord. meanwhile art is aware and still lets them do anything they want to him because ultimately he feels safe being in the control of other people, specifically those two
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jesterjaxx · 5 days
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Credits to punkitts one fluttershy and rainbow dash comic as well as @craterrrrr for showing me it and going "look djuncan coded"
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fuckyeahisawthat · 1 month
One of the most interesting things about the Atreides characters to me is the constant tension between formal and informal power dynamics going on in that House.
Leto and Jessica seem to have a fairly equitable relationship where they genuinely love and respect each other. This rests entirely on the fact that Leto is generally a Good Dude on an interpersonal level, who like, sees Jessica as a person and recognizes and appreciates her intelligence, skills and political acumen. While concubine to the head of a Great House seems to be a fairly high-status role in their world, we know it is not equal in social standing to the role of a wife, and certainly not equal to the male head of the House. Leto does treat Jessica as his equal informally, but by the social rules of their world he certainly doesn't have to.
Similarly, Leto treats Gurney, Duncan and Thufir like trusted colleagues and confidantes, and while they formally treat him with a certain amount of deference (addressing him as Sire or my Lord and accepting that he will be the final authority on things), it's also clear that informally, none of them are hesitant to speak their minds in front of him, offer suggestions or contradict him on something.
Paul's relationships with Duncan and Gurney are similarly complex. They're both older than him and serve as his mentors/teachers. Neither of them are afraid to tease him, challenge him, or reprimand him when they think he's doing something risky. They love him in an almost-familial way and would protect him with their lives. It seems like Paul would like to be friends with them on equal terms. But formally they are both his servants. Or, more precisely, while Leto is alive they are his father's servants and know they have Leto to answer to if anything should happen to his son.
The moments when the formal power dynamics assert themselves are always fascinating. When Paul and Gurney are first reunited, I would say Gurney is still treating Paul like a Duke's son and not a Duke. He's loyal and he is overjoyed to know Paul is still alive, but he still calls Paul by his first name and talks to him like he's giving advice to someone who's still learning. But then there is that moment when Paul pulls rank and gives Gurney a direct order to go to the south and Gurney's demeanor immediately shifts. He only ever addresses Paul as my Lord after that, and he treats him with a deference that makes it clear they are lord and vassal, not friends or family members.
(And like, technically once Leto is dead, Paul is the Duke and everyone in House Atreides is Paul's vassal--including Jessica. Practically when it comes to Paul giving Jessica an order she does not want to follow...well I would like to see him fucking try.)
Leto's leadership style with those close to him seems very much based on creating a familial, mutually protective vibe that wins him intense loyalty. (It is really interesting to see him try this on Stilgar who doesn't buy it for a second.) We see Paul try to emulate that, possibly with an even more intense longing for relationships of genuine equality that's born out of growing up with no peers of his same age and status around him.
But there is still always a little bit of power imbalance, because the chill vibes rely entirely on the continued benevolence of the Atreides men, and that benevolence can be withdrawn at any time.
