#dr rallah
sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 3, Scene 4 - The Approaching Storm
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: The heads of the Stoicheal Orders meet to discuss recent events.
Previous Scene: "That Distance Between Us"
Masterlist: Link
That night, several Penderghast professors sit around a large central table. They are surrounded by walls of brick, on which are flickering torches alternating with six elaborate stained-glass windows, each depicting a different Attunement’s motif. The only visible entrance to the room lies above them, where a round, recessed opening sits covered only by a shimmering stoicheal barrier. The seat in front of the Fire-themed window is empty, while the other five are all occupied.
DR. ENGLUND: Well then. Shall we begin?
A chorus of assents follows his statement. The others in the room turn their attention to the empty chair at the table. Dr. Religast shakes her head as she looks around at the others.
DR. RELIGAST: I see Evelyn is still absent. Has anyone heard from her recently?
Dr. Kontos sighs and shakes his head.
DR. KONTOS: Nothing. I... I fear the worst.
DR. RALLAH: I have tried tuning my most powerful pangasols to her signature, but they have all shown no response.
DR. ENGLUND: So she is either in the Archikeal Realm, or--
DR. RALLAH (irritated): Taerl, do you really think I haven’t tried that? I’ve traveled into the Archikeal Realm with the pangasols. Still nothing. Meaning--
DR. RELIGAST: She could be in the Between. That’s the only possibility left, other than...
Dr. Religast sighs, leaving the obvious alternative hanging unspoken. From his seat in front of the Water window, Dr. Vartokis clears his throat.
DR. VARTOKIS: Speaking of the Between, I believe we have a certain recent phenomenon to discuss, no? As of Induction Day, that makes two of these unusual “breaches” within the past year. Has anyone made any headway?
DR. ENGLUND: They appear to be isolated incidents. Some sort of unusual stoicheal pulse echoing throughout the Between, causing a temporary thinning of the barrier. From what I’ve managed to gather... these “pulses” both originated in the Archikeal Realm. And from the same location, besides.
DR. RALLAH: The same location? That cannot be a coincidence.
DR. RELIGAST: I agree. Do we know where?
Dr. Englund shakes his head.
DR. ENGLUND: Not yet.
DR. KONTOS: Which brings us to the matter of who might have interest in thinning the barrier. A certain someone who has been trapped inside. Has there been any activity from Highmore's cultists lately? Anything that might suggest he has escaped?
DR. RELIGAST: That’s the strangest part, Linden. As far as I can tell... there’s been absolutely nothing. So either he missed the opportunity to escape--
DR. ENGLUND: Doubtful.
DR. RELIGAST: --or he’s planning something big. Something that would need him to lie low until it’s ready.
DR. KONTOS: Do we know for certain that these “breaches” would allow an Attuned to escape? It may be that the barrier wasn’t weakened enough for--
Dr. Vartokis shakes his head.
DR. VARTOKIS: Someone escaped the Between during the second breach. I wasn’t certain before, but... from what I can tell, there is an incredibly powerful Water-Att on Penderghast’s campus at this very moment.
The others all turn to stare at him.
DR. RALLAH: You’re certain of this.
DR. VARTOKIS: Positive. Every once in a while, I get a feel for it. It’s a powerful Water-Att signature, no doubt about it.
DR. RELIGAST: If they’re a Water-Att, then it can’t be Highmore. And you’re sure whoever-it-is came from the Between?
DR. VARTOKIS: No other explanation. All transit in and out of Pennelia’s stoicheal bubble has been closely monitored. If a Water-Att this powerful had been spotted entering, I would’ve been told right away, no?
DR. RALLAH: You have a point. But still...
DR. VARTOKIS: I'll continue my investigation. It’s possible whoever-this-is was one of Highmore's followers. I know there were a few trapped inside along with him. I’ll get to the bottom of this.
DR. RALLAH: Good. Let us know as soon as you find anything. As for Dr. Swan’s continued absence... Maya?
DR. RALLAH: Yes, you. I want you to scour Pennelia’s bubble top to bottom. If Dr. Swan has been trapped in the Between, she likely found a way to leave us some sign to follow. Knowing her, it may even be something one can only identify from the air. Thus making you the perfect person for the job.
DR. RELIGAST (nods): I’ll do my best. Hopefully you’re right!
DR. ENGLUND: I will bring our concerns to Elise. It’s possible that, as dean, she has access to additional resources that may help us in these matters.
DR. RALLAH: Excellent suggestion. Which leaves you, Linden. You likely already know your assignment.
DR. KONTOS: Naturally. I will contact the other chapters of Gaia’s Sentinels. Together, we will intensify our search for any unusually powerful bursts of Wood or Life Stoichi throughout the Stoicheal Realms. If Highmore has indeed escaped, it is my duty to stop him. And that I shall do.
