#drey ranks
statuescrumble · 2 years
CALM rankings for @itsthedamnseason
red desert
lover of mine
no shame
old me
lonely heart
best years
thin white lies
not in the same way
kill my time
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ilostyou · 2 years
youngblood (by 5sos) ranking!
ghost of you
meet you there
lie to me
why won't you love me
want you back
if walls could talk
moving along
talk fast
better man
empty wallets
woke up in japan
monster among men
@fountainpensongs your move. but first .. things to consider! (buckle up i didnt even realize how long this was)
ghost of you will never not be my top song off this album and quite frankly possibly all of 5sos' discography but not in a basic omg ghost of you! way. in a. this song is Mine and it makes me Feel and. yes. anyway. meet you there is a very solid 2 for me bc !!!! it fucking SLAPS and one of the songs i immediately fell in love w listening for the first time and that has not changed. more???????? same thing. extra points for the easier-more transition and being absolutely phenomenal live (myt and more also slay vocals across the board. as always, but bears mentioning). next lie to me, great song on its own but when you consider the background 🙃 feelings are hurt and it's very solidly up there. wwylm actually only recently grew on me but i LOVE her now, it's actually a super sad song?? really really like it actually. next we have the youngblood/wyb/iwct stretch which really is interchangeable based on my mood lol they all SLAP and imo are a tier (youngblood maybe s tier bc of how rockstar™ it is of them esp live) but either way. slay. wyb would maybe be higher but in a way it feels kind of basic to me for some reason? but i do like it a lot it's never a skip and is almost always a straight bop. then we've got moving along and talk fast - moving along goes surprisingly hard but i'll say it's not their best songwriting and feels kinda cheesy lol so. very good middle of the album here. talk fast is SO FUN im obsessed w calum's verse, absolute banger but don't necessarily love it more than the ones above it yknow? THEN the little holy trinity of better man/valentine/babylon being songs i really did not like or listen to UNTIL i listened to the myt tour live album and i was Changed by these three specifically (better man - FUCK me at a quarter to three???? luke?? excuse me??????? valentine....the entire thing. the whole damn thing. michael did not leave one crumb and calum is HOT. babylon - pure vibes live and see prev re calum.) i however dont love the studio versions so they kinda hang down here lol. THEN LASTLY. my dead last trio. they can die. i have listened to mam maaaaybe 3 times total i Do Not Like It. woke up in japan makes me full body cringe idk why, empty wallets i just ? do not vibe with. don't like her either
honorable mention for when you walk away! a whole bop but i can't just stick her in the rest of the ranking bc i don't really ? know where it would go bc it's so separate to me
and NOW thank you for coming to this actual ted talk
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kathastrophen · 1 year
Ich guck mich grad ein bisschen durch den Tatort Wien und ich muss sagen: Fredo ❤️❤️❤️
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missunsympathetic · 3 months
Die ultimative "Boerne gets hurt" Liste
Es ist soweit, die Liste, nach der keiner gefragt hat, wir aber alle brauchen.
Wir alle wissen ja, wie oft sich unser aller Lieblingsrechtsmediziner in Gefahr begibt, und wie knapp das eine oder andere Ereignis dann doch mal ausgeht. Ereignisse, die für viel hurt/comfort, angst und allerlei andere Fanfictions gesorgt haben.