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noahtally-famous · 11 days
dunoah tda au where noah is still chris's assistant but instead he's a more notable presence in tda, running errands for chris during the season. duncan ribs him continuously whenever he sees noah, who retaliates with deadpan sarcasm, and it's a constant back-and-forth...until they slowly start to realize they actually enjoy seeking out and annoying each other...cue the denial, idiots in love, enemies to lovers, and most importantly the 'why him of all ppl?!' moment(s)
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xxalphaclownxx · 22 days
oh btw dunhar or beth x eva art pretty please since your art requests are open and you draw rarepairs <3
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e1iza-td · 1 month
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telling myself i can't start another tdwt rewrite but dear god do i want to write one focusing on alejandro and courtney in this weird situationship thats a lot more nuanced than just alejandro manipulating courtney and her falling for it. like theyre best friends they dont trust each other theyre the same person they dont know anything about the other one theres a mutual attraction theyre pining for other people theyre codependent they dont care about each other theyre platonic soulmates like i just want to do a deep dive into how messy that relationship couldve been building off of their friendship that exists in my head except the line between romantic and platonic is so fucking blurred they have no idea what they are to the other person
#they live rent free in my head as you can tell#ive been writing some intense moments for them in amicus curiae and im having a lot of Feelings about platonic alecourtney#tbh the whole concept of them replacing the best friends has been a great avenue for me to do a deep dive into their friendship#aughhhh i just. love them so much#and i do want to explore them in a situation where there is relationship potential even if that relationship never actually happens#because everything between them during tdwt could be so MESSY!!#like alejandro says he's just manipulating courtney but he's also doing it to make heather jealous but he's also genuinely worried about he#after the duncan thing but this is the only way he knows how to express that concern without making himself look weak#meanwhile courtney is falling for the act but she also knows its an act and is going with it for the emotional support it provides and shes#just doing it to make duncan/gwen jealous but she also is starting to see the real alejandro underneath it all because he does care even#though he doesn't want to and they do feel a strong connection that they dont know whether its platonic or romantic because romance is bein#shoved down their throats on this show and theyre both in complicated romantic dynamics with other people that theyre the easier option for#one another but they dont really want to be with one another like it just doesnt feel right#okay okay i legit have to stop and go to bed but just. them. im thinking so hard about them#platonic alecourtney
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totalswagisland · 1 month
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im no expert on these specific characters but i was rereading some of my old calvin & hobbes books and calvin and susies dynamic reminds me of duncan and courtneys
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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Here’s a commission I did for stefan_ponten on Instagram: Sir Duncan the Tall and his squire Egg (Aegon V), from GRRM’s bookseries, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”! Drawing them was lots of fun, I just love those hugs and family feels <333
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inafieldofdaisies · 5 months
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WIP Whenever (since I'm a few hours late for Wednesday) | Tagged by @simonxriley @socially-awkward-skeleton @corvosattano @direwombat @the-silver-chronicles @marivenah @shellibisshe
We're returning to John and Sabrina's AU this midweek and jumping into quite the scene with no other but Candice after John runs into her at his their hotel lobby. Miss Donovan absolutely insisted on this being from her POV, she can't be refused.
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"Reginald, we will be making a stop on the way. Where are you headed, Mr. Duncan?" Candice couldn't help but smirk at the obvious discomfort the man next to her was exhibiting upon climbing in after her and putting as much distance between them as humanly possible. The fact he wasn't quick to give out an address to her driver only further confirmed he might be having seconds thoughts about accepting her offer. A little too late. This is bound to be fun. Her plan was back in motion from the moment she had spotted him in the lobby, refusing to let such a perfect opportunity pass by despite the fact she had prior engagements that demanded her attention. Keeping taps on Mooney's defense strategy had become a personal hobby, making his life in prison while he awaited the inevitable even more so. You're about to regret the day you crossed a Donovan, Nathaniel. Deeply. She doubted getting information out of someone like John Duncan and perhaps even steering him in the direction she wanted would be that much of a challenge, quite the opposite: she could already foresee each step she needed to take to a point she felt somewhat… bored. Nostalgic over a past long gone. Over the only person that used to have her heart racing and knew her better than she knew herself.
Yet she had no time to dwell on any of it, not when her current target had finally figured out that with the car speeding down the street he had no choice but to reveal the destination he was in such a rush to get to. I will be damned. "…Brentwood St.", John finished casually reciting the address, seeming completely unaware of how with a couple of words he had given her enough ammo to not only have his freshly-acquired title as Partner stripped away but have him potentially disbarred altogether. Luckily enough, she had other uses for him before things would get to the stage where he'd be contemplating a new career path. The triumph at the idea Mooney's new attorney was making far from an innocent late night visit to a person that without shadow of a doubt be on the witness list and important to the prosecution was short-lived. Curiosity swooped in its place upon realizing her own daughter was on the receiving end of whatever risqué plans John had in mind and the sole reason he was breaking a golden rule. Reginald's gaze met hers in the rearview mirror and she could tell he had come to the same conclusion about the stop they would be making, same place he'd driven her to one too many times. Her quick nod had him raising the privacy screen without uttering a word before she shifted until her body was aligned with the man next to her and she crossed her legs, not missing the way his eyes darted down to the sliver of skin her dress offered, "I heard your client got in quite the trouble at his new home, darling."