DR. RALLAH: Very good. And I will monitor all sources of reflection in the Pennelia bubble; if another breach occurs, I will be ready to take advantage of it to find Evelyn and retrieve her from the Between.
DR. ENGLUND: Then it seems our meeting has adjourned.
DR. RELIGAST: Let’s hope next time, Evelyn will be here with us.
As the professors get up from their chairs, they stop to glance forlornly at the empty Fire chair. One by one, each uses their particular brand of stoicheal technique to pass through the exit in the ceiling. Finally, Dr. Kontos is the last one to leave. He hesitates.
DR. KONTOS (muttering): Something isn’t right. But what...
He sighs and shakes his head. Then, with a flick of a wrist, he summons vines that grow down from the ceiling and wrap around his waist, lifting him gently up toward the exit after the others.
Notes: Now for something completely different... an entire scene without Fiora?! Weird. I'd wanted to have a few more of these "meanwhile with the professors" scenes for a while, but decided to wait until Dr. Vartokis got introduced formally. And it also made for a nice excuse to reveal some of the professors' first names!
Worldbuilding: Dr. Rallah mentioned a "pangasol." This is a device that, when activated by a powerful Metal-Att, performs a super-advanced version of the Locator spell from canon. Like the canon spell, the device requires an object belonging to the person/thing being searched for in order to work properly.
Next: To Ask a Question
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie
DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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mrsdianabarnes · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
0 notes
ms-gold · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
0 notes
imperarenox · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
0 notes
chefbailarin · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
0 notes
deadbred · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
0 notes
sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 2, Scene 6 - We’ve All Got Secrets
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: The next day, Fiora attempts to find Dr. Swan.
Previous Scene: Link
Masterlist: Link
The next morning, the usual throng of students is pouring through the entrance to Tubigan Hall, ready for another day of classes. Fiora, Zeph, Beckett, and Shreya are at the center of the flow, heading toward the lecture halls. Fiora nudges Zeph to get his attention.
ZEPH: Fiora? What’s up?
FIORA: Any idea where Dr. Swan’s office is?
ZEPH (frowning): No, I don’t... why?
FIORA: I just... need to ask her something.
SHREYA: Wait, is this about the Defenders? Because I can always answer--
FIORA: No, it’s about... uh, something else.
Beckett stops in the middle of the rush of students, forcing everyone else to go around their small group. He turns to face Fiora.
BECKETT: If you’re looking for Dr. Swan’s office, it’s on the third floor. Room 323. You’d best be quick, though: class starts in ten minutes.
Fiora smiles at him.
FIORA: No worries, I will. Thanks! See you in class!
With a few confused looks from Shreya and Zeph, Fiora pushes back against the crowd, heading for a stairwell at the far corner of the lobby. After a brief moment of pushing her way through the other students, she makes it to the stairwell and dashes up the stairs to the third floor. She opens a door and emerges onto a hall filled with office doors.
FIORA (muttering): Room 323... 323...
She quickly scans the doors one by one, until she spots one marked: “323 - DR. EVELYN SWAN”
FIORA: There!
She approaches the door and knocks sharply three times. She pauses for a moment, but no one answers. Hesitantly, she knocks again.
FIORA: ...Hello? Dr. Swan?
But she is met with only silence. She frowns at the door, waiting impatiently... but as she ponders whether or not to try knocking a third time, a door opens from across the hall and Dr. Kontos steps out. He hesitates in surprise when he recognizes Fiora.
DR. KONTOS: Ms. Luxen? ...Can I help you with something?
Fiora turns, startled at his sudden appearance.
FIORA: Oh! Dr. Kontos! Sorry, I was just looking for Dr. Swan. Do you know where I can find her?
Dr. Kontos frowns, thinking on this for a moment.
DR. KONTOS: ...She has been out. On an important errand. Whatever you need, I am certain I can provide--
Fiora responds with the first excuse that comes to mind.
FIORA: It’s about... uh... the Defenders.
Dr. Kontos’s eyes widen in recognition.
DR. KONTOS: Ah, yes, I see. Regrettably, I must inform you that none of us have seen her since last night.
His voice drops his volume until it is barely over a whisper.
DR. KONTOS: She set off rather quickly last night on an important mission. I do not know when she will be back. All I can tell you is that it is something involving the Orders.
Fiora ponders his response for a moment.
FIORA (hesitantly): ...Okay. Thank you.
Reluctantly, she heads back down to the first floor, which is now completely deserted. The only sound to be heard is the gentle bubbling of the decorative fountain near the entrance. Fiora walks past it on her way to the classroom when she is startled to hear a familiar voice.
