rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Cocktail Day 
Host or attend a cocktail party and try out some new flavors, or perfect your hand at mixing any number of drinks, from a White Russian to a classic Cosmo.
“No party is complete without cocktails! My friends all have different tastes when it comes to their drink of choice, so I like to maintain a well-stocked bar with different kinds of alcohol to keep everyone happy.” ~Khloe Kardashian
One of the best ways people get together and bond over life is through drinking. For a fun night out, cocktails provide a wide arrangement of scents and flavors to keep everything exciting and have a long history of becoming a steady staple in people’s lives. So, let us dive right in and see what World Cocktail Day is all about.
History of World Cocktail Day
In 1806, The Balance and Columbian Repository coined the term “cocktail” as a stimulating liquor with a wide variety of sweets, waters, and bitters. Originally, the Oxford English Dictionary defined the term with a different set of connotations, describing it as a horse with a tail like a cock’s, with its tail cocked up instead of hung down.
Cocktails as a drink, however, started as a British invention in the 19th century and has since become an American innovation when a Connecticut-born bartender Jerry Thomas wrote the book “The Bartender’s Guide.” The Bartender’s Guide basically broadcasted an encyclopedia of how to mix drinks and recipes on some of the best combinations of drinks and flavors.
During the 1920s American prohibition, many cocktails were mixed into existence that remain firm favorites today. With not much high-quality alcohol available, cocktails were the perfect way to make that smuggled rum, gin or whiskey just a little bit more drinkable. Enter the cocktail; rum mojitos, the Sidecar, and the Tom Collins all flourished at a time when recreational alcohol wasn’t legal.
The ‘Bee’s Knees’ cocktail was actually created to mask and sweeten the taste of illegally brewed bathtub gin. The roaring twenties took the cocktail and shook it up into some of our most popular modern-day cocktails. Drinking didn’t stop during the prohibition, people simply went underground. Many illegal speakeasies popped up, serving cocktails in jazz-style locales.
Post-prohibition saw the invention of drinks that still grace the pages of your favorite cocktail bar menus. 1954 saw the mixing of the Pina Colada in Puerto Rico when Ramon Marrero created the delicious pineapple treat at the Caribe Hilton hotel. 1988 saw the much-loved Cosmopolitan enter our lives, thanks to Toby Cecchini and his desire to share a drink with his fellow bartenders in San Francisco.
A constant throughout the cocktail era in America was the Rainbow Room. Opened after the prohibition in 1934, the Rainbow Room was a high-end club where New York A-listers could celebrate in style with post-prohibition cocktails. The Rainbow Room was revived and renovated in different forms over the years, being closed during WWII and for various restorations.
The 1987 reopening saw emerging mixologist Dale DeGroff create a pre-prohibition list of cocktails that revived some firm favorites and spearheaded the modern cocktail mixing revolution that made the cocktail bar increasingly popular.
The holiday itself is held annually by Drinkaware, a United Kingdom-based charity that brings awareness to the effects of drinking and aims to reduce the harm that drinking can have on people and families. The website provides facts and information about drinking, alcohol poisoning, and alcohol abuse. The World Cocktail Day page that Drinkaware hosts have events all over the world that you can partake in, a blog you can follow about your favorite recipes, and how you can drink safely while also having fun.
How to Celebrate World Cocktail Day
If you’re up for a night of fun drinking, then host a party at your place and mix up some of your favorite drinks for your friends. If you want to spice things up, check out a new recipe on some of your favorite blogs or newsletters, and make your kitchen or bar into an experiment place for you and your friends.
If you’re feeling confident, you could create your own home bar and serve some of your favorite fizz-fuelled cocktails, or make your own cocktail creations with a fresh twist. Give your bar a theme and add your own unique names to your new mixers. Treat yourself to a cocktail bible and teach yourself how to make the perfect passionfruit martini or rope in your own bartender friend for some mixology advice.
If you are creating your own home bar and are jumping in as a novice bartender, you could start with a classy cosmopolitan or cheeky sex on the beach. Why not take a theme to a whole new level and take your new bar theme to a party level. Whether you’re making a sneaky speakeasy or a chic cocktail bar, making it your own is the perfect way to celebrate World Cocktail Day.
You could even avoid doing the work yourself and enroll in a cocktail class for you and your friends. Learn from the best shakers and master mixologists. Don’t want to leave the house? Why not use an online video or order a beginner’s pack right to your door. Or splash out on an inhouse mixing masterclass (calling all bartender friends again).