"I'm not at liberty-" "To discuss it?", she let out a laugh, "All work and no play isn't that much fun, Mr. Duncan. You eventually come to realize that." She didn't let the fact her remark was met by silence from his side discourage her- his instincts might have been screaming he was walking into a minefield, but dropping down his guard was inevitable. "Are you worried how it might look at the trial? So unfortunate of him to keep misbehaving like that while still insisting on his innocence and facing the danger of rotting in a cell for the rest of his life." Her smile was sickly-sweet as she let her expression brim with compassion for the task bestowed upon him, yet deep down all the misteps Mooney had made during his incarceration- the fork incident being one of many the prosecutors could pick from, brough her utmost joy. "I see no love has been lost here.", John retorted, attempting to sound nonchalant in hope she'd reveal her cards before he had to address his client. All she offered him was another loaded look as she swooped her hair off her shoulder and changed the subject, "How's the hotel been treating you, Mr. Duncan? Or better yet, Portland?" "I've had less eventful work trips." "Ah, way to make me curious. Is this your first time in town?" "Yes.", he paused, "Is this where you offer to show me the sights?" She quirked up an eyebrow, "Are you asking?" His blue gaze narrowed at her flirtatious tone, "Answering my question with a question. Shouldn't have expected anything else."
"Indeed, darling. And what about 310?" "Excuse me?" The confusion that met the number won another hearty laugh out of her, "Room 310 has been giving you trouble, as Julie put it. I couldn't help but overhear." "Giving me trouble? I'm afraid you misheard her, Ms. Donovan. She said 510." Her marriage to a detective and years spent in court dealing with both the guilty and innocent had taught her to read people to a point it had become an instinct. Everyone had a tell when lying, their body language always offered more than their careful answers, and she had been observing his since their first 'accidental' meeting. No matter how small his tells were, she didn't miss the way his lips pursed as he parroted back her question, how his eyes darted before focusing on hers once more- John was doing his hardest to deceive her again, convince her she had heard wrong instead of caught him in a lie. "Is that so?", she cocked her head to the side, "Shame, would have meant we're neighbors." They were in fact neighbors- one call to the front desk was all it had taken to figure out his room number and confirm the hunch she had about him avoiding her while also providing an insight into the source of the frustrated noises and curses carrying over in the middle of the night from the room next to hers.
She leaned in closer, close enough she could whisper in his ear as her hand landed on his knee, "510 sounds a lot like my 309 neighbor… keeping me up at late hours and not in the way I like it." His bated breath urged her hand to travel upward, her test put in motion while actual seduction was nowhere on her agenda for the evening, yet the fact he was headed to see Sabrina left her with no choice. She had to know, to figure out what mess her daughter had found herself in, if she was wasting time on someone whose loyalty was as fleeting as his code of conduct. "Next time you find yourself unable to sleep…", her words drifted off just as she made it to his zipper. ...You won't be visiting my Sabrina, that's for certain. It was then that his fingers snaked around her wrist to stop her advance, "I'm not interested." "Hmm? No?", she let the question hang in the air between them, giving him a chance to change his mind and prove her right, "An honorable man, Mr. Duncan. Nothing I respect more." Candice backed away with that, resuming her previous position like nothing had happened, smirking at the small sigh of relief that escaped him. Her hand rose and gently knocked on the glass separating them from her driver, "Reginald, how far are we from Mr. Duncan's destination?" The emphasis she put on the last part flew over John's head as he matched her small smile that didn't stay on his face long, "Not too far, Miss, but traffic is moving slower than usual, seems there was an accident of sort. Could be a while longer." Her smirk only widened when he whispered under his breath, "My fucking luck." Your unlucky night is quite lucky for me, Mr. Duncan. What a better way to find out more about the person trying to charm my eldest daughter and no doubt use her to free a guilty man...