ATLAS (whispering): Fiora! Over here!
Fiora looks around in shock for the source of the voice. Atlas gives a resigned sigh, and a second later, the surface of the fountain’s water begins to shimmer. Part of the water forms a vaguely human-looking shape, then splashes back down into the fountain, revealing Atlas standing in the midst of the water. Fiora stares, dumbfounded, at the sight.
ATLAS: ...What? You’ve never seen an Aquatic Concealment before?
FIORA (still stunned): Uh... no.
Atlas rolls her eyes.
ATLAS: Right. Look, that’s not important right now. Did you find Dr. Swan?
Fiora shakes her head.
FIORA: She’s out on some mission for the Orders. Dr. Kontos couldn’t say where she went or when she’ll be back.
Atlas crosses her arms, pondering this for a moment.
ATLAS: Ugh. Can’t be helped. We’ll have to wait, then.
FIORA: What about the other professors? Dr. Kontos, or Dean Goeffe, or--
ATLAS (vehemently): No!
Fiora recoils involuntarily at her sister’s sudden shout.
ATLAS: I know we can trust Dr. Swan. And you. And that’s it. I told you, someone on this side of the Between has been helping Raife, and until we know who it is, we trust no one else. Understand?
FIORA (defensively): Okay, okay, I get it! But you need to lighten up a little. Seriously.
ATLAS (scowling): I really don’t.
FIORA: Sorry, it’s just that--
SHREYA (O.S.): ...Fiora? Is that you?
Atlas and Fiora exchange a quick, panicked glance.
ATLAS (whispering): We’ll figure this out. I’ll be in your room.
She raises her arms, both palms swirling with water stoichi, above her head. A second later, water has engulfed her body entirely before fading back into the rest of the fountain’s water. Shreya steps into the lobby from the nearby hallway.
SHREYA: There you are, Fiora! I was so worried with how long you were taking to get to class, I hope you had a nice talk with Dr. Swan! Though I wouldn’t start making a habit of skipping classes like this if I were you, Defenders or no Defenders. You know how terribly lonely Dr. Rallah’s lecture would get if I had to suffer through it without you, after all! And anyway--
She seems to catch herself mid-sentence, frowning at Fiora as though suddenly remembering something.
SHREYA: ...What are you doing out here, anyway? I thought I heard you speaking with someone, non?
Fiora freezes like a deer in headlights. Shreya looks at her quizzically as, from the fountain, Atlas’s voice whispers just soft enough for Fiora to hear:
ATLAS (whispering): You were practicing.
FIORA: I was--uh--practicing!
SHREYA: Practicing? What do you mean?
ATLAS (whispering): For Dr. Swan.
FIORA: For Dr. Swan! ...Uh, what to say to her, I mean. She wasn’t here today, and I--
Shreya laughs and steps closer to Fiora, grabbing her by the hand and tugging her back toward the classrooms.
SHREYA: Oh, is that all? Come, Fiora, you don’t need to be so shy around me!
FIORA (laughs weakly): Ha ha, yeah... silly, right?
SHREYA: Just because we’re part of the Defenders now, that doesn’t mean you need to be so awkward around Dr. Swan! She is still our professor, so there’s no need to be nervous.
FIORA (awkwardly): Yeah, you’re, uh, probably right.
SHREYA: Aren’t I always? Now let’s get going! After all, we wouldn’t want to miss Dr. Rallah’s undoubtedly riveting history lecture, do we?
Fiora genuinely giggles at the joke as the two of them head back to the classroom, sparing only a moment to glance back at the fountain. But if Atlas is still concealed there, she gives no sign of her presence. Fiora looks back toward Shreya, giving her a suspicious glance as Atlas’s words echo in her mind:
ATLAS (V.O.): Trust no one else.
Worldbuilding Notes: Aquatic Concealment is a Water-Att’s invisibility technique; the catch is that it only works when standing in a body of water. Huh, wonder what that might say about Atlas’s Attunement...
Timeline Notes: The day after the Induction. December 27th, 2017. Also, the same day of the first Endless Summer post-credits scene!
Next: The Perks of Being Twins
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady @choicesbabie
DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 1, Scene 10 - New Routine
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: Fiora and her friends settle into their routine as Penderghast students.
Previous Scene: Theory and Practice
Masterlist: Link
Some time later, Fiora and her friends sit in Dr. Religast’s Stoicheal Theory course once again. Dr. Religast points to a diagram of a human body with an illuminated elemental symbol in the center of it.
DR. RELIGAST: ...as stoichi is innate in all things, so too is it innate within ourselves. Innate stoichi can be divided into three base components. Can anyone describe these for me?