Während meines rewatch Marathons habe ich es mir nun zur Aufgabe gemacht, die überdurchschnittlich häufige incident Rate des Professors mal für uns alle festzuhalten. Und weil manche Ereignisse natürlich traumatischer sind als andere, und wir hier natürlich stets wissenschaftlich arbeiten, habe ich das Ganze mal in drei Kategorien eingeteilt. Die Ereignisse innerhalb der Kategorien folgen jedoch keinem festen Ranking. Und natürlich gilt, für alle, die noch nicht jede Folge gesehen haben:
Doch nun, ohne ausschweifendes Geplänkel:
die Liste
Kategorie 1 - very hurt (klassifiziert als großes Ereignis oder eine Reihe von Ereignissen welche im Narrativ der Folge als sehr dramatisch behandelt werden und häufig auch Konsequenzen für andere Personen haben)
Limbus (-> Nahtoderfahrung durch einen schweren Autounfall, Vergiftung im Krankenhaus und davor, muss wiederbelebt werden, steht wirklich ganz kurz davor zu sterben)
Feierstunde (-> Nahtoderfahrung durch Vergiftung, Geiselnahme auf seine Kosten, steht wirklich ganz kurz davor zu sterben)
Gott ist auch nur ein Mensch (-> Geiselnahme mit Waffe, gefesselt und geknebelt, wird vom Geiselnehmer als Opfer ausgewählt, Rettung gerade noch bevor was Schlimmeres passieren kann)
Hinkebein (-> Waffe in den Mund und danach an Stuhl gefesselt, am Ende nochmal Geiselnahme mit Waffe durch andere Person)
Eine Leiche zu viel (-> niedergeschlagen und an Stuhl gefesselt, anschließend mit tödlicher Spritze bedroht)
Die chinesische Prinzessin (-> fast an einer Überdosis Kokain gestorben, einen Mord angehängt bekommen, in der JVA geschlagen wurden)
Kategorie 2 - moderately hurt (klassifiziert als mittelgroßes Ereignis, welches im Narrativ der Folge oft als teilweise dramatisch, teilweise humoristisch behandelt wird und manchmal auch Konsequenzen für andere Personen hat)
Propheteus (-> Geiselnahme am Anfang, niedergeschlagen später in der Folge)
Mörderspiele (-> wird mit einem Gewehr gejagt, wird indirekt bedroht und springt dann aus einem Fenster um zu flüchten)
Ruhe Sanft (-> wird von ein paar Teenagern gekidnapped und außerdem am Ende von Thiel mit Handschellen und Knebel in den Urlaub entführt)
Krumme Hunde (-> niedergeschlagen und ins eigene Kühlfach gepackt, außerdem die Szene in der Thiel ihn mit der Waffe bedroht weil er ihn für einen Einbrecher hält was einfach objektiv sehr hot war)
Tempelräuber (-> wird mit dem Auto angefahren und bricht sich beide Arme)
Unter Gärtnern (-> wird mit einer Schere an der Kehle bedroht)
Kategorie 3 - mildly hurt (klassifiziert als kleines Ereignis, welches im Narrativ der Folge eine geringe Rolle spielt und keine Konsequenzen für andere Personen hat)
Ein Freund, ein guter Freund (-> wird mit Kabelbinder an die Heizung gefesselt)
Satisfaktion (-> bekommt einen Hieb mit dem Säbel ab und muss mit 12 Stichen genäht werden)
Schlangengrube (-> wird in der Wohnung des Opfers niedergeschlagen, wird kurz aus Versehen im Kühlraum eingeschlossen)
Summ Summ Summ (-> wird in der Dampfsauna eingesperrt, war aber nicht direkt gegen ihn gerichtet)
Der dunkle Fleck (-> bekommt von Thiel seinen Zahn ausgeschlagen, wird ganz kurz in Brand gesteckt)
Es lebe der König (-> wird von Thiel am Ende aus Spaß in einen Käfig eingesperrt weil er seinen Bart beleidigt hat)
Höllenfahrt (-> wird mit einer Eisenstange niedergeschlagen)
Lakritz (-> Grenzfall: die Lakritz Szene spielt in der Vergangenheit und der Hurt ist eher emotional als physisch, wollte es aber trotzdem mit rein nehmen)
Damit kommen wir auf eine Anzahl von 20/45 Episoden, in denen Boerne irgendwas passiert. Das sind 44,4%, also in etwas weniger als jeder zweiten Folge bekommt der Professor was auf den Deckel. Und dafür, und für all die schönen Szenen die sich daraus ergeben, lieben wir doch unseren Münster Tatort ❤️
~ solltet ihr der Meinung sein, dass ich irgendwas vergessen habe, dann gerne Bescheid sagen! ~
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proll4you · 3 months
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Es war ein kalter Morgen, als ich meinen ersten Tag bei der Logistikfirma antrat. Die grauen Betonwände des Lagerhauses wirkten düster und erdrückend. Mein neuer Chef empfing mich mit einem strengen Blick. “Hier zählt nur Leistung”, sagte er knapp und wies auf die Tafel, auf der das Mitarbeiter-Ranking prangte.