You might be more of a cocktail connoisseur than a master mixologist. Why not get some of the good stuff mixed for you, so you can sample some delightful cocktails without having to actually make them yourself. Put on a cocktail-themed film, sip your mojito and feel like you’re in the summer sun.
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abattoirstars · 11 months
4, 10, 34!
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
blueberry beat you to the punch on 4 but I am tempted to tell some Fucked Primary School Anecdotes now. very briefly - i am of the perfect age that my year 6 english went from Newspaper Articles on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 (I was told headlines could have puns so i went for Good Mourning America) to Letters To Our Heroes the week Jimmy Savile died but before his crimes came out, so our teacher's example piece was about how great he thought Jimmy Savile was. Big Year. Hope that makes up for the stolen question.
10. game you were best at in pe?
despite being so weedy that i was pretty poor at batting, i was a bit of a menace in the field at softball/rounders. i would be at shortstop (apparently?) with enough of a jump on me that the Big Lads who thought they'd got a decent hit but hadn't quite got enough on it would end up getting caught by me a couple of times a lesson.
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34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
dosh. readies. wonga. if i am ever talking or thinking about money, this will be in my head.
CW//GROSS also, more bleakly, i remember having nightmares about the drinkaware ads from around the same time on 4music where people would be vomiting in their hair and pissing themselves before a night out and the tagline was 'you wouldn't start a night out like this, why end it this way?' which, sure, but also i'm 8.
ty c!
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swamyworld · 1 month
‘I know my limit’: how gen Z became Britain’s ‘sober-curious’ generation | Alcohol
A recent World Health Organization (WHO) study found Great Britain has the worst rate of child alcohol consumption in the world – with more than half of children in England, Scotland and Wales having drunk alcohol by the age of 13. Yet this is coupled with a growing move towards sobriety among young people. Alcohol education charity Drinkaware found that, as of 2021, young adults were the most…
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ditzyblog · 1 year
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Stop Drinking Safely ‘Detox – when we stop taking something our body has become reliant on, then we go through a period of detoxification. This varies, depending on how much we have been taking, genetics and our health. Stopping drinking for some can be very dangerous as it can lead to seizures and death. I would always encourage everyone who is stopping alcohol, to discuss this with their medical practitioner first. Some of us need a medical detox in hospital, whilst others can do this safely at home, either with or without medication. We are all different, and medical advice is always recommended. But I didn’t practise what I preach, so I get it if you don’t want to do this. If you are physically dependent on alcohol (i.e., you need a drink to stop shaking and to be able to function each day) do NOT stop drinking dead. If you cannot talk to someone or access a medical detox, then Reduce Gradually the amount you drink each day until you are at a stage where you can then stop. Reduce Gradually – if you are drinking every day, then it is advisable to gradually reduce your alcohol intake before you stop completely. Start by making a note of what you are actually drinking, work out your daily Units (you could use the Drinkaware app to help with this) and gradually reduce this down by 10% each day. You can do this by either lowering the amount you drink or the strength of what you are drinking. According to the article below, when you have had a week of drinking 10 units or less a day it should be safe for you to stop drinking. But again, I would encourage you to speak to a medical practitioner for support with this.’ https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/help-and-advice/advice-you/how-safely-detox-alcohol-home/ The A – Z of Alcohol and Sobriety: Everything you need to know by Corinna Alderton. For more excerpts check out my posts with pictures of my book/book pages, download a free sample from Amazon and/or buy it worldwide for less than a bottle of booze! #alcohol #recovery #sober #alcoholfree #quitlit #podcast #soberpodcast #sobriety #sobrietybooks #recoverybook #mentalhealth #Healthandwellness #alcoholrecoverybooks #booksonaddictionandrecovery #selfhelp #books https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp135QKssIu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usnewsrank · 2 years
How to sign up to Sober October
How to sign up to Sober October
A vodka coke… without the vodka (Picture: Getty) For many, summer is aided by plenty of pub trips, pints and cocktails. And as autumn rolls around, you might be keen to take a break from the booze before Christmas. Taking some time off from drinking alcohol could give you a bit of a health boost. According to DrinkAware, sober benefits could include better sleep, more energy, and even weight…
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campparent0 · 2 years
The smart Trick of How to Stop Drinking Alcohol and Save Your Liver That Nobody is Talking About
How to quit drinking booze totally Efficient recommendations and recommendations to assist you stop drinking liquor completely Your comments is really essential to the growth of Drinkaware products. It helps you locate the best opportunity to cease using booze (or much more efficiently, stop getting more booze). It assists you quit coming to be self-destructive and withdraw from tasks and tasks in your life. You can observe the information right here Your reviews is important not simply to your customers but to all the firms in the sector. If you have three mins, please take this survey related to specifying Targets within the MyDrinkaware app. MyDrinkaware is a totally free subscription to MyDrinkaware™, on call to assist your on-going instruction system.