Beckett’s hand launches up as usual, but Fiora is only half paying attention. Shreya whispers something in her ear, and the two of them giggle...
* * *
In the same auditorium, another professor named DR. RALLAH teaches History of Attuned Society. She is an older woman with a severe face and a flat, droning voice. Fiora practices with a small votive candle beneath her desk, trying to coax the flame out toward her hand.
DR. RALLAH: ...during this time Attuned still lived side-by-side with Attuneless societies in the Archikial Realm. While the two groups had known of each other’s existence prior to this, they largely kept to themselves; Attuned kept to themselves in scattered, small societies separated by Attunement. This changed during and after the Second Thunder War, in which several Fire-Attuneds played a pivotal role. One of them would go on to become King-Consort Dominic Rys of Cordonia, ushering in an era of Attuned-Attuneless cooperation and peace...
Zeph has fallen asleep, drooling on his desk. Shreya watches Fiora’s practice attempts with rapt attention, ignoring the professor completely. Even Beckett is beginning to look bored, his note-taking becoming slower and slower...
* * *
In Dr. Englund’s ASTP class, Fiora and the others stand in groups of two, using their Attunements to form shapes with large sources of their respective elements. At one point, while she and Shreya are attempting to shape their campfire into a floating rectangle, she briefly loses control and the flame starts to expand.
DR. ENGLUND: Ms. Luxen!
ZEPH: On it!
Zeph rushes to the scene, dragging the water from his own assignment over his head. Beckett sprints toward Fiora as well, forming his block of metal into a large blanket that he drapes over part of the fire, while Zeph douses the remainder with his water. The two of them look at each other and smile.
BECKETT: Well done. Zephyr, was it?
ZEPH: Call me Zeph. And you did a nice job, yourself!
DR. ENGLUND: Right then. Back to your assignment, all of you.
Fiora blushes, then shrugs as Dr. Englund produces a second campfire, already lit, and places it in front of them.
DR. ENGLUND: ...I have three more of these on standby just in case, Ms. Luxen.
* * *
Outside on the quad, near a patch of forest, Dr. Kontos teaches Natural Studies. The class, divided up by Attunement, watches as he brings out several crates full of tiny creatures known as Attuned Companions.
DR. KONTOS: A Companion is more than a pet. They are your friend, your ally... and also your greatest strength, if you give them the love, care, and effort that they deserve. Remember this well, all of you. We will be tracking your progress with your Companions as the class progresses.
He passes out creatures to the class: Zeph and the other Water-Atts get small, blue, fox-like creatures called Arylus. Fiora, Shreya, and the other Fire-Atts get tiny flying dragons called Lumians. Beckett and the Metal-Atts get orangish-silver froglike Companions called Gorgues. Beckett looks down at his Companion with confusion. The Gorgue croaks at him.
BECKETT: What am I supposed to do with this?
DR. KONTOS: You raise him. Raise him well, Mr. Harrington.
BECKETT: Right. Naturally, sir. My apologies.
Fiora squeals and hugs her Lumian tightly.
FIORA: Okay, this thing is cute and awesome all at the same time. I am so naming him ‘Dracarys!’
Shreya stares at her in confusion.
SHREYA: ...Does that mean something?
FIORA: Wait, don’t tell me you’ve never seen-- oh, right, duh. Never mind. Anyway, hi, Dracarys!
Dracarys lets out a high-pitched roar, with a tiny tuft of flame emerging from his mouth when he does so. Shreya’s own Lumian floats over to Dracarys and the two start flying around one another.
SHREYA: Aww, they like each other! Well, I’m going to name mine ‘Rys.’
FIORA: Okay, now it’s my turn to ask why.
SHREYA: Rys! You know, as in the famous Tuneless queen who was the first to unify Attuned and Tuneless? Kenna Rys? ...Please, I’m sure Dr. Rallah must’ve mentioned her at some point in class!
FIORA: You’re telling me you actually pay attention in that class?
SHREYA (laughs): ...Okay, no. I read a novel about them when I was growing up, that’s all.
FIORA: Alright, that makes way more sense.
SHREYA: Come here, Rys! That’s a good girl!
She hugs Rys, who snuggles happily into her arms as Dracarys perches on Fiora’s shoulder.
FIORA: Best. Class. Ever!
* * *
Weeks pass by, and Fiora and her friends are once again in Stoicheal Theory class.
DR. RELIGAST: ...Those who have Primal Attunements are especially rare. 99 percent of all known Attuned have Base Attunements; the vast majority of those capable of utilizing Primal Forces have achieved this feat over time, rather than being born Attuned to a Primal Force. Now, the differences between...