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Die Atmosphäre im Lagerhaus war nicht nur von Leistungsdruck geprägt, sondern auch von einem strengen Dresscode. Unser unnachgiebiger Chef, legte besonderen Wert auf das äußere Erscheinungsbild seiner Mitarbeiter. Wir alle trugen Bomberjacken, Baggy-Hosen und weiße Sneaker – eine Uniform, die uns zu einer Art anonymen Masse machte.
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Die Bomberjacken hingen schwer auf unseren Schultern, als wir die Pakete schleppten. Die Baggy-Hosen flatterten um unsere Beine, während wir uns durch die engen Gänge kämpften. Und die weißen Sneaker – ach, die weißen Sneaker! Sie waren unser Stempel, unser Markenzeichen. Jeder Fleck, jeder Kratzer wurde von Herrn Müller persönlich bemerkt und kommentiert.
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“Sauber halten!”, brüllte er uns an, wenn er einen Schmutzfleck auf einem Schuh entdeckte. “Ihr repräsentiert diese Firma, verdammt nochmal!” Und so polierten wir unsere Sneaker in unserer Mittagspause.
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Die Bomberjacken versteckten unsere Erschöpfung, die Baggy-Hosen verbargen unsere zitternden Beine. Und die weißen Sneaker – sie waren unser Schutzschild gegen die harten Blicke der Kollegen und die ständige Angst vor dem Ranking. Denn Herr Müller hatte uns klargemacht: Wer nicht nur die geforderte Leistung erbrachte, sondern auch das richtige Image verkörperte, hatte eine Chance auf den Aufstieg.
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Jeden Morgen versammelten wir uns vor dieser Tafel. Die besten drei Mitarbeiter erhielten eine Prämie, die letzten drei mussten das Lager kehren und das Büro des Chefs aufräumen. Ich fand mich immer am Ende der Liste wieder obwohl ich wirklich hart arbeite, während meine Kollegen Kaffee tranken, an ihren Handys spielten und sich entspannten. Sie lachten über meine Anstrengungen, während ich die schweren Pakete schleppte und mich durch den Alltag kämpfte.
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Die Plakate mit dem Slogan “Work hard, play hard” hingen überall im Lager. Ein ironischer Witz, wenn man bedachte, dass ich kaum Zeit zum Durchatmen hatte. Jeder Tag bestand aus Schikanen, Anbrüllen und Erniedrigung, weil ich nicht die geforderte Leistung erbrachte. Ich fühlte mich wie ein Versager, der in einem Hamsterrad gefangen war.
Eines Tages betrat ich das Büro und sah etwas, das mich schockierte. Einer meiner fiesesten Kollegen kniete vorm Chef und hatte dessen Schwanz im Maul. Mir wurde plötzlich klar, wie die Bewertungen auf dem Ranking zustande kamen. Es ging nicht nur um harte Arbeit, sondern auch um andere “Qualitäten”.
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Ich fühlte mich betrogen und erniedrigt. Aber ich beschloss, nicht aufzugeben. Ich würde weiterhin mein Bestes geben und gleich morgen meinem Chef signalisieren, dass ich das System nun verstanden habe und mich ihm beugen würde. Ich wollte auch bei den anderen dabei sein und nicht auf den letzten Plätzen herumhängen.