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It will definitely aid us generate better encounters for users like you. When it happens to discussing our content, this procedure takes a little even more time than you may think. We possess all the time in the world to function towards improving this procedure. For one-time complimentary signups, you can discover other consumers of the blog through clicking the hyperlink we just connected. Hit to go to the poll. If you would as if to check out the results, hit here Please note that no individual's individual relevant information or financial relevant information is made use of to provide studies and various other components for marketing or advertising and marketing purposes. All poll results will certainly be provided to you for your basic public usage without notice after 24 hrs post-submission. Questions you might have regarding polls or surveys that you are not using for marketing or advertising and marketing reasons are not qualified for incorporation. There are actually great deals of causes why you might want to quit drinking alcoholic drinks. Not all drinkers are horrendous enthusiasts and some are really good enthusiasts along with strong sensations in many scenarios, but drinking liquor at a event and not drinking out creates you much better. What Alcoholics Drink Does Not Mean That You Ought to Be Drinking The means an alcoholic makes an effort to talk and speak to someone doesn't indicate that you will consume a lot. You may possess to cease drinking to drink, but it will definitelyn't always indicate anything. For some folks, it’s a lifestyle modification - to state farewell to hangovers, rest better, drop excess body weight and possess additional power. But for others, it makes life considerably much more challenging. BoozeQuitter is one along with excessive weight and other wellness issues, and the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has highly recommended social being overweight testing. Some states, but not all, have expanded its testing program. It isn't only weight problems that's at chances along with health. It could even be for a difficulty, to colleague someone else who is giving up booze, or to raise cash for charity. It's like throwing funds into the hands of a medicine dealership.". In situation you didn't know, the existing law is currently utilized in Mississippi and Alabama, according to The Daily Bulletin. The brand new legislation is part of a push that began in 2011 to remove booze restriction, specifically among young people in the South. For other people, stopping consuming can be necessary for health care explanations. It's like stopping cigarette smoking – even with nicotine amounts. (The FDA has called smoking cessation a risk-free and helpful means of avoiding obesity and various other diseases.). But it's much the very same trait with folks who are currently drinking. Your body system just isn't prepared for it. If you don't start in the right spot, your diet plan, way of living and the means you interact them will certainly change. Maybe because of an alcohol-related health care disorder like liver ailment, or because they begin taking drug that reacts terribly along with alcoholic drinks. When I get right into trouble along with a medical professional, they take a appearance at all my drugs and look for means to make me really feel better. If I was really feeling far better, I wouldn't have ceased. Some physicians may talk to me inquiries that I discover weird, but I'm not carrying out anything to make me experience worse, or to turn the tables on poor emotions. Whatever your main reason, the great news is that anyone may stop drinking. Not everyone has been drinking intensely for as long. For those who are performing this to prevent getting a high, inspect out the Drinking Water Guide to assist you ready. The Drinking Water Guide to Drinking Water It could possibly have been any one of the hundreds of thousands of people we would understand. But in a lot of situations the drinking water we consume has long been an pricey and time-consuming procedure. And if you’re thinking regarding getting rid of liquor coming from your life, you’re not on your own. A lot of alcoholics and/or alcoholics who utilize it utilize it by treatment. This consists of the bulk of folks who are not alcoholics. You ought to stay clear of making use of liquor if your health and wellness is at risk (e.g., your blood liquor information, body mass index, body weight). One in seven (14%) grownups in the UK certainly never consume alcohol alcohol, and even more than one-half of them (52%) point out they did earlier consume alcohol. An additional fourth (37%) of people point out being sexually assaulted through a partner impacts their potential to live happily ever after. On common, 30 % of folks checked point out they would instead possess someone who is in necessity of booze procedure than one along with an booze complication themselves. 1 This manual has great deals of sensible ideas on how you can easily stop drinking and the benefits you can easily assume. It's also my individual go-to for reading recommendations (although, I've never ever had my reliable analysis tool or personal computer screen so I could certainly never assure comprehensive safety and security) and also deals with any benefits you may assume to experience. One of the very most remarkable opportunities in all of songs is when I played an old cd on a notebook or laptop pc computer system while playing the drums.
