spacenintendogs · 3 months
if ur still doing the expressions meme Heather A5 🥹
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beloved 🥺
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jackshiccup · 7 months
“Jack’s Patroclus serve” please Madeline Miller who…
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madeline miller who 😭!!!!!!!! u get it...
for context @myfictionalfables, patroclus is a greek hero who wears achilles' armour (pretending to be achilles) during the trojan war and gets killed leading the battle
the wip name is so for funsies but it's literally just jack wearing hiccup's armour due to some convoluted plot in my head where he defies hiccup's orders, purposefully gets mistaken as hiccup, is then captured and gravely injured by the dragon hunters doing so ...... :)
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catnippackets · 5 years
the magician! ✨🔮✨
the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else?
yes definitely lol I’ve written..........................................................1 song about a fictional character (He Died), one song I was working on that was a mixture of a couple people that I never posted bc it’s not finished, also this old thing I definitely wrote about someone in particular and I still like it and am planning on rerecording it sometime as soon as I can remember what the chords are lmao
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turquoise + seawater for the ocean ask!
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had? 
staring at a whole in my hand from a snake bite and it was all the way through, wasn’t bleeding or anything. 
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?I don’t watch scary movies almost ever so i can’t really think of one that would count. maybe the episode of xfiles where the guy steals kidneys 
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deadlycinnamonroll · 3 years
Rules: Tag 15 people you want to get to know
I was tagged like years ago, but here we go
I was tagged by @shejustcalledmeafish
Name: Sone (nickname)
Gender: It’s complicated
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5’ 8″
Sexuality: It’s complicated too
Lock screen image: sone fun space art
Ever had a crush on a teacher: No, the idea makes me ✨uncomfy✨
Where do you see yourself in ten years: Alive? Grad school? Med school?
If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go?: Turkey
Coolest Halloween costume: forest faye
Favorite 90s TV show: I have no idea
Last kiss: never (haha I’m forever alone)
Have you ever been stood up: nope
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: yup, hated it
Favorite shoes: my red docs
Favorite fruit: there are too many to choose one
Favorite book: I like too many
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: I’ve done so many stupid things
Tagging: @czarfleet @cromchychipdip @definitelynot0bsessed @personally-im-feeling-pantastic @dedlycinnamonroll @dragonpeanut
Idk who else to tag
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audreysl0ve · 8 years
Cherish the Peanut - Day 5 - Family members
Due to an illness, this is being posted a bit late  Also due to an illness, this isn’t a little rambly and possibly disjointed  But I wanted to do a little fic for every day of peanut week so I finished it anyway.  DragonPeanut, is that a thing?
From the same verse as Day 1  Day 2, and Day 3 and Day 4.  
It’s three thirty n the fucking morning, and someone has decided to call Mal on the infernal device Regina insist she keep with her “in case of emergencies”.  
Well it better be an emergency of epic proportions because no one interrupted Mal’s sleep and got away with it.
“This better be good” she mutters into the phone
“Aunt Mal?” Eliza’s voice is a bit timid,  very unlike her, and Mal’s mood instantly changes from angry bitch to semi-concerned aunt.  “Um, remember when you said you were the kind of aunt that I could call to bail me out of jail?
“I do.”  Mal groaned.  Eliza’s words were slow and careful, yet she detected the hint of slurring. She was probably out drinking.
“Well…I kind of need you to bail me out of another situation.”
Mal sighs.
“Where are you?”
There’s a pause and then she finally breathes it.  “Top of the clocktower.  Like, the very top.”
Mal couldn’t help but laugh as Eliza cut in “Please, I’m scared, you can laugh at me after you get me!”
It took a second to get her in a dragon form, taking her from the rounded top of the click tower, where she sat, clutching the spire of the building.  She looked pathetic.  Pathetic and drunk, dressed in clothes Regina would never approve of.  Just great.
She flew right under her god daughter’s shaking form and waited for Eliza to release the spire and carefully drop down on her back.  It appeared Eliza wasn’t so good with heights.  She’s careful and slow at releasing the spire and then as soon as she drops on Mal’s back she’s clutching her tightly enough to cut off circulation, her body still shaking.
They haven’t discussed where Eliza was going, so Mal takes her back to her home, setting her down and transforming back into her human form.
“Where does your mother think you are?” She asked, going to the kitchen to make tea.  
Eliza is rubbing her head, makes her way to the couch with short, stumbly movements.  Oh god, this wasn’t good.
“Mom thinks I’m at Anastasia’s for the night.”
“Where did you actually go? Before the clocktower, that is?”
“I was at William’s party.” She says.  William, the boy was a senior in high school, a bit of a troublemaker in town.
“I’m assuming William’s parents weren’t chaperoning this party?”
Eliza shook her head. “Someone must have called in a noise complaint, cuz the cops showed up.   And then I was like “no big deal, I’ll just poof myself home before David sees me!”  So I did, but I mean, I had a magic malfunction and it didn’t quite take me home.”
“We don’t drink and poof, dear.  Your magic isn’t going to work well when you are drunk.”
“I’m not drunk!” Eliza insists, and Mal laughs.  