Fiora takes some notes in between practicing with her candle under the desk, making the flame dance and form letters as Shreya does the same beside her. They spell their own names, then each other’s. Then Zeph whispers something in Shreya’s ear, and Shreya uses her flame to spell out “Bucket Harrington.” The three of them laugh quietly, and Beckett turns to see what they were all laughing at. He frowns.
BECKETT: How juvenile. ‘Bucket Harrington,’ as if...
But as Beckett turns back to focus on Dr. Religast, a faint smile forms on his face.
* * *
Beckett sits cross-legged on the grass outside as his Grogue sits on his head, croaking happily as he spits metal pebbles at insects buzzing nearby. Each time he scores a hit, he laps up the fallen insect with his tongue.
BECKETT: Grogue, would you please stop that racket?
ZEPH: Good boy! Ishi, come here!
Zeph claps, and his Arylu, ISHI, bounds happily over to him. He scratches the creature behind his ears.
ISHI: Ruff! Ruff!
Shreya and Fiora sit side-by-side, their Lumians flying around their heads as they feed them bits of raw meat, which the creatures cook with their flame breath before eating. Several nymphs and satyrs are scattered throughout the class, assisting some of the students; Aster is working with Shreya and Fiora and their Companions. Dr. Kontos walks through the group, looking down at each Attuned and their respective Companion in turn. He smiles at all of them until he gets to Beckett, then frowns.
DR. KONTOS: Mr. Harrington, I can’t help but notice you don’t seem to be applying yourself very well to this assignment. I was under the impression from your records that I could expect more from you.
BECKETT (defensively): I--
He looks down at the ground, suddenly embarrassed.
BECKETT: Yes, sir. I will try to do better in the future.
DR. KONTOS: See that you do.
Dr. Kontos walks away, and Beckett lifts his Grogue off his head and looks at him. The Grogue croaks back, then spits an iron pebble at Beckett’s forehead.
BECKETT: Heavens... what am I supposed to do with you, Grogue?
FIORA: You could start by giving him a name, y’know. Just saying. Isn’t that right, Dracarys?
She pats Dracarys on top of his head. The Lumian snorts contentedly.
BECKETT (bewildered): A name?
* * *
Dr. Rallah gives another lecture in History of Attuned Society. As Shreya and Zeph amuse themselves by manipulating a candle and a dish of water respectively, in a sort of element “duel,” Fiora peers over at Beckett’s notes. The camera follows her gaze to reveal that the notes devolve into barely-legible scribbles, then stop abruptly... as Beckett has fallen asleep. Fiora looks over at Shreya and mouths, ‘Wow.’ Shreya giggles.
ZEPH (whispering): Ha! Got you when you were distracted! I win again!
SHREYA (whispering): Oh, no you don’t. Best three out of five?
ZEPH (whispering): You’re on!
Oblivious to how little attention she is receiving from any of her students, Dr. Rallah drones on:
DR. RALLAH: ...and the Council made the decision for all of Attuned society to retreat into the Stoicheal Realm for safety. On September 9th, 1621, this decision was carried out on what we now know as the first Separation Day. Shortly thereafter, Attuned leaders engaged in a widespread campaign to eliminate any and all signs of Attuned presence in Attuneless society. This was largely successful, and by January 27th, 1623, it was decided...
* * *
DR. ENGLUND: Drawing out your own innate stoicheal energy into an external creation is more difficult than manipulating existing elements, so do not feel upset if you have trouble doing it at first. We have three weeks in which to practice this, after all!
Shreya and Fiora stand across from one another, their hands held in front of their chests as they concentrate. Dr. Englund walks past them, nodding, then continues on to Beckett, who holds his palm outstretched. A tiny film of metal has begun to form along one of his palm creases. Dr. Englund smiles approvingly.
DR. ENGLUND: A great first step, Mr. Harrington. But that doesn’t quite look like a sphere three inches across, so you’ve got a bit more work to do yet. Keep at it!
Beckett frowns as Dr. Englund walks away. Fiora gives him a look.
FIORA: Can’t win ‘em all, huh, Bucket?
BECKETT: I’ll have you know--
SHREYA: Oh! I’ve got it!
Shreya leaps excitedly as a small ball of flame coalesces between her palms. It hovers for a moment, then crashes to the ground, catching a nearby table on fire. Within a few seconds, Zeph is already there, launching a stream of water at the fire and putting it out.
ZEPH: Zeph’s Fire Control is on the scene! Wait-- Shreya?! Not Fiora? Whoa, plot twist!
He laughs, and a moment later, Shreya and Fiora join in as well... And then, surprisingly, so does Beckett.
ZEPH: Yes! Beckett, you actually laughed! I can’t believe it!