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cyruswong1 · 2 years
Best drinks🥂 are the ones that you can share with your friends🍻! Thanks to #TsingTao for allowing #GoPhotogLife to shoot their new #PremiumLager
In Frame 📸: Tsing Tao
Shot By 🎬: Cyrus Wong (GoPhotogLife Ltd.)
Produced by: GoPhotogLife Ltd. + Vanguard Advertising & Production Co.
Directed by: @Cyrus_momo (IG) & Cory Wong
PA: @puppet.cyt (IG)
Edited by: GoPhotogLife Ltd.
Agency: Guru Online
Disclaimer: Please enjoy responsibly. To learn more about alcohol, please visit drinkaware .co. uk .This content shall not be shared to or viewed by anyone under the age of 18.
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Instagram: https://bit.ly/3QNd8Y0
#friendship #gintonic #premiumdrinks #alcoholicdrinks #partymood #lager #beattheheat #tonicwater #beer #bokehphotography #adhsoot #brandshoot #videographer #cinematography
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bunnziebobcat · 2 years
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Fan Art Friday - Guinness Toucan
This week #FanArtFriday celebrate not only New Year's Eve, but it's also celebrate Guinness's 262nd birthday today, so here's the Guinness toucan with best wishes for the New Year, folks. - Al.
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differprint · 3 years
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Stand out from the multitude. Our branded #waterbottle creates impression. #backtoschool #drinkaware #differprint #printdifferently #london https://www.instagram.com/p/CTtaVe9I3Je/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wordsinfrench · 6 years
OK i’ve already semi-complained about it being Monday and being sat at my desk, but it’s quite nice to see that my company acknowledges people will be drinking at work during the last few days before Christmas break. This message appeared on our intranet today under the heading ‘Staying safe around the workplace this Christmas’
“Drink responsibly – For some good guidance on safe drinking, check out the website of the charity ‘Drinkaware’ (https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/)” 
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rabbitcruiser · 23 days
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World Cocktail Day
Host or attend a cocktail party and try out some new flavors, or perfect your hand at mixing any number of drinks, from a White Russian to a classic Cosmo.
“No party is complete without cocktails! My friends all have different tastes when it comes to their drink of choice, so I like to maintain a well-stocked bar with different kinds of alcohol to keep everyone happy.” ~Khloe Kardashian
One of the best ways people get together and bond over life is through drinking. For a fun night out, cocktails provide a wide arrangement of scents and flavors to keep everything exciting and have a long history of becoming a steady staple in people’s lives. So, let us dive right in and see what World Cocktail Day is all about.
History of World Cocktail Day
In 1806, The Balance and Columbian Repository coined the term “cocktail” as a stimulating liquor with a wide variety of sweets, waters, and bitters. Originally, the Oxford English Dictionary defined the term with a different set of connotations, describing it as a horse with a tail like a cock’s, with its tail cocked up instead of hung down.
Cocktails as a drink, however, started as a British invention in the 19th century and has since become an American innovation when a Connecticut-born bartender Jerry Thomas wrote the book “The Bartender’s Guide.” The Bartender’s Guide basically broadcasted an encyclopedia of how to mix drinks and recipes on some of the best combinations of drinks and flavors.
During the 1920s American prohibition, many cocktails were mixed into existence that remain firm favorites today. With not much high-quality alcohol available, cocktails were the perfect way to make that smuggled rum, gin or whiskey just a little bit more drinkable. Enter the cocktail; rum mojitos, the Sidecar, and the Tom Collins all flourished at a time when recreational alcohol wasn’t legal.
The ‘Bee’s Knees’ cocktail was actually created to mask and sweeten the taste of illegally brewed bathtub gin. The roaring twenties took the cocktail and shook it up into some of our most popular modern-day cocktails. Drinking didn’t stop during the prohibition, people simply went underground. Many illegal speakeasies popped up, serving cocktails in jazz-style locales.
Post-prohibition saw the invention of drinks that still grace the pages of your favorite cocktail bar menus. 1954 saw the mixing of the Pina Colada in Puerto Rico when Ramon Marrero created the delicious pineapple treat at the Caribe Hilton hotel. 1988 saw the much-loved Cosmopolitan enter our lives, thanks to Toby Cecchini and his desire to share a drink with his fellow bartenders in San Francisco.
A constant throughout the cocktail era in America was the Rainbow Room. Opened after the prohibition in 1934, the Rainbow Room was a high-end club where New York A-listers could celebrate in style with post-prohibition cocktails. The Rainbow Room was revived and renovated in different forms over the years, being closed during WWII and for various restorations.