Es war zwar gegen meine Überzeugung, aber am Ende der Woche war ich im guten Mittelfeld. Was so eine halbe Stunde alleine im Büro des Chefs ausmachte. Der Geschmack in meinem Maul hing mir zwar den ganzen Tag nach, aber der Kaffee, den ich jetzt trank, während die anderen neuen Kollegen schuften, übertönte diesen.
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moonfruito · 2 years
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someone on twitter pointed out that this means jayson had ava at like 16/17 and this completely changes my understanding of his character. my assumption was always that jayson had done things by the book - had a nice normal nuclear family, wife and kids and successful career by like 28. but he was way too young to have had kids. he was way too young to have held that high of a rank in the navy. i assumed he was a shit dad because he was raised traditionally and rigidly and ended up with no emotional intelligence but in reality he didn't have the chance to develop that part of himself before he was thrust into work and fatherhood. i speculate that part of the reason he holds his family to such high standard and is so militaristic with them is because when he was younger he fucked up and got punished and has been trying to compensate for it since, because he definitely was not supposed to have had kids that young. he's been projecting that regret and insecurity onto them. from the point of view of the story we're getting told, jayson is the face of the abusive and corrupt navy structure but he got his ideas from somewhere. jayson isn't just the perpetuator, he's also a victim. it's that depressing truth of the cycle of abuse. i wonder what he was like when he was younger, before all this. i wonder if his relationship with drey was better. drey would've been 13/14 when he saw his brother get into trouble for getting a girl pregnant, when he saw him get punished and whipped into shape and get thrown into things he wasn't ready for. do you think that might be the reason that he left? do you think the realisation hit him then, that his family didn't have their best interests at heart? did he see his brother become cut off emotionally and throw himself into working to earn the family's approval back? or did he see that the same desire for approval that existed before only got stronger for all the shit he was put through? is that what scared him off? there's so much to unpack with this
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for these characters?
Why should you vote for the Albatrio? (1)
"Jay, Chip, and Gillion are so cool. They’re pirates in a fantasy world, but they kind of suck at being pirates and they keep SAVING ISLANDS.
Chip is an orphan who found family in the famous Black Rose Pirates, before their ship, the Midnight Rose, got caught in a horrible whirlpool. He ended up separated from everything he knew at only 9 years old. He found a gang, of sorts, led by a boy named Reuben Price. After refusing to kill a traitor and running away with a stolen boat, he tried to live up to the legacy of his caretaker on the Midnight Rose, Arlin James, and become a great pirate so that he could find him again and make him proud.
Jay Ferin is the daughter of Jayson Ferin, a well respected general in the NAVY, and Malenia “May” Ferin, the owner of a bar. Her uncle, Drey Ferin, left to go and join the Black Rose Pirates instead of be in the NAVY. Jay also trained to be a high ranking NAVY official, and her sister, Ava Ferin, was also a NAVY official before she was killed.
Chip came to the town where Jay and her mother lived and worked at their tavern, and told people stories. They ended up working together to save someone, and Chip won a bet against Jay. Since Jay lost, she agreed to join Chip’s pirate crew, and be the second member. Later, sailing the sea, they would find a fish man floating about, and he would join them too.
That brings us to Gillion Tidestrider, the third member of the up and coming pirate crew that would one day be known as the Riptide Pirates.
Gillion happened to be born on a specific day at a specific time while specific things were happening, and so was the Chosen One of the prophecy. He was so special that his parents gave him away to the elders! He endured harsh training, as he was destined to defeat evil, and also flood the world, but that’s not important yet. The elders told him that if he managed to do well, he would be accepted and loved. He never managed to do it, and despite being surrounded by people, he felt like he was alone. Except for when his sister, Edyn, visited, he was under a lot of stress. Eventually, Edyn was forced to stop visiting, but she gave him a pet frogtopus named Pretzel to keep him company. One day, the elders had a meeting with a human. Of course, Gillion had been taught that all humans were evil and that he should hate them, so he attacked the human. However, instead of being rewarded for following the teachings, he was banished from the Undersea. He was found by Chip and Jay, who let him in their pirate crew.