BECKETT: Well, you know, I do have a sense of humor. And it was indeed unexpected- and thus, amusing- to see Shreya being the cause of a fire accident rather than the usual culprit, since if--
ZEPH: Shh! No, no, no. Never explain a joke. It ruins it.
ZEPH: Just enjoy the moment! Trust me.
Reluctantly, Beckett smiles.
BECKETT: ‘Enjoy the moment.’ Yes, I suppose I can do that.
Zeph, Fiora, Shreya, and Beckett smile at one another before Beckett extends a hand to the three of them in turn, and they all shake hands.
BECKETT: Now then. Perhaps we can work together on this assignment?
SHREYA: I’d love to. Welcome to the club, Beckett!
BECKETT: ...What ‘club?’
ZEPH: The ‘Pend Pals,’ of course! Oh, and that reminds me, we’ve gotta introduce you to Griffin later. Officially, I mean.
BECKETT (muttering): ‘Pend Pals?’ Just what have I gotten myself into...?
Scene Notes: I love writing montages; they’re fun! A little bit of worldbuilding stuff did get dropped here, so:
Attuned history! And yes, I did connect it with a familiar Choices book. Sometimes these crossovers just write themselves. As a result, this means at some point, Attuned (or at least Fire-Atts) were known to Tuneless society; Dr. Rallah’s second lecture describes when they went into hiding. (And yes, Dr. Rallah is one of those teachers who could, believe it or not, make even the events of TC&TF sound boring.)
Also, we finally get to see the Companions! Here there are only the three you’re familiar with from canon, but yes, each Attunement has its own species of Companion they’re assigned to. Lumians for Fire, Arylus for Water, and Grogues for Metal... the others will appear soon enough!
Timeline: Yes, we’re still inside the ES time jump. Specifically, Fiora’s first day of class was 8/13; this montage stretches for about three months, from 8/14 to 11/22. The Catalysts aren’t quite back from their time trip yet... but both Most Wanted end-credits scenes occur on 8/14, at the start of this montage.
Next: The Girl in the Mirror
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady
DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 1, Scene 11 - The Girl in the Mirror
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: After a dark conversation, Fiora finally opens up to the others about the mysterious reflection she has been seeing.
Previous Scene: New Routine
Masterlist: Link
The Pend Pals, now including Beckett, are gathered in the Fletchly Hall lounge for a study session. Beckett is sitting near a podium similar to the one Dr. Religast uses in her Stoicheal Theory class. A diagram of various stoicheal techniques and theories is displayed above it, which only Beckett himself seems to be paying attention to; his Grogue sits on the podium, trying to shoot down the display with his metal pebbles. Fiora and Shreya’s Lumians sit perched atop the ceiling light, sleeping contentedly, while their owners sit side-by-side on a couch, engaged in rapt conversation. Zeph lays on his back on the floor, playing one-handed catch with a sphere of water he had conjured as Ishi tries in vain to flash-freeze it with his breath. Griffin pages through a textbook on his lap, frowning at one particular page. His own companion, a Talpea (a cross between a mole and a rabbit) named MUGU, is trying and failing to dig through the carpet.  Suddenly, one of Ishi’s ice blasts misses Zeph’s water sphere and hits Griffin’s leg.
GRIFFIN: Ow! Hey, what was that?
ZEPH: Sorry! That was Ishi. Ishi, no!
Ishi whines and walks away from Griffin. Shreya looks over at Griffin and Zeph.
SHREYA: Hey, be glad it was just ice and not fire. Our element is much stronger, I must say.
ZEPH: What, still sore about losing to me ten duels in a row this week?
SHREYA: Okay, that isn’t fair. Everyone knows water overpowers fire. You had the advantage!
ZEPH: Then why did you keep challenging me?
SHREYA: Because I wanted to win!
GRIFFIN: C’mon. All Attunements have their pros and cons. Don’t think there’s one that’s necessarily better than the others.
ZEPH: I dunno, maybe not in terms of power, but personality? Metal-Atts leave a lot to be desired.
BECKETT: I heard that, you know. Besides, I’m the only one here who has already thoroughly studied everything. Is anyone else going to use this study session to actually, well, study?
The others exchange glances.
SHREYA: Apparently not. Come on, Beckett, join us! That display isn’t going anywhere, after all.
FIORA: See? Even he agrees!
BECKETT: Hmm, very well. But only if you all promise to get through at least another two lectures’ worth of concepts by the end of the night.
ZEPH: It’s a deal.
Beckett takes a seat in an armchair near the others.
BECKETT: If we’re speaking of Attunements and personalities, such things have only minor effects on one another at best. True, certain personality types are more or less common among certain Attunements, but nothing is absolute.