“You’re going to drink some of this tea and then you are going to take a shower, because you smell like cheap liquor and desperate teenage boys.  By the way, where’s your buddy?”
“What do you mean ‘my buddy’”?  Eliza is sitting on the couch now, rocking back and forth a bit.  If she pukes on her good rug Mal is going to bring her right back to Regina on the spot and let Eliza suffer the consequences.  But while she has her, she might as well teach her to not be as much of an idiot next time.
“I mean the person you look out for when you go out, the person who looks out for you to make sure you don’t end up on top of a god damned clock tower at the end of the night. Where’s your buddy?”
She’s hit a nerve, she can tell, because Eliza looks angry, as angry as she is capable of looking. She looks young for sixteen, and she’s tiny, a little pixy.  Her big blue eyes always make her look innocent and sweet, and when her temper flares up she looks more cute than threatening, something that always amuses Mal.  
“I don’t need a buddy.  I’m the daughter of Regina Mills and Robin Hood…and fucking Zelena.  And I have magic.  No one would mess with me.”  There’s a pause and she adds, “everyone’s afraid of me.”  Another pause and “No one would dare to even touch me.”
The way she says that last line is so sad and almost wistful.  And shit, this is about a boy.  But Mal’s not going to go there now, because what Eliza just said was already stupid enough.
“I refuse to believe you really think that” Mal said, bringing a cup of tea to her, sitting down next to her on the couch.  “Otherwise Regina has raised an idiot.”
Eliza’s cheeks flare red with anger.  “What in the hell do you mean?”
“You’ve got magic, your parents are some of the most important people in town.  You’re a target, Eliza.  I would have thought you would know that by now.  How many times have you almost been kidnapped, or  actually have been kidnapped?  I mean Jesus Christ, think it through.”
“Fine, random magical villain’s aside, since word got out that I have magic, everyone at school is scared of me.  None of them will even get close to me.  It’s like I have the plague.”
Mal chuckles bitterly. “Oh, I wish that were true, Eliza.”
“It is absolutely true.” Eliza puts her head in hands and groans “God the room is spinning.”
Mal takes out two capsules from her purse.  “I’ve got a cure for that.  Take these with your tea dear.”
Eliza looks down at the two pills in front of her.  “Advil and Tylenol together?”
“I’ve experimented enough to know it’s the best combination” Mal said lightly, “trust me.  Now drink your tea.  And just tell me what boy or girl had you losing all your good judgment tonight.”
“What makes you think this has to do with a crush?” she spat back.
“The fact that you are incredibly defensive makes it pretty obvious.  Go on, tell me.”
“Well if I did like anyone I’d be shit out of luck” Eliza says, “I mean, when we played truth or dare in middle school and people were dared to kiss me?  They’d always joke about how they didn’t have a death wish.  It was a real dare, who was brave enough to kiss the evil queen’s daughter? And now, I go to a party and I’m dressed…”
“Like a cocktail waitress at a strip club?” Mal finishes for her.
She’s dressing a miniskirt and a low cut halter top with a bit too much makeup on (Eliza honestly needs no makeup at all, she’s gorgeous, and it’s frustrating to Mal to even see her with all that gunk on).
“Whatever, I’m dressed up and no one even gives me a second look.  And then I overhear Tom and Will talking, and Will asks if Tom if he’s interested in me, and he says “hell no, I’m not interested in being turned into a toad every time it’s that time of the month, and…”
She stops when Mal laughs.
“It’s not funny!” Eliza shoots her a frustrated look, but she’s still a  bit drunk, still a bit off balance, and she sounds more whiny than angry.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry you are missing out on these obviously wonderful grade-A catches, they sound like real princes.  For fucks sake, Eliza, aren’t you glad men like that are scared of you?  At best they’d be a terrible bore.”
“It’s not just Will and Tom, it’s ALL the guys.”
“None of those boys are worthy of you anyway, so fuck it, wait a few years for one of them to grow up enough to be able to handle you.”
Eliza sighed.  “No, it’s not going to change.  It’ll always be like this.”
Mal chuckles.  “Your mother was a great and powerful sorceress who burned villages and destroyed lives, and your father didn’t let that scare him away.”
Eliza rolled her eyes. “Great, so if I happen to find my soulmate in the small town of Storybrooke, I’ll be fine.”
Mal shook her head. “You’re a beautiful girl, and you’re powerful, and smart, and athletic.  The right boy won’t be intimidated by that. But right now most high school boys are terrified of being emasculated because let’s face it, they barely qualify as men at this age.  Give them time to grow up and get over themselves.”
“I’m the only one of my friends to not get asked to the homecoming dance” she muttered, taking a deep swallow of the last of the tea.
Mal sighed, “And who were you hoping would ask you?”
Eliza shrugs.  “No one in particular, it just would have been nice to finally be asked to one of these things.”
“Well you are just going to deal with the fact you don’t get asked to dances, you’re too busy slaying monsters and going on quests to save the town.  Many people won’t understand you, and many will fear you.  It comes with the territory.  Get used to it and stop feeling sorry for yourself.”