They had many adventures! They blew up a building, Gillion made a deal with a sketchy guy to save a town, they started a band and saved another town, they won a competition, they saved their friend and Drey Ferin from jail, they saw old friends again and Chip defeated an evil guy, and much more! And by much more, I mean the Riptide campaign is 97 episodes long not counting the Origins video and all episodes are over one hour and usually two hours. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff."
Why should you vote for the Knight? (1)
"little guy (gender non specific)"
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mitarbeiter · 4 months
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
malenia used to love jayson
enough to oggle at him in class when he wasn't looking. enough for her friends to tease her about it. enough to serve him discounted drinks whenever he visited the tavern. enough to blush and beam uncontrollably when he asked her out. enough to accept
enough to let him show her around featherbrooke, as if she'd never seen it before. enough to sneak him into her room, because goodness knows they could never meet at his house. enough to hold him close and dream of never letting go
enough to not be scared when she discovered she was pregnant so young. enough to celebrate it together. enough to accept when he proposed not long after
enough to let his mother plan the wedding. enough to carry a bouquet of red roses down the aisle, not lilies like she'd wanted. enough to take his last name
enough to start going by may, though her nickname had been lena for years. enough to wear her hair up, not free like she'd always preferred. enough to wear the family crest
enough to name her daughter ava, not eva after her own mother. enough to let her mother-in-law make all the decisions about the baby. enough to live with the ferins for a while, and leave the tavern behind
enough to fake happiness when jayson was appointed vice-admiral. enough to miss him when he went away. enough to seek solace in his brother, the only other ferin she could connect with. enough to bear the loneliness and take advantage of the rare time they could find together
enough to foolishly hope he'd return permanently when she fell pregnant again. enough to lash out when he said he couldn't. enough to apologise afterwards, as if she had been in the wrong
enough to name the baby after jayson's father, who'd been nothing but unkind to her. enough to stick to the family's stupid traditions
enough to pretend to miss his family when she returned to the tavern. enough to let them visit, though she wished she'd never see them again. enough to let them tell her how to raise her own children
enough to pretend she didn't see how jayson treated his girls when he stayed for a few weeks. enough to just be glad he was there, unlike her own father. enough to ignore how he was turning into his parents
enough to subscribe to the navy propaganda. enough to ban pirates from her tavern. enough to allow drey to be disowned. enough to leave his many letters unanswered, though she secretly read every one and envied his freedom
enough to let her daughters join navy training, once they were old enough. enough to celebrate ava rising through the ranks. enough to encourage jay to do the same, once she finished her training
enough to pretend she believed the story about ava's death. enough to not say a word. enough to still support her husband (but, quietly, she lifted the ban on pirates)
enough to mourn with him. enough to relish in holding him close again - it had been so long. enough to beg him once more to stay. enough to ask him to come home to her, to leave the navy and his family behind. enough to weep when he refused. enough that she couldn't bear to watch him leave again
but months passed, and she realised she hadn't missed him once. hadn't even thought of him. had never written, except to answer his letters
then jay left. she claimed it was to find who'd killed her sister, to go undercover as a pirate to seek revenge. may bit back the response that she'd have better luck doing that by joining the navy as planned
a few months passed and jay's letters stopped. all she heard of her daughter was from wanted posters
then jayson told her of what had happened in the BLOCK. she still loved him enough to pretend to be horrified
but then he vanished again and she was on her own with her thoughts. and there were many of them
she realised she didn't love vice-admiral jayson ferin. she loved the young boy she'd known once, who'd gone by sonny because it separated him from his father. the boy who let his hair grow long and watched in awe as she braided it for him. but that boy was gone, replaced by a replica of his parents. and she didn't love who he'd become
so she started wearing her hair down again, stopped going by may. she started smiling again, laughing even. took control of her own life. played by her rules
