#dracoria talks
dracoria-nebulae · 3 months
I apologize, but I think there won't be an update this week either. I'm so damn tired of late and still in the depths of writer's block. I've gotten some things finished, but I'm still not quite there. I'm so sorry for taking so long.
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caycanteven · 1 year
Steel, Lilac, affectionately Apricot (I'm poisoning you with my stupid fics hah), Sapphire for all my moots honestly hah.
You are poisoning me....your fics have me in a choke hold right now and I would die happy that way LOL.
and fECK you're too kind aaaah <3
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phoenixdaneko · 1 year
It's here!!! Chapter 11 is out!!! Moon finally learns MC can talk, and we have some soft conversations about the past!!! Hope you all enjoy!!!
@archangel-fucking-judas @dressycobra7 @duhsty1 @glitzybunny @tway-la @fnafmybeloved @aboutchicken298 @reaurelynios @yakamashi-ao3 @cody-welsh @catboy-pentheus @ghosts-are-dead @venomous-qwille @laymedowntorest @maldefekt @art1sty @papercrown30 @d3m0l1t10n-lvrs @crystalmagpie447 @celticwolfie @remidraws @dracoria-nebulae
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sinfulsagev · 4 years
On Liam and Saccharina
So I’m browsing the tags and listening to the Adventuring Party stream and I’m seeing a lot of people being dicks to Emily and accusing Saccharina of “stealing” Cinnamon from Liam. There was a break in the stream where Emily was talking about Saccharina being a polarizing “Robin Hood” type of character and how above all she was in the temple for the egg, which Brennan was nodding his head in agreement with. The egg had a fire damage threshold and had to be melted to hatch it, which is a damage type Liam is incapable of dealing. While A Crown of Candy is a difficult, gritty game; we all know by now through watching other seasons of Dimension 20 that Brennan wouldn’t make the resolution to Liam’s own subplot inaccessible to Ally or dependent on another PC.  What people aren’t realizing is the egg was for Saccharina, not Liam. Liam’s arc is gonna come to a head with the nest of the older Dracoria Azucar that the cliffhanger was delivered on. TLDR; The egg was meant for Saccharina, the nest was meant for Liam.
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dracoria-nebulae · 3 months
Writing update
Haha, I'm having a bit of a hard time writing these past few weeks. There quite possibly won't be an update this weekend. I'm trying but writer's block is a real problem. I'm so sorry!
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dracoria-nebulae · 2 months
No updates this week either, I'm really sorry, I've had a rash of nasty migraines the past few days and writing is incredibly difficult when that happens. I know what I plan to do, I just can't stare at a screen that long and write. T_T
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dracoria-nebulae · 6 months
Fic stuff
Writing has been awful the last two weeks. Things just don't want to work. I have enough to upload technically but I think I'll wait until next weekend. Sorry everyone. I hope the next week is better for writing and I feel comfortable posting again. Nothing is going on hiatus or anything, I'm just taking another week to try and get some chapters out!
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dracoria-nebulae · 9 months
Brain hasn't felt like writing, I'm wondering if I should swap to an every other week for both sets of fics. Not sure. It's quite hard to keep up with 6 of them, 12 chapters in a month hah. Not sure the most recent chapters are up to snuff quality wise. I take a week break here and there but I'm not actually taking any breaks when I do. I really gotta try and do better. God I wish I could just pound out 10k a day. I might go on a little bit of a hiatus, I'm struggling to get even a third of a chapter done in a day. And by hiatus I mean like, maybe take a two week break hahaha.
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dracoria-nebulae · 9 months
Definitely not posting this week, sorry! I just, need a little time to chill. I got super stressed and miserable and a break is much needed hah. Plus, things aren't quite finished this week so, such is life. Hopefully will be posting next week.
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dracoria-nebulae · 11 months
Might take something of a break this coming week, been feeling my depression creeping up and struggling to write enough. And who knows what else but definitely the depression nipping at my back. Still going to update tomorrow though. I doubt anyone will see or respond buuut... I'd absolutely love it if anyone wanted to talk about any of my fics, theories, thoughts, anything. I especially love theories. I'm curious what everyone thinks is coming or hopes to see hah.
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dracoria-nebulae · 10 months
Looking at my feed is a bit much rn hah. I might miss a bunch of things but I just wanna play games and exist.
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dracoria-nebulae · 1 year
Am I feeling burnt out? Or just struggling to get my brain to focus on one thing instead of the other thing it wants to do? Not sure but god damn has it been unreasonably hard to write the past few days... I have things that need writing and they just don't want to write hah.
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dracoria-nebulae · 8 months
Okay so I just found your story The Guardian's of Eden and let me just say, I'm OBSESSED. Like omfg it's been a hot minute since anyone has written something so interesting that has captivated my attention. I literally couldn't stop myself from reading it all in one go
I really appreciate, could be intentional could be accidental, the way the writing matures as the MC does. It's such a smooth move, and I'm not sure if you meant to do it.
Anyways, I cannot wait for the next chapter, where I'll continually try to give kudos but am denied.
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Oh! Oh heck yes! I'm actually really pleased you noticed! As the narration in my fics technically come from the pov of the character followed, it was entirely intentional that as mc grew up, her narration matured as well! It helps show her understanding of herself and her world around her as she ages. As a child she noticed a lot of things, but had no clue what they meant, so she didn't even think about it any further. Now that she's older, little things get more scrutiny and attention. She's become more aware of the world as being separate from herself. Children usually struggle at very young ages with the concept of individuality and don't realize things they know, aren't known by others, and so on! Man let me tell you I was so anxious writing the start of the fic to properly convey her age as she grew so I'm beyond pleased to see it noticed!
Thank you so much!
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dracoria-nebulae · 1 year
Oh my goodness, I was very confused when I saw your description, turns out we both have fics with the name Abyssal Lights, huh? How funny.
Oh! Hah, that would be very confusing yeah! If you've found your way to my stuff, then perhaps you're in the undertale fandom? I'm curious now, I'll have to take a look at your fic!
It's quite hard to pick names that aren't the name for a hundred other fics and books.
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dracoria-nebulae · 6 months
A little break
Holiday depression and financial stressors have left be struggling to write much at all despite my best efforts. Aside from asking for people's thoughts and ideas to help spark some inspiration, I likely won't be posting any chapters until after the holidays are over.
That being said, if anyone has and theories on what is to come, any thoughts on what might be to come, or anything they think might be neat to see or they want, feel free to let me know! I may not use it but it really helps with inspiration.
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dracoria-nebulae · 7 months
Writing update hah
God my brain does not want to write right now. We'll see how it goes in the coming weeks, and I'll still update this saturday, but I definitely didn't get enough writing done this week and not to a quality I want. Just letting people know how that's been going-
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