Eliza rolls her eyes. “Easy for you to say.”
“It is easy for me to say, you don’t think I went through the same thing, only a hundred times worse? And your mother?  What did being special cost her, do you think? You have something we never had – a family to support you through this.  Now you’re going to rest right here on this couch.  And if you feel the need to throw up, you’re going to spend the night in my bathroom.  That clear?
Eliza sleeps that night, considering Mal’s words.  She was denied a lot of the normal teenage experiences, and she felt isolated from her peers, but she had more family than she knew what to do with, and they all loved her unconditionally.  And that was worth more than any boy could possibly be.
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spacenintendogs · 11 months
HIIII for httyd doodle requests maybe Heather getting some love from her friends 👉🏻👈🏻
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heather deserves so much love!!!!
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spacenintendogs · 7 months
ERMINTRUDE. Because she is like a girlfriend to me.
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ermintrude's a popular lady it seems tee hee @dragonpeanut (so u see this!!!!)
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the fic is basically when her and snotlout meet!! it is from snotlout's pov as he tries to impress the beautiful bog burglar musician lady (and it's snotlout so u know. failure). & it's his loser fail cringe rizz that kinda makes her go hm. he's not bad (she also later meets hookfang bc she does not believe snotlout has a monstrous nightmare LMAO)
the snippet is under the read more!!
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and there's more but!! ye!!!
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spacenintendogs · 7 months
😈 Trick or Treat!! 🌔🦇✨
TREAT!!!!! :)
have a big ol' chunk from my snotstrid fic (a later chapter)
It's quiet in Astrid's room. Her parents are out for the day and the rest of their friends are either working or have another engagement. No need for her and Snotlout to put on a show like they usually do.
They can simply exist.
These days are her favorite. She won't admit it, and neither will Snotlout. She knows they're his favorite, too.
They're sitting on her bed. Snotlout is quietly scrolling on his phone while Astrid reads a book Fishlegs let her borrow. It's alright. It's a mystery novel, one that's as predictable as the rest of the ones Astrid has read but the characters are good enough. They at least have personalities. She pauses in her reading at the feeling of Snotlout laying his head down on her lap. Astrid folds the corner of the page she's on and shuts the book. The slap of the book closing startles Snotlout.
"Sorry," Astrid says blandly. Snotlout hums as an acknowledgment of her apology and goes back to scrolling. He's got his phone tilted enough so she can see. It's nothing special. He'll stop to watch a video he finds funny and snort at it. Sends it to one of the twins. Keeps scrolling. Shares a post. Keeps scrolling. Replies to an argument that doesn't matter and never involves him. Keeps scrolling. Blocks the person he'd responded to because they responded back. Keeps scrolling.
Astrid smiles as she watches him make a post, scrolling through his camera roll to find the best photos of Hookfang he has saved. He's switched to the sanctuary's account. When Hiccup initially gave everyone access to the account, Astrid had been so sure it would be a mistake. Nothing has happened except maybe a small battle in who could get the coolest or cutest photo of their dragons. The current one Snotlout has chosen is pretty cute. Hookfang is rolled up in a tangled ball with a small part of his tongue sticking out. Astrid gently runs her fingers through Snotlout's hair as he makes a ridiculous caption and uploads the post. Snotlout sighs and locks his phone, setting it down next to him on the bed.
Astrid continues to run her fingers through his hair as he dozes off. She likes how long his hair has gotten. It's much thicker now, and when he doesn't have it sticking up from the ridiculous gel he uses, it rests nicely on his shoulders. He's recently washed it, probably because he knew he'd be coming over today. It feels soft and looks very fluffy. He also has those matching dark, thick eyebrows. Snotlout claims he doesn't do his eyebrows, but with how shaped they are, and the tweezers she's found in his bathroom after seeing the area around his eyebrows being bright red, he definitely does. Not that she's complaining. He does a nice job.
Her eyes move to the rest of his face. Snotlout's eyes are closed, making it easy to see his long, dark lashes. She swears, men always seem to have the prettier eyelashes. His cheeks are red from sunburn, and the rest of his face is tanned from previous sunburns. Freckles and blemishes are abundant across his face. He loves the sun. He likes being warm.
The dark scraggles of facial hair above his lips and on his chin aren't impressive. He claims he's growing facial hair for her, but somehow his hair grows everywhere else on his body. She doesn't want him to shave his face, though. He looks far too clean when he does.
Astrid's eyes wander down to his strong chest and arms. Summer means tank tops for him. Shirtless whenever he can. His tan lines are nearly non-existent on his upper body. The tank top he's wearing now is loose enough that it hangs low and the sides are open to show his side boob. Astrid snorts to herself at referring to his side boob as side boob.
"What?" Snotlout asks, not amused in the slightest. He hasn't bothered to open his eyes, which is fine. He doesn't need to know she's ogling him. It'd make his ego far too big if that is possible.
"Nothing. Go back to sleep."
"I'm not sleeping," Snotlout mumbles as he shifts himself a little bit and resettles.
"Sure, Lout. Now go back to sleep."
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awww! me too, then you could come and meet my cosplay group /u\
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