The 1987 reopening saw emerging mixologist Dale DeGroff create a pre-prohibition list of cocktails that revived some firm favorites and spearheaded the modern cocktail mixing revolution that made the cocktail bar increasingly popular.
The holiday itself is held annually by Drinkaware, a United Kingdom-based charity that brings awareness to the effects of drinking and aims to reduce the harm that drinking can have on people and families. The website provides facts and information about drinking, alcohol poisoning, and alcohol abuse. The World Cocktail Day page that Drinkaware hosts have events all over the world that you can partake in, a blog you can follow about your favorite recipes, and how you can drink safely while also having fun.
How to Celebrate World Cocktail Day
If you’re up for a night of fun drinking, then host a party at your place and mix up some of your favorite drinks for your friends. If you want to spice things up, check out a new recipe on some of your favorite blogs or newsletters, and make your kitchen or bar into an experiment place for you and your friends.
If you’re feeling confident, you could create your own home bar and serve some of your favorite fizz-fuelled cocktails, or make your own cocktail creations with a fresh twist. Give your bar a theme and add your own unique names to your new mixers. Treat yourself to a cocktail bible and teach yourself how to make the perfect passionfruit martini or rope in your own bartender friend for some mixology advice.
If you are creating your own home bar and are jumping in as a novice bartender, you could start with a classy cosmopolitan or cheeky sex on the beach. Why not take a theme to a whole new level and take your new bar theme to a party level. Whether you’re making a sneaky speakeasy or a chic cocktail bar, making it your own is the perfect way to celebrate World Cocktail Day.
You could even avoid doing the work yourself and enroll in a cocktail class for you and your friends. Learn from the best shakers and master mixologists. Don’t want to leave the house? Why not use an online video or order a beginner’s pack right to your door. Or splash out on an inhouse mixing masterclass (calling all bartender friends again).
You might be more of a cocktail connoisseur than a master mixologist. Why not get some of the good stuff mixed for you, so you can sample some delightful cocktails without having to actually make them yourself. Put on a cocktail-themed film, sip your mojito and feel like you’re in the summer sun.
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etchperfect · 2 years
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polcavabeer · 2 years
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Cannonball, dorada con dos dedos de espuma con poca retencion, aromas herbales con toques a frutas tropicales, resinosa con un buen amargor y una cuerpo medio con una carbonatacion moderada. ♨️ IPA ⛽ 7,40% 🍺 60 IBU 🇬🇧 Cannonball, golden with two fingers of foam with little retention, herbal aromas with hints of tropical fruits, resinous with good bitterness and a medium body with moderate carbonation. #beertime #beerhunter #beers #beerphoto #magicrockbrewing #cannonball #huddersfield #westyorkshire #drinkfresh #drinkaware #ball #beer #bier #cervesa #cerveza #cerveja #birra #biere #öl #mitypa #starköl #ilovebeer #beerlover #beerporn #beerstagram #beerstagram #craftnotcrap #craftbeer #beerblog #beerblogger #england🇬🇧 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZuuVpXKB68/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gastrogezgin · 3 years
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Bu akşam bizim için geç kalmış yeni yıl hediyelerini 🎁 açma akşamı oldu. Özellikle çikolataları 🍫 ve kahveli vodkayı çok beğendim. Hem ayrı ayrı çok lezzetliler hem de birbirlerine çok yakışıyorlar. Farklı lezzetler arayanlara tavsiye eder, herkese keyifli bir akşam dilerim. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🇬🇧 #ad Enjoying my Laplandia espresso shot flavoured vodka during lockdown! Released as part of Laplandia's Shotline series, a range of flavoured vodkas that put the flavour at the centre rather than the spirit itself. Espresso Shot is of course coffee flavoured, and Finland is the worlds’s highest coffee consumer per capita, so they know what they're doing over there. Enjoy neat when super chilled or as a cocktail base. Drink aware, please drink responsibly. Only suitable gor over 18’s in the UK. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#DrinkAware #cheers #DrinkResponsibly #LaplandiaVodka #LandofPurity #Vodka #drinksagram #luxury (at At Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtnmxYFR6Y/?igshid=gox5ku8s9him
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lassou-com · 4 years
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Merry Christmas people. Try something new with @drink_nice. #drinkaware (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIIyIFLlcnu/?igshid=mukczlzbmgoi
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theexhibitiongmc · 4 years
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We are just going to get this out early... #drinkaware #toohotforwork #poetsday (at The Exhibition Pub & Restaurant, Godmanchester) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlTA-vpY-8/?igshid=dzgt1tcg8f5j
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