she started using her maiden name, so of the past she barely remembered it
she stopped loving jayson. she stopped being a ferin. she was malenia. she was free
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fagidarity · 9 months
trying to think of how a sort of albatrio swap au would work. like, pirate jay, triton/chosen one chip, navy family (human) gillion
gillion’s backstory isn’t too hard to figure out? he’s still estranged from his parents, edyn practically raised him and they were inseparable up until she went mia during a navy mission, and now he’s trying to find out what happened to her. it’s unclear whether or not she’s alive
jay also not too hard to figure out — orphan who got taken in by the black rose pirates, maybe got her name from a bird that she liked rather than a mispronunciation of ship. drey isn’t blood related to her but he is the one who took her under his wing (ha) rather than arlin so he considers her his niece
in this scenario it’s (human) finn who went against his high ranking navy family to become a pirate, and i’m not quite sure what to do with arlin. i guess leave him as-is? there doesn’t necessarily need to be a triton on the ship but it’d be nice if there was. idk when it gets to chip and the stuff directly connected to him it gets a little more complicated, for me at least. i feel like he would’ve run away from the undersea rather than be banished, just because that’s how he is as a person, but i haven’t quite cooked up how that effects the story yet
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
i kind of love how chip jay and gillion’s individual inner conflicts can all be boiled down to dome variation of an an obligational loyalty to an original family versus the loyalty earned by a found family. (found family being the riptide pirate crew)(i’ve been writing this for a while and my initial statement is not so much the focus of this post anymore as i have begun to ramble about chip. do please read though, as i have words i’d like to share about chip and how his story differs from his co-captains and where i hope it’s heading.)
but they all are undergoing this conflict differently!! chip grew up with the black rose pirates, he idolizes them. he looks up to them and respects them because they’re the first ones who actually gave him a family. and in trying to get that old family back, he’s accidentally built himself a NEW family, one which he has loyalty to out of shared experience and bonding over the present day! and now he’s faced with a divide (mostly in his own head, since some of his old family is literally a part of his new one) between his old family, and his current one.
jay’s version is maybe the most literal and straightforward. her birth family, the ones who raised her, did so to shape her in a particular way. she loves her old family, but in attempting to right a wrong within it, she has forged a family on the opposite side of an entire war. both sides want the other gone and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, but both are her family. this is understandably a very difficult thing for her
and gillion, he actually has a pretty similar that going on, albeit with a few more complications. he loves his old family (the undersea as a whole, since he never really got to be with his birth family) entirely out of obligation. they were cruel to him, but as their weapon he is meant to protect them. he grew up under the notion that those in the oversea are evil, that humans are nothing more than greedy and malicious. he’s seen that this is not the case, however, as he immediately found himself scooped up out of the ocean by a new family, one that encourages him to be his own person, rather than just a tool. his two families conflict not directly in real life (yet) but rather entirely in his own mid and perception of where his loyalties should lie.
jay and gillion have both stood up for themselves against their old family in some capacity, while still remaining loyal to some individuals. gillion denounced his ties to the elders that governed him, but still seeks out his older sister, edyn. and jay stood up to her father (one of the highest ranked individuals of the navy) in pure and violent defiance, while still loving and standing with her mother.
chip hasn’t really gotten to choose just yet. he’s declared loyalty to the riptide pirates and to his co-captains, but he’s still looking for arlin. he’s announced his decision, but he hasn’t come to face his choice head-on. captain rose and chey are dead, numerous individuals have been all but forgotten, drey and finn have joined the riptide pirates but aren’t the same as he remembers, and roofus, though an important figure in chips life, isn’t the ultimatum chip has yet to face. because arlin is still out there, beneath the black sea.