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Tagging, @strangefable @florbelles @unholymilf @purplehairsecretlair @aceghosts @onehornedbeast @thesingularityseries @cassietrn @theelderhazelnut @voidika @nightbloodbix @macs-babies @finding-comfort-in-rain @carlosoliveiraa @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @vampireninjabunnies-blog @trench-rot @la-grosse-patate @wrathfulrook @fourlittleseedlings @jackiesarch and anyone with something to share this week <3
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devilsrecreation · 12 hours
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I did a funny
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likeadeuce · 17 days
bust up something beautiful - challengers WIP
[Art POV, Patrick is with Tashi, Patrick and Art are playing a set 'for fun']
After Art wins the third straight game, he calls Patrick to the net. Tashi strolls from the sideline to join them, unbidden, but Art tries not to look at her, keeps his focus on Patrick as he demands, “Are you going easy on me?”
This is the most infuriating thing about playing Patrick. Art doesn’t always go one hundred percent in a casual match, or in practice -- it’s not sustainable -- but he’ll set the terms up front. Patrick changes his mind, constantly, about how much of a shit he gives, and even when he’s not changing his mind, he changes his story.
Patrick shrugs. “This isn’t my racket.”
Now Art looks to Tashi, who’s rolling her eyes. “You know his game. Is he going easy on me?”
Tashi’s forehead crinkles and Art stops caring about the tennis for a second because he’s been thinking about this face every day trying to make sure he had the details right, not quite able to reconstruct them from all the publicity shots he found online or ads he ripped out of magazines. Adidas wasn’t sharing this, Tashi’s thinking face.
Tashi isn’t ready to commit, and Patrick isn’t waiting for her input to barrel forward. “I might not be a hundred percent. I flew here on a redeye, I barely slept and then -- ” He leans over the net, confiding, “I don’t know how much you know about sex but it’s basically exercise.”
This gets a bark of laughter from Tashi. “I didn’t realize it took so much work to lie there and moan while someone’s on top of you.” She draws on the word ‘moan’ in such an odd and specific way that it’s clearly a take on Patrick’s personal sex noises.
Art laughs. Patrick refuses to be shamed. “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”
“I wouldn’t dream of knocking it. Stop avoiding the question. Duncan, is Zweig going easy on me?”
“Not on purpose. But he’s being lazy with his backhand, and his form is shit because he’s focused on making sure I know how cute his ass looks in these shorts.”
“Hmm,” Art says. “Turn around.” Patrick pirouettes, then bows – he’s quite aware he has a cute ass -- and Art declares, “I’ve seen better.”
This gets a full-body laugh from Tashi, even though it wasn’t very funny and Art is possibly even prouder of getting this reaction than of the ace he smashes, a few minutes later, practically in Patrick’s face. Patrick swears and abuses the borrowed racket, and for the rest of the impromptu match, it pleases Art to see that Patrick is definitely trying.
Clearly, it pleases Tashi too.
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strrwbrrryjam · 5 months
i love how its a common trope to give noah friends (aside from izzy, eva and owen), I've seen him with lindsay, courtney, gwen, tyler, harold, leshawna, cody, duncan, heather and more.
i love how its also a common trope to make chris and cheff like. eccentric uncles or father figures, expanding on something that the show introduced and did nothing with, its great honestly.
i also love how noah being a dad is also a common trope for him, and how he has so. many. children. idk. he's just so. dad shaped to me. yknow
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you-me-we-04 · 1 year
Like to think it was the experiment seen in Social Psychology that kicked off the Duncan Chang feud. Like they were besties before the experiment but after wasting five minutes of his time Chang decides that Duncan is now his sworn mortal enemy and he will do anything to end him. While Duncan was there weeks later (still believing their besties) waiting for their weekly lunch, its the fourth time Chang has not shown up, and Duncan was over it, he once again feels abandoned but unlike his dad, he still see Chang at work allowing Duncan to take out the rage about both his dad leaving and Chang giving up on his friendship on Chang. Kicking off the events we see in all other episodes  
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rhaenyratheecruel · 3 months
Before I get hate mail (I mean it’s probably inevitable anyway) I wouldn’t really say that I ship Bella and Duncan so much as I just find their dynamic absolutely fascinating and I think she should get to keep him as a pet that she does whatever she wants with :)
I also think Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo are ridiculously attractive both on their own and together so there’s also that
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
@rene-01 has me brainrotting about lindscan ouuughhhh......
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