ZEPH: I dunno, you and Dr. Rallah sure both seem to have the stiff, uptight, boring routine down pretty well--
Beckett’s Grogue lets out a loud croak and launches a stream of pellets right at Zeph’s forehead.
ZEPH: Ow! Hey!
The rest of the group dissolves into laughter. After a moment, Zeph joins in as well.
BECKETT: Frankly, even I will admit that her lecturing style leaves much to be desired.
SHREYA: Wow, this from you, of all people? I am shocked!
GRIFFIN: I mean, all the Earth-Atts I’ve ever met have been pretty friendly and outgoing, but that might just be because I only hang out with friendly people to begin with.
SHREYA (shrugs): Seems sensible enough to me.
FIORA: Okay, hang on... but what about the Wood-Atts? They don’t have a mean bone in their body. Every single one of them is a nature-loving, friendly, peaceful, hippie-type! Even Dr. Kontos!
The room suddenly goes quiet. Everyone except Fiora exchange uncomfortable glances with one another.
FIORA: ...What? It’s the truth! I mean, Shreya, you’ve met Aster, she’s so--
SHREYA (uncharacteristically serious): Not Aster. Someone... else.
Fiora scans the room. Everyone has serious, downcast expressions on their faces as they stare at her.
GRIFFIN (gently): Fiora... surely you’ve heard of... the Dread, right?
Fiora looks over at Shreya, realizing that this is something she should know, but doesn’t. Shreya gives her a subtle nod.
FIORA: I... uh, yes? But I don’t know much--
GRIFFIN: He was a Wood-Att.
Fiora continues to stare, puzzled, at Griffin. Zeph picks up the slack:
ZEPH: Fiora... the Dread was the worst mass-murdering criminal of the last century. He killed hundreds. Some even say thousands.
Fiora shudders.
FIORA: And... he was…
GRIFFIN: A Wood-Attuned. That’s right. Listen, Fiora... do you remember the Primal Force for Wood?
Fiora thinks for a moment.
FIORA (muttering): Light... Gravity... Motion… (louder) Oh! Life, isn’t it?
Beckett nods.
BECKETT: That’s right. And you can imagine why that particular Attunement would be so dangerous in the hands of someone such as the Dread.
GRIFFIN: You’ve noticed with your own fire, right? Attuneds can’t just create their element, but erase it as well. Now, imagine a murdering psychopath with that kind of power over life itself.
FIORA (uneasily): I can imagine. But how could a Wood-Att become that... that... horrible?
ZEPH: Exactly. Our Attunements don’t make us who we are. It’s our choices. And some people... well... choose awful things.
FIORA: I guess. But, I mean, he’s gone now, right? What happened to him?
The others all exchange another glance.
SHREYA: Honestly? No one really knows. I mean, he was obviously stopped, but as for how? No idea.
GRIFFIN: That’s right. Growing up, he was just a story our parents told us to scare us into doing what we were told. Y’know, “If you don’t eat your peas, the Dread will get you!” That kind of thing.
BECKETT: Ugh, please don’t remind me of that. It was my parents’ excuse for essentially everything.
FIORA (sarcastically): Sounds like amazing parenting right there.
BECKETT: Unfortunately, it was a very real possibility. The Dread--or, to use his real name, Raife Highmore--had a horrifying tendency to target children. No one knows why.
FIORA (terrified): O-kay, enough creepy murderer stories for me, thank you. This guy’s from forever ago, right? He’s gone now?
Zeph creeps closer to Fiora, and says in a mock-spooky voice:
ZEPH: Ah, Fiora, he’s gone for now. But one day, he shall return... and then, he will be out for BLOOD!
Zeph claps his hands in front of Fiora’s face, startling her. She shrieks and falls over, landing flat on her back on the ground. Zeph and Griffin laugh uproariously.
ZEPH: Wow, Fiora, you really fell for that one!
GRIFFIN: Nice one, Zeph!
He and Zeph high-five. Fiora frowns.
FIORA: Oh, ha ha, very funny. Look, I just…
As she looks around the room, desperate for a change in subject, her gaze alights on a mirror in one corner of the room. She flinches back in shock when she spots her silver-haired reflection looking back at her. Fiora rubs her eyes, and in the time it takes her to do so, the strange reflection is gone, replaced by her normal one.
FIORA: Hey, guys... does anyone see anything weird in that mirror there?
She points to the mirror. Everyone follows her gaze curiously.
SHREYA: Nothing but my lovely face, why?
GRIFFIN: I don’t see anything…
BECKETT: It’s simply a mirror.
ZEPH: What, did y’see something there?
FIORA: I mean... it’s gone now. But for a moment, I saw a weird version of myself. Basically the same, but with silver hair and a different expression. Is that normal? Have any of you seen something like that here?