chip is chasing this ultimatum but i don’t think he’s going to find it, even if arlin is somehow miraculously alive down there, even despite representing this choice in chip’s eyes i don’t think he’s going to provide it. i doubt they’ll have much time together, if any.
chip won’t get to make this choice because there is no longer a choice to be made. there are no two sides to choose from, there’s just family. one family. the old and the new are now one and the same. but still there is arlin. the embodiment of an imaginary division. a nonexistent choice that drives this third of the story.
my best guess currently is that if the crew manages to find arlin, it will be in his last moments before he succumbs to the same fate as his beloved late captain. and i really, REALLY hope chip is the one who has to take what’s left of arlin down. because then he’d have finally come to terms with the truth of his life and his family. he will have made a choice without choosing between the people he loves, because on one side is his family, and on the other, all that’s left is an inky, dripping, gurgling, violent remnant of chip’s idolized past.
the choice would be hard for him, but there really is only one side left to choose.
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statuescrumble · 2 years
youngblood rankings for @itsthedamnseason
lie to me
ghost of you
meet you there
why won’t you love me
want you back
moving along
better man
if walls could talk
talk fast
monster among men
woke up in japan
empty wallets
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ilostyou · 2 years
literally why do you do this to me
because you love me 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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matthewkniesys · 1 year
Omg wait rank your fav blogs 1-10?!!! This is so fun!
okay again i won't rank cause it feels icky but ill just say 10 blogs i didn't talk about in the other post
@drysdalesv (congrats on 500!! love your blog sm)
@hvghes (you have the most amazing vibes and i love seeing you on my dash)
@kjohnson-91 (you always support and hype up everything i do so thank you<3)
@qhughes43 (your blog is so comforting and i love it sm)
@youunravelme (your blog is so cool and i love it and you are such an amazing writer)
@dead-endsstreet (i love seeing you on my dash...especially the gracie posts lol)
@honorarycallowaysister (your blog is literally all my fav thingss and just such good vibes)
@sparksssflytv (everything you reblog is 10/10 especially love the sabrina,gracie and gilmore girls vibes)
@jackhues (such fun vibes and i love your writing sm)
@drei-mrssvechii ( love you so much and your taste in books is amazing)
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blazbluebrackets · 1 year
After a long fight and some close calls...
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(sprite rip courtesy of @arundolyn)
Thank you all for your participation! This blog will stay up for archival purposes, but who knows, another bracket may happen in the near future... (wink wink)
Below the cut are the final rankings! (Votes are cumulative. Characters who were present in round 1 will be given an asterisk by their name.)
Torakaka (C-Series) (203 votes)
Linhua (C-Series) (167 votes)
Chachakaka (Heart Series) (159 votes)*
Meifang Lapislazuli (Heart Series) (106 votes)
Trinity Glassfille (C-Series) (94 votes)
Taro Sasaga'e (Heart Series) (81 votes)
Kazuma Kval (Phase Shift) (69 votes)
Kajun Faycott (Heart Series) (58 votes)
Tomonori (Phase Shift) (50 votes)*
Kiri (XBlaze) (49 votes)
Shiori Kirihito (Heart Series) (47 votes)
Acht (XBlaze) (47 votes)*
Kuon Glamred Stroheim (XBlaze) (41 votes)*
Raquel Alucard (Bloodegde Experience) (38 votes)
Homura Amanohokosaka (C-Series) (35 votes)
Roy Carmine (C-Series) (35 votes)
Tenjo Amanohokosaka (Heart Series) (29 votes)*
Ringo Akagi (XBlaze) (28 votes)*
Touya Kagari (XBlaze) (27 votes)
Avenge (XBlaze) (27 votes)*
Hinata Himezuru (XBlaze) (27 votes)*
Ripper (XBlaze) (24 votes)*
Estella McKenzie (Heart Series) (22 votes)*
Akira Kamewari (XBlaze) (20 votes)
Karenjina Parsett (Spiral Shift) (19 votes)*
Clavis Alucard (Bloodedge Experience) (17 votes)
Sechs (XBlaze) (16 votes)*
Nobody (XBlaze) (16 votes)
Saya Terumi (Bloodedge Experience) (15 votes)
Mei Amanohokosaka (XBlaze) (11 votes)
Grimwood Huster (Spiral Shift) (9 votes)*
Eight (Phase Shift) (9 votes)
Seven (Phase Shift) (8 votes)*
Elise von Klagen (XBlaze) (8 votes)*
Cypher Albar (Heart Series) (8 votes)
Akane Teruhiko (Heart Series) (7 votes)*
Drei (XBlaze) (6 votes)*
Souichiro Unomaru (XBlaze) (6 votes)*
Yuki Himezuru (XBlaze) (5 votes)*
Houichirou Hazuki (Heart Series) (5 votes)*
Haruka Hayami (Bloodedge Experience) (4 votes)*
Fuzzy (Heart Series) (4 votes)
Kiiro Hikagami (Bloodedge Experience) (4 votes)*
Spinner Superior (Bloodedge Experience) (3 votes)*
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for either of these characters?