Beckett frowns in puzzlement. He looks to Griffin, who shrugs.
GRIFFIN: Beats me. Weird reflection, you say?
FIORA: Exactly. A weird reflection. I even saw it in--
She stops herself when she realizes she was about to accidentally reveal her origins to the group.
FIORA: Uh, saw it in another mirror. Somewhere before I started at Penderghast... and then again, during the Test of Attunement. It... she... looked just like me, but wasn’t matching my expression or movements. And her hair was silvery.
She absently tugs on a few strands of her own red hair. Griffin frowns.
GRIFFIN: Can’t say I’ve heard of anything like that before. You’re sure you saw it, right? It couldn’t have been some kind of illusion?
Fiora shakes her head.
FIORA: Don’t think so. It sure looked real. You’re sure this isn’t some kind of normal thing that happens in this place?
SHREYA: I haven’t heard of anything like that, either.
Beckett abruptly stands up and starts walking back toward the projection in the corner.
BECKETT: You can continue discussing this phenomenon if you wish. I, however, shall begin my own research into this event. Perhaps I can uncover some insight during my ample free time.
ZEPH: Wait, “ample free time?” Since when? With all of our classes, we’ve got--
BECKETT: You mean to tell me you haven’t completed all of the assigned homework for the entire quarter yet? Nor read each and every textbook twice by now? Hmph.
Zeph visibly shrinks in his seat, embarrassed. Griffin rolls his eyes.
GRIFFIN: Seriously, Beckett? It’s not a competition.
BECKETT (genuinely confused): I did not mean it that way. I apologize. I only meant that, as I have plenty of time available to me, I am best suited to investigating this “strange reflection” that Fiora mentioned.
FIORA: Well, whatever the reason, thanks, Beckett. Hopefully you can find some explanation. It’s kinda creeping me out…
BECKETT (smiles): Naturally. Happy to assist, Fiora. Isn’t that part of friendship, after all?
FIORA: You’re right about that. Thanks!
Shreya yawns, stretching her arms out widely.
SHREYA: Well, I’m not sure about the rest of you, but... (yawns) ...je suis fatigue. Fiora, care to walk back to our room with me?
FIORA: Sounds like a plan, Shreya!
BECKETT: Wait! What about your promise? Two more lectures’ worth of concepts, do you recall?
SHREYA: Please, Beckett. A mademoiselle like myself needs her beauty rest, non? We shall review more of our lectures tomorrow. I promise!
Beckett starts to object, then sighs.
BECKETT: Very well. But I assure you, I will be holding you to it!
SHREYA: Of course you will. Goodnight, all of you!
FIORA: Night!
Everyone says their goodbyes. When it’s Zeph’s turn, however:
ZEPH: Have a romantic night, you two!
Shreya splutters with surprise as Fiora stares at him like a deer in headlights.
SHREYA: What-- what could that possibly-- I don’t-- excuse you--
FIORA (simultaneously): Wait a sec-- no-- we’re not-- hold on--
Zeph breaks down into laughter. After a moment, he stops laughing and simply looks at the two girls with a knowing smirk.
ZEPH: Have fun…
Shreya and Fiora look at each other awkwardly.
FIORA: Uh... right. I’ll just... go now.
SHREYA: Goodnight, Zeph.
The two of them leave the lounge. Zeph stares after them, then turns to look at Griffin.
ZEPH: Ah, young love... am I right, or am I right?
GRIFFIN (shrugs): Who knows?
Scene Notes: At long last, we find out about the Dread in this version. Since all of the “super-Attunements” from canon were wrapped into the Primal Forces here, Blood became the Life Primal Attunement, thus making Raife a Wood-Att. Terrifying how the most kind and gentle Attunement can be twisted so far... but as Griffin said, it’s all about our Choices. (See what I did there...?)
Timeline: November 23rd! Still in the ES time jump.
Next: Unexpected Saviors
CIU Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlesshero1122 @bbaba-yagaa @acidsugar0 @shaylan211 @griselda1121 @acanthisorbis @marmolady
DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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honeyed-ire · 7 years
Kris keeps his <b>eye</b> on the prize
Dr Kris Rallah Baker surgery at Royal Darwin Hospital. Dr Baker is Australian's first indigenous eye doctor set to become an opthlamologist next year. from Google Alert - eye surgery http://ift.tt/2v64ltv
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imperarenox · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
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chefbailarin · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
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mrsdianabarnes · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
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ms-gold · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
0 notes
deadbred · 5 years
Kris keeps an eye on those in need in CH
A VISIONARY in more ways than one, Australia's first and only indigenous ophthalmologist, Dr Kristopher Rallah-Baker, has embarked on a trip to ...
0 notes