Why should you vote for Mono? (1)
"He smol, he cute, he protecc (and holds hand!!) and he attacc"
mod note: i added six because it felt wrong to just have mono by themself. they are friends and holding hands
Why should you vote for the Albatrio? (1)
"Jay, Chip, and Gillion are so cool. They’re pirates in a fantasy world, but they kind of suck at being pirates and they keep SAVING ISLANDS.
Chip is an orphan who found family in the famous Black Rose Pirates, before their ship, the Midnight Rose, got caught in a horrible whirlpool. He ended up separated from everything he knew at only 9 years old. He found a gang, of sorts, led by a boy named Reuben Price. After refusing to kill a traitor and running away with a stolen boat, he tried to live up to the legacy of his caretaker on the Midnight Rose, Arlin James, and become a great pirate so that he could find him again and make him proud.
Jay Ferin is the daughter of Jayson Ferin, a well respected general in the NAVY, and Malenia “May” Ferin, the owner of a bar. Her uncle, Drey Ferin, left to go and join the Black Rose Pirates instead of be in the NAVY. Jay also trained to be a high ranking NAVY official, and her sister, Ava Ferin, was also a NAVY official before she was killed.
Chip came to the town where Jay and her mother lived and worked at their tavern, and told people stories. They ended up working together to save someone, and Chip won a bet against Jay. Since Jay lost, she agreed to join Chip’s pirate crew, and be the second member. Later, sailing the sea, they would find a fish man floating about, and he would join them too.
That brings us to Gillion Tidestrider, the third member of the up and coming pirate crew that would one day be known as the Riptide Pirates.
Gillion happened to be born on a specific day at a specific time while specific things were happening, and so was the Chosen One of the prophecy. He was so special that his parents gave him away to the elders! He endured harsh training, as he was destined to defeat evil, and also flood the world, but that’s not important yet. The elders told him that if he managed to do well, he would be accepted and loved. He never managed to do it, and despite being surrounded by people, he felt like he was alone. Except for when his sister, Edyn, visited, he was under a lot of stress. Eventually, Edyn was forced to stop visiting, but she gave him a pet frogtopus named Pretzel to keep him company. One day, the elders had a meeting with a human. Of course, Gillion had been taught that all humans were evil and that he should hate them, so he attacked the human. However, instead of being rewarded for following the teachings, he was banished from the Undersea. He was found by Chip and Jay, who let him in their pirate crew.
They had many adventures! They blew up a building, Gillion made a deal with a sketchy guy to save a town, they started a band and saved another town, they won a competition, they saved their friend and Drey Ferin from jail, they saw old friends again and Chip defeated an evil guy, and much more! And by much more, I mean the Riptide campaign is 97 episodes long not counting the Origins video and all episodes are over one hour and usually two hours. